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Wednesday | March 27, 2019

State bond bill won’t cover full cost of amphitheater

Package to include up to mittee which crafts the bond
package — said Tuesday the The Mississippi
$750K toward $2.5 million bill would provide anywhere
from $500,000 to $750,000 for
Legislature is
expected to provide
second phase of project the facility.
That’s the bad news.
from $500,000 to
$750,000 in bond
money for Phase 2
By Slim Smith “For Phase 2, we need- construction of the ed $2.5 million, so this just Stafford Terry Brown Amphi-
moves the ball further,” said theater this week,
When the Mississippi Legislature com- Kevin Stafford, the city’s engineer. “After but with an esti-
pletes its estimated $400-million bond that, the city would have to piece together mated cost of $2.5
package this week, there will be money the balance. I haven’t been told by anyone million needed to
provided for construction of the Sen. Terry complete the phase.
what happens from here.”
The city is uncertain
Brown Amphitheater on The Island. The funding issue comes at a bad time how to proceed with
That’s the good news. for the city, which faces a $338,000 operat- the project without
Rep. Jeff Smith of Columbus — chair- ing fund debt by the end of the fiscal year, full funding.
man of the House Ways and Means Com- See Bond package, 8A Dispatch file photo

Woman ‘Meeting parents where they are’

arrested for
stealing state
trooper’s pet
pit bull puppy
Dog returned; suspect
charged with felony

Derrick Beckom
had left his 7-month-
old pit bull puppy out-
side barely 10 min-
utes when he realized
the puppy was gone.
Beckom, who is a
state trooper for the
Mississippi Highway Courtesy photo
Patrol, and his family have had the Columbus Municipal School District Superintendent Cherie Labat and Columbus Middle School counselor Tracy Risher walk
puppy, Zeke, since about Christ- through a Columbus Housing Authority’s William Washington complex Monday, holding individual parent conferences for ac-
mas, and in those months Zeke ademic outreach. District officials also discussed test-taking tips and techniques Tuesday morning on William Roberts Road
had never willingly left the yard. So and Fourth Street South.
when he didn’t respond to Beckom’s
call on March 20, Beckom realized
something was wrong.
“He was nowhere in the front,
so I walked out, started looking
CMSD leaders go door-to-door to involve parents
around the house for him,” Beckom BY MARY POLLITZ ferences on the steps, streets and front information. They didn’t porches of the William Washington come to us, so we were
said. “At that point, when he was
nowhere around the general area, I complex of the Columbus Housing Au- going to come to them.
realized someone had possibly tak- When parents didn’t show up for the thority. It was a mini-session but
en him.” Parent Outreach Academic Seminar on “(Monday) we didn’t have (the par- we shared testing infor-
Beckom talked to several of his Monday, Columbus Municipal School ents) all here,” Smith said. “I said, mation with them.”
neighbors, who told him they didn’t District officials were not deterred. ‘They’re not here, let’s revamp.’ We On Tuesday, the dis-
know where Zeke was. Then he Rather than chalking it up as a loss, went door to door. Once we started trict met with parents Smith
called the Lowndes County Sher- Superintendent Cherie Labat and Co- walking around, we really enjoyed it. again at Columbus Hous-
iff’s Office, who sent deputies. lumbus Middle School Principal Billie The parents were really appreciative ing Authority complexes on William
Within about a day, investigators Smith started walking the neighbor- to see the superintendent and their Roberts and Fourth Street South. More
See Dog stealing, 8A hood, holding miniature parent con- principal knock on their door to bring See CMSD, 8A

Bill to finance Columbus Light and Water fiber expansion in limbo

Utility wants to borrow $2.75 million to finish Private Commit-
tee would allow
internal communication. Bonds
would be the best way to finance
which it must do by 11:59 p.m.
infrastructure, then offer broadband services CLW to issue the expansion, said CLW Gener- “Let me put it this way,” Smith
about $2.75 mil- al Manager Todd Gale. said. “It’s very much alive in the
BY AMANDA LIEN es in the city, but the future of lion in bonds to However, Rep. Jeff Smith House, but it’s dead in the Sen- that venture is uncertain as a bill finance the ex- (R-Columbus), who introduced ate.”
to fund the initiative makes its pansion of the the bill in the Legislature and In the House Local and Pri-
Columbus Light and Water is way through the Legislature in utility’s already Gale also is CLW’s board attorney, vate Committee, the bill will
still interested in selling phone Jackson. 20-mile network said there is a possibility the bill probably pass, he said. However,
and internet service to business- A bill in the House Local and of fiber optic cable it now uses for won’t make it out of committee, See CLW, 3A

Weather Five Questions Calendar Local Folks Public

1 Where did activist Julia Butterfly Thursday and Artist Series. Free to the meetings
Hill spend 738 consecutive days from public. March 28:
■ Pilgrimage Kickoff Party:
1997 to 1999? Columbus Light
Columbus’ 79th annual
2 What part of Secretariat’s body was
nearly three times as large as that of Pilgrimage kicks off with a Thursday and Water utility
an average horse? community-wide party from
5-8 p.m. on the grounds of the
through Saturday meeting, noon,
3 What character is often killed in ■ Ragtime Jazz Festival, CLW office
James Shepperd TV’s South Park? Tennessee Williams Home and
Gatsby Gala: The 13th annual
4 The makers of what candy patented Welcome Center, 300 Main building
Kindergarten, Annunciation Charles H. Templeton Ragtime
an anti-melting process in 1941? St. Live music, plus crawfish April 1: Lown-

71 Low 46
5 In the “Harry Potter” series, what Jazz Festival at Mississippi
and shrimp plates by Huck’s des County
High two Weasley siblings are twins? available for purchase. For
State University’s Mitchell
Memorial Library and other Supervisors, 9
Sunny Answers, 8B more information, contact Visit
locations features multiple per- a.m., County
Full forecast on Columbus, 800-920-3533 or
page 2A. 662-329-1191. forming artists and silent films. Courthouse
■ Homecoming concert: The Gatsby Gala opens the April 2: Colum-
Inside Mississippi University for festival with a 1920s-inspired
fashion show and exhibits at
bus City Council
Women presents a concert regular meeting,
Classifieds 7B Obituaries 4A with pianist Elena Klionsky at the library March 28. Get infor-
Comics 4B Opinions 6A 8 p.m. in Poindexter Hall on mation and tickets at festival. 5 p.m., Munic-
Crossword 8B NATS 7A ipal Complex
campus, sponsored by the or call Eliya Orr, 8, enjoys
140th Year, No. 14 Dear Abby 4B
Food 5B
Scene & Seen 2A
Leslie F. Threadgill Lecure 662-325-6634. making slime. Courtroom


2A Wednesday, March 27, 2019 The Dispatch •

Did you hear?
Dismissal of Smollett case
brings backlash, more questions
‘You cannot have, because of a

person’s position, one set of rules WATER/WAYS ART
A reception for student artists who submitted artwork for the Smithso-

apply to them and another set nian Water/Ways traveling exhibit at the Tennessee-Tombigbee Trans-
portation Museum in Columbus was held March 21 at East Mississip-
pi Community College. Deanna Robinson/Special to The Dispatch
of rules apply to everybody else’
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel
By MICHAEL TARM Among those sure to
and AMANDA SEITZ keep pressing for answers
The Associated Press is Chicago Mayor Rahm
Emanuel, who appeared
CHICAGO — Prosecu- blindsided by the decision.
tors still insist Jussie Smol- His voice rising in anger
lett faked a racist, anti-gay at times, Emanuel called
attack on himself in the the deal “a whitewash of
hopes that the attention justice” and lashed out at
would advance his acting Smollett. He said Smollett
career. The “Empire” star had exploited hate-crime
still says he was assaulted laws meant to protect mi-
by two men late at night in norities by turning the
downtown Chicago. laws “inside out, upside
But with little explana- down for only one thing —
tion, authorities on Tues- himself.”
day abruptly dropped all “Where is the account-
charges against Smollett, ability in the system?”
abandoning the criminal Emanuel asked. “You Shirli Salihaj, Sarah Grace Bisson Gina Thompson, Scott Baine, Cindy Buob
case only five weeks after cannot have, because of a
the allegations were filed. person’s position, one set
In return, prosecutors of rules apply to them and
said, the actor agreed to let another set of rules apply
the city keep his $10,000 in to everybody else.”
bail. Smollett has become a
The dismissal drew a household name as a result
swift backlash from the of the case, but it’s unclear
mayor and police chief and if the dropped charges
raised questions about why will diminish the taint that
Smollett was not forced to followed his arrest last
admit what prosecutors month. His insistence that
had said they could prove he had been vindicated
in court — that the entire may make the entertain-
episode was a publicity ment industry cautious
stunt. about fully embracing him.


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President Trump vowed on Tuesday to make “This is something that Ameri-
cans care deeply about,” said Sen.
n Republicans the ‘party of health care’ Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, a
White House hopeful. “I may not
Physical address: 516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39701 The Associated Press The moves could help Trump have been asked about the Muel-
rally his conservative base as he cel- ler report at town hall meetings,
Mailing address: P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511 WASHINGTON — President ebrates Attorney General William but I was sure asked about health
Donald Trump is calling on Republi- Barr’s summary of special counsel care.”
Starkville Office: 101 S. Lafayette St. #16, Starkville, MS 39759
cans to revive the effort to quash the Robert Mueller’s report that said Other Democrats appeared to
Affordable Care Act, handing Dem- there was no evidence that the pres- relish the chance to shift to health
SUBSCRIPTIONS ocrats an opportunity to unite in de-
ident or his associates colluded with
care. Asked if the Trump adminis-
fense of the law as they try to move tration’s court filing allowed Dem-
Russia in the 2016 campaign. But the
HOW TO SUBSCRIBE past the Russia investigation and win
push also poured political kerosene
ocrats to turn the page on Mueller,
By phone................................. 662-328-2424 or 877-328-2430 the White House in 2020. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said
Trump’s administration is asking on an issue that many Democrats she would have been talking about
Online.......................................... credit with powering their midterm
a federal appeals court to strike down health care no matter what.
election victories in November.
RATES the entire health care law. The presi-
dent vowed on Tuesday to make the Top Democrats, including presi-
“We have been dealing with
health care constantly,” the Cali-
Daily home delivery + unlimited online access*..........$13.50/mo. GOP the “party of health care” and dential candidates, said health care fornia Democrat said. “The public
Sunday only delivery + unlimited online access*...........$8.50/mo. told Senate Republicans to lean into is an issue that resonates with vot- attention has been on the Mueller
Daily home delivery only*.................................................$12/mo. their own agenda on the issue as ers more than the Mueller investi- report, but we have been focused
Online access only*.......................................................$8.95/mo. they head into next year’s election. gation. on health care.”
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The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)

Published daily except Saturday. Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Lawmakers denounce plan to divert military money for wall
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS The Associated Press Tuesday denounced De- the “unbelievably irre- Democrats on the House
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 fense Department plans sponsible” maneuver will Armed Services Commit-
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc., WASHINGTON — to use military funds to threaten the agency’s fu- tee said there is little sup-
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703 House lawmakers on pay for President Don- ture ability to shift money port for tapping military
ald Trump’s border wall, around when needed. construction projects for
telling Pentagon leaders Both Republicans and the wall, about a week
after Acting Defense Sec-
retary Patrick Shanahan
sent a list of vulnerable
Clear to partly cloudy
Mostly sunny and
Partly sunny and
Mostly cloudy with a
Mostly cloudy and
Are You Ready projects to Capitol Hill.
“Whatever one feels
45° 74°
46° 74°
73° 42° 59°
37° to Discuss Your about the border wall, to
look at the Pentagon as
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slash — slush fund, where
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Care Options? you can simply go in and
grab money for some-
PRECIPITATION (in inches) Are you struggling to provide care for a loved one? thing when you need it,
Tuesday 0.00
Month to date 4.10 Are you concerned about long term care costs? really undermines the
Normal month to date 4.13 Do you have questions about how to protect your credibility of the entire
Year to date 20.30
Normal year to date 15.01
assets if you need long term care? DoD budget,” said Rep.
Are you confused by Medicare and Medicaid Adam Smith, D-Wash.,
TOMBIGBEE RIVER STAGES and their requirements?
In feet as of Flood 24-hr. chairman of the panel.
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Bigbee 14 6.22 +0.84 Shown are tomorrow’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. out of the Department of
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your family’s needs. Contact us at (662) 327-4211 (ext.#0) Defense is also unbeliev-
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LAKE LEVELS City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W As the hearing contin-
Atlanta 69/47/s 73/53/pc Nashville 73/51/pc 71/54/pc
In feet as of 24-hr.
Boston 53/43/s 60/48/c Orlando 77/57/s 79/57/s ued, Smith sent a letter
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Aberdeen Dam 188 163.25 -0.18
Chicago 59/39/sh 47/36/r Philadelphia 60/48/pc 70/55/c from the committee to
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© The Dispatch

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the U.S.-Mexico border.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019 3A


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Two arrested in separate Steens man arrested

aggravated assault incidents for assaulting a child DISPATCH STAFF REPORT
DISPATCH STAFF REPORT his pepper spraying a woman and a le Street in Columbus,
juvenile. had become involved A Steens man has been charged
Two people were with sexual battery of a child.
Dooley was charged with domes- in an altercation with
arrested for aggravat- Deputies with Lowndes County
tic violence aggravated assault and the victim and cut her
ed assaults last week Sheriff’s Office arrested Quintinn
a slew of misdemeanors, including with the box cutter.
in separate incidents. Larenzo Mosby, 34, of 1232 Harri-
simple assault on a minor. He is in The victim was taken
On March 19, son Road, Thursday after receiving
custody at Lowndes County Adult to Baptist Memorial
Lowndes County sher- a report from a guidance counselor
Detention Center on $17,161 bond. Hospital-Golden Tri-
at an area middle school. The coun-
iff’s deputies arrested On Friday, Columbus police ar- angle where she was Martin
selor said a student reported Mosby Mosby
Jerrico Dooley, 22, of rested a woman accused of attacking treated and released.
Dooley had been abusing her for several years.
Macon, in reference to another woman with a box cutter, Martin was charged with aggra-
The Dispatch does not identify child victims of
an assault in Crawford according to Columbus Police Chief vated assault with a weapon and has
sexual abuse.
the week before. Dooley allegedly be- Fred Shelton. been released from Lowndes County
Mosby has been released from custody on
came involved in a domestic distur- Shelton said the suspect, Ashley Adult Detention Center on $200,000
$25,000 bond.
bance on March 14 that ended with Lashaundra Martin, 33, of 110 Dowd- bond.

Continued from Page 1A
he claims made it unclear whether Camp), who chairs the Sen- years for the initiative to
lobby ists CLW could pursue a bond ate Local and Private Com- turn a profit, Gale said.
are urging without legislative approv- mittee, did not respond to Payments on the bond
senators not al. To be on the safe side, phone calls or text messag- would be deferred for up to
to vote for it. Gale said bond attorneys es from The Dispatch by three years.
“I can advised the utility to seek press time. CLW’s board will meet
only do so legislation. Thursday, which is the
much on my If the bill doesn’t pass, Internet expansion deadline for the bill to
end,” Smith Smith Gale said CLW would look CLW has been consid- come out of the legislative
said. “And it’s frustrating. at finishing the infrastruc- ering expanding its ser- committees, to determine
But we haven’t given up ture out-of-pocket — some- vices to include the sale how to move forward. Gale
yet.” thing that could strain the of phone and broadband said those discussions
Sen. Chuck Younger utility that has operated internet since last fall, as could include cost feasibil-
(R-Lowndes County) said at a deficit on the electric a way to generate revenue ity of self-funding the fiber
he is “all for” the bill, but side each of the last three while mitigating the need expansion.
has heard there is resis- years. for rate increases. It would take roughly
tance from senators and Rep. Gary Chism The service would first six months to install the
lobbyists for big phone and (R-Lowndes County), who be offered to business cli- additional fiber, he added,
internet companies like serves on the House Local ents only, with a possible after which customers
Comcast. Those lobbyists and Private Committee, expansion to residential could be connected imme-
have not approached him, said there may still be hope customers later. diately.
he said. for the CLW bill. House In September, CLW “In order to keep our
“I heard the other day Speaker Phillip Gunn and mailed surveys to rough- rates down, we have to
that they were going to kill Senate President and Lt. ly 2,500 businesses in the stay competitive,” Gale
it,” Younger said. “That Governor Tate Reeves city limits, and the ma- said. “There has already
doesn’t make sense be- meet weekly to discuss jority of respondents said been interest and we al-
cause we passed a bill to bills coming up through they would be interested in ready have the fiber for it.
allow co-ops to do basically committee, he said. purchasing those services It makes sense to take an
the same thing.” “The way those meet- from CLW. asset we’ve already paid for
The co-op bill, which ings go usually is indicated “We found then that and make good use of it.”
the Legislature approved in how bills do in commit- there was definitely in-
in February, allows the tee,” he said. “So if the Sen- terest,” Gale said. “There
state’s electric coopera- ate doesn’t like a bill, that were a lot of people saying
tives to provide broadband affects how it’s presented they’d switch. And even
service to its customers. in the House.” now, I have people on the
Until the new bill was Because the House is street asking when we’re
passed, electric coopera- still moving forward with going to start selling that
tives were bound by a law the bill, Chism said it’s safe service.”
passed in 1932 that prohib- to assume there’s still a The utility paid $28,000
ited them from providing chance for it in the Senate. to Tennessee-based
anything but electricity to “We’re coming down Kersey Consulting Ser-
members. Now, the co-ops to the end of the session, vices, which has been
can provide broadband ser- so there doesn’t need to working with power com-
vice but are not required to be any more hiccups,” he panies in Tennessee and
do so. said. “But there doesn’t Kentucky for nearly 10
Unlike the co-ops, CLW seem to be any opposition. years, to conduct a feasibil-
— as a municipal utility — If the (House) chairman ity study.
already had legal permis- (Manly Barton, R-Jackson) If the bill passes and the
sion to sell internet service. understands it enough to bond is issued, CLW would
However, both Smith and bring it forward, it’ll pass need 600 broadband cus-
Gale said conflicting At- (in the House).” tomers to break even, and
torney General’s opinions Gary Jackson (R-French it would take about three

Lowndes deputies seek missing man

Columbus man sandy brown hair. The
press release said McMil-
Investigators are ask-
ing anyone with infor-
missing since len was driving a green mation on McMillen’s
2004 Ford F-150 with the whereabouts to call
Sunday never tag number LT1 0930. LCSO at 662-328-6788.
made it to job

with Lown-
des County
Sher i f f ’s
Office are
for a man
who has
been miss- McMillen
ing since this weekend.
John McMillen, 46,
left his home on Elm
Drive in Columbus Sun-
day afternoon to travel to
a job interview in Green-
ville, Alabama, according
to a LCSO press release.
However, investigators
said he never made it to
the interview, which was
scheduled for Monday,
and family members hav-
en’t heard from him since
he left.
McMillen was report-
ed missing Tuesday.
McMillen is a white
man with brown eyes and
4A Wednesday, March 27, 2019 The Dispatch •

Area obituaries
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH death by her brother,
Jewell Hunnicutt
OBITUARY POLICY Dustin Ross. Mrs. Jewell Nabors Hunnicutt, 85, of Kennedy,
Obituaries with basic informa-
In addition to her Alabama, died on Monday, March 25, 2019, at
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided parents, she is survived Fayette Long Term Care in Fayette, Alabama.
free of charge. Extended by her husband, Bennie Born Friday, September 29, 1933, in Pickens
obituaries with a photograph, Franklin Crowe III; County, Alabama, to the late Mr. Clyde Nabors
detailed biographical informa- son, Zachary Andrew and Mrs.June Edward Swink Nabors. She was a
tion and other details families Crowe; stepson, Joshua member of Riverside Baptist Church.
may wish to include, are avail-
Crowe; stepdaughter, She was preceded in death by her parents; and
able for a fee. Obituaries must
Rebecca Crowe Stokely; two brothers, J.C. Nabors and William Nabors.
be submitted through funeral
homes unless the deceased’s and five grandchildren. Surviving are her husband, Sarepta Hunnicutt;
body has been donated to son, Frankel Hunnicutt (Donna); daughters,
science. If the deceased’s Marcus Perkins Gwenda Aldridge (Jerry) and Kitty Fooshee
body was donated to science,
STARKVILLE — (Ronald); brothers, her twin James (Pug)
the family must provide official
Marcus T. Perkins, 40, Nabors and Gene Nabors; sisters, Sadie Rigsby
proof of death. Please submit
died March 21, 2019, in and Gladys McCool; 5 grandchildren, Brandon
all obituaries on the form pro- Hunnicutt (Karen), Chris Hunnicutt (Britney),
vided by The Commercial Dis- Starkville.
Carrie Powell (Michael), David Fooshee (Nicole)
patch. Free notices must be Services will be at
and Sarah Gregory (Adam); and 9 great-grand
submitted to the newspaper 1:00 P.M. Thursday at
no later than 3 p.m. the day children.
Second Baptist M.B.
prior for publication Tuesday A funeral service will be held at 2:00 PM on
Church. Burial will
through Friday; no later than 4 Wednesday, March 27, 2019 at Dowdle Funeral
follow at Public Ceme-
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday Home Chapel. Visitation will follow after the
edition; and no later than 7:30 tery. Visitation is from
service. Officiating will be Chris Hunnicutt,
a.m. for the Monday edition. 2-6 p.m. Wednesday at
Carlos Dean and Craig Holliman. Interment will
Incomplete notices must be re- West Memorial Funeral be in Kennedy City Cemetery. Dowdle Funeral
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m. Home. West Memorial Home is in charge of arrangements.
for the Monday through Friday
Funeral Home is in Pallbearers will be Brandon Hunnicutt, David
editions. Paid notices must be
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion
charge of arrange- Fooshee, Adam Gregory, Michael Powell, Ronald
the next day Monday through ments. Fooshee and Jerry Aldridge.

Harold L. Dobbs
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 He is survived by his Paid Obituary - Dowdle Funeral Home
p.m. for Sunday and Monday daughter, Aniya Per-

Lewis R. Brown Sr.

publication. For more informa- kins; and one brother,
tion, call 662-328-2471. Anthony Perkins. Harold L. Dobbs, 89, beloved
husband, father, grandfather
Wanda Kirkley Elizabeth Jolly Dr. Lewis R. Brown, Sr., and great-grandfather, passed
WEST POINT — WEST POINT — passed away peacefully, at the away peacefully Saturday,
Wanda Jean Kirkley, 86, Elizabeth Bourland age of 88, Sunday, March 24, March 23, 2019, at Baptist Me-
died March 26, 2019, Jolly, 66, died March 25, 2019, at his home in Starkville, morial Hospital in Columbus,
at North Mississippi 2019, at her residence. MS, surrounded by his family. MS.
Medical Center in West Services will be at Dr. Brown was born in He died of a worn out, but
Point. 2:30 p.m. Saturday at Houston, TX, August 11, 1930. very large and well used heart.
Arrangements are Memorial Gunter Peel He was predeceased by He was a larger-than-life re-
incomplete and will be Funeral Home Chapel, his wife of 40 years, Helen C. nowned story teller, self-styled amateur histori-
announced by Memori- Second Avenue North Brown; and his parents, Cmdr. an and a huge fan of Jerry Clower (often heard
al Gunter Peel Funeral location, with Dr. Robert J. Brown, Jr. and Helen to quote “knock him out John – just shoot up
Home and Crematory, Shawn Parker officiat- Cier Brown; and one son, Robert Lewis Brown. amongst us – one of us got to have some relief”).
College Street location. ing. Burial will follow at He is survived by his three children: daughter, Harold was born in Macon, MS on Dec 13,
Friendship Cemetery. Donna Helen Brown South (Lou); and two sons, 1929 and resided there until he was thirteen. His
Stephanie Crowe Visitation will be from David Theodore Brown (Bonnie) and Lewis family moved to Lowndes County in 1943 and op-
NASHVILLE, Tenn. 1-2:30 p.m. prior to Raymond Brown, Jr.; four grandchildren, Emily erated a Grade “A” Dairy farm in the Old Plym-
services at the funeral Ruth Echols Easterling (Joshua), Louis Clayton outh community on Old West Point Road (now
— Stephanie Frances
home. Memorial Gunter South, II (Madison), Caleb Anthony Brown and the West Bank).
Crowe, 53, died March
Peel Funeral Home Andrew Harris Brown; two great-grandchildren, He was a 1947 graduate of S.D. Lee High
23, 2019, in Nashville,
and Crematory, Second Madelyn Sage Easterling and Mason Cohen School in Columbus, MS. Shortly after gradua-
Avenue North location, South; and one step-granddaughter, Amy Nichole tion, he left Columbus for Chicago, IL, to seek his
Celebration of Life
South Jackson (Ashley) and her children, Rachel fortune, but found his greatest treasure there, his
services will be at 2 is in charge of arrange-
Elizabeth, Jacob Perry, Sydney Elizabeth and beautiful bride, Sally. Harold and Sally married
p.m. Saturday at Cros- ments.
Sarah Ashley. He has one surviving sister, Martha on “Flag Day”, June 14, 1952, in Chicago and re-
spoint Bellevue in Memorials may be
Brown King and many nieces and nephews. sided in that area until 1956, at which time they
Nashville. Nashville made to St. Jude Chil-
Dr. Brown attended Tulane University in returned to Columbus, MS to help his parents
Funeral and Cremation dren’s Research Hospi-
New Orleans, LA, however, he received his manage the family farm and dairy.
is in charge of arrange- tal, 501 St. Jude Place,
B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. from Louisiana State He was employed at American Bosch, later
ments. Memphis, TN 38101 or
University with a major field of Microbiology. (United Technologies). He was a Tool & Dye mak-
Mrs. Crowe was born to the Columbus-Lown- er at Bosch and served as President of the Local
July 25, 1965, in Colum- des Humane Society, He received numerous honors to include MSU
Alumni Award for Excellence in Teaching and Union until being promoted to management. He
bus, to Jerry and Julia P.O. Box 85, Columbus, was also a 32nd Degree Mason and member of
Roberts. MS 39703. Research, Induction into Education Hall of Fame
in Starkville, Fellow of the American Academy the local Shriner’s Hamasa Temple.
She was preceded in See Obituaries, 5A He briefly returned to Chicago for a four-year
of Microbiology and the Society for Industrial

Crystal Fisher
Microbiology and the Lifetime Achievement stint at Owens-Illinois/Libby Glass Co., but again
Award from Sigma Xi. The MSU ASM Student returned to Columbus in 1967 to Bosch/UT.
Chapter named an award, Dr. Lewis Brown Harold was also an educator, having taught
Lectureship Award Series, in his honor in 2012. Machining at Golden Triangle Vocational/Tech-
Crystal Anderson Fisher, 35,
Departmental Fellowships were named the nical School in Mayhew, MS for several years and
passed away peacefully on Sun-
Lewis R. Brown Fellowships. He was a member is well remembered by his students
day, March 24, 2019, at North
of many professional organizations and served He retired as Director of Human Resources
Mississippi Medical Center in
as an officer in many of them. Dr. Brown was for Beloit-Manhattan/Metso International Corp.
Tupelo, surrounded by her fam-
admired and loved by his students. He wouldn’t and also served as a member of Columbus/Lown-
ily and friends.
ask them to do anything he wouldn’t do. des Area Management for the Golden Triangle
Visitation will be from 1:00-
Dr. Brown held a top secret government Development Center.
3:00 PM on Friday, March 29,
clearance and was engaged in classified work Out of all his achievements, he valued his ser-
2019, at Skate Zone in Colum-
as Assistant Branch Chief at Production vice to the Lord and his love of family. He was a
bus. Funeral services will fol-
Development Labs in Pine Bluff, Arsenal, AR. lifetime member of the 7th St. Church of Christ
low at 3:00 PM, with Rev. Mark
He served as an Instructor in Bacteriology and in Columbus, his family having helped found
Coker officiating. Burial will be at Brooksville
Research Assistant at Louisiana. Additionally, the congregation. His presence there was large
he set up a private lab in Baton Rouge, where he where he served faithfully and tirelessly first as
Crystal was born January 27, 1984, in Colum-
served as a consultant to a number of individuals a Deacon, then Elder. He always lived “his truth”.
bus, to Lana Grissom Taylor and Sam Anderson.
and organizations in areas of wastewater Harold was a U.S. Navy Veteran, having served
She attended Starkville Academy and Starkville
treatment and petroleum microbiology. overseas in the U.K. and Scotland after WWII.
City Schools and was a 2001 graduate of Old Do-
Beginning in 1961, Dr. Brown began his tenure He achieved the Rank of Bosun’s mate and assis-
minion Christian School. She loved animals and
at Mississippi State University, serving the tant to the Captain’s Steward.
enjoyed playing Candy Crush, but her true happy
Microbiology Department as an Assistant He will be remembered for his quiet wisdom,
place was anywhere outside with a fishing pole in
Professor, Associate Professor, then Professor. quick wit and his love of storytelling, especially
her hand. An excellent cook, she loved sharing
He also served as Assistant Dean followed his retelling of Br’er Rabbit’s escapades to his
this passion with her family. She was the Manag-
by Associate Dean of the College of Arts and children & grandchildren.
er and Operator of Skate Zone Inc., in Columbus,
Sciences. As needed, he served as Acting Head Some of his best advice given often and freely
MS, where she deeply cared for each of the chil-
of the Department of Microbiology. Dr. Brown was: “When life gets tough, be like the old mule
dren that she was able to “love on” every week at
served as Research Professor and Professor eating briers – pull back your lips and chew!!”
the rink. She was known for crying happy tears
Emeritus of Microbiology at Mississippi State He is pre-deceased by his parents, Reuben N.
for random strangers while watching Fixer Up-
University until his final retirement in 2015. (Dick) Dobbs and Katherine “Edna” Allsup; his
per or The Voice, because all she ever wanted was
Dr. Brown’s contributions to the university brothers, Richard A. Dobbs and Robert N Dobbs;
the best for others. Crystal never met a stranger
in research and teaching grant support totaled his son, Nathan B. Dobbs; and son-in-law, Rick
and will for sure be remembered for being the
$12,206,291 or equivalent today to $27,062,974. Rodriguez.
life of the party, her quickness to always smile
He was the major professor for 28 Master’s He is survived by his beautiful wife, Sally; his
and her larger than life presence in every room.
Degree students and 13 Doctorial students. brother, Alfred Conway “Al” Dobbs (June); his
She was preceded in death by her grandpar-
Dr. Brown is the author or co-author for 147 five children, Melyssa Rodriguez, Harold Dallas
ents, Chester and Theresa Anderson and Her-
publications, including 9 patents. Dobbs (Jerri), Randal “Randy” Dobbs (Lynn),
shel Grissom.
Dr. Brown served his community teaching James A. Dobbs and Sallie Griffeth (Kent);
Crystal is survived by her husband, Adam
Sunday school, helping organize the first PeeWee his ten grandchildren and spouses; his twelve
Fisher; daughters, Taylor and Kailey Fulgham;
Football league and coaching many ball teams. great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and
and her special niece, Katelyn Perkins; parents,
He was always willing to give his time and talents nephews, cousins galore and everyone he knew
Sam and Liddie Anderson and Lana and Dale
to anyone who asked. and loved.
Taylor; sister, Kelly Taylor; grandmother, Hel-
Dr. Brown’s service will be held on Thursday, Join us in mourning his loss and celebrating
en Grissom; siblings, Harley (Zack) Middleton,
March 28, 2019. The visitation begins at 1:00 his life Friday, March 29th, at 7th Street Church
Matt (Molly) Taylor, Laura (Bradley) Starling,
PM followed by the funeral service at 3:00 PM of Christ, Columbus, MS, with Minister Billy
Brad (Leah) Mitchell and Will (Laura) Mitchell;
at Welch Funeral Home in Starkville, MS. Burial Ferguson officiating. Viewing at the church from
nieces, Finley, Harper, Lucy, Nora Grace and Al-
will be in Memorial Garden Park Cemetery. 12:30–2:00 PM. Service will follow at 2:00 PM
lie; nephews, Hudson, Bryce, Hamp and Luke;
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that you followed by interment with U.S. Navy Honors at
mother-in-law, Ginger Slanker; father-in-law,
donate to the First United Methodist Church, Memorial Gardens of Columbus. Flowers can be
Mark Fisher; and her beloved pets, Tut, Royal
200 W. Lampkin Street, Starkville, MS 39759, sent to Memorial Gunter & Peel Funeral Home &
and Mozart.
Samaritan’s Purse, 801 Bamboo Road, Boone, NC Crematory, 716 2nd Ave. North, Columbus, MS
Pallbearers will be Kenny Berry, Denzel
28607, Alzheimer’s Association, 225 N. Michigan 39701.
Hicks, Rotrick Morris, Isaiah Farmer, James
Powell, Richard Weeks, Bob Nolan and Jaylon Ave., Fl. 17, Chicago, IL 60601 or the charity of
Blair. your choice in his memory.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be You may leave the family a condolence at www.
made to the Crystal Anderson Fisher Memorial
Fund at Lowndes Funeral Home. Paid Obituary - Welch Funeral Home
Sign the online guest book at
Compliments of
Lowndes Funeral Home 716 Second Avenue North • Columbus, MS
The Dispatch • Wednesday, March 27, 2019 5A

Another man pleads guilty in

huge Mississippi pharmacy fraud
The Associated Press money laundering and tax evasion.
Beach, 46, was an owner and manager
HATTIESBURG — Another Missis- of Advantage Pharmacy. Prosecutors say
sippi man charged in a fraud case that pharmacists there concocted recipes for
federal prosecutors say reaped more than pain or scar creams that they would make
$200 million from a federal military health by hand. Such compounded medications
insurer and others has pleaded guilty. are typically tailored to the needs of an
Glenn Doyle Beach of Sumrall pleaded individual patient. But in this case, phar-
guilty Tuesday before U.S. District Judge macists tailored them for maximum reim-
Keith Starrett in Hattiesburg to one count bursement, using expensive ingredients
of conspiracy to commit health care fraud “without regard to the individual needs of
and one count of conspiracy to commit the patients,” prosecutors said.

Continued from Page 4A

Lillian Cerveny ly employed as a seam- ay, both of Sulligent;

MOBERLY, Mo. — stress with Gattman daughter, Tammy L.
Lillian Cerveny, 98, Sportswear. She was a White of Sulligent; and
died March 22, 2019, member of Revelation brothers, James “Bug”
at Moberly Nursing Holiness Church. Ives and Steven Ives,
and Rehab in Moberly, In addition to her both of Sulligent and
Missouri. parents, she was Bobby Joe Ives of Ver-
Celebration of Life preceded in death by non; 17 grandchildren;
services will be at 11 her brother, Billy Joe and six great-grandchil-
a.m. Saturday at Path- Ives; and sisters, Robin dren.
way Memorial Funeral Hankins and Mary Ives. Pallbearers will be
Home. Burial will be at She is survived by Timothy White, Benja-
a later date in Wilber, her husband, Ricky min McKay, Nick McK-
Nebraska. Visitation McKay of Gattman; ay, Cody Glenn, Danny
will be one hour prior to sons, Robert E. McKay Scott, James Smith and
services at the funeral and Terry L. McK- Jacob White.
home. Pathway Memo-
rial Funeral Home is
in charge of arrange-
She is survived by
her daughters, Kar-
en Hunt of Moberly
and Cheryl Arnold of
Ethelsville, Alabama;
seven grandchildren;
nine great-grand-
children; and six
Memorials may be
made to the Higbee
Senior Center, 205
Railroad St., Higbee,
MO 65257.

Dorothy McKay
othy Ives McKay, 61,
died March 24, 2019, at
her residence.
Services are at 2
p.m. Wednesday at Otts
Funeral Home Chapel
with Glenn Hughes
and Bobby Joe Dupree
officiating. Burial will
follow at Pleasant Ridge

Charles Fulgham Jr.

Cemetery. Visitation
was from 6-8 p.m.
Tuesday at the funeral
home. Otts Funeral
Home is in charge of Charles “Charlie” Henry
arrangements. Fulghum, Jr., 64, of Columbus,
Mrs. McKay was MS, passed away Saturday,
born Aug. 20, 1957, in March 23, 2019, at Baptist Me-
Bangor, Michigan, to morial Hospital in Memphis,
the late Bennie Joe Ives TN.
and Martha Sue Walls. Visitation will be Thursday,
She attended Sulligent March 28, 2019 from 6:00 PM
schools and was former- to 7:30 PM at Lowndes Funer-
al Home, Columbus, MS. A
funeral service will be Friday,
March 29, 2019 at 2:00 PM at O’Bryant Chapel,
Thomasville, AL, with Dr. Susan Parker offi-
ciating. Mr. Fulghum will lie-in-state one hour
prior to service. Interment will be held in Bas-
sett Creek Cemetery, Fulton, AL, with O’Bryant
Chapel, Thomasville, AL directing.
Charlie was born on September 29, 1954, in
Jackson, MS, to the late Margaret Inman and
Charles Henry Fulghum, Sr. He graduated from
the University of Mississippi with a degree in Bi-
ology and from the University of South Alabama
with a degree in Electrical Engineering. Charlie
Harold Dobbs was employed with Boise Cascade in Jackson,
Friday, March 29 • 12:30-2 PM AL, Bowater Paper in Catawba, SC, and most
Columbus Church of Christ recently with International Paper in Columbus,
Services: MS.
Friday, March 29 • 2 PM
Columbus Church of Christ Charlie was the picture of a life well-lived. He
Burial with loved fishing, traveling, laughing, landscaping
U.S. Navy Honors
Memorial Gardens of Columbus and spending time with family. He wasn’t a man
Memorial Gunter Peel of many words, but his actions were ceaseless
Funeral Home reminders of his love. He taught his family that
2nd Ave. North Location
quiet confidence leads to a humble heart and the
recipe for great memories is hard work, good mu-
Elizabeth Jolly
sic, tasty food and family. The family has lost a
Saturday, March 30 • 1-2:30 PM husband, father, brother, grandfather, uncle and
Memorial Gunter Peel friend, but the world has lost one of its finest. He
Funeral Home
2nd Ave. North Location was a prince among gentlemen.
Services: Charlie is survived by his wife, Patsy Walker
Saturday, March 30 • 2:30 PM
Memorial Gunter Peel
Fulghum of Columbus, MS; daughters, Phoebe
Funeral Home (Jake) Carlson, Autumn (Steve) Calvert and Al-
2nd Ave. North Location lison (Jerry) Vick; son, Chuck (Katy) Fulghum;
Friendship Cemetery grandchildren, Isaiah Green, Audrey Carl-
son, Benjamin Vick, Lora Kate Vick and Asher
Wanda Kirkley Calvert; sister, Pat (Troy) Speegle; and brother,
Incomplete Ben (Kelly) Fulghum.
Memorial Gunter Peel Pallbearers will be Troy Speegle, Jr., James
Funeral Home
College St. Location
Speegle, Mike Kent, Isaiah Green, Mike Acker
and Kenny Sullivan.
Memorials may be made to St. Jude’s Chil-
dren’s Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis TN
38105 or Pilots for Christ.
Compliments of
Lowndes Funeral Home
6A Wednesday, March 27, 2019
BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018

PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

Our View

City should
extend CFO
applicant search
Imagine opening an ice cream shop
that sells only one flavor.
That’s not unlike the situation the Co-
lumbus City Council faces in its search
for a chief financial officer.
By Monday’s deadline, just five people
had applied for the position and only one
of those candidates met the minimum
requirements set forth by the city —
an accounting degree and five years
experience in government accounting or
financial management.
Even so, the council appears set to
hire a CFO as soon as its next meeting
on Tuesday.
We strongly urge the council to delay
that decision and extend the deadline
for applications. Given the city’s dire
State of the nation
financial crisis — it is expected to be
$338,000 in debt within six months —
we understand the council’s desire to
‘This is the price of freedom’
move quickly. “This is the price of free- So this is a column about hearts that grieve behind sunny smiles,
Hiring out of desperation is never a dom.” — Bill O’Reilly on the the three of them. And the invisible wounds bleeding. Because
good practice though. Las Vegas massacre 328 million of us. And the each bullet that finds flesh injures not
This is a crucial point for our city singularly grotesque thing just its victim, but everyone around her
and quite possibly the most important “Freedom to be afraid Bill O’Reilly said two years until eventually, the whole country is
decision the city council will make. This is all you won.” — Gil ago after 58 people died walking blood stained and wounded.
CFO hire will have a direct bearing on Scott-Heron from “Gun” and over 500 were wounded We have second-graders with PTSD.
how the city emerges from this crisis. in the deadliest mass shoot- We have preschoolers practicing
While we do not dismiss the one Originally, this was ing in U.S. history, a thing active-shooter drills. In South Carolina,
candidate who has met the requirements going to be a column about that has hovered like smoke a 7-year-old survivor takes to pulling
for the job, we believe it is important the Sydney Aiello. She was 19 over every mass shooting out her eyelashes and clawing her own
council have a pool of qualified candi- years old, a graduate of since. skin. In Arizona, a 4-year-old cries “ac-
dates to consider. It’s rare that a single Marjory Stoneman Douglas Leonard Pitts “This is the price of tive shooter” as fireworks burst over-
candidate will have every desired qual- High in Parkland, Florida, freedom,” he said. head. In Florida and Connecticut, three
ity. When you have a pool of qualified and she was buried Friday Which is, of course, people are dead by their own hands.
candidates, you have the ability to find after committing suicide. Her parents ridiculous. Canada is free. Australia, This is our new American normal.
the candidate who best fits the needs of said she lost friends in last year’s Spain and Finland are free. As the And for what?
the city. shooting at her school. They said she nation that gave us the Magna Carta, “This is the price of freedom,”
In attracting candidates, the council carried survivor’s guilt and had been England might fairly be said to have O’Reilly said, trying to imbue mass
has relied on advertising on the city web- diagnosed with post-traumatic stress invented freedom. murder with a sheen of patriotic sacri-
site and through the Mississippi Munic- disorder. None of them has anywhere near fice. His absurd words reflect a nation
ipal League. A legal notice has also run Then the column about Sydney be- the level of gun violence America does. that resolutely refuses to do anything
in The Dispatch. came a column about Sydney and a boy, But it is not the inaccuracy of O’Reil- but think and pray about an ongoing
It seems clear that a wider search is his identity not yet released, who died ly’s statement that gives it such grim national disaster. We regard gun
needed, and we recommend the coun- of an apparent suicide the day after her resonance in the wake of this triple violence like earthquakes and wind-
cil advertise more broadly — through funeral. He was a sophomore at her old suicide. It is, rather, the substance, that storms, acts of God we cannot prevent,, for example, or through school. idea of paying a price for so-called “gun but only learn to live with.
municipal CFO organizations in other Then the column changed yet again. rights.” But gun violence is no act of God.
states or national organizations. Jeremy Richman, the father of 6-year- We think of that price in terms of And we can’t live with it. That’s the
Finding a strong, deep pool of quali- old Avielle Richman, who was killed in fallen bodies, blood shining on asphalt. whole point.
fied candidates is the vital concern and the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy Hook Truth is, that’s only the beginning. “The price of freedom,” he says.
no further action should be taken before Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut, Long after the bodies have been Well, that price keeps going higher.
that pool is assembled. was found dead of an apparent suicide recovered and the asphalt scrubbed, And whatever we’re buying, freedom
The city needs to identify not just an on Monday. It seems reasonable to after the media fold their tents and the isn’t it.
available candidate, but the best possible suspect, though at this point not possi- nation turns its restless attention else- Leonard Pitts Jr., winner of the 2004
candidate. ble to know, that proximity to tragedy where, there are people left learning to Pulitzer Prize for commentary, is a
Until that happens, the search must played a role in the deaths of the man walk again, or talk again. And there are columnist for the Miami Herald. Email
continue. and boy, as it evidently did with Sydney. families with holes shot through them, him at

Mississippi Voices
Mississippi government is shrinking
The leg- childhood development and unemploy-
islature is in ment compensation.
session and big Transportation is up four percent in
money is on real dollars, down 14 percent adjusted
the line – $21 for inflation over 10 years. All this mon-
billion. This ey comes from federal grants and the
represents 18.3 gas tax.
percent of Mis- Mental health services have declined
sissippi’s total dramatically as the feds have pressured
GDP of $115 the state to close down centralized facili-
billion. ties. That’s one reason for more men-
Mississippi tally ill homeless on the streets. Public
citizens need Wyatt Emmerich health funding is also down in nominal
a clear under- and inflation-adjusted dollars.
standing of the budget. In the end, our Corrections has risen significantly.
votes make the difference. This is one reason the legislature is
The Mississippi Legislative Budget pushing for alternative courts for addicts
Office has a website with detailed infor- dramatically. of the overall costs, bringing in billions and the mentally ill. Locking people up
mation on the budget. Some of the data This is a huge change from the previ- without significant extra state costs. is expensive.
is confusing, even contradictory, but ous decade, when state budget doubled Mississippi, being a poorer state, The judiciary and courts are costing
I have extracted and summarized the over 10 years and grew at twice the would have benefited even more than a lot more. We have funded a new state-
data to the best of my ability. inflation rate. many other states, providing federal wide public defenders agency (a good
For the 2019 data, I downloaded the There is one factor that skews the manna from heaven, but our Republican thing) and the computerization of courts
report “Budget Summary 2018 Legisla- numbers. In 2010, the Mississippi Eco- state leaders wouldn’t touch anything is expensive. The attorney general’s
tive Session.” For the 2010 data, I down- nomic Development Authority received associated with Obamacare. This is budget, trial judges and district attor-
loaded the report “State of Mississippi $1.8 billion in federal funds, presumably called cutting off your nose to spite your neys are all costing a lot more money.
Budget Fiscal Year 2010.” the last of the Katrina money, so the “Ag face. Fiscal affairs include the state audi-
There are two main ways to observe and Ec. Dev.” 2010 line item is unusually Public education is the next big item. tor’s office, tax commission, treasurer’s
the state budget: The first way is the high. Over 10 years the public education total office and the Department of Finance
“general fund.” This is where state taxes Between 2000 and 2010, federal mon- budget increased two percent, well and Administration. It’s up mainly
go to fund the state budget. This year’s ey increased from $6.4 billion in 2000 below the 17 percent inflation rate. So in because that category now includes the
general fund is $5.5 billion. to $15 billion in 2010. Since then, it has real dollars, we are spending 15 percent Department of Information Technology,
Then there is the much larger budget leveled off. less than 10 years ago on public educa- with its $27 million budget.
of “total appropriations.” This includes The big ticket item is Medicaid. The tion. Big picture is this: After decades of
not just the general fund but also federal state is having to pay far more of its State spending on higher education rapid growth fueled by oceans of federal
grants and special purpose funds. For share of Medicaid than it used to. is down 14 percent – about 30 percent dollars, the state budget is now shrink-
instance, the Mississippi Department In 2010 Mississippi was paying five down adjusted for inflation. Fortunately, ing when adjusted for inflation. The
of Transportation gets all of its money percent of the total Medicaid cost. But federal research grants and other funds federal spigot is getting turned off by a
from the gas tax special purpose fund by 2019, Mississippi’s share rose to 13 have offset some of these cuts. Mean- combination of federal debt and Missis-
and federal grants. There is no money percent – causing the biggest single while, college tuition costs have risen sippi Republicans.
budgeted for MDOT through the gener- increase in the general fund budget. dramatically. Like it or not, that probably explains
al fund. This is a result of the state being Social welfare has skyrocketed both why Mississippi has quit growing for the
First the big picture: The total state one of 14 states which hasn’t expand- in the general fund and total budget. first time in 50 years.
budget is up five percent over the last ed Medicaid. A Brookings Institute These are dozens of programs admin- Wyatt Emmerich is the editor and
nine years, compared to inflation during report “Do States Regret Expanding istered by the Department of Human publisher of The Northside Sun, a weekly
that period of 17 percent. So in real Medicaid,” details how the expansion of Services, such as child protective ser- newspaper in Jackson. He can be reached
dollars, the state budget has declined Medicaid actually lowered states’ share vices, food stamps, child support, early by e-mail at
The Dispatch • Wednesday, March 27, 2019 7A

News About Town

CLUBS Center-West Point Wellness
Center offers Swoll classes
month at North Mississippi
Medical Center-West Point
lumbus campus, 1575 Second
Ave. N., offers free conflict
n TOWN & TOWER CLUB from 6-7 p.m. every Tuesday Education Center, 385 Medical resolution and anger manage-
Town & Tower meets at 11:30 and Thursday through April Center Drive. For information, ment classes. For information,
a.m. April 3 in the Gail Gunter 15. Free for members. $50 call Dana Albert, 662-295- call 662-368-3603.
for nonmembers. Call James 3642.
Multipurpose Room of Fant n BAPTIST VOLUNTEERS
Memorial Library at MUW. Daniels, 662-495-9355 or ■ DIABETES SUPPORT Baptist Golden Triangle
Special guest is CAFB Vice 662-295-8574. Baptist Golden Triangle hosts seeks caring, compassionate
Commander Col. William n COMPETITIVE EDGE day classes for Diabetes volunteers to help in a variety
Denham. For more information North Mississippi Medical Support on third Wednesdays of hospital settings. For infor-
or to RSVP by noon March 29, Center-West Point Wellness of each month, 10-11 a.m. in mation, call 662-244-1165
call 662-329-7119. Center offers Competitive Edge room 6 PT. For information, call or email info.goldentriangle@
n DAR ANNUAL LUNCHEON training for young athletes Lacy Smith at 662-244-1392
The Hic A Sha Ba Ha Chapter through May 8. Ages 6-8 meet or 800-544-8762, ext. 1392.
of DAR meets at Starkville from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Tuesdays
Country Club at 10: 30 a.m. and Thursdays. Ages 9-12 Weekly education/sup- Baptist Hospice-Golden Trian-
April 6 for a business meeting meet from 3:30-4:30 p.m. port group for people with gle seeks volunteers to assist
and luncheon. Guest speaker Mondays and Wednesdays. congestive heart failure are in the office and with Hospice
is Starkville Mayor Lynn Spruill. Limited slots. Cost $100. Call Thursdays 11 a.m.-noon in the families at 2309 Bluecutt
Reservations required. Mem- James Daniels, 662-495-9355 Outpatient Pavilion Boardroom,
or 662-295-8574. Road, Suite B. For more infor-
bers are encouraged to bring Baptist Golden Triangle. For
a guest. For more information, mation, call Katie Bostwick,
n FREE MAMMOGRAMS information, call 244-1953 or
call Amanda B. Edwards, 662- Baptist Golden Triangle 244-2132.
324-0037 or 662-312-2599. offers free mammograms to n DRUG/ALCOHOL
n POSSUM TOWN TOAST- women 35 and older who have Diabetes education class
MASTERS no insurance coverage for Narconon offers drug and
meets on fourth Wednesdays,
Possum Town Toastmasters mammograms and are living alcohol interventions. For free
8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Baptist Gold-
meet every Friday at 7 a.m. at in Lowndes, Oktibbeha, Clay, screenings or referrals, call
en Triangle Outpatient Pavilion.
the Church of Christ, Co- Monroe or Chickasaw Coun- 1-800-431-1754.
Physician referral required.
lumbus. To become a better ties. To see if you qualify, call n GOLDEN TRIANGLE AA
For information, call 662-244-
communicator and leader, call 662-244-2979. Golden Triangle AA meets dai-
1597 or email info.goldentrian-
662-549-3483. ly for support. If you want to
n POSSUM TOWN QUILTERS North Mississippi Medical n ABUSE RECOVERY GROUP drink, that is your business. If
Possum Town Quilters meet Center-West Point Wellness you want to stop drinking, that
A Domestic Abuse Recovery
at 9:30 a.m. the second and Center offers a Crossover is our business. For informa-
Group meets Thursdays at 6
fourth Saturdays of each Symmetry Program focusing on p.m. through Safe Haven Inc. tion, call 662-327-8941.
month at the Rosenzweig Arts shoulder health/performance. Group counseling for rape n AL-ANON MEETING
Center (lower level), 501 Main The 30-day membership is recovery is available. For infor- The Columbus Al-Anon Family
St., Columbus. Check us out at $30 members; $50 nonmem- mation, call 662-327-6118 or Groups meet Mondays and
possumtownquilters.blogspot. bers. Call the Wellness Center, 662-889-2067. Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. When
com. 662-495-9355.
n CHILDBIRTH CLASSES you don’t know where to turn
n EAST LIONS CLUB n CHILDBIRTH CLASSES Baptist Golden Triangle offers because someone drinks too
The Columbus East Lions Baptist Golden Triangle offers childbirth classes Tuesdays much, we can help. For infor-
Club meets every second and Childbirth classes and Breast- at 6 p.m. To register, call mation, call 888-425-2666 or
fourth Monday of the month feeding classes each month, 6 662-244-2498 or email info. go to
at 65 Airline Road. For more p.m., in room 6, near the Gift
information, call 662-251-1415
or 662-574-7552.
Shop, $20. For information or
to register, call 662-386-5592.
Baptist Golden Triangle offers
n HOST LIONS CLUB n LUPUS SUPPORT CPR classes each month at
The Columbus Host Lions Club A lupus support group meets The MSU Big Event, a commu-
6 p.m. in the Patient Tower.
meets every Friday at noon from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. the first nity service event, is from 8
Pre-registration required. Call
at EMCC Lion Hills Center for Saturday of every month in the Education Department, a.m.-noon March 30. Volunteer
a buffet lunch and business Classroom 6 of the Baptist 662-244-2498. check-in is 2-6:30 p.m. March
gathering. For more informa- Golden Triangle Patient Tower. 29 at the Barnes and Noble
tion, call John Michael, 601-
n FREE PSA SCREENINGS patio. Bring photo ID. For more
Open to anyone with lupus or Baptist Cancer Center offers
955-2176. any family member or friend. information, e-mail the Maroon
free prostate PSA screenings
n LOWNDES REPUBLICAN For more information, call Volunteer Center at volunteer@
ever other month for men over
WOMEN Rashell Hopkins, 662-570-
40. Next screening is March
Lowndes County Republican 8342. 29, 8-11:45 a.m. & 1-2 p.m. n ONE-MILE FUN RUN
Women meets the second n CANCER SUPPORT Walk-ins accepted. For appoint- Blue Cross & Blue Shield of
Tuesday of each month. Buffet Baptist Cancer Center hosts ments, call 662-244-4673. Mississippi hosts the Get
line opens at 11:15 a.m., with a support group for cancer n DIABETES EDUCATION Ready to Run Kid's One-Mile
call to order at noon. survivors and their families, Diabetes Self-Management Fun Run from 8:30-10 a.m.
n GT QUILTERS GUILD noon-1 p.m. the third Friday of Education Class meets on March 30 at the intersection of
The Golden Triangle Quilters every month in Classroom 5 fourth Wednesdays at 8:30 Bailey Howell Drive and George
Guild meets at 5:30 p.m. every of the Patient Towers. Lunch a.m. at Baptist Golden Triangle Perry Street at MSU. Students
third Thursday at the Starkville provided. For information and Outpatient Pavilion Conference compete to win $2,000 for
Sportsplex Activities Building. location, call 662-244-2923. Center. Physician referral their school’s P.E. program.
n HYPERTENSION SUPPORT required. For information, call Call Lana Purvis, 601-664-
A pulmonary hypertension 662-244-1596. 5234.
MSU alumni, friends are support group meets at 2 p.m. n ANGER MANAGEMENT
invited to Breakfast with the the second Saturday of every Family Resource Center, Co-
Bulldogs on second Thursdays
each month at Starkville Café.
Dutch treat breakfast 7:30
a.m. Contact Carol Moss Read
at or
Friendly City Strummers meet
twice monthly to practice and
teach others to play dulcimers.
Join for $10/year for the whole
family. Dulcimers available to
borrow. Contact David Saum,
662-386-6836 or DrSaum@, or the Switzers,
Take Off Pounds Sensibly
No. 288 meets Tuesdays at
Community Baptist Church,
Yorkville Road East, Columbus.
Weigh-in begins at 5:30 p.m.
Contact Pat Harris, 662-386-
Take Off Pounds Sensibly No.
270 meets Thursdays at 4370
Cal-Kolola Road, Caledonia.
Weigh-in begins at 5-5:30 p.m.
Contact Michelle Holliman,
Senior Crafts meets at the
Starkville Sportsplex Tuesdays,
10-11:30 a.m. Crafts provided
by the parks department. For
information, call Lisa Cox, 662-
Quilting Club meets in the
activities room adjacent to the
multi-purpose facility at the
Starkville Sportsplex Thurs-
days 10 a.m.-noon. Bring your
own project to work on. For
information, call Lisa Cox, 662-
AARP meets the first Wednes-
day of each month at 10 a.m.
in the Community Room of
Regions Bank, Main Street, Co-
lumbus. Programs are geared
to the needs and interests of
seniors 50 and up. For more
information, call 662-889-

Health Notes
Baptist Golden Triangle hosts
a Community Learn at Lunch
noon-1 p.m. April 3 in Rooms
4- 5 of the Patient Tower. Dr.
Brad Beckham will discuss
gallbladder disease and
surgery. Seating limited. To
pre-register or for more infor-
mation, call 662-244-1132.
North Mississippi Medical
8A Wednesday, March 27, 2019 The Dispatch •

Bond package
Continued from Page 1A
based on projections. Giv- It’s just my Based on his conver- by press time.
en that grim prognosis, opinion, but sations with city officials,
issuing bonds to cover re-
maining cost for complet-
I think we
should put
Stafford said he believes
the city will not open the
Other bond money
Also expected to be in-
ing the facility could be a ever y thing facility until it is fully cluded in the bond pack-
non-starter. on hold. I completed. age is money for road
Meanwhile, it’s been know the “We did talk about that projects in Clay County,
two years since $3.2 mil- a mphithe - not wanting to open the Smith said.
lion Phase 1 amphithe- ater and Gavin amphitheater if it wasn’t
“They were want-
ater construction, which Propst Park completely finished,”
ing $997,000 for that,”
included the stage, was are projects that need to Gavin said. “There was
Smith said. “What we’ve
completed. Phase 2 will be done, but we need to some agreement that if
decided to do is do it in
include seating, gating, get hold of the budget sit- we opened it without ev-
two phases. It looks like
concession stands and uation first.” erything being done, it
Without other revenue, they’ll get $500,000 this
restrooms, among other would leave a bad taste
things. Stafford said there are a in peoples’ mouths. Now, year and the remaining
City officials hoped few options for the money given the situation, I’m $497,000 next year.”
to open the facility next from the bond money. not so sure letting (the Smith said he expects
spring. “You could put in the amphitheater) sit there the total bond package to
“I don’t think there’s hard-back seating, which and not be used wouldn’t be around $400 million.
much we can do,” Ward would cost anywhere from leave a bad taste in the “That would be the
6 Councilman Bill Gavin $350,000 to $400,000,” mouth, too.” highest we’ve ever had,”
said. “Before this current Stafford said. “Then, you The Legislature also is Smith said. “The speaker
financial situation came could put in the fencing, considering a bill to add (of the Hose) has agreed
up, we had talked about which would be another 1 percent to the citywide on that, but the lieutenant
borrowing some money $150,000, roughly. Once restaurant sales tax that governor would have to
to finish the amphitheater you do that, you’re get- would be used for operat- agree on it, too. But this
and make improvements ting pretty close to have ing and maintaining the being an election year, I
at Propst Park, using the something you could sell amphitheater. City offi- think it will go through.
($400,000) we get from tickets for. But you’re still cials have said part of that “We’ve paid off about
the (2-percent restaurant missing things you need, money would pay for a $300 million in bonds, so
sales tax) to pay the loan. such as restrooms, con- third party management our bonded indebtedness
But now, I just don’t see cessions, the big front firm to book events there. is down to about 31 per-
how we can do that until wall that hides every- Mayor Robert Smith cent of what it could be,”
we get this financial sit- thing from the road and did not return calls or he added. “So we’re actu-
uation straightened out. keeps the sound in.” texts from The Dispatch ally in pretty good shape.”

Continued from Page 1A
than 30 parents met with In ad- in the classroom. It gives bat added, in an effort to
district administrators dition to us a chance to have a par- meet with more parents,
and discussed testing test-t ak ing ent classroom to be in- she wants to host similar
materials and tips before tips, Smith volved with our children. meetings in local church-
end-of-year state assess- told parents I love being in class and es, extending the dis-
ments. about high this has made me want trict’s outreach.
Smith and Frank- school pro- to go back to school. It “We feel like meeting
lin Academy Principal grams avail- opens up my mind to parents where they are
Tawan Williams provided able to help Lyons what’s going on. It opens was important before the
parents with grade-ap- students post-graduation, you up to more resources test,” Labat said. “We
propriate study guides, including dual enrollment that can help you.” need to make sure we
testing packets and other college credit and ACT Lyons said she’ll be meet parents in a place
resources. Smith helped and WorkKeys testing. back if the district holds
that’s comfortable for
parents work through Lailaka Lyons, who additional meetings.
them and not just ask
each grade level’s En- has three children in el- “(CMSD) opened that
them to meet where we
glish and math sample ementary school, said up for us and gave us
questions, asking parents she didn’t know about the the packet to help our are comfortable at Bran-
to imagine being in their high school programs. kids get ready,” she said. don (Central Services).
child’s shoes. After the meeting, Lyons “Now we will know what This is all a part of our
“When they’re work- said she felt like she was our teachers are talking parent support initiative,
ing on these, don’t let back in the classroom about.” to get more parents in-
them use a calculator,” again. In fact, that feel- Labat said she hopes volved in their child’s ed-
Smith said. “Let them ing, she said, has remind- to host meetings in ucation.”
work it out and show their ed her how important ed- neighborhoods through-
work. Talk to your kids, ucation is. out next school year. The
encourage them on test “I thought it was district’s administrators
day. Make them some- great,” Lyons said. “It lets spearheaded the idea of
thing hot to eat for break- the parents know what’s meeting with parents
fast.” going on since we’re not before state testing. La-

Dog stealing
Continued from Page 1A
had a suspect in custody,
and Zeke was back on
Beckom’s front porch.
Deputies arrested Am-
ber Keating, 22, who lives
down the road from Beck-
om in a neighborhood just
off Military Road, after
multiple neighbors report-
ed seeing a white woman
dragging a dog through
the neighborhood. One of
the neighbors positively
identified Keating.
Beckom and his wife
had gotten the puppy for
their son, D.J., as some- Courtesy photo
thing he could have when Zeke, a 7-month-old pit bull puppy, relaxes on his couch
he comes home from col- a few days after being stolen from and returned to his
lege. Beckom said the family. His owner, Derrick Beckom, said Zeke is happy
puppy, who is black and to be home. A neighbor who was spotted dragging Zeke
white — “At first glance, through the neighborhood has been charged with dog
you would think he’s a stealing, a felony in Mississippi.
Dalmatian” — is playful
“He was extremely straight to Beckom’s front
and loving, and the fam-
tired (when he got home) porch.
ily was worried whoever
and I think maybe dehy- “I really appreciate the
stole him would try to
drated and hadn’t been Lowndes (sheriff’s office)
train him to fight or be a
fed,” Beckom said. “He and the detectives for the
guard dog.
ate and drank a lot of wa- hard work they did, be-
“It was just real disap-
ter and then rested well cause I think what they
pointing to know someone
that night.” did was the main reason
would take him from the Beckom said his family that whoever took him de-
yard,” Beckom said. thinks the suspect must cided to bring him back,”
Stealing a dog is a fel- have returned the puppy Beckom said. “And even
ony charge in Mississippi, to the general area when to whoever took him, I just
said Tony Cooper with she learned deputies were want to say I appreciate
the LCSO. He said inves- looking for him, and after them even bringing him
tigators don’t know why being released, Zeke went back.”
Keating stole Zeke. The
penalty upon conviction is
up to two years in prison.
“I don’t know if it’s an
under the influence type
of thing or if she just really
wanted the dog, but Beck-
om’s got his dog back and
that’s what’s (important),”
Cooper said.
Keating has been
charged with one count
of dog stealing and has
been released from Lown-
des County Adult Deten-
tion Center on $5,000
bond. But Beckom said
he doesn’t know anything
about that. He and his
family are just happy Ze-
ke’s home.
Mississippi University For Women

Banner Day: The W achieves NCAA D-III provisional status

By Paul D. Bowker fectly aligned.” continue to play teams on the Division I, sity programs in men’s and women’s A provisional status means that a II and III levels, and NAIA schools. soccer, men’s and women’s basketball,
school enters a four-year period in which However, NCAA D-III is where the men’s and women’s cross country, men’s
The coveted letter from the National it transitions to full membership in the Owls hope to be in three years. Trufant and women’s tennis, men’s golf, base-
Collegiate Athletic Association arrived NCAA. said the Owls would be eligible to com- ball, softball and women’s volleyball.
one day in February.
“We’ll do it in three,” Trufant said. pete for NCAA D-III championships in Unlike a school like Mississippi State,
It was early and it was good news.
The school is adding indoor and out- their third year as a provisional member. which offers full scholarships in all its
On Tuesday morning inside the W
door track and field for both men and That would be in the 2021-22 school year. sports in NCAA D-I, Division III schools
room at the Mississippi University for
women, and also women’s golf. Once The conversations have long been go- do not offer scholarships but there is a
Women’s student union, athletics direc-
tor Jason Trufant delivered the official that is completed, The W will have 17 ing on. Trufant visited John Cohen, the high level of recruiting that takes place.
news that this campus has really await- varsity sports, all added to the school’s athletics director at Mississippi State The W is planning to build a baseball
ed since an F3 tornado ripped apart its athletic program in 30 months. University, to talk about the growth field behind Pohl Gymnasium. Cur-
gymnasium and athletics program in In addition, women’s and men’s la- in The W’s athletic program and the rently, The W’s baseball team plays at
November 2002. crosse is already being talked about. NCAA, and to get some advice. He has Columbus High School and its soccer
The W has been accepted as a provi- Already this year, the school’s wom- been talking with athletic directors teams play at the Columbus Soccer
sional member into NCAA Division III, en’s basketball program won a national at two other schools, located in New Complex.
beginning with the 2019-20 school year. championship in the U.S. Collegiate Ath- York and Texas, that are also becoming The gym was one of 26 buildings on
“It truly is humbling and honoring,” letic Association. The men’s golf team NCAA D-III provisional members. The W’s campus hit by the tornado in
Trufant said, proudly delivering the finished third nationally. Trufant says he expects The W to 2002, and it was the one that had the
news at a podium strategically situated While The W is a provisional member have about 250 student-athletes in the most destruction. Without an athletic fa-
between two blue NCAA D-III logos of NCAA D-III, it will maintain its ties to next school year. cility for its teams, the school shut down
placed on easels. “We feel we are per- the USCAA, Trufant said. The Owls will The school currently is offering var- all of its varsity sports programs.

Mississippi State Baseball Msu Football

Another strong finish Thompson

Plumlee answers
in relief; Diamond
Dogs blast
Mississippi Valley
State, 18-5
into leader

It’s becoming a trend.

for Dawgs
For the second time in By BEN PORTNOY
as many weeks, the Mis-
sissippi State baseball
team delivered a disas- For the Mississippi State foot-
trous first inning against a ball team, Tuesday’s open prac-
sub-195 RPI team followed tice session was technical.
by a resounding come- Running backs ran through
back. bags, linebackers practiced pur-
Tuesday, the Diamond suit and quarterbacks threw skel-
Dawgs rallied for an 18-5 eton routes.
win over lowly Mississippi Yet even with
Valley State. the rather non-
Yet the disheartening descript session,
starts are becoming less there was plenty of
about finding ways to com- barking and banter-
pete early and have shift- ing among the line-
ed more toward getting backing corps.
quality innings from back- New defensive Thompson
of-the-rotation starters. run game coordina-
Freshman pitcher tor and linebackers coach Chris
Eric Cerantola struggled Marve was noticeably vocal. He
mightily to find the zone quickly filled each momentary
for the second straight silence with new commands or in-
start. The 6-foot-5 righty structions for his position group.
recorded just one out Of those looking on, junior
while hitting three bat- linebacker Erroll Thompson lis-
ters, walking another and Chris McDill/Special to the Dispatch
tened intently.
tossing a wild pitch. Mississippi State reliever Peyton Plumlee fires a pitch during Tuesday night’s 18-5 win over Missis- “I’ve just been trying to fo-
See MSU baseball, 2B sippi Valley State at Dudy Noble Field. cus on being more of a leader,”
Thompson said. “I always took
that from (former MSU player)
Dez Harris and I’m just trying to
High School Basketball come out every day and make my
teammates better and myself.”

Heritage’s Cameron Bell

After Harris went down with
an injury Nov. 11, 2017 against
Alabama, Thompson took over.
He earned Southeastern Confer-

headed to Coahoma CC ence All-Freshman honors and

finished second on the team in
tackles last season with 87.
“Last year he did an excellent
By Paul D. Bowker ketball this year. He played at forward and center for the job and this year he’s going to step
Patriots. up even more,” junior linebacker
Surrounded by his fami- “What a great kid,” said Willie Gay Jr. said.
ly and teammates Tuesday, Heritage boys basketball Despite having been on the
Cameron Bell of Heritage coach Russ Whiteside. job for a little less than a month,
Academy proudly signed a “He’s a hard worker, he’s Marve has been thoroughly im-
letter-of-intent to play men’s a high-character kid. I pressed with Thompson during
basketball at Coahoma Com- couldn’t be more proud.” his short time in Starkville.
munity College in Clarks- Winning a state cham- In the linebackers room, the
dale. pionship is something Florence, Alabama, native has
It is the continuation of an that Bell, a transfer from demonstrated a mastery of the
education that he hopes will Starkville, really wanted. playbook.
make him a physical thera- “It was a dream come “Sometimes during spring
pist one day. true,” he said. ball, especially early on, it’s
Bell, who flashed his Bell plans to enter school kind of a 100-level, maybe early
smile around campus on in the summer. After two
Photo courtesy Heritage Academy 200-level type of class,” Marve
Heritage Academy senior Cameron Bell signed a letter-of-intent said. “But he’s asking 300 and
Tuesday, played a huge role years at Coahoma, he hopes Tuesday to attend school and play basketball at Coahoma Com-
in Heritage’s drive to the to finish out a four-year de- 400, grad school level questions
munity College. Joining him on signing day were Chekila Young,
school’s first Overall State gree at Mississippi State already — which I love because it
left, his mother, and Steven Bell, his dad. Back row: Betsy and
Championship in boys bas- University. Chad Altmyer, and Cameron’s sister, Alexus Bell. See Thompson, 2B
2B Wednesday, March 27, 2019 The Dispatch •

Mississippi State Roundup

Peters named national track athlete of week

FROM SPECIAL REPORTS Co-Field Athlete of the Week in the road Tuesday.
SEC,” Peters said in an MSU Ath- Senior Bevia Robinson plated
After posting the world’s sec- letics release. “The home meet was the winning run with an RBI single
ond-longest javelin throw of 2019 the best opener I’ve ever had. It just to left field in the top of the seventh
at the Al Schmidt Bulldog Relays shows that my offseason training inning.
this past Saturday, Mississippi and my preseason training is pay- Freshman Grace Fagan, now
State sophomore Anderson Peters
ing off.” 4-5, earned the win. Fagan tossed
was named U.S. Track & Field and
This is the second time Ander- 1.2 innings of no hit ball in relief.
Cross Country Coaches Associa-
tion National Athlete of the Week son has earned national recogni- Fagan struck out two of the seven
Tuesday. tion, earning USTFCCCA National batters she faced.
Anderson also shared SEC Field Athlete of the Week honors at the The Bulldogs are back in action
Athlete of the Week with Florida’s same meet in 2018. Friday against No. 4/3 Alabama
Grant Holloway. SOFTBALL: The Mississippi to open a three-game road series.
“It’s an honor to be named the State softball team eked out a 4-3 First pitch is scheduled for 6:30
National Athlete of the Week and win over Central Arkansas on the p.m.

MSU baseball
Continued from Page 1B
The brutal outing Small.
amounted to three MVSU “We’ll figure out our
runs in the first inning game three starter as we
without a single hit. get to it,” he said. “We just
“He looks like he’s hop- don’t know right now and
ing it’s a strike instead of it will probably depend on
making it a strike,” head how the weekend goes.”
coach Chris Lemonis While Lemonis and his
said. “Both weeks coach staff work through the
Foxhall comes down and starter issues, he men-
its electric in the bull- tioned Tuesday the team
pen, throwing strikes. It’s has discussed using a re-
just a young kid fighting liever in the first inning to
the game a little bit right play into the team’s deep
now.” bullpen.
Peyton Plumlee was “For us on Sundays,
solid in relief. He gave up the way our bullpen is, we
two runs on two hits and can run a guy out there
struck out five in 3.2 in-
for one time through the
nings of work. Generally
lineup,” Lemonis said. “It
counted on as a middle-
doesn’t have to be a guy
to-long reliever, Plumlee
go six innings.”
gave a glimpse as to what
First pitch against the
he could provide in the
early goings of games
Chris McDill/Special to the Dispatch Tigers is scheduled for 6
Jordan Westburg of Mississippi State celebrates after p.m. Thursday at Dudy
Tuesday. hitting a double in Tuesday night’s game.
It’s worth noting the Noble Field.
MSU pitching staff has nings of work. He’s also thus far, as someone who DAWG NOTES: It was
been stellar to date. allowed just 19 hits to 58 stands to improve. announced Tuesday that
Freshman JT Ginn, a strikeouts in his six ap- “We need him,” Lem- Thursday’s and Friday’s
first-round pick in the pearances. onis said. “He’s too good contests against LSU will
2018 MLB Draft, has With Ginn and Small and he’s really invested in be nationally televised.
been virtually unhittable dominating on the front the program and how he ESPNU will run Thurs-
during his early foray into end of the rotation, MSU goes about his work, so day’s broadcast from the
college baseball. continues to roll. Yet MSU you’re going to see him Left Field Lofts, while
Ginn currently boasts remains limited outside of out there sometime soon.” Friday’s will originate
a 6-0 record with a 2.58 its two stars on the back Heading into a highly from the broadcast booth
ERA in 38.1 innings part of the rotation. anticipated weekend se- inside Dudy Noble Field
pitched. Redshirt junior Lemonis pointed to ries against LSU, Lemo- on the SEC Network.
Ethan Small has been redshirt junior starter nis said it is still uncertain The series finale Sat-
similarly dominant. Small Keegan James, who has who will start Saturday’s urday will be available on
owns a 1.75 ERA in 36 in- struggled to a 4.15 ERA third game after Ginn and SEC Network+.

Continued from Page 1B
lets me know he’s not just
thinking about what we’re
describing but what could
potentially happen.”
Outside the classroom,
Marve said he’s also no-
ticed Thompson possess-
es underrated athleticism
on the field.
“I think sometimes his
athleticism might not be
talked about as much but
he’s very athletic,” Marve
said. “He’s fast, he’s phys-
ical, he’s fluid and I mean
whatever you ask a line-
backer to do in this confer-
ence he has the capability
to do it.”
There was little to glean
from Tuesday’s practice
given its walkthrough na-
ture. And even with the
season still five months
away, reloading on de-
fense remains a concern.
With stalwarts Jon-
athan Abram, Montez
Sweat and Jeffery Sim-
mons off to the NFL, the
Bulldogs are in need of
stabilizing forces on the
defensive side of the ball.
Thompson may be the
first puzzle piece to fall
into place.
“I know every day we’re
coming out and compet-
ing to replace those guys,”
Thompson said. “It’s hard
to replace them but to be
the team we’re trying to
get to we’ve got to do it.”

From kids to pros

we cover the field.

Dispatch Sports

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The Dispatch • Wednesday, March 27, 2019 3B

briefly CALENDAR Basketball

17 12 .586
19 14 .576
15 13 .536
38. Thidapa Suwannapura 6
39. In Gee Chun
40. Annie Park
NCAA Women’s Div. II Atlanta 16 16 .500 41. Alena Sharp 3 $54,460

Softball Prep Baseball Basketball Tournament

15 15 .500
14 14 .500
14 15 .483
42. Brittany Altomare
43. Lexi Thompson
44. Megan Khang
Owls split doubleheader with MVSU Thursday’s Game Glance Los Angeles 14 15 .483 45. Stacy Lewis 2 $50,225
All Times EDT New York 13 16 .448 46. Pornanong Phatlum 4 $44,771
Kristen Martin had two hits for the Mississippi University for Women’s Starkville Academy vs. Heritage Academy, 6 p.m. First Round San Francisco 13 16 .448 47. Nasa Hataoka 3 $43,342
Friday, March 15 St. Louis 12 15 .444 48. Austin Ernst 3 $42,487
softball team, helping to lead the Owls to a 6-2 win on Tuesday in the first
game of a doubleheader against Mississippi Valley State University, an Prep Softball Atlantic Region
At Glenville, W.Va.
12 18 .400
8 19 .296
49. Caroline Masson
50. Marissa Steen
Indiana (Pa.) 67, Bowie State 60 Tuesday’s Games
NCAA Division I school. The Owls lost Game 2 by a 9-5 score. Thursday’s Games
Martin, a senior, hit a triple to left field for an RBI in game one. Getting Starkville High vs. NW Rankin, 6 p.m.
Virginia Union 83, Edinboro 71
Glenville State 116, West Liberty 92
California (Pa.) 82, Charleston (WVa.) 71
Tampa Bay 9, Detroit 3
Atlanta 7, Cincinnati 5
Colorado 5, Minnesota 5
her first start of the season, Anna Kate McDaniel singled to right field to bring
Columbus at Oxford, 6:30 p.m. Central Region Texas 5, Cleveland 4 National Hockey League
Martin home to give the Owls a 2-1 lead. At Hays, Kan. Pittsburgh 5, Houston 1 All Times EDT
In the second inning, the Owls extended their lead to 4-1 as Bailee New Hope at Kosciusko, 6:30 p.m. Central Missouri 76, Lindenwood (Mo.) 64 Chicago Cubs 16, Boston 7 EASTERN CONFERENCE
Atlantic Division
Southwestern Oklahoma State 71, Emporia Chicago White Sox 7, Arizona 1
Watts singled up the middle for an RBI followed by a sacrifice fly to left field Caledonia vs. Mooreville, 7:30 p.m. State 65 San Diego 1, Seattle 0 GP W L OT Pts GF GA
Fort Hays State 74, Pittsburg State 65 z-Tampa Bay 77 59 14 4 122 306 206
College Baseball
Toronto 2, Milwaukee 0
by Martin to push Kandler Flora home. Minnesota State-Moorhead 63, Minnesota-Du- Oakland 4, San Francisco 2 x-Boston 76 46 21 9 101 237 194
The Owls also scored a run in the inning with Heidi Matthews collecting luth 54 L.A. Dodgers 9, L.A. Angels 2 Toronto 76 45 25 6 96 271 228
an RBI on a fielder’s choice for a 6-2 final score. Today’s Game East Region Wednesday’s Games Montreal 77 41 28 8 90 233 220
Florida 77 33 32 12 78 249 268
At Philadelphia No games scheduled
On the mound, Madison Scoggin collected her seventh win of the Ole Miss at Memphis, 6:30 p.m. Stonehill 86, Jefferson 77 Thursday’s Games Buffalo 76 31 36 9 71 207 251
Saint Anselm 59, Bentley 40 No games scheduled Detroit 76 28 38 10 66 206 258
season. The Bay Springs, Miss. native pitched the entire 7-inning game for Thursday’s Game U. of the Sciences 46, N.Y. Tech 41 Ottawa 76 27 43 6 60 226 278
three strikeouts, one walk, six hit-against, and two earned runs. LSU at Mississippi State, 6:30 p.m. Le Moyne 55, State Thomas Aquinas 43 Braves 8, Reds 5
Metropolitan Division
Midwest Region Cincinnati Atlanta
The Owls started strongly in the second game. Martin scored on bases
College Softball At Springfield, Mo. ab r h bi ab r h bi Washington 77 45 24 8 98 264 235
loaded wild pitch in the third inning. Carolyn “Kendall” Wilkinson scored on a Grand Valley State 89, Truman 64 J.Wnker dh 3 1 2 2 Incarte cf 2 0 0 1 N.Y. Islanders 77 44 26 7 95 212 188
Lewis 86, Walsh 71 Detrich ph 1 1 1 1 C.Pache cf 2 0 0 0 Pittsburgh 77 42 24 11 95 261 228
fielder’s choice and Jana Kay Newell scored on an error by Valley’s second Today’s Game Drury 88, Kentucky Wesleyan 57 VnMeter ph 1 0 0 0 Dnldson 3b 5 0 1 1 Carolina 76 42 27 7 91 226 210
J.Votto 1b 3 0 0 0 Freeman 1b 3 0 2 0 Columbus 76 42 30 4 88 232 218
baseman. Judson College at Mississippi University for Wom- Northern Michigan 64, Ashland 57
Philadelphia 76 36 32 8 80 229 252
South Region Ma.Kemp lf 4 0 1 1 A.Riley pr 1 0 0 0
Kandler Flora collected the last RBI of the inning with a single up the At Lakeland, Fla. E.Sarez 3b 4 1 1 1 Acn Jr. dh 2 1 0 0 N.Y. Rangers 75 29 33 13 71 208 250
en (DH), 4 p.m. Ya.Puig rf 3 0 1 0 Wilkins ph 1 0 0 0 New Jersey 77 29 39 9 67 211 260
middle, allowing pinch runner Anna Kate O’Bryant to score for a 4-0 lead. West Florida 76, Eckerd 50
In the fourth, Valley made it to the board with runs scored on a single up Georgia Tech at Alabama, 6 p.m. Nova Southeastern 71, Union (Tenn.) 66
Florida Southern 89, Lane 57
K.Frmer ss 1 0 0 0 Mrkakis rf 1 2 1 0
Schbler cf 3 0 1 0 R.Ortga pr 0 0 0 0 Central Division
the middle and a single to center field. Junior College Baseball Tampa 72, Lee 63
Southeast Region
C.Colon 3b 1 0 0 0 O.Albes 2b 3 2 2 1
J.Praza 2b 3 0 0 0 Flrimon 2b 1 0 1 0
x-Winnipeg 76 45 27 4 94 256 223
The Devilletes continued to score in the fifth inning with runs scored on Today’s Game At Anderson, S.C. A.Aqino rf 1 0 0 0 Flowers c 1 0 0 1 x-Nashville 77 43 28 6 92 224 202
Wingate 68, Clayton State 66 Brnhart c 3 0 1 0 Jackson ph 0 0 0 0 St. Louis 76 41 27 8 90 226 206
a throwing error by the Owls pitcher, a fielders’ choice, and a double to left Dallas 76 39 31 6 84 193 188
center to take the lead 8-4. Holmes at Itawamba (DH), 1 p.m. North Georgia 91, Emmanuel (Ga.) 53
Anderson (SC) 69, Barton 66, OT
A.Chvez ss 1 0 0 0 M.Joyce lf 2 1 0 2
Iglsias ss 3 2 1 0 Camargo lf 1 0 0 0 Colorado 76 34 29 13 81 240 229
The Owls attempted to get back in the game in the bottom of the inning Northwest at EMCC (DH), 3 p.m. Lander 82, Carson-Newman 79 Johnson 2b 1 0 0 0 Swanson ss 3 2 1 2 Minnesota 77 35 33 9 79 203 224
Chicago 76 33 33 10 76 248 272
South Central Region Clbrson ss 1 0 0 0
as Flora singled to the shortstop to cut Valley’s lead to 8-5.
The Owls are back in action today against Judson College. The first
Men’s College Tennis At Canyon, Texas
Angelo State 76, Westminster (Utah) 61
Totals 36 5 9 5 Totals
Cincinnati 003 100 100—5
29 8 8 8

Pacific Division

pitch for the doubleheader is set for 4 p.m.

Thursday’s Game West Texas A&M 68, Eastern New Mexico 67 Atlanta 052 001 00x—8 x-Calgary 76 47 22 7 101 268 213
x-San Jose 76 43 24 9 95 268 240
At Grand Junction, Colo. E_Roark (1), Albies (4), Swanson (1). DP_Cin-
Arkansas at Ole Miss, 6 p.m. Colorado Mesa 75, Texas A&M Commerce 65 cinnati 0, Atlanta 1. LOB_Cincinnati 5, Atlanta Vegas 76 42 28 6 90 235 209
Alabama is No. 4 in national rankings Lubbock Christian 84, Tarleton State 53 6. 2B_Winker (2), Donaldson (1), Albies (2). Arizona 77 37 33 7 81 200 212
A series win on the road at Texas A&M last weekend helped Alabama College Track and Field West Region
At San Diego
3B_Iglesias (1). HR_Dietrich (3), Suarez (1),
Swanson (1). SF_Inciarte (1), Joyce (1).
Edmonton 76 34 34 8 76 221 253
Vancouver 77 32 35 10 74 211 242
softball maintain its position near the top of the national rankings this week, Thursday’s Game Alaska-Anchorage 76, Hawaii Pacific 69 IP H R ER BB SO Anaheim 78 32 36 10 74 185 241
Los Angeles 76 28 40 8 64 185 243
Northwest Nazarene 85, Humboldt State 75 Cincinnati
coming in at No. 4 in both the USA Today/NFCA and Alabama at Florida Relays (Gainesville, Florida) UC San Diego 85, Dominican (Cal.) 75 Roark L, 2-2 1 2-3 3 5 5 2 1 NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for
Fossas 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 overtime loss. Top three teams in each division
Softball polls. Mississippi State at Texas Relays (Austin, Texas)
Azusa Pacific 62, Cal Poly Pomona 60
and two wild cards per conference advance to
Second Round Stephenson 2 2 2 2 1 1
The Crimson Tide went 2-1 last weekend on the road at Texas A&M, Saturday, March 16 Garrett 1 1 0 0 1 0 playoffs.
Hernandez 1 1 1 1 0 1 x-clinched playoff spot
winning the first two games in run-rule fashion to clinch the series victory Atlantic Region
before taking its first loss of the season in game three. The 33-game win on the air At Glenville, W.Va.
Indiana (Pa.) 66, Virginia Union 58
1 1 0 0 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 1
z-clinched conference
Tuesday’s Games
Columbus 4, N.Y. Islanders 0
streak to start the season is the third-best in NCAA Division-I history. Ala- California (Pa.) 87, Glenville State 77, OT
Today Central Region Fried W, 1-1 2 0 0 0 1 2 Washington 4, Carolina 1
bama is the highest-ranked SEC team in both polls, joined in the top 10 by Hays, Kan. Venters 1 5 3 3 0 0 Ottawa 4, Buffalo 0
Southwestern Oklahoma State 75, Central Parsons 1 2-3 2 1 0 0 2 Montreal 6, Florida 1
Tennessee (5/6), Florida (6/7) and LSU (8/5). In total, 10 SEC programs are COLLEGE BASKETBALL (MEN’S) Carle H, 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 2 Edmonton 8, Los Angeles 4
Missouri 72
represented in the top 25 with two others receiving votes in at least one poll. Fort Hays State 71, Minnesota State-Moor- Sobotka BS, 0-6 1 2 1 1 0 0 Arizona 1, Chicago 0
This week, Alabama opens a five-game homestand with a midweek
8 p.m. — NIT Tournament: Teams TBD, quarterfi- head 60 Burrows H, 1 0 0 0 0 2 Anaheim 5, Vancouver 4
East Region Santiago S, 1-1 1 0 0 0 0 2 Wednesday’s Games
matchup against Georgia Tech (22-12) on Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. The Tide nal, ESPN2 At Philadelphia HBP—by_Roark (Flowers), Iglesias (Jackson). Toronto at Philadelphia, 7 p.m.
N.Y. Rangers at Boston, 7:30 p.m.
then welcomes Mississippi State (20-10, 1-5 SEC) for a three-game series COLLEGE LACROSSE (WOMEN’S) Le Moyne 63, U. of the Sciences 56
Saint Anselm 59, Stonehill 50
Umpires—Home, Dan Iassogna; First, Marvin Dallas at Calgary, 9:30 p.m.
starting Friday. 6 p.m. — Princeton at Maryland, FS1 Midwest Region Hudson; Second, Jeremy Riggs; Third, Carlos Vegas at Colorado, 10 p.m.
Thursday’s Games
At Springfield, Mo.
Grand Valley State 72, Lewis 55
Drury 78, Northern Michigan 56
T—2:52. A—14,904 Washington at Carolina, 7 p.m.
Montreal at Columbus, 7 p.m.
The W falls to Blue Mountain in doubleheader 4 p.m. — Ohio St. at Kentucky , SEC South Region Tuesday’s College Detroit at Buffalo, 7 p.m.
Florida at Ottawa, 7:30 p.m.
Blue Mountain swept The W in a doubleheader by scores of 11-5 and GOLF At Lakeland, Fla.
Nova Southeastern 87, West Florida 78 Baseball Scores N.Y. Islanders at Winnipeg, 8 p.m.
EAST Dallas at Edmonton, 9 p.m.
10-1. 1 p.m. — PGA Tour: WGC-Dell Technologies Florida Southern 76, Tampa 65
Southeast Region Chestnut Hill 4-2, Wilmington (Del.) 3-3 Los Angeles at Vancouver, 10 p.m.
In the first game, the Owls scored their first run in the top of the fourth. EMU 8, Shenadoah 4 Chicago at San Jose, 10:30 p.m.
Match Play, first round-robin matches, Austin, At Anderson, S.C.
North Georgia 76, Wingate 53 Grove City 5-8, Thiel 1-7 Friday’s Games
Will Peters hit a fly ball to center field to allow Damain Benefield to score. Texas, GOLF Lander 64, Anderson (SC) 61 Lyndon St. 1, Lesley 0 St. Louis at N.Y. Rangers, 7 p.m.
NJ City 7, Baruch 4 Nashville at Pittsburgh, 7 p.m.
Following were three more runs by Brandon Jones, RJ Cox, and Will Peters. South Central Region
The Toppers answered the Owls run in the bottom of the fourth with
HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL (BOY’S) At Canyon, Texas Point Park 8, Chatham 2
Post (Conn.) 17, Concordia (N.Y.) 6
New Jersey at Detroit, 7:30 p.m.
Angelo State 73, West Texas A&M 70, OT Anaheim at Calgary, 9 p.m.
two runs of their own to advance their lead to 9-4. 6 p.m. — 2019 McDonalds All-American All-Star At Grand Junction, Colo. Westminster (Pa.) 7, Geneva 2 Arizona at Colorado, 9 p.m.
Lubbock Christian 56, Colorado Mesa 53 SOUTH Minnesota at Vegas, 10 p.m.
The Owls kept battling and was able to put one more run on the board game, Atlanta, ESPN2 West Region Blue Mountain 11, Mississippi Women 5 Saturday’s Games
Clemson 8, Charlotte 5 Florida at Boston, 1 p.m.
in the top of the fifth by Cody Brewington. HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL (GIRL’S) At San Diego
College of Charleston 11, The Citadel 1 Philadelphia at Carolina, 1:30 p.m.
Alaska-Anchorage 69, Northwest Nazarene 67
Brandon Jones and Leon “Trey” Petite led the Owls at the plate with 4 p.m. — 2019 McDonalds All-American All-Star Azusa-Pacific 64, UC San Diego 61 Georgetown (Ky.) 7, WVU Tech 1 Montreal at Winnipeg, 7 p.m.
High Point 10, NC Central 1 Toronto at Ottawa, 7 p.m.
2-for-3 performances. Will Peters had two RBIs. Regional Finals
Jacksonville 5, Florida A&M 2
In game two, the Owls were only able to score one run but delivered game, Atlanta, ESPN2 Monday, March 18
Loyola (NO) 4-7, Freed-Hardeman 2-2
Buffalo vs. N.Y. Islanders at Nassau Veterans
Memorial Coliseum, 7 p.m.
Atlantic Region
eight hits. NBA BASKETBALL At Glenville, W.Va. Newberry 10, Augusta 9
Toccoa Falls 5, Point (Ga.) 2
Washington at Tampa Bay, 7 p.m.
Indiana (Pa.) 68, California (Pa.) 60 St. Louis at New Jersey, 7 p.m.
Damain Benefield singled to left field and allowed Will Peters to score in 7 p.m. — Indiana at Oklahoma City, ESPN Central Region Transylvania 4, Earlham 1 Columbus at Nashville, 8 p.m.
MIDWEST Vegas at San Jose, 9 p.m.
the first inning. Benefield was credited with one RBI. 7 p.m. — G-League Playoff: Teams TBD, ESPNU At Hays, Kan.
Baldwin-Wallace 8, Adrian 7 Anaheim at Edmonton, 10 p.m.
Southwestern Oklahoma State 88, Fort Hays
RJ Cox and Leon Petite were credited with two hits. Carleton 8, Oberlin 6 Dallas at Vancouver, 10 p.m.
9:30 p.m. — LA Lakers at Utah, ESPN State 77
Clarke 6, William Penn 4 Chicago at Los Angeles, 10:30 p.m.
The Owls will return home Saturday to take on Selma University at 3:30 East Region
Goshen 6, Siena Heights 5
NHL HOCKEY At Philadelphia
p.m. for a doubleheader.
6:30 p.m. — NY Rangers at Boston , NBCSN
Saint Anselm 63, Le Moyne 61
Midwest Region
Hannibal-LaGrange 12, Lincoln (Ill.) 11
Hope 14, Calvin 1 Transactions
Alabama tops rival Auburn in Capital City Classic 9 p.m. — Vegas at Colorado , NBCSN
At Springfield, Mo.
Drury 51, Grand Valley State 44
Indiana Wesleyan 9, Mount Vernon Nazarene 1
Lourdes at Indiana Wesleyan, 2, ccd. Tuesday’s Moves
MONTGOMERY, Ala. – A three-run eighth inning helped Alabama South Region Madonna 12, Cornerstone 7 BASEBALL
secure a 6-3 win over 12th-ranked Auburn in the annual MAX Capital City TENNIS At Lakeland, Fla. Marian (Ind.) 6, St. Francis (Ind.) 4 COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE — Suspended
San Francisco Giants president and CEO Larry
Nova Southeastern 84, Florida Southern 63 MidAm Nazarene 9,
Classic on Tuesday. The victory was Alabama’s first in the neutral site 1 p.m. — Miami Open: Men’s and Women’s Southeast Region Milligan at Shawnee St., 2, ppd. Baer through July 1.
Minn. St. Mankato 8, Minn.-Crookston 7, 12 American League
matchup since 2014 and improved the Crimson Tide’s overall record to 20-6. quarterfinals, Miami, ESPN2 At Anderson, S.C.
innings CHICAGO WHITE SOX — Placed RHP Ian
North Georgia 73, Lander 62
“Hopefully this game gives our guys confidence next time we’re in Hamilton and OF Jon Jay on the 10-day IL, ret-
Thursday West Region Missouri Valley 10, Park 6
Morningside 4, Mayville St. 3 roactive to March 25. Recalled OF Ryan Cor-
a tight game late against a really good team,” Alabama head coach Brad At San Diego
SOUTHWEST dell and OF Eloy Jiménez from Charlotte (IL).
Azusa Pacific 65, Alaska-Anchorage 63
Bohannon said. COLLEGE BASEBALL Tuesday, March 19 Jarvis Christian 10, Wayland Baptist 1 Reassigned RHPs Evan Marshall and Zach
Lyon 8, LSU Shreveport 7 Thompson, C Alfredo González, INFs Ryan
The Crimson Tide scored one in the second but was matched by Au- 6 p.m. — LSU at Missisippi St., ESPNU South Central Region
Manhattan Christian at Oklahoma Wesleyan, Goins, Danny Mendick and Matt Skole and
At Lubbock, Texas OF Preston Tucker to minor-league camp. Re-
burn in the top of the fourth. Alabama rallied in the bottom half of the fourth 6 p.m. — Georgia at Kentucky , SEC Lubbock Christian 76, Angelo State 70 2, ccd.
TCU 6, Texas Rio Grande Valley 2 signed OF Brandon Guyer to a minor-league
for a pair with AU countering once again with a run. The Tigers posted one Quarterfinals contract.
more run in the seventh to tie things up for a short period of time before the
Tide recorded three runs in the bottom of the eighth to secure the win. 6 p.m. — NCAA Tournament: Teams TBD, region-
Tuesday, March 26
Indiana (Pa.) 73, Azusa Pacific 60
Tennis KANSAS CITY ROYALS — Announced a two-
year extension of their player development con-
tract with Omaha (PCL).
Leading the UA offense was Drew Williamson, who was named the al semifinal, CBS
Southwestern Oklahoma State 71, Saint An-
selm 61
Prep Tennis LOS ANGELES ANGELS — Traded LHP Wil-
STARKVILLE ACADEMY 5, HERITAGE liams Jerez to San Francisco for RHP Chris
game’s Most Valuable Player. The freshman finished a perfect 4-for-4 with a 6:15 p.m. — NCAA Tournament: Teams TBD, Drury 91, Nova Southeastern 60 ACADEMY 4 Stratton.
Lubbock Christian vs. North Georgia, 8:30 p.m. No. 1 girls singles: Grayson Jones (HA) TAMPA BAY RAYS — Optioned RHP Emilio
double and two runs scored. Senior Joe Breaux also contributed a multi-hit Semifinals
regional semifinal, TBS lost to Lily Holiday, 6-1, 6-1 Pagan to Durham (IL).
effort, finishing 2-for-3 with a double plus a team-high three RBIs and two Wednesday, March 27 No. 2 girls singles: Elizabeth Nichols (HA) TEXAS RANGERS — Claimed RHP Kyle
walks. The Crimson Tide utilized a season-high eight arms on the mound 8:30 p.m. — NCAA Tournament: Teams TBD, Indiana (Pa.) vs. Southwestern Oklahoma
State, 6 p.m.
lost to Emory Stevens, 6-4, 6-1 Dowdy off waivers from the N.Y. Mets. Assigned
No. 1 girls doubles: Haley Barker/Gigi C Jeff Bandy, INFs Chase d’Arnaud, Matt
with Jeremy Randolph (1-0) earning his first win of the season. The graduate regional semifinal , CBS Drury vs. Lubbock Christian-North Georgia Fields (HA) def. L Little/C Farmer, 6-0, 6-0 Davidson, and Nolan Fontana, and OF Danny
winner, 8:30 p.m. No. 2 girls doubles: Emily Howard/Ken- Santana in minor league camp. Released OF
tossed the final 2.1 scoreless innings, striking out two including the game’s 8:45 p.m. — NCAA Tournament: Teams TBD, Championship dall Kelly (HA) def. S Montgomery/S McReyn- Ben Revere from minor league contract.
final out. Friday, March 29 olds, 6-2, 6-1
regional semifinal, TBS Semifinal winners, 7 p.m. No. 1 boys singles: Owen Riley (HA) def.
National League
CHICAGO CUBS — Agreed to terms with
Alabama was first on the board on Tuesday, crossing one in the home
half of the second. A leadoff walk followed by a sac bunt put a man in scoring
No. 2 boys singles: Blake Ward (HA) lost
RHP Kyle Hendricks on a four-year contract
All Times EDT for 2020-23. Optioned LHP Kyle Ryan to Iowa
position for Williamson. The Tide first baseman sent a single to right field 7 p.m. — Penn St. at Northwestern, BTN EASTERN CONFERENCE
to T Highfield, 6-0, 6-1 (PCL). Reassigned RHP Allen Webster to minor
No. 1 boys doubles: Carter Smith/Drew league camp.
to score the man from second and give the Tide a one-run lead. Auburn GOLF W L Pct GB
y-Milwaukee 56 19 .747 —
Knittig (HA) def. R Clark/G Armstrong, 6-4, 6-2 CINCINNATI REDS — Reassigned RHP Matt
No. 2 boys doubles: Johnny Swartz/ Wisler to minor league camp.
answered one inning later with a run in the top of the fourth to knot things 4:30 a.m. — European Tour: Hero Indian Open, x-Toronto 52 23 .693 4 Rocky Marcel (HA) lost to G Stevens/J Wiggins NEW YORK METS — Agreed to terms with
x-Philadelphia 47 27 .635 8½
up at 1-1. first round, New Delhi, GOLF x-Indiana 45 29 .608 10½
Mixed doubles: Sarah Curtis/William RHP Jacob deGrom on a five-year contract.
Laws (HA) lost to G Delp/H Holiday, 6-1, 6-2 AN FRANCISCO GIANTS — Optioned LHP
The Tide came right back with a two-run fourth to regain its lead. A x-Boston 44 31 .587 12 Next match: Heritage vs. Canton Acade-
one-out single from junior Brett Auerbach followed by another single from 9:30 a.m. — PGA Tour: Corales Puntacana Re- Brooklyn 38 37 .507 18 my, Thursday at Magnolia Tennis Club.
Andrew Suarez to Sacramento (PCL).
Detroit 37 37 .500 18½
Williamson put runners on the corners. One out later a walk loaded the sort & Club Championship, first round, Dominican Austen Williams and INF Adrian Sanchez to

bases for Johnny Hawk. The junior drew a walk to force across a runner and Republic, GOLF
37 38 .493 19
36 38 .486 19½
35 39 .473 20½
Soccer Fresno (PCL).
Atlantic League
an AU pitching change. The Tiger reliever then proceeded to walk Breaux, MLB BASEBALL Washington 30 45 .400 26 Major League Soccer LONG ISLAND DUCKS — Signed OF Matt
den Dekker.
Atlanta 27 48 .360 29 All Times EDT
pushing one more home to give Alabama the 3-1 advantage. Frontier League
1 p.m. — Baltimore at NY Yankees, ESPN Chicago 21 54 .280 35 EASTERN CONFERENCE EVANSVILLE OTTERS — Signed RHP Patrick
Alabama will now head to Gainesville for a three-game series with the Cleveland 19 56 .253 37 W L T Pts GF GA McGuff to a contract extension. Signed RHP
15th-ranked Florida Gators from March 29-31. The two teams are sched- 3 p.m. — Arizona at LA Dodgers, ESPN New York 14 60 .189 41½ D.C. United 2 0 1 7 7 0 Mitch McIntyre.
WESTERN CONFERENCE Cincinnati 2 1 1 7 7 5
uled for a 5:30 p.m. CT start on both Friday and Saturday followed by a Noon 6 p.m. — Boston at Seattle, ESPN W L Pct GB Columbus 2 1 1 7 4 4 RIVER CITY RASCALS — Signed LHP Alec
x-Denver 50 23 .685 — Toronto FC 2 0 0 6 6 3
first pitch on getaway day. All three games will air live on SEC Network+. NHL HOCKEY x-Golden State 50 23 .685 — Montreal 2 1 0 6 6 4 WASHINGTON WILD THINGS — Signed LHP
x-Portland 46 27 .630 4 Nick Wegmann.
Orlando City 1 1 2 5 5 6
Ole Miss tops Memphis, 9-6 6 p.m. — Montreal at Columbus, NHL x-Houston 47 28 .627 4 New York 1 1 1 4 5 3 FOOTBALL
National Football League
MEMPHIS, Tenn. -- Chase Cockrell had three hits and drove in two TENNIS x-L.A. Clippers 45 30 .600 6
Utah 44 30 .595 6½
Philadelphia 1 2 1 4 5
New York City FC 0 0 3 3 4 4
runs Tuesday night, leading Ole Miss to a 9-6 win at Memphis. Byrd to a one-year contract.
Noon — Miami Open: Men’s and Women’s Quar- Oklahoma City 43 31 .581 7½
San Antonio 43 32 .573 8
Atlanta 0 1 2 2 2 4 BALTIMORE RAVENS — Promoted T.J. Weist
Grae Kessinger and Thomas Dillard added two hits for the Rebels. Chicago 0 2 1 1 4 7 to assistant special teams coach.
terfinals, Miami, ESPN2 Sacramento 37 37 .500 13½ New England 0 3 1 1 3 8 CAROLINA PANTHERS — Claimed OT Dillon
Ole Miss took a 4-0 lead in the second inning and never trailed after L.A. Lakers 33 41 .446 17½ WESTERN CONFERENCE
that. 6 p.m. — Miami Open: Men’s and Women’s Minnesota 33 41 .446 17½ W L T Pts GF GA Gordon off waivers from Kansas City.
New Orleans 31 45 .408 20½ Los Angeles FC 3 0 1 10 10 5
Quarterfinals, Miami, ESPN2 Memphis 30 44 .405 20½ Seattle 3 0 0 9 10 3 Jones.
Southern Miss opens road trip with 5-0 win at Nicholls St. Dallas 29 45 .392 21½ Houston 2 0 1 7 6 4 HOCKEY
National Hockey League
METAIRIE, La. – Hunter Slater and Bryant Bowen each drove in a pair Phoenix 17 58 .227 34 FC Dallas 2 1 1 7 5 3 BUFFALO SABRES — Signed D Casey Fitzger-
of runs and five Southern Miss pitchers blanked Nicholls State for a 5-0
non-conference victory at Zephyr Field Tuesday night.
GOLF x-clinched playoff spot
y-clinched division
Tuesday’s Games
Minnesota United
LA Galaxy
Sporting Kan. City
2 1 0 6 8
2 1 0 6 5
1 1 1 4 4
ald to a two-year contract.
Boston 116, Cleveland 106 Lewis from Colorado (AHL) to Utah (ECHL).
Real Salt Lake 1 2 1 4 3 8

Ole Miss finished 15th

The Golden Eagles (16-6) won for the eighth time in a row and the 12th Charlotte 125, San Antonio 116, OT DALLAS STARS — Assigned G Colton Point
Colorado 0 2 2 2 5 8
Orlando 104, Miami 99 from Texas (AHL) to Idaho (ECHL).
time over the last 13 games. The Colonels fell to 13-13. Portland 0 2 1 1 4 10
Toronto 112, Chicago 103 NASHVILLE PREDATORS — Reassigned D
Vancouver 0 3 0 0 4 7
Bowen and Gabe Montenegro each led the Southern Miss seven-hit Atlanta 130, New Orleans 120 Matt Donovan to Milwaukee (AHL).
San Jose 0 3 0 0 2 9
L.A. Clippers 122, Minnesota 111 OTTAWA SENATORS — Recalled F Aaron Lu-
attack with two apiece. NOTE: Three points for victory, one point for tie.

at Hootie at Bulls Bay

Milwaukee 108, Houston 94 chuk from Brampton (ECHL) to Belleville (AHL).
Saturday, March 23
Jarod Wright, in his third start of the season, retired the first nine batters Sacramento 125, Dallas 121 TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING — Signed coach Jon
FC Dallas 2, Colorado 1
Denver 95, Detroit 92 Cooper to a multi-year contract extension.
he faced before allowing a leadoff hitter to reach with a single in the fourth. Orlando City 1, New York 0
L.A. Lakers 124, Washington 106 American Hockey League
Philadelphia 3, Columbus 0
That offensive threat was short-lived as the senior right-hander got a double Wednesday’s Games AHL — Suspended Belleville F Darren Ar-
Los Angeles FC 2, Real Salt Lake 1
Golden State at Memphis, 8 p.m. chibald two games and Colorado D Sergei
play ball and a fly out to end the fourth. Sunday, March 24 Boikov one game.
Wright then allowed a walk and a single to start the fifth and was lifted
CHARLESTON, S.C. – The Ole Miss Indiana at Oklahoma City, 8 p.m.
Portland at Chicago, 8 p.m.
Cincinnati 2, New England 0
Friday, March 29 GRAND RAPIDS GRIFFINS — Signed LW Gre-
for Sean Tweedy, who came on a registered two fly outs and a strikeout to men’s golf team wrapped up final-round play Washington at Phoenix, 10 p.m.
L.A. Lakers at Utah, 10:30 p.m.
New York City FC at Toronto FC, 8 p.m. gor MacLeod to a one-year contract.
Saturday, March 30
end the threat. Tweedy was credited with the victory and improved to 3-0 at the Hootie at Bulls Bay Tuesday afternoon. Thursday’s Games New York at Chicago, 1 p.m. Roy from a professional tryout and signed him
to a three-year contract and assigned him, D
Brooklyn at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. Minnesota United at New England, 2 p.m.
on the year. Senior Beau Briggs and sophomore Cecil We- Orlando at Detroit, 7 p.m. Montreal at Sporting Kansas City, 3 p.m. Filip Pyrochta and F Zach Magwood to Atlanta
The Golden Eagles continue their road swing this weekend when they Dallas at Miami, 7:30 p.m. Los Angeles FC at San Jose, 3:30 p.m.
travel to UTSA for a weekend C-USA series. Game times are 6 p.m., on
gener fired 73s to pace the Rebels on the final Toronto at New York, 7:30 p.m. Atlanta at Columbus, 7:30 p.m. PROVIDENCE BRUINS — Assigned D Joel
Messner to Atlanta (ECHL).
Denver at Houston, 8 p.m.
Friday, 2 p.m., on Saturday and at 1 p.m., Sunday. day in Charleston. L.A. Clippers at Milwaukee, 8 p.m.
Philadelphia at Cincinnati, 7:30 p.m.
FC Dallas at Real Salt Lake, 9 p.m. ROCHESTER AMERICANS — Recalled F Judd
Peterson from Cincinnati (ECHL).
Football The Rebels finished in 15th after a tough Sacramento at New Orleans, 8 p.m.
Cleveland at San Antonio, 8:30 p.m.
Houston at Colorado, 9 p.m.
Seattle at Vancouver, 10 p.m. SAN ANTONIO RAMPAGE — Recalled F Char-
lie Sampair from Tulsa (ECHL).
last 18 holes, shooting a 12-over 300. No. 20 Friday’s Games Sunday, March 31 STOCKTON HEAT — FReturned F Jared Van-
Alabama back at work on practice field South Carolina took home the team title at
Indiana at Boston, 7 p.m.
Portland at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m.
D.C. United at Orlando City, 6:30 p.m.
Portland at LA Galaxy, 9 p.m. Wormer to Kansas City (ECHL).
TUSCALOOSA, Ala. – The Alabama football team held a two-hour Denver at Oklahoma City, 8 p.m.
practice session Tuesday in full pads as the second full week of practices got 22-under (279-286-277—842), while Kan-
sas’ Charlie Hillier won individual honors at
Golden State at Minnesota, 8 p.m.
Washington at Utah, 9 p.m. Golf ATLANTA GLADIATORS — Released D Sean
underway on the Thomas-Drew Practice Fields. Charlotte at L.A. Lakers, 10:30 p.m.
LPGA Money Leaders Gosselin to Rochester (AHL).
Saturday’s Games
Tuesday marked Alabama’s sixth practice of 14 spring practice 13-under through 54 holes. Cleveland at L.A. Clippers, 3:30 p.m.

Through March 24
Trn Money
Walsh. Signed F Alex Tonge to an amateur
sessions before the 2019 Golden Flake A-Day Game is held April 13 at 1 Boston at Brooklyn, 6 p.m.
Jackson Suber finished tied for 33rd after Sacramento at Houston, 6 p.m. 1. Nelly Korda 5 $472,810 tryout.
p.m. at Bryant-Denny Stadium. The A-Day Game is open to the public and Orlando at Indiana, 7 p.m. 2. Jin Young Ko 4 $450,159 GREENVILLE SWAMP RABBITS — Loaned F
will be broadcast on ESPN2. a final round 3-over 75, pacing the Rebels for Portland at Detroit, 7 p.m. 3. Minjee Lee 5 $317,861 Thomas Ebbing to Laval (AHL).
INDY FUEL — Signed F Jack Ramsey to an
4. Eun-Hee Ji 4 $297,199
The team will return to the field this week for another practice on Thurs- the second time this season. After a rough Miami at New York, 7:30 p.m.
Philadelphia at Minnesota, 8 p.m. 5. Amy Yang 4 $289,165 amateur tryout.
6. Sung Hyun Park 3 $263,756 WHEELING NAILERS — Signed D Phil Johans-
day before holding its first scrimmage of the spring on Saturday. start to his final round, he played his final 13 Toronto at Chicago, 8 p.m.
Memphis at Phoenix, 10 p.m. 7. Carlota Ciganda 4 $232,625 son to an amateur tryout and F Lucas Kohls.

Shooting holes at 3-under. The freshman led the team

8. Celine Boutier
9. Azahara Munoz
ALABAMA — Graduate men’s basketball G
Dazon Ingram intends to transfer.
Derting signs on with Ole Miss rifle team in birdies with 13, and eagled the par-4 16th 10. Mirim Lee 4
11. Brooke M. Henderson 4
$161,318 ARKANSAS — Fired men’s basketball coach
hole today, being one of just three golfers to Major League Baseball 12. Shanshan Feng 4 $155,806 Mike Anderson.
OXFORD – The Ole Miss Rifle team announced its newest addition 13. Yu Liu 5 $155,030 BYU — Announced the retirement of men’s bas-
to the Rebel family, welcoming signee Kristen Derting for the 2019-2020 accomplish that feat throughout the tourna- Spring Training Glance 14. Moriya Jutanugarn 5 $139,749 ketball coach Dave Rose.
15. Charlotte Thomas 3 $127,878 CHARLESTON SOUTHERN — Named David
season. ment. Suber went 70-73-75—218 to tally his All Times EDT 16. Lydia Ko 5 $121,587 McFatrich volleyball coach.
AMERICAN LEAGUE 17. Jodi Ewart Shadoff 5 $116,126 FLORIDA — Announced graduate men’s bas-
Derting, a Salem, Oregon product, has already competed against
some of the best and owns an impressive resume. She amassed personal
eighth top-40 finish during his freshman cam-
W L Pct.
14 8 .636
18. Haru Nomura
19. Amy Olson
ketball F Keith Stone will transfer.
GEORGIA TECH — Fired women’s basketball
bests of 582 in smallbore and 593 in air rifle. paign. He found success on the par 4’s, going New York
Kansas City
17 10 .630
18 12 .600
20. Ariya Jutanugarn 5 $104,310 coach MaChelle Joseph.
HOFSTRA — Announced the resignation
21. Wei-Ling Hsu 4 $103,690
Derting is in her last semester at South Salem High School and is a 4-under throughout the week to sit fourth in Houston 18 12 .600 22. Su Oh 5 $101,297 of women’s basketball coach Krista Kil-
Cleveland 17 14 .548 23. Sarah Kemp 2 $100,693 burn-Steveskey.
member of the Tri-County Gun Club’s junior program. the field in par-4 scoring. Minnesota 14 13 .519 24. Angel Yin 4 $98,488 IOWA STATE — Agreed to terms with men’s
Last December, Derting fired an 1143 and personal-best 1150 for 40 Detroit 15 15 .500 25. Hyo Joo Kim 3 $95,521 basketball coach Steve Prohm on a three-year
shots for each smallbore position (3x40) at 50 meters during the Winter
Briggs went 1-under on the front nine today Los Angeles 15 16 .484 26. Cristie Kerr 4 $93,068 contract extension through the 2024-25 sea-
Toronto 14 15 .483 son. Announced junior F Cam Lard is leaving
Selection Match. The NCAA competes with 20 shots in each position at to post a final round 73 (+1). After starting on Seattle 10 11 .476
27. Jenny Shin
28. Jessica Korda
$92,317 the men’s basketball program.
Tampa Bay 13 17 .433
50 feet. the back nine, he made the turn and recorded Texas 13 17 .433
29. Katherine Kirk
30. Mi Hyang Lee
NEBRASKA — Fired men’s basketball coach
Tim Miles.
Additionally, she competed at both the USA Shooting and National three birdies coming down the stretch. The Boston
12 17 .414
12 17 .414
31. Bronte Law
32. Gaby Lopez
N.C. STATE — Signed football coach Dave Do-
eren to a five-year contract.
Junior Olympic Shooting Championships in 2018. Derting also recorded
high marks (573 smallbore, 581 air rifle) at the Oregon State USA Shooting
senior led the team in pars with 36 and played Chicago 12 17 .414
33. Jeongeun Lee6
34. Sei Young Kim
TENNESSEE — Suspended DB Kenneth
George Jr. indefinitely from the football team
Junior Olympic Air Rifle and Smallbore Championships. the par 5’s under par for the tournament, go-
San Diego
W L Pct.
18 11 .621
35. Georgia Hall 6 $63,897 after his arrest.
TROY — Named Scott Cross men’s basketball
36. Danielle Kang 3 $62,247
—From Special Reports ing 1-under. Chicago 19 13 .594 37. Marina Alex 5 $61,322 coach.
4B Wednesday, March 27, 2019 The Dispatch •


Dazon Ingram says he is leaving Alabama’s program

TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — Ala- graduated in December 2017. Campbell from this year’s team. not sustained a consistent lev- cord of 369-200 record. Arkan-
bama guard Dazon Ingram says COUISNARD ELIGIBLE: ARK ANSAS FIRES AN- el of success against the most sas hired him in 2011 after he
he plans to play his final college South Carolina coach Frank DERSON: Arkansas has fired competitive teams in the na- went 111-57 in five seasons at
basketball season elsewhere. Martin says freshman guard men’s basketball coach Mike tion to enable us to compete for Missouri, including NCAA ap-
Ingram announced his deci- Jermaine Couisnard will be eli- Anderson after an eight-year SEC and NCAA championships pearances in each of his last
sion to leave as a graduate trans- gible to play for the Gamecocks run during which he made on an annual basis,” Yurachek three years. He went 89-41 at
fer Monday on Instagram. He av- next fall. three NCAA Tournament ap- said in a statement. “That will UAB from 2002-05 and has nev-
eraged 7.1 points, 4.2 rebounds Couisnard is a 6-foot-4 guard pearances. continue to be the benchmark er posted a losing season in 17
and 2.6 assists last season, while from East Chicago, Indiana. He The school made the an- for our success throughout our years as a head coach.
starting nine of his 19 games. was expected to give the Game- nouncement in a news release athletic program. Before beginning his head
He made 83 starts over the cocks a reliable outside shooter Tuesday. “During his tenure with coaching career, Anderson was
past three-plus seasons. Ingram last season. Instead, he was not Anderson went 169-102 with our program, Mike Anderson an assistant at Arkansas from
was an instant starter for the able to enroll until the fall and the Razorbacks. The Razor- has represented the Universi- 1985-2002. He was part of No-
Crimson Tide but sustained a could only practice with the backs made five postseason ty of Arkansas in a first-class lan Richardson’s staff when
season-ending injury just seven team while his academic eligi- tournaments on his watch — manner and with the highest Arkansas won the national title
games into his freshman season. bility was in question due to an three trips to the NCAAs and level of integrity on and off the in 1994 and was NCAA Tourna-
Ingram, who received a medi- issue that Martin says had been two in the NIT. Arkansas went floor,” Yurachek said. “We are ment runner-up in 1995.
cal redshirt, announced his deci- out of the university’s hands. 18-16 this past season and grateful for Coach Anderson’s After last Saturday’s NIT
sion a day after Alabama athletic Martin said Tuesday Couis- reached the second round of many contributions to our pro- loss to Indiana, Anderson was
director Greg Byrne said coach nard had a 3.4 grade point aver- the NIT. gram and most of all for his optimistic about the program’s
Avery Johnson wouldn’t return age in his first college semester Athletic director Hunter investment in the lives of the future.
for a fifth season. and is ready go. Yurachek decided that wasn’t many student-athletes he has Associate head coach Melvin
Ingram, a former Alabama South Carolina (16-16) loses good enough. coached.” Watkins will lead the team until
high school Mr. Basketball, guards Hassani Gravett and Tre “In my evaluation, we have Anderson has a career re- a head coach is named.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: pates in raising now in my 30s and much wiser.
My husband him/her, then I have lived with this heart-
and I sep- you are right, break for 15 years. I don’t want
arated last year his child WILL to disrupt their lives, but I do
and reconciled become a part want them to have my contact
several months of your life. If he information if they would like
later. When we decides to do no to have it. I know this situation
decided to get more than write is delicate. I desperately want
back together, he support checks, to avoid doing the wrong thing.
broke it off with the impact on Please advise. — HEARTBRO-
you will be much KEN IN FLORIDA
his girlfriend. A
month later she Frankly, I instincts are on target. The
ZITS contacted him to
inform him that
don’t blame best way to accomplish what
you for feeling you have in mind would be to
she’s pregnant worried. If a pa- write to the adoptive mother
with his child. ternity test hasn’t and allow her to decide what
She’s due in a proved he’s the to do with the information
few months.
Dear Abby
father of the you give her. Most adopted
My husband baby, he should children at some point want to
and I disagree about how discuss this with a lawyer to know who their birth parents
things should be handled when insist there be one. were, if only so they can get a
the child arrives. She says I’m DEAR ABBY: When I was complete medical history.
not allowed to come to the 19, I lost custody of my three Dear Abby is written by
hospital with him and meet the children to the state. They Abigail Van Buren, also known
baby. I say that going without were adopted out, and I have as Jeanne Phillips, and was
me is absurd, and any child had no contact since. Over the founded by her mother, Pauline
that belongs to my husband is years I tried to find them with- Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
a part of my life, too. However, out success. Recently, I found at or P.O.
GARFIELD he says she is in charge of their names and addresses Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
the situation. I’m worried that using to search 90069.
when the baby is born I’ll be their birth records. My son, For an excellent guide to
at home alone with a broken the oldest, is 18 now, but his becoming a better conversa-
heart. Where should I draw the sisters are only 15 and 16. tionalist and a more sociable
line with my husband? — WOR- I want to write a letter to person, order “How to Be
RIED WIFE IN THE SOUTH the adoptive mother, let her Popular.” Send your name and
DEAR WORRIED WIFE: For- know my side of the story and mailing address, plus check
give me if this seems cynical, offer to open a line of commu- or money order for $8 (U.S.
but is your husband ABSO- nication for her and the kids. funds) to: Dear Abby, Popu-
LUTELY SURE that the baby is Would that be selfish? What’s larity Booklet, P.O. Box 447,
his? And, if it is, to what extent the right thing to do here? Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447.
does he plan to be involved in I was very young and stupid (Shipping and handling are
the child’s life? If he partici- when I lost my children. I’m included in the price.)

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March stop you now is inaction. please all the people all the
27). Financially, this year is TAURUS (April 20-May time is someone who doesn’t
a win. You’ll earn a trophy -- a 20). Change is hard, so the stand for anything.
symbol of your work over the saying goes, but is that really LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
past three years. On a personal accurate? Change is the natural Creative differences create
note, you’ll become known order, and by definition, the waste. You’ve witnessed so
for your emotional warmth. natural order takes no effort. much lost time and effort in
It’s something you come by It’s not change that’s hard. It’s too-many-cooks-in-the-kitchen-
honestly because you’ll receive the way we resist it. type scenarios. Right now you’ll
so much of it from others that GEMINI (May 21-June save yourself a lot of trouble by
you’ll have no choice but to 21). Frustration happens only tackling your creative project
recycle and regift the love. Leo because things aren’t moving alone.
and Capricorn adore you. Your along as quickly as you had it in VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
BABY BLUES lucky numbers are: 9, 20, 3, 33 your head. In the words of one Owning things is work. You
and 16. gorgeous Gemini, “When you really don’t want the responsibil
ARIES (March 21-April relinquish the desire to have ity that some possessions will
19). Point yourself in the right control over your future, you can require of you. You could handle
direction and make a move have more happiness.” it, but it would take focus away
— any move, however small. CANCER (June 22-July 22). from what’s good for you.
Even falling in that direction is Maybe you’re not entirely pop- LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
better than no movement at all. ular for the things you express You can build on a past suc-
Because the only thing that can lately, but the only one who can cess, though you won’t exactly
be able to repeat it. It’s a new
day, a new you. And a slightly
different approach will be need-
ed to keep this thing on track.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). People always need to
BEETLE BAILEY know the reasons, or at least
they think they do. If they don’t
know the reasons, they’ll make
them up just to satisfy the
cognitive dissonance. Provide
reasons or you leave yourself
open to speculative fiction.
21). Who knows what the full
expression of your personal-
ity would be if it were even
possible to express it? But you
feel it’s your responsibility to at
least try. You’ll widen your range
with new experiences.
19). Just a heads-up: People
who seem to be involved in a
dramatic situation on the reg-
ular are very likely to continue
the trend, as it’s a self-feeding
cycle. Internal states influence
external states and vice versa.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). You may not know exactly
what is sacred to other people,
but if you assume there’s some-
thing that is and go carefully
from there, you’re less likely to
trip the triggers and awaken the
FAMILY CIRCUS consequences of disrespect.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). Ideally, you would give
what the world needs and put
your time into things that will
be meaningful to the masses.
But who knows what the world
needs? The world doesn’t even
know. So do what’s meaningful
to you.

Rolling in the aisles

Jan Swoope: 328-2471

Light and easy

omewhat to my pseudo-horror,
I overheard a group of teenage
girls in a local restaurant this
past week. (I wasn’t eavesdropping;
it was unavoidable.) Their topic
reminded me of all those impend-
ing “swimsuit seasons” when I was Carl Tremblay/America’s Test Kitchen via AP
a teen. The girls were talking about The recipe for this spring vegetable
suit styles and how many pounds pasta is from the cookbook “Revo-
they wanted to lose before school’s lutionary Recipes.”
end and the annual bolt for the
beach. First of all, they each looked
perfectly lovely already. Second
of all, I allowed myself a chuckle
of gratitude that I’m past the age
of fretting over high school beach
bodies and bikinis. But they did
pasta primavera
have a point: Spring compels us
to put away our layers and comfy
bulky sweaters. The season of
to make it taste
sleeveless and shorts will be upon
us. For many, it brings an added
awareness of what we’re eating. We
like spring
wouldn’t mind tuning ourselves up BY AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN
for spring and summer.

As we turn the calendar to April ou’d never know that pasta
in just a few days, it’s a good time primavera, a pseudo-Italian
to turn the corner from winter’s dish that appears on virtu-
comfort foods to lighter fare. ally every chain restaurant menu,
We still have some coolish actually has roots in French haute
temps ahead, which is why a light- cuisine.
ened-up recipe for “skinny” broc- The usual reproduction — a ran-
coli cheese soup is timely. At 200 dom jumble of produce tossed with
calories a serving, it’s “perfect for noodles in a heavy, flavor-deaden-
cool evenings or chilly rainy spring ing cream sauce — tastes nothing
days, or when a spring or summer like spring. Surprisingly, when
thunderstorm calls for cuddling we dug up the original recipe
up,” says As our wardrobes transition from sweaters to shorts, here’s a “skinny” from New York’s famed Le Cirque
An eggplant pizza — a “cheater’s broccoli soup that comes in at about 200 calories a serving. restaurant, our colleagues found
pizza” — is a low-carb, gluten-free it wasn’t all that inspiring either,
alternative to its calorie-laden despite taking about 2 hours to
cousin. It takes less than an hour to prepare and dirtying five pans.
prepare. First, the vegetables (which had
The fruit tart recipe below calls been painstakingly blanched one
for just five ingredients and takes by one) were bland. Second, the
about 10 minutes to make. The cream-, butter-, and cheese-en-
crust made of cashews and raisins riched sauce dulled flavor and
is topped with vanilla Greek yogurt didn’t really unify the dish.
and fresh raspberries. Call it a If we wanted a true spring-veg-
healthy breakfast — or a decadent etable pasta — with a few thought-
dessert. fully chosen vegetables and a light,
Each of the recipes is considered but full-bodied sauce that clung
easy to make; each is a healthier, well to the noodles and brought
flavorful option to heavy versions. the dish together — we’d have to
Beaches or not, that’s always in start from the beginning.
style. See Pasta, 6B


Total time: about 25 minutes

1 tablespoon butter
1 small yellow onion (roughly chopped)
1 stalk celery (roughly chopped)
2 cloves garlic, minced
Use salmon’s skin to
1 teaspoon salt, plus more to taste
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon fresh pepper
stop it from drying
3 1/2 cups vegetable broth (more, as
1 cup skim milk
out, release fat
1 16-ounce bag frozen cauliflower florets BY AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN
1 medium carrot, shredded Eggplant pizza is a low-carb, gluten-free alternative if you’re looking for a

1 16-ounce bag frozen broccoli florets lighter pizza. tarting salmon with the skin
1 1/2 cups reduced fat shredded sharp
cheddar, about 6-8 ounces side down in a pan is a neat
slices on prepared baking sheets and
EGGPLANT PIZZA brush both sides of each slice with olive
way to cook fish. The skin
n In a large soup pot, melt butter over Makes 6 servings oil. Season with salt and pepper. protects the fish from drying out.
medium/medium high heat. n Roast eggplant slices until nearly ten- The skin also releases fat into the
n Add chopped onion, celery, and garlic, 1 large (or 2 medium) eggplants der, 10-12 minutes.
and spices and cook, about 5 minutes. Salt and freshly ground black pepper pan, which is then used to cook
Add in broth, milk, and cauliflower and 1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
n Remove trays from oven and spread the second side until it is golden
2 tablespoons marinara sauce on top of
bring to a simmer. Simmer until cauliflow- 1/2 cup torn basil leaves brown, no extra oil needed.
er is fork tender, about 3-5 minutes. Use 1/3 cup olive oil each piece. Top generously with mozza-
an immersion blender to blend. 1 1/4 cups marinara sauce (store-bought rella and arrange 3 to 5 cherry tomato To help keep the fish from
n Add in carrots and broccoli and simmer or homemade) pieces on top of each. sticking and allow the fat to puddle
until broccoli is cooked to your liking, 2 cups cherry tomatoes, halved. n Return pizzas to oven and roast until under the fish (and not just around
about 5 minutes. Use an immersion cheese is melted and tomatoes are blis-
tered, 5 to 7 minutes more. Serve pizzas it), sprinkle a thin layer of salt and
blender to blend. n Preheat oven to 400°F. Line a baking
n Stir in cheese until melted. Taste and sheet with parchment paper. hot, garnished with basil. pepper over the cold pan before
re-season, if necessary and serve n Cut ends off the eggplant(s) and then (Source: adding the fish. And make sure
(Source: cut into 3/4-inch-thick slices. Arrange See Light and easy, 6B to use a nonstick pan. Follow this
recipe with your kids.
See Salmon, 6B

Butter Together

A bushel and a peck

“ ing-dong!” entire flat of tiny, most beautiful berries I’d ever I just knew I had to make dessert, except that you’ll
the door- bright-red straw- seen. I wrote her a check, this recipe for strawberry want to wait and place the
bell jan- berries on her hip. thanked her, and began cream pie. Once I discovered strawberries on top close to
gled cheerily from They were the re- rearranging my refrigerator how much we all loved them, the time you serve it. If you do
our back door. sult of a fundraiser to accommodate eleventy though — and my daughters it the day before, the berries
I glanced at she’d posted about bajillion berries. began eating them plain for will probably begin to seep
Zack. “You expect- on social media I didn’t have to make space breakfasts and lunches — I juices onto the top of the pie.
ing anybody?” weeks before. for long, though, because it realized pie might be a waste It will still taste delicious,
He looked back I had responded turns out these berries were for these particular berries. but it might look ... bloody.
at me. “Nope. on her post that the most delicious berries of However, I am definitely And pie that looks bloody is
You?” I wanted a flat. all berries. making this for Easter lunch
nobody’s idea of a good time.
So I trudged Then, true to form, Julia explains it this way: and probably a few more times
Amelia Plair (Well, it may be some people’s
to the door in my I promptly forgot “I keep forgetting how good this season, while strawber-
flamingo pajama about it and never these are ... then I bite into ries are so inexpensive and idea of a good time. But those
pants and T-shirt, where I paid for them. one and remember.” delicious. people are not my people.)
found a friend balancing an But there she was with the When I first saw the flat, It’s a great make-ahead See Butter Together, 6B
6B Wednesday, March 27, 2019 The Dispatch •

A bread pudding that’s perfect for a relaxed brunch at home

BY AMERICA’S TEST Once the bread had 1 pound kale, stemmed and is wilted, about 5 minutes.
KITCHEN absorbed some of the chopped Wrap kale mixture in clean
4 shallots, sliced thin dish towel and wring tightly to
custard and the kale was

2 garlic cloves, minced squeeze out as much liquid as
his bread pudding mixed in, we layered the 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive possible.
is earthy, comfort- custard-bread mixture oil n Whisk cream, milk, egg
ing, and perfect with sausage and topped 3 cups heavy cream yolks, and mustard together
for a relaxed brunch at it all off with Parmesan. 2 cups whole milk in large bowl. Stir in toasted
home. 8 large egg yolks bread and drained kale mix-
From there, all we had to 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
To make sure this ture until well combined.
do was bake it, covered 1 pound turkey sausage, n Spray now-empty baking
casserole came out rich at first to set the filling casings removed dish with vegetable oil spray.
and satisfying but not and then uncovered for 1/4 cup grated Parmesan Pour half of bread mixture into
overbearing, we chose cheese prepared dish. Crumble half of
the last 20 minutes to 2 tablespoons minced fresh
leaner (but still flavorful) generate some appealing sausage into 1/2 inch pieces
turkey sausage instead of browning.
over top. Top with remaining
pork and banned soggy n Adjust oven rack to middle bread mixture and remain-
Daniel J. van v/America’s Test Kitchen via AP ing sausage. Sprinkle with
bread by toasting torn ba- A different twist on a bread pudding: shallots, turkey position and heat oven to 450
guette slices, enriching sausage and kale. SAVORY BREAD F. Arrange bread in even layer
in 13-by-9 inch baking dish.
n Cover tightly with greased
their flavor and ensuring
they would stand up to some aromatics and oil 3 parts cream to 2 parts
PUDDING WITH TURKEY Bake, stirring occasionally, un- aluminum foil and bake for 45
minutes. Uncover and contin-
til bread is crisp and browned,
the custard. to jump-start its cooking milk for measured SAUSAGE AND KALE about 12 minutes; let cool ue to bake until custard is just
set and top is browned, about
To add even more and eliminate excess wa- richness. To prevent Servings: 4-6 for 10 minutes. Reduce oven
ter in our finished dish. curdling, we stabilized Start to finish: 2 hours temperature to 400 F. 20 minutes.
depth to the pudding
n Meanwhile, combine kale, n Remove dish from oven
while further prevent- We stirred the toast- the custard by using just 1 (18-to-20 inch) baguette, shallots, garlic, and oil in and let cool for 10 minutes.
ing a wet texture, we ed bread into a simple yolks rather than the torn into 1 inch pieces (10 bowl and microwave, stir- Sprinkle with chives before
microwaved kale with custard, prepared with traditional whole eggs. cups) ring occasionally, until kale serving.

Continued from Page 5B
2 cups frozen peas, thawed substitutes) on solids to extract as much fragrant, about 30 seconds. frequently, until most of liquid
SPRING 4 cups vegetable broth 1 cup dry white wine liquid as possible (you should Add remaining 1 cup peas and is absorbed and pasta is al
4 garlic cloves, minced
1 ounce Parmesan cheese,
grated (1/2 cup), plus extra
have 5 cups broth; add water
as needed to equal 5 cups).
continue to cook for 1 minute
longer. Transfer vegetables to
dente, 8 to 10 minutes. Off
heat, stir in Parmesan, lemon
Servings: 4-6
Start to finish: 1 hour 2 tablespoons minced fresh for serving Discard solids and return bowl and set aside. Wipe out juice, vegetables, and half
mint broth to saucepan. Cover and pot with paper towels. of herb mixture. Season with
1 1/2 pounds leeks, white 2 tablespoons minced fresh n Bring leek greens, aspar- keep warm. n Heat remaining 1/4 cup salt and pepper to taste, and
and light green parts halved chives agus trimmings, 1 cup peas, n Heat 2 tablespoons oil in oil in now-empty pot over me- serve immediately, passing
lengthwise, sliced 1/2 inch 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon broth, water, and half of garlic Dutch oven over medium heat dium heat until shimmering. extra Parmesan and remaining
thick, and washed thoroughly, zest, to boil in large saucepan. Re- until shimmering. Add leeks Add pasta and cook, stirring herb mixture separately.
plus 3 cups coarsely chopped plus 2 tablespoons juice duce heat to medium-low and and pinch salt and cook, cov- often, until just beginning to Nutrition information per
dark green parts, washed 6 tablespoons extra-virgin simmer gently for 10 minutes. ered, stirring occasionally, un- brown, about 5 minutes. Add serving: 605 calories; 155
thoroughly olive oil While broth simmers, combine til leeks begin to brown, about wine and cook, stirring con- calories from fat; 17 g fat (2
1 pound asparagus, tough Salt and pepper mint, chives, and lemon zest 5 minutes. Add asparagus stantly, until absorbed, about g saturated; 0 g trans fats);
ends trimmed, chopped 1/4 teaspoon red pepper in bowl; set aside. spears and cook until aspara- 2 minutes. 4 mg cholesterol; 436 mg
coarse, and reserved; spears flakes n Strain broth through fine- gus is crisp-tender, 4 to 6 min- n When wine is fully ab- sodium; 88 g carbohydrate;
cut on bias into 1/2 inch 1 pound campanelle (farfalle mesh strainer into 8 cup utes. Add pepper flakes and sorbed, add warm broth and 10 g fiber; 13 g sugar; 18 g
lengths and penne are acceptable liquid measuring cup, pressing remaining garlic and cook until bring to boil. Cook, stirring protein.

Light and easy

Continued from Page 5B


Total time: 10 minutes
Makes 3 tarts (serves 6)

For the crust:

1 1/2 cup cashew halves and
1 cup raisins
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon salt, to taste

For the filling:

3/4-1 cup vanilla honey Greek
2 6-ounce packages rasp-

Optional toppings:
Powdered sugar
Fresh mint

n For crust, in a food

processor, pulse together
cashews, raisins, vanilla and
salt. It’s ready when cashews Crusts for these fruit tarts are made with cashews,
have broken down and dough raisins, vanilla extract and a bit of salt.
sticks together when you
squeeze it together in your and sides of each tin. Freeze each tin. Top with raspberries
hands. 30 minutes to 1 hour. and optional toppings. Serve
n Grease 3 (4.75 inch) round n To assemble, remove tarts immediately.
tart pans and press the from freezer. Place about (Source: showmetheyummy.
dough evenly into the bottom 1/4-1/3 cup Greek yogurt into com)

Continued from Page 5B

SWEET AND TANGY GLAZED SALMON n Cook salmon over medium heat, without
moving salmon, until fat begins to puddle
Servings: 4 around fillets and skin begins to brown, 6 to 8
Start to finish: 35 minutes (Prep time: 10 min- minutes.
utes) n Use tongs and spatula to carefully flip fillets.
Cook, without moving fillets, until center of
1/4 cup maple syrup each fillet registers 125 F on the instant-read
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar thermometer, 6 to 8 minutes. Turn off heat.
2 tablespoons soy sauce Transfer fillets, skin side down, to serving plat-
1 tablespoon lime juice, squeezed from 1 lime ter. Cover platter with aluminum foil.
2 garlic cloves, peeled and minced n Cook maple syrup mixture in saucepan over
Salt and pepper medium heat, stirring occasionally with rubber
4 (6-ounce) skin-on salmon fillets spatula, until thick and syrupy, 4 to 6 minutes
1 lime, cut into wedges (sauce will be very bubbly when it thickens).
Turn off heat. Spoon glaze evenly over salmon.
n In medium saucepan, combine maple syrup, Serve with lime wedges.
vinegar, soy sauce, lime juice, and garlic. Set Chef’s Note: To flip fish, gently slide spatula
aside. under fish to loosen skin from skillet, then use
n In a 12-inch nonstick skillet, sprinkle 1/4 tongs to flip fish.
teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper in Nutrition information per serving: 326 calories;
even layer. Place salmon fillets, skin side 112 calories from fat; 12 g fat (2 g saturated;
down, in skillet. Wash your hands. Sprinkle 0 g trans fats); 109 mg cholesterol; 691 mg
tops of fillets with 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/8 sodium; 16 g carbohydrate; 0 g fiber; 13 g
teaspoon pepper. sugar; 38 g protein.

Butter Together
Continued from Page 5B
Anyway, if pie-making 1/2 teaspoon vanilla whipped cream into butter if
sounds like too much 1/4 cup light brown sugar you keep whipping it. At this
(or equivalent amount brown point, you are done if you are
work, if you need some- sugar Splenda; this recipe making this into a fruit dip. If
thing gluten free, or if accommodates sugar substi- you are going for pie, however,
you just want to cut down tutes very well) spread the mixture evenly over
a bit on the carbs and cal- 1 cup heavy whipping cream the crust. Refrigerate. Just
1/4 cup powdered sugar before serving, wash, dry, and
ories, the pie filling also 1 9-inch graham cracker crust cut the stems off your berries.
makes a delicious fruit n The original recipe calls
dip. Just mix up the filling n Beat cream cheese, brown for placing the whole berries,
and serve with plenty of sugar and vanilla until light cut side down, all over the
and fluffy. In another bowl,
berries on the side. beat the whipping cream and
pie. I’ll be honest, though: I
Amelia Plair is a mom have never once in the years
powdered sugar until medium
and high school teacher in peaks form. (Medium peaks I’ve made this been able to
are peaks that hold their reserve the whole quart of ber-
Starkville. Email reaches ries. Someone always snacks
her at mamabadgerplair@ shape fairly well when you lift
the beater out of the bowl, but on them first. If this happens the tip droops back onto it- to you, just slice each berry in
self.) I use my stand mixer for half and place the halves, cut
this, so I actually just transfer side down, on the pie. Cover
STRAWBERRIES the cream cheese mixture to the entire top with the berries;
another, larger bowl to allow I like to arrange them into a
AND CREAM PIE me to beat the whipping cream kind of flower pattern as I plot
with my mixer. ways to seek revenge on my
1 quart fresh strawberries n Fold the whipping cream berry thieves. (Just kidding.
1 8-ounce package cream into the cream cheese mixture Mostly.) Enjoy!
cheese or Neufchatel, room by hand; you run the risk (Source: Adapted from
temperature of turning all that beautiful
The Dispatch •
of Mississippi in Book Page 18161; and
2003 at Page 43019; Wednesday, March 27, 2019 7b
and WHEREAS, Wells Fargo
Bank, N.A. has hereto-
Legal Notices 0010 Legal Notices 0010 Legal Notices 0010 WHEREAS, Colonial Im-
Legal Notices 0010 fore
Notices 0010 Sha- Legal Notices 0010 Building & Remodeling 1120
pact Fund II LLC has piro & Brown, LLC as
The following vehicle SUBSTITUTED TRUST- NOTICE OF SUBSTI- heretofore substituted Trustee by instrument IN THE CHANCERY HOME REPAIRS & CON-

has been abandoned at EE’S NOTICE OF SALE TUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE Shapiro & Brown, LLC dated January 16, 2019 COURT OF LOWNDES STRUCTION WORK
Allen’s Frame & Body. as Trustee by instru- and recorded in the COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI WANTED. Carpentry,
1504 Gardner Blvd., STATE OF MISSISSIPPI STATE OF MISSISSIPPI ment dated February aforesaid Chancery small concrete jobs,
Columbus, MS. COUNTY OF Lowndes COUNTY OF LOWNDES 20, 2019 and recorded Clerk's Office in Book IN RE: THE ESTATE OF electrical, plumbing,
in the aforesaid Chan- MORT2019 at Page MORRIS AMOUS, DE- roof repairs, pressure
2012 TOYOTA CAMRY WHEREAS, on the 26th WHEREAS, default has cery Clerk's Office in 1255; and CEASED washing and mobile
Phone: 662.328.2424 VIN#
day of November, 2013,
Caleb D Stratton an un-
occurred in the perform- Book 2019 at Page
ance of the covenants, 3101; and WHEREAS, default hav- NO. 2019-0005-JWS
home roof coating and
underpinning. No job married man, executed terms and conditions of ing been made in the
terms and conditions of
too small. 549-7031.
IF NOT CLAIMED THIS and delivered a certain a Deed of Trust dated WHEREAS, default hav- NATASHA AMOUS VEHICLE WILL BE PUT Deed of Trust unto J August 27, 2012, ex- ing been made in the said deed of trust and MOVANT
P.O. Box 511 • 516 Main Street UP FOR PUBLIC SALE
Douglas Dalrymple,
Trustee for Mortgage
ecuted by EDWARD AR- terms and conditions of
THUR FURNARI, convey- said deed of trust and
the entire debt secured
thereby having been de- NOTICE TO CREDITORS
Suggs Construction Co.
Building, remodeling,
Columbus, MS 39703 APRIL 2019, AT 10:00 Electronic Registration ing certain real property the entire debt secured clared to be due and
payable in accordance
roofing, & home repair.
A.M. AT ALLEN’S FRAME Systems, Inc. as nomin- therein described to MI- thereby having been de- STATE OF MISSISSIPPI Licensed & Bonded.
& BODY, 1504 GARD- ee for Renasant Bank, CHAEL LYON, as Trust- clared to be due and with the terms of said COUNTY OF LOWNDES

NER BLVD, COLUMBUS, Beneficiary, to secure ee, for MORTGAGE payable in accordance deed of trust, Wells 662-574-8470
MS 39702. an indebtedness therein ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- with the terms of said Fargo Bank, N.A., the Letters of Administra-
described, which Deed TION SYSTEMS INC AS deed of trust, Colonial legal holder of said in- tion have been granted
(Deadlines subject to change.) PUBLISH: 3/20, 3/27, of Trust is recorded in NOMINEE FOR ONE RE- Impact Fund II LLC, the debtedness, having re- and issued to the under-
VERSE MORTGAGE LLC, legal holder of said in- quested the under- Tom Hatcher, LLC
For Placing/Canceling 4/3/2019 the office of the Chan-
cery Clerk of Lowndes Original Beneficiary, to debtedness, having re- signed Substituted
signed upon the Estate
of Morris Amous, De- Custom Construction,
Classified Line Ads: County, Mississippi in secure the indebted- quested the under- Trustee to execute the
trust and sell said land
ceased, by the Chan- Restoration, Remodel-
ing, Repair, Insurance
The following vehicle Mort Book 2013 at ness therein described, signed Substituted cery Court of Lowndes
Sunday .................. Thursday 3:00 p.m. has been abandoned at Page 32073; and as same appears of re- Trustee to execute the and property in accord- County, Mississippi, on claims. 662-364-1769.
Licensed & Bonded
Monday.................... Friday 12:00 p.m. TVG Paint & Body, 305 cord in the office of the trust and sell said land ance with the terms of the 12th day of Febru-
Evergreen Dr. Aberdeen, WHEREAS, on the 20th Chancery Clerk of and property in accord- said deed of trust and ary, 2019. This is to
Tuesday.................Monday 12:00 p.m. MS 39730. day of October, 2016, Lowndes County, Mis- ance with the terms of for the purpose of rais- give notice to all per- RAY'S WOOD WORKS
Wednesday ........... Tuesday 12:00 p.m. Mortgage Electronic Re- sissippi filed and recor- said deed of trust and ing the sums due there-
under, together with at-
sons having claims
Year: gistration Systems, Inc., ded September 12, for the purpose of rais- against said Estate to
Thursday ........ Wednesday 12:00 p.m. 2012 as nominee for Renas- 2012, in Deed Book ing the sums due there- torney's fees, trustee's probate and register
Friday .................. Thursday 12:00 p.m. Make:
ant Bank, assigned said 2012, Page 21582 ; under, together with at-
torney's fees, trustee's
fees and expense of
same with the Chan-
Deed of Trust unto and cery Clerk of Lowndes
LEGAL NOTICES must be Toyota PennyMac Loan Ser- fees and expense of County, Mississippi, Multiple Home Repairs
Sheetrock, Flooring,
submitted 2 business days prior to vices, LLC, by instru- WHEREAS, the benefi- sale. NOW, THEREFORE, I, within ninety (90) days
Trim, Painting, Tile,
Model: ment recorded in the of- cial interest of said Shapiro & Brown, LLC, from this date. A failure
first publication date Substituted Trustee in Kitchen/Bath
- Camry fice of the aforesaid Deed of Trust was trans- NOW, THEREFORE, I, to probate and register
Decks- Dock Repair
Chancery Clerk in Mort ferred and assigned to Shapiro & Brown, LLC, said deed of trust, will said claims will forever
• Please read your ad on the first day of VIN# Book 2016 at Page Reverse Mortgage Solu- Substituted Trustee in on April 24, 2019 offer bar the same. Pressure Washing
for sale at public outcry 662-634-1114
publication. We accept responsibility 4T1BF1FK3CU543423 23921; and tions, Inc.; and said deed of trust, will
on April 10, 2019 offer and sell within legal This the 15th day of
only for the first incorrect insertion. If this vehicle is not WHEREAS, on the 22nd WHEREAS, the under- for sale at public outcry hours (being between March, 2019.
• The Publisher assumes no financial claimed it will be put up day of October, 2018 signed, Rubin Lublin, and sell within legal the hours of 11:00 a.m. Childcare 1180
responsibility for errors nor for for sale on the 23rd day the Holder of said Deed LLC has been appoin- hours (being between and 4:00 p.m.), at the /s/ Natasha Amous CHILDCARE SERVICES
of March 2019 at of Trust substituted and ted as Substitute Trust- the hours of 11:00 a.m. Southeast Door of the ADMINISTRATRIX
omission of copy. Liability shall not 7:00a.m at TVG Body and 4:00 p.m.), at the County Courthouse of
Look No Further!! Qual-
appointed Dean Morris, ee; and ity Childcare Services
exceed the cost of that portion of space Shop, 305 Evergreen LLC as Substitute Trust- Southeast Door of the Lowndes County, loc- PUBLISH: 3/20, 3/27, Are Available For The
occupied by such error. Dr. Aberdeen, MS ee by instrument recor- NOW, THEREFORE, the County Courthouse of ated at 505 2nd Aven- & 4/3/2019 Golden Triangle Area!!
• All questions regarding classified ads 39730. Contact TVG ded in the office of the holder of said Deed of Lowndes County, loc- ue North, Columbus,
SECTION 77-3-16 Call 662.343.8386 or
Body Shop at 662-346- aforesaid Chancery Trust, having requested ated at 505 2nd Aven- MS 39701, to the
currently running should be directed to 9426. Clerk in MORT Book the undersigned so to ue North, Columbus, highest and best bidder
Serious Inquiries Only,
the Classified Department. 2018 at Page 22699; do, as Substitute Trust- MS 39701, to the for cash or certified NOTICE TO QUALIFIED
• All ads are subject to the approval of PUBLISH: 3/13, 3/20, and ee or his duly appoin- highest and best bidder funds the following de- PUBLIC UTILITY CON-
& 3/27/2019 ted agent, by virtue of for cash or certified scribed property situ- TRACTORS AND SUPPLI-
this paper. The Commercial Dispatch WHEREAS, default hav- the power, duty and au- funds the following de- ated in Lowndes ERS General Services 1360
reserves the right to reject, revise, ing been made in the thority vested and im- scribed property situ- County, State of Missis-
classify or cancel any advertising at any SUBSTITUTED TRUST- payments of the in- posed upon said Substi- ated in Lowndes sippi, to-wit: FRANKLIN TELEPHONE
EE’S NOTICE OF SALE debtedness secured by tute Trustee shall, on County, State of Missis- COMPANY, INC.,
time. the said Deed of Trust, April 17, 2019 within sippi, to-wit: Commencing at the CELLULAR SOUTH, INC.,
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI and the holder of said the lawful hours of sale Northwest corner of the TELEPAK NETWORKS,
COUNTY OF Lowndes Deed of Trust, having re- between 11:00AM and LOT NO. ONE HUN- Northeast Quarter (NE INC.
quested the under- 4:00PM at the south- DRED FORTY-FIVE (145) 1/4) of the Northwest
Advertisements must be WHEREAS, on the 14th signed so to do, on the
day of February, 2001, 17th day of April, 2019,
east front door of Court- IN CHILCUTT SUBDIVI-
house proceed to sell at SION, SECOND EXTEN-
Quarter (NW 1/4) of
Section 27, Township
Notice is hereby given
pursuant to Section 77
paid for in advance. Benjamin Lowery, Jr.,
Shelia Lowery, tenants
I will during the lawful
hours of between 11:00
public outcry to the SION, A SUBDIVISION
highest and best bidder OF LOWNDES COUNTY,
18 South, Range 17
West, Lowndes County,
3 16 of the Mississippi
Code of 1972, as
by the entirety, ex- a.m. and 4:00 p.m., at for cash or certified MISSISSIPPI, AS Mississippi; thence amended, (Act) by each
of the above named UPHOLSTERY
ecuted and delivered a public outcry, offer for funds ONLY, the follow- SHOWN BY A PLAT RE- South 88 degrees 32
companies (to the ex- CLEANING
certain Deed of Trust sale and will sell, at the ing described property CORDED IN PLAT BOOK minutes East along the 1 Room - $40
RegulaR Rates unto Ray M. Gibson, Jr., south east front door of
Trustee for First Frank-
situated in Lowndes 2, PAGE; 40 IN THE OF- centerline of Ben Chris-
topher Road for 1380.3
tent they are covered by
said section) to each 2 Rooms - $70
Lowndes County Court- County, Mississippi, to FICE OF THE CHAN-
4 Lines/6 Days ........................ $19.20 lin Financial Corpora- house, 505 2nd Ave. wit: CERY CLERK OF feet; thence South 02 qualified contractor and 3+ Rooms - $30 Each
4 Lines/12 Days...................... $31.20 supplier who desires to Rugs - Must Be Seen
tion, Beneficiary, to se- North at Columbus, Mis- LOWNDES, MISSIS- degrees 05 minutes
have its name added to Car Upholstery
4 Lines/26 Days...................... $46.80 cure an indebtedness sissippi, for cash to the LAND SITUATED IN THE SIPPI. East for 711.9 feet;
the separate list main- Cleaning Available
therein described, which highest bidder, the fol- CITY OF CALEDONIA IN thence North 86 de-
Rate applies to commercial operations Deed of Trust is recor- lowing described land THE COUNTY OF BEING THE SAME PROP- grees 01 minutes East tained by each utility of 662-722-1758
and merchandise over $1,000. ded in the office of the and property situated in LOWNDES IN THE ERTY CONVEYED TO for 165.0 feet to a point contractors and suppli-
Chancery Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- STATE OF MS INDEX AS JERRY D. CARNATHAN on the West line of an ers qualified to perform HILL'S PRESSURE
Lowndes County, Mis- sissippi, to-wit: FOLLOWS: 1.53 ACRE, AND WIFE, GLENDA G. existing 50.0 foot wide contracts within the WASHING. Commercial/
supeR saveR Rates sissippi in Trust Deed
Book 1361 at Page 28; Lot 94 of and in Oak
(known as Fountain
scope of proposed util-
ity projects covered by
residential. House, con-
crete, sidewalks & mo-
6 Days ...................................... $12.00 and Dale Park, Phase 2 (II), QUARTER OF THE AND WIFE, GINDRA H. Drive); thence South 02 said Act to advise the bile washing. Free est.
12 Days.................................... $18.00 a subdivision in and of NORTHWEST QUARTER DUNCAN, BY DEED degrees 11 minutes particular public utility Call 662-386-8925
Over 6 lines is $1 per additional line. WHEREAS, on the 22nd Lowndes County, Mis- OF SECTION 26, TOWN- DATED 03/31/1973 East, along the said above named of said
day of December, 2009, sissippi, as shown by SHIP 16 SOUTH, RANGE AND RECORDED West line a distance of desire by a writing
Six lines or less, consecutive days. Rate applies to First Franklin Financial the plat recorded in Plat 17 WEST, LOWNDES 04/12/1973, IN BOOK 286.50 feet; thence mailed certified mail, re-
private party ads of non-commercial nature for Corporation, assigned Book 5 at Page 2 in the COUNTY. MISSISSIPPI, 473, PAGE 315. North 67 degrees 52 turn receipt requested,
merchandise under $1,000. Must include price in said Deed of Trust unto land records of Lowndes BEING DESCRIBED AS LOWNDES COUNTY RE- minutes East along the to such utility at the ad-
PNC Bank, National As- County, Mississippi. FOLLOWS: COMMEN- CORDS, STATE OF MIS- South end of said ac- dresses shown below.
ad. 1 item per Ad. No pets, firewood, etc. sociation, by instru- SISSIPPI. THE SAID cess easement, a dis- Any requests to be ad-
CING AT THE NORTH- Need a Privacy Fence?
ment recorded in the of- SUBJECT TO those cer- EAST CORNER OF THE JERRY D CARNATHAN tance of 50.0 feet to a ded must clearly identi- Call me! Licensed w/
fice of the aforesaid tain restrictive coven- NORTHWEST QUARTER HAVING CONVEYED HIS point; thence North 02 fy the legal name of the
gaRage sale Rates Chancery Clerk in Mort- ants and conditions of OF SAID SECTION 26 INTEREST TO THE SAID degrees 08 minutes contractor/supplier and
30+ years of exp.
Call or text Joe Seals,
4 Lines/1 Day ........................... $9.20 gage Book 2010 at record in Deed Book (IN THE CENTERLINE OF GLENDA G. CARNATH- West along the East its mailing address and 662-549-7167.
Page 57; and 850 at page 24 in said A PUBLIC ROAD KNOWN AN BY QUIT CLAIM side of said easement the utility or utilities to
4 Lines/3 Days ........................$18.00 land records. AS DODSON ROAD); DEED DATED for 210.9 feet to an ex- which said request is
WHEREAS, on the 26th RUN THENCE NORTH 87 02/18/1987 AND RE- isting iron pipe; thence directed. Further, each
Price includes 2 Free Garage Sale signs. day of December, 2018 I will only convey such DEGREES 30 MINUTES CORDED 02/19/1987, South 86 degrees 03 request must include a RETAINER WALL, drive-
the Holder of said Deed title as is vested in me WEST, ALONG THE IN BOOK 848, PAGE minutes East a dis- brief description of the way, foundation, con-
of Trust substituted and as Substitute Trustee. NORTH SIDE OF SAID 261. tance of 715.89 feet to contractor or supplier, a crete, masonry restora-
detailed description of
fRee seRvices appointed Dean Morris,
LLC as Substitute Trust- WITNESS MY SIGNA-
an iron pin, thence
North 02 degrees 27 the services offered and
tion, remodeling, base-
ment foundation, re-
Bargain Column For items $100 or less ee by instrument recor- TURE, this 18th day of TION OF THE NORTH such title as vested in minutes West a dis- appropriate references pairs, small dump truck
ONLY 6 lines of text (approximately 15 charac- ded in the office of the March, 2019. SIDE OF SAID SECTION me as Substituted tance of 100.0 feet to which establish its abil- hauling (5-6 yd) load &
ters) and will run for 3 days. aforesaid Chancery 26 WITH THE WEST Trustee. an iron pin, and being ity and qualifications to demolition/lot cleaning.
Free pets Up to 6 lines of text, runs for 3 days. Clerk in MORT Book Dean Morris, LLC RIGHT OF WAY OF SAID the Point of Beginning perform contracts for Burr Masonry
Lost & Found Up to 6 lines of text, runs for 2019 at Page 60; and Substitute Trustee DODSON ROAD; WITNESS MY SIGNA- of the herein described construction, extension 662-242-0259.
3 days. 855 S Pear Orchard THENCE SOUTH 02 DE- TURE on this 4th day of tract of land; thence and/or repair of facilit-
Free ads are taken by e-mail or in person at our WHEREAS, default hav- Rd., Ste. 404, Bldg. GREES 41 MINUTES March, 2019. North 86 degrees 03 ies of the public utility
ing been made in the 400 WEST, ALONG THE minutes West, a dis- within the scope of said
office. Ads will not be taken by telephone. payments of the in- tance of 80.25 feet to Act and for which it de-WORK WANTED:
Ridgeland, MS 39157 WEST RIGHT OF WAY OF Shapiro & Brown, LLC Licensed & Bonded-car-
debtedness secured by (318) 330-9020 SAID DODSON ROAD SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE an iron pin; thence sires to be listed.
0 Legals 4390 Computer Equipment
the said Deed of Trust, AND ALONG THE EAST North 11 degrees 47 pentry, painting, & de-
4420 Farm Equipment & Send requests to be ad- molition. Landscaping,
1000 Service Supplies
and the holder of said adp/F18-0665 LINE OF THE 3-ACRE Shapiro & Brown, LLC minutes East a dis-
ded to: gutters cleaned, bush
1030 Air Conditioning & Heating Deed of Trust, having re- TRACT CONVEYED TO 1080 River Oaks Drive, tance of 180.0 feet to
4450 Firewood quested the under- an iron pin; thence hogging, clean-up work,
PUBLISH: 3/27/2019, WALTER AND MAR- Suite B-202 pressure washing, mov-
1060 Appliance Repair 4460 Flea Markets signed so to do, on the 4/3/2019, 4/10/2019 GARET GUENTHER (RE- Flowood, MS 39232 South 83 degrees 25 Utility Contractors and
1070 Asphalt & Paving 4480 Furniture 17th day of April, 2019, CORDED IN DEED BOOK (601) 981-9299 minutes East for a dis- Suppliers List Manager ing help & furniture
IN THE CHANCERY for repair. 662-242-3608
1090 Automotive Services 4510 Garage Sales I will during the lawful 1216 AT PAGE 253 IN tance of 197.3 feet to
1120 Building & Remodeling hours of between 11:00 COURT OF LOWNDES THE CHANCERY 716 Spruce Street the West right of way of (Insert name of Com-
4540 General Merchandise a.m. and 4:00 p.m., at COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI CLERK`S OFFICE OF Columbus, MS 39702 a public road known as pany to which directed) Lawn Care / Landscaping
1150 Carpeting/Flooring 4570 Household Goods Attention: Mrs. White-
public outcry, offer for SAID COUNTY), FOR 18-022477MD Beersheba Road; 1470
1180 Childcare 4630 Lawn & Garden sale and will sell, at the IN THE MATTER OF THE 210 FEET TO THE thence South 23 de- head
1210 Chimney Cleaning 4660 Merchandise Rentals south east front door of ESTATE OF JAMES WAL- CORNER THEREOF; Publication Dates: grees 49 minutes West 1018 Highland Colony
1240 Contractors 4690 Musical Instruments Lowndes County Court- LACE NEYMAN, DE- THENCE SOUTH 02 DE- March 13, 20, 27, and along said West right of Parkway, Suite 700
1250 Computer Services house, 505 2nd Ave. CEASED GREES 11 MINUTES April 3, 2019 way (30 feet from Ridgeland, MS 39157
4700 Satellites Mowing, cleanup, land-
1270 Electrical North at Columbus, Mis- WEST FOR 228.8 FEET; centerline) for a dis- scaping, sodding, & tree
4720 Sporting Goods sissippi, for cash to the CAUSE NO.: 2018- THENCE SOUTH 02 DE- IN THE CHANCERY tance of 180.0 feet; with a separate copy
1300 Excavating cutting. 356-6525.
4750 Stereos & TV’s highest bidder, the fol- 0246-F GREES 44 MINUTES COURT OF LOWNDES thence North 86 de- mailed direct to the
1320 Fitness Training 4780 Wanted To Buy lowing described land WEST FOR 340 FEET TO COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI grees 03 minutes West President
1330 Furniture Repair & and property situated in DELENE CARTER, AD- THE POINT OF BEGIN- for a distance of 80.25 of each company to Painting & Papering 1620
Refinishing 5000 Pets & Livestock Lowndes County, Mis- MINISTRATRIX NING: THENCE SOUTH IN RE: feet to the point of be- which the request is dir-
1360 General Services 5100 Free Pets sissippi, to-wit: 01 DEGREE 38 ginning. ected SULLIVAN'S PAINT
1380 Housecleaning Lot 27, Diamond Es- TION HILL, DECEASED I WILL CONVEY only Certified in lead
5200 Horses/Cattle/Livestock SAID WEST RIGHT OF
1390 Insulation tates, a subdivision of WAY (20 FEET FROM such title as vested in President removal. Offering spe-
1400 Insurance 5250 Pet Boarding/Grooming and in Lowndes County, THE STATE OF MISSIS- CENTERLINE) FOR 325 OLYN D. HILL, EXECUT- me as Substituted (Insert Name of Com- cial prices on interior &
1410 Interior Decorators 5300 Supplies/Accessories Mississippi, as shown SIPPI FEET; THENCE NORTH OR Trustee. pany) exterior painting, pres-
1440 Jewelry/Watch Repair 5350 Veterinarians by plat recorded in Plat 88 DEGREES 31 1018 Highland Colony sure washing & sheet
5400 Wanted To Buy Book 3 at Page 48, in TO: All Unknown Heirs- MINUTES WEST FOR NO. 2019-0044-JNS WITNESS MY SIGNA- Parkway, Suite 700 rock repairs.
1470 Lawn Care/Landscaping at-Law of James Wal- Ridgeland, MS 39157 Free Estimates
the office of the Chan- 150 FEET;THENCE TURE on this 20th day
1500 Locksmiths 6000 Financial cery Clerk of Lowndes lace Neyman, de- NORTH 17 DEGREES 05 NOTICE TO CREDITORS of March, 2019. Call 435-6528
1530 Machinery Repair 6050 Business Opportunity County, Mississippi. ceased and Any Un- MINUTES WEST FOR PUBLISH: 3/27/2019
1560 Mobile Home Services 6100 Business Opportunity known Persons In In- 342.8 FEET; THENCE Letters Testamentary Shapiro & Brown, LLC
Plumbing 1680
1590 Moving & Storage Wanted
This being the same terest SOUTH 88 DEGREES 31 have been granted and SUBSTITUTED TRUSTEE
1620 Painting & Papering property as conveyed by MINUTES EAST FOR issued to Olyn D. Hill,
6120 Check Cashing ACME, INC.
1650 Pest Control
George Wayne King and You have been made a 260 FEET TO THE POINT Executor of the Estate Shapiro & Brown, LLC Find your Stan McCown
6150 Insurance Mildred Nanette T. King defendant in the Peti- OF BEGINNING. of Ivy Fulton Hill, de- 1080 River Oaks Drive,
1680 Plumbing to Benjamin Lowery, Jr. tion for Authority to Sell ceased, by the Chan- Suite B-202
dream job. Licensed Plumber
6200 Loans "We fix leaks."
1710 Printing 6250 Mortgages and Shelia Lowery, in Real Property, for Adju- PROPERTY ADDRESS: cery Court of Lowndes Flowood, MS 39232
Warranty Deed Book dication of Heirs-at-Law, County, Mississippi, on (601) 981-9299 662-386-2915
1740 Roofing & Guttering 6300 Stocks & Bonds The street address of
1770 Saws & Lawn Mowers 908 at Page 524-525, and to Waive Inventory the property is believed the 13th day of March,
6350 Business for Sale dated 6-30-89 in the and Appraisement filed to be 51 DODSON RD, 2019. This is to give no- 1240 Beersheba Rd General Help Wanted 3200
1780 Sitting with Elderly/Sick Chancery Clerk’s Office by the Administratrix, tice to all persons hav- Columbus, MS 39702
7000 Rentals CALEDONIA , MS
1790 Stump Removal of Lowndes Co., MS. Delene Carter, on Febru- 39740. In the event of ing claims against said 19-023275
1800 Swimming Pools 7050 Apartments ary 26, 2019, among any discrepancy estate to Probate and
1830 Tax Service 7100 Commercial Property I will only convey such other things seeking to between this street ad- Register same with the Publication Dates:
1860 Tree Service 7150 Houses title as is vested in me determine the heirs-at- dress and the legal de- Chancery Clerk of March 27, April 3, 10,
7180 Hunting Land as Substitute Trustee. law of James Wallace scription of the prop- Lowndes County, Mis- and 17, 2019
1890 Upholstery Neyman, deceased. Oth- sissippi, within ninety
7190 Land for Rent/Lease erty, the legal descrip-
1910 Welding WITNESS MY SIGNA- er than you, the only tion shall control. (90) days after the first
7200 Mobile Homes TURE, this 1st day of other interested parties publication of this No-
2000 Announcements 7250 Mobile Home Spaces March, 2019. in this action are tice to Creditors. A fail-
2050 Card of Thanks Title to the above de-
7300 Office Spaces Delene Marie Carter and scribed property is be- ure to so Probate and IN THE CHANCERY
2100 Fraternal & Lodge 7350 Resort Rentals Dean Morris, LLC David Wallace Neyman. lieved to be good, but I Register said claim will COURT OF LOWNDES
2150 Good Things To Eat Substitute Trustee will convey only such forever bar the same. COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI
7400 River Property
2200 In Memorial 855 S Pear Orchard You are summoned to title as is vested in me
7450 Rooms Rd., Ste. 404, Bldg. appear and represent /s/ Olyn D. Hill IN RE: THE ESTATE OF
2250 Instruction & School as Substitute Trustee.
7500 Storage & Garages 400 your interests against Olyn D. Hill, Executor LOVIE AMOUS, DE-
2300 Lost & Found 7520 Vacation Rentals Ridgeland, MS 39157 said Petition before the CEASED
2350 Personals 7550 Wanted to Rent (318) 330-9020 Honorable Rodney P. TEMPTING TO COLLECT OF COUNSEL:
2400 Special Notices Faver, Chancellor of the A DEBT. ANY INFORMA- NO. 2019-0006-RPF
7600 Waterfront Property
2600 Travel/Entertainment adp/F11-2366 14th Chancery District TION OBTAINED WILL Aubrey E. Nichols, MB #
8000 Real Estate at 9:00 a.m. on the BE USED FOR THAT 3842 NATASHA AMOUS
3000 Employment 8050 Commercial Property PUBLISH: 3/27/19, 14th day of May 2019, PURPOSE. The Nichols Firm, PLLC MOVANT
3050 Clerical & Office 4/3/19 & 4/10/19 at the Oktibbeha County Post Office Box 1081
8100 Farms & Timberland NOTICE TO CREDITORS
3100 Data Processing/ Computer Courthouse, in Stark- 428 North Lamar Blvd, Columbus, MS 39703-
8150 Houses - Northside ville, Mississippi, and in Suite 107 1081
3150 Domestic Help 8200 Houses - East PUBLIC NOTICE case of your failure to (662) 243-7312 STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
Oxford, MS 38655
3170 Engineering 8250 Houses - New Hope appear your interest in anichols@thenichols- COUNTY OF LOWNDES
3200 General Help Wanted 8300 Houses - South The U.S. Army Corps of this matter will not be erty-listing General Help Wanted 3200
3250 Management Positions Engineers has contrac- considered. Tel: (877) 813-0992 Letters of Administra-
8350 Houses - West ted a certified commer- PUBLISH: 3/20, 3/27, tion have been granted
3300 Medical/Dental 8450 Houses - Caledonia Fax: (404) 601-5846
and issued to the under-
cial applicator to apply You are not required to & 4/3/2019
3350 Opportunity Information 8500 Houses - Other Federal EPA approved signed upon the Estate
file an answer or other PUBLISH: 02/27/2019,
3400 Part-Time 8520 Hunting Land aquatic herbicides to pleading, but you may SUBSTITUTED TRUST- of Lovie Amous, De-
3450 Positions Wanted 8550 Investment Property control noxious species do so if you desire. 04/03/2019, EE'S NOTICE OF SALE ceased, by the Chan-
3500 Professional of aquatic weeds in the 04/10/2019 cery Court of Lowndes
8600 Lots & Acreage Tennessee Tombigbee WHEREAS, on July 26, County, Mississippi, on
3550 Restaurant/Hotel Issued under my hand
8650 Mobile Homes Waterway. Treatment and the seal of said SUBSTITUTED TRUST- 2012, Lona T. Rice, an the 12th day of Febru-
3600 Sales/Marketing 8700 Mobile Home Spaces areas will be: Bay EE'S NOTICE OF SALE unmarried woman ex- ary, 2019. This is to
Court, this the 25th day
3650Trades 8750 Resort Property Springs, Gainesville, of March 2019. ecuted a certain deed of give notice to all per-
3700Truck Driving 8800 River Property Aliceville, Columbus, Ab- WHEREAS, on October trust to Real Estate sons having claims
erdeen, Amory, LISA YOUNGER NEESE, 21, 2003, Glenda G. Closing Services, Inc., against said Estate to
4000 Merchandise 8850 Wanted to Buy
Smithville, Fulton, CHANCERY CLERK Cumberland FKA Gl- Trustee for the benefit probate and register
4030 Air Conditioners 8900 Waterfront Property Rankin and Mont- LOWNDES COUNTY, enda G. Carnatham, a of Mortgage Electronic same with the Chan-
4060 Antiques gomery Lakes. MISSISSIPPI widowed person ex- Registration Systems, cery Clerk of Lowndes
9000 Transportation (SEAL) ecuted a certain deed of Inc. as nominee for Plat- County, Mississippi,
4090 Appliances 9050 Auto Accessories/Parts Treatments are sched- BY: /s/ Shantrell W. trust to Debera Bridges, inum Mortgage, Inc., its within ninety (90) days
4120 Auctions 9100 Auto Rentals & Leasing successors and as- from this date. A failure
uled to begin and will Granderson, D.C. Trustee for the benefit
4150 Baby Articles 9150 Autos for Sale continue as needed of Citifinancial Real Es- signs which deed of to so probate and re-
4180 Bargain Column 9200 Aviation throughout the year. In- PUBLISH: 3/27, 4/3 & tate Services, Inc. which trust is of record in the gister said claim will
4210 Bicycles 9250 Boats & Marine quires can be directed 4/10/2019 deed of trust is of re- office of the Chancery forever bar the same.
4240 Building Materials to the Corps of Engin- cord in the office of the Clerk of Lowndes
9300 Camper/R.V.’s eers office, 5000 North Chancery Clerk of County, State of Missis- This the 15th day of
4250 Burial Plots 9350 Golf Carts Frontage Road, Colum- Lowndes County, State sippi in Book 2012 at March, 2019.
4270 Business Furniture & 9400 Motorcycles/ATVs bus, Ms. 39701, tele- of Mississippi in Book Page 18161; and
Equipment 9450 Trailers/Heavy Equipment phone (662) 245-5500. 2003 at Page 43019; /s/ Natasha Amous
4300 Camera Equipment WHEREAS, Wells Fargo ADMINISTRATRIX
9500 Trucks, Vans & Buses and
4330 Clothing PUBLISH: 3/24, 3/25, Bank, N.A. has hereto-
9550 Wanted to Buy 3/26, 3/27, 3/28 & WHEREAS, Colonial Im- fore substituted Sha- PUBLISH: 3/20, 3/27,
4360 Coins & Jewelry
3/29/2019 pact Fund II LLC has piro & Brown, LLC as & 4/3/2019
heretofore substituted Trustee by instrument
8B Wednesday, March 27, 2019 The Dispatch •
Auctions 4120 Apts For Rent: West 7050 Commercial Property For
Rent 7100 Penny
VIP FOR RENT located near
downtown. 3,000 sq. ft.
truck terminal, 9,500
sq. ft. shop & 3,200 sq.
Apartments ft. office/shop. Build-
& Houses ings can be rented to-
gether or separately.
1 Bedrooms All w/ excellent access
& Hwy. 82 visibility.
2 Bedroooms 662-327-9559.
3 Bedrooms
Furnished & lease. 1112 Main St.,
Unfurnished Ste. 5. 3700 sq. ft.

1, 2, & 3 Baths
Plenty of private park-
ing. 662-327-9559. Use and read
Lease, Deposit OFFICE SPACE: 2,000 classifieds
& Credit Check square feet. 294 Chubby Dr. Flexible leas- and your
ing terms. Available
now. 662-328-8254
dollars will
Stump Removal 1790 Medical / Dental 3300 Apts For Rent: Other 7080
Columbus Office, Retail,
go further.
BUSY OPTOMETRY prac- Restaurant Space avail-
2BR/1BA located in
able. Call 662-328-
tice has opening for full Historic Downtown Land For Rent / Lease 7190
time optician. Must be a 8655 or 662-574-7879.
Columbus. 2,000 sqft.
team player, flexible, a
self starter, and love
making people smile!
Hardwood floors
throughout. Open floor.
Very nice. Incl W&D.
in Historic Downtown.
on Magnolia Rd in
Columbus. Private lot.
Sudoku is a number-
4 3 6 9 1 5 2 7 8
Strong retail or optical $1200/mo. Call 404 Main St. 3,000 placing puzzle
Sudoku based on
is a number-
$150/mo. Call
ALLSTUMP GRINDING experience required. 662-328-8655. sq. ft. $1,300/mo. a 9x9 grid
placing with based
puzzle severalon
662-327-4392. 1 9 7 8 2 3 4 6 5

2019 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

SERVICE Email resume and Call 662-328-8655
salary requirements to: agiven
9x9 grid with several
numbers. The object 5 8 2 4 7 6 1 9 3
GET 'ER DONE! 1, 2, 3 BEDROOM apart- or 662-574-7879.
Hunting Land 7200 given numbers. The object
We can grind all your opticalopportunity2019
ments & townhouses. is to place the numbers 3 6 9 7 5 2 8 1 4 is
stumps. Hard to reach Call for more info. Houses For Rent: Northside
LOOKING FOR hunting 1 to place
to 9 in thethe numbers
empty spaces
places, blown over
roots, hillsides, back- Truck Driving 3700 662-328-8254. 7110 land. GTA area in Mis- 1sotothat
9 ineach
the empty spaces
row, each 7 5 1 3 8 4 9 2 6
sissippi. 662-386-6024. so that each row, each
yards, pastures. Free TRUCK DRIVER CDL-A
FIRST FULL MONTH 2BR/1BA 1419 column and each 3x3 box 2 4 8 1 6 9 5 3 7
estimates. You find it, 25+ yrs of age. No column and each
we'll grind it! DUI/DWI in last 10yrs.
RENT FREE! 1 & 2 Bed- Sanders Mill Rd. Old
Mobile Homes for Rent 7250 contains the same3x3 box
number 8 7 3 2 4 1 6 5 9
662-361-8379 room Apts/Townhomes. country house in contains the same number
Verifiable flatbed, over only once. The difficulty
the road & steel coil
Stove & refrigerator. Steens, Caledonia
RENT A fully equipped only once. The difficulty 6 1 4 5 9 7 3 8 2
$335-$600 Monthly. schools, new carpet &
experience. Home most Credit check & deposit. paint inside. $685/mo. camper w/utilities &
level increases from
Tree Services 1860 level increases from 9 2 5 6 3 8 7 4 1
nights & weekends. $685 deposit. No pets. cable from $145/wk - Monday to Sunday.
A&T Tree Service
Coleman Realty,
Benefits offered. $500 662-329-2323. $535/month. Colum- Monday to Sunday. Difficulty Level 3/26
Call 662-356-4764.
Bucket truck & stump Sign On Bonus. For bus & County School
removal. Free est. more info or to apply, locations. 662-242-
COLONIAL TOWN- 7653 or 601-940-1397.
Serving Columbus
since 1987. Senior
call/text 662-386-3856.
Bargain Column 4180
COLEMAN HOUSES. 2 & 3 bed-
room w/ 2-3 bath town-
citizen disc. Call Alvin @ RENTALS houses. $600 to $695. Houses For Sale: Other 8500
242-0324/241-4447 TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS
"We'll go out on a limb DINING TABLE, $50. 662-549-9555. Ask for
for you!" 662-327-5480. 1 BEDROOM Glenn or text.
Great area in WP.
Burial Plots 4250 2 BEDROOMS Houses For Rent: New Hope
Across from water with
VICKERS TREE access to Tenn-Tom
SERVICE, LLC 1 PLOT located in Me- 3 BEDROOMS 7130 waterway. 4BR/2BA
Tree trimming and re- morial Gardens at the with 2 acres & large
Good Shepherd Garden. LEASE, 3BR/1BA, New Hope screened in room.
© The Dispatch

moval. Fully insured.

Free estimates. $800, buyer will also area. $650 rent plus $212,000
*Now Accepting Credit pay $175 transfer fee. DEPOSIT deposit. 662-425-1494 Call: 662-245-4273 or
ask for Dot.
& Debit Cards* 334-399-9699, lv msg.
Serious inquiries only.
AND 662-889-1228
Call Curt 662-418-0889
or 662-549-2902 CREDIT CHECK Houses For Rent: Caledonia Lots & Acreage 8600
“A cut above the rest” Computer Equipment 4390
General Help Wanted 3200
LOOKING TO buy. Com-
paq Presario Pentium
662-329-2323 2BR/1BA. Caledonia
1.95 acre lots.
5000 for Microsoft Win- area. 1 yr. lease. $650 Good/bad credit.
COLUMBUS ARTS dows ME. No viruses rent. plus dep. No pets. 10% down, as low as
Council, Columbus, MS 2411 HWY 45 N No smoking. 662-574- $299/mo. Eaton Land.
please. 662-251-2264.
seeks a full time Execut- COLUMBUS, MS 0227 or 662-356-4958. 662-361-7711
ive Director. Experience Farm Equipment & Supplies
with non-profits, grant 4420 Houses For Rent: Other 7180
writing, staff manage- Commercial Property For Mobile Homes for Sale 8650
ment, fundraising is 2016 CAT Skidsteer w/ Rent 7100 3BR/3BA, Brick, 2640
required as well as a mulcher. <1,000 hrs, sqft, 32x32 LR/DR 05' 16X80. 3BR/2BA.
minimum of a $84,500. 2016 John combo, 25x25 library, lg Exc. cond. 1.8 ac of
COMMERCIAL PROPER- land. Ethelsville, AL.
bachelor's degree. For Deere 5100E Tractor, TIES/RETAIL/OFFICE laundry room, new appl,
more information, visit 210 hrs. $36,500. custom drapes, dbl car- Brick unpinned, covered
Spaces starting @ front & back porch, car-
http://columbus- 205-329-1790. $285/mo. Downtown & port, security system. $149,500. Will trade. port, storage bldg.,
East Columbus loca-
Application deadline General Merchandise 4600 tions. 662-435-4188. 615-849-5597. backup generator,
April 15, 2019. storm cellar, shingle
BLACK BEDROOM set, roof. 662-364-1208.
incl full sz sleigh bed,
OUR COMPANY is seek- dresser w/ mirror, chest
ing an experienced car- & night stand, $700. Need a
penter. We specialize in New full sz mattress,
home remodels & new still in plastic, $275.
construction. The ideal Bissell carpet cleaner,
candidate will have $80. Two sets of black
transportation & basic Toyota Camry floormats,
tools. Please call $80. Cash Only. 662-
662-570-9464 for
more information.
242-2884. Leave a
CARE is seeking CNA's, lb. weight capacity. Mu-
Companion Sitters, & sic port for ipod, tracks
Homemakers. Prefer: speed, time, distance &
*Dedicated quality care
calories burned. $300. Even if you
662-386-3162. Autos For Sale 9150
*Nurturing by nature
PRO FORM Treadmill.
don’t get out much
*Gifted to serve elderly 06 HYUNDAI ELANTRA,
662-251-2460 Great cond. Elevation & these days, you can gold, 4 door, 4 cyl, 57k
for info. Privately owned fan. $300. 662-242-
still “go shopping” in the
miles, manual trans,
& operated, non-medic- 0703. cold AC. Good cond.
al service.
REAR TINE Tiller, B&S Classifieds. You can find $4200. 662-549-5358.
eng, starts easy, runs
CALEDONIA NATURAL good, $150. Craftsman exactly what you’ve
Gas District is now tak- Mower, 42". Exc cond. 2015 CHEVY Impala.
ing applications for a $425. 662-327-9279. been looking for. Black, 4dr, 6cyl, 82k
Field Service Techni- mi, showroom clean,
cian. Must have valid Business Opportunity 6050 local owner, $11,500.
driver’s license, be able
Find someone to mow the lawn See @ 59 Amanda Dr.
to pass DOT drug test
and pass criminal back Columbus: 411 Main • in New Hope Park Sub-
division off of Yorkville
ground investigation. St. Office, Retail, Res-
taurant Space available.
Find someone to clean the house Rd. E. 662-327-3081. ACROSS
Applications can be
received at CNGD office Call 423-333-1124. • 1 Computer prob-
at 639 Main St., Cale- Find that special recliner Campers & RVs 9300 lem
donia or mail resume to
P.O. Box 220 • TOMBIGBEE RV Park, 6 Job for a plumber
Buy a computer system
Caledonia, MS 39740. located on Wilkins Wise 10 “Walk Away —”
Rd & Waverly Rd. Full
• Hookups available. 11 Evade
Medical / Dental 3300 $300/mo. 662-328- 12 Mink’s cousin
Buy a used car 8655 or 662-574-7879.
CARE CENTER OF • 13 Des Moines
Buy that rare coin Five Questions: native
CERTIFIED ACTIVITY Looking for for your collection 14 Like the piper
your dream . . . and lots more 15 Self-absorption
1 In a tree 16 Coffee dispenser

The CommerCial
Certification Required home or do
Long Term Care
you have a 17 Buddy
home for sale? 18 Teachers’ org.
2 Heart
Knowledge of MDS and
Care Plans 19 Necklace
Put classified features
Apply in person at ads to work
3 Kenny 22 Enter the regatta
505 Jackson St,
for you.
516 Main St.
23 Creative work
328-2424 26 Small flags
Columbus, MS 39701 DOWN 20 Brief drop
4 M&M’s
ing for a full time, exper- Apts For Rent: Northside 7010 29 Agreeable 1 Appear unexpect- 21 Soaking site
ienced Dental Assistant
for a Columbus prac- FOX RUN COMPANY LLC
answer edly 24 Come apart
tice. If you are a team 1 & 2 BR near hospital. 32 Sandal sight
player and have a de- $595-645/mo. Military 5 Fred and 33 Deep groove
2 Stops working 25 Pupil
sire to strive for excel-
lence we have a place
discount offered, pet
area, pet friendly, and George 34 “Little Women”
3 Reception aid 27 Word of denial
4 Parrot snack 28 Kicks off
for you. Must be know- furnished corporate
apartments available. Houses For Sale: Other 8500
author 5 That woman 29 Regatta entry
ledgeable in all aspects
of chair – side dentistry ON SITE SECURITY. 36 Zilch 6 Diving bird 30 Carl’s wife in
and have experience ON SITE MAINTENANCE. 37 Exact copy 7 Camera creator “Up”
with digital x-rays and ON SITE MANAGEMENT.
dental software applica- 24-HOUR CAMERA 38 Show uncer- Land 31 Derision
tions. Please forward SURVEILLANCE. tainty 8 Banded quartz 35 Some bills
your resume to: Benji @ 662-386-4446
healthylifestyle496@gm Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm. 39 Employs 9 Nairobi’s nation 36 Church area Sat/Sun by appt only. 40 Calendar entry 11 Phone sound 38 Fly catcher
Apts For Rent: Other 7080 41 Some bills 15 Moving truck
42 Karate levels 17 Ranges of colors

Log cabin

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