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Training and Development – Meaning & Need and Importance

Training and development is vital part of the human resource development. It

is assuming ever important role in wake of the advancement of technology which
has resulted in ever increasing competition, rise in customer‟s expectation of
quality and service and a subsequent need to lower costs. It is also become more
important globally in order to prepare workers for new jobs. In the current write
up, we will focus more on the emerging need of training and development, its
implications upon individuals and the employers.

Noted management author Peter Drucker said that the fastest growing industry
would be training and development as a result of replacement of industrial workers
with knowledge workers. In United States, for example, according to one estimate
technology is de-skilling 75 % of the population. This is true for the developing
nations and for those who are on the threshold of development. In Japan for
example, with increasing number of women joining traditionally male jobs,
training is required not only to impart necessary job skills but also for preparing
them for the physically demanding jobs. They are trained in everything from
sexual harassment policies to the necessary job skills.


Before we say that technology is responsible for increased need of training inputs
to employees, it is important to understand that there are other factors too that
contribute to the latter. Training is also necessary for the individual development
and progress of the employee, which motivates him to work for a certain
organisation apart from just money. We also require training update employees of
the market trends, the change in the employment policies and other things.
The following are the two biggest factors that contribute to the increased need to
training and development in organisations:

1. Change:

The word change encapsulates almost everything. It is one of the biggest factors
that contribute to the need of training and development. There is in fact a direct
relationship between the two. Change leads to the need for training and
development and training and development leads to individual and organisational
change, and the cycle goes on and on. More specifically it is the technology that is
driving the need; changing the way how businesses function, compete and deliver.


It is again one the strong reasons for training and development becoming all the
more important. Money is not the sole motivator at work and this is especially very
true for the 21st century. People who work with organisations seek more than just
employment out of their work; they look at holistic development of self.
Spirituality and self awareness for example are gaining momentum world over.
People seek happiness at jobs which may not be possible unless an individual is
aware of the self. At ford, for example, an individual can enrol himself / herself in
a course on „self awareness‟, which apparently seems inconsequential to ones
performance at work but contributes to the spiritual well being of an individual
which is all the more important.

The critical question however remains the implications and the contribution of
training and development to the bottom line of organisations performance. To
assume a leadership position in the market space, an organisation will need to
emphasise on the kind of programs they use to improvise performance and
productivity and not just how much they simply spend on learning.



Training is not a one sort affair; rather it is a step-by-step process that will
completed only after successful completion of given sequential activities.

1. Identifying Training Needs

Training need is a difference between standard performance and actual

performance.Hence, it tries to bridge the gap between standard performance and
actual performance. The gap clearly underlines the need for training of employees.
Hence, under this phase, the gap is identified in order to assess the training needs.

2. Establish Specific Objectives

After the identification of training needs, the must crucial task is to determine the
objectives of training. Hence, the primary purpose of training should focus to
bridge the gap between standard performance and actual performance. This can be
done through setting training objectives. Thus, basic objective of training is to
bring proper match between man and the job.

3. Select Appropriate Methods

Training methods are desired means of attaining training objectives. After the
determination of training needs and specification of objectives, an appropriate
training method is to be identified and selected to achieve the stated objectives.
There are number of training methods available but their suitability is judged as per
the need of organizational training needs.

4. Implement Programs

After the selection of an appropriate method, the actual functioning takes place.
Under this step, the prepared plans and programs are implemented to get the
desired output. Under it, employees are trained to develop for better performance
of organizational activities.

5. Evaluate Program

It consists of an evaluation of various aspects of training in order to know whether

the training program was effective. In other words, it refers to the training utility in
terms of effect of training onemployes' performance.

6. Feedback

Finally, a feedback mechanism is created in order to identify the weak areas in the
training program and improve the same in future. For this purpose, information
relating to class room, food, lodging etc. are obtained from participants. The
obtained information, then, tabulated, evaluated, and analyzed in order to mark
weak areas of training programs and for future improvements.


1. Technology-Based Learning

Common methods of learning via technology include:

Basic PC-based programs

Interactive multimedia - using a PC-based CD-ROM

Interactive video - using a computer in conjunction with a VCR

Web-based training programs

The forms of training with technology are almost unlimited. A trainer also gets
more of the learner''s involvement than in any other environment and trainees have
the benefit of learning at their own pace.

Example: In the trucking industry one can imagine interactive multimedia training
on tractor-trailers followed by a proficiency test to see how well the employee
knows the truck.

2. Simulators

Simulators are used to imitate real work experiences.

Most simulators are very expensive but for certain jobs, like learning to fly a 747,
they are indispensable. Astronauts also train extensively using simulators to imitate
the challenges and micro-gravity experienced on a space mission. The military also
uses video games (similar to the "shoot-em-up" ones your 14-year old plays) to
train soldiers.

Example: Truck drivers could use simulators to practice responding to dangerous

driving situations.

3. On-The-Job Training

Jumping right into work from day one can sometimes be the most effective type of

Here are a few examples of on-the-job training:

Read the manual - a rather boring, but thorough way of gaining knowledge of
about a task.

A combination of observation, explanation and practice.

Trainers go through the job description to explain duties and answer questions.

Use the intranet so trainees can post questions concerning their jobs and experts
within the company can answer them.

On-the-job training gives employees motivation to start the job. Some reports
indicate that people learn more efficiently if they learn hands-on, rather than
listening to an instructor. However, this method might not be for everyone, as it
could be very stressful.

Example: New trucking employees could ride with experienced drivers. They
could ask questions about truck weigh stations, proper highway speeds, picking up
hitchhikers, or any other issues that may arise.
4. Coaching/Mentoring

Coaching/mentoring gives employees a chance to receive training one-on-one from

an experienced professional. This usually takes place after another more formal
process has taken place to expand on what trainees have already learned.

Example: Again, truck drivers could gain valuable knowledge from more
experienced drivers using this method.

5. Lectures

Lectures usually take place in a classroom-format.

It seems the only advantage to a lecture is the ability to get a huge amount of
information to a lot of people in a short amount of time. It has been said to be the
least effective of all training methods. In many cases, lectures contain no form of
interaction from the trainer to the trainee and can be quite boring. Studies show
that people only retain 20 percent of what they are taught in a lecture.

Example: Truck drivers could receive lectures on issues such as company policies
and safety.

6. Group Discussions & Tutorials

These most likely take place in a classroom where a group of people discuss issues.

For example, if an unfamiliar program is to be implemented, a group discussion on

the new program would allow employees to ask questions and provide ideas on
how the program would work best.
A better form of training than lectures, it allows all trainees to discuss issues
concerning the new program. It also enables every attendee to voice different ideas
and bounce them off one another.

Example: Truck drivers could have group discussions and tutorials on safety issues
they face on the road. This is a good way to gain feedback and suggestions from
other drivers.


Mother Dairy was commissioned in 1974 as a wholly owned subsidiary of the
National Dairy Development Board (NDDB). It was an initiative under Operation
Flood, the world's biggest dairy development program launched to make India a
milk sufficient nation. Over the years, Mother Dairy has contributed significantly
in achieving this objective through a series of innovations and programs. Today,
Brand Mother Dairy sources a significant part of its requirement of liquid milk
from dairy cooperatives and village level farmer centric organizations. The
Company is committed to uphold institutional structures that empower milk
producers and farmers through processes that are equitable. A significant portion of
its income is ploughed back into the value chain to support and maintain the
system.Mother Dairy manufactures markets & sells milk and milk products
including cultured products, ice creams, paneer and ghee under the Mother Dairy

brand. The Company also has a diversified portfolio with products in edible oils,
fruits & vegetables, frozen vegetables, pulses, processed food like fruit juices,

jams, etc. to meet the daily requirements of every household.

The Company over the last many years has created a market leadership position for
itself in branded milk segment in Delhi & NCR through a robust network of its
booth and retail channels. It has also expanded its reach to other regions in North,
South, East and West with its offering of Milk and Milk products pegging it among
the few companies to own such a vast channel of distribution in India.

Brand Mother Dairy sources a significant part of its requirement of liquid milk
from dairy cooperatives and village level farmer centric organizations. The
Company is committed to uphold institutional structures that empower milk
producers and farmers through processes that are equitable. A significant portion of
its income is ploughed back into the value chain to support and maintain the

Mother Dairy is an ISO 9001:2008 (QMS), ISO 22000:2005 (FSMS) and ISO
14001:2004 (EMS) certified organization. Quality of milk is of paramount
importance for the company and hence it has invested extensively in installing hi
tech automated machines to ensure high product quality/reliability and safety.
Safal, F&V arm of Mother Dairy was the first Company to organize the fruits and
vegetables business in India. Today Safal is the market leader in organized fruit &
vegetable retail business in Delhi NCR and operates the largest number of F&V
Stores in Delhi NCR and has significant presence in Bangalore. Safal was also the
first brand in India to launch frozen vegetable in mid 90s. Over the years, the brand

has gained significant customer support and has become a household brand with

market leadership and presence acrossthe country.

Safal also has a state of the art plant in Bangalore which produces and sells around
23000 MT of aseptic fruit pulp & concentrate annually and supplies to noteworthy
companies in food processing space like Coca Cola, Pepsi, Unilever, Nestle etc.
Safal also has a prominent presence across 40 countries viz., USA, Europe, Russia,
Middle East, Asia and Africa and exports Fresh Fruits & Vegetables (Grapes,
Banana, Gherkin, Onion, etc.), Fruit Pulp & Concentrate, Frozen Fruits &

Vegetables, etc.

Mother Dairy is also present into edible oils segment under the brand name Dhara
which was launched under the „Operation Golden Flow‟ program of NDDB as a
market intervention program to address a larger cause of the Indian farmers &
consumers. Trust, Purity and Taste are the hallmarks of Dhara cooking oil.

It has been a constant endeavor at Mother Dairy to stay connected with its
stakeholders. The corporate tag line of the latest brand campaign – Happy Food
Happy People – captures the essence of what the Company stands for. Mother
Dairy is committed to bring happiness to every individual with its range offering
pure, hygienic and adulteration-free high-quality products which has been the
strength, differentiator and heritage of the brand over years.
In our effort to instil and create happiness in all the lives we touch, we live our
notion of creating happiness for our employees through creating a workplace
reality that is fulfilling and enriching for them. We constantly listen to our
employees and evolve our people practices. As a result of this, Mother Dairy has

been recognized as the 2nd Best in the FMCG Industry and has also been ranked at

39th amongst India‟s Top 100 Best Companies to Work, in a study by Great Place

To Work® Institute in association with the Economic Times for their annual 2015
survey. The corresponding ranking in 2014 was 62nd amongst the list of Top 100.
In the survey, the brand also witnessed a significant move its Trust Index from 70%
to 83% in 2015.


The dairy sector in the India has shown remarkable development in the past decade
and India has now become one of the largest producers of milk and value-added
milk products in the world. The dairy sector has developed through co-operatives
in many parts of the country. During 1997-98, the States (Delhi-Haryana-Uttar
Pradesh) had 17574 million tones production capacity, which rose to 29719 million
tons by the year 2012. In addition to many processing plants, many government co-
operative societies and chilling centers have being made.

About the Indian dairy Industry

In India, the dairy sector plays an important role in the country‟s socio-economic
development and constitutes an important segment of the rural economic.

Dairy industry provides livelihood to millions of homes in village, assuring supply

of quality of milk and milk products to both urban and rural areas. With view to
keeping pace with the country‟s increasing demand of milk and milk products, the
industry has being growing rapidly.

According to research report “Indian Dairy Industry Analysis” India is world‟s

largest milk producers accounting of around 17% of the global milk production.
Besides, India is also one of largest consumers of milk and milk products. Due to
rich nutritional qualities, the consumption of dairy product has being growing
exponentially in the country, and considering such facts and figures, my study
anticipates that the milk production in India will grow at a CAGR of around 4%
during 2012 to 2015.

With rising use of dairy product, the secondary market of dairy product has been
flourishing, my report observed.

Covering the necessary aspects of the Indian dairy industry, the study facilitates
knowledge about its current market scenario and future growth. Analyzing the past
and current state of the industry, the report tries to find out how trends like the
entry of international companies and packaging are attracting the consumers and
heeding towards further growth in the market. An instrument for the development
of India‟s rural transforming dairying into an instrument for the development of
India‟s rural people. Prior to NDDB, the milk market was vastly governed by local
private dairy and these dairies were neither producing milk nor they were animal
breeders and hence law of demand and supply was unheard by those whose
intentions were purely to make more money from both the sides – that is from
producers of milk (farmers) and consumers at large. Establishment of NDDB broke
that spell and traders were side lined in due course. This way, it present a clear
picture of the direction, in which the industry is likely to proceed in the coming

The government is taking several initiatives and running plans and programs like
National Diary Plan and Intensive Dairy Development Program to meet the
growing demand for milk in the country. Our report talks about such schemes, and
government regulations to present an objective and balanced picture of the

The study also discusses the opportunities and strengths of the dairy market in a
complete SWOT analysis, and provides an insight into the competitive landscape.
We hope that our comprehensive research will help clients align their business
strategies as per market dynamics, and make sound investment decisions


National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) was founded to replace...

Exploitation with empowerment.

Tradition with modernity.

Stagnation with growth.

An instrument for the development of India‟s rural transforming dairying into an

instrument for the development of India‟s rural people. Prior to NDDB, the milk
market was vastly governed by local private dairy and these dairies were neither
producing milk nor they were animal breeders and hence law of demand and
supply was unheard by those whose intentions were purely to make more money
from both the sides – that is from producers of milk (farmers) and consumers at
large. Establishment of NDDB broke that spell and traders were side lined in due

The National Dairy Development Board was created in promote, finance and
support producer-owned and controlled organizations. NDDB‟s efforts are co-
operative principles and the Anand Pattern of Co-operation
Philosophy of NDDB

Co-operation is the preferred form of enterprise, giving people control over the
resources, through democratic self governance.

All beneficiaries, particularly women and under privileged, must be involved in co-
operative management and decision making.

Technological and evolution search for better way to achieve the objective in the
dynamic market.

The NDDB was created in 1965, fulfilling the desire of the Prime Minister of India

– the late Lal Bahadur Shatri – to extend the success of the Kaira Co-operative NDDB
began its operations with the mission of making dairying a vehicle to a better future
for millions of grassroots milk producers. The mission achieved thrust and direction
with the launching of “Operation Flood”, a programme extending over 26 years and
which used World Bank loan to finance India‟s emergence as the

world‟s largest milk producing nation. Operation Flood‟s third phase was
completed in 1996 and has to its credit a number of significant achievements.

As on March 2001, India‟s 96,000 dairy co-operatives integrated through a three

tier co-operative structure – “The Anand Pattern”, owned by more than ten million
farmers, procure an average of 16.5 million litres of milk every day. The milk is
processed and marketed by 170 milk producers‟ co-operative unions which, in
turn, own 15 state co-operative milk marketing federations.

1 TOKEN Milk
Product Description

Mother Dairy Bulk Vended Toned Milk (Token Milk) - healthy and tasty to the last

Homogenized to evenly distribute the cream content, it‟s thicker. It‟s the magic of
homogenization that makes your kheer tastier, shake frothier and thicker, coffee
and tea whiter. Fortified with Vitamin A, which is not only good for your
complexion but also helps prevent night blindness. What‟s more, it gives your
children the energy to stay active through work and play.

Milk Fat 3.0 % Milk SNF 8.5 %

2 Premium Full Cream Milk
Product Description

Mother Dairy Premium Full cream milk is creamier and tastier than any other milk
available. It is excellent for making paneer, curd, ghee and other delicious sweet

Milk Fat – 7% Milk SNF – 9%

3. Full Cream Milk
Product Description

Mother Dairy Full Cream Milk – wholesome and healthy.

Packed with energy and nutrition that‟s essential for growing kids. It makes them

Milk Fat
Milk SNF
Available in : Delhi & NCR, Lucknow, Kanpur, Jaipur ,Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur,
Hyderabad, Chennai, Tirupathy and selected North upcountry markets

4. Toned Milk
Product Description

Mother Dairy Toned Milk – a perfect blend of good health and wholesome taste.
It‟s an ideal choice for people in search of a nutritionally balanced diet that does
not compromise on taste. It is the right way to stay fit and fine, jolly and cheerful.

Milk Fat 3% MILK SNF 8.5 %

Available in : Delhi & NCR , Jaipur , Lucknow, Kanpur, Mumbai, Pune, Nagpur,
Hyderabad, Chennai, Tirupathy
5. Standardized Milk

Product Description
Mother Dairy Standardized Milk – tasty and malaidar.

Enjoy its richness as it has balanced amount of cream – neither more nor less –

Milk Fat 4.5%
Milk SNF

8.5 %

Available in : Delhi & NCR , Chandigarh, Dehradun, Ludhiana, Shimla, Chennai,

Tirupathy and other cities in North
6 Double Toned Milk

Product Description
Mother Dairy Double Toned Milk – tasty and nutritious, with low fat content. A
dream come true, especially for all calorie conscious people who love the taste of
milk but are wary of its cream content. Mother Dairy Double Toned Milk


Milk Fat

Milk SNF 9 %

Available in : Delhi & NCR , Jaipur, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad

7 Skimmed Milk
Product Description

In Skimmed Milk, as much of the fat as is possible is removed, yet it continues to

supply all the nutrients a Milk does. The young at heart would particularly find it

a tempting
option to compliment with their low fat diet requirements.
Milk Fat
less than 0.5%
Milk SNF 8.7 %

Available in : Delhi & NCR , Mumbai


Previous chapter highlighted various causes of organizational decline and other
aspects of turnaround concerning types of tumaroimd, turnaround strategies,
performances, models etc. applicable for various types of organizations under
different contexts. It also discussed various aspects of past studies conducted in the
field of dairy. On the basis of the previous chapter, this chapter elaborates the
statement of problems and moitions research objectives based on such problems.
The chapter also emphasizes on formulation of hypothesis, designing research tool,
data collection methods, validity- reliability test and limitations of the study

Research methodology is the science and philosophy behind all research which
goes into the heart of how we know what we know and allow us to understand the
very strict constraints placed upon our concept of what knowledge actually is. The
concepts that underpin this subject of methodology also enable us to become
critical as well as analytical in the face of knowledge (John Adam, Hafiz, T. A.
Khan, Robert Raeside and David White, 2007). However, the term methodology is
also used in a rather more specific sense, as almost a synonym for research design.
In this sense, it indicates the practical way in which the whole research project is
organized. The overall methodological approach is carefully related to the aims of
the study (Paul Oliver, 2008).

So, research methodology is the way to systematically solve the research problem.

Why a research study is undertaken, how the research problem is defined, in what
way and why the hypotheses are formulated, what type of data are collected and
what particular method is adopted, why particular technique of analyzing data is
employed and a host of similar other questions are usually answered when we talk
of research methodology concerning a research problem or study (C. R. Kothari,
Research Problem:

The perspective of the study was the concept and theories of organizational decline
and turnaround of declining organizations in the context of deep crisis situation of
government organizations. Under this perspective the study was focused on the
dairy industry of West Bengal on which industry much works have yet not been
done. The dairy industry of West Bengal is mainly represented by 5- state
government dairies, 1- joint venture dairy, and 1- co-operative based dairy of the
state government along with few other private dairies. These 5 state dairies are:
Haringhata Dairy, Central Dairy, Durgapur

Dairy, Burdwan Dairy and Krishnanagar Dairy. On the other hand, Metro Dairy
Limited is the only joint venture dairy in the state with the partnership of the
Government of West Bengal, Keventer Agro Limited and NDDB (presently ICICI).
Mother Dairy Calcutta is the co-operative based dairy of the Govanment of West
Bengal which was established and initially managed by the NDDB. However,
presently it is managed by the Milk Federation after its take over by the state . In
addition to these dairies, there are some private dairies functioning in West Bengal.
Thacker's Dairy and AMUL are the leading private dairies in of dairy business of
West Boigal.

The milk market of West Bengal is estimated to have grown at above 6% growth
rate per annum during last 5 years. Keeping parity with this growing market, the
business performance of Metro Dairy Limited is gradually expanding. The Mother
Dairy Calcutta is also maintaining its leading position in the dairy business in West
Bengal. Even, the newly entrant private companies are also performing well. But
the performance of the State Dairies is just opposite to the joint venture and
cooperative dairies. The performance of these state government

dairies is very frustrating with heavy losses for year after year. The severity of
sickness of these dairies is now so acute that the survival of these dairy units has
been critically threatened. Under this situation, the present study was conducted on
the state government dairies, Metro Dairy Limited and Mother Dairy Calcutta i.e.
between the ruined organizations and better functioning organizations.

Here, the research problem is to find out the basic causes / reasons for such
organizational decline of the state government dairies as well as to find out the
factors of corporate success for the Metro Dairy Limited and the Mother Dairy
Calcutta. Whether there are any remedial actions / revival strategies for the state
government dairies those can be fonnulated fix>m the success story of Metro Dairy
Limited and Mother Dairy Calcutta? Finding out the answers of all such questions
is the real problem of this study.

3.2 Research Objectives:

The overall purpose of the research is to critically examine the key management
functions of the state government dairies and to formulate / develop suitable
turnaround strategies relevant under deep crisis situation. Therefore, the study
focuses on the state government dairies, Metro Dairy Limited and the Mother
Dairy Calcutta those are characteristically service providing organizations as well
as manufacturing organizations. These state government dairies play a major role
in the society by safeguarding the rural milk producers from exploitation by the
middlemen and thus help them to get proper prices for their produces.
Simultaneously, these state government dairies ensure the interest of the consumers
by providing clean, unadulterated milk and milk products on reasonable price.
Apart from those, these dairies generate employment opportimities to the
thousands of people directly and indirectly. In

the perspective of such social aspects, the state govemmeat dairies are basically
meant for greater social value than the corporate value. Unfortunately, due to
various reasons the survival of these dairies has been severely threatened and
thereby the social services those are usually performed by these dairies are being
seriously hampered. Under this situation, two broad objectives of the study are
basically fixed to revive these state government dairies. These are:

To find out the basic reasons / causes for organizational decline of the state
government dairies by:

Critically examining the present status of the production processes of the state
government dairies,

Evaluating the present status of the financial and cost control activities of the
state government dairies,

Analyzing the present status of the marketing and distribution system followed
by the state government dairies, and

Assessing properly the present status of the human resources management of the
state government dairies.
To suggest / formulate remedial measures / actions for the state government
dairies to turnaround them fix)m their present critical state by:

Assessing the key organizational fimctions of the Metro Dairy Limited and then
Mother Dairy Calcutta those are responsible for their corporate success,

Identifying the critical adverse internal factors faced by the state government
dairies with help of a comparative study of such factors faced by the Metro Dairy
Limited and the Mother Dairy Calcutta,

Assessing properly the present status of the human resources management of the
state government dairies.

Diagnosing the critical adverse external factors faced by the state government
dairies with the help of a comparative study of such factors faced by the Metro
Dairy Limited and the Mother Dairy Calcutta, and

Understanding how the Metro Dairy Limited and the Mother Dairy Calcutta
manage such adverse internal and external factors to keep them better functioning.


The strength of any organization is its people. If people are attended to properly by
recognizing their talents, developing their capabilities and utilizing them
appropriately, organizations are likely to be dynamic and grow fast.

Ultimately the variety of task in any organization has to be accomplished by the

Some of them have capabilities to do certain tasks better than other tasks, and some
of them may not have capabilities to do the task assigned to them.

Development of their capabilities keeps them psychologically vital. This

development needs to be monitored in terms of matching it with the organizational

Therefore, any organization interested in developing the capabilities its employee
should understand the nature of capabilities required to perform different functions
as well as dynamics underlying the development of these capabilities in an and
organizational context.

Thus proper and timely training programs should be conducted in an organization.

The study for time and other resources is limited in its scope but is a sound
preliminary work for a researcher in this field.


· Keep up with industry changes

Industries are constantly changing and so it is important for a business to develop

to avoid being left behind. It‟s also important to make sure your business is
complying with any industry regulations3, which can be achieved through ongoing
training, making sure your staff‟s skills and knowledge are up-to-date.

· Be in touch with all the latest technology developments

New technology is being developed all the time and so it is not sufficient to run a
one-off training session. Regular training needs to take place to ensure that staff are
using all the latest technology comfortably and to its full potential. This can be
achieved through implementing a customised staff IT training program, and by
integrating employee training with IT support.X

· Stay aheadof competitors

Standing still can kill your business, so by making sure your staff are
constantly advancing, you will continue to move forward are remain
competitive within the marketplace.

· Be able to see weaknesses and skill gaps

With regular training, a business can more easily identify any gaps in the
market and skill gaps within the existing workforce. By identifying these
gaps early, there is time to train staff in these required areas so they can fulfil
the role effectively.

· Maintain knowledge and skill

Although one off training may be provided to new starters, or other

employees, it‟s important that training schemes are put in place to help
develop skills throughout their job. To retain knowledge, skills need to be
practiced and refreshed on a regular basis so elements aren‟t forgotten.

· Advance employee skills

Once a business has spent money on providing basic level skills, these can
easily be built upon and improved to provide much more benefit to the
business. Staff that know more can bring more to the table, and your
business will reap the rewards.

· Provide an incentive to learn

If training is provided as part of a longer development pathway, employees
will have much more incentive to learn, participate in the session and put
their new skills into practice.

· Increase job satisfaction levels

Through continued investment from the business, staff can have a much
higher sense of job satisfaction, which can improve their motivation towards
their work. This reduces employee turnover and increases

productivity, which directly improves the profitability. It also prevents competitors
from taking away your best employees by offering training incentives.

· Provide internal promotion opportunities

Employing new staff involves high recruitment costs and hiring fees. However,
with ongoing training, your existing staff can become more eligible for internal
promotions. Unlike new staff, you can guarantee they have a complete knowledge
of your business, the correct skill set and are people that you know and trust.

· Attract new talent

All businesses want to have the best employees and so with ongoing training, this
will not only mean better staff retention, but the business may also attract better
talent from the start, as this gives the business a good image and is a key feature
many people look for within their job search.

As you can see, ongoing training is important not just to employee development,
but it also affects the success of your business.

Many businesses are now starting to see the importance of training and investing in
their staff, with Forbes reporting company spending is on the rise, with $130
Billion USD spent worldwide in 2013. However, training should not be seen as a
one-off exception, but as a regular necessity, to help fill skill gaps and keep the
business moving forward successfully.X
Just like any other business investment though, there needs to be an organised plan
put into place. This will help to provide more structure and allow employees to

know what to expect. Therefore, before jumping into finding training providers,

it‟s important to step back and think about a few key areas:

Skills – Make sure you take your time to find out what skills your staff would like
to develop and why, as well as working out where you want to be in the industry
and what skills are needed to get you there. Any training you provide should be
transferable and relevant to your employee‟s current job, to keep them engaged in
the overall process.

Frequency – You should also consider the frequency of training, to achieve the
medium and long-term improvements. It is a careful balance, to make sure there is
enough training, but not too much that staff lose interest or struggle to keep up with
their daily work tasks.

Delivery – You should also look at the many different types of training that are
available, to decide what is best for your specific business. As well as one-to-one
training, you could also have group sessions, or eLearning which is now a very
popular route and requires less time away from the business.

· Be in touch with all the latest technology developments

New technology is being developed all the time and so it is not sufficient to run a
one-off training session. Regular training needs to take place to ensure that staff are
using all the latest technology comfortably and to its full potential. This can be
achieved through implementing a customised staff IT training program, and by
integrating employee training with IT support.X
Stay ahead of competitors

Standing still can kill your business, so by making sure your staff are

constantly advancing, you will continue to move forward are remain

competitive within the marketplace.


Besides the success of my research work, there are certain limitations which I

faced during of my work.

These are: -

The employees were not interested in filling questionnaire because of their busy

Moreover the whole procedure of data collection was too much time consuming as
direct and

accurate information was nowhere found in totality. Further it required a detailed

consultation ofvarious books, websites that really needed a lot of time.
Research design

This is a fully automated, 18,000 sq m, computerized dairy built for GCMMF Ltd,
having a production capacity of 10, 00,000 liters per day. Adjoining this dairy are
milk powder and butter plants in addition to cheese production facilities. The dairy
includes a separate unit for workers' amenities, designed for an efficient working
environment. Facilities in the dairy include milk processing, nine storage silos and
administrative offices & staff quarters. The entire facility is well lit with natural
light from skylights and windows. Hollow metal pressed sections have been used
for the doors and windows. It is an RCC frame structure with plastered cavity
walls. The flat slab covering the refrigeration area is 36mX27m and is supported
on two columns only. The factory and administrative building are planned around a
central landscaped courtyard, with access at all levels and areas.


This programme aims at to create a document on Vision, Mission and Strategy for
Village Dairy Co-operative Societies. This process has helped to involve and
develop dairy farmers for their future planning and review of the growth thereby
improve their income and quality of life.

Milk Day Celebration:

This programme aims at bringing together all members, including Chairman,

Management Committee Members and respective producer members of Dairy Co-
operative Societies to identify and solve their problems. This programme is
attended by the respective Board of Director and Chairman from the District
Union, Internal Consultant of Co-operative Department of District Union.

Management Development Programme:

This programme aims at capacity building of Secretaries of Dairy Co-operative

Societies in better management and maintenance of ISO standards. Executive
education has always been an important constituent of the portfolio of offerings at
IIM Indore. Training existing managers in their chosen domains is as important to
the furtherance of management education as is imparting it to the would-be
managers. IIM Indore realizes this vital need of the economy and accordingly
designs and offers a wide array of training programs on contemporary themes
belonging to different functional areas of management. . Training existing
managers in their chosen domains is as important to the furtherance of
management education as is imparting it to the would-be managers. For the

Management Committee Members it imparts training on management strategies, co-
operative laws and their roles and responsibilities.

Zonal Meeting:

This programme aims at review of internal audit on Quality Management System

and Cleanliness of Dairy Co-operative Societies for continuous improvement.

Zone Chairpersons Manual –This guide outlines the roles and responsibilities of the
position, provides a sample meeting agenda, other relevant information to help
manage the zone. X

Region Chairpersons Manual –This helpful guide includes the role and
responsibilities of the region chairperson as well as information to help manage the
region. X

District Governor's Advisory Committee Meeting Report – This report improves

the communication between the zone chairpersons and the district governor team by
identifying the strengths and the challenges of each club. X

Zone Chairperson Training – The online zone chairperson training consists of four
independent study modules that focus on the rols and responsibilities of the zone
chairperson. Zone chairpersons are encouraged to contact their GLT district
coordinator to learn about additional instructor-led training workshops for this
position. X
Model District Governor‟s Advisory Meetings ( Zone Meetings) This guide
provides model agendas, resources and suggested presentations as well as X

includes tips to increase attendance and participation for an effective and

meaningful meeting.

Presentations for Speaking Engagements – Perfect for zone meetings and club
visits. X

Excellence Awards – Based on the core keys to success – service, membership

growth, communication and club management – the award is more than a pin, it is a
pathway to club success. X

This helps in knowing achievements and identifying grey areas for improvement.

Dairymen Training:

This programme aims at building managerial skills of progressive farmers who have
more than five milch animals to bring more success in their dairy husbandry.

Development Review:
This programme aims at District Union‟s review of the comparative progress of five
year programme of Dairy Co-operative Societies and suggests remedial measures.

The Development Review (DR) is an opportunity to:

Review the past year, identifying successes and problems

Plan for the future, taking into consideration the objectives of the College or
Professional Service

Identify learning and development opportunities

Benefits of DR for the individual:

A formal opportunity to review progress and plan for future activity and

An exchange of experience and feedback at both personal and professional levels

Clarification of roles and responsibilities

Opportunity to suggest improvements and changes

A formal record of experience and learning over time

Benefits of DR for the College/Professional Service/team:

Improved communications

Identification and pursuit of common goals

Better planning for learning and development on an individual,

College/Professional Service or University-wide basis

Self Managing Leadership Programme:

Amul undertakes Self Managing Leadership Programme for women resource

persons through Brahmakumari Iswariya Vishwa Vidyalaya at Mt. Abu to bring a
value based approach in development process. Leadership, like everything else in
life, has two dimensions: the external and the internal. The external or
interpersonal dimension of leadership relates to the actual business of making
things happen, managing relationships and day to day activities. The internal or
intrapersonal dimension is about personal attitude, beliefs, emotions and habits.
Leaders, like every other human beings, have to deal with their teams, with their
people and with uncontrollable, ever changing, external conditions

The data which we analyzed from the questionnaire of Mother Dairy has the
following findings Today‟s data centers consume roughly two percent of all the
energy used in the United States, with a significant portion of that energy going to
non-IT loads, such as cooling and power conditioning. A Green technology
assessment suggested that wireless sensor networks could provide a cost-effective
and facilities-friendly way of helping data center operators visualize and
implement system changes that reduce overall energy consumption. Recently, we
put that assessment to the test at the ;

50% of employees feel change in their knowledge; skills and quality of work
collectively while 30% in their knowledge, 10% in their skills and 10% in their
quality of work.

80% of employees have increased their morale and speed of work, 10% of
employees have only increased their morale while remaining 10% increased their
speed of work after attending trainingprogrammes.

70% of employees have been promoted more than ones after attending training
70% of employees strongly agree with the fact that training sessions would be
more beneficial if, some background material is provided to them.


Mother dairy is one of the largest liquid milk plants in Asia. It sells more than 32
lakh litres of milk per day, out of which approximately 11.5 lakh litres of milk is
sold as bulk vended milk and another 19lakh liters of milk is sold in sachets in 5
different variants i.e. full cream, standardized, toned, double toned, skim milk
across 6 states.

Mother dairy has set up consumer information department where in consumers are
made aware about goodness of milk, various stages of milk processing and
possible adulterants in milk. Mother dairy not only takes care of people‟s health by
providing good quality milk and milk products but also cares a lot for the

In an effort to conserve fuel, mother dairy utilizes the abundant solar energy to
preheat the water going into the boilers.

For maintaining ground water level, a rain water harvesting plant has been
installed in the dairy premises.

There is an effluent treatment plant in which the water used for cleaning the
equipments and tankers is treated before being discharged into the sewage system.

Strategically located mother dairy managed more than 1000 milk shops across
Delhi and NCR make it convenient for the consumers to pick up their daily
requirement of milk, flavored milk, butter, dahi, lassi, mouth watering ice creams
etc. mother dairy‟s state of the art processing and stringent quality management
system ensure that the consumers get the best quality products from its large range
of products portfolio.
I conclude that through proper training an employee can become multi skilled and

this I have practically

noticed through my analysis. Thus, training endeavors to impart knowledge, skill

and attitudes necessary

to perform job related task.

I have found out that because of the training employees are more able to perform

their work very

effectively. By imparting suitable training to employees the company achieves the
target of: -

Low cost

High quality

Timely delivery


Value for money

Customer satisfaction

The training circular form can also include a brief introduction about the subject
for which the training program has been organized so that the participants are able
to understand the topics being covered in the training programme in advance.

It is easier for the trainee to understand the material that is meaningful so all the
material should be meaningful and theory can also be made interesting if they
include: -

When material is presented to the employee a variety of similar example should be


The term and concept that are already familiar to the trainee should be used.

Training material should be organized in a logical manner and has meaningful


A company should implement their training programmes in a manner that 100% of

their employees agree that their personal growth increases with training and



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