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Delia Nopianti

My family and i went to Japan in the first time in November 2018 and this is the
reason why Japan is the best country to travel the first time. First, Japan is one of the
world’s safest countries because there are many CCTVs and security guards everywhere.
when we wanna go to Disneyland, my camera was left on the park bench, so I had to go
back to the park to get my camera, surprisingly my camera still exists and doesn't move
though. Second, Japan is a country that is friendly to foreign tourists. When u visit Japan
you don’t need to fear getting lost because Japan have many some direction to tourists. And
when you visit Japan you will definitely be amazed by the public transportation that is
there. You can go to anywhere with train or bus and they are so cheap. and there is no
reason for you not to visit Japan.

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