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Knowl. Org. 35(2008)No.2/No.

3 137
C. Gnoli. Ten Long-Term Research Questions in Knowledge Organization

Ten Long-Term Research Questions

in Knowledge Organization

Claudio Gnoli
University of Pavia, Department of Mathematics Library,
Strada Nuova 65, Pavia, Italy 27100, <>

Claudio Gnoli has been working as a librarian since 1994, and is currently at the Mathematics depart-
ment of the University of Pavia, Italy. His main interest is in theory of classification and its digital ap-
plications. He is chair of ISKO Italy chapter, and member of the Executive Committee of ISKO.

Gnoli, Claudio. Ten Long-Term Research Questions in Knowledge Organization. Knowledge Or-
ganization, 35(3/2), 137-149. 67 references.

Abstract: Research can benefit by periodical consideration of its status in a long-term perspective. In
knowledge organization (KO), a number of basic questions remain to be addressed in the 21st cen-
tury. Ten of them are identified and synthetically discussed: (1) Can KO principles be extended to a broader scope, including
hypertexts, multimedia, museum objects, and monuments? (2) Can the two basic approaches, ontological and epistemological,
be reconciled? (3) Can any ontological foundation of KO be identified? (4) Should disciplines continue to be the structural
base of KO? (5) How can viewpoint warrant be respected? (6) How can KO be adapted to local collection needs? (7) How
can KO deal with changes in knowledge? (8) How can KO systems represent all the dimensions listed above? (9) How can
software and formats be improved to better serve these needs? (10) Who should do KO: information professionals, authors or

1. Introduction some relevant questions that look to the present au-

thor of more general and far-reaching interest.
At the International Congress of Mathematicians
held in Paris in 1900, the famous German scholar 2. Ten long-term research questions in KO
David Hilbert proposed twenty-three major mathe-
matical problems that were unsolved at the time. 2.1 Can KO principles be extended to a broader scope?
This list was stimulating and influential to subse-
quent research in mathematics: one century after, 9 Maybe the first thing that one can notice in a KO
of those problems have been fully solved, 8 more conference is a wild variety of topics and approaches.
have been solved partially, 4 are considered too loose There are librarians and information scientists, but
to be ever declared solved, and only 2 remain com- also philosophers, sociologists, linguists, informa-
pletely unsolved. tion architects and Web designers. Everyone focuses
This story sounds interesting in the context of this on apparently different problems, though the trained
special issue devoted to our own field. Knowledge or- eye can see many connections and similarities. Peo-
ganization is a smaller field than mathematics ple using different approaches unfortunately also use
(though potentially not less important), and it is ob- different terminologies, sometimes failing to realize
viously not our aim to emulate Hilbert’s prestige and that they are speaking about inherently analogous
influence. Nevertheless, his case shows that it is problems: a paradoxical situation, as the aim of KO
sometimes productive to stop and consider a research itself is to provide access to information through
field from a more general and long-term perspective. standardized languages.
We will try to do this by identifying, on the basis of But this variety is also a richness, as the field is
both currently available literature and reflection, evolving from its documentary origins, to embrace a
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C. Gnoli. Ten Long-Term Research Questions in Knowledge Organization

much broader range of disciplines, and to take ad- Apart from the technological innovations in carri-
vantage of interdisciplinary confrontation and dis- ers, even more radical questions rise, depending on
cussion. This is one important implication of speak- what we exactly mean by “knowledge”. If we want to
ing about knowledge organization instead of just look beyond conventional library and information
bibliographic classification and subject headings. It science, what should we consider to be a document
also means that knowledge organization can hope to containing knowledge? For example, are not manu-
have a greater impact on other knowledge domains scripts kept in archives, objects collected in muse-
and on everyday life and society. Bliss (1929) had al- ums (or better, the whole organized and illustrated
ready realized that “this is not merely an intellectual expositions of those objects), and monuments visi-
interest but has social and economic value ... It is not ble in buildings and streets, also forms of knowledge,
merely a bibliothecal problem, nor on a higher plane that we are not used to collect in libraries simply be-
is it a problem solely scientific or philosophic. It cause of their format? Indeed, surveyors of the cul-
concerns all these and also the educational interests tural heritage are also busy with making inventories,
and those of social organization.” catalogues, and search interfaces for them (Angeli &
If we agree that the scope of knowledge organiza- Cuna 2006). The vast experience accumulated by li-
tion is broader than traditional indexing of library braries up to now, having produced sophisticated
documents, we need to consider whether the tradi- tools like cataloguing rules, data models, and online
tional methods and rules still apply to the broadened search interfaces, could have very useful results in
object of application. Towards the end of the 20th those fields, where the work on standards and in-
century, there was a great debate on the application formation sharing has begun more recently. On the
of descriptive indexing to new carriers of informa- other hand, a museum object or a monument clearly
tion, like multimedial and digital documents: some requires additional information elements not consid-
have claimed that we just have to apply to the new ered in the standard library tools. Thus, it seems that
materials our well-tested technical tools, like ISBD some unification of these methods and formats
and MARC, while others believe that the new carri- would be desirable in the future.
ers and forms of knowledge also require fundamen- At this point the orthodox expert in subject in-
tally new ways of treating them, of which the first dexing will stand up, to warn enthusiast knowledge
realizations are metadata element sets and XML; or organizers that current refined subject tools are not
maybe, the two approaches can be complementary designed for non-bibliographical objects. Those are
levels of a larger structure, as is suggested by pro- just objects, while documents are something more
jects using both, such as OCLC’s CORC. We are complex, as they involve both a physical manifesta-
now facing a similar debate concerning subject in- tion and a subject dealt with (Mai 2004a). Indeed,
dexing. Are the conceptual structures developed for the Classification Research Group (1978) pointed
indexing knowledge as contained in books and pa- out that classifying a book on Chinese plates is es-
pers also applicable to other information carriers? sentially different than classifying Chinese plates
A first answer may be that they are, as content is themselves. The bibliographical treatment adds some
something different from carriers, and can exist inde- further dimensions that are reflected in classification
pendently from it: the Yugoslav wars can be docu- schemes to the phenomena treated. Apart from the
mented in photographs, videos, or websites as well as characteristics of the paper medium, like page size,
in books. However, we have also realized that the style of print, or illustrations layout, frequently
“content” of an image is something more subtle and noted components of documents are the disciplinary
complex than the explicit text of a book, as it in- and theoretical approaches adopted: we will discuss
cludes several levels of meaning: primitive features these in sections 4 and 5. Another difference relevant
such as colour and shape; objects represented; and to subject indexing was noted by D.J. Foskett
inductive interpretations (Panofsky 1955, Greisdorf (1958): documents “do not consist merely of de-
& O’Connor 2002) of which the exact formalization scriptions of objects; they contain descriptions of
is problematic (Svenonius 1994; Rafferty & Hidder- objects in relation to one another. To give you one
ley 2004). Multimedial and hypertextual organization simple example. The classification of objects in a
of contents, as is now common in CD-ROMs and natural history museum enables us to detect identity
websites, also poses complex problems of catalogu- between several objects.... But consider ‘the corro-
ing. sion of tinplate by acid fruit products’, or ‘the Direct
method of teaching French in secondary modern
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schools’. What genus can be said to contain each of these broadened meanings of “knowledge organiza-
these? What characteristics of division distinguish tion”.
them? Where would you put them in a museum?”
Nevertheless, obvious connections exist between 2.2 Can ontological and epistemological approaches
objects and documents dealing with them. Hjørland be reconciled?
& Nicolaisen (2004) noticed that classifications based
on the properties of real phenomena, like the periodic Poli (1996, 1997) made clear the distinction between
system of elements, “form the basis of bibliographical the ontological and the epistemological approach to
classifications such as, for example, the UDC classifi- knowledge. Ontology, in its philosophical meaning
cation. Of course the natural world constrains classi- (not to be confused with the homonym schemes for
ficatory work”. Thus, KO schemes are at least par- machine treatment of semantic information), con-
tially based on the classifications of objects that the cerns the nature of the known things, especially in
appropriate science has developed. In a previous pa- terms of the general categories to which they may
per (Gnoli 2006b) I discussed two basic principles, belong. Issues like the subdivision of a class into
common origin and similarity, used in scientific clas- kinds and parts, or the acknowledgment that a given
sifications of climates, of organisms, and of musical concept consists of a process or a static entity, are
instruments, as well as in bibliographic classification ontological. Epistemology, instead, is about how
by authors like Brown, Richardson, Bliss, Rangana- humans know the world through their sense organs,
than, Austin, and Dahlberg. and how they process knowledge according to cate-
Musical instruments are an especially interesting gories both innate and culturally biased.
case of exchanges between bibliographic and object Knowledge is both epistemological and ontologi-
classifications. Indeed, the notation for the main cal, as it passes through human perception by its
classification of instruments, Hornbostel-Sachs, in- very nature, but also refers to real objects of the
fluenced editions of the UDC; in turn, there are mu- world having some intrinsic structure. However, au-
sic libraries finding it profitable to shelve biblio- thors in KO often emphasize either one or the other
graphic material on musical instruments according to approach. Dewey’s main classes follow an epistemo-
the Hornbostel-Sachs classification. Issues essen- logical sequence, going back to Francis Bacon, as
tially similar to bibliographic ones, like concept they are listed according to basic forms of the human
combination, facet analysis, and their representation intellect producing them, like reason, imagination,
in notation, can be found in several classifications of and memory; UDC main classes are also epistemo-
instruments (Ghirardini & Gnoli 2005). Another logical, as they are derived from Dewey. Other sys-
notable example of hybrid applications is the use of a tems, like the Bliss Classification, the Broad System of
well-known knowledge organization system (KOS), Ordering, and the Information Coding Classifica-
the Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus, to index tion, base the sequence of their main classes on a
exhibits kept in art museums (Will 1992). supposedly natural sequence of increasing specificity
Another possible broadening in scope concerns and complexity of the known objects, hence they are
the organization of knowledge in the form of the re- primarily ontological.
search, teaching, and administrative institutions deal- In recent decades, Dahlberg (1974, 1978) has
ing with it. These aspects of knowledge consist more worked deeply on the theoretical and conceptual
of living processes than of written documents. Nev- foundations of KO from a philosophical and onto-
ertheless, they are organized according to schemes, logical perspective. Both Dahlberg and Poli have
like hierarchies of university departments and made reference to the philosopher Nicolai Hartmann,
schools, or lists of government ministries, sharing who gave new life to ontology in the 20th century. A
many features with bibliographic classifications completely different epistemological approach has
(usually in more rudimentary and less consistent been that of domain analysis, recently spreading in in-
forms); for example, Granata (2004) suggested formation science (Hjørland & Albrechtsen 1995),
adapting the scheme of Scientific Disciplinary Sec- which starts KO work by studying how domain-
tors recently produced by the Italian government to specific communities of scholars use terms to deno-
organize books in university libraries. If KO re- tate concepts. Epistemological knowledge organizers
searchers want their field to be better linked to social often take examples from language and its cultural
and cultural issues, instead of being limited to the relativity, and quote philosophers like Wittgenstein
technicalities of book indexing, they should consider and the American pragmatists.
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Thus it seems that in the philosophy of KO foun- An aspect recently emphasized in ontology is the
dations there are two big “schools,” which flow par- dynamism of the world (Seibt 2004). We no longer
allel in quite independent streams. As we said that see entities as necessarily eternal and stable, but as
knowledge is both ontological and epistemological, the product of processes and interactions with other
some reconciliation between them should probably entities. As has already happened in many domains,
be sought. For example, Szostak (2007a) thinks that an evolutionary approach to KO can help to repre-
one can partially agree with Hjørland’s assumptions sent the diachronical relationships between objects
and still not give up searching for more objective and (Gnoli 2006b).
effective ways of representing scholarly knowledge. Supporters of cultural relativism insist that it is
Hjørland & Hartel (2003) themselves acknowledge better to focus on domain-specific schemes, so as to
that taxonomies of naturally occurring phenomena, be aware of their epistemological premises, as any
like living organisms or chemical elements, are an scheme will be biased by the cultural environment in
obvious base for bibliographic KOSs: “human which it has been conceived (Hjørland 2004). How-
knowledge is thus a product of both the world itself ever, reference to a general scheme is needed even
and of human interests and capacities”. Although the while indexing special literature (D.J. Foskett 1991).
opposition of ontology to epistemology is somewhat If we really want to enable interoperability between
perennial in philosophy, we may hope to see in the different schemes and interdisciplinary research, we
future of KO some more complementary integration will always need some general scheme, at least as a
of the two approaches. switching device between systems based on different
epistemologies. Thus, the need for ontological re-
2.3 Can any ontological foundation be identified? search in KO is far from being obsolete.

Starting with the ontological approach, we may ob- 2.4 Should disciplines continue to be the
serve that it needs to provide some good foundation structural base of KO?
in order to justify itself. It is especially difficult for
an ontological system to escape criticism from the Most KOSs are structured according to a list of ca-
contemporary perspective of multiculturalism, which nonical disciplines, trying to reflect how knowledge
provides a sound source of opposition to idealistic is organized by the community of scholars in each
systematizations. Clearly, ontological foundations domain – what Bliss called the “academic consen-
should be as culturally neutral and as generally sus”. This, however, produces problems for cross-
agreed as possible, in the same way as the items of an disciplinary knowledge retrieval, especially when (a)
international encyclopedia try to be, without falling new interdisciplinary domains, not provided for in
into sterile relativism. the existing schemes, arise at the boundaries between
The “new ways of ontology” (Hartmann 1942) older disciplines, as in the case of biotechnologies,
appear suitable to KO purposes in being pluralistic, in environmental sciences, and ethnomusicology, or as
the sense that they acknowledge the richness and va- interests crossing disciplines, like women’s studies
riety of the real world, and try to model it according and Oriental studies (López-Huertas 2006); (b) the
to all its intrinsic categories (like time and space, but corpus of a discipline includes knowledge relevant to
also value and function) without privileging any spe- scholars of other disciplines, who are not familiar
cial concept (e.g. materialism or spiritualism). No- with its terminology and canonical organization.
tions developed in philosophy of science, like integra- These situations are becoming more frequent in our
tive levels, general systems, or complexity, can result age of globally shared information. “It is thus proba-
in useful methods for the arrangement of known bly no longer possible to specify one clearly defined
phenomena into a coherent system (Dahlberg 1974, user group for an information resource. For this rea-
D.J. Foskett 1978). Though inevitably connected son, classification research needs to curtail local em-
with philosophical speculations, due to their need for phases and to augment culturally neutral interna-
generality, KO foundations should be independent on tionalization” (Beghtol 1998b).
any specific philosophical system. Ideas like integra- To solve such problems, several authors over time
tive levels or complexity can fit different philosophi- have suggested that schemes should be defined more
cal views (e.g. reductionism or holism), and should be in terms of single phenomena than of disciplines.
used in KO just as a general structuring principle This idea appeared already in 1906 in James Duff
(Beghtol 1994, 121-122, notes 4-5). Brown’s Subject Classification, and later informed the
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Classification Research Group’s attempt at building It has been shown how the terminology used in
a new general scheme based on phenomena, which KOSs can be biased by culturally dominant groups,
partially evolved into Derek Austin’s PRECIS. Still, like middle-class white males (Olson 2002). This can
the most widespread classification schemes like produce problems in using them in different con-
LCC, DDC, and UDC are disciplinary, and inherit texts, like women’s studies and feminism (Kublik et
their top-level structure from the segmentation of al. 2004) or gay and lesbian communities (Campbell
knowledge as it was conceived in 19th century. Some 2004). A cultural bias can even be observed at the
of them offer ways to represent phenomena treated level of the segmentation of the semantic space in dif-
in an interdisciplinary way, and their editors think ferent languages (e.g. Mai 2004a). This especially af-
that these devices can be an adequate response to the fects verbal KOSs, like keywords or subject headings.
needs of interdisciplinarity (McIlwaine 2000). Thesauri add to the vocabulary component the speci-
Others, however, wonder if this implies a need for fication of relationships holding between terms, thus
more radical innovations, eventually leading to com- producing a more abstract conceptual structure,
pletely new, non-disciplinary schemes (Beghtol though still focused on terminology. Severino (2005)
1998a, 1998b, Williamson 1998, Gnoli 2006a, Szostak has discussed the capitalist-biased use of the term
2007b, ISKO Italia 2007). This view considers that “development” in five thesauri of international or-
the function of KO is not only to represent the status ganizations, showing that they treat this concept only
quo of how knowledge has been organized in docu- in economical terms, while failing to account for the
ments until now, but is also to suggest new paths of human, social, and cultural sides of development. In
research by connecting concepts previously studied in classification schemes, a notational symbol can stand
specific contexts. That is, to exploit the mass of the for a concept represented by one or more words or
“interdisciplinary undiscovered public knowledge” phrases in different languages. The possibility of
hidden in published works of which the relations and crossing language boundaries is a factor explaining
implications have not yet been noticed (Davies 1989, the wide use of UDC in countries speaking languages
Beghtol 1995, Szostak 2007b). of limited diffusion, like those of Eastern Europe.
Thus, both existing and new systems should be Of course, the use of symbols does not make clas-
equipped with ways to retrieve information on a sification completely independent from cultural bi-
given phenomenon independently of the disciplinary ases, as its semantic structure will still be based on
context in which it appears, as well as ways to specify cognitive categories which are not necessarily uni-
the disciplinary perspective adopted in studying a versal, e.g. those dependent on the deep structure of
phenomenon in a given document. It seems that this Indo-European languages and culture. An excellent
implies a separate representation of the two subject example of this is the experience with the Korean
components of phenomena and disciplines, instead translation of DDC, where the necessity has
of merging both in a single concept listed in sched- emerged that calligraphy be a main subclass of the
ules. It should be made clear how phenomena are to arts, with many specific subclasses for styles and
be treated in a discipline-based KOS, as well as how types of writings, instead of being expressed only by
disciplines are to be treated in a phenomenon-based a very specific number and poorly developed, as in
KOS (Gnoli 2005). western DDC editions (Kwaśnik & Chun 2004).
Similar problems arose while translating kinship
2.5 How can viewpoint warrant be respected? structures represented in LCC and DDC into four-
teen different languages (Kwaśnik & Rubin 2004).
One outstanding claim of the epistemological ap- An alternative approach to indexing materials of dif-
proach is that knowledge organization can be different ferent cultures is to design a completely new scheme
to different communities. Disciplinary main classes reflecting their categories better, as was recently
are taken as useful in that at least they represent the done with the Brian Deer Classification, used in a li-
most widespread research approach of contemporary brary devoted to Canadian indigenous peoples
western scholars. On the other hand, they cannot be (MacDonell et al. 2003).
so helpful to users exploring innovative interdiscipli- To face such problems, Beghtol (1998b) has pro-
nary fields, to those not adopting scholarship perspec- posed the notion of viewpoint warrant, which “would
tives, like spare time readers (Hartel 2003) or children, presumably have the advantage of providing infinite
and to those interested in perspectives other than the hospitality for adding any viewpoint—cultural, mul-
contemporary western dominant culture. tidisciplinary, disciplinary, or sub-disciplinary—that
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might arise in future,” “to be able to support multiple and V in the Library of Congress Classification, mean-
perspectives in a looser structure.” ing respectively military sciences and naval sciences,
As noticed in section 3, one would always need a as Switzerland has been militarily neutral for a great
general system, that should be as neutral and colour- many years and it is land-locked; on the other hand,
less as possible, to act as a switching device between it would require that typically local concepts often
the different specific viewpoint subsystems. On the treated in its collection, such as Rhaeto-Romance
other hand, each of these could be used as the pre- languages, be treated with shorter symbols than the
ferred KOS by implementers and users adopting a long ones provided in the general scheme (Zuccolo
particular viewpoint. The concept of, say, the magic 2006). A nice example was offered by Langridge
attributes of a given plant in a traditional culture (1992), describing the arrangement of books in the
could be accounted for in a place in the scheme re- Avalon Library specialized in occultism and New
flecting the classification of the world from that Age: every subject, like astronomy or health, is there
viewpoint, and at the same time be linked to the viewed in the unusual perspective of the collection
definition of that plant in the basic neutral scheme. specialization.
This would also serve the important ethical require- This problem in itself is not new. Indeed, Ranga-
ment of preserving cultural diversity by representing nathan (1967, sections DG 34-35) solved it by pro-
it appropriately in KOSs (Beghtol 2002). viding his Colon Classification with a notational de-
Users of a system should be allowed to switch be- vice to express the “favoured host class”, that which
tween different viewpoints, both to choose their pre- is a priority for the library although not being a main
ferred one, and to explore how related knowledge is class in the general scheme. By representing it with a
expressed from different perspectives. Beghtol’s sug- symbol (0) having lesser ordinal value than the other
gestion has been echoed by Preuss (2004): classes, the documents dealing with it will be filed at
the beginning of the shelves, or of the browsing in-
Integrating all these different viewpoints or terface.
layers of local knowledge into the universal tree What is more and more topical is the increasing
of the classification would stimulate a more ex- worldwide availability of subject information,
perimental and transdisciplinary approach to through online catalogues, Web directories, metadata
knowledge discovery, providing a tool for formats and links between knowledge bases hosted
cross-fertilization of what seemed to be inc- in servers throughout the whole globe. The idea of a
ommensurable approaches to knowledge or- Semantic Web using all taxonomies provided by local
ganisation ... the underlying universal classifica- knowledge publishers shows the current relevance of
tion acting merely as a black box, an universal this trend. International knowledge exchange obvi-
‘engine’ for local ‘mods’, as you would say in ously requires some standard format for data, and
the language of first-person-shooter [video- this pushes us towards global KOSs. Organizing
games]. documents for local users is no longer the only pur-
pose of cataloguing: the Internet makes remote uses,
2.6. How can KO be adapted to local collection like interlibrary loan or direct online access, much
needs? more frequent, and conversely a single user needs to
find and integrate materials from a great number of
A similar but distinct problem is to serve the prefer- information sources scattered throughout the world.
ences of local user communities. This should not be How can systems interoperate effectively without
done at the level of the scheme itself, as international missing the richness and specificity of local knowl-
interoperability requires that the same document be edge? Again, it is a problem of mapping schemes de-
always indexed by the same classmark, reflecting ob- signed for different purposes and allowing users to
jectively its content, including the perspective shift between them through appropriate relations.
adopted in it. Local adaptations should instead be
applied to the arrangement of specific collections in- 2.7 How can KO deal with changes in knowledge?
tended for a specific target, that is, they should have
a standard classmark but a local shelfmark. A classic problem in KO is the developing nature of
General KOSs often pose problems to local users. knowledge, which makes schemes obsolete as time
A Swiss library devoted to Alpine local documenta- passes. This requires that KOSs used for many dec-
tion would hardly make use of the main classes U ades be updated, producing new editions that have
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the advantage of including more modern treatment them. As economic limitations prevent continuously
of subjects, and the disadvantage of requiring re-indexing documents according to the most up-
changes of practice and expensive re-indexing of dated system, we have to cope with an increasing
previous material. Successful KOSs like the DDC mass of knowledge indexed according to older
seem to have found some balance between the needs schemes. Some have even suggested that old docu-
for stability and innovation, as their new editions ments should be indexed according to the scheme of
now appear at regular intervals. knowledge which was valid at the time they were
Apart from the practical issues, more fundamental published, as it best matches the conceptual organi-
problems arise from the observation that KOSs zation of their contents. Thus, this approach could
change in time. Is KO time-dependent? This appears be both practically useful and theoretically correct.
to be the case, if we look at old systems like the 17th- We could move from the issue of re-indexing old
century Wilkins’s Philosophical Language (Vickery documents to the provision for links between old
1953). Classes that make us smile today were quite and new schemes. In most systems users cannot see
obvious and serious at the time they were conceived. any link with how their subject was treated in previ-
This suggests that the same destiny is awaiting cur- ous editions, although they can be interested in it,
rent systems: they could become nothing more than both better to exploit the system, and to have a rep-
witnesses of the state of knowledge in our time, but resentation of the changes that have occurred in hu-
be useless for their original purpose. man knowledge itself (Tennis 2002).
It’s true that knowledge changes in time, and These links appear to be similar to those between
KOSs change with it. However, this change is not systems originating from different cultures and per-
random, but rather oriented towards an increasing spectives, the only difference being that the distance
understanding of the many aspects of our complex is chronological rather than geographical or ethnic.
world. At least, after some 150 years of published re- Thus we are again wondering whether different
search in bibliographical subject indexing, we can knowledge systems are incommensurate, or can be
learn from experience and foresee general trends in mapped in some way. “Traduttore traditore” is an
the future of our systems. According to Tennis Italian saying, meaning that every translation implies
(2006): a loss in shades exclusive to the original language,
that cannot be reproduced faithfully in the target
A vital part of classification theory inheres in one. Still, translators are respected and increasingly
its self-reflection on its place in the history of sought professionals, as they are the only means to
document use, information agencies, and hu- provide a large number of people with access to for-
man communication practices.... By under- eign information. In the same way, the unattainabil-
standing the similarities and differences of clas- ity of a perfect and eternal KOS does not mean that
sification work throughout time and place, all KOSs are equally good, nor that KOSs are useless.
knowledge organization research gains another
view into the nature of classification.” 2.8 How can KOSs represent all these dimensions?

We know, for example, that the continued use and We have so far reviewed several dimensions which
spread of a system has an additional value in itself, appear to be relevant in the organization of docu-
making it worth maintaining and adopting even in ments: their material forms (1), the ontological
new projects despite its theoretical limitations. Clas- status of the phenomena they treat (3), their disci-
sifying psychology as a subclass of philosophy is plinary and theoretical approaches (4), the view-
clearly not an optimal choice in the light of contem- points they express (5), the local preferences of users
porary knowledge, still we can be willing to do it if accessing them (6), the historical changes in knowl-
the return is using a system, like DDC or UDC, edge systems (7). Dimensionality is a desirable value
shared with many others and equipped with good tu- in KOSs (Tennis 2002). Thus, if these dimensions are
torial and distribution supports. A.C. Foskett (1996) found to be relevant, they should also be represented
emphasizes how the managing organization is one in KOSs, in order to be accessed by those users who
key factor in the success of a KOS. want to retrieve information on them.
The existence of successive editions of schemes, This is not the case in most current KOSs: too of-
and of schemes conceived in different epochs, im- ten, some media cannot be indexed adequately, or
plies the need of ways to treat relations between ontological relationships are poorly represented, the
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theoretical approach or the viewpoint is not ex- water, though not existing at the level of quarks.
pressed, or local needs cannot be served effectively, Therefore, the right degree of analysis must be iden-
or historical changes are more a limitation than an tified, in order to provide our indexes with it, but
additional access point, and so on. Knowledge is a not more than it. We have to find where the optimal
complex thing comprising many layers, while most boundary lies between analysis and synthesis.
KOSs have a flat structure that forces contents into
the Procrustean bed of only one or two of these lay- 2.9 How can software and formats be improved
ers. Thus the eighth question is how to develop sys- to better serve these needs?
tems more efficient in representing all the relevant
dimensions of the content of documents. One essential part of a KOS is its implementation in
One answer seems to be available already. Facet search interfaces. Much information is now available
analysis is acknowledged to be a fundamental im- in databases searchable online, including library cata-
provement in KO. More generally, facets, together logues (OPACs), bibliographical services, factual
with phases, common auxiliaries, and other elements, knowledge bases and websites of institutions and
can be part of an analytico-synthetic system, that is, projects. However, this does not guarantee that their
a system allowing for a free combination of concepts knowledge is well organized and exploitable. Unfor-
to build specific compounds reflecting carefully the tunately, often the opposite happens: while KO ex-
indexed contents. Thus one could define analytic perts are busy with developing and improving so-
elements for all the dimensions needed to be repre- phisticated systems, the bulk of actual information
sented, not only classic facets within disciplines, but sources do not use them.
also theoretical approaches, viewpoints, historical This is the case even with the most classic and
context, or degree of fictionality (Beghtol 1994, consolidated KOS application, that is, library cata-
1998a). Analogously, phenomena and disciplines logues (Svenonius 1983). A recent survey has listed
could be connected by an accordion-like device the wide bibliography concerning subject access in
(Gnoli 2005), and the theories and methods adopted OPACs (Casson et al. 2004), and by checking a
could also be expressed separately (Szostak 2007b) sample of 152 catalogues has confirmed that most of
and thus made searchable. them still offer poor tools for subject searches, de-
Going down this route, one can obviously analyze spite librarians being skilled in creating subject head-
anything, and express any component separately. ings and DDC numbers. This situation is probably
However, this will end by producing extremely long due more to organizational and policy matters than
and complex headings. Experience with classification to technical limitations: database managers need to
systems has shown that notation has to be reasona- acknowledge the value of KOSs and their specific
bly simple and brief, if it has to be copied and re- search needs, such as managing tables of equivalence
membered by users. Some have observed that in ma- between notation, captions and synonyms, or appro-
chine processing this is not a problem, as notation priately recording and displaying cross-references.
can be handled by machine, and users will focus on Therefore, one first need is simply a greater integra-
the verbal captions, both in searching and looking at tion and communication between indexers, reference
displayed results. In any event, the problem is not librarians, computer scientists and information ar-
really limited to notation, but is a more general cog- chitects.
nitive issue. One second level of the problem resides probably
Anything can be decomposed into semantic fac- in software and data formats. KOSs are complex ob-
tors, and it is doubtful whether we will ever arrive at jects, and they need to be appropriately represented
“primitive” elements, like those imagined in Leib- in databases if they are to be fully exploited in search
niz’s ars combinatoria. Water can be described as a interfaces. This requires not just a flat table of terms,
combination of hydrogen and oxygen; but hydrogen but a relational system able to manage all hierarchical,
can in turn be described as a combination of one associative and equivalence relationships present in
proton and one electron, and a proton as a combina- the system. In analytico-synthetic classifications,
tion of quarks. Clearly this does not mean that a user many relations can be represented by expressive nota-
interested in water concerns in desert countries will tion, and can thus be searched in clever ways (Gödert
take advantage of getting information on quarks. 1991, Slavić & Cordeiro 2004, Broughton & Slavić
He/she will rather appreciate those emergent prop- 2007), as is the case of UDC but not of BC2. Addi-
erties which are relevant at the integrative level of tional fields, though, can also help to manage rela-
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C. Gnoli. Ten Long-Term Research Questions in Knowledge Organization

tionships not expressed in notation. Users should be explosive increase in the availability of digital docu-
given hints of links existing from the term they have ments, it is not possible for the information profes-
searched for and other terms more or less strictly re- sional to keep pace with their publication. This
lated with it (Bates 1998), including those lying at means that a large portion of new documents, espe-
other integrative levels (mountains vs. alpinism), used cially those published locally, or in digital form only,
in other disciplines (water vapour vs. steam), or by are not indexed by standard cataloguing agencies like
other discourse communities (categorization vs. classi- national bibliographies. This has generated the need
fication). Alternative citation orders of facets and for providing at least some rough information about
phases can be specified by machine-readable rules, in their content.
order to serve local preferences (Broughton & Slavić One solution is that authors themselves provide
2007). Projects like Hibrowse-VBS, Devadason’s metadata for their documents. The Dublin Core
online classaurus, FACET, FATKS, and ILC have be- Metadata Initiative has offered a standard format to
gan to use faceted classification for online informa- record the main metadata, including semantic items
tion retrieval, joining the database layer with search such as “subject/keywords” and “description”. These
interfaces programmed with script languages. Their can contain uncontrolled terms, or even terms taken
techniques could be extended to analytico-synthetic from well established KOSs. This practice has raised
treatments of other dimensions of documents. the obvious question that metadata provided by au-
Standard formats should also represent these thors is far from being standardized and controlled:
structures adequately. UNIMARC provides some some authors say that in any event they are better
fields (661-668) for the combination of concepts in than no indexing at all, while others observe that the
LCC, DDC and UDC, but these are hardly used, selection of documents of relevance and quality
and do not cover facets and phase relationships any- making them worthy of being acquired and cata-
way (Cordeiro & Slavić 2002, Slavić & Cordeiro logued is part of the tasks of information manage-
2004). Thus, the semantic richness of KOSs gets lost ment.
when data are exchanged through different cata- On the other hand, this practice is not entirely
logues, or used in union catalogues and meta- new, as for decades authors of specialized papers
catalogues which gather data from archives using dif- have been asked to provide their own documents
ferent formats. with keywords; and other authors in the same spe-
A similar problem is now pressing towards stan- cialized field review and index the documents of
dardization of XML data and the publication of on- their colleagues, thus replacing professional indexers
tologies to be shared through the World Wide Web, who are too few or too little specialized to cover all
in order to improve global interoperability (Zeng & the literature. The bibliographic resources thus pro-
Chan 2004). A key issue in this process is the repre- duced may not implement KO theory perfectly, but
sentation of KOS structures in XML/RDF syntax are widely used.
(Slavić 2005, Schmitz-Esser & Sigel 2006), of which A more original concern is ethical: in many cases,
the SKOS language is a first important achievement. especially where commercial activities are involved,
The NKOS (Networking Knowledge Organiza- authors can have a personal interest in indexing
tion Systems) initiative is also focusing on this im- documents in a biased way. A simple example is the
portant but still underdeveloped terrain of integra- webmaster of a firm producing X who types in the
tion between machine formats and the conceptual metadata of the firm homepage a false statement,
structures developed in decades of library and in- like “the only X producer in the region Y” while oth-
formation science (Tudhope & Koch 2004). It seems ers actually exist. These cases show the valuable role
that, at the present stage, we have all the pieces of professional indexers, acting as a disinterested
needed, but are still waiting to see the resultant third party between authors and readers, in the same
building, that is widespread semantically rich infor- way as judges act as neutral third parties between
mation search and display. prosecution and defence (Ridi 1999).
Only very recently has the third logical possibility
2.10 Who should do KO? become popular: that is, KO is done neither by in-
formation professionals nor by authors, but by read-
Traditionally, the agents of KO are information pro- ers. Indeed, network technologies make it possible
fessionals, who are trained in using KOSs and apply- that a mass of readers have access to a collection of
ing them to indexing documents. However, with the documents, like blog posts or photographs shared by
146 Knowl. Org. 35(2008)No.2/No.3
C. Gnoli. Ten Long-Term Research Questions in Knowledge Organization

other users, and add their own “tags” describing Bates, Marcia. 1998. Indexing and access for digital
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of them in easily available and numerically relevant ple can be applied to a distinct subculture. In
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