Business Letter PG 11-12

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Business Letter

April 3, 2018

From: Sharel Fraser

Contest Manager | BC/Yukon Command of the Royal Canadian Legion |

To: Rochelle Sneiderman

Student | Porter Creek Secondary School | Whitehorse |

Dear Rochelle Sneiderman,

Congratulations! Your four-minute video submission titled Homecoming for Heroes has won The Royal Canadian
Legions video contest! Your video was picked based on your tribute to our Canadian heroes, the Legion as a whole was
moved by your submission. The organization as a whole felt you were most deserving!

You have won an Apple MacBook as well as a Sony Camcorder for your efforts. We hope these prizes are helpful in your
continuation of making contest winning videos!

Thanks to your efforts The Royal Canadian Legion has invited you to attend their Remembrance Day ceremony. The
Legion would like you to introduce the guest to your contest winning video piece. Your video will be played throughout
the ceremony to pay tribute to those who fight for our rights. The event takes place on Sunday, November 11, 2018, at
9:30 am. The ceremony is located at the Canada Games Centre in Whitehorse, YT.

We hope you can attend this event, and once again congratulations on your win. The BC/Yukon Command of the Royal
Canadian Legion commends you.


Sharel Fraser
Contest Manager
Business Letter

April 3, 2018

From: Sharel Fraser

Contest Manager | BC/Yukon Command of the Royal Canadian Legion |

To: Gerrit Strehnom

Student | Eliza Van Bibber Secondary School | Pelly Crossing |

Dear Gerrit Strehnom,

We regret to inform you that your video submission Hero’s Crossing has not won The Royal Canadian Legions

We do however feel that your submission was moving and informational to others. We encourage you to try
again next year when the contest has resurfaced.

You have a great talent, and we encourage you to continue what you do in efforts to become next year’s winner.

We know that this submission was a tribute to your grandfather Elijah, we would like to invite you to attend
their Remembrance Day ceremony. The ceremony to pay tribute to those who fight for our rights. The event
takes place on Sunday, November 11, 2018, at 9:30 am. The ceremony is located at the Canada Games Centre
in Whitehorse, YT.

The Royal Canadian Legion commends you for the effort you have put in and the awareness you have brought
to your local community about our heroes.


Sharel Fraser
Contest Manager

Business Letter

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