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Department : Faculty of Information & Communication Technology

Course Name : B Sc (Hons) in Business Information Technology
B Sc (Hons) in Information Technology
B Sc (Hons) in Software Engineering with Multimedia
B Sc (Hons) in Mobile Computing
B Sc (Hons) in Games Technology
B Sc (Hons) in Information Communication Technology
BSc (Hons) in Business Intelligence System
Commence Date : Week 4
Deadline Date : Week 9 ASSIGNMENT1
Unit Controller / Examiner : Zulkifli Bin Halim (INDIVIDUAL)
Contact Number : Ext. 8125 15%
E-mail :
Student Name :
Student ID :

 To convert the numbering system between binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal.
 To calculate the arithmetic operation on binary numbering system.
 To identify the mantissa and exponential value in computer arithmetic.
 To find the internal representation using floating point representation.

Assignment Instruction:
 Answer ALL questions.
 This assignment is worth 15% of the overall semester assessment.
 The total marks of this assignment is 100.
 Please submit the answer with the questions paper.

Ground Rules:
 Plagiarism or cheating is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and zero mark will be awarded.
 Assignment should be submitted on time in line with professional requirements.
 Late submission will NOT be entertained and marks will be deducted.
 If you fall sick or have problems with your assignments, you must advise your instructor
immediately – at least a week before the assignment due! (If you fall sick a day or two before
your deadline, tough luck!) So, you are advised to plan and work on your assignment
 The assignment should be submitted with a signed cover sheet to confirm the time and
submission date.
 Dateline is strictly DEADLINE.

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QUESTION 1 (30 marks)

Fill up the following table.

No Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal
1. 11012 a)_____________ b)_____________ c)_____________

2. a)_____________ 755348 b)_____________ c)_____________

3. a)_____________ b)_____________ 98810 c)_____________

4. a)_____________ b)_____________ c)_____________ 1FA16

5. a)_____________ 74408 b)_____________ c)_____________

(2 marks x 15 cells)

QUESTION 2 (20 marks)

Convert the following:

a) Binary to decimal system conversion (8 marks)
i. 111.0112 = _______________________
ii. 1011.012 = _______________________

b) Decimal to binary system conversion (12 marks)

i. 424.3510 = _______________________
ii. 98.43110 = _______________________
iii. 1235.27710 = ______________________

QUESTION 3 (20 marks)

Calculate the following equations:

a) 11001.0112 + 1011.1012 = _____________________ (5 marks)
b) 11.012 × 101.12 = _____________________ (5 marks)
c) 1001.0012 – 110.1012 = _____________________ (5 marks)
d) 10101.0012 ÷ 102 = _____________________ (5 marks)

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QUESTION 4 (20 marks)

Find the mantissa and exponential values of the following:

a) 473.2510 = _____________________ (4 marks)
b) 954410 = _____________________ (4 marks)
c) 10110.10012 = _____________________ (4 marks)
d) 11.110112 = _____________________ (4 marks)
e) 101.0001012 = _____________________ (4 marks)

QUESTION 5 (10 marks)

Solve the value -864.12910 as the internal representation using floating point representation.


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