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CLA TEST # MOLESTATION (Combined Language Assessment) reading

comprehension for UN SAAT Exam PATROL REPORT


FIRST PART of CLA (Reading)

Welcome to the United Nations Police English Language Assessment. This Assessment
consists of two parts, the Reading Comprehension and the Audio Comprehension. The
instructions to both parts will be clearly explained before we commence.

The use of any computer devices, microphones, books, external notes or assistance from
others is not permitted. We expect full compliance and good conduct during this test. Any
candidates who fail to observe appropriate conduct will be excluded from the assessment
process and the incident will be communicated in writing to the authorities of the Member
State concerned and to the SAAT Coordinator in the UN Police Division.

Part one is the Reading Comprehension.

You will be given a mission-related story with a Question and Answer Sheet which
contains ten questions related to the Key Facts of the story. You will also be given a Blank
Sheet of Paper for your note-taking. Any notes that you take on the blank sheet you are
allowed to keep throughout the exam.

Read the text very carefully. You may write on the test as you wish. You will not be graded
for any marking made on the test itself, only on the Question and Answer Sheet.
After reading the test, answer the 10 questions on the Question and Answer Sheet. Be sure
to include the entire key fact in your answer. It is not necessary to write in grammatically
complete sentences.
It is highly recommended that you use the blank sheet of paper for important notes from
the Reading. These notes will be essential for Part 2 of the Assessment. You will be able
to keep only the sheet of paper with your notes for the second part of the exam.
Keep the Test and Question and Answer Sheet face down until you are asked to start.

You will have 20 minutes to complete the Reading Comprehension. The instructor will
indicate when these 20 minutes begin. The instructor will then announce when there are
five remaining minutes and when there is one final minute.

After the 20 minutes have passed the instructor will collect the Reading test and the
Question and Answer Sheet. You will keep the written notes that you made on the Blank
Sheet of Paper for the second part of the assessment.

Please write your full name and your individual test serial number clearly in the spaces
provided on the Question and Answer Sheet you receive.

Good luck!


FIRST PART of CLA (Reading)
Patrol Report
On Sunday 9 June 2010 at 10.30 hours Mrs. Barbara Green 53 years old was in a social
event with her 7 years old adopted daughter. The event was held in Community Hall at
Venus street number "8". The main topic of the meeting was how to protect the children
from adults molesting. At about 11.00 hours Mrs. Green met her friend and coworker Mr.
George 48 years old. He saluted her and got inside the hall to deliver a speech as he was a
main speaker in the event. Mrs. Green was a volunteer worker with a social organization
called "Save the Child". During the meeting, Mrs. Green was busy chatting with the guests
in social talks. It was so crowded and the place was stuffed with people. At about 11.30
hours she noticed that Elena her adopted daughter wasn't around. She was so worry about
her and she started search where the girl disappeared. While Mrs. Green was looking for
the girl, she was informed by Mrs. Lilly a 50 years old the coordinator of the event that she
observed the girl 15 minutes ago accompanied by a youth. She added that they were
proceeding to behind the hall.

Mrs. Green rushed to behind the hall. It was a little dim and silent. Then she walked slowly
and quietly. She heard light snarl and whispering upstairs. She went upstairs where she got
shocked when she saw a youth squeezing the girl against wall on the stairs and touching
her. Spontaneously, the lady jumped over the youth and bit him deeply from his left
forearm. It was so painful, consequently, the young guy pushed Mrs. Green strongly. The
lady dropped down stairs unconsciously. Due to falling down, the lady's right leg was
broken and she got wounded severely in her right hand. The young guy got in panic when
he saw the lady in that bad condition. The youth fled least he would caught red handed.
He ran away with his right arm bleeding due to the strong bit.
Elena started screaming asking for help. At about 11.45 hours Mr. George ended his
speech in the event. Getting out of the hall, Mr. George heard screaming. He responded
immediately to the screaming. Arriving at behind the hall he found Mrs. Green Lying
unconscious on the ground and the young girl was torn crying. He tried to help her to
restore her consciousness. Mrs. Green already restored consciousness but she was
moaning from pain. Mr. George called the hall responsible asking for a domestic medical
supply. He called also the ambulance to transmit Mrs. Green to the hospital.

At about 12.00 hours the main gate security guard noticed a young guy seemed very
confused passing across the gate. He noticed also that the guy was holding his left
forearm and there were some blood stains around. The guard stopped the youth and asked
him what was the wrong with him. Then the youth burst into tears crying " I didn’t mean
to do that " .

Mr. George was trying to alleviate Mrs. Green pain until the hall doctor attended. The
doctor provided Mrs. Green the needed first aids and stitched her wound three stitches.
The doctor also supported her broken leg until to be treated further at the hospital.

FIRST PART of CLA (Reading)


Family name: …………….. First name: …….……Test Serial #: ………….

Country:……………… Date:……………….……….
Q 1. What was the name of Mrs. Green adopted daughter?
Q 2. Where was Community Hall located?
Q 3. When did Mrs. Green notice the disappearance of Elena?
Q 4. What were the injuries of Mrs. Green?
Q 5. When did Mr. George end his speech?
Q 6. Who stopped the young youth and when?
Q 7. What was the name of the social organization?
Q 8. How old was Mrs. Lilly?
Q 9. Who responded to the screaming?
Q 10. How many stitches did Mrs. Green's wound need?

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