AAC April 2019 Bulletin LowRes

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APRIL 2019


Agudas Achim is celebrating our Third Annual International Good
Deeds Day alongside Jews across 93 countries worldwide. We have put
together a group of tikkun olam activities that promote acts of kindness and
appeal to congregants of all ages and abilities.
The entire AAC Community is invited to join us in any of the activities
described below. Read through the opportunities and visit the AAC website
to sign-up.
Home Repair for a Low Income Family:
We are joining with Congregation Etz Chaim to work with Yachad, a
Jewish service organization that partners with congregations to help preserve
affordable housing by bringing together crews of volunteers to repair the
home of a low income or disabled family. Project leader: Howard Frank
Alive Child Development Center:
As we did last year, we are volunteering to assist the ALIVE Child
Development Center. The center provides child care and preschool to low
income families in Alexandria. Children ages 4 and up are also welcome.
AGUDAS ACHIM Project leader: Barbara Fiedler
CONGREGATION Make Get Well Cards for Congregants:
Young families will make get well cards to cheer up sick and homebound
congregants. 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. in the social hall.
Project leader: Hannah Kraushaar
Knitting and Crocheting for Infants and Children:
Calling all needleworkers to join together from 12:30 - 3:30 p.m. in the
lobby to knit or crochet blankets and hats for babies in the NICU and children
in the cancer ward at Fairfax Children’s Hospital. Project leaders: Patti
Rounsevell and Andi Bregstone
Four Mile Run Stream Cleanup:
Once again, we are joining with Congregation Kol Ami and
Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment to clean up a portion of Four Mile
Run. Time: 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. Project leader: Jay Berman.
Agudas Teens Helping at DC Central Kitchen
Work with DC Central Kitchen staff to cut, chop, peel and prep food in
their kitchen to prepare meals for the hungry– no cooking or food service
experience required! (9:00 a.m. - noon). This project is limited to Agudas
teens and their parents. Contact Rachel Albert to
sign up for this project at thealberts1@me.com. (Continued on page 3.)


Men of all ages will proudly participate in the Shabbat service.
Barry Isaacs, back by popular demand, will be giving the D'var Torah.
Cameron Curran, a 2018 Israel Pilgrimage
Scholarship recipient, will share his experiences in
Israel with the Congregation.
2908 V•alley D•rive
Alexandria, V•
A 2• 2302
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m.
Candlelighting.......................7:18 p.m. RABBI STEVEN I. REIN
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. As much as our tradition is grounded in history and focused on the present
Mincha.........45 minutes after services moment, it also challenges us to imagine “what if?”
Havdalah Time......................8:17 p.m.
In one of her comments in The New American Haggadah, Rebecca Newberger
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m. Goldstein tells us: Haggadah means narration, and tonight’s celebration insists on
Candlelighting.......................7:24 p.m. the moral seriousness of the stories that we tell about ourselves. Stories are easily
SATURDAY, APRIL 13 dismissible as distractions, the make-believe we craved as children, losing
SHABBAT HAGADOL ourselves in the sweet enchantment of “as if.” “As if” belongs to the imagination,
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. that wild terrain governed by no obvious rules.
Mincha.........45 minutes after services
Havdalah Time......................8:24 p.m. I have always loved this idea that stories bring us into a world of “as if,” where
RACHEL ROBBINS BAT MITZVAH we imagine what it would be like to be something or somewhere else. Recently
YANNA BAT YAKOV V’ELISHEVA there have been interesting studies on the role that reading fiction plays in creating
FRIDAY, APRIL 19 the capacity for empathy. The same question can be applied to our holidays and
EREV PESAH rituals.
No Evening Service/First Seder
Candlelighting.......................7:31 p.m. In their book Ritual and Its Consequences, four professors suggest that the
point of most rituals is to stimulate the “as if,” to foster the ability to imagine a
PESAH DAY 1 different world. Shabbat invites us to imagine a world without work. In such a
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. world what would we do? How would we spend our time? On Sukkot we imagine
Mincha.........45 minutes after services what it would be like if we lived in a sukkah and not in a weatherproof house. The
“as if” worlds created by our rituals pull us outside of our normal lives to feel and
PESAH DAY 2 learn something new about ourselves and the world around us.
Pesah Day 2 Services.............9:30 a.m. The holidays of this season explicitly create “as if” worlds. Just a few weeks
Mincha.........45 minutes after services
Evening Service/Havdalah....8:33 p.m. ago Purim asked us to imagine ourselves as something or someone else. We put on
THURSDAY, APRIL 25 a costume and, in encountering the world as if we were someone else, we found out
EREV PESAH DAY 7 about aspects of ourselves that were buried below the surface. On Pesah, we are
Erev Pesah Evening Service..6:30 p.m. commanded to feel “as if we came out of Egypt ourselves.” As we consider what
Candlelighting.......................7:37 p.m. it might have been like to be a slave and to escape, we hope to gain renewed
FRIDAY, APRIL 26 awareness of suffering and gratitude for our freedom. We are commanded time and
PESAH DAY 7 time again to be kind to the stranger for we were strangers in the land of Egypt. Our
Pesah Day 7 Services.............9:30 a.m.
Mincha.........45 minutes after services time spent in the world of “as if” will hopefully grow our empathy for others and
Erev Pesah Day 8 and lead us to care for the oppressed.
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m.
Candlelighting.......................7:38 p.m. Every Pesah, every spring - at home and in our synagogue - we begin to dream
about new beginnings. There are many exciting projects taking place, dreams being
PESAH DAY 8 discussed, and goals being pursued. Stay tuned as we enter the world of “what if”
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. together.
Mincha.........45 minutes after services
Havdalah Time......................8:39 p.m. Hag Kasher v’Sameah – a Happy and Sweet Pesah to us all!
Evening Service.....................8:45 p.m.
As the adoptive mother of two children of color, Minna Scherlinder
Morse has created programming for Jewish adoptive families in her com-
munity. She has been an advocate around issues of diversity, and the con-
cerns of adoptees in the Jewish community and beyond. She currently
serves on the advisory board of the Adoption and Jewish Identity Project a
Monday through Friday
Mornings................................7:30 a.m. new organization that seeks to educate about adoption in Jewish families/
Its mission is to advocate for truly inclusive Jewish communities, and build
Sundays and Federal Holiday
Mornings............................... 9:00 a.m. networks of support for Jewish adoptees and their families.
Sunday through Thursday
Questions? Contact Deborah Rosen (deborah.rosen@aol.com) or Stacey
Evenings................................7:50 p.m. Bromberg (sbromberg@hotmail.com).


PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE (Continued from page 1.)
Kenneth Labowitz COLLECTIONS:
● Feminine hygiene products for
The issue of fashion and appearance seems to be a serious concern in the Guest House (transitional housing
Torah. There are specifications as to how the priestly garments should be worn and for women leaving prison)
how they should be made. There are instructions not only as to when to wear a tallit, ● Diapers for the DC Diaper Bank
but how they should be manufactured, in great detail. While we do not focus as ● Art supplies for children in the
much on how rabbis are dressed these days (they can wear more or less what each hospital
thinks is appropriate), talittot are made today per the rules set out in the Torah to ● New and gently used pots, pans,
standards set down thousands of years ago. and kitchen utensils for adults
My father may never have appeared in the synagogue without a coat and tie and moving into transitional housing
clean shaven. He would not have dreamt of coming to any event, and I mean any from homelessness
event, at the synagogue in any other attire. He did not need biblical instructions; it Thank you,
was just the way he was wired. Barbara Elkin and Esther Miller
Some of those attending services at AAC these days follow the same internal Co-chairs, 2019 Agudas Achim
voice: one comes to shul dressed in a particular way, with men in coats and ties and International Good Deeds Day
women with the equivalent. But most of us come in what might be called business
casual, most obviously men without ties and usually without jackets. Some but far ISRAEL FILM SERIES
from all children are in what used to be called Sunday best, but most are not. On a APRIL 17 | 6:00 P.M.
recent Saturday morning, the young person leading ashrei wore a knit stocking cap FLAX FAMILY CHAPEL
and a sweatshirt with a school name on it. My father would have had trouble getting
through ashrei had he been there. I was not as bothered.
I know from my own experience and the reports of others that this is common
for almost all religious services for all faiths. Getting to services is the goal for
parents and children alike. Comfort, not arbitrary rules of fashion, guides the
As a courtroom lawyer, I can testify that the same now applies to appearances
“Footnote” by director Yosef Cedar
in court. Not many people dress up to come to court any more. I once represented
was nominated for an Academy Award
some (male) computer programmers in a dispute with other (male) computer
in the Best Foreign Language Film
programmers. My sense after multiple court hearings was none of them owned a tie
category in 2011. It tells the funny,
and none were aware that it used to be the norm that men testifying in court wore
tragic and thought-provoking story of
ties, if not suits to do so.
two men, a father and a son, who are
My daughter Sarah made an interesting observation about the students she was both acclaimed Jewish Studies professors
in college with. She could tell which ones came from families that had some at the Hebrew University. A comic
religious observance (it did not matter what religion, so long as they were mistake by a low-level government
“churched”, to expand a Christian term to all faiths): they knew how to eat and dress bureaucrat pits them into a rivalry over
for dinner in a formal setting, such as with a visiting lecturer in a college dining fame, fortune and academic prestige. The
room. Other students simply had no sense of manners, dress, or decorum. filming all takes place in Jerusalem, and
My point here is that there is a value in dressing for comfort rather than rigid the film provides one of the most
fashion. The religious observance far outweighs the appearance. The meaning of beautiful cinematographic representations
prayer is what is important. We do our families a great service by providing a subtle of the city.
sense of propriety in public. See you at services.
Join David Blumenstein and Doug
Everyone has encountered a text that helped to shape their perspective on
Fagen for an hour-long exploration of
life. Perhaps it was from the Bible or rabbinic literature, a classical author or
Jewish meditation, chant and other
contemporary thinker, a film or a song. Join Rabbi Jack Moline as he engages
spiritual practices. No prior experience
with members of the congregation from different generations about the texts of
is necessary. The space will be
their lives and leads a discussion about them with those attending. This month’s
available as early as 10:30 am for a
guest is Rabbi Steven Rein.
period of silent contemplation.


Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey
12:00 NOON – 2 P.M.
Many of you have heard of the SHUK & SHIRA: CELEBRATING ISRAEL
Sunflower Bakery and perhaps you have
even tasted some of their delicious Dear Hazzan,
treats, but do you know the story behind
the business? Join us as we welcome So, it’s spring! What will the spring concert be this year?
Sara Portman Milner, co-founder of -Yomatz Ma’oot
Sunflower Bakery, as she shares with us
her vision to expand the range of Dear Yomatz,
employment training and opportunities This year, we are trying something a bit different. Miri Bernovsky, our Israeli
for young adults with learning Shlicha, and I are teaming up to produce an amazing Yom Hatzma’ut program on
differences and challenges. We have Thursday, May 9 at 6:30 p.m. We are calling it Shuk & Shira: Celebrating Israel.
been told to expect samples…yum! We are transforming the Lainof Auditorium into an Israel shuk, or marketplace.
RSVP to The first part of the evening, we will experience the sights, sounds, and smells of
Jane Bergen 703-861-6419 the shuk – there will be food, tchachkis, and arts and crafts. We will have a section
janebergen@verizon.net or devoted to entertaining the younger children, and Israeli treats for all.
Nancy Siegal 703-671-0957 Then comes the Shira, or Song, portion of the evening. We have the great
nsiegal@comcast.net pleasure of welcoming Eliana Kissner, a JTS cantorial student and songleader
This program is funded by extraordinaire to Agudas to help me lead us in Israeli songs – old and new.
Sisterhood. Donations are welcome. Between songs, members of our community will share vignettes of their
Please let us know if you can help in the experiences in Israel.
kitchen beforehand or clean up By the time the evening is over, you will be looking for your passport to get
afterwards. home! This evening of celebrating Israel will bring out the Israeli in all who attend.
Look for RSVP details in future Bulletins, Shabbat announcements and email
blasts. You do not want to miss this wonderful event!
JUDAICA SHOP Hazzan Dienstfrey
Spring has sprung at Sisterhood’s
*Please Note: This column will alternate between music reviews/
Judaica Shop and we are focused on
recommendations and “Dear Hazzan” letters. If you would like to introduce or
this special time of year. We have a
recommend recordings, or if you have a question for the Hazzan regarding the
wonderful selection of Mother’s Day,
ritual, liturgy, and/or music of the synagogue, please write Hazzan Dienstfrey at
Father’s Day, graduation, engagement,
the synagogue (2908 Valley Drive, Alexandria, VA 22302) or email her at
and wedding gifts available along with
gift certificates in all denominations.
Funds generated from sales help
underwrite all that Sisterhood does
for our Congregation and the
Open on Sundays when Religious
School is open or by appointment.
Contact Michelle Shwimer 202-288-
9856 mshwimer19@gmail.com;
Susan Ravitz


Barry Nove
For three years I have been corre-
sponding with five (Jewish) prisoners
Now that winter is officially behind us, it is again time for Agudas Achim to in a federal prison in Virginia. They are
spring forward, and we are. If you have not met the newest member of our office facing many years in prison with very
staff, Glenn Mays is now our receptionist and is working on Accounts Receivable. little contact with the outside world.
He’s a ready smile and is looking forward to meeting all our members and helping Because of the way sentencing is car-
you when you call and stop by. ried out in this country inmates get
You will be seeing a new Agudas Achim website and calendar in the coming placed hundred of miles from their fam-
months. We launched our current website through jVillage shortly after I started at ilies and consequently receive very few
Agudas Achim. jVillage was purchased in early 2018 and is now owned by parent or no visits at all from family and
company Togetherworks, which purchased ShulCloud in late 2018 and announced friends because of the distance and cost.
they were transitioning all of jVillage’s clients to ShulCloud. As you will recall, we There is also no effort to rehabilitate
only transitioned to jVillage’s jManage database last summer and now we are in the the prisoners in any meaningful way. Few
midst of completing the transition to ShulCloud. courses if any are offered, little work that
All the things we were promised in transitioning to jManage, and were moving pay next to nothing can be provided.
to launch like being able to provide our members online access to their accounts, I know the importance of human con-
will be happening this summer through ShulCloud as we start the new fiscal year. tact for those who are incarcerated. I am
Several members of our staff met with staff members from three other Northern looking for a group of five volunteers to
Virginia synagogues at Adat Reyim on February 28, where we were given an online sign up under the Prisoner Visitation
tour by that congregation’s executive director on how ShulCloud works for them. and Support Organization. This organi-
This gave us insight into ways we’ll be able to use the new software and introduce zation started 50 years ago in Philadel-
it to all of you—whether you’ll choose to login and pay dues, tuitions, or event phia and does wonderful work. After
registrations directly, via credit card or have our office handle payments and some training and visiting the prison,
donations as we have for years. each person would be assigned an in-
mate that you would meet once a month
We’ve been migrating our database to the new system and learning its ins-and-
for two years. The visit in the prison
outs. The new system offers us a tuition module, which Adat Reyim’s Preschool
would take an hour and a follow up report
and Religious School have been working with for years. The system offers a High
is expected. The prison is in Petersburg,
Holiday module, which as we begin planning for Rosh Hashanah, I am very much
two hours away from Alexandria. Once
looking forward to putting to good use.
the volunteering has ended there is no con-
In next month’s article, I’ll share more about our schedule for the “refresh” of tact between prisoner and visitor.
the Cohen Sanctuary beginning in July. The project will include replacing the
If you want to help heal the world
carpeting, painting and more; and affect our Shabbat services schedule during the
by taking part in this project visit
www.prisonervisitation.org for more
Thank you.
Barry Nove paula.herssonringskog@gmail.com
Bnove@agudasachim-va.org 703-683-3543 with questions.


APRIL 3 | 10:00 A.M. APRIL 13 | 12:30 P.M.
This month’s book is “Beaufort,” a As we mark Israel's Independence Day, our focus this
novel based on the real-life experiences month will be on the Israeli Declaration of Independence.
of Israeli soldiers in the months leading Written and signed in 1948, it is considered to this day the
up to Israel’s withdrawal from Southern "foundational document" of
Lebanon in the year 2000. Author Ron Israel as a Jewish and
Leshem tells the story of a group of Democratic country. We
young soldiers stationed in a mediaeval will learn about the
fortress inside Lebanese territory, the declaration's contents, its
“Beaufort Castle,” which was built by history and the controversies
the Crusaders in the 12th century. surrounding it.


Programming and community Jen Halpern, Director
focused on families with
children ages 0-5.
Gan Shabbat
Saturdays 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Welcome to Agudas Achim Preschool’s thirteenth anniversary celebration!
Volunteer-led service for kids ages Some of you are here because your children attend our preschool, or they did a few years
0-5, accompanied by an adult. Looking ago. Many of you are here simply because you believe in our mission and support us.
for volunteers to lead – no experience Some of you are here because you heard we were serving deli, or because you
necessary. thought the idea of a mitzvah DJ party without all the teenagers sounded like a
Oh Say Shalom Sing-a-Long and brilliant idea. Whatever your reason, thank you for being here tonight.
Playgroup and Good Deeds Day So, what’s it mean that Agudas Achim Preschool is entering its adolescent phase?
Sunday, April 7 | 11:00 a.m. Most people probably don’t remember their teen years fondly. In so many ways, it
Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey leads really was the toughest, most confusing time in our lives. It was a time that came
songs for the first half-hour with free with so many changes, so many doubts. But what we might have forgotten is that it
play after. No Jewish knowledge or was also a time that came with so many possibilities.
experience necessary. As this event is
Our adolescence was the first time in our lives when we realized what we were
on Good Deeds Day, we will also be
capable of. When we discovered our passions. When we realized that the path ahead
making cards for sick congregants. Each
was full of limitless opportunities. When we first began to figure out just who and
child requires an accompanying grown-up.
what we wanted to be when we grew up.
So, for the preschool, our adolescence will mean finding new ways to grow and
learn as a community. We’ll find new ways to challenge ourselves, all the while
  Find  us  on  the  Facebook,  ‟Agudas striving to be the best preschool we can be, to serve the children in our synagogue
Achim Young Families” Group, to keep community and the children in our neighborhood the best way we know how: with
track of what is going on and receive the joy and laughter, patience and gratitude, passion and creativity, and with the
latest updates! For more information or to knowledge that we are all created B’tzelem Elohim, in the image of God. It is our
get involved contact: purpose and our privilege to respect and nurture the divine spark in each and every
aacyoungfamilies@gmail.com child who walks through our doors every single day.
Hannah Kraushaar There are scores of people to thank for the past thirteen years. I’m going to
Jennifer Munz forget someone, and for that I apologize.
MacKenzie Silverman First, Elliot Stein, of blessed memory: Your early financial commitment to the
preschool was a testament to your belief, a belief based on your life experience, that
it is our responsibility as a community to nurture and educate the next generation of
CARPENTER SHELTER Jewish children as well as build strong and lasting relationships with our neighbors.
DINNER Jack Moline; Bob Myers; David Sattler, of blessed memory; and so many other
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED truly dedicated moms and dads: This, all of this, was your idea. Thank you.
The Carpenter Shelter Dinner Barbara Fiedler: You stepped up, more than once, when the preschool needed
Committee provides a dinner item or a steady hand. The preschool simply could not have survived without you.
helps serve dinner the second Monday Mirza Lopez: You never once wavered in your commitment to the preschool
of every other month. The Carpenter and you always, always made it a priority in our community.
Shelter is temporarily located at
Landmark Mall. There is always a Bob, Beth Robbins, Neal Kramer, and others: I’m not sure whose idea the
need for volunteers to cook items or to playground was, but I do know it could not have been built without your vision,
help serve the meal at the shelter. dedication, and hard work.
Contacts: To all the directors who preceded me, Galeet Westreich, Barbara, Sue Finger,
Debi Leekoff Sue Keitelman, and Debbie Howard: Your commitment to early childhood
djleekoff@gmail.com education and to this job in particular is evident in ways that cannot be measured.
Julie Keller On a personal note, to the professional staff I’ve had the privilege of working
Julieringkeller@gmail.com with, Steven Rein, Elisheva Dienstfrey, Chaya Silver, Miri Bernovsky, and Barry


Nove: Your counsel, your understanding, and your friendship has sustained me in To the dozens and dozens of raffle
more ways than you know. donors: Your generosity has been
To the synagogue staff who regularly put in more hours every week than most overwhelming. Please note that every
everyone realizes, Jack, Diana, and Cheryl in the kitchen; Kat, Erica and Marya in single raffle item in our truly amazing
the office; Elmer, Pat, and KB In ways large and small, you make it so we can open raffle has been donated.
every single day. Finally, there are no words to
To every member of the congregation, preschool vice president, board president , express my deepest thanks to Stefanie
and board member: Thank you for believing in our mission and for supporting us in Byrne, parent volunteer and event
our endeavors. planner extraordinaire. No one but your
To every preschool parent volunteer: The countless hours you have dedicated to husband Paul and I will ever truly know
this preschool are evident in every classroom and in the faces of every child. To anyone the hours you put into this event, as well
who has ever donated any money to the preschool ever: Thank you. Just thank you. as the hours you put into the Fall
Festival back in November. To say
To every teacher: The best teachers make the best schools. We wouldn’t be you’ve gone above and beyond is a bit
where we are today without each of you and the love you bring to your job. of an understatement. Please join me in
To all of our families: Thank you for sharing your most precious gifts with us giving Stefanie a round of applause,
each and every day. We are humbled by the trust you place in us. And to all of the since she won’t let me honor her any
preschool’s children: This is all for you. other way. And, help me in wishing
Stefanie and Paul a Happy 11th
Finally, there are scores of people to thank for this evening as well. Anniversary, which is today!
To my friends at Gesher, the only Jewish day school in Northern Virginia: I “Thank you, God, who has granted
can’t thank you enough for being here. I’m looking forward to celebrating with you us life, who has sustained us, and who
at your 36th anniversary celebration in just a few weeks. has enabled us to reach this moment in
To all of our event sponsors, Pastries by Randolph, Everything Entertainment, time.” Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu,
and Clay-smile Entertainment: We so appreciate your support and generosity, and Melech haolam, shehecheyanu, v'kiy'manu,
your connection to our community. v'higiyanu laz'man hazeh.


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SUNDAYS, MARCH 31, MAY 19, JUNE 2 Youth/Education Director
Shlicha Miri Bernovsky will be
teaching a seminar on Israel ATID 5780
specifically for our teens (Grades 7- The golden ring for Jewish Educators is a successful post bar and bat mitzvah
12). The seminar will meet over three program. Successfully keeping teens involved with synagogue life in all its iterations
Sundays from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon is challenging. There are some successful teen programs including movement
at Agudas Achim. We know everyone sponsored youth programs such as USY and NFTY and unaffiliated teen programs
is busy so you do not have to attend all like BBYO. However, building a successful teen program for a synagogue
three sessions. Join your AAC teen supplemental school is exceptionally difficult. Stumbling blocks include lack of
community in seeing Israel through the parental support for participation post b’nai mitzvah, teens who are overbooked with
lens of a teenager. extracurricular activities, academic pressures, and college admissions demands.
Some teens don’t want to be part of a synagogue program because they are
TEEN HAVDALAH OVERNIGHT committed to a youth group program not associated with the congregation. Many
DROP OFF 8:00 P.M. SATURDAY, APRIL 27 teens decline to participate in post b’nai mitzvah programming because they are
burned out by the intensity of their b’nai mitzvah preparation and feel they have
Reconnect with your AAC friends put-off individual pursuits for years while preparing for this life cycle moment.
and teen community during one of the
funnest events of the year. An $18.00 Several elements are needed to keep our kids involved beyond seventh grade.
registration fee will cover food, staff, The program staff must listen to teens and discover what they care about and what
and programming for this event. they want to do then take those ideas and suggestions and turn them into programs.
http://bit.ly/teen-overnight. Staff must keep in mind that teens benefit from having autonomy and ownership
over their time. Providing experiences that have “value added” is also a draw. If the
teen feels that they are involved with activities that will help them in the future they
are more likely to participate. A successful program also requires having a
● Sunday, April 7 - Seaboard Region charismatic program leader with great communication skills (both verbal and social
Kings Dominion Day (grades 6-12) media), enthusiasm for spending time with the teens socially as well as academically,
● Wednesday, May 8 - Israel Breakout and a commitment to Jewish life so they lead by example. Another ingredient for
Room (grades 8-12) successful teen programming is allowing young people to spend time with peers
● Friday - Monday, May 24-27 - from a large geographic area. Teens are very social and if a program is to succeed,
Seaboard USY Spring Convention there needs to be ways for Agudas teens to expand their social circle.
(grades 8-12) We are lucky to have senior staff that understands the need for a strong post b’nai
*More information on the AAC website mitzvah program and a board that understands that to build such a program requires
significant financial resources. Even with these pieces in place, we still need the
ALL RELIGIOUS SCHOOL AND support of membership - particularly parents. At this time we have over 120 member
YOUTH PROGRAMMING WILL teens who could enroll and just 29 who currently enroll in the program. For the next
BE ON SPRING/PASSOVER several months staff and volunteers will work on revising the ATID! Program for
BREAK APRIL 8 - APRIL 27. academic year 5780. If you are a teen who is interested in making a difference, if you
are a parent who is willing to teach or organize, if you are that rare charismatic
teacher who wants to spend time with teens...pick up the phone or stop by my office.
For the next several months, ATID! 5780 will be built. Why not get involved? The
future you save will be ours.

Help us make this a memorable experience for students. Activities will include: creating a
banner to welcome friends and visitors to AAC; making signs for their homes to welcome visitors
in a variety of languages; learning about refugee stories from around the world through our "wax
museum," featuring live "wax actors" (volunteers) telling their stories; painting rocks to be left
in nature for others to brighten their day.
Sign up to volunteer at http://bit.ly/rs-good-deeds.


Gabrielle Pessah and family In Memory of Ruth Kraushaar
on the death of her nephew, Josef Pessah z”l. Samuel Ziskind
Ellen Levin and family In Memory of William Kasenetz
on the death of her brother, Dr. Edward Glenn Dahne z”l. Iver & Cydney Kasenetz
Jack Abraham and family RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND
on the death of his mother Elizabeth Seligman z”l. In Memory of Beverly Flax
Scott Sugarman
With appreciation of Diana Weil and Cheryl Nelson for their In Honor of Dr. Larry Shuman's 90th Birthday
delicious cooking Paula Hersson-Ringskog and Klas Ringskog
Paula Hersson-Ringskog and Klas Ringskog In Memory of Jack Berman's mother, Joan Berman
COMMUNITY CARING FUND Paula Hersson-Ringskog and Klas Ringskog
Refuah Shlemah to Paul Massell Mazel Tov to parents and grandparents Frommer on the birth of
Paula Hersson-Ringskog and Klas Ringskog Hadley Maya Bondy
With appreciation for Rabbi Rein's inspiring and humorous Paula Hersson-Ringskog and Klas Ringskog
interpretation of Brachot in the Talmud every Friday morning SPIRO ADULT EDUCATION FUND
Paula Hersson-Ringskog and Klas Ringskog In Memory of Ilene Deborah Sandler
In Memory of Bette Levin, sister of Donald Sandler Don & Lynne Sandler
Paula Hersson-Ringskog and Klas Ringskog SYNAGOGUE FUND
With appreciation of Elmer Reyes and Lawrence Mawunya-Yawson In Honor of the birth of Matinel Hannah Kahn
for always being cheerful and helpful at Agudas Achim Elliot & Karen Parkin
Paula Hersson-Ringskog and Klas Ringskog In Memory of Janice Greenberger
In Memory of Sondra R. Ainsfield In Memory of Ruth Kraushaar
Neale Ainsfield Elliot & Karen Parkin
In Memory of Benjamin Frommer and Herbert Frommer In Memory of Manuel Morse
Liz & Paul Frommer Bea & Jerry Morse
ESFORMES FUND In Honor of Bob Shapiro's 80th birthday
In Memory of A.D. Spottswood Judy & Vic Tynes
Bea & Jerry Morse In Memory of Beverly Flax
In Memory of our sister Zadell Cogan In Honor of the birth of Hadley Maya Bondy, granddaughter of Liz
Sandy & Larry Wiener and Paul Frommer
In Celebration of June Krevor's 90th birthday TURK MUSIC ENDOWMENT FUND
David Butler In Memory of Irving Borisnick, Father of Carole, Grandfather of
In Honor of June Krevor's 90th birthday Jane
Phyllis & Bert Weisbaum Carole Pollner
In Memory of my mother, Lois Stein In Memory of Ruth Kraushaar
Randy Stein Barry Landau
In Honor of wonderful concert In Memory of my father, Stuart Aaronson
Marty Hallowell Rachel Auslander
In Memory of Alfred Landau In honor of the birth of your daughter Yo-Matinel Hannah Kahn
Barry Landau Susan Webber
A Donation
Joshua Romanow
In Honor of Howard Frank - Thank you for your help with mezuzzah
installation After a loved one dies, the holiday season can bring
Rachel Albert to the surface painful reminders of the loss. Participate
In Memory of my mother, Paula Feldman in a meaningful discussions designed to explore ways of
Linda Feldman preparing for Pesah while honoring those you have lost
RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND in the context of the holiday. Join other bereaved Jews to
In Memory of Florence Brown
talk about ways to allow for grief, while still seeking
Bruce & Marcia Brown
In Memory of Uncle Joseph Koffler meaning and comfort in the themes of the season.
Anita Turk Naomi Brown, LICSW, LCSW, JSSA
Rabbi Steven Rein



Join us for Men’s Club Shabbat on As I write this, freshly fallen snow adorns the naked trees against a
Saturday, April 6 at 9:30 a.m. when men monochromatic landscape. But by the time you read this, mere weeks later, those
of all ages will proudly participate in the trees may well be sporting plump pink petals. Spring in all its color and rebirth also
service. Tobias Dienstfrey has been brings you a trip to the theater and a Shavuot party in a private home.
working hard to make this a special MARCH RETROSPECTIVE
occasion for Men’s Club and the   ‫רשיי‬ ‫ חוכ‬to co-chairs Arden Levy and Mackenzie Silverman for orchestrating an
Congregation. unforgettable Purim Carnival. Thank you also to Hannah Kraushaar who rounded up
Our next bagels and lox brunch will dozens and dozens of workers in her role as Volunteer Coordinator. Look for a
be on May 5 at 10:00 a.m. when Gary Retrospective of Sisterhood’s signature annual event in the May Bulletin.
Sarnoff, sports historian, will recount SPRING EVENTS
the history of baseball in Washington, Sisterhood Goes to the Theatre to See Grand Hotel
DC. Gary has authored The Wrecking Sunday, April 28 | 7:00 p.m.
Crew of ’33: The Washington Senators’ Signature Theater, Shirlington
Last Pennant and The First Yankees $70.00 per person – discounted group rate
Dynasty: Babe Ruth, Miller Huggins It is 1928 and Berlin is at the center of a razzle-dazzle world between two wars.
and the Bronx Bombers of the 1920s. At the bustling Grand Hotel a series of eclectic guests and staff including a fading
He has contributed numerous articles ballerina, a destitute baron, a wannabe-starlet typist, and an ailing bookkeeper all
for the Society of American Baseball collide in a non-stop musical toast to the high life.
Research and has a special interest in the Sisterhood is selling a limited number of tickets. This is always a splendid night
Negro Leagues. out on the town with your sisters and significant others. Shirlington’s main avenue
The Men’s Club Israel Pilgrimage is lined with eateries of every flavor, mere doorsteps from the theater. Parking is
Scholarship Program has provided 105 down the block and FREE!
scholarships over the past 32 years to Send an email to Gloria Canter gloriacanter@comcast.net to request your tickets.
teens of the Congregation for Israel The May 5 Trip to Molon Lave Vineyards in Warrenton is postponed because of
experiences. If you have a teen who is the community wide Yom HaShoah commemoration that evening. The winery
interested in a peer trip to Israel, the excursion will be rescheduled for fall or spring 2020 when the flora is the most
Israel Pilgrimage Fact Sheet for 2019 arresting.
can found on the Men’s Club page of the
AAC web site. Please contact Mike Mother’s Day Wildflower Hike
Scheinberg at mike@schuschein.com or Sunday, May 12 | 8:30 a.m. AAC departure; return around 8:30 p.m.
me if you have any specific questions. Breakfast at Before & After, a quaint coffee shop in Sperryville. The forest floor
is sprinkled with pink and white flowers all up and down select trails, at full bloom
We would greatly appreciate your that weekend. Dinner at rustic Big Meadows Lodge off scenic Skyline Drive. Cost:
support by sending in your membership $5 to your driver. Dinner tab paid individually. Men, please join us too! Children
dues if you have not already done so for 12-18 welcome but must be accompanied by an adult. Carpools requested. RSVP on
5779. Our nominal dues are $36, but Eventbrite, coming to your inbox soon.
please consider donating “Chai’er” Trip Leader: Judith Fogel judith.fogel.007@gmail.com / 703-801-8088.
amounts, such as $54, $72, $90, or $108.
We welcome your ideas for future Cheesecake and Chat
events as well as your help with Sunday, June 9 | 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
activities. Please contact me at Come celebrate the holiday of Shavuot at the home of Rachel Goldberg, minutes
elliot.parkin@gmail.com or 703-575- from Agudas Achim. Walk over to shul after the party and help make a minyan for
7879 with your particular interests. yuntiff evening services.
Join the Sisterhood Board
Sisterhood is looking for a few good women to fill some vacant board positions.
THANK YOU TO We are always eager to welcome volunteers for both leadership positions and general
ELLEN FINGERMAN AND assistance with our exciting and varied programs. Please don’t hesitate to reach out
NANCY SIEGAL FOR to our co-presidents Lenore Garon (lenore.garon@gmail.com) or Susan
Auerhan@agudasachimpreschool.org) to explore what is of interest to you.


DonPerkal by Carol Backman
President of Agudas While living in California, Don met and married
Achim Congregation Marilee. In addition to a thriving law practice, Don and
from 2009 to 2011, Don Marilee had a busy household, raising five children and a
Perkal recalls his time in dog. Over the years, they became enthusiastic travelers
office as, “A highlight of and decided to look for employment opportunities
my life.” During his overseas. In 1984, Don entered public service as an
tenure, the synagogue attorney advisor in Heidelberg, Germany. While there the
dedicated a new Torah family traveled throughout Europe whenever they had
scroll, and the cost of time off from their jobs, including a visit to Prague with a
commissioning the scroll busload of Americans and four military Rabbis.
was borne by enthusiastic congregants who completed the While in Heidelberg, the Perkals began attending
letters of the text, thereby fulfilling the Torah’s 613 mitzvah: It Kabbalat Shabbat services at the U.S. Military Chapel and
is each individual’s responsibility to write a Torah. Shabbat services at the German-Jewish Orthodox Shul,
During Don’s presidency, the congregation honored which was made up of many Holocaust survivors. Don
Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey by celebrating her tenth and Marilee admired the strength and devotion of the
anniversary with Agudas Achim. We got the green light from survivors who inspired the two of them to commit to a
the City to expand the population of our pre-school and more meaningful Jewish life.
completed the plans for the renovation of the space that now Their daughter, Tiffany, had her Bat Mitzvah in the
houses the Schonberger Library. An ad hoc committee was Heidelberg Military Chapel. Their youngest, Daniel, had
formed to oversee the design and provide new covers for all of his Bar Mitzvah at the famous tenth century Rashi
the synagogue’s Torahs. Synagogue in Worms, Germany, almost 50 years to the
Don was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, where his date of “Krystallnacht.” The synagogue was filled with
family belonged to Park Synagogue, a Conservative shul where the Perkals’ friends and relatives from the United States
Don had his Bar Mitzvah. Don’s parents were European and Europe as well as a busload of Israeli tourists who
immigrants who established Perkal’s Delicatessen, a happened to arrive at the beginning of services.
Cleveland gathering place for more than 40 years. After “If I had not had the experience of living in
serving a long internship in the deli business from age 11, Don Heidelberg, I might not be as observant or participate in
opted to go to college and law school rather than joining his Jewish life as much as I do now,” Don admits. In
parents’ business. Germany, Don also served as an adjunct professor at the
He earned both his undergraduate and law degrees from University of Maryland, European Division, at City
Case Western Reserve University, and following graduation Colleges of Chicago and at Schiller University, a German
from law school, he earned the highest grade on the Ohio State university with an English language curriculum.
Bar Exam. Don then began to practice law at a prominent law In 1991, Don transferred to the Pentagon where he
firm in Cleveland, Ohio. Later he moved to California where was named Deputy General Counsel at Department of
he formed a partnership specializing in construction law and Defense’s (DoD) Washington Headquarters Services
litigation. While in private practice, Don taught law courses as (WHS). In 1996, he was promoted to the Senior Level,
an adjunct lecturer at a California law school and served as a and in 2006 selected for the Senior Executive Service as
Judge pro tem for two weeks each year on the county’s Court General Counsel of WHS and the Pentagon Force
of General Jurisdiction. Protection Agency.
Don was a member of a group that founded the first As General Counsel, Don provided advice and
synagogue in Newport Beach, California. One of his most guidance to DoD leaders on a variety of matters and
memorable experiences was organizing a torch-lit evening ensured prompt and appropriate legal advice from the 24
march to publicize the plight of Soviet Jews, known as attorneys of his office. Prior to his retirement in 2013,
“Refuseniks.” A petition signed by hundreds of people after nearly 30 years of public service, Don received the
contained a demand that the refuseniks be allowed to freely Distinguished Senior Level Presidential Rank Award, an
emigrate from the Soviet Union. The petition was delivered to honor given to only a small number of civil servants.
the U.S. State Department, the Secretary of the United Nations, Marilee also retired in 2013, after 31 years of public
and the Israeli Ambassador to the United States. Later service, almost all with DoD agencies dealing with civil
demonstrations ultimately led to Soviet Jews being permitted
(Continued on page 14.)
to emigrate.
APRIL 2019 P AGE 11
Spring is finally here! Which means that I survived another cold winter in
Join the America, so different from the mild winters I've always had back home in Israel. I
officials of the feel like this winter was a bit easier for me than the previous one - maybe it's true
Alexandria that over time, you just get used to these things. It also helped that I got to spend
City Council, three weeks in Israel in December, catching some sun while my friends in the U.S.
clergy from were posting pictures of snow.
Agudas Achim
Congregation, And now, with spring, comes Pesach. This year, Amir's parents are flying from
Beth El Hebrew Congregation, and Israel to spend the holiday with us, and I'm super excited about it. We're going to
Trinity United Methodist Church along have a Seder dinner with them and some local friends - I'm already day dreaming
with friends and neighbors to about the matzo-ball soup Amir's mom is going to make. As Israelis, we only do one
commemorate this event. The speaker Seder, and we spend the rest of the holiday week hiking and spending time in nature.
will be Edna Friedberg, PhD, from the I also want everyone to flag a wonderful event we will celebrate at Agudas on
US Holocaust Memorial Museum. May 9th - a community celebration of Israel's Independence Day. There will be an
This event is funded in full by the Israeli-style Shuk (market) with food, drinks and cool giveaways. This is an event
City of Alexandria. It was started 32 for all age groups - no one is too young or too old to have fun. More details to come,
years ago, making it the first municipality but keep this one in your calendars.
to have a formal observance of the Looking forward to warmer days and many great activities. See you at Shul.
Holocaust commemoration.

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smessner@4lpi.com or (863) 875-1101

3-D-4-5 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.4lpi.com 14-0995

APRIL 1, 2019 26 ADAR II 5779 APRIL 10, 2019 6 NISAN 5779 APRIL 18, 2019 14 NISAN 5779
* Abe Lieberman * Albert Baker Nancy Friedman
* Marvin Shotts * Anna Roskin Frances Krasik
* Isador Witkin * Simon Shalloway Rochelle Lerner
Moritz Kleisdorf * Louis Hertzenson Scott Friedel
Joseph Linver Helen Schindler Ezra Stein
Marcella Glantz David Schwartz APRIL 19, 2019 15 NISAN 5779
Joseph Linver APRIL 11, 2019 7 NISAN 5779 * Florence Klein
Marlowe Solomon * Sanford Elovitz * Charlotte Samuelson
APRIL 2, 2019 27 ADAR II 5779 * Albert Grenadier * Lipman Woolf
Marjorie Orent * Morris Klein * Israel Kramer
APRIL 3, 2019 28 ADAR II 5779 Rose Gaidelman * Anne Lipnick
Edwin Brown Leon Banov APRIL 20, 2019 16 NISAN 5779
Sol Fogelson * Nathan Blacker Gustav Salomon
Jack Melnick Edythe Weiner Claire Meller
Edith Novak Glenn Rounsevell Ruth Leekoff
* Leah Schwarzman APRIL 12, 2019 8 NISAN 5779 APRIL 21, 2019 17 NISAN 5779
Rela Mir * Moses Katz * Fannie Scholl
APRIL 4, 2019 29 ADAR II 5779 Samuel Auerhan Hilda Kotler
* Irvin Fanaroff Sharon McGowan Edward Liebman
* Bernard Flax * Harry Passow Lina Weiss
* William Kline APRIL 13, 2019 9 NISAN 5779 APRIL 22, 2019 18 NISAN 5779
Jo-Anne Halpern * Louis Rossen * Sara Berman
* Mae Nordell Elsie Kodish * Joseph Levinson
Edna Ruskin Chris Vivithes Mildred Feinmel
APRIL 5, 2019 1 NISAN 5779 Paul Katz * Rose Lublin
* Sidney Abramson Myron Poliner Sheila Hefferan
Marcus Berman Sarah Frank Paul Schindler
* David Chadab APRIL 14, 2019 10 NISAN 5779 Morris Eisenberg
Edith Weiner * Benjamin Ludwig Mira Weingast
Inga Ringskog Jerome Rosen Jake Pomper
APRIL 6, 2019 2 NISAN 5779 * Alvin Schonberger APRIL 23, 2019 19 NISAN 5779
* Monroe Fendrich Jack Ziskind * Joseph Fagelson
* Rebecca Grenadier APRIL 15, 2019 11 NISAN 5779 Abe Berman
Samuel Kreiger * Rachel Shaw Evelyn Zahler
Ruth Linden Robert Lange Ruth Goldfarb
Ethel Davis * Betty Mendelson Lillian Levine
APRIL 7, 2019 3 NISAN 5779 Oscar Levine * Ida Roberts
* Samuel Cohen Anna Levine Miriam Sinai
* Helen Merzbach * Jeffrey Klivans APRIL 24, 2019 20 NISAN 5779
Richard Bieschke APRIL 16, 2019 12 NISAN 5779 * Sadie Brown
* Joseph Mogel * Daniel Yuter Rose Glasser
* George Kramer Arthur Flax APRIL 25, 2019 21 NISAN 5779
* Zelig Matzkin Fannie Goldberg * Louis Fendrich
APRIL 8, 2019 4 NISAN 5779 * Albert Herman * Chaya Bas Naftali
* Morris Amchan Gertrude Kahn Margaret Wolin
* Irving Hochheiser APRIL 17, 2019 13 NISAN 5779 * Bertha Rosenblatt
* David Ruben * Mitchell Biron Carl Saferstein
Haran Boral * Noah Grenadier APRIL 26, 2019 22 NISAN 5779
Albert Esformes * Annie Stein * Herman Gross
Herman Weintrob * Sarah Wolf Joseph Loeb
* Gertrude Palder Irma Rosenblum * Thomas Ainsfield
APRIL 9, 2019 5 NISAN 5779 * C. David Cooper * Evelyn Willig
* Esther Abramovitz Roslyn Fingerman * Edith Salkin
Samuel Sanders Sylvia Levy Erika Greenblum
Rena Cylinder * Jack Nordell Hannah Kaplan
Rachel Gould Helen Sirott * Aaron Rapoport
Rose Rothleder * Milton Kirschbaum
APRIL 27, 2019 23 NISAN 5779
* Robert Kramer * Jack Raiten
* Theodore Worthman
Henrietta Cooper APRIL 18, 2019 14 NISAN 5779 Dorothy Schuchalter
William Graboyes * Joseph Fagelson * Tillie Fagelson
Irving Greenfield * Hannah Gerstein Mother Isen
* Anne Goldstein (Continued on page 14.)

* A memorial light will be lit in the synagogue for those names marked with an asterisk.

APRIL 2019 P AGE 13

VOLUNTEER. ORGANIZE. ADVOCATE. (Continued from page 13.)
* Ruth Yellin
On Sunday afternoon, February 24, sixty people from Agudas Achim Congrega- Morris Baker
tion and the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center came together for food and conversation. Morris Warshawsky
Using texts from the Torah, Quran, and scripturalreasoning.org as a jumping off APRIL 29, 2019 25 NISAN 5779
Mary Kesner
point, we studied and learned each other’s sacred texts, shared stories, asked ques- Elizabeth Wiseman
tions and learned more about Jewish and Muslim culture, customs and traditions. The * Abraham Hatami
theme for this gathering was “Love and Marriage” and small group conversations
covered a range of topics from dating, marriage ritual and tradition, differences for APRIL 30, 2019 26 NISAN 5779
Gideon Ahiassaf Oren
men and women, divorce, and polygamy. We shared, laughed and learned about how Rose Lubin Pollner
much we have in common. Highlights of the feedback from participants included: * Beatrice Siegel
· It is wonderful to be together and share. * Max Sklarewitz
· Everybody has the same problems and Islam does not have a monolithic * Irving Weinberger
response to family, sex and marriage issues.
· There are many similarities, at least in the customs, of Jews and Muslims. PROFILES OF OUR LEADERS
· I really realized that many misunderstandings in the world could be offset
by some good conversation and some food and drink. (Continued from page 11.)

Our next session of "Descendents of Abraham: Muslim-Jewish Conversations" rights, equal opportunity, and special
will focus on the topic of “Food and Fasting.” The event will take place on Sunday, assignments.
April 28 at the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center, 3159 Row Street, Falls Church, from The Perkals moved to Alexandria in
1:00 - 2:30 p.m. 2000 and joined Agudas Achim. He
2019 STEPALIVE! WALKATHON began serving on the Board of Directors
SUNDAY, MAY 5 of the shul in 2003, was elected Senior
Vice President in 2007 and President
Join the Agudas Achim team of walkers at this annual fun event on Sunday,
two years later. They shared several
May 5, to support a tuition assistance program that bridges the gap between what
important life cycle celebrations at the
low income families can pay and what it costs to provide a quality education to stu-
synagogue. Their granddaughter,
dents in ALIVE!’s Child Development Center. Celebrating its fiftieth
Chelsea, moved to D.C. and expressed
anniversary, ALIVE! (ALexandrians In Volved Ecumenically) is a nonprofit orga-
a desire to have an adult Bat Mitzvah.
nization of volunteers from over 40 religious congregations and the community
Chelsea joined the Hazzan’s class and
working together to help those in need in Alexandria. For more information and to
three years later, celebrated her Bat
join the AAC team, please contact AAC’s new ALIVE! Chair Joan Hartman Moore
Mitzvah. “One of my proudest moments
at wordcrafter88@comcast.net.
was reading Torah on that day with
APRIL SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE MEETING Chelsea reciting the blessings before
Join the Social Action Committee and build connections with those who care and after my reading,” says Don. They
passionately about the values of Tikkun Olam – repairing the world. We invite you had a bris for Israel, second youngest of
to attend our monthly meeting on Thursday, April 11 at 7:00 p.m. in the AAC Li- their seven grandkids, at the shul and his
brary. We welcome new ideas, new participants and new leaders. Upshearin (first hair cutting) ceremony at
their home when he was three years old.
Since returning to the United States,
the Perkals have continued their travels
You are invited to join an inaugural group of Torah readers. If you read Torah to the Ukraine, Russia, France, Ireland,
after your bar/bat mitzvah 5 times in one year, you will be recognized by the Israel (four times), visiting relatives in
congregational community. Reading 8 (or more) aliyot in one year will garner Australia, touring New Zealand, and
something special. A year will be counted from Simhat Torah - when we begin last year, spending a month in Costa
reading the Torah anew - through Sukkot. Have no Rica. “This Spring we are going to
fear, you will be guided and supported to reach your southeast Asia, visiting Hong Kong,
goal. Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and
To sign up to read an aliyah, contact Margot Carter - Vietnam. We’ve contacted a Rabbi in
margot.carter@hotmail.com. Ho Chi Minh City and will be attending
For additional information contact Rachel Goldberg - Shabbat services when we arrive there.”
rachel@quigberg.com No doubt, they will spend part of their
trip looking for Jewish landmarks
wherever they are.
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Agudas Achim Congregation WHAT’S INSIDE . . .
2908 Valley Drive
MEN’S CLUB SHABBAT....................page 1
Alexandria, VA 22302 GOOD DEEDS DAY...........................page 1
Phone: 703-998-6460 Fax: 703-998-5843 RABBI’S MESSAGE...........................page 2
The Bulletin is published monthly - ISSN1084-9858 SCHEDULE OF SERVICES..................page 2
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE...................page 3
Rabbi ...….................................................................….………Steven I. Rein DEAR HAZZAN.................................page 4
Hazzan..........................................................................Elisheva R. Dienstfrey JTS EVENING OF LEARNING.............page 4
Rabbi Emeritus...............................................................................Jack Moline EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE...page 5
Executive Director.....................................................................….Barry Nove PRISONER VISITATION PROJECT.......page 5
Youth/Education Director...........….……….................................Chaya Silver PRESCHOOL NEWS..........................page 6
Preschool Director……............................................................….Jen Halpern YOUNG FAMILIES.............................page 6
Shlicha.………………………………………………………Miri Bernovsky MAH KOREH - EDUCATION...............page 8
President……..……………………………………………Kenneth Labowitz IN THE FAMILY.................................page 9
Sisterhood Co-Presidents..............................Lenore Garon and Susan Auerhan SISTERHOOD DOINGS.....................page 10
Men’s Club President..........................…..………………………Elliot Parkin MEN’S CLUB MENSCHENINGS.........page 10
Communication Specialist.....………………….………………Marya Runkle PROFILES OF OUR LEADERS...........page 11
Email: synagogue@agudasachim-va.org Twitter: @agudasachim OUR SHLICHA................................page 12
Web: www.agudasachim-va.org Facebook: facebook.com/agudasachim IN MEMORIAM................................page 13

Fridays, 9:00 a.m...........................................................Talmud Study Class

Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. ....................................................Parashat Ha’Shavua
Saturdays, 11:00 a.m.................................................................Gan Shabbat


Tuesday, April 2, 7:15 p.m.................................................Text of Our Lives
Tuesday, April 2, 12:00 noon.................................Active Senior Luncheon
Wednesday, April 3, 10:00 a.m...........................................Israel Book Club
Wednesday, April 3, 7:00 p.m........................Passover Bereavement Group
Saturday, April 6, 9:30 a.m...........................................Men’s Club Shabbat
Sunday, April 7....................................................................Good Deeds Day
Sunday, April 7, 11:00 a.m...................................................Oh Say Shalom
Sunday, April 7.....................USY Seaboard Region King’s Dominion Day
Saturday, April 13, 12:30 p.m..........................................Windows on Israel
Wednesday, April 17, 6:00 p.m.........................................Israel Film Series
Saturday, April 27, 8:00 p.m................................Teen Havdalah Overnight
Sunday, April 28, 9:30 a.m...................................Adoptive Family Meeting
Sunday, April 28, 11:00 a.m.........................Muslim-Jewish Conversations
Sunday, April 28, 7:00 p.m..........................Sisterhood Goes to the Theatre

Time Value
Alexandria, VA
Permit No. 263 Address Service Requested
U.S. Postage Alexandria, VA 22302
Non-Profit Org. 2908 Valley Drive
Agudas Achim Congregation

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