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Jomarie Alcano BSCE

Bits and Pieces International Corporation

(Little Things Mean a Lot)

The Bits and Pieces International Corporation (BPIC), an injection

molded plastic products manufacturer, became a fast-growing company within a
span of four years. Due to its company’s market potential they have decided to
expand by means of adding new product, the tissue holder. In order to do so, they
need to improve its facilities including land, building, machinery and equipment,
thus additional manpower is required. The company is producing various injection
molded plastic products classified as consumer and industrial. Growth has been part
of its agenda for the next few years. As one of the key officers of the company,
Engineer Lagayan was one of the person directed to review the proposed new set-up
of organizational chart. He is obliged to represent some comments in accordance to
the benefits they can acquire on the said chart. Now, he is contemplating what
probable points he will present on their scheduled executive meeting. Engr. Lagayan
should oversee and present the effectiveness and efficiency of the new set-up or
organization chart. Engr. Lagayan should assure to know that the organization chart
has a good structure. He should include to his key points the relationship of positions
of the new organization chart. He should also consider what would be the
performance of the persons be assigned to the new positions. It is important to
consider these things to know if the organization chart would contribute and would
play as an advantage for the progress of the company. In addition, Engr. Lagayan
should bear in mind that the main purpose of the organization chart is to meet its
standard. It should be able to accomplish the objectives of the company in an
efficient and effective manner. Lastly, the problem is that they don’t have a Market
Force, even though they made everything to expand their company for them to grow
and get wider and wider it’s still hard for the managers because they personally do
the marketing it would be a huge burden for them because they had a lot works to
do in the company and they cannot perform their works very well in this case.

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