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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding

in Adult Health and Social Care

Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)
Unit 1 Assessment

You should use this file to complete your Assessment.

 The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a USB
 Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly
 When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference
 Then, go to and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My
Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and
Assessment number.

Please note that this Assessment document has 17 pages and is made up of 5

Name: Dumitrita Rodica Bagireanu

Part 1: The context of safeguarding and protection from abuse

This part will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 1: Understand the national and local
context of safeguarding and protection from abuse

Learning objective Place in Assessment

1.1 Identify current legislation in relation to safeguarding Question 1 Page 1
1.2 Identify national policies and local systems relating to Question 2 Page 2
safeguarding and protection from abuse
1.3 Explain the roles of different agencies in safeguarding and Question 3 Page 3
protecting individuals from abuse
1.4 Describe a range of safeguarding concerns in adult health Question 4 Page 4
and social care

1a. In fifty words or less, describe what is meant by safeguarding. [1.1]

Safeguarding is a term use when we talk about protection people life’s, make sure that
they have the right to be safe, free from abuse and neglect. People need to be aware how to
prevent or stop it and even promote the wellbeing and a quality life.

1b. Identify three pieces of current legislation which relate to safeguarding in adult health
and social care. [1.1]

Legislation 1

The Care Act 2014

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)

Legislation 2

Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006

Legislation 3

Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA)

2a. Identify at least two national policies relating to safeguarding and protection from abuse.

Mental Capacity Act 2005

Code of Conduct for healthcare support workers and adult social care workers

2b. Identify at least two local systems that relate to safeguarding and protection from abuse.

Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) and they have officies in Essex area

Essex Police. More details can be found on


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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)

3. Explain the roles of three different agencies in safeguarding and protecting individuals
from abuse. [1.3]

Name of agency 1: Care Quality Commission (CQC)

Explain their role in safeguarding and protecting individuals

CQC have the main role to monitor, inspect and regulate services in order to make
sure that they meet the fundamental standard of quality and safety. When is about
safeguarding, CQC check that all care providers have effective systems and processes to keep
the vulnerable adults safe from being abuse and/ or neglect. CQC as an agency also monitor
and provide guidance on what all health and social care providers must to do safeguard
vulnerable adults from abuse; the safeguarding policies, procedures and systems developed
are in place to prevent vulnerable adults from being abuse. The role of CQC is complex and
they will provide guidance at any point when it is involve children or adults.

Name of agency 2: Social Services

Explain their role in safeguarding and protecting individuals

Another common example are the social services with an important role in
safeguarding. If there are any type of concerns regarding safeguarding, social services should
be informed and alert about the situation, especially if the family, carers and other person
involve ignore the situation.

Name of agency 3: Police

Explain their role in safeguarding and protecting individuals

If abuse happen and it is necessary, the police need to be involve then they have the
legal responsibility to investigate and put under persecution the person who cause harm to the

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)
vulnerable adults. Also, police and remove that person from the environment where the abuse

4. There are a number of safeguarding concerns in adult health and social care. Describe
five different ones below. [1.4]

A) Physical abuse between residents

Physical abuse is an individual’s body being injured or hurt. It can also be the wrong
use of restrictive practice. Examples could be the misuse of medication or using
inappropriate restraint such as locking someone in a room or tying them to a chair. When I
was working in dementia unit in a care home, I saw how a resident abuse another one. The
main concern was how to interfere in their situation without causing more harm or stress. I
press the emergency botton, my colleagues arrive and manage to split the residents. A
safeguarding concern was rais, manager was inform in order to follow the procedures.

B) Maladministration of medication

In practice, when I deal with medication my attention is focus to follow the

medication procedure. In one day, the colleague that I was on the shift administer the wrond
medication dose to the resident. I saw her face changing and she realize the mistake that she
done. Instantly we follow the procedure in order to monitor the resident and to inform

C) Financial abuse

Financial abuse is the use of a person’s funds and belongings without their
permission. This could be theft, putting pressure on someone to change their will or misuse of
legal powers such as power of attorney. I saw a case, in domiciliary care when the husband
was using the wife money for different payments. She raise a concern to the carer and the
manager was inform. Social worker discuss and she establish a power of attorney for this
kind of situation in order to protect her.

D) Institutionalised care

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)
This type of concern appear when the routine, system and regime from a place can
conduct to a poor or inadequate standard of care and the poor practice affect all the service
user with their dignity, privacy, choice or even independence. For example in a care homes all
the residents have a specific routine when they have their meals or their are force to go in be
at a specific time.

E) Pressure sores

Residents with frail or restrictive mobility are at the risk to develop sores or pressure
point on their body. A good management of care prevent the pressure sore to appear or to be
treat if they are detected on time. Pressure sores are not always put on the neglect situation
and care need to take into consideration also the previous medical condition.

Now that you have completed Part 1 of your Assessment, remember to save the work you
have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking once you have
completed all 5 Parts of this Assessment.
Part 2: Recognising potential abuse and harm

2. This part will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 2: Know how to recognise
potential and actual abuse and harm.

Learning objective Place in Assessment

2.1 Define the following types of abuse: Question 1a Page 5
Question 2 Page 6
 physical abuse
 sexual abuse
 emotional/psychological abuse
 financial abuse
 institutional abuse
 self-neglect
 neglect by others

2.2 Describe the signs, symptoms and indicators Question 1b Page 5 & 6
associated with each type of abuse. Question 2 Page 6 & 7
2.3 Explain how signs, symptoms and indicators should be Question 3 Page 8
taken within the context of the situation.
2.4 Give reasons why abuse or harm is not always Question 4 Page 9
2.5 Outline how individuals can be harmed when using a Question 5 Page 9
health and social care service
2.6 Explain factors that may contribute to an individual Question 6 Page 9
being more vulnerable to abuse or harm

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)
2.7 Outline possible situations when: Question 7 Page 10
 restraint is used within legal guidelines
 restraint is used inappropriately

1a. In fifty words or less, describe what is meant by abuse. [2.1]

Abuse can be define as an improper usage or bad treatment on another person or to

gain an improperly benefit. Abuse can take many forms and people can recognise the signs
or just ignore them. Abuse can happen once or can be a repetitive situation.

1b. Explain what is meant by the following in relation to abuse. [2.2]

i) Signs and symptoms

Signs can be visible when we talk about abuse (like bruises or cuts), along with
symptom who are conditions or behaviours that affect the person who had an
abuse (frustration, feeling lost or with fear, hungry or thirsty etc).

ii) Indicators

Indicators are things notice, that if they are taken out of context alone, we just can make
supposition that abuse happen, but with signs and symptoms then we can be sure on facts.

2. For each of the following types of abuse, provide a definition. Then describe the signs,
symptoms and indicators of each. [2.1] [2.2]

Physical abuse

Physical abuse happen when an individual’s body is injured or hurt. It can also be the
wrong use of restrictive practice. Examples could be the misuse of medication or administer
too much (usualy will be the tablet for sleep) or using inappropriate restraint (such as locking
someone in a room or tying them to a chair can be happening on the person with high risk of

Sexual abuse

Sexual abuse can happen when a person get involved in sexual relationships or sexual
activities and they do not want to be involved in. Ussualy this person may try to decline or
they may be unable to provide their consent. Sexual harassment can be consider a form of

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)
sexual abuse. The common signs can be: pain, sores, and bruising around the inner thighs and
genital, anal or breast area, blood stained underwear, pain and discomfort when walking or
sitting, sexually transmitted infections or even pregnancy.

Emotional/psychological abuse

Emotional abuse can be also named psychological abuse and can results when a
person have feeling like: worthless, unloved or uncared for and can involve indicators such
as: threats, bullying and humiliation. Signs that can be notice are the followed: anxiety, lack
of confidence, low self-esteem, disturbed sleep.

Financial abuse

Financial abuse is the use of a person’s moneys and belongings without their
permission. This is consider theft and can also involve the police. The common signs can be:
bills not being paid, loss of assets without explaining the disapearcence of money, not having
enough food or clothing.

Institutional abuse

This type of abuse happens most of the times when organization needs are above the
service user needs. For example, not providing choice over meal times because cooking 2
types of food is too expensive. Common signs can be: standards of care are poor according to
CQC reports, rigid routines, lack of training for staff, development or even management
support. When I think on institutional abuse in care homes I understand that the clients are in
this place for several reasons. Residents need time to adapt to the new situation, they need
time to understand where and why. Each individuals is different, thats why the time can be
different from one person to another and every individual is unic. If the staff is trained to
provide centred person care, then providing reassurance is the key work

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)


Self-neglect appear when we as individuals not taking care of our body, personal
hygiene or even basic needs, such as eating or drinking. This can result from a disease or is
just a moment in our brain when all this things does not matter to us anymore. Here we can
mention things like: malnutrition, dehydration, bedsores, dirty clothing and bedding, taking
the wrong dosage of medication.

Neglect by others

Neglect by others appear when our main carer (does not matter if is family, social
service carer or live in carer) does not cover our basic needs such as: food or drinks,
medication, clean clothes, properly wash and they let us to struggle alone. Indicators of
neglect by others and self-neglect are similar.

3. Tristan is 21 years old and has a moderate learning disability. He lives at home with his
parents and two sisters. He is visited by a social care worker, Fran, twice a week.

Whilst visiting Tristan, Fran notices bruising on his right hand beneath his sleeve, which
appears to be running up his arm. She asks Tristan what happened. Tristan tells her that he
has joined a football team and picked up the bruises whilst playing the previous day. Fran
asks if he has any other injuries, to which Tristan replies no. She then asks if she can see his
arm but Tristan refuses, telling Fran that he doesn’t want her to see how bad it is because
he’s self-conscious about it. His younger sister walks into the room and Tristan falls silent
and looks visibly upset. Once she leaves, Fran asks if everything is OK. He tells her that he
and his sister had an argument earlier on and they hadn’t made up yet. He says that he
hates to fight with his sisters.

There are signs, symptoms and indicators of abuse present during Fran’s visit. Tristan has
bruises on his arm. He is also reluctant to show Fran the rest of his arm, which could
indicate physical abuse. Tristan also falls silent when his sister enters the room and only
begins to talk when she leaves.

Just because these are present doesn’t mean abuse is happening. It is important that they
are taken in context. Explain why. [2.3]

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)
Social worker can join to a visit when Tristan plays football in order to see if he
actually plays football or the injuries was cause by family. Probably his sister was
upset that Tristan have that big bruise on the arm and that’s why they had that
argument. Fran need to try to find out more details about the football game, when he
plays and what days he go there and then Fran need to try to discuss with Tristan
family, including the sister. From the context we can make an assumption that Tristan
is abuse, there are signs but not always they means he was abuse.

4. Provide three reasons why abuse and harm may not be recognised. [2.4]

Sometimes signs of abuse can hide in: communication difficulties, felling of shame of fear in
case that they do a report and even lack of social awareness.

5. Provide three examples of how individuals can be harmed when using a health and
social care service. [2.5]

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)
When we discuss about health and social care services, people may be frail and they can be
harm when staff will use a hoist or a stand aid, they can feel fear of retribution if the speak
loud or even during the night when they are not reposition properly and they are at high risk
of pressure sores.

6. What factors could contribute to someone being more vulnerable to abuse or harm?
Explain your answer and use examples to contextualise it. [2.6]

When we discuss about person with learning and physical disabilities, poor physical or
mental health, being elderly, aphasic and having sensory impairment they are vulnerable to
abuse or harm. Family history of abuse or someone living with a known abuser is common
examples of situation when abuse can happen. Using alcohol or substance misuse, lack of
social groups or friend and even depending on someone are situation when abuse or harm
can happen in persons lige

7a. What is meant by restraint? Provide a definition below. [2.7]

According to English by Oxford dictionaries restraing is a measure or condition that

keeps someone or something under control.

7b. Outline at least two possible situations when: [2.7]

i) restraint is used within legal guidelines

For examples keys pad on the dementia unit with codes in order to keep the residents safe
of not to get out alone and to get lost or physical restraint used to take someone aggressive
into a centre like (Crystal Centre) and they use straitjacket.

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)

ii) restraint is used inappropriately

For examples "wrapping up" people in bed to immobilise them (so they cannot remove
incontinence pad) or using a lower chair so people cannot stand up independently.

Now that you have completed Part 2 of your Assessment, remember to save the work you
have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking once you have
completed all 5 Parts of this Assessment.

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)
Part 3: Responding to abuse and harm

3. This part will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 3: Know how to respond
if abuse or harm is disclosed, suspected or alleged

Learning objective Place in Assessment

3.1 Describe the actions to take in the event of suspicions or Question 1 Page 11
allegations that an individual is being abused or harmed

3.2 Explain why individuals may not disclose neglect or abuse Question 2 Page 11

3.3 Describe how to respond to an individual disclosing abuse Question 3 Page 12

or harm
3.4 Outline procedures for reporting and recording disclosure Question 4 Page 13
or suspicion of abuse or harm

1. You are a social worker, and twice a week you visit Miles. Miles is 58 and has a moderate
learning disability. He lives with his nephew. You have noticed changes in Miles’ house
recently; some of his possessions seem to be missing. You also notice that his clothes are
ragged or torn. You suggest that he buy himself some new clothes but he tells you he can’t
afford any. Miles also tells you that he won’t be able to pay his electricity bill on time this
month because he doesn’t have enough money. He tells you that he’ll pay it as soon as his
nephew pays him back the money he loaned him. You suspect that Miles may be suffering
financial abuse at the hands of his nephew.

Describe what actions that you will take. [3.1]

All the information presented are signs of an abuse that happen in Miles life. In order
to understand the situation I need to ask question in order to clarify his situation with
money and to understand the amount that his nephew took it as a loan. I need to
listen carefully, to offer reassurance and support. Also, I need to record all the facts
and to preserve any evidence that Miles can offer. According to the local policies I
need to inform immediately the safeguarding authority if is necessary and Miles
nephew to be removed from Miles property.

2. Explain at least three reasons why individuals may not disclose neglect or abuse. [3.2]

Reason 1: fear

They are afraid that if the disclose anything the abuser will make their life a hell.

Reason 2: guilt

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)

That they didn’t speak on time and let this situation to continue. Guilt that they are now in
this situation.

Reason 3: shame or embarrassed

They can feel this because of their condition and because they can be abuse by other

3. You have been working in a nursing home for five years. You are concerned about one
of the residents, Edna, as her weight has plunged dramatically in the last few months
and she has become withdrawn and anxious. You speak to her openly about your
concerns, bringing up the subject sensitively. Edna breaks down in tears and tells you
that one of your colleagues, Ola, has been bullying her, and it has been going on for
months. She tells you that Ola threatened her if she told anyone.

How do you respond in this situation? [3.3]

First of all I need to understand the situation, listen carefully of what happen, try to stay as
calm as possible without showing shock. Try to provide reassurance at any step that the
person done the good think of discusses with me and that I will treat the situation seriously
and I will inform the manager in charge because cannot be a secret. Also, I need to follow
the internal procedures and record and report the situation to the line manager in order that
the situation not to repeat. If necessary medical advice should be search and Edna to start
eating again.

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)

4. Think about an organisation you either work for or know well. Do you know the procedure
for reporting and recording disclosure or suspicion of abuse or harm? Outline the procedure
below, ensure that you include all the steps in the procedure that you would be expected to
take. [3.4]

Reporting Concerns of Abuse In Emergency Situations If the situation is an emergency, i.e. with a
vulnerable person in immediate danger, employees are instructed to call 999 for assistance
immediately. They should give any necessary first aid and contact appropriate emergency services if
necessary. If the abuser remains present and poses a threat to any Newcross Healthcare Solutions
staff present, as well as the victim, our employees are not expected to put themselves at risk of
violence or other harm. They should then put into action, the organisations procedures on how to
respond to abusive, aggressive or violent behaviour, which forms part of the Agency's policies on
health and safety of its staff. (See policy on dealing with violence and aggression).
Reporting Abuse Any member of Newcross Healthcare Solutions’ staff who knows or believes that
abuse is occurring has an obligation to report it as quickly as possible to the local Business Centre
Manager or Central Support. If the victim request that the matter should not be reported, the staff
member should inform them that they have a duty to report the matter. The organisation recognises
that disclosing incidents of abuse is distressful to all involved and will remain vigilant in supporting
those affected. Procedure for Making a Disclosure / Alert Newcross operates a 24/7 service, with an
around the clock manned office facility. In the event, a staff member has concerns of abuse, they
should ensure that they are immediately reported to the local Business Centre Manager or Out of
Hours/Central Support Team. Where an allegation is to be made, Employees should in the first
instance raise matters orally or in writing with their direct line manager or Central Support. Staff
members, may if they prefer, raise their concerns directly with the investigating officers detailed
below: without any conflict of interest, who can more appropriately investigate the complaint.

1. Managing Director 2. Head of Clinical Governance 3. HR Business Advisor The member of staff who
receives and takes note of the Allegation, must log this information immediately on the internal
complaints system which will pass this information immediately to the appropriate designated
investigating officer. During Out of Hours, the Central Support Manager should also be alerted
immediately and will assess where extra support may be required. When the Business Centre
Manager/Duty Manager receives a concern of suspected, imminent or actual abuse, the matter
should be reported immediately to the local social services department (or relevant safeguarding
team) in order that a thorough investigation is opened under the abuse procedures. A notification
form must be completed as required by law and sent to CQC within 24 hours of notification or harm
of a person(s) who uses the agency that has been reported to the police. Newcross Healthcare
Solutions will take all necessary steps to co-operate fully with the police, local authority and CQC
during any investigation. If the suspected abuser is a member of Newcross Healthcare Solutions

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)
employees, the Business Centre Manager will initiate appropriate steps under the disciplinary
procedure of the Company and those under the specified procedures established by the
safeguarding unit. Every effort should be made not to interfere with possible evidence. Further
Contact Points and Resources: To contact the CQC: Care Quality Commission Citygate Gallowgate
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA Telephone: 03000 616161 Fax: 03000 616171

Now that you have completed Part 3 of your Assessment, remember to save the work you
have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking once you have
completed all 5 Parts of this Assessment.

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)
Part 4: Reducing the likelihood of abuse or harm

This part will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 4: Understand ways to reduce the
likelihood of abuse or harm

Learning objective Place in Assessment

4.1 Explain how the likelihood of abuse and harm may be Question 1 Page 14
reduced by Question 2 Page 14 & 15
 Working with person-centred values
 Encouraging active participation
 Promoting choice and rights
4.2 Explain the importance of an accessible complaints Question 3 Page 16
procedure for reducing the likelihood of abuse and harm

1. Explain what is meant by the following. [4.1]

i) Person-centred values

Person centred values is a way of working with people who receive health and social
services in a manner that treat them as equal partners in planning, developing and
monitoring that they are receiving the care that they need in order to satisfy the needs. All of
this involves that people and their family are in the centre and work with the experts for the
best outcome.

ii) Active participation

Individual’s need to participate in the activities and relationships daily as independent as

possible in order to maintain their life style. Individual need to be seen as an active
participation not as an passive recipient. All of this brings in prim plan two key principles:
rights of the individuals and independence. Person who experience health and social care,
especially in a care home are marginalised, excluded and disenfranchised.

2a. How can the likelihood of abuse and harm be reduced by working with person-centred
values? Provide an explanation below and give some examples to help contextualise your
answer. [4.1]

The likelihood of abuse or harm can be reduced by using person-centred care with
individuals empowered to make choices and supported to manage risk. One of the example
from my work place is regarding the meals provided during the lunch time when the resident
have two options from their meals and the meal is nicely arrange on the plate and show the
residents what they can have. Not only they have the visual food, but also we promote their
independence and provide them choice. Another example is that staffs always keeps in the
lounge area fresh fruits, drinks and snacks and residents can eat or drink at any point.

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)
As carers we need to observe and treat with attention any change in their weight, mood or
daily routine. Sometimes, we need to observe not to be signs of abuse or harm. Bruises
easily can appear on people skin. For example when we hoist a resident, if staff does not
work as a team, accidentally residents can suffer – hit with the hoist, sling not put on
properly or even residents can have a fall because of staff mistake.
We need to work with the families in order to maintain a safe environment, like the residents
had in their home. We need to know their history in order to understand what they like or
dislike, information about culture, religion and even habits. For example, BD is a resident
from my work place. She love that her hair and nails to be done weekly. For this, the family
take her weekly to the hairdresser and every 2-3 weeks she goes to do her nails.

2b. How can the likelihood of abuse and harm be reduced by encouraging active
participation? Provide an explanation below and give some examples to help contextualise
your answer. [4.1]

Active participation enables vulnerable adults to avoid social isolation. On a daily basis on
the place where I’m working there is a welfare team who make a schedule for the week in
order to provide different types of activities for their social life. Family can also join and they
can still spend quality time together as a family. Some activities are: watching a movie,
participating on the 1:1 activity or even on a music lection.

2c. How can the likelihood of abuse and harm be reduced by promoting choice and rights?
Provide an explanation below and give some examples to help contextualise your answer.

When we promote choice we empower the people to take control on their life’s and their
independence. Without a choice or the ability to exercise a choice, the abuse can became
greater and the chance to come out of it will be harder. A common example from the place
where I work is that every morning the residents are free to choice if they have a strip wash
or a shower and they choose their own clothes every time in order to maintain their
independence. Staff assists them with the option and try to help them to combine the colours
and to dress appropriate for the weather.

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)

3. Explain the importance of an accessible complaints procedure for reducing the likelihood
of abuse and harm. [4.2]

When the work place have an accessible procedure, easy to read and understand we
encourage people to raise concerns, this can conduct to reduce or even avoid the abuse or
harm on people because their voice and be listen.

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in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)
Now that you have completed Part 4 of your Assessment, remember to save the work you
have done so far – you will need to send your work to your tutor for marking once you have
completed all 5 Parts of this Assessment.

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)
Part 5: Information and support

This part will help you to evidence Learning Outcome 5: Know about information and
support in relation to abuse or harm

Learning objective Place in Assessment

1.1 Identify different sources of information and support in Question 1 Page 17
relation to:

 Individuals
 Health and social care workers
 Families and carers

1. For each of the following below, identify at least three different sources of information and
support in relation to: [5.1]

i) Individuals

Family, friends and previous places where the person been and had carers

ii) Health and social care workers

Manager team and deputy manager

Care quality commission
Social workers or other groups of independent agencies

iii) Families and carers

Management team and the team who work in that place

General practitioner or doctors
Social workers and council

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Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Dignity and Safeguarding
in Adult Health and Social Care
Unit 1: Understand safeguarding in adult and social care (R/506/1386)
Have you reread your work? Make sure you check your answers carefully before
submitting your Assessment.

Now that you have completed all 5 Parts of this Assessment, go to Log in to the platform and send your Assessment to your
tutor via your My Study page for marking. Good luck!

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