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DSN2669/2 © The Prince’s Trust 2015 – all rights reserved. The Prince’s Trust is a registered charity, incorporated by Royal Charter (RC000772).
Principal office: Prince’s Trust House, 9 Eldon Street, London, England EC2M 7LS. Registered charity number in England and Wales (1079675) and Scotland (SC041198).

You’ve got a business idea. You’ve decided to start a business.

You want to get going.

But there’s a lot more to a good business than a good idea. You
need to think things through to maximise your chances of success.
Are you the right person to run the business? Will customers like
your product?

A business plan will help you turn an idea into a business. It needs
you to think through all the parts of your business, to plan how
everything will work. It will take a few weeks to write if you’re going
to do it properly. Some parts will be easier to complete than others.

Stick at it because it’s not the final document that’s important, it’s
the process. Although you want to have a good plan when you’re
done, an OK plan is better than no plan.

The Prince’s Trust Enterprise programme

The Prince’s Trust has helped many young To take part, you need to be interested We can’t guarantee that your business
people to complete their business plans in self employment and have a business will work or that we will be able to offer you
and start their own businesses. If you are idea that you would like help to test and money, but if you are up for a challenge
aged 18–30 and unemployed or working explore. The programme can then help you and want our help to explore your business
fewer than 16 hours per week, then we to see if your business idea will work and idea, get in touch and come and meet us.
might be able to help you. We have offices whether self employment is right for you.
throughout the UK and in each there is a If through this process you find out it is, the
team of Enterprise programme staff. programme can offer mentoring support
and, if you really need it, financial support
to start your business. However, if self
employment turns out not to be the right
option, the programme can offer support
to secure other goals in employment,
education, training or voluntary work.

The quick pitch: executive summary and elevator pitch 04
All about you 07
What are you going to sell? 03
Who are your customers? 09
Do you know what it’s like out there? 10
How will you contact your customers? 12
Who are your competitors and how do you compare? 13
How will customers get the goods and you get paid? 14
How much will it cost? 15
How much money will you make? 16 £
What if it doesn’t work? 20
Business words explained 21


Purpose of this section How to complete this section

This is the most important part of your Do not complete this section until you
business plan because if someone is have finished the rest of your plan.
busy, this might be the only section they
read. Please follow the steps outlined in the
illustration below.
It should explain the basics of your
business. After reading it, the reader
should understand what the business
is about and be keen to know more. It
should include the key points of your
business plan and should be short – no
longer than two pages.

Because it is a summary of your business

plan, you should write it last.

1.3 Financial summary

Describe your financial
goals for your first year –
the turnover you hope to
1.1 Business make and the amount of
summary cash you hope to have left
Explain your business in the business at end of
idea – what you are your first year of trading
going to sell, where (these should be the
and to whom. Explain amounts you worked out in
your business name your cashflow). State what
1.2 Business aims
and why you chose money you need to start
List three to five goals
it. Describe what type your business. Explain
that you want to achieve
of business you have where you will get the
through your business.
chosen to be – sole money from (for example,
For example, you might
trader, limited company the bank, The Prince’s
want to earn enough
etc. Explain why you Trust, family) and whether
money to support your
have chosen that you are contributing any
family or get your goods
structure. money yourself. If you
stocked in a particular
store. You should divide are not, explain why not.
your objectives into short-
term (one year), mid-term
(three years) and long-
term (five+ years).

Purpose of this section How to complete this section

This is the section where you plan how Do not complete this section until you
you are going to talk about your business. have finished the rest of your plan.
You should complete this section last
when you have finished your business Please follow the steps outlined in the
planning. illustration below.

Planning your business is sometimes the

easy bit – it’s more difficult to have the
words ready to explain your business
to a potential customer on the street.
You need to plan what you are going
to say that makes it easy for people to
understand 1. What your business does,
2. Who it is for and 3. What makes it
different to the competition?

1.4 Your business name

Your business name is important because it’s
often the first thing people see on your marketing
materials – for example, your website or later your
business premises. Your name helps customers to
form an impression of what you do, what you stand
for and to pick you out from the competition. You
also have to live with it.

You need to think about 1. What your name says 1.5 Do you need a strapline?
about you and your business, 2. How your name This is a catchy phrase that goes with your business
influences potential customers and 3. Whether the name and logo – for example, Cadbury’s Crème Egg
name you have in mind is already being used by – how do you eat yours?
another business.
Not all businesses need a catchy strapline. If you
decide to have one it should emphasise the key
selling point of your business, the bit that makes you
stand out. It should be short, simple and catchy and
strike a chord with your customers. Once you’ve
decided on your strapline, you can include it in your
marketing materials, website and in the bottom of
your emails.

1.6 Your elevator pitch

This is a quick two minute summary of your business.
It’s the few sentences that you choose to tell potential
customers when you have all but two minutes to leave an
impression. Your elevator pitch should clearly state what
your business does, who it’s for and why it’s different.
After a little practice, it will be second nature.




Purpose of this section How to complete this section

This section is to explain why you want You should attach a CV for each person
to start your own business and why you involved in the business and include
think you (and, if applicable, your business copies of any certificates.
partners) have the experience, ability
and commitment to make your idea a Please follow the steps outlined in the
success. It should also give details of illustration below.
your education and qualifications, work
experience, training and hobbies. Practical
experience is especially important.

2.1 Why you want to run your own business

Why have you decided to start your own business? Why is it the right choice
for you and why are you determined to make it a success? Why do you think
you have the skills, knowledge and experience to make it work?

2.2 Previous work experience

Describe any experience you have in the activity of your business or in running
another business. For example, if you have worked in the field or if you have
helped your family to run a business.

2.3 Qualifications and education

Explain any qualifications you have which you think will help
you to run your business.

2.4 Training
Describe any training courses you have been on which will help you to run
your business. These might be business skills courses or courses to develop
industry skills, for example, in carpentry or hairdressing. Give details of any
training you plan to do in the future.

2.5 Hobbies and interests

Explain any activities you do in your spare time which will help you
to make your business a success.



Purpose of this section How to complete this section

This section is to describe what your People reading your business plan may Please follow the steps outlined in the
business is going to sell. Businesses not be familiar with your product/service illustration below.
can sell two things – products or services. so you need to explain everything,
Products are objects, for example, even things that seem obvious to you.
clothes, jewellery, books, etc. Services Get people who are not involved in the
involve selling time to do something for business to read your description to make
a customer, for example, a plumber, car sure they can understand.
mechanic, etc.

Sometimes a business can do both, for

example, a website designer who sells
time to build a website (service) and the
domain name and software to host the
site (product).

3.1. What are you going to sell? 3.2 Describe the basic product/
Is your business going to sell service you are going to sell.
a product, a service or both? If your product is hard to explain
it’s a good idea to include a

3.1 3.2
3.3 Describe the different 3.4 If you are not going to sell
types of product/service you all your products/services at
are going to be selling. the start of your business,
For example, if you were selling explain why not and when you
t-shirts, you might stock certain will start selling them.
colours and sizes. If you were You may start your business after
going to be a plumber you having done market research on
might have two services, one a sample of products/services.
for commercial properties and You may want to wait until you
one for domestic. have a regular income before
expanding the range of products/

3.3 3.4
services you offer.



Purpose of this section How to complete this section

This section is to describe the customers The best proof that customers will Please follow the steps outlined in the
that might buy your product/service. be interested in your business is if you illustration below.
You need to understand these customers have already sold some of your products/
so you can work out how to tell them services. The next best thing is to have
about your business. customers waiting to buy from you.

Be specific and find out detailed

information about your target market -
local customers who will be interested
in your business, not general information
about all the customers in the world who
are interested in businesses like yours.

4.5 Describe
factors that help
your customers
choose which
business to
buy from
4.2 Describe
your typical For example,
customer which business
has the most
For example, experience,
if they are which business
individuals, 4.6 Explain
is nearest to
broadly how old whether you
4.3 Describe them or which
they are and have sold
where your product they
how much they any products/ 4.7 Explain
typical think is
earn. If they are services how many
customers in fashion.
businesses, what already customers
are based you have
sector they are
4.1 Explain in and what size 4.4 Explain Describe how waiting to
whether your For example, are what prompts many sales buy from you
of business they they in the UK,
customers are. your customers and how much
are businesses in a particular to buy your money you Ask potential
or individuals region or product/service made. If you can, customers to
worldwide. provide a write a ‘letter
Your customers For example, list of customer/ of intent’, stating
might be both when they have sales details. that they would
individuals and a leaky tap or like to buy your
businesses. when they product/service
receive a big and include
salary bonus. copies in your
business plan.



Purpose of this section How to complete this section

In section four, you described your There is no right amount of research. It There are two types of market research
potential customers. Most of these is better to research your local market, outlined in the illustration below: >
customers will already be using other in the area you are going to run your
businesses. This section is to research business, than it is to research the entire > Desk research
those businesses and customers. global market. The right amount of > Field research
research will tell you what your market
Lots of businesses look good on paper looks like, how it behaves and what Write up your findings including the most
but the only test that matters is whether customers expect. important information only.
the product/service sells. You can’t be
sure that your assumptions about your
business are right unless you do some
proper research (i.e. don’t just ask your
friends and family if they think it’s a good

5.1 Desk research uses information > any important facts, statistics or events directories, Yellow Pages, etc.
from the internet and books. > whether the market is seasonal or > your own knowledge from previous jobs
It involves learning what other people dependent on other external factors or experience working in the field
say about your market and finding out basic (for example, the weather)
facts. When writing a description
of your market, you should explain: Good places to find information are:
> how big the market is (for example, > general area statistics:
how many sales take place in a year?) –
> trends in your market (for example, are –
sales going up or down? Are people > government agencies:
changing how they buy the product/ –
service?) > libraries: sector magazines and

5.2 Field research involves asking Questionnaires Include a copy of the questionnaire in
potential customers their opinion of When designing questionnaires: your business plan.
your business. > keep it short – one page with about
It is the best way of working out if it will 10 questions In the main body of the business plan:
be successful. You should ask potential > ask questions answered “yes/no” or with > explain how you chose the people who
customers to complete questionnaires. options, such as “very happy, happy, completed the questionnaire and how
If you are selling a product, you should unhappy, very unhappy” many people completed it
also carry out test trading to see whether > ask specific questions – will people buy > describe the main results. For example
people will buy your product. from your business, at your prices, in how many said they would buy your
your location product/service? How many would be new
> ask if people buy from a similar business customers? How many customers would
already and if so, which? Would they you be taking off your competitors?
change to buy from you and if so, why?
> ask if you can keep customers’ details
and contact them when you start trading

5.3 Test trading lets you practise > where you did it and how much it cost > where you did it and how much it cost
running your business. > how many products you tried to sell and > how many products you tried to sell and
The aim is to see if customers will buy at what price at what price
your product and at what price. It doesn’t > how many products you did sell and at > how many products you did sell and at
have to cost lots to do. If you complete what price what price
test trading, you should explain: > the key things you learnt > the key things you learnt
> the key things you will change > the key things you will change



Purpose of this section How to complete this section

You need to contact potential customers Different marketing methods are outlined
to tell them about your business. below. Decide which methods are best for
Marketing describes any activity that your business; choose about three and
attempts to make contact with potential list the required detail for each.
Good marketing materials – in whatever
form – will grab a customer’s attention, You must include all costs in your
capture their interest, illicit their desire for cashflow forecast in section 10.3.
your product/service and direct them to
take action and find out more.

If your marketing is successful, your
potential customers will learn what your
business does and where to find you.
Popular marketing methods are outlined

Word of mouth > ifyou are going to distribute materials > how your social networking ties in
When customers hear about your to customers, explain how and where with your website or other promotional
business through others, that’s word of materials and events
mouth marketing. If customers like your Direct marketing
business they will often recommend it Direct marketing involves contacting Tradeshows and exhibitions
all on their own. However, it is worth potential customers to directly sell your Some businesses can access large
considering how you could encourage product/service to them. It can be done audiences at a tradeshow or exhibition.
them to tell people, for example, by on the phone, in a letter, email or face-to- However, exhibiting is expensive and time
offering an incentive like a discount, or face. You should explain: consuming, so you need to be sure it will
by giving exceptional customer service. be worth the effort. If you plan to attend
> which method of contact you will use, why events, you should explain:
Advertising and how much it will cost
There are many ways to advertise your > how you will find names and contact > which events you are planning to attend,
business, for example, in a local paper, details of potential customers when and how much it will cost
on the internet or in a directory like the > why it is important to attend these events
Yellow Pages. You should explain: Social media at this stage in your business
Different social media can be a very
> which methods you have chosen, effective way of marketing your business. Website
why and how much it will cost It’s free, allows you to put a face on your Websites don’t have to be complicated -
> the type of advert you will use, for business and invites a vast network to just three or four pages to show what
example, size or colours interact with your activities. As well as you do and how to contact you. If you
> how many adverts you will use and the widely used Facebook and Twitter, already have a website you should give
how long each will run for there are now social networking sites for the address. If you don’t have one but
small businesses which can help you plan to, you should explain:
Business literature – leaflets and to focus your efforts. If you’re planning
business cards on using social media to market your > the design and any special functionality
These should detail only the most business, you should consider: you want to include, for example, an
important information about your online shop
business. You should keep the design > what you want to achieve from social > who is going to design it for you and how
and wording simple. If you have already networking and how you will engage with much it will cost to build and maintain
produced some, you should attach them your customers, for example, will you
to your business plan; otherwise you create a blog to give customers the inside You can refer to The Prince’s Trust
should describe the design or include a view on your business or get customers in your marketing materials using
sketch. You should also explain: to offer feedback on product design? the words ‘Initially supported by The
> which networking sites are preferred by Prince’s Trust Enterprise programme.
> what materials you will produce, what your target market and for what purpose You cannot use The Prince’s Trust
information will be on them and who will > how your business activity on social logo.
design them networking sites is kept separate from
> how many you will produce, who will print your personal activity
them and how much it will cost



Purpose of this section How to complete this section

A competitor is any business that offers A SWOT analysis will help you to Please follow the steps outlined in the
a product/service that is similar to yours. understand all the things, good and illustration below.
Businesses often have many competitors. bad, that could affect your business.
It’s best to focus on those which If you know what these are, you can
customers are most likely to buy from work out how to resolve them or use
instead of you; probably those nearest to them to your advantage. Thinking about
you, with the most similar prices or the your weaknesses and what could go
most similar products/services. wrong is important because it will allow
you to correct your mistakes before they
You need to think hard about your happen.
business and how you compare to your
competitors. You should put your thoughts
in a SWOT analysis. SWOT stands for
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities
and Threats.

7.1 Table of competitors 7.2 SWOT analysis 7.3 Unique Selling Point (USP)
Find out information about your Each part of a SWOT analysis is Your USP is the thing that makes your
competitors. Try to do this for at least five explained below. Try to think of three business different from your competitors.
competitiors. points for each category. Make sure each It might be specific to your product/
point is specific to your business. service or it might relate to the way you
You need to work out: run your business. It would be the reason
> who they are Strengths that customers stopped using a different
> where they are > Positive things about your business that business and became your customer. Be
> what they sell will make it stand out against competitors. specific and avoid clichés, such as, better
> how much it costs These might be specific to your product/ quality products, better customer service
> how big the company is service or more general, such as your or cheaper products. Consider how you
> what their main strengths location will show your customers that you are the
and weaknesses are better choice.
> All the things that could mean you If you can’t think of a USP you need
struggle to make your business work. to review and improve your business
For example, areas that might be affected idea so that there is something that
by your lack of experience or by lack of makes you different or better than
money your competitors.
> For each weakness, explain what you are
going to do to address it, for example,
more training

> External factors that you and your
competitors can take advantage of, for
example, changes in the law or market

> External factors that could affect how
well your business and your competitors
do. For example, a large shopping mall
opening up that might take away your
> Explain how you will prepare for these
and how you will reduce their effect
on your business



Purpose of this section How to complete this section

It’s important to work out how your Different stages to think about are
business will work on a day-to-day basis. outlined in the illustration below.
It’s easy to forget little things and it’s
surprising how many people forget big Important
things, like working out when and how to
get paid. Imagine you are preparing for You must include all costs in your
your first sale; work through the different cashflow forecast in section 10.3.
stages, from making or buying your
8.3 Payment
product through to delivering it and taking
When will you get paid and
the money.
how – for example, with credit
cards, cheques or cash? The payment
8.1 methods you choose can have an impact
Production on the cost of running the business. For
If you are making your example, a merchant service provider often
product, how long will it take? charges a monthly rental fee as well as a fee
If you are buying it, how long 8.2 Delivery on debit and credit card transactions which
will delivery take? Is there a to customers affect what you charge for your product
minimum order? Do you have How long will it take to or service. Will your customers pay you
to pay upfront? How much deliver your product to your upfront or pay a deposit and the rest
stock do you really need customers and how will it be when you finish? Who will do your 8.4 Suppliers
to order? delivered? Is the cost of books and how often? Explain who you have
delivery included in the cost chosen, what they will supply
of the product or will you and when you will pay them, for
charge customers extra? example, upfront or within 30 days.
Consider how your costs and prices
will differ if you are buying or selling
your products wholesale. Include
at least two quotes and a back-
up option in case they let
8.5 Premises you down.
8.6 Equipment Where will you run your
8.7 Transport business from? Describe the
How will you get What equipment do
you need – for example, a space and explain why it is suitable.
about – for example, to Working from home may be easiest
pick up stock or to meet computer, a mobile phone, a
sewing machine? What will you and cheapest but will it work and do you
customers? How much will it have permission from the owner or the
cost? Do you need a driving use each item for, how much
will it cost and where will you local authority? If you plan to rent premises,
licence? If you do and you think about the cost, the type of contract, the
don’t have one, what will buy it from or do you own it
already? facilities (for example, telephone and
you do? internet) and whether it is convenient for
your customers. If you are selling on a
market, when will you trade? How
8.8 Legal
do you rent a stall? Is there
8.9 Insurance a waiting list?
What laws apply to your
Insurance protects your
business, for example,
business against risks. There
registering with the Council if you
are many types, for example, public
deal with food or with HMRC for
liability (in case someone sues because
VAT if your turnover is over the
they suffer a loss they think is your fault),
limit? Do you need a trading
contents (to protect stock and equipment),
licence? Where would you go
and goods in transit (to protect goods being 8.10 Management
to get legal advice?
moved in vehicles). Make sure you research and staff
which types of insurance you need and Will you run the business
include at least two quotes for each. on your own? If people will
Try looking on be helping you, what will
or they do?


Purpose of this section How to complete this section

Before you decide how much to sell To work out your costs, use the table
your products/services for, you need to provided. Each of the rows are explained
work out how much each one costs you below.
to make and deliver. This will stop you
selling things for less than they cost. * If you are completing this form in MS
Excel, these sections will calculate
The price you charge customers for automatically.
a product/service must be higher than
its cost and include enough money to
cover the extra costs of running your
business (for example, petrol, bills, rent
etc.) and your essential personal costs
taken from your personal survival budget.
The difference between an item’s cost
and its price is its profit margin.

A. B. C. D.
If you can’t work out the price Break down your product/ Work out the total cost of the If you worked out the cost of
of a single product/service, service into parts (for example, different parts of your product/ a batch, i.e. for more than one
you can work out the price of different materials, packaging, service (add up all costs in B).* product/service, to work out
a batch. For example, for food labels, etc.) and put each one the cost of an individual unit,
this might be on portions of four in a separate box. Work out the divide the total cost (cost C)
or for T-shirts, a batch of 10. cost of each and write it down by the number of products/
in the relevant box. services in your batch
(cost A).*

E. F. G. H.
Work out a price that will cover Work out the difference Work out the profit margin as Work out the mark up by
the business overhead costs between your unit cost (cost a percentage (%) by dividing dividing your profit margin
and give reasonable profit. D) and your price per unit (cost your profit margin (cost F) by (cost F) by your unit cost (cost
Compare this price with your E). This difference is your profit your unit price (cost E) and D) and multiplying by 100.
competitors to see where you margin (£). multiplying by 100.
stand. This (cost E) is the price
you will charge your customers.

Once you have worked out the price for each of your
products/services, compare it to your competitors. If
your price is more expensive, you need to think whether
customers will pay extra to buy from you.




A sales forecast shows how many sales A cost forecast shows how much money Complete the sales/costs forecast
you are aiming to achieve in your first you will spend on products/services if table provided, following the instructions
year and how much money that would you achieve the number of sales in your shown below.
mean you receive. It’s hard to know what sales forecast.
a realistic number of sales might be so * If you are completing this form in MS
it’s better to plan for the worst case. Excel, these sections will calculate
For lots of businesses, the number of
sales made is affected by external factors
such as, holidays, seasons, weather, etc.
Think whether you expect your sales to be
different in some months and show this in
your sales predictions.

Sales calculations Costs calculations

A.Write in the names of the months. Month D.Work out how much money you will
one should be the month in which you spend each month if you make your
plan to start trading. predicted sales. To do this, take the
number of sales (B) and multiply it by
B.Write down how many sales you plan its cost (cost D in the cost/price table
to make in each month. To do this, work in section nine).*
out how many products/services you think
you can sell in a day. Multiply that number Assumptions
by the number of days in a week you E. Describe any assumptions you made,
plan to trade. Lastly, multiply that number for example, external factors affecting
by 4.3 (average number of weeks in a number of sales. For example, if you
month) to give you the number of sales were selling umbrellas you would expect
you plan to make in a month. higher sales in winter because it rains
C.Work out how much money you will make
each month. To do this, take the number
of sales (B) and multiply it by its price
(cost F in the cost/price table in section
nine). The total income you receive from
sales in a year is called your turnover.*



Purpose of this section How to complete this section

A survival budget shows the amount Complete the personal survival budget
of money you need each month to live table provided, following the instructions
on. To work it out add up all the money shown below.
you spend and take away any money you
get as income from sources other than * If you are completing this form in MS
your business. Excel, these sections will calculate

A. List all the different things you spend B.Add up all the different costs in part
money on each month. Some of these A to work out your total monthly costs.*
will have predictable costs, for example,
rent, and others will vary, for example, C.List income you receive every month;
entertainment costs. For the items that including income from a part-time job
vary, you should work out how much or from benefits such as Child Benefit,
on average you spend a month. Do not New Deal or Working Tax Credits.
include your business costs.
D.Add up all the different amounts in part
Things you might want to include are: C to work out your total monthly income.*
> mortgage
> rent E. To work out the income you require from
> council tax your business, take away your total
> gas and electricity income (D) from your total costs (B).*
> water rates
> personal and property insurances
> food
> clothing
> telephone
> hire charges (TV, video, etc.)
> entertainment (meals, drinks, cinema
> subscriptions (gym, magazines, etc.)
> car tax and insurance
> car service and maintenance
> children’s expenditure and presents
> savings plan
> credit card and personal loan repayments



Purpose of this section How to complete this section

A cashflow shows how much money Once you start your business you will Complete the cashflow forecast table
is expected to come in and out of your have to keep a record of your actual provided, following the instructions below.
business. It brings together all the work income and expenditure and you should
you have done in your plan. You must compare this to your plan to give you an * If you are completing this form in MS
complete the forecast realistically. Make idea of how well your business is doing. Excel, these sections will calculate
sure you: automatically.

> include seasonal changes in overhead
costs such as increased heating and
lighting bills in winter
> allow for delays between when you make
a sale and when you receive payment
> do not over estimate how much stock you
will need
> split costs that can be paid on a monthly
or quarterly basis

A.The columns show the months in your > insurance and tax Breakeven
first year of trading. Write in the names > motor repairs/maintenance Your breakeven point is the number
of the months. They should be the same > petrol/diesel/other travel costs of sales you need to make to cover
as in your sales/costs forecast in section > IT costs the costs of running your business. To
10.1.* > loan repayments calculate your breakeven:

B.The top rows show money coming into You should explain what each cost relates G.Work out the annual cost of running your
your business and when. You should list to in your costs table in section 10.4 of business (The total column in row E of
each type of income on a different line. your business plan. your cashflow).
Typical types of income you should
include are: E. For each month add up the total amount H.Divide cost G by your gross profit margin
> income from sales (should be the same of money you have going out of your percentage (row G in the cost/price table
as in your sales/costs forecast in section business.* in section nine).
> loan funding F. The bottom rows show how much money J. To work out how many sales you need to
> any of your own money that you are is in your business at the beginning and make in a week, divide H by the number
putting into the business end of each month. of weeks in a year you expect to work.

C.For each month add up the total amount a) Balance – take the money earned in that K.To work out how many sales you need
of money you have coming into your month (C) and subtract the money spent to make in a day, divide J by the number
business.* (E).* of days in a week you expect to work.

D.The middle rows show money going b) Opening balance – should be the same
out of your business. List each cost as the closing balance of the previous
on a different line. Include all the costs month.*
you have worked out in earlier sections
of your business plan, for example, c) Closing balance – the month’s opening
marketing costs, equipment costs, balance (b) plus the current month’s
personal survival budget. Other costs to balance (a).*
include are:
> tools
> materials/stock
> rent/rates
> heat/light/water
> phone
> postage
> printing and stationery



Purpose of this section How to complete this section

The costs table explains what is included If you have explained your costs in
in each cost in your cashflow. It also your cashflow in a different section
explains what assumptions you have used of your business plan, you should write
to work the cost out. in the costs table where the detailed
breakdown of the costs can be found.
For example, you might have a cost line For example, your marketing costs will
for travel to pay for the petrol you need. be explained in section five.
In the costs table you would explain how
much petrol you have assumed you will For all other costs in your cashflow you
use (for example, how many tanks) and should explain what they include and
how much you have assumed that will cost how you have worked them out.
(for example, how much one tank costs).


Purpose of this section How to complete this section

Sometimes, despite careful planning, the business and tackle Plan B. And it’s Please follow the steps outlined in the
unexpected will happen and a business far better to have a Plan B in your back illustration below.
will fail. There are many reasons why a pocket ready, if and when the unexpected
business might fail; a lack of cash, a new happens.
competitor or changes in your personal

Nobody plans to fail but it is important

to plan for the ‘what if’ scenario. What if
doesn’t work out as you imagined?

Sometimes all that could be required is

changes to your existing business that
reduce your costs or boost your income.
Other times, it may be that, despite your
best efforts, you have to close the

11.1 11.3
Think about what changes If you do decide to close your
you may be able to make to business, consider what skills
your business in the short- and experience you have now
term that would help you to – and as a result of doing the
make cost savings or earn Enterprise programme – that
more money. would help you to take your
For example, can you work next step.
with a cheaper supplier, For example, what contacts do
negotiate shorter payment you have who would be willing
terms with your customers
11.2 to help you; what support might 11.4
or boost sales with effective be available from The Prince’s Think about what you have
Consider what changes you
networking? Trust? learned as a result of running
may be able to make longer-
term. your own busines.
For example, can you do more For example, what positives
of your business online or take a can you take from running your
part-time job or training course - business; what lessons have
helping you to meet new people you learned; what contacts
and learn new skills that might have you made; what skills and
benefit your business? experience do you have now
that you didn’t have before; how
would these be interesting to an



This table explains the meaning of some of the words that people often use
when they talk about business.


Things a business owns, e.g. A two minute summary that Any activity a business does The money, people, time
buildings, vehicles, stock and explains (i) what your business to try and contact potential and equipment needed to
money in the bank. does (ii) who your customers customers. run a business.
are and (iii) what makes your
BRAND business different from the MARKET POSITIONING STOCK
Refers to the words and competition. A customer should How a business presents All the raw materials and
symbols such as a name, logo have a clear understanding of its products/services in relation finished goods owned by
and slogan that represent a your business and its Unique to its competitors; higher quality, a business.
business’s identity. Selling Point after hearing your cheaper, etc.
elevator pitch. STRAPLINE
BREAKEVEN MISSION STATEMENT A catchy phrase that sums
The amount of sales a business EXPENDITURE A sentence to describe where up a business’s message, for
needs to make to cover all Money paid; cost. your business is going or what example: ‘Cadbury’s Crème Egg
its costs. you want to achieve in the long- – how do you eat yours?’.
BUSINESS PLAN Things a business owns or TARGET MARKET
A document that describes a controls for a long time, such NET PROFIT The group of customers a
business’s aims and objectives as premises or equipment. A business’s total income minus business chooses to focus
and a plan for how they can its total costs. its marketing efforts on.
be achieved. FIXED COSTS
Costs that stay the same, OBJECTIVES TURNOVER
CAPITAL EXPENDITURE regardless of how many sales Things a business wants A business’s total sales income
Money spent on buying a business makes, e.g. rent. or sets out to achieve. for a year.
or improving items that will
a long time, e.g. buildings Total income from a business’s The day-to-day activities that POINT)
or equipment. sales minus the direct costs of take place within a business. A benefit that a business
making the sales (this does not offers to its customers that its
CARBON FOOTPRINT include a business’s overhead PROFIT AND LOSS competitors do not.
A measure of the impact that or running costs). ACCOUNT
human activities have on the Shows a business’s total income VALUES
climate in terms of the total KEY MESSAGES and expenditure for a given The principles and beliefs that
amount of greenhouse gases The things you most want period of time. guide what a business does
produced. customers to remember about and how it does it.
your business. PROSPECT
An estimate of the amount of LETTER OF INTENT a customer. Costs that vary in line with
money a business will spend A signed statement from a a business’s level of sales.
and receive within a certain time potential customer outlining PUBLIC RELATIONS (PR)
period (usually a year). what product/service they are Two-way communication VIABLE
interested in buying from you between a business and anyone If a business idea is viable,
CREDITOR and how many. who is interested in it. it means that it should work
Somebody to whom a business and the business should be
or individual owes money. MARGIN REFERRAL a success.
The difference between A customer gained through
the selling price of a product/ a recommendation from VISION
service and its costs. The higher someone else. A business’s long-term goal.
the margin, the more profit that
is made.


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Or call 0800 842 842

DSN2669/2 © The Prince’s Trust 2015 – all rights reserved. The Prince’s Trust is a registered charity, incorporated by Royal Charter (RC000772).
Principal office: Prince’s Trust House, 9 Eldon Street, London, England EC2M 7LS. Registered charity number in England and Wales (1079675) and Scotland (SC041198).

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