Lesson Plan and Exercises

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SCHOOL: Colegiul Național Pedagogic “Carol I “

TEACHER: Pîrșe Camelia

GRADE:11 th L1

LEVEL: advanced

TIME: 9:00-9:50

The TITLE OF THE LESSON: “Narrative (past simple, past perfect simple, past continuous, past
perfect continuous)”

DIDACTIC AIMS:-to remember the definition of these tenses

-to remember the rules of forming these tenses
-to be able to complete some sentences with the correct form of the verb
- to be able to use the past tense simple correctly
-to be able to use the past tense continuous correctly
-to be able to use the past perfect tense correctly
-to be able to use the past perfect continuous correctly
-to be able to do exercises using all these tenses
AIDS: notebooks, book, interactive board, worksheets

TYPE OF LESSON: Consolidation

METHODS: -Conversation
Interaction: T-Ss; Ss- Ss; pair work

Warm up Good afternoon. How are you? Good afternoon. 1’
Fine, thank you.
Checking homework What is your homework for The students will read 3’
today? his\her homework.
Revision of the What lesson have you prepared We have prepared the 4’
previous lesson for today? lesson “The Storm”.
What is the main idea of the text? The main idea of the text is
What was the general mood of the about the trouble the
guests? people met during a flood.
What can you say about the The guests were disturbed
traffic? and they were nervous.
What happened when they got to The traffic was stuck
the dessert? because of the flood.
Did Eleanor enjoy the evening? When they got to the desert
the electricity went off.
Yes, she did. She felt
Announcement of the The teacher tells the students the They will listen to the 2’
new lesson title of the new lesson : teacher and write the title
“Narrative(past simple, past of the lesson in their
perfect simple, past continuous, copybooks.
past perfect continuous”)

Writing The teacher will suggest the The students will write 15’
students to write the rules of some rules for forming the
forming the past tense simple, its past tense simple and its
definition, then they will write the definition and then they
definitions and the forming of the will write the definitions
other tenses. and the forming of the

other tenses in their
copybooks from the
interactive board.
Practice The teacher will help the students The students will complete 23’
if they need. She will give the some sentences with the
students worksheets with different past tense simple, other
types of exercises using past sentences will be
tenses. completed with the past
perfect continuous or the
past perfect simple
They must also answer the
questions of the teacher
using the past tense
continuous of the verb in
brackets. They will have to
choose the correct form of
the verb.
Homework The teacher will give them the The students will write the 2’
homework. exercise nr.14 a/b page
Evaluation The teacher will give marks to the
students who have answered.

Narrative (past simple, past perfect simple, past continuous, past perfect
continuous) - Exercises

1. The Simple Past Tense - definition

Rules: For some verbs, just add the ending-ed to the verb to make it simple past:
e. g. borrow-borrowed; close-closed; open-opened
a. Verbs ending in –ed, add –d (hope-hoped)
b. Verbs ending in –a vowel and a consonant:
a. For one syllable verbs having a single vowel, double the consonant ending: stop-stopped;
b. For one syllable verbs having two vowels, just add –ed: rain-rained; dream-
c. For two syllable verbs, in which the first syllable is stressed, just add –ed: listen- listened
d. For two-syllable verbs in which the second syllable is stressed, double the consonant
ending: prefer-preferred; control-controlled
c. Verbs ending in –y. If the “y” is preceded by a vowel, keep the “y”: enjoy-enjoyed; pray-
prayed. If the “y” is preceded by a consonant, change the “y: to “i” and add –ed: try-tried; study-
d. Verbs ending in –ie, add –d:die-died
e. Verbs ending in two consonants, just add the ending –ed

Interrogative form: Did they accept credit cards last year?

Negative form: Didn’t you get my letter?

2. The Past Continuous Tense- definition

-form-the verb “to be “ into the past tense and use the –ing
form of the main verb
e.g. They were buying groceries when we arrived.

3. The Past Perfect Tense- definition- is used when expressing activity that was completed in
the past before another past activity or time:
e.g. Until yesterday, they had never seen the film.

After the restaurant had closed, the customers went home.
-form: had + Past Participle

4. The Past Perfect Progressive-definition-emphasis the duration of an activity that was in

progress before another activity or time in the past
-form: had+been +V-ing
e.g. I had been waiting for an hour when the doctor arrived.


1.Complete the sentences with the simple past of the verbs in parentheses:
A.I (open) the envelope. B. We (drink) some wine.
She (buy) a T-shirt. She (buy) a T-shirt.
They (enjoy) the meal. The waiter ( speak) to me.
He (read) the will. It ( stop) raining.
I (forget) the appointment. I (open) the envelope.
They (see) my son. I (have) popcorn.
C. That (be) my apartment.
The waiter (speak) to me.
I (open) the envelope.
They (enjoy) the meal.
I (forget) the appointment.

2. Use the past progressive form of the verb in parentheses:

A.I ( talk) to my daughter. B.I (order) out meals.
He ( call) his wife. I ( tour) the apartment.
I (call) my secretary. I( talk) to my daughter.
I ( shop) at the mall. I( read) in the library.
I ( order) our meals. I( buy) a ticket.

C. I(tour) the apartment.
I(talk) to my daughter.
I(visit) my aunt in San Francisco.
I(stand ) in line In Customs.
The Perfect Progressive I- Select the correct answer:
A. 1. I will have been/had been/have been cleaning the house for an hour when John called.
2. They have been/ will have been/ had been watching T.V. for three hours when I called.
3. When he retires he will be/will have been/have been working here for 50 years.
4. I will have been/have been/had been on the road for two days when I arrived in
5. He will have been/has been/had been reading that book for two weeks and he still hasn’t
finished it.

B. 1. She was writing/has been writing/had been writing the book since morning.
2. I cooked/have cooked/had been cooking the meal for 10 minutes.
3. I worked/have been working/was working since 2 P.M.
4. We will learn/will have learnt/will have been learning for some hours.
5. They were crying/cried/had been crying since their mother left.

The Past Perfect Simple or Continuous- Choose the correct tense to complete the sentences:

A.1. She had never met/has never met her aunt until last week.
2. We went home after we had finished/were finishing our dinner.
3. She had lived/was living in San Francisco when I met her.
4. I have never visited/had never visited my aunt in San Francisco until last week.
5. They were waiting/had waited five hours when the plane arrived.

B.1.Ellen had prepared/was preparing dinner when her friends arrived.

2. She has already washed/had already washed her clothes, and now she can dry them.
3. She was living/had lived in San Francisco when I met her.
4. The customers went home after the restaurant had closed/was closing.
5. They were waiting/had waited five hours when the phone arrived.

C. 1. Ellen had prepared/was preparing dinner when her friends arrived.
2. We became friends after she had moved/was moving/ moved to Chicago.
3. They were waiting/had waited five hours when the plane arrived.
4. Until yesterday, they had never seen/have never seen the film.
5. The customers went home after the restaurant had closed/was closing.

D. 1. We had learnt/had been learning for 10 minutes.

2. They were travelling/had travelled/had been travelling since Monday.
3. After my friends ran/had run, they stopped to eat something.
4. Before I wrote/had written my homework, I read the lesson.
5. When he came in I had finished/finished my work.

Choose from the past perfect or the past tense:

1. I bought/had bought the book yesterday.

2. She was cleaning the house when I called /had called her.
3. We had moved/moved house when they looked for us.
4. He had tidied/had been tidying/tidied the room since 1 P.M.
5. They were running/had run for the bus when I saw them.
6. My parents went/had gone to the party last Sunday.
7. We forgot/had forgotten to lock the door when I went to school.
8. He played/had played tennis when you came to him.
9. You had bought/bought the book two days ago.
10. She had been writing/wrote articles for one week.
11. They slept/were sleeping when the phone called.
12. I was watching/watched TV when you arrived.
13. He was listening /listened to music when I called him.
14. Mary got married/had got married last month.
15. We hadn’t spoken/didn’t speak to our friends for a long time.

1. A. opened, bought, enjoyed, read, forgot, saw

B.drank, bought, spoke, stopped, opened, had

C.was, spoke, opened, enjoyed, forgot

2. A. was talking, was calling, was calling, was shopping, was ordering

B. was ordering, was touring, was talking, was reading, was buying

C.was touring, was talking, was visiting, was standing

The Perfect Progressive:

A. 1. will have been cleaning the house, 2. had been watching, 3. will have been working, 4.
will have been, 5. has been reading

B. 1. has been writing, 2. had been cooking, 3. have been working, 4. will have been learning,

5.had been crying

The Past Perfect Simple or Continuous:

A. 1. had never met, 2. had finished, 3.had lived,4. had never visited, 5. had waited

B. 1. had prepared, 2.had already washed, 3.had lived, 4.had closed, 5. had waited

C. 1. had prepared, 2. had moved, 3.had waited, 4. had never seen, had closed

D. 1. had been learning, 2. had been travelling, 3.had run, 4. had written, 5. had finished

Choose from the past perfect or the past tense:

1.bought, 2. called, 3.had moved, 4. had been tidying, 5. were running, 6. went,7. forgot, 8. had

played, 9. bought, 10. had been writing, 11.were sleeping, 12. was watching, 13. was listening,

14. got married, 15. hadn’t spoken

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