Activity 8a Final

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This activity entitled “Types of Chemical Reaction” aims to elucidate the different common
types of chemical reactions such as combination reactions, decomposition reactions,
displacement reactions, exchange reactions, single replacement reactions and double
replacement reactions through combining two certain ionic compounds. Based on the activity,
combination reactions can be observed when magnesium ribbon does not react to the fire, instead
it reacts to oxygen, thus making a new compound which is called magnesium oxide. For
decomposition reactions, when heat is applied to solid copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate, change
in color is visible due to the loss of hydrogen in the reaction and by adding distilled water it reverts
back to its original color. In the displacement reaction, formation of a new compound will only
occur if and only if there is a more reactive element that would replace the less reactive element.
For exchange reaction, it occurs when two compounds that form ions in solution react by switching
ion partners. Also, when the switched ion partners form insoluble product known as precipitate,
gas in the presence of bubbles and an acid reacts with base to form salt and water, then exchange
reaction takes place. Single replacement reaction on the other hand, takes place by interchanging
cation or anion with another wherein the element that has a higher reactivity take the place of the
less reactive element. Lastly, double replacement reactions occur similarly with exchange
reactions. It transpires when the anions and cations exchange places forming a new product that
is either in a precipitate and or gaseous state, or in small molecular compound such as H 2O and

Keywords: Combination reactions, Decomposition reactions, Displacement reactions, Exchange

reactions, Single Reactions, Double Displacement reaction.

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Chemical reactions are always evident to our surroundings. The foundation of our
environment is mostly composed of chemical reactions. Chemical reactions are constantly
occurring in the world; everything from the rusting of an iron fence to the metabolic pathways of
a human cell are all examples of chemical reactions. (Chemistry LibreTexts, 2016) By basic
definition, chemical reactions are the processes that take place where reactants are transformed
into new products with different physical and chemical compositions. How chemicals react is
dictated by the chemical properties of the element or compound- the ways in which a compound
or element undergoes changes in composition (Chemistry LibreTexts, 2019). Chemical reactions
happen when chemical bonds between atoms are formed or broken. The substances that go into
a chemical reaction are called the reactants, and the substances produced at the end of the
reaction are known as the products. An arrow is drawn usually between the reactants and
products to indicate the direction of the chemical reaction. (KhanAcademy, n.d.)

A chemical reaction is typically represented by a chemical equation, which represents the

change from reactants to products. The left-hand side of the equation represents the reactants,
while the right-hand side represents the products. A chemical reaction is written with
stoichiometric coefficients, which show the relative amounts of products and reactants involved
in the reaction. Each compound is followed by a compound’s state of (l) for liquid, (s) for solid, (g)
for gas. The symbol (aq) is also commonly used in order to represent an aqueous solution, in
which compounds are dissolved in water. (Chemistry LibreTexts, 2016)

In general, there are 6 reactions inculcated within this activity. These are: Combination
Reactions, Decomposition Reactions, Displacement Reactions, Exchange Reactions, Single
Replacement Reactions, and Double Displacement Reactions. With these reactions, several
physical and chemical changes are also involved. A physical change is defined as the change in
physical properties. It usually occurs during chemical reactions, but does not change the nature
of substances. The most common physical changes during reactions are the change of color,
scent and evolution of gas. Sometimes when physical changes occur, chemical reactions may
not occur. (Chemistry LibreTexts, 2016)

This laboratory activity aims to demonstrate the different common types of chemical
reactions and to convert chemical reactions into balanced chemical equations. The laboratory
experiment activity aims to imply that some of the reagents used, which are composed of different

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elements, solids and solutions are needed in order to demonstrate the different types of reactions
with various metals such as the combination/synthesis reactions, decomposition reactions, single-
displacement reactions, and double-displacement reactions. The activity also aims to
demonstrate the different physical or chemical changes occured during the different reactions.


The experiment was divided into six parts and each part aims to demonstrate different
common types of chemical reactions namely combination reactions, decomposition reactions,
displacement reactions, exchange reactions, single replacement reactions, and double
displacement reactions.

A. Combination Reactions
1. Obtain the needed materials to be used for the first part of the experiment – a strip
of magnesium metal, crucible tong, and Bunsen burner.
2. Prepare the set up of the Bunsen burner.
3. Using the Bunsen burner, ignite the metal in the blue fame or the hot portion of the
4. Observe and note for any change in color and composition of the residue left after
the heating of the metal.

B. Decomposition Reactions
1. Obtain the needed materials to be used for the experiment – small test tube, a half
teaspoon of Copper (II) Sulfate Pentahydrate, and Bunsen burner.
2. Place a half teaspoon copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate in a small test tube.
3. Prepare the set up of the Bunsen burner that will be used with the heating of the
4. Heat the sample at an approximately 45-degree angle for 2 to 3 minutes.
5. Observe and note for the changes in the color and appearance of the sample.
6. Cool the sample and then add 10 drops of distilled water using a Pasteur pipette.
7. Observe and note for any changes after adding the distilled water.

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C. Displacement Reactions
1. Obtain 1mL of the following solution in a small test tube unless otherwise stated,
and for reactions involving metals, obtain only one piece.
a. Calcium metal and distilled water (10 mL)
b. Zinc metal and water
c. Copper metal and 6 M hydrochloric acid
d. Zinc metal and 6 M hydrochloric acid
e. Zinc metal and 0.1 M copper (II) sulfate
f. Copper metal and 0.1 M zinc sulfate
g. Copper metal and 0.1 M silver nitrate
2. Let the solution stand for at least five to ten minutes if there is no initial reaction.
3. Observe and note for the reactions of the different combinations of solutions and
4. Note that not all combinations produce an observable reaction.

D. Exchange Reactions
1. Obtain the needed materials – small and big test tubes, beaker, Bunsen burner,
and litmus paper.
2. Obtain 1 mL of the following solution unless otherwise stated.
a. 0.1 M silver nitrate and 0.1 M sodium chloride
b. 0.1 M nickel (II) nitrate and three drops of 6 M sodium hydroxide
c. 0.1 M lead (II) nitrate and 0.1 M potassium chromate
d. 1 M ammonium nitrate and 6 M sodium hydroxide
3. Prepare and set up the Bunsen burner.
4. Warm the test tube using the Bunsen burner in a back and forth manner and for
it to boil a bit.
5. Get a strip of a red litmus paper and moisten it with distilled water.
6. Hold the strip of the moistened litmus paper inside the test tube without letting
it meet the slides of the tube and observe and mark for any change in the color
of the litmus paper
7. Remove the test tube from the flame and note for the odor of the solution.

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1. Obtain 5 mL of 6 M hydrochloric acid in a 100 mL beaker and carefully add a
teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate.
2. Observe and take note for the change and reaction of the solution.

1. Obtain 1 mL of each of the solution in a large test tube – 6 M sodium hydroxide
and 6 M sulfuric acid.
2. Mix the solutions using a stirring rod.
3. Feel the outside surface of the test tube.
4. Note for the observations.

E. Single Replacement Reactions

1. Obtain the materials needed for the experiment – small test tube, small cork,
wash bottle filled with distilled water.
2. Place one piece of the following metals and 3 mL of the solutions stated below
placing the metals first.
a. Zinc metal and hydrochloric acid
b. Copper metal and aqueous silver nitrate
c. Copper metal and aqueous zinc nitrate
d. Zinc metal and aqueous lead (II) nitrate
3. Make sure that the metal is completely immersed in the solution.
4. If results are not seen immediately, give the reaction some time because some
reactions take more time than the others.
5. Observe and record your observations for each of the following solutions.
6. Dispose the solutions in their proper waste bottles.

F. Double Replacement Reactions
1. Obtain 1 mL of the following solutions in a small test tube.
a. Aqueous sodium chloride and aqueous copper (II) sulfate
b. Aqueous sodium phosphate and aqueous copper (II) sulfate

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c. Hydrochloric acid and solid sodium bicarbonate
d. Aqueous nickel (II) nitrate and aqueous sodium hydroxide
e. Hydrochloric acid and aqueous sodium hydroxide
2. Observe the reactions of the different combination of solutions and record your
3. Dispose the solutions in their proper waste containers.

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A. Combination Reactions

Combination reaction is said to be a reaction where two or more elements or compounds

(reactants) combine to form a single compound (product). In this activity, the students observed
that the magnesium metal sparked and produced a very bright light when ignited in the hot portion
of a blue flame. The initial color is dark gray but after the reaction, the metal turned white and
when touched slightly it broke apart and turned into powder.

The flame provides a source of heat so that the magnesium metal can overcome their
activation energy. When the magnesium metal burns it reacts with the oxygen found in the air to
form Magnesium oxide. Oxygen and magnesium combine in a chemical reaction to form a
compound wherein after it burns, it forms a white powder of the magnesium oxide. In here,
Magnesium has only two electrons in its outermost shell, so it tends to give these away; the
positively charged ion formed by this process, the Mg +2 ion, has a full outer shell. Oxygen, by
contrast, tends to gain two electrons, which fills its outermost shell. (Brennan,n.d)

CHEMICAL Copper (II) Sulfate Pentahydrate Anhydrous Copper Sulfate




COLOR Blue Grayish-White to greenish white

FORM Crystalline solid Crystalline solid

ODOR Dusty Dusty


CuSO4•5H2O → CuSO4 + 5H2O

TYPE OF Decomposition Reaction;

Reversible Reaction

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B. Decomposition Reactions

Observations of heating the copper sulfate pentahydrate were noted. The table shows that
before heating, copper sulfate pentahydrate has a chemical color of blue. Upon heating, water
contained in copper hydrosulfate evaporates, escaping from the crystals. As a result, white-
colored anhydrous copper sulfate is formed but when water is added, anhydrous copper sulfate
turns to color blue again.

Copper sulfate contains water, such solid substances comprising water in their composition
are often called hydrates. When copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate (CuSO4 5H2O) is heated, it
decomposes to the dehydrated form. The waters of hydration are released from the solid crystal
and form water vapor thus, this process breaks bonds between water molecules and copper
sulfate, causing the compound change in color. Any change of color in a substance tells us about
changes happening in its structure since the latter is responsible for color itself. So the chemical
reaction would be:

CuSO4•5H2O → CuSO4 + 5H2O

Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate decomposes before melting. It loses two water molecules
upon heating, followed by two more at 109 °C and the final water molecule at 200 °C. Dehydration
proceeds by decomposition of the tetraaquacopper(2+) moiety, two opposing aqua groups are
lost to give a diaquacopper(2+) moiety. The second dehydration step occurs when the final two
aqua groups are lost. Complete dehydration occurs when the final unbound water molecule is
lost. It emits an emerald green color in a flame test. It can form to tetraamminecopper (II) sulfate
when copper ions in solution complex with ammonia which may be crystallized. If blue copper
sulfate is heated, an endothermic process occurs.

Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate can easily be produced by crystallization from solution as it
is quite hygroscopic and by adding of water to an anhydrous CuSO4 undergoes an exothermic
process. The chemical reaction would be:

CuSO4 + 5H2O → CuSO4•5H2O

When water is then added to anhydrous compound, it turns back into the pentahydrate form.
This means that 1 formula unit of CuSO4 has 5 molecules of H2, regaining its blue color. This
water is called water of crystallization giving its color of blue. Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate is
used as fungicide.

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The reaction between anhydrous copper sulfate and water is also a reversible reaction. A
reversible reaction is a reaction where the reactants form products, which reacts together to give
reactants back. This is exactly what happens to anhydrous copper (II) sulfate. Collisions of the
reacting molecules cause chemical reactions in a closed system. After products are formed, the
bonds between these products are broken when the molecules collide with each other, producing
enough energy needed to break the bonds of the product and reactant molecules. Thus, the
chemical reaction can be written to:

CuSO4•5H2O ⇌ CuSO4 + 5H2O

Water is driven off from hydrated copper sulfate when it is heated, so forward reaction is
endothermic- energy must be transferred to the surroundings for it to happen. The backward
reaction is exothermic - energy is transferred to the surroundings when it happens. When water
is added to anhydrous copper sulfate, enough heat is released.

C. Displacement Reactions


Calcium metal and Calcium = soft, The calcium metal 𝐶𝑎(𝑠) + 2𝐻2 0(𝑙) → 𝐶𝑎(𝑂𝐻)2(𝑎𝑞)
distilled water silvery-white bubbles vigorously + 𝐻2(𝑔)
metal as it reacts with the
water producing
Distilled water =
hydrogen gas, and
a cloudy white
precipitate of
calcium hydroxide.

Zinc Metal and Zinc = Solid There is no Zn( s )  H 2O(l )  Zn( s )  H 2O(l )
Water chemical reaction
Water =

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Copper Metal and Copper = Solid There is no Cu( s )  6 HCl( g )  Cu( s )  6 HCl( g )
6M Hydrochloric chemical reaction
Acid = Aqueous

Zinc Metal and 6M Zinc = Solid Cloudy Solution Zn( s )  6 HCl( g )  ZnCl  6 H ( g )
Hydrochloric Acid
Hydrochloric Bubble formation
Acid = Aqueous
Release of heat

Change in color
(silver to black)

Zinc Metal and 0.1 Zinc = Solid Change in color Zn( s )  CuS4( aq)  Cu( s )  ZnS4( aq)
M Copper (II) (silver to black)
Copper (II)
Sulfate = Bubble formation
Formation of

Powdery solution

Copper Metal and Copper = Solid There is no 𝐶𝑢(𝑠) + 𝑍𝑛(𝑠) 𝑆𝑂4 → 𝑁𝑜 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
0.1 M Zinc Sulfate chemical reaction
Zinc Sulfate =

Copper Metal and Copper = Solid Settling of solid Cu( s )  AgN3( aq)  Ag  CuN3
0.1 M Silver particles at the
Silver Nitrate =
Nitrate bottom
There is no
chemical reaction

Chemical reaction has occurred if there is change in color, formation of precipitate,

evolution of gas, evolution of heat, absorption of heat and platting out of one metal on another.

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Displacement reaction occurs when more reactive element displaces a less reactive
element from its compound. Chemical reactivity of a metal is linked to their relative positions in
the activity series. Some metals have the capacity to displace some metals from aqueous
solutions. Having higher activity series can displace the metal that occupies a lower position from
the aqueous solution. Elements that form cations can only displace cations and elements that
form anions can only displace anions. During the reaction, the more reactive metal gradually
disappears as it forms a solution while less reactive metal coats the surface of the more reactive

In some cases where theoretically there should be a reaction, no changes might be seen.
If the reacting metals is more active than the other, there might not be a chemical reaction that
will occur.

D. Exchange Reactions

Double replacement reactions, also called double displacement, exchange, or metathesis

reactions, occur when parts of two ionic compounds are exchanged, making two new compounds.
This type of reaction has the general form AB + CD -----> AD + CB. The most common types of
metathesis reactions are precipitation reactions and neutralization reactions (KhanAcademy,

A precipitation reaction occurs when two ionic compounds are dissolved in water and form a
new ionic compound that does not dissolve; this new compound falls out of solution as a solid
precipitate. The formation of a solid precipitate is the driving force that makes the reaction
proceed. Solubility rules, which are general statements that predict which ionic compounds are
soluble and which are not soluble or insoluble (BeginningChemistry, n.d.).

Neutralization reactions are a type of double replacement reaction that occurs between an
acid and a base. This reaction has the general form acid+base→H2O+salt. An aqueous
neutralization reaction generally produces water and a new ionic compound, also called a salt.

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a) 0.1M Silver Nitrate + Dark Red AgNO3 +NaCl  AgCl + NaNO3

0.1M Sodium
b) 0.1M Nickel Nitrate + Dark Pink Ni(NO3)2 + 2NaOH  Ni(OH)2 +
6M Sodium 2NaNO3
c) 0.1M Lead Nitrate + Dark Red Pb(NO3)2 + K2CrO4  PbCrO4 + 2KNO3
0.1M Potassium
d) 1M Ammonium Blue NH4NO3 + NaOH  NH4OH + NaNO3
Nitrate + 6M Sodium

e) 6M Hydrochloric The sodium HCl + NaHCO3  NaCl + H2O + CO2

Acid + Sodium bicarbonate
Bicarbonate (s) reacting with
hydrochloric acid
has produced
bubbles and smoke,
dissolving the solid

f) 6M Sodium The outside of the NaOH + H2SO4  Na2SO4 + H2O

Hydroxide + 6M test tube got warm.
Sulfuric Acid

This table shows the double displacement reactions of the specific compounds with their
observed color in the red litmus paper used and the chemical changes occurred during the
reaction. Litmus paper is a type of pH paper made by treating paper with natural dyes from lichens.
The litmus test is performed by placing a small drop of sample onto the colored paper. Usually,
litmus paper is either red or blue. Red paper turns blue when the pH is alkaline, while blue paper
turns red when the pH turns acidic. While litmus paper is most often used to test the pH of liquids,
it can be used to test gases if the paper is dampened with distilled water before exposure to the
gas. (Helmenstine, 2019)

In the table, the students observed that the reaction of Nickel nitrate with Sodium
hydroxide and Ammonium nitrate with Sodium hydroxide, with colors Dark pink and Blue
respectively, changed the color of red litmus paper due to the fact that Sodium hydroxide is an

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alkaline/basic solution that turns red into blue. The blue paper changes color to red, indicating
acidity somewhere between the pH range of 4.5 to 8.3 (however, note 8.3 is alkaline). Red litmus
paper can indicate alkalinity with a color change to blue. In general, litmus paper is red below pH
of 4.5 and blue above a pH of 8.3. (Helmenstine, 2019)

The students also observed that the reaction of Hydrochloric acid with Sodium bicarbonate
is a reaction between acid and base that formed water, salt, and also produced a Carbon dioxide
gas, making the reaction a gas-forming reaction. Gas-forming reaction is a type of metathesis
reaction where one of the products is a gas. Certain compounds such as carbonates (e.g.,
K2CO3), sulfites (e.g., K2SO3), and sulfides (e.g., K2S), when mixed with acids, produce gases.
(ChemLatech, n.d.)

The students observed that the reaction of Sodium hydroxide with Sulfuric acid is a
reaction between a strong acid and strong base, which causes neutralization and produces heat.
The neutralization of a strong acid with a strong base is examined and found to always add heat
to the surroundings (exothermic) thus making the test tube warm to touch. (Straub, n.d.)

E. Single Replacement Reactions


Zinc Metal +  Zinc metal was dissolved in the

Hydrochloric hydrochloric acid Zn + 2 HCl → ZnCl2 + H2
 Formation of bubbles

 No noticeable reaction occurred

Copper Metal (Probably because the group was
+ Aqueous unable to let the copper metal stand Cu + 2 AgNO3 → Cu(NO3)2 + 2 Ag
Silver Nitrate
in the aqueous silver nitrate for a
longer period of time)
 (Compound unavailable, data from
Copper Metal this portion came from: Aaron
+ Aqueous
Huggard @ Cu + 2 AgNO3 → Cu(NO3)2 + 2 Ag
Zinc Nitrate

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There was no visible reaction, but
the copper exhibited a smoother,
hair-like fine lines after some time in
the aqueous Zinc nitrate compound
Zinc Metal +  Zinc metal turned into a darker,
Aqueous almost black coloration while Zn + Pb(NO3)2 → Zn(NO3)2 + Pb
Lead (II) deteriorating into a powdery
Nitrate substance

Magnesium  Immediate formation of bubbles

Metal + when the metal was dropped Mg + H2SO4 → MgSO4 + H2

Sulfuric Acid  Increased test tube temperature
 Soft popping sound

The table shows the different observed reactions of metals when combined with various
compounds given. During the reaction process, the metals exhibited unique physical changes
accompanying the constant chemical change they are undergoing. A single replacement reaction
is a type of chemical reaction in which one element replaces a similar element in a given
compound. The general formula for single replacement reaction is: A + BC → AC + B. Wherein
A is a metal, replacing the position of B in the compound BC, also a metal in the compound. When
an element that will replace another element is a nonmental, it must also replace another
nonmetal in the compound. If element A is a metal, it will manifest as a metallic deposit in the
reaction. If it is a gas, it will appear as bubbles during the reaction.

F. Double Replacement Reactions


Aqueous Sodium chloride + Aqueous Silver Color White, Colloidal with true precipitate

Aqueous Sodium phosphate + Aqueous Turquoise in color; suspension

Copper (II) sulfate

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Hydrochloric acid+ Solid Sodium bicarbonate Colorless with bubbles

Aqueous Nickel (II) nitrate + Aqueous Sodium Light green in color; colloidal

Hydrochloric acid + Aqueous Sodium Clear/colorless


Aqueous Sodium chloride + Aqueous Silver nitrate

Aqueous Sodium phosphate + Aqueous Copper (II) sulfate
3 𝐶𝑢𝑆𝑜4 (𝑎𝑞) + 2𝑁𝑎3 𝑃𝑂 4 (𝑎𝑞) → 𝐶𝑢3 (𝑃𝑂4 )2 (𝑠) + 3𝑁𝑎2 𝑆𝑂4 (𝑎𝑞)

Hydrochloric acid+ Solid Sodium bicarbonate

𝐻𝐶𝑙 + 𝑁𝑎𝐻𝐶𝑂3 → 𝑁𝑎𝐶𝑙 + 𝐶𝑂2 + 𝐻2 𝑂
Aqueous Nickel (II) nitrate + Aqueous Sodium hydroxide
Ni(NO3)2 + NaOH → Ni(OH)NO3 + NaNO3
Hydrochloric acid + Aqueous Sodium hydroxide
HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq) → NaCl (aq) + H2O (l)

The table above shows the observation of the students when double replacement reaction
According to Mendoza and Religioso, in double-displacement reaction, two compounds
are involved and the positive ion of one compound exchanges with the positive cation of another
compound. All double displacement reactions have the general form: AB + CD → AD + CB.
Reactions that can be classified as double displacements include precipitation reactions,
neutralization reactions and gas forming reactions (Santa Monica College,n.d).
Precipitation reaction according to Dr. Helmenstine is a type of chemical reaction in which
two soluble salts in aqueous solution combine and one of the products is an insoluble salt called
a precipitate. From the activity of the students, aqueous sodium chloride + aqueous silver nitrate
, Aqueous Sodium phosphate + Aqueous Copper (II) sulfate and Aqueous Nickel (II) nitrate +
Aqueous Sodium hydroxide when combined is an example of precipitation reaction. Aqueous
Sodium chloride + Aqueous Silver nitrate form a true precipitate which indicates that there is a
presence of various ions in the solution. In addition, Dr. Helmenstine also said that the precipitate
is useful indicator of the identity of the ions in an unknown solution. In Aqueous Nickel (II) nitrate

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+ Aqueous Sodium hydroxide when mixed, have a light green coloration and is colloidal. The
Nickel hydroxide is the insoluble light green precipitate while in Aqueous Sodium phosphate +
Aqueous Copper (II) sulfate, the students observe that when the two compounds are mixed a
Turquoise color can be observed which is inhibited by the natural color of copper (II) sulfate.
Hydrochloric acid and Solid Sodium bicarbonate when combined forms bubbles. From the
observation of the students, the two compounds when being mixed with each other is bubbling.
The bubbling effect indicates that there is a gas forming reaction. As stated in the website of Ck-
12, some double-replacement reactions produce a gaseous product which then bubbles out of
the solution and escapes into the air which happen when HCl and NaCO3 was mixed.
Furthermore, in the study that was conducted by Fordtran J.S, Morawski S.G, Santa Ana C.A, and
Rector F.C Jr., they found out that even though hydrochloric acid and sodium bicarbonate react
instantaneously, the resulting gas production is slow, mainly because CO2 produced from the
dehydration of carbonic acid dissolves in water and is only slowly released into the gas phase.
In terms of neutralization, Dr. Helmenstine stated that a neutralization reaction is a
chemical reaction between an acid and a base which produces a more neutral solution (closer to
a pH of 7). The final pH depends on the strength of the acid and base in the reaction. At the end
of a neutralization reaction in water, no excess hydrogen or hydroxide ions remain. The word
"neutralization" is used because the acid and base properties of H+ and OH- are destroyed or
neutralized. In the reaction, H+ and OH- combine to form HOH or H2O or water molecules
(Ophardt,2003). Hydrochloric acid and Aqueous Sodium hydroxide when combined is an example
of neutralization. The reaction of an acid with a base gives salt, water and heat. The students
observed that there was no precipitate at all in other words, the product which is the salt is soluble
and the solution is also colorless and clear. According to Santa Monica College, the salt that is
being produce by the reactants are usually soluble.

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In conclusion, the purpose of this laboratory activity was to note and observe the physical
and chemical changes that take place during the reaction process, to understand and interpret
how the 6 different types of reactions inculcated within the activity happens, and to properly write
them in balanced equations. All of the reactions encountered in the activity could be classified as
chemical reactions because of a change in coloration of metals (which strongly indicate that a
reaction with a specific substance took place), deterioration, ash formation, exothermic reactions,
gas release, and formation of precipitates. A balanced chemical equation was needed in order for
the students to understand and determine the amount of material within each experiment in the
test tubes in relation to the reactants that were present and reacted at the start of the activity, and
also the types of reactions they have exhibited.

Throughout the activity, the students had a better grasp of how these 6 reactions occur
with various substances. To summarize, Combination Reactions happen when a new product is
synthesized by combination of two or three reactants. For Decomposition Reactions, one reactant
yields two or more products. Displacement Reactions happen when a part of one reactant is
replaced by another reactant, as with the principle that revolves in single and double replacement
reactions. Exchange reactions, on the other hand are those in which cations and anions that were
partners in the reactants are interchanged in the products.

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11.7: Single Replacement Reactions. (2019, February 23). Retrieved from

Chemical reactions. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Chemical Reactions. Retrieved from

Helmenstine, A. M. (2018, May 03). What Is a Displacement Reaction in Chemistry? Retrieved


Helmenstine, A. M. (2018, May 09). What Is a Double Displacement Reaction? Retrieved from

Helmenstine, A. M. (2019, January 12). What Is a Decomposition Reaction? Retrieved from

Khan Academy. (n.d.). What is a single replacement reaction? Retrieved March 22, 2019 from

Module 4.2 - Common Reaction Types. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Module 4.2 - Common Reaction Types. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Olabs. (n.d). Single Displacement Reaction. Retrieved March 22, 2019 from

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Petrucci, Ralph H., Harwood, William S., Herring, F. G., and Madura Jeffrey D. "General
Chemistry: Principles & Modern Applications." 10th Ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.,
2011. Retrieved March 23, 2019 from

Types of Chemical Reactions. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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Direct heating of magnesium metal

Copper (II) Sulfate Pentahydrate and Distilled water

a. Calcium metal and distilled water
There was no calcium metal available for the experiment.
b. Zinc metal and water

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c. Copper metal and 6 M hydrochloric acid

d. Zinc metal and 6 M hydrochloric acid

e. Zinc metal and 0.1 M copper (II) sulfate

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f. Copper metal and 0.1 M zinc sulfate
There was no zinc sulfate available for the experiment.
g. Copper metal and 0.1 M silver nitrate

a. 0.1 M silver nitrate and 0.1 M sodium chloride

b. 0.1 M nickel (II) nitrate and three drops of 6 M sodium hydroxide

c. 0.1 M lead (II) nitrate and 0.1 M potassium chromate

d. 1 M ammonium nitrate and 6 M sodium hydroxide

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e. 6 M hydrochloric acid and solid sodium bicarbonate

f. 6 M sodium hydroxide and 6 M sulfuric acid


a. Zinc metal and hydrochloric acid

b. Copper metal and aqueous silver nitrate

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c. Copper metal and aqueous zinc nitrate
There was no zinc nitrate available for the experiment.

d. Zinc metal and aqueous lead (II) nitrate

e. Magnesium metal and sulfuric acid


a. Aqueous sodium chloride and aqueous silver nitrate

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b. Aqueous sodium phosphate and aqueous copper (II) sulfate

c. Hydrochloric acid and solid sodium bicarbonate

d. Aqueous nickel (II) nitrate and aqueous sodium hydroxide

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e. Hydrochloric acid and aqueous sodium hydroxide

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JUAREZ, Jersen Rio L. Introduction & Results and Discussion

(Activity D)

LAXA, Christian Glenn B. Introduction & Results and Discussion

(Activity E)

LORENZO, Lyka Jane F. Results and Discussion (Activity B)

LUNA, Dana Yzabel T. Facilitator, Experimental Procedures &


MAGDIRILA, Lea Lyneth F. Abstract & Results and Discussion (Activity


OGNAYON, Angelica Yara T. Results and Discussion (Activity A and F)

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