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1. What is the most important things we should prepare before teaching?

Answer: For me personally, the most important thing that we need to prepare before
teaching is lesson plan. When we are teaching, we do not only deliver knowledge to
students, but we are making some effort in order that students can reach the objectives
which have been set. Thus, we should do some planning so that our teaching activity can
be in the right track to reach the learning objective.

2. In your point of view, what are the criteria of a good lesson plan?

Answer: A good lesson plan should have an achievable and measurable indicators. It
means that the indicator that are set should be relevant to the teaching activities which
have been carried out. Thus, students will be able to achieve the indicators since they have
already learned or acquired the material before. Then, the indicators should be measurable
in the sense that the competence that students have should be able to be presented or
demonstrated so that it can be measured by the teacher.

Then, a good lesson plan should provide clear steps of teaching-learning actvity. It means
that steps in the lesson plan should be practical, not only in a conceptual form so that it
provides a closely-real illustrations of teaching-learning activity in the class. Actually,
there is no such thing as a good or perfect lesson plan. As long as it can get students meet
the learning objective, it cn be considered that the lesson plan is successful.

3. How do you measure students’ competence in Core Competence 1 and 2?

Answer: On a daily basis, I do the assessment for core competence 1 and 2 based on the
observation carried out in the class. To assess Core Competece 1, I usually observe how
obedient they are in doing good deeds directed by the ir religions. For example, if a
student always prays earlier compared to their friends and does not cheat during the class,
it means that he is eligible to have a good score in this competence. Then Core
Competence 2 can be measured by the observation during learning activty such as group
work. In doing group work, students should deal with other members of the group.In this
way,teacher can observe how they get along with other mmebers, how they negotiate,
deliver and accept other people’s opinion. Etc.

4. Is your lesson plan always successful to be implied in the real class?

Answer: No, it is not. Sometimes what I have planned in lesson plan is not always
always the sama as what was going on in the class. It is due to many factors such as the
unsupported media, the condition of the class, and the condition of the students. For
example, if I have planned to do some games in my lesson plan, it turned out that the
class was just too small that it did not support our activity which needs more space. In
this case, teachers should be prepared with the lternative plan of teaching activity.

5. How do you see Scientific Approach?

Answer : Scentific Approach is a good way which aims at getting students have a logical,
critical, empirical mind to be creative and innovative. They are directed to be
independent learners. At the end, students are expected to be able to be productive and do
not only “take it for granted” all the material they receive, but also try to explore,
associate, and produce something by themselves. However, sometimes not all the
students can carry out every step in this approach especially the slower ones. So, the
students are the ones who are in charge to make some effort for the students to have
maximum input in their learning.

6. What do you do when aperception?

Answer: Actually, the main goal of this session is about how teachers can engage
students’ in the teaching lerning activity by activating and stimuating their mind at the
beginning of the class. It is done so that students will not be surprised if they should
directly get into the material. So, at the beginning of the class, teachers should do some
warming up to stimulate students’ mind to engage and participate more in the class. The
aperteption can be different according to the students’ age, knowledge, and condition. As
=naexample, if I teach young learners class, I would prefer to do some games or sing a
song at the beginnng of myclass in order that students cn enjoy and get interested in the
learning activity. Then, I will go on with having simple short discussion about the
previously learned material and relate it to the material that we are going to teach. This
way, students will recll and make use of the knowledge they have known to comprehend
the material to be learned.

7. Are all the 5 steps in Scientific Approach be able to be implemented in your class?
( Observing, Questioning, Exploring Associating, and Communicating )
Answer: Yes. If I want to implement scientific approach, I always make some effort and
plan on how all the steps can be implemented so that students will get maximum exposure
in learning English. However, we have to adjust the standard of each steps based on our
students’ level of ability. Especially for my students, they often find it difficult while
facing the exploring steps in Scientific Approach. It is both because there are some who
are considered slower learners and are not used to that kind of thing.

8. What do you consider when creating a lesson plan?

Answer: There are several factors that we need to take into account when we want to
make a lesson plan. The first is the material. The material should be relevant with the
basic competence that we want students to learn and acquire, then we should develop the
material in order that students can have maximum input and exposure in the particular
materials. The next consideration is about students’ level of knowledge. We have to take
consideration in making teh steps in the lesson plan based on students’ cognitive level so
that the steps in the lesson plan can be carried out well while students are also be able to
have maximum exposure. Then, material is also important to be considered. The material
sould be relevant with what students have learned. In this case, teachers should be able to
adjust the material with students’ current level of knowledge. Teachers should also make
use of the previously learned material and relate it to the material that is going to be

9. How do you select and develop material?

Answer: When selecting the material, I always consider the selection of material, the
condition of students’ lvel of ability,the target I want to achieve. After that, the material
development is done so that the students have maximum exposure in that certain
materials. As a teacher, we cannot depend only on the course book. As an eample, if the
material in the course book aims at improving students’ speaking skill, I will add some
more skills by creating various exposure and activities for students by the use of some
media such as videos, songs, pictures, etc.

10. Which one do you prefer between Authentic to Artificial Material?

Answer: I prefer authentic mateial than the artificial one. The authentic materiall will give
students a good model in giving input such as in pronunciation. Then, it is also more
challenging for the teachers to select since we have to select what materials which are
relevant and able to use for my students.The most important thing is that the students are
directed to themeningful context dealing with how they use the language in the real
context so they can apply and practice their knowledge.

The most important thing to prepare before teaching is lesson plan. A good lesson plan
should have an achievable and measurable indicators. The indicators that are set should be
relevant to the teaching activities which have been carried out. The indicators should be
measurable in the sense that the competence that students have should be able to be presented
or demonstrated so that it can be measured by the teacher. A good lesson plan should provide
clear steps of teaching-learning actvity. It should be practical, not only in a conceptual form
so that it provides a closely-real illustrations of teaching-learning activity in the class. The
consideration when creating a lesson plan are material and students' level of knowledge.
The lesson plan is not always successful to be implied because of the unsupported media, the
condition of the class, and the condition of the students. there is no such thing as a good or
perfect lesson plan. As long as it can get students meet the learning objective, it can be
considered that the lesson plan is successful.

Scientific Approach is a good approach which aims at getting students have a logical,
critical, empirical mind to be creative and innovative. Students do not only receive the
material, but also try to explore, associate, and produce something by themselves. The five
steps of scientific approach must be implemented in order to make students get maximum
exposure in learning English.


Jihan Khairunnisa 161304219

Nabila Hasri Ainun 1613042031
Rika Juma Virgosa 1613042043
Ervina Agustin 1613042047

English Education Study Program

Department of Language and Art
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
University of Lampung

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