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Rock, Paper, Scissors Download

Leo Franchi

random numbers, strings, user inputStudent approved

This program will let the user play Rock, Paper, Scissors against the

It will ask the user to input one of 'rock', 'paper', or 'scissors', and the computer
will pick one for itself at random. The program will that print out who won the
game, and ask if the user wants to play again.

There's several methods you'll need to complete:

String getUserChoice() which returns the move that the user has played. The
method should print out "Enter rock, paper, or scissors!" and then read in one
word from the user.
String getComputerChoice() which returns one of "rock", "paper", or "scissors"
at random.
String computeWinner(String userChoice, String computerChoice) which will
accept as parameters the user's choice and the computer's choice and return
either "Tie!","User Wins!", or "Computer Wins!", depending on who the winner
void main(String[] args) which should:
1. Welcome the user to the game: print something like "Welome to Rock Paper
2. Ask the user to enter a move to play

3. Get the random computer move, and print out who won

4. Ask if the user wants to quit (the user can enter 'exit' to stop playing), and if
not, play again

Also included is a void testRockPaperScissors() method so you can test your


Starter code
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

* This program will let the user play Rock, Paper, Scissors against the comp
* It will ask the user to input one of 'rock', 'paper', or 'scissors', and t
he computer will
* pick one for itself at random. The program will that print out who won the
game, and ask if
* the user wants to play again.
public class RockPaperScissors {

* The method getUserChoice() returns the move that the user has playe
* The method should print out "Enter rock, paper, or scissors!" and t
hen read in
* one word from the user.
* Hint: Remember that to read input from the user we use the followin
g two lines:
* Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
* String input =;
public static String getUserChoice() {

* The method getComputerChoice() returns one of "rock", "paper", or "
scissors" at random.
* In order to get a random number, you can use the two Random lines t
hat are already provided.
public static String getComputerChoice() {
Random rand = new Random();
int choice = rand.nextInt(3);
// choice is now a variable that can be any number from 0 to 2
(0, 1, or 2), chosen randomly

* The computeWinner() method will accept as parameters the user's cho
ice and the computer's choice.
* Each one is one of "rock", "paper", or "scissors". This method will
then return either "Tie!",
* "User Wins!", or "Computer Wins!", depending on who the winner is.
public static String computeWinner(String userChoice, String computerC
hoice) {

* Main method of the game. This should:
* 1. Welcome the user to the game: print something like "Welome to Ro
ck Paper Scissor!"
* 2. Ask the user to enter a move to play
* 3. Get the random computer move, and print out who won
* 4. Ask if the user wants to quit (the user can enter 'exit' to stop
playing), and if not, play again
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {

* This is a tester to make sure your individual methods are working p
* While you are working on this assignment, you can use this method t
o see if you are correctly
* implementing the individual methods!
public static void testRockPaperScissors() {
System.out.print("Testing getComputerChoice....
List validMoves = Arrays.asList("rock", "paper", "scissors");
for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++) {
String value = getComputerChoice();

if (validMoves.indexOf(value) == -1) {
System.out.println("\nERROR! getComputerChoice
returned " + value + ", but that's not a valid move!");

System.out.print("Testing computeWinner...........");
List computerWins = Arrays.asList("paperscissors", "scissorsro
ck", "rockpaper");
List humanWins = Arrays.asList("scissorspaper", "rockscissors"
, "paperrock");
for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++) {
String computer = getComputerChoice();
String human = getComputerChoice();

String result = computeWinner(human, computer);

if (computer.equals(human) && !result.equals("Tie!")) {

System.out.println("\nERROR! computer and human
tied and expected 'Tie!', but result is '" + result + "'");
} else if (computerWins.indexOf(human+computer) != -1 &
& !result.equals("Computer Wins!")) {
System.out.println("\nComputer played " + compu
ter + " and human played " + human);
System.out.println("ERROR! computer won and exp
ected 'Computer Wins!', but result is '" + result + "'");
} else if (humanWins.indexOf(human+computer) != -1 && !
result.equals("User Wins!")) {
System.out.println("\nComputer played " + compu
ter + " and human played " + human);
System.out.println("ERROR! user won and expecte
d 'User Wins!', but result is '" + result + "'");

Useful tools to solve the problem

 String
How Java stores sets of letters, like words.

String greeting = "Hi!";

 return
Ends the method and sends back whatever else is on the line (if anything.)

return "Send me back!";


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