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Hatikvah International Academy Charter School

7 Lexington Avenue
East Brunswick, NJ
December 13, 2018

7:00 P.M. Meeting

Meeting called to order by Daniel Gresack at 7:27 PM.

Sunshine Law Notice: The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to ensure the rights of the
public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of the public bodies at which any business
affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this act, the
Hatikvah International Academy Charter School has caused notice of this meeting to be published by
having the date, time, and place thereof posted in the Home News Tribune and the East Brunswick

Name Title Voting/Non- Present Absent

Mr. Daniel Gresack President Voting x
Mr. Harish Hathiramani Vice President Voting x
Mrs. Pamela Mullin Trustee; Chair of Voting x-by phone
Education Committee
Mr. Eli Schaap Trustee; Chair of Voting
Finance Committee; x
Nominating Committee
Mr. Marc Herman Trustee Voting x
Dr. Marcia Grayson Director; Ex Officio Non-voting x
Mrs. Kathy Mone SBA; Ex Officio Non-voting x
Ms. Claudia Fiel Teacher Representative; Non-voting x
Mrs. Nicole Disporto Alternate Board Teacher Non-voting x

Pledge of Allegiance: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United State of America and to the Republic
for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Public Discussion: A 15-minute period of time is provided for the public to ask questions on agenda
items or to make statements to the Board of Trustees. If there are many speakers, the chair will ask for
a 3-minute speaking limit per speaker. The board may extend the public comment portion if necessary.

No public.


Education Committee: no report.

Chairperson: Ms Pamela Mullin
Administrative Liaison: Dr. Marcia Grayson
Committee Members: Mrs. Hindie Weissman

Financial Committee: no report.

Chairperson: Mr. Eli Schaap
Administrative Liaison: Dr. Marcia Grayson
Committee Member: Mr. Daniel Gresack

Nominating Committee: no report.

Chairperson: Mr. Eli Schaap
Administrative Liaison: Dr. Marcia Grayson

Director’s Report: Call from Mayor of East Brusnwick, Dr. Brad Cohen, to invite school to partner with two schools in Israel; successful K-2
concert last week and tonight’s concert is instrumental.

SBA: Mrs. Kathy Mone

ITEM 1: Motion to approve the minutes from the November 15, 2018 Board meeting

Motion: Dan

Second: Eli

Board Member Voting Yes No Abstain Absent

Daniel Gresack Trustee x

Eli Schaap Trustee x

Pam Mullin Trustee x

Marc Herman Trustee x

Harish Hathiramani Trustee x

Passed 2-0; 2 absent; 1 abstention.

ITEM 2: Motion to approve the bills list dated 12/11/18 in the amount of $194,535.92 except for ITEM
6462 in the amount of $50,833.33; to approve the secretary’s report dated 12/11/18.

Motion: Eli

Second: Dan

Board Member Voting Yes No Abstain Absent

Daniel Gresack Trustee x

Eli Schaap Trustee x

Pam Mullin Trustee x

Marc Herman Trustee x

Harish Hathiramani Trustee x

Passed 3-0; 2 absent; no abstentions.

ITEM: 3: Motion to approve ITEM 6462 each in the amount of $50,833.33 on the bill’s list dated

Motion: Pam

Second: Dan

Board Member Voting Yes No Abstain Absent

Daniel Gresack Trustee x

Eli Schaap Trustee x

Pam Mullin Trustee x

Marc Herman Trustee x

Harish Hathiramani Trustee x

Passed 2-0; 2 absent; 1 abstention.

ITEM 4: Motion to approve the following personnel items:

Carol Winter, substitute teacher, effective today.

April Wunder, receptionist, for personal reasons, effective end of the day on December 6, 2018.

Motion: Pam

Second: Dan

Board Member Voting Yes No Abstain Absent

Daniel Gresack Trustee x

Eli Schaap Trustee x

Pam Mullin Trustee x

Marc Herman Trustee x

Harish Hathiramani Trustee x

Passed 3-0; 2 absent; no abstentions.

ITEM 5: Motion to approve participation in fieldtrip to U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and
monuments for seventh grade students on January 21, 2019 hosted by the Daniel Pearl Education

Motion: Dan

Second: Eli

Board Member Voting Yes No Abstain Absent

Daniel Gresack Trustee x

Eli Schaap Trustee x

Pam Mullin Trustee x

Marc Herman Trustee x

Harish Hathiramani Trustee x

Passed 3-0; 2 absent; no abstentions.

ITEM 6: Motion to adjourn at 7:31 PM.

Motion: Eli

Second: Pam

Board Member Voting Yes No Abstain Absent

Daniel Gresack Trustee x

Eli Schaap Trustee x

Pam Mullin Trustee x

Marc Herman Trustee x

Harish Hathiramani Trustee x

Passed 3-0; 2 absent; no abstentions.

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