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For my English 2010 Report writing assingment I chose to write about how vaccinations

work and the number of vaccinations given each year in Utah. While researching my topic I
came across a report I really liked. The report I found was “Vaccination Behaviour Influences
Self-Report of Influenza Vaccination Status: A Cross-Sectional Study among Health Care
Workers.” In this study the authors, Llupia, Anna, Alberto L. García-Basteiro, Guillermo Mena,
José Ríos, Joaquim Puig, José M. Bayas, and Antoni Trilla, begin their report with establishing
their credability. All of the authors work in the healthcare field and share studies they have
performed on vaccinations and what they have witnessed in their jobs. In the report the authors
also use tables, charts, and graphs to relay the data they found.
I liked a lot of the strategies the authors used in the report “Vaccination Behavior
Influences Self-Report of Influenza Vaccination Status: A Cross-Sectional Study among Health
Care Workers.” In my own report I would like to establish my credibility and that of the research
I use at the beginning of my report. I would also like to use a lot of graphs and tables in my
report to add to the credibility and the information on my topic. I will not only use the graphs and
tables but I will also adress them in my writing and explain the reason I have used each graph.

Many people have wondered how vaccines work and have been afraid to vaccinate their
children. Vaccinations act as a training or workout for your immune system. While preparing the
body for disease, vaccines are in fact the actual disease. Most vaccines used to prevent diseases
possess either a dead version of the virus or one that is less strong. This is done so your immune
system will built up antibodies to attack the actual
virus to prevent you from being effected by it. To
those of you who have not been vaccinated out of
fear, this chart shows the change in mortality rates
in the US due to the measles disease. The mortality
rates shown decrease due to the effectiveness of the
measles vaccine. As more and more people are
vaccinated with the measles vaccine, less and less
people die from it every year due to the antibody
build up.

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