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Bus Terminal

Cum- commercial complex for

G . S . R. T. C. a t G a n d h i na ga r, G u j a r a t

Thesis Report 2017

The power of God is with you at all times; through the activitie s of mind,
senses, breathing, and emotions; and is constantly doing all the work
using you as a mere instrume nt

- The bhagavad gita

Undergraduate Design Thesis
G r o w m o r e S c h o o l o f A r c h i t e c t u r e , H i m a t n a g a r, H . N . G . U n i v e r s i t y. I N D I A

The following study is here by approval as creditable work on the approval subject, carried out
and presented in a manner sufficiently t o warrant its acceptance as a pre-req uisite to the degree
for which it has been submitted.

The study has been carried out only for the academic purpose as per the best knowledge of

S t u d e n t : D a v e A k h i l Ta r u n N a g a r.
Enrollment no : BARCH3641256503.

T h e s i s t o p i c : B u s Te r m i n a l C u m - c o m m e r c i a l C o m p l e x f o r G . S . R . T. C .

Internal Guide:
A r. S i r i s h P a t e l Approval

External Guide:
A r. A r p a n J o h a r i Date :
I Acknow ledgement

Hard work is the key to success. but other than I a m a l s o t h a n k f u l t o M r. S r i k a n t M a l s i r, F a h i m

hard work help of the experts make the work easy Balluwala and all my friends for helping me when
and Interesting. ever I asked them to.

This thesis would have been impossible without

the help and co-operation of a number of people.
I would like to take this opportunity to express

my sincere gratitude to them.

First I thank my parents who led me to grow and

helped to do my best in my life, this thesis would
not have been possible without infinite support.

I would like to convey my sincere thanks to my

g u i d e s A r. A r p a n J o h a r i a n d A r. S i r i s h P a t e l s i r f o r
giving his precious support during the thesis and
who always guided me towards the right path.

I w o u l d a l s o l i k e t o t h a n k m y Te a c h e r s / P r o f e s s o r s
and who guided me throughout my life as a
student of Bachelor of Architecture.

I am grateful to the Bus depot authorities and

G . S . R . T. C . , e s p e c i a l l y M r. K e t a n P a t e l , M r. P a r e s h
P e r m a r a n d D e p u t y To w n p l a n n e r M r. K a n u B h a i
Gajjar for allowing me access to details of this
project and providing me with important inputs.

I Table of contents
4 . 2 : Va d o d a r a C e n t r a l b u s S t a t i o n ,
Ac k n o w l e d g e m e n t … … … … … … … … … … … … . .VII G u j a r a t … … … … … … … … … … … … . . 45
Ta b l e o f c o n t e n t … … … … … … … … … … … … … . .IX 4 . 3 : I . S . B . T. A n a n d V i h a r, D e l h i … … . . 50
A b s t r a c t … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . . . XI
L i s t o f I m a g e s a n d F i g u r e s … … … … … … … …XIII C h a p t e r 5 : I n f e r e n c e s … … … … … … … … … … . . 55
Ab b r e v i a t i o n s … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . XV
Chapter 6: Standards and Requirement.
P a r t A: I n v e s t i g a t i o n . P a g e s 1 - 7 2 6.1: s t a n d a r d s … … … … … … … … … … … . 58

Table of contents
Chapter 1: Introduction. 6.2: P l a n n i n g A s s u m p t i o n s … … … … … . 62
1 . 1 : A i m … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . 04 . 6.3: S i t e R e q u i r e m e n t … … … … … … … . . 64
1.2: Objectives……………………………. 04 6.4: S t a n d a r d A r e a A n a l y s i s … … … … . . 65
1 . 3 : M e t h o d o l o g y … … … … … … … … … . . .04 6.5: P r o g r a m m i n g … … … … … … … … … . . 69
1 . 4 : S c o p e a n d L i m i t a t i o n s … … … … … .04
P a r t B : Tr a n s l a t i o n . P a g e s 7 5 - 9 8
Chapter 2: B r i e f a n d S i t e An a l y s i s . Chapter 7: Process + Evolution.
2.1: I n t r o d u c t i o n t o R e g i o n … … … … . . . 08 7 . 1 : F l o w C h a r t … … … … … … … … … … . . 74
2.2: C l i e n t B r i e f … … … … … … … … … … . .09 7 . 2 : S i t e Z o n i n g s k e t c h e s … … … … … . 75
2.3: L o c a t i o n A n a l y s i s … … … … … … … . .10 7 . 3 : S k e t c h e s … … … … … … … … … … … . 76
2.4: S u r r o u n d i n g s a n d A p p r o a c h … … . 14
2.5: C l i m a t e a n d S e r v i c e s … … … … … . .16 Chapter 8: Drawings and Details.
2.6: Ve g e t a t i o n a n d To p o g r a p h y … . . . . 20 8.1: 3 D M o d e l V i e w s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
2.7: S i t e D e t a i l … … … … … … … … … … . . .24 8.2: L a y o u t P l a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
8.3: F l o o r P l a n s … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Chapter 3: Site Justifications. 8.4: S e c t i o n a n d E l e v a t i o n s … . . . . . . . . . . 92
3 . 1 : S i t e P r o b l e m s … … … … … … … … … .29 8.5: M o d e l V i e w s … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3 . 2 : C o m i n g P r o p o s a l … … … … … … … . . 33
C h a p t e r 9 : R e f e r e n c e s … … … … … … … . . . . . . . . . 98
Chapter 4: Case Studies.
4 . 1 : I . S . B . T. K a s h m e r e G a t e , D e l h i … 35

I Abstract

Providing an efficient transport system in a city

give the smooth mobility for people and issue of
public transport, which is one of the main causes
of congestion and air pollution can be solved with
the constantly increasing travel demand and the
increasingly insufficient public transport
infrastructure in cities presents many advantages,
n o t o n l y i n t e r m s o f s u s t a i n a b i l i t y, b u t a l s o i n t e r m s
o f e f f i c i e n c y, i t ’ s o n e o f t h e e x a m p l e i s B u s
Te r m i n a l . I t p r o v i d e s g r e a t e r p a s s e n g e r c a p a c i t y

and a considerably smaller environmental footprint,
become a viable and sustainable alternative to the
city areas. It strives to maximize public transport
traffic speeds, minimize congestion and reduce
crash rate by applying different tools.

Looking towards the development of Gandhinagar

c i t y, it required proper public transport
i n f r a s t r u c t u r e . B u s Te r m i n a l c a n b e a o n e o f t h e
option to make sustainable transport infrastructure
to full fill the current transportation demand.
Providing infrastructure plans which consider
various modes and there inter connection with an
environmental concern will achieve efficient and
sustainable urban transport system. Public
transport infrastructure plan helps people to easy
access from their sector to bus terminal and bus
terminal to regional level.

I List of figures

Figure 2.3.1 : Proposed site with context. Image 2.3.1 : G a n d h i n a g a r r a i l w a y.

List of figures and List of images

Figure 2.3.2 : Subject site location map. Image 2.3.2 : Ahmedabad airport.
Figure 2.4.1 : Site description. Image 2.3.3 : Ahmedabad bus terminal.
Figure 2.4.2 : Existing bus depot block. Image 2.3.4 : Map show Gandhinagar depot and
Figure 2.5.1 : Site sun path and W ind direction. Hospital.
Figure 2.5.2 : Hierarchy of roads and Frequency Image 2.4.1 : Site description images.
points. Image 2.4.2 : Existing scenarios in images.
Figure 2.5.3 : C i r c u l a t i o n f r e q u e n c y. Image 2.5.1 : Metro route map.
Figure 2.5.4 : Metro rail project route map. Image 2.7.1 : GSRT C buses connectivity map.
Figure 2.6.1 : Site vegetation and analysis. Image 2.7.2 : GSRT C poor bus condition.
Figure 2.6.2 : Site build space and analysis. Image 2.7.3 : No security cabin and security
Figure 4.1.1 : Site layout. cameras.
Figure 4.1.2 : Site zoning layout. Image 3.1.1-18 : Images show existing bus
Figure 4.1.3 : Te r m i n a l b l o c k l a y o u t . station conditions.
Figure 4.1.4 : Site section and sketches of ISBT Image 3.1.19 : GUDA development plan – 2024.
kashmere gate, delhi. Image 3.2.1-5 : Future image.
Figure 4.1.5 : Elevation sketch of ISBT kashmere Image 4.1.1 : ISBT kashmere gate site map.
gate. Image 4.1.2 : Site description.
Figure 4.2.1 : Site layout plan with functions. Image 4.1.3 : ISBT kashmere gate entry gate.
Figure 4.3.1 : Anand vihar location map. Image 4 . 1 . 4 : Te r m i n a l c e n t r a l h a l l .
Figure 4.3.2 : ISBT Anand vihar context layout. Image 4.1.5 : Stainless steel structure use.
Figure 6.1.1 : Relationship chart. Image 4 . 1 . 6 : Te r m i n a l l i n k b l o c k b a y s .
Image 4.1.7 : Images of ISBT kashmere
I List of images
gate, delhi.
4 . 2 . 1 : Va d o d a r a c e n t r a l b u s s t a t i o n s i t e
I m a g e 2 . 1 . 1 : A k s h a r d h a m t e m p l e , g a n d h i n a g a r.
I m a g e 2 . 1 . 2 : D a n d i k u t i r , M a h a t m a m a n d i r.
Image 4 . 2 . 2 : Va d o d a r a b u s t e r m i n a l i m a g e s .
Image 2.1.3 : Gandhinagar with sabarmati river
Image 4.3.1 : ISBT Anand vihar bus terminal.
Image 4.3.2 : Public and Parking space issues.
Image 2.2.1 : Proposed site in gandhinagar

I Abbreviations

G . S . R . T. C : Gujarat State Road Transport


B . S . R . T. C : Bombay State Road Transport


S . T. : State Transport.

GUDA : Gandhinagar Urban Development
A u t h o r i t y.

I . S . B . T. : I n t e r S t a t e B u s Te r m i n a l s .

MMTC : Multi Modal Transit Centre.

M.S.U. : The Maharaja Sayajirao

U n i v e r s i t y.

D . T. C : Delhi Transport Corporation.

DIMTS : Delhi Integrated Multi-model

T r a n s i t S y s t e m LT D .

P. P. P. : Public Private Partnership.

Section A: Investigation.

Chapter 1

I Introduct ion

Trans p ortation is o ne of the most importa nt R o a d Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n H i s t o r y

requirements for the aid of communication from During the period of first world war the British
one place to other for visiting purpose or in the government realized the importance of motor bus
sense of tourism. A number of factors like the transport and imported a large number of motor
c o n v e n i e n c e f r o m o n e p l a c e t o t h e o t h e r, vehicles which where used for war purposes. At
promotion of tourism, for communication between the end of the war these motor vehicles were
places etc. Have predicted the importance of used for civilian purposes, thus by the end of the
planning such as roadways industries in the first world war motor bus transport had more or
assense of bus terminals. less rooted itself as one of the permanent mode

o f t r a n s p o r t i n t h e c o u n t r y.
Trans p ortation system improves the social,
economic, industrial and commercial progress S i n c e U . P. I s a h e a r t l a n d p r o v i n c e i n t h e c e n t e r
and further transforms the society into an O f t h e c o u n t r y. D e v e l o p m e n t o f m o t o r b u s
organized one. It is one of the essential services, transport within its territories was much
vital force for determining the direction of remarkable. The British government developed
development. To achieve the desired t h i s m e c h a n i c a l r o a d t r a n s p o r t i n U . P. N o t o n l y
transportation balance and for the system to be for its defense purposes but also for commercial
efficient, it is essential to provide organized purposes.
facilities in the system.
After the second world war the Indian public
Trans p ort i s the ess ent ia l co n ven ie nce with wh ich accepted motor transport as one of the important
people not just connect but progress also. modes of transport , because the number of motor
T h r o u g h o u t h i s t o r y, p e o p l e ' s p r o g r e s s h a s b e e n vehicles on Indian roads has been increasing at a
sustained on the convenience, speed and safety very fast rate. So the government of India
of the modes of transport. appointed a number of committees and study
groups to study the existing state of this
As transportation is concerned with the movement transport and suggest ways and means for free
between origin and destination involves the and quick development of motor bus transport in
movement of people and goods, there is need for v i e w o f e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e c o u n t r y.
an access point in the system for use.

The government of India appointed the ‘ROAD In 1960 they had a fleet strength of 1797 buses,
DEVELOPMENT COMMITTIEE 1927’ and ‘Mitchell while in june,1978 it was 5,340 which is the
Kirkness committee 1931-32 ‘to offer second largest in india.Maharashtra brings the
recommendations for the solution to the problems largest that fleet holder with 7,600 buses.
b e i n g f a c e d b y t h e b u s o p e r a t o r s i n c o u n t r y. A n d
the nationalization of road transport in India The average sitting capacity per bus was
s t a r t e d o n 1 5 m a y, 1 9 4 7 , w h e n U . P g o v e r n m e n t 5 3. G S RT C h as e xt e n de d ser vi ce s t o rura l ar ea s
nationalized its bus transport , the other states in such a way that 76.91% of all settlements,
followed U.P and road transport services were towns and villages were covered directly by the

nationalized in 1947 in Madras, In 1948 in Assam, S . T. a n d p o p u l a t i o n s e r v e d w a s 9 3 . 0 7 % o f t h e

B i h a r, B o m b a y, O r i s s a , P u n j a b , W e s t b e n g a l , villages has the services with in 3km distance by
Delhi and Saurastra .In 1949 in Himachal pradesh that 97.75% of the population. Gujarat State Road
and in 1960 in Rajasthan. Trans p ort Corp oratio n ha s p la yed a p ivot a l ro le in
the economic growth of the state through
Ab o u t G . S . R . T. C . operating an extensive passenger transport
T h e G S R T C c o m e i n t o e x i s t e n c e o n 1 s t M a y, 1 9 6 0 network and reaching out to villages.
wh e n it br eak a wa y f rom B S RT C h a d a number of
divisions, the Ahmedabad division was It has built up a large fund of goodwill from
established in 1949 and the terminus at people of Gujarat. It has brought transport
Ahmedabad was located near Victoria gardens. service to the doorstep of villagers in most
GSRT C serves the role of lifeline across the state remote parts. But in recent years the popular
of Gujarat. Over past 57 years of its existence, it expectations have soared. In the open market
has proved to be a dependable mode of e c o n o m y, t h e e x p e c t a t i o n s o f p e o p l e w i t h r e s p e c t
transportation in every nook and corner of the t o f r e q u e n c y, q u a l i t y a n d r a n g e o f s e r v i c e s h a v e
state. It is providing services in most of the rural b e c o m e s u b s t a n t i a l l y h i g h e r.
areas of the state.

“Multi level space concept”
Use of space for entertainment, shopping & • To p r o v i d e o p t i m u m c o n n e c t i o n s b e t w e e n a l l
r e l a t e d a c t i v i t y, p l a n n i n g o f d i f f e r e n t a c t i v i t y. elements and spaces, i.e. Clear connection of
Ancient agora & medieval plaza of European
cities. • To i n c o r p o r a t e t o d a y ’ s c o m m u n i c a t i o n system,
Indian context – Indian bazaars. surveillance system etc.In to design.
Daily shopping at terminal itself rather than going
to market places and thus save time. 1 . 3 M e t h odol o gy

• Understanding the basic need of design . its
1 . 1 Ai m scope and limitation .
To a c h i e v e d e s i g n e x c e l l e n c e a n d t o c o m e u p
with a prototype design for a bus terminal for • Basic data collected and analysis.
future and urban scenario where space will
become precious commodity & high bus trip will • Site analysis with c a s e s t u d y, l i t s t u d y a n d
have to support from small site. Further to save comparative analysis.
space commercial activities will be incorporate
with bus terminal and give to gandhinagar a • Framing requirement.
missing landmark building.
• Building of concept & design.
1.2 Objective • Final design solution.
• Provide an architecture solution for integrating
COMPLEX. 1.4 Scope & Limitation
Framing requirement for A max nos. Of passenger
• To p r o v i d e f a s t & u n d e r s t a n d i n g f l o w o f t r a f f i c . per day in both directions studying the various
technological advancement in the field of
• To p r o v i d e c l e a r s e g r e g a t i o n o f d i f f e r e n t t y p e surveillance system, communication system, fire
o f t r a f f i c , n o c o n g e s t i o n a t p e a k h o u r. fighting system, etc.

Section A: Investigation.

Chapter 2

Brief and Site

Brief and Site analysis

Image 2.1.1 : Akshardham temple, gandhinagar

Source : Google image

Image 2.1.2 : Dandi kutir ,Mahatma mandir. Image 2.1.3 : Gandhinagar with sabarmati river map.
Source : Google image Source : Google image

I Gandhinagar, Gujarat
The state of gujarat was formed on may1,1960 corridor between Delhi and Mumbai.
when the erstwhile Bombay state was bifurcated G a n d h i n a g a r, G u j a r a t ' s n e w c a p i t a l c i t y, l i e s o n
into the state of Maharashtra and gujarat. t h e w e s t b a n k o f t h e S a b a r m a t i r i v e r, t h e r e i s A
Ahmedabad city initially served as the state provision of parks, extensive planting and A
capital, but later it was decided in December recreational area along the river giving the city A

Brief and Site analysis

1960 to develop a new area near Ahmedabad as green garden-city atmosphere.
the administrative capital of the state. The then
chief town planner and architecture advisor to the The Akshardham temple is located in
government Sri. H.K.Mewada designed and g a n d h i n a g a r. T h e r e w a s a d e t e r m i n a t i o n t o m a k e
finalized the master plan. Work on the capital gandhinagar A purely Indian enterprise, partly
p r o j e c t s t a r t e d i n 1 9 6 4 . S u b s e q u e n t l y, t h e d i s t r i c t because the state of gujarat was the birthplace of
of gandhinagar was carved out of Ahmedabad and Mahatma Gandhi.
Mehsana districts. The total area of the
gandhinagar city is 57.38 sq.Km, out of which the Gandhinagar has been selected as one of the
planned area is 42.88 sq.Km. The city is planned hundred indian cities to be developed as a smart
on a gridiron pattern and is divided into 30 city under PM Narendra Modi's f lagship smart
sectors. According to a 2016 estimate, the city cities mission.
has a population of 2,98,035. Facilities that are
essential for residential areas including
community centers, markets, health care centers
and primary schools. There are many malls and
m u l t i p l e x e s i n t h e c i t y.

2 . 1 I n t r o duc t i on t o r e g i o n
Gandhinagar is the capital of the state of gujarat
in western india. Gandhinagar is located
approximately 23 km north of ahmedabad , on the
west central point of the industrial

2.2 Client brief state transport employs approximately 66,000
The Gandhinagar central bus station popularly people of which 45,000 are drivers and 10,000
k n o w n a s P a t h i k a s h r a m S . T. b u s d e p o t . S . T. b u s are workshop staff and the rest are administrative
depot is located near Civil hospital and staff.
P at h ik as hram hot el . G S RT C Ahme dab a d d i vi s i on
Brief and Site analysis

established temporary( linear type structure ) bus

depot in sector – 30, Gandhinagar in 1972.But
central bus station shifted permanent in sector –
11 n e a r G h - 3 c i r c l e i n 1 9 7 9 - 8 0 .

The central bus terminus handles more than

1000 trips every days and approx 25,000
passengers per day of different reg ion of Gujarat
i.e. north and north east, east and south gujarat
and saurastra- bhuj.
• Central office : The central office makes policy
decisions related to the state transportation

• Divisional office : The divisional office acts as

a mediator between the central office and the

• Depot : The deport is an operating place.

Gandhinagar is one of the deport, under the

Ahmedabad division. There are a total of 16
divisions and 150 depots all over Gujarat. The Image 2.2.1 : Proposed site in gandhinagar.
Source : Google image

Brief and Site analysis
Image 2.3.1 : Gandhinagar railway Image 2.3.2 : Ahmedabad airport Image 2.3.3 : Ahmedabad bus
Station. Source : Google image Source : Google image terminal. Source : Google image

Landmark Distance

Gandhinagar railway station 3.5 km

Ahmedabad airport 23 km

Ahmedabad central bus terminal 29 km

2 . 3 L o c a t i o n a n a l ys i s
The subject site is strategically located at gh-
3 , s e c t o r - 11 , a t t h e c e n t r e o f t h e g a n d h i n a g a r w i t h
access from Ahmedabad. The site is surrounded
by the government buildings and gandhinagar
medical hospital. Direct connected between
Gandhinagar and other important cities like Image 2.3.4 : Map show Gandhinagar depot and Hospital
A h m e d a b a d , M e h s a n a , H i m a t n a g a r. T h i s h a s Source : Google image
resulted in high inter-state traffic , resulting in
ideal positioning for a transit bus terminal along
with a commercial complex at subject site.

To Vidhansabha
To Mahatma
G.M.C. Building
Civil Hospital
11 Sec.
Sahyog Sankul Commercial
Brief and Site analysis


Proposed Site For

Bus Terminal

Auto Residential
Stand Area

To G-3 To Ch-3
Vtcos bus
To Infocity

To Indroda
Pump J.M.C. School

Civil Hospital Hotel Pathikashram Vendor Area Auto Stand Vtcos Stand

Figure 2.3.1 : Proposed site with context.

Source : Prepared by author

2 . 3 . 1 S W O T a n a l ys i s • Weakness
Subject site is old and mismanagement issues
Towards Mehsana which may negatively affect.

• Opportunity

Brief and Site analysis

Sector-12 B Sector-11
Hospital and Educational Buildings
S u b j e c t s i t e l i e s o n a n e m e r g i n g g r o w t h v e c t o r.
Government And
Commercial Buildings Direct connectivity to gandhinagar and other

GH -3 • Threats
Circle Up coming population growth ,facilities and
Subject site services increase, So future competition to
Development increases.

Sector-6 Sector-7 C Location of upcoming bus terminal

Residential Area Residential Area development project across Gujarat, on the
PPP mode, as identified by GSRTC.
Towards Ahmedabad

Figure 2.3.2 :Subject site location map. A N A N D , PATA N , S U R E N D R A N A G A R , R A J K O T,

Source : Prepared by author B H AV N A G A R , A M R E L I , J U N A G A D H , B H A R U C H ,
S U R AT ( K A D O D A R A ) a n d ( L A M B E H A N U M A N ) ,
• Strength N AV S A R I , J A M N A G A R , B H U J .
Front age on all sides provides the subject site
with multiple access proximity to Ahmedabad
established residential catchments of
gandhinagar expected to enhance subject site

11 12
Brief and Site analysis

2 8



Figure 2.4.1 : Site description

Source : Prepared by author

2 . 4 S u r r o u ndi n gs a n d Ap p r o a c h
2 . 4 . 1 S i t e d e s c r i pt i on

Brief and Site analysis

1. Bus Station Back Entry 3. Buses and passengers Entry 5. Diesel Station-2 Filling Points 7. Depo Work Shop

2. Two Wheeler Parking Entry 4. Central Bus Station Exit Gate 6. CNG Station 8. Depo Manager House
Image 2.4.1 : Site description images.
Source : Prepared by author

1. Arrival and Departure block 2. Buses bays
Brief and Site analysis

4 1 3. Open light and Ventilation 4. Column & Beam structure


6 5. Sitting space 6. Arrival and Departure bays

Figure 2.4.2 : Existing bus depot block. Image 2.4.2 : Existing scenarios in images.
Source : Prepared by author Source : Prepared by author

2.5 Climate and Services
2.5.1 Site climate data

Brief and Site analysis






22.00 MT ROAD E

Image 2.5.1 : Time zone.

Source : Google image

Latitude: +23.3
Longitude: +72.63
(72°37'48"E) 45.00 MTR. WIDE ROAD
Ti m e z o n e : UT C+ 5 : 30 h o u r s GH-3 CIRCLE

Local time: 14:01:59

Country: India
Continent: Asia W
Sub-region: Southern Asia
D i s t a n c e : ~ 11 k m
Al t i t u d e : ~ 1 0 0 m SITE PLAN
Figure 2.5.1 : Site sun path and wind direction.
Source : Prepared by author

2.5.2 Services • S.T. Buses routes
• Traffic surveys. NH 8
Chiloda & Dahegam
- Himmatnagar
Brief and Site analysis

Sachivalaya to
Gh-7 Circle Ahmedabad Route
27/28 Bus Stop (Office Time)

Gh-6 Circle C.B.S.Gandhinagar -

Ahmedabad Route

Gh-5 Circle Akshardham C.B.S.Gandhinagar -

Mansa And
Chiloda Mehsana Route
C.B.S.Gandhinagar -
Vijapur Route
City Bus Stand Proposed Site
27/28 Sec. Stand -
C.B.S.Gandhinagar -
Sarkhej Route

C.B.S.Gandhinagar -
Geetamandir Bus
Infocity Medium Passengers
Ch-0 Frequency Points
Sargasam Circle High Passengers
Frequency Points
C.B.S. - Central Bus Station Gandhinagar Bus
NH - National highway Station And Proposed
Figure 2.5.2 : Hierarchy of roads and frequency points. Site
Source : Prepared by author

• Ve h i c u l a r c i r c u l a t i o n o n s i t e .
• Inference
• Prime Location Create Interest From All Sides. Vehicular circulation on site

• Two Sides Internal Traffic Should Causes Max Disturbance Auto Rickshaw

Brief and Site analysis

Vtcos Buses

Local And Express Buses

Intercity Buses

Two Wheelers

Normal traffic and noise conjunction area Noise Conjunction Area

small traffic and noise conjunction area

Large traffic and noise conjunction area

Figure 2.5.3 : Circulation frequency.

Source : Prepared by author

Brief and Site analysis

Image 2.5.1 : Metro route map.

Source : Google image
• Proposed metro link project complete in
Urban development minister said that total
Metro Proposal Route Site Area length of metro rail project route will be 76
Metro Extension Route km, o ut of w hich th e Ah m e d ab a d city r o ute w ill
Figure 2.5.4 : Metro rail project route map.
be of 44 km. An d the route connecting
Source : Prepared by author Ah m e d a b a d a n d G a n d h in a ga r w ill b e o f 3 2 k m .

2 . 6 Ve g e t a t io n a n d To p o g r a ph y 2.6.2 Build vs. Open site.
2 . 6 . 1 S i t e v e g e t a t i on. 2.6.3 Topography
Existing site green space and
• Slope Of The Site 1.0 Mts.
• Drain Towards The Road And More Flat Land.

Brief and Site analysis

Setback land
Green area Existing build vs open area


Build up area
Semi build up area




45.00 MTR. WIDE ROAD Total Site Area
45000 Sq.M.

• Large numbers of trees and vegetation on site.

Total Buildup
Vegetation Area Area (26%)
45% 10306 Sq.M

Ground coverage Area

25% Total Existing
Parking (8%)
Circulation Area car : 567 Sq.M
30% Two Wheeler :
2031 Sq.M

Figure 2.6.1 : Site vegetation and analysis. Figure 2.6.2 : Site build space and analysis.
Source : Prepared by author Source : Prepared by author

• S i t e c o n d i t i on a n d a m e n i t i e s .

• Site area : 11 . 2 Ac r e s • Ground floor

1. Waiting hall
(45000 Sq.m.)
2. Canteen
Brief and Site analysis

3. Loading bays
Site amenities : 4. Tick et counter
1. Parcel office 5. To i l e t
2. Duty room 6. Food and Shops
3. Student pass counter 7. Enquiry office.
Reservation counter
CCTV room • First Floor
Traffic inspector room 1. Cloak room
4. Canteen 2. Drivers and Conductors restroom W ith
5. Shops and drinking water washroom
6. Utility area (m &w) 3. Cash deposit room .
7. Diesel pump
8. CNG pump
9. Bus parking
10. Depot manager house
11 . D e p o t m a n a g e r o f f i c e ,
Clerk room.
12. Workshop
1 3 . Tw o w h e e l e r p a r k i n g
14. Car parking

Brief and Site analysis

Image 2.7.1 : GSRTC buses connectivity map.

Source : Google image

2.7 Site detail • Gnr – Ahm – Jasoda Route
2 . 7 . 1 I n f o r m a t i on a b o ut b u s d e p o t . 1. Gnr - Ahm – Bapunagar
2. Gnr - Ahm – Polytechnic.
(by traffic inspector Paresh permar)
• Express buses :

Brief and Site analysis

• Loading and Unloading platforms : 1. Gnr – bhuj
• A total no. Of 13 loading, unloading bays 2. Gnr – vadodara
3 bays for city buses ,2 bays for long route
Express buses and 8 bays for local or express • Other locale buses :
Buses. G n r - H i m a t n a g a r, D e h g a m , M e h s a n a e t c . ( S e r v i c e
• Under gandhinagar depo total buses : 99 buses. in gandhinagar district parts).
• The loading bays are straight saw tooth
according GSRT C standards.
• Ar r i v e d d i v i s i o n s b u s e s :
• Covered platform, many of bus stoppers
1 . A h m e da ba d d i vi s i o n r e f e rre d a s As h r a m ,
Sometimes during peak hours, 2 buses stand
2. Amreli division referred as Gir.
On A single bay thus create congestion.
3. Himmatnagar division referred as Sabar.
4. Junagadh division referred as Somnath.
• To t a l n o . B u s d e p a r t u r e - 499 buses. 5. Mehsana division referred as Modhera.
• To t a l n o . B u s a r r i v a l - 524 buses. 6 . N a d i a d d i vi s i o n r e f erred a s Am u l .
• No. Of Sleeper buses - 06 buses. 7. Palanpur division referred as Banas.
• N o . O f Vo l v o b u s e s - 01 bus. 8. Surat division referred as Surya Nagri.
9 . Va d o d a r a d i v i s i o n r e f e r r e d a s V i s h w a m i t r i .
• City service buses : 1 0 . Va l s a d d i v i s i o n r e f e r r e d a s D a m a n G a n g a .
• Gandhinagar(Gnr) – Ahmedabad(Ahm) –
Three routes for Buses(Paladi, Kalupur And • Platform problems :
Lal Darwaja). • Near the entry point due to lack of covered
• Gandhinagar(Gnr)- Ahmedabad(Ahm)- platform, its undersell
Sarkhej Route : • During summer and rainy season.

2 . 7 . 2 I n f o r m a t i on a b o u t p a s s e ng e r s
• Bus sitting capacity :
f r e q ue n c y i n g a n d h i na ga r b u s d e p o r t . 1. City bus (vikas route) - 46 seater
• Passengers volume : 2. Local and express bus - 52 seater
Brief and Site analysis

To t a l p a s s e n g e r s ' p e r d a y t r i p s - 1 5 0 0 0 t o 2 0 0 0 0 bus.
per day(approx.). 3. Sleeper coach bus - upper floor 15 sleeper
(Load and Unload bus trips). and lower floor 30 seates.
4. Over passengers volume in bus - 70 to 80
• To t a l m o n t h l y p a s s e s : passengers(for local or express buses).
1. Student pass - 1396 (Dec.Record)
2. Passengers pass - 2356 (Dec.Record) • Propose bus bays capacity :
3. Reservation - Holiday season(May-June ,Diwali 1. For city buses bays - 3 bays (existing).
vacation and Dec.-Jan.) Propose - 5 bays.
2.Express and local buses bays - 2 bays
• Peak hour passengers' volume :
Propose - 4 bays.
• Ti m i n g s : morning , afternoon and night.
1. Morning 05:00 am to 10:00 am - 6000
• Fuel (under gandhinagar depot buses) :
( arrival and departure).
1. Diesel buses - 94 buses (2 filling points).
2. Afternoon 12:00 pm to 03:00 pm - 3000
2. C.N.G. buses - 05 buses (4 filling points).
(arrival and departure).
3. Evening/night 05:00 pm to 09:00 pm - 6000
(arrival and departure).
4. Passengers volume to other cities - 5000
per day (appx.)

• Central w aiting hall volume - 25000 per


• Parking : • Staff facilities :
1. Bus depo parking capacity around 99 buses. Rest room and washroom.(For conductors and
2. Also provided adjacent to the open parking for Drivers).
private vehicles.
3. It has A capacity of 500 scooters or bikes • Workshop :

Brief and Site analysis

o n l y. Tw o s h i f t s w o r k s h o p
4. In working days and 100 to 150 scooters or 1. Morning to evening - 9 am to 6 pm.
bikes park in holidays. 2. Evening to mid night - 6 pm to 2 am.
5. Goods loading three wheeler - 10 to 15 no. Per day 99 buses repair in workshop.

• Depo staff : • Design principles entry :

To t a l n o . D e p o s t a f f w i t h m a n a g e r - 5 0 0 n o . 1. Exit of the buses are provided exclusively from
• Depo departments : the bus lane.
1. Depo manager - 01 person. 2. Separate parking lots for -city buses ,private
2. Depo traffic inspector - 01 person. vehicles, auto rickshaw ,taxi ,cycle.
3. Clerical staff - 25 no. 3. Separate entries for the city buses.
4. Drivers - 217 no. 4. Concept of corridor planning.
5. Conductor - 217 no. W ith 27 5. Scope for future expansion.
6. Workshop staff - 50 no. • Existing problems
7. Cleaning staff - contract 1. Open courtyard has been provided for light and
bases ventilation of building but due to lack of proper
m a i n t e n a n c e t h e c o u r t y a r d r e m a i n d i r t y.
• Propose depo staff by traffic inspector : 2. The restaurant of ground floor never fully
1. Drivers - 300 no. utilized.
2. Conductor - 300 no. 3. The sitting capacity for the passenger is
3. Clerical staff - 50-60 no. insufficient.
4. Workshop staff - 60-70 no.

2.7.3 General problems.

• Bus station problems :

1.Canteen - Canteen on rent, no free food for
depot staff , unhyg ienic canteen f ood.
Brief and Site analysis

2.Drinking water - No RO plant or Water cooler

system installed .

3.Facilities - No police security cabin, no

AT M , n o c a r p a r k i n g , n o l o c k e r r o o m f o r Image 2.7.2 : GSRTC poor bus condition.
passengers and depo staff, no restaurants , no Source : Google image
passengers rest or waiting room(for men and
w o m e n ) , n o I . T. R o o m f o r s t a f f .

4. Bus conditions - Poor bus condition.

according to traffic inspector , vikas route buses
are good on road but low floor buses are

5. Staff q uarters - No staff q uarters in depo, so

staff and drivers comes near by places early in
the morning. After 8:30 pm no state transportation
s e r v i c e a r o u n d g a n d h i n a g a r.

• Staff problems :
1. Communication problem.
2. Unsk illed in computer work and information
t e c h n o l o g y. Image 2.7.3 : No security cabin and security cameras.
Source : Prepared by author

Section A: Investigation.

Chapter 3

I Site Justifications
3.1 Site problems
Site justifications

3.1.1 Only depot manger’s house, 3.1.2 Not a comfortable restroom 3.1.3 Only central hall for
not a single accommodation for for staff and proper washroom passengers, No waiting/restrooms, AC
office staffs and bus staffs. arrangement. or deluxe room for passengers.

3.1.4 No use of first floor area. 3.1.5 No use bays and platforms. 3.1.6 Small and insufficient shops.
Image 3.1.1-6 : images show existing bus station conditions.
Source : Prepared by author

3.1 Site problems

Site justifications
3.1.7 Poor hygienic food provided and 3.1.8 Poor drinking water facilities. 3.1.9 No proper washroom
unorganized cafeteria. arrangement, no cleanness and no

3.1.10 Not proper and latest tools use 3.1.11 40 years old structure. 3.1.12 Offices seem inadequate
in workshop. equipped.

3.1 Site problems
Site justifications

3.1.13 not proper ramp arrangements 3.1.14 Unorganized two wheeler 3.1.15 Not a proper idle parking for
for disable and senior citizen people. parking because of insufficient area buses.
and no car parking facilities.

3.1.16 No subway or foot over bridge. 3.1.17 Poor structure design. 3.1.18 No pedestrian access in all
Image 3.1.7-18 : images show existing bus station conditions. over bus depot and entry or exit gate.
Source : Prepared by author

• G a n d h i nagar u r b a n d e v e l op m e nt a u t h o r i t y
D r a f t f i r s t r e v i s e d d e v e l o pm e n t p l a n – 2 0 2 4

Site justifications

• Proposed Zoning Plan - GNA
• Commercial buildings up to a
height of 45m.
Image 3.1.19 : GUDA development plan – 2024.
Source : GUDA draft development plan – 2024 book.

3.2 Coming proposal
Site justifications

3.2.1 Latest and special workshop 3.2.2 Manager, office and bus staff 3.2.3 Good equipped working area/
tools provided. provide accommodations. Office.

3.2.4 Large retail showrooms and sufficient shops. 3.2.5 Hygienic and organized restaurant.
Image 3.2.1-5 : Coming proposal images.
Source : Google image

Section A: Investigation.

Chapter 4

Case studies
I Case study - I

4.1 ISBT - Kashmere gate, Delhi 4 . 1 . 2 I n t r od uc t i on t o r e g i o n

M A H A R A N A P R ATA P I S B T, A n i n t e r s t a t e b u s
terminal. The refurbished ISBT has been
developed in such a way to provide maximum
number of conveniences and latest facilities to
the passengers. The ISBT kashmere gate was
initially constructed by the DDA in 1976 and
transferred to transport department in 1993. The
Case studies

maharana pratap inter-state bus terminal or

MMTC at kashmere gate is the oldest and the
largest in india catering to buses from delhi and
six other states i.e. :
Himachal pradesh,
J a m m u a n d K a s h m i r,
Uttar pradesh,
Kashmere gate is located in north delhi in
the old delhi area in close vicinity to the red fort
Image 4.1.1 : ISBT kashmere gate site map. and the old delhi railway station.
Source : Google image
4 . 1 . 3 C o n n e c t iv i t y
4 . 1 . 1 C l i e nt b r i e f The kashmere gate station of the delhi metro, lies
on both the red (Dilshad garden - Rithala) and
Architect V. P. D h a m i j a & R a j i n d e r k u m a r
yellow lines (Jahangir puri - HUDA city center).It
Completed in 1973 is a transfer station between the red line on the
Site area 53126 sq.m lowest level. Kashmere gate also serves as the
headquarters for the delhi metro.

Fire escape staircase in Arrival block(office
departure block building)

Case study I
Pedestrian over bridge
to connect the terminal
Front view of terminal

Pedestrian over bridge Local DTC bus stand

Image 4.1.2 : Site description.

Source : Google image

Case study I

Figure 4.1.1 : Site layout

Source : Google image

4.1.4 D e s i gn p r i n c i pl e s t h e I S B T. T h e r e i s s e g r e g a t i o n i n c i r c u l a t i o n o f
1. Segregation of different modes of transport & buses and non – bus (other light vehicles)
activities. traffic due to the difference in movement
2. Segregation of alighting and boarding c h a r a c t e r.
platforms. 2. There is a separate entry and exit points for
3. Segregation of incoming and outgoing inter-city and intra-city bus services.
passengers at two levels. 3. There is a proper segregation for vehicular and
pedestrian movement.
4 . 1 . 5 C i r c u l a t i on
1. An efficient circulation pattern is followed in

Case study I
Figure 4.1.2 : Site zoning layout. Figure 4.1.3 : Terminal block layout.
Source : Google image Source : Google image

4 . 1 . 6 F e a t ur e s
Case study I

• Passengers at the kashmere gate ISBT in delhi • The redeveloped ISBT is designed as a state of
can now enjoy better amenities with the the art, modern integrated bus terminal. While
inauguration of the renovated facility having an being modern, in its design and appearance,
air conditioned waiting lounge, food the design carefully incorporates functional
court, glass elevator and escalators. It has requirements.
been described by delhi government as ‘Airport-
like' in its facilities.

Image 4.1.3 : ISBT kashmere gate entry gate. Image 4.1.4 : Terminal central hall.
Source : Google image Source : Google image

• Features

Case study I
• Clearly marked and well constructed buses • The refurbished ISBT has state-of-the-art
routes and walkways makes the movement facilities, including escalators, glass
pleasant and safe. elevators, a centrally air-conditioned
departure and waiting area, a high-speed W i-Fi
zone, LCD screens, CCTV surveillance,
parking, hi-tech public, conveniences,
information kiosks, an RO plant and a sewage
treatment plant.

Image 4.1.5 : Stainless steel structure use. Image 4.1.6 : Terminal link block bays.
Source : Google image Source : Google image

Case study I

Image 4.1.7 : Images of ISBT kashmere gate, delhi.

Source : Google image

• Ar r i v a l b l o c k used as officers of delhi administration for
It is 7 storied structures. earning revenue.

• Ground floor • Sixth floor

1. It is arrival block having 19 unloading 1. Sixth floor has been designed for residential
platforms. use by full time staff and some administrative.
2. Angular bays are provided for the unloading 2. Staff with the facilities of double bed room flat
operation, and single bedroom flat.

Case study I
3. There are sufficient numbers of public 3. Louvers have been provided for better living
amenities provided in this area. accommodation.

• First floor • Link block

1. The main entrance level of the first floor links 1. It is a connecting block between arrival and
t h e o u t g o i n g p o r c h t o e n t r y. departure block at first floor level.
2. Lounge and facilities like post offices, enquiry 2. This block was designed for ticket booths for
and bank are provided at this level. each parking berth.
3. Small enquiry offices of different state tourism
• Second to fourth floor and small security cell are provided in the
1. Maintenance and administrative staff is centre around a large dia 0.
accommodated on the second floor and the 4. This block A large waiting area to facilitate
v a r i o u s t r a n s p o r t c o m p a n y. p a s s e n g e r.
2. Offices and other terminal staff on the third 5. The waiting area in the link block is not used
and fourth floors. as much because passenger have tendency to
wait near the departure platform of the bus.
• Fifth floor
Fifth floor was designed to accommodate the
transit oriented hotel for overnight staying
passengers, but now the complete Floor is

• D e p a r t ur e b l o c k
1. Departure block it is divided into two levels.
2. The lower one for the use of outgoing
passengers and buses.
3. The upper level for waiting out seating
purposes. A mezzanine is also provided to
h o u s e t h e o f f i c e s a n d r e s t r o o m s o f b u s c r e w.
The upper level is not being used to its full
Case study I

extend, hence creating congestion at lower

level. Kiosks and stalls have been located
between the bus bay and waiting area and
attract lot of passengers to come.

• Section show ing roofing system

Circular cutouts of skylights 1m, 2m and 3m
diameters have been used above the waiting

Figure 4.1.4 : Site section and sketches of ISBT kashmere gate, delhi.
Source : Google image

• Thermal comfort and day lighting
The entire building is quite cool in the
summer because it is heavily louvered on all
sides which prevent the direct
sunlight, Preventing direct heating of the
internal areas.The massive roof lights over
the departure area aid in natural lighting. Figure 4.1.5 : Elevation sketch of ISBT kashmere gate.
Source : Google image

Case study I
• Ar e a a n a l y s i s : • Public facilities

An a l y s i s Ar e a To i l e t Gents-74 nos.
Ladies-64 nos.
To t a l b u i l t - u p f l o o r a r e a 3,36,305 sq.ft.
Water points 75 nos.
Area of arrival block 159355 sq.ft.
Public address system 01 no.
Area of departure block 103700 sq.ft.
Police post 01 no.
Area of link b lock 54350 sq.ft.
Cloakrooms 01 no.
Area of1 floor 2.19 acres
Enquiry & booth 02 no.
Area of toilets/ urinals 0.38 acres
Deluxe toilets Gents-03 nos.
Ticket counters 5 sq.m Ladies-02 nos.

• Bus traffic survey

Water coolers 10 nos.
Observed peak hour flow is 6.4% at kashmere
gate. Diesel generator set 02 nos.

I Case study - II

4 . 2 Va d o d a r a c e n t r a l b u s s t a t i o n, G uj a r a t 4 . 2 . 2 I n t r od uct i on t o r e g i o n
The vadodara central bus terminus popularly
k n o w n a s S . T. b u s d e p o t i s l o c a t e d n e a r r a i l w a y
station and outside M.S.U. sayajiganj. Bus depot
Chapter 4 : Case studies

e s t a b l i s h e d i n 1 9 5 8 u n d e r B . S . R . T. C . T h e c e n t r a l
bus terminus handles more than 2300 trips every
days and approx 1,25,000 passengers per day of
different regions of Gujarat state .i.e. north and
north east, east, south Gujarat and saurashtra-
kutch and neighboring state of
Rajasthan, Madhya pradesh and Maharashtra.

• Ab o u t n e w va d o d a r a b u s t e r mi n al d e s i g n
S p h e r e c u b e i n f r a s t r u c t u r e P V T. L t d d e s i g n b u s
terminal in vadodara city and completed in 2014.
A group Company Of Cube Construction
Engineering Ltd, engaged in development of
central bus terminal of vadodara, under PPP
project with Gujarat state road transport
Image 4.2.1 : Vadodara central bus station site map.
Source : Google image • Site location
The terminal is located in the heart of the city at
4 . 2 . 1 C l i e nt b r i e f M a h a r a j a s a y a j i r a o u n i v e r s i t y, p r a t a p g u n j ,
vadodara. It is about 900 m. from the railway
Architect Sphere cube infrastructure. station.
Completed in 2014
Site area 20000 sq.m


Departure bays

Passenger seating area


Parcel room

Drinking water and toilet

E-ticket counter

Auto stand

Basement parking way

Commercial shops

Case study II
Shopping area

Open plaza

Entry and exit gate

Passenger exit gate

Main entry gate

Buses entry gate


Va d o d a r a c e n t r a l b u s t e r m i n a l

Figure 4.2.1 : Site layout plan with functions.

Source : Prepared by author

4 . 2 . 3 D e s i g n p r i n c i pl es 3. It has a little bit good combination of glass
1. Separate tracks for buses, private vehicles and with solid solids.
p e d e s t r i a n t o f e l i c i t a t e t r a f f i c w i t h s a f e t y. • Second floor
2. Separate parking lots for the buses ,private Flea market, art and craft market,
vehicles, auto rickshaws ,taxi. • Third floor
3. Innovative layout and design of international Food courts, game zone, megaplex.
standard. Multiple routes for pedestrian
traffic. 4.2.5 Inferences
Case study II

4. Large foyers –atrium public plazas in the

building. • From main road to terminal there is one entry
5. Well designed pick-up and drop facilities for and one exits are provided for all routes
the passengers buses so one way traffic f low is used for easy
. and smooth driving as well to have control on
Bridge linking from platform no.6 of railway the traffic movement.
station to Second floor of bus terminal is • Idle parking for the all routes buses have
proposed. This will enable speedy and safe been provided in such away so as to not
access for passenger between both terminals.It disturb the movement of bus entering or
caters to a daily of 1550 buses and handles leaving the terminal.
b u s e s f r o m 3 s t a t e s M . P. , R a j a s t h a n a n d • A separate passengers entry and exit is
Maharashtra. provided. This passengers entry and exits is
also used by other vehicles for approaching
4 . 2 . 4 D e t a i l e d c o m p o n e nt s their individual parking.
1. Main structure somewhat centrally located in • Separate vehicle parking is provided at
the main building with central shopping surface as well in the basement. So
center , waiting hall, and all passengers passengers using the terminal do not have
and staff facilities are located around it . travel A large distance from parking place.
2. Indoor pathway is 6 m wide and supported with
column and beam structure with grids of 4.5 m
x 6 m .

cafeteria E tickets counter Drinking water Toilets

Parking Seating

Case study II
Autorikshaw stand Loading bays

Vehicles entry Buses exits

Shopping mall Bridge Exterior facade Separate buses entry

Image 4.2.2 : Vadodara bus terminal images.
Source : Prepared by author

Case study III

Image 4.3.1 : ISBT Anand vihar bus terminal images.

Source : Google image.

I Case study - III

4 . 3 I S B T – An a n d v i h a r, D e l h i 4 . 3 . 2 I n t r od uc t i on t o r e g i o n
The total area available is 9.2 hectares. It has a
Arterial roads. (60m)
frontage of about 500m along the main ghazipur
Sub-arterial rd.(45m w)
road. Main entry to ISBT is from road no. Ah-56.

Chapter 4 : Case studies

Roads (35 m wide)

Inner street /roads

The present ISBT is functional in the name of
Metro line (blue)
Vivekananda inter state bus terminal, Anand
Railway line v i h a r, e a s t d e l h i .
In accordance with decision taken by ministry of
urban development in consultation with delhi
development authority and govt. of delhi, Anand
vihar become functional with effect from
march, 1996. Inter state as well as local bus
Anand vihar services are being operated from here.

• Interstate connectivity
5 states : Punjab, Haryana, Jammu &
K a s h m i r, Uttar pradesh, Uttarakhand and
• Connectivity via road from :
1. Sarai kale khan 30 min (12.2 km) by road.
Figure 4.3.1 : Anand vihar location map. 2. Ghaziabad railway station 45 min (14.2 km).
Source : Prepared by author 3 . K a s h m e r e g a t e 3 5 m i n ( 11 k m ) .

4 . 3 . 1 C l i e nt b r i e f • Tr a n s p o r t a t i o n s y s t e m o f d e l h i
Administrative Delhi transport corporation.
Completed in 1996 Ta x i s .
Site area 99500 sq.m Cycle-rickshaws.
M e t r o a n d R a i l w a y.

Bus movement
Bus stop

Anand vihar
Railway terminal
Case study III


Anand vihar The shade created by metro track over the bus stop
on gazipur road, creates a comfortable hub for people
Metro station on the divider hence, the majority of people go there
and wait for buses.
Pacific mall
Bus stand

ISBT Anand vihar

1. A large number of buses came from Anand vihar

to no. of passengers.
2. Area near bus stops are encroached by hawkers
and informal stalls, makes movement difficult for
buses and passengers.

Figure 4.3.2 : ISBT Anand vihar context layout.

Source : Google image

4 . 3 . 3 An a l ys i s • Main entry/exit
1. Delhi and NCR lose nearly 42 crore (420 3 4 0 0 p e r s o n a p p r o x . P e r h o u r.
million) man-hours every month while
commuting between home and office through • I.S.B.T to metro /railway
public transport, due to the traffic 3 0 0 0 p e o p l e a p p r o x . P e r h o u r.
2. Therefore, serious efforts are underway for • I.S.B.T to railway
other mode of transport projects like 3500 people approx. Per hour

Case study III

metro, to encourage usage of public
transport in the city as a result, load on road
network can became less.
4 . 3 . 4 F a c i l it i e s
1. Drinking water taps and coolers.
3. Buses continue to be the most popular
2. Separate toilet facilities of ladies and gents.
means of transportation for intra -city travel.
3. First aid facilities for 24 hours.
4. Delhi transportation is heavily depend upon
4. Police post, bank and post office.
road network ,therefore high congestion
5. Sitting chairs lights and fans facility on every
occurs at most of the main junctions.
platform with the automatic generate system.
6 . C l o a k r o o m , p o r t e r, P C O / S T D / I S D , p a r k i n g a n d
• To t a l o p e r a t i o n a l b u s e s
taxi scooter tanga stand.
1. Current interstate operating routes : 51
7. Cabins for distribution of tickets.
2. Current no. of destinations : 88
8. Office accommodation to the transporters.
3. DTC currently operates around 5,000 buses.
9. Public addresses system.
4. DIMTS has only 1,157 cluster buses or 4,343
10.Shops/counters/trolleys have Been allotted
for all general items Such as
tee, juice, fruits, eatables, Newspapers
• The show n capacity at various points magazines etc
is as follows :
• Metro entry/exit
1 : 2 0 0 0 p e o p l e a p p r o x . P e r h o u r.
2 : 2 0 0 0 p e o p l e a p p r o x . P e r h o u r.

4 . 3 . 5 I s s u e s a n a l ys i s
1. 500m stretch between the entry point of Anand
vihar interstate bus terminus (ISBT) and the
railway station on Chaudhary charan singh
marg is a bottleneck.
2. More than half of the carriageway is occupied
- roadways buses.
3. Problem is compounded by gramin Sewas
Case study III

parked randomly to attract passengers and

the hawkers dotting the area.
4. Little-used, footbridge in the area.
5. UP roadways bus terminus petrol pump, which
c a t e r s t o m o r e t h a n 1 0 0 v e h i c l e s I n a n h o u r.
6. Three-wheelers are parked on this stretch to
pick up passengers coming from the railway
7. Drivers prefer to park on road and, that
t o o , h a p h a z a r d l y.
8. Petrol pump, which has A contract with long-
distance bus operators, can cater to only five
buses at A time, so the rest line up on the
9. It takes about 30 minutes to cross the Stretch
during the peak hours.

Image 4.3.2 : Public and Parking space issues image.

Source : Google image

Section A: Investigation.

Chapter 5

Case study Va d o d a r a b u s ISBT kashmere I S B T An a n d vi h a r Gandhinagar bus
terminal gate depot

Site area 53126 sq.m. 20000 sq.m. 99500sq.m. 45000 sq.m.

Design Segregation of Separate tracks To a r c h i v e m a x . To a r c h i v e

principles different modes of for buses, Efficiency by corridor
transport & private vehicles segregation of planning, green
activites,alighting and pedestrian different type of space and
and boarding to felicitate vehicular and scope for future
platforms, incoming traffic with pedestrian expansions.
and outgoing s a f e t y. movement.

passengers at two

Circulation An efficient Separate tracks Multiple entry- exit Easy

circulation pattern is for buses, routes and A more accessible and
f o l l o w e d i n t h e I S B T. private vehicles interconnected pedestrian
There is segregation and pedestrian street network f r i e n d l y.
in circulation of to felicitate around the station
buses and non-bus traffic with site. Prioritize
traffic due to the s a f e t y. accessibility to
difference in pedestrians, non-
m o v e m e n t c h a r a c t e r. motorized mode
and people
arriving by public

Form & Pure form with play Innovative layout Transport f riendly Simple and
planning of levels. and design of planning. traditional
international design by
standard. GSRT C..

Amenities There are sufficient Waiting hall, Drinking water , Waiting hall,
numbers of public cafeteria, ticket shops ,canteen canteen, loading
amenities provided. c o u n t e r, and information bays, ticket
Etc control room, s h o p p i n g c e n t e r, centre, police c o u n t e r, t o i l e t ,
e n q u i r y c o u n t e r, p o s t passenger p o s t , AT M a n d food and shops,
office ,bank atm. information post office, cloak enquiry office,
First aid & public c e n t e r, c l o c k room , STD/PCO, cloak and
address system, rural r o o m , b a n k AT M , parking and taxi restroom for
development etc. stand , tickets driver and
authority offices. distribution c o n d u c t o r, c a s h
cabins, office. deposit room.

Section A: Investigation.

Chapter 6

Standards and
I 6.1 Standards

6 . 1 . 1 B u s d i m e n s i ons

6 . 1 . 2 B u s t u r n i ng r a d i u s


Word Ty p o l o g y Description/consideration Symbol/explanation
Shared Multilevel or at grade parking provi-
sion is combined with miscellaneous
activities around the site
On-street Side or shoulder parking either
charged or free

Feeder Service Bus, taxi, cycle or auto rickshaw

Intermodal Provision for feeder bays within or ad -

jacent to the site as per requirement
Lanes Provision for feeder service along de -
marcated lanes

Bays Feeder service allocated as per segre-

gated bays

Finance PPP Public-private partnership

Private Private ownership

Bus Maintenance On-site Breakdown, repair operations pro -

Facility vided within the site

Off-site Breakdown, repair operations availa-

ble outside the site

Passenger a m e n i t i e s Concourse
Cloak room
Dormitory (for night operations)



Drinking water

To i l e t s

Te r m i n a l Revenue office

Staff amenities Te r m i n a l o f f i c e

Resting room

Drinking water
To i l e t s

Bus staff Dormitories (for night operations)

Resting room
Drinking water
To i l e t s

I 6.2 Planning assumptions
Terminology Typology Assumption Area/unit

Function ISBT Buses connecting interstate and/or inter-district

Local Buses connecting points within state boundary

Operation Fixed Bay Allo- Operation already decided - Loading, Idle and Un-
cation loading at same bay. Ty p e 2
Dynamic Bay Operation already decided – loading, Idle and Un- Drive through bays
Allocation loading at different bay.

Terminal Size Small Type Peak Bus flow per hour is less than 60

Medium Type Peak Bus Flow per hour is between 60 and 300
Large Type Peak Bus Flow per hour is greater than 300

Bay type Common bays Operations taking place at same bay when layover
time is less than 10 min; common in case of fixed
bay allocation Ty p e 2
Segregated Operations taking place at different bays common Saw tooth bays
bays in case of dynamic bay allocation

Bus boarding Saw tooth This arrangement allows easy docking of buses but 217sqm/bay
Bay Type bays requires long curb lengths. To avoid long continu- (preferred for
ous lengths, saw tooth bays maybe provided in offloading bays)
parallel arrangement with passing lanes and con-
necting raised crossing for passenger access
Angular bays
60 This arrangement allows easy docking of buses 145 sqm/bay
45 with shorter curb length. This may be combined 150 sqm/bay
30 with parallel arrangement in terminals with lower 163 sqm/bay
bus flow
Perpendicular Bays aligned perpendicular to concourse. Ideal ar- 150sqm/bay
bays rangement for idle parking (Loading bays);
75 sqm/bay (Idle


Relationship chart (bus terminal)

Figure 6.1.1 : Relationship chart.
Source : Google image

I 6.3 Site requirement
• Bus terminal “envision”
• The main project components to be Automatic ‘schedule display’ system along with
developed at the project site are: public address system safety parameters no
1. Bus terminal and related passenger facilities.
2. Commercial complex / tower
3. Sub-way passenger-vehicle conflict segregation of pvt.
4. Helipad vehicles & buses ‘drive-way concept‟

• Ac t i v i t i e s a n d f a c i l i t i e s o f t h e c o m m e r c i a l • Design parameter for bus terminal

complex For interstate bus average stoppage time is 15
Office space, shopping mall, gaming zones, food minutes embarkation platform and 10 min to
courts, restaurants, hypermarket, retail disembarkation platform & for local stoppage time
s h o w r o o m s , b a n k s a n d AT M o t h e r 5- 10 min-max.
B u s b a y - S a w, R a d i a l , S t r a i g h t .
• Ac t i v i t i e s a n d f a c i l i t i e s ( c o m p o n e n t s ) o f
the bus terminal
The bus terminal passenger concourse, ticket
c o u n t e r, w a s h r o o m , i n f o r m a t i o n d e s k , f a c i l i t i e s o f
handicapped, clock room, bus circulation
area, bus b a y, parking facilities, control
room, high-tec security system , drinking
w a t e r, f i r e f i g h t i n g system, power backup.
To u r i s m , roadways, railways, police
post, refreshments, telephone booths, book
shops, etc.Restaurants & food court, lodge &
dormitories, waiting room, rest rooms, bank, etc.

I 6.4 Standard area analysis Requirements Case study Case study Standards Req. Area Remark(peak
Kashmere Gandhinagar hour passenger)
gate, delhi central bus
@Per unit area
1. Entrance lounge 1.5 sq.m. 1875 25%of the peak
Hour pass.(5000)

A. Enquiry 1 @ 20 1.5 sq.m 25 sq.m 5 attendant


B. Tourist information 1 @ 20 6 sq.m 30 sq.m 5 attendant

C. Ticket booth 5 sq.m As per no. of bay

D. Book stall 10 sq.m 20 sq.m 2 no.

E. Public tele. 2 @ 7 70 sq.m 70 sq.m 10 booth

F. Toilet 2 sq.m./Wc, W/c-1/250 for
5 sq.m./Wb Male,1/100 for
& Urinal Female,urinal-
Wb-1/200 male
2. Waiting hall 1 @ 50 2 sq.m 750 sq.m 15% of peak hr.
Pass in ½ hour
A. Kiosk 10 sq.m 60 sq.m 6 nos.
B. Toilet 6 @ 18 Same M-23 sq.m 30%of the loading
F-12 sq.m Bay capacity

C. Drinking water 4 nos.

@Per unit area

3. Departure lounge 2 sq.m

A. Enquiry 1 @ 20 5 sq.m

B. Kiosk 12 @ 7.5 10 sq.m

C. Drinking water 12 @ 5 3 sq.m

D. Ticket booth 10 @ 5 5 sq.m

E. Toilet 10 @ 18 2 @ 25 2sq.m./Wc,
b & Urinal

4. Arrival lounge

A. Kiosk 6 @ 7.5 2 stall each

B. Drinking water 4 @ 5 1 @ 15

C. Tele. Booth 5 @ 7

D. Toilet 4 @ 18

E. Tourist info. 1 @ 20

5. Announ. & 2 @ 5 1 @ 25 30 sq.m 1 nos.
6. Bus crew staff 625 sq.m

A. Cafeteria 1 @ 120 160 sq.m 160 sq.m

B. Dormitories 1 @ 60 420 sq.m 420 sq.m

Locker Same 45 sq.m 45 sq.m

7 Commuter facilities

A. Barber shop 1 @ 9 30 sq.m 30 sq.m 4 @ 32 for 10


B. Dormitory 2 @ 50 128 sq.m 1 no.

Chemist 1 @ 9 30 sq.m 30 sq.m 1 no.

Dispensary 1 @ 30 50 sq.m 50 sq.m 1 no.

Restaurant 1.2/ person 300 sq.m 1 no.

8. Miscellaneous 690 sq.m 1 no.

A. Bank 2 @ 15 150 sq.m 150 sq.m 1 no.

B. Post office 1 @ 15 80 sq.m 1 no.

C. Police post 1 @ 25 1 @ 9 150 sq.m 150 sq.m 1 no.

D. Pump room 1 @ 80 1 @ 50 150 sq.m 2 no.

E. Air booking counter 80 sq.m 1 no.

F. Rail booking counter 1 @ 25 180 sq.m 1 n .

9. Office and
A. Managers room 1 @ 15 1 @ 12 1 @ 25 25 sq.m 1 no.

B. In – charge room 1 @ 15 1 @ 15 20 sq.m 1 no.

C. Accounts office 1 @ 25 1 @ 30 30s q.m 1 no.

D. Administrative office 1 @ 25 1 @ 15 1 @ 30 30 sq.m 1 no.

E. Record room 1 @ 100 100 sq.m

F. Traffic dept. 1 @ 100 100 sq.m

G. Maintenance dept. 1 @ 30 1 @ 100 100 sq.m

H. Print room 1 @ 25 25 sq.m

I. Control room 1 @ 100 100 sq.m

J. Purchase dept. 1 @ 100 100 sq.m

K. Conference room 4 @ 50 50 sq.m

L. Reception and 1 @ 50 50 sq.m

waiting area
M Toilet 1 @ 10 4 @ 50 50 sq.m Separate gents &
N. Canteen 1 @ 200 200 sq.m Included kitchen

O. Parking

Two wheeler 400 @ 2.5 1000

Car parking 6 @ 75 50 @ 12.5 1250

I 6.5 Programm ing

S r. n o Requirements To t a l u n i t s a r e a
@Per unit area
1. Ar r i va l p l a t form
Baggage trolley area 100
Baggage locker 50

Enquiry room 50
Reservation counter 30
Stall/shops 90
Public toilet 100
Cafeteria 150
AT M s 50
Drinking water 15
Security room 25
Waiting room 500

2. Departure platform
Departure platform 500
Baggage area 75
Porter room 25
Baggage locker 30

Waiting area 100
Stall/ shops 150
AT M s 50
Public toilet 100
Drinking water 25
Security room 25
Reservation counter 75
Deluxe waiting hall 200

Enquiry room 50

3. Support services
Police facility 30
Monitor room 25
General staff room 50
Retiring room for drivers and conductors 4oo
Canteen 200

4. Service station
Workshop area 500
Workshop 200
Locker room 25
Rest room 50

Engineer room 20
In charge room 15
To i l e t 50
Fuel station 500

5. Parking area
Basement parking

Ground parking 1000

Auto/taxi stand 2000

6. Ad m i n i s t ratio n a r e a
General admin. 100
Director room 20
General manager room 20
Record room 60
Account dept. 100
Traffic department 100
Maintenance dept. 100
Mechanical dept. 100
Purchase dept. 50
Control room 25

@Per unit area
Canteen 200

7. Service area
A.C plant room 100
Electric sub station 300
Generator room 50

Pump room 100

Fire fighting room 100

Engineer room 25

8. Shopping centre

Shopping area 8500

Restaurant 500
Food court ,play zone 5000

Public toilet 100

To t a l a r e a 31890 Sq.m.

Section B: Translat ion.

Chapter 7

Process +
Process + Evolution
7.1 Flow chart
I 7.2 Site zoning sketches
Process + Evolution

Process + Evolution
7.3 Sketches
Process + Evolution

Process + Evolution
Section B: Translat ion.

Chapter 8

I 8.1 3D Model view s
Drawings and Details

0 80
Drawings and Details
GH Road view

Drawings and Details

Drawings and Details
I Arrival and Departure block view
Drawings and Details

Drawings and Details
Top view
Drawings and Details
8.5 Model view s
Drawings and Details

Section B: Translat ion.

Chapter 9

I References

UNIK bus terminal.

h t t p s : / / w w w. t r i l u x . c o m / i n / a p p l i c a t i o n s / r e f e r e n c e s / d e t a i l / r e f e r e n c e / U N I K B u s Te r m i n a l /

Hubtown.gsrtc bus terminal projects.

h t t p : / / w w w. h u b t o w n . c o . i n / b t f _ s u r a t _ g a l l e r y. h t m

G U D A . G a n d h i n a g a r U r b a n D e v e l o p m e n t A u t h o r i t y.
h t t p : / / w w w. g u d a . g u j a r a t . g o v. i n /

To w n p l a n n i n g & v a l u a t i o n d e p a r t m e n t , g o v e r n m e n t o f g u j a r a t .
h t t p s : / / t o w n p l a n n i n g . g u j a r a t . g o v. i n / a b o u t - u s / o r g a n i s a t i o n a l - s t r u c t u r e . a s p x

I n t e g r a t e d b u s t e r m i n a l - c u m - c o m m e r c i a l c o m p l e x a t m o h a l i . r e p o r t 2 0 1 0 - 11 .
h t t p s : / / w w w. k i r a n i g h t l y / b u s - t e r m i n a l c o m m e r c i a l - c o m p l e x i s b t i n d i a - p p t - s h o w

Metro-link express for gandhinagar and ahmedabad (MEGA) company ltd.(A SPV of government of india
and government of gujarat)
h t t p : / / w w w. g u j a r a t m e t r o r a i l . c o m /

I S B T L i b r a r y s t u d y.
h t t p s : / / w w w. s l i d e s h a r e . n e t / s u m i r a n 4 6 m u z / b u s - t e r m i n a l - l i b r a r y - s t u d y

h t t p s : / / w w w. g o o g l e . c o . i n /


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