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Why does Lego Group exist?

Ultimately, we determined the answer: to offer our core products, whose unique design helps children
learn systematic, creative problem solving—a crucial twenty-first-century skill. We also decided that we
wanted to compete not by being the biggest but by being the best. Implementing a strategy of niche
differentiation and excellence required a looser structure and a relaxation of the top-down management
style we had imposed during the turnaround because the company needed empowered managers\\

Slide- Toys excavated from the Indus valley civilization (3010–1500 BCE) include small carts,
whistles shaped like birds, and toy monkeys which could slide down a string.[3]

"At the most basic level they are empowerment fantasies, and for kids even at a young
age being able to do stuff and not live in a world where everything's decided for you by
forces that you can't really comprehend is just very appealing, on a gut level sort of
thing. Whether it's being able to pick-up some huge thing, or run faster than anybody
else, or fly through the air, kids have an understanding of that at the youngest age.
"You know they are very open to imagination and stimulation and so forth. And so these
are all characters and elements that appeal to them. They may not get the shadings and
all the aspects of Peter Parker and his powers -- his uncle is killed and he deals with
this sense of guilt and responsibility -- but they certainly understand he's the guy in red
and blue, swings around the city doing crazy things and striking poses, it's very easy to
kind of imagine yourself into the figure. Spiderman is one of those characters and part
of that design is so brilliant and beautiful and pure, no matter who you are - because
he's covered head to toe - you can kind of project yourself into that character."

 Inspires active play. Kids need to do something—push, pull, dissect, build—

with a toy. If the toy does all the work, then it loses its appeal after the first half
hour. That is the reason kids so often destroy mechanical toys.
 Sturdy and well-made. Shoddy toys only frustrate, encouraging kids to
destroy, not create.
 Lends itself to more than one use. Toys that are designed to be played with
in only one way inhibit imagination and creativity. A simple cardboard box can
become just about anything your child wants it to be (house, car, store
counter, boat, bed), and it can be pushed, pulled, crawled into, driven or
 Challenges but doesn't frustrate. A toy should be just on the margin of the
child's growing capacities.

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