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+ The Fourth Wise Man +

Scene 1 – The 4 wise men talking together

Wiseman 1: I discovered a great thing today

Wiseman 2: I discovered a great big thing too tonight
Wiseman 3: you too!!! But it is not going to be bigger than my discovery
Wiseman 4: Hey! It must be the same thing I’ve seen tonight
All: The very big shining star!!
Wiseman 1: Yes, It is the biggest and the brightest ever
Wiseman 2: Do you know what that means?
Wiseman 3: Sure we do! A great King was born tonight
Wiseman 4: Yes, I should get prepared
Wiseman 1: I’m all set to go and give him my gift , the Gold, as he is a mighty
Wiseman 2: I got him frankincense as he is the Great Priest
Wiseman 3: And I got him Myrrh, as he will suffer a lot and will die for the whole
Wiseman 4: Wow! You’re all set and got your presents already- gold, frankincense and
myrrh-, I guess I have to prepare a great gift too… I want to give him the
greatest gift ever… OK, yes, I got a plan
Wiseman 1: So what is your plan?
Wiseman 4: I’ll sell everything I have and buy the best, purist, biggest diamonds in this
whole world and give them to our savior. Diamonds are fit for the great
King, the high priest who will save the whole world and suffer for you and
Wiseman 2: But that will take you so long.
Wiseman 3: And we have to go on our way now to follow the star before it disappears.
Wiseman 1: Good luck and hope you will catch us.
Wiseman 4: Ok, have a great trip and I hope I’ll see you all very soon and we all get to
see the KING

Song (The 3 Wise men)

Scene # 2

Wiseman 4: OK, I’m all set now to start my journey to meet the king, it took me a
while to get to sell every thing I own…. but I finally did …. and
now I have those great diamonds that are fit for a KING.

The wise man start walking carrying a bag on his shoulder and he approaches a city, 2
women came running and crying

Wiseman 4: What’s going on there? There must be something really bad that happened
to this city, I can see smoke coming from there. Why are these women
crying? lets go and see..
Wiseman 4:” Excuse me! Excuse me! Sorry to bother you but what happened to your city
and why are you crying?
Woman 1: Oh! It is a disaster. They took everything
Woman 2: Yes, everything, our money, our animals, our furniture
Woman 1: They burnt our houses
Wiseman4: Who did that?
Woman 2: A big gang from behind these mountains, they took everything. What
are we going to do now? We don’t have anything.
How are we going to feed our children? Oh! It will never be the same.
They will never survive.
Wiseman 4: (talking to himself) Oh! What a poor city! How are they going to survive?
I have to help them. But I don’t have any money I just sold everything to
get these 3 diamonds, I guess they could use one, and it is OK to give the
KING two. They really need help.
Wiseman4: I believe you could use this. (Giving 1 diamond to woman 1)
Woman 1: Is this for us? This is too much!
Wiseman 4: Yes, it could help you in rebuilding your village and get you all food and
clothes for your children.
Woman 2: Sir, you are so nice. We are so grateful. Thank you, thank you. God
bless you.
Woman 1: Thank you very much
Woman 2: Please come with us and we will introduce you to the whole village.
Wiseman 4: Oh! Sorry, I really have to go now on my way as I have a long trip to go. I
have an appointment with a very important person and I don’t want to be late …… I
really have to go now ……. bye.

**** Song

Scene 3: A wounded man on the floor in a dessert background.

Wiseman 4: Finally I’m on my way….. Oh! what’s that on the sand? .. poor man I have
to get closer and see if he needs help.

Wounded Man: Oh! Oh! …. Help me … Help me

Wiseman 4: Yes sir I’m here to help you… can you hear me.
Wounded Man: Yes… Please help me… help.

Wiseman 4 starts to give him some water and clean his wounds and talks to him

Wiseman 4: Ok I hope you are a bit better, so what happened to you?

Wounded Man: I was traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho, and then 3… no 4 thieves
came from no where, they surrounded me, beat me, and took every thing I
had even my donkey, and left me here between life and death.
Wiseman 4: Did anyone come to help?
Wounded Man: Well, 2 people came by, and they both stood away from me watching.
Then, they just left. Are you going to leave? You look like you are in a

Wiseman 4: No … No .. sir I’ll never leave you … I’m actually traveling to visit a very
important person but I’ll take care of you first. Don’t worry. Just give me
your hands and let’s go away from here.

Wounded Man: sir .. you are so kind .. I don’t know how to thank you.

*** Song

Wiseman 4: Here is an Inn. Let’s go there.

They both start walking, the Wiseman holding the wounded man. Seeing an Inn, they
decide to go inside and find the owner of the Inn.

Wiseman 4: Good evening sir, I wonder if you have an empty room for my friend here.

Owner: Good evening Sir. Sure, I do have a room for him, but he looks ….

Wiseman 4: Yes he had an accident and he needs medical help immediately. He will
also need food, water, clothes, and preferably somebody to take care of
him… Oh! also a donkey to use on his way back to his home.

Owner: Oh sir but that will need lots of money, I’ll be glad to help him, but I don’t have
the resources to provide the help you’re looking for.

Wiseman4: Oh …. ok … you need money of course .. I can take care of that…. use this.
It will do and will cover all the costs.

(he takes a diamond out. Both the owner and the wounded man look at the diamond.)

Wounded Man: Sir … that’s too much … I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to repay you,
thank you , thank you.

Wiseman 4: You don’t need to repay me… …

(Wiseman 4 looks to the owner)

Wiseman 4: Please take very good care of my friend here.

Owner: Sure I will, sir.

Wiseman 4: I better go now I still have long way to go and as I told you I’ve got a very
important meeting with a VIP … see you later….
Wiseman 4 (talking to himself): at least I still have 1 diamond left. I hope he likes it …
I’m so late now and I can’t see the star anymore. I will head to Jerusalem
and ask there about him at the Temple.

**** Song

(Scene # 4: Jerusalem and the temple …. the Wiseman walks until he approaches the
temple. There, he meets 2 women and starts to ask about Bethlehem.)

Wiseman 4: Jerusalem, finally … I will go to the temple and ask the people there about
the king who is born in Bethlehem, they must’ve heard of him.

Wiseman 4: Excuse me? Can I ask you about something?

Woman 1: Sure .. how can I help you?

Wiseman 4: Do you know the way to Bethlehem? I need to see someone there

Woman 2: Bethlehem !! … You don’t want to go there now! But if you really want
to, you’ll need to go this way.

Wiseman 4: Why are you saying that I don’t want to be there now? Actually, I thought
you knew about the king…

Woman 1: A King born in Bethlehem??!!!!!!!

Woman 2: The only thing we heard about in Bethlehem is crying

Wiseman 4: but why?

Woman 1: Herod also heard about this newborn King. 3 wisemen came to him and
told him that they came to worship this newborn King.

Woman 2: He was so angry! They didn’t come back and they didn’t tell him where
that newborn King was.

Woman 1: So he got so mad and ordered his troops to kill all the babies born in
Bethlehem 2 years and under …. they killed them all.

Wiseman 4 (looking so sad) and walking away going towards the temple.

Wiseman 4: I’m so late now, they king is gone…. I have nothing … and I don’t know
where to go.

A little boy comes in the temple and start praying.

Boy: God… thank you for taking care of us till now, I just need you help God.
We don’t have any thing to eat this feast, Mum doesn’t have food and dad
can’t find work .. my brothers and sisters are hungry … please God take
care of them , I don’t know what to do, but I trust you and trust that you
will help us.

Wiseman 4: Hi

Boy: hello

Wiseman 4: You look so sad .. Come on, let me help you to wipe all these tears from
your face.

Boy: thanks sir … but I have to go now

Wiseman 4 : Could you please accept this from me (giving him a diamond)

Boy : Is this for me? Wow! it looks so beautiful

Wiseman 4: please give it to your parents. Hope you all have a great feast.

Boy (running happily): Thank you sir … thank you so much … you just saved our
lives… thank you God …..

Wiseman 4: Now, I’m officially broke …. no diamonds… no house …. no KING

…..nothing at all …… I lost every thing

A shiny photo of Baby Jesus appears wearing a crown with the 3 diamonds … saying…
rise and don’t cry ….. your diamonds are here … I got them all … every time you gave
one to one of my brothers and sisters … who were really in need … you actually gave it
to me…. I got all your presents ….. your love and your care … your concern and your
kind heart are the greatest gifts of all …. I hope that the whole world will hear about your
story… Go and tell them that this is what I want as a gift in Christmas. Your hearts.

**** song

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