CTC Newsletter - 1 March

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The Newsletter of Nenagh Community Training Centre


Message from the Manager

Welcome back to The Inside Story from Nenagh Community THE BEGINNING OF THE
Training Centre (CTC). Everything you see inside Issue Two
took place during the second half of 2018! As I review these
pages I really don't know where we found the time to fit it all
in. Issue Two strongly reflects the creative strength that
underpins our work at Nenagh CTC. In this issue we
showcase our talent in Art, Woodwork, Hair and Beauty, as GET OFF THE NICOTINE
well as raising social awareness. One of the features of life
in the CTC is that, as new Learners join us, others will be
ready to finish their journey. In this issue we hear from one
of those young people who reflects on his professional and
personal experiences in our centre.
We are always delighted to hear from potential new Learners
at Nenagh CTC so please come in to have a chat about CHRISTMAS FAIR EVER!
tapping into your potential. Likewise, we are very keen to
foster stronger links with the community so if you or your
organisation have any ideas about joint initiatives with
Nenagh CTC then please give me a call.


'Inside Job' Editorial Team

Member Dominic 'Doz'
Sheridan reflects on his
time at Nenagh CTC as he
prepares to move on to life
beyond St. John's Place

I have become more confident in all

areas. I am better at speaking in public
and even singing in public: #To smoke is
a joke x-hale 2017 (see previous edition
of the newsletter for my full report). My
communication skills and customer
service have also improved.
THE BEGINNING OF THE END: For my work experience, I got a job as a
kitchen porter in a busy local hotel and I
MY NENAGH CTC JOURNEY was in a kitchen around a lot of chefs. I
In February 2019, I left Nenagh Community Training got to witness first-hand what goes on
Centre. After attending for two years and three inside a busy kitchen. This has
months, my journey came to its natural end. heightened my interests in going into
The reason I came to the centre is because I didn’t catering for a future career. In the short-
feel comfortable going into work or further term, I will be attending a ten-week Bar-
education straight away after completing my tending course at the Hospitality
Leaving Cert, but I also didn’t want to take a year Education and Training Centre in
out, so I came here because it’s not too hands-on
but kept me active.
Attending Nenagh CTC has opened new
My experience has been eventful and joyful as I met
doors but I finally know what I want to do
new people and we get to do a lot of activities and
now that I have completed my stay here.
also be educated along the way. I have learned new
I want to get a job and earn enough
skills for work life beyond NCTC and also learned a
money to enrol myself in Waterford
lot about cooking through my experience with the
Institute of Technology where I have
catering course.
already identified a course.
I enjoyed being a part of the CTC family because it
has brought me on a journey of self-development.

Following on from our strong finish in 2017, Nenagh CTC returned to the Irish Cancer
Society's X-Hale competition with a brand new entry for 2018. Get off the Nicotine Road
was our unique take on the beloved The Wizard of Oz and featured the talents of five of
our Learners workng under the direction of our Art Tutor, Annie Holland. Entering the
X-Hale competition each each year means creating and submitting a short film that
promotes the eradication of smoking in our society. For 2018 we called upon our art and
colouring skills, with a particular emphasis on the cartoon element, as well as our hidden
talents for voice-overs. At almost two-and-a-half minutes in length one might be mistaken
for thinking that this short film was quick and easy to produce. Nothing could be further
from the truth. It is the result of many weeks of brainstorming, storyboarding, debating,
sketching, colouring, filming, joking, and generally tearing our hair out...and we loved
every minute of it! How did we do in the competition? See over the page...

On 5 July 2018, a group of Nenagh CTC

Learners, accompanied by two of our
Tutors, Annie and Sheila, once more
made the trip to the Irish Cancer Society
X-Hale Youth Awards. This year our
destination was The Heilx at DCU. We
joined over 350 other young people from
forty-five youth and community groups
across Ireland. Each entry showcased an
anti-tobacco message and each one was
powerful and a worthy winner. Donal
Buggy, Head of Services at the Irish
Cancer Society commented, “The Irish
ONCE AGAIN, WE CAME HOME Cancer Society is very proud to
FROM X-HALE WITH OUR HEADS showcase the work of youth groups who
have displayed such creativity and
originality in promoting the anti-tobacco
PROUD OF THIS ONE! messaging in their communities. The
entries submitted show that young
people truly understand the dangers of
smoking and the power of the tobacco
industry. Young people have a vital role
to play on the journey to Ireland
becoming a tobacco-free country.”
Get off the Nicotine Road finished an
amazing second place in our category
(Short Film - Senior Category).
The overall winner was Stoneybatter
CTC with their entry, Smoking...Don't
Pay the Ultimate Price and we send them
our congratulations!

On one of the most special days in

the Nenagh CTC calendar we throw
open the doors to let the world see
us do what we do best...were you at
our Christmas Fair?

It might feel like a long time ago now but Thursday 13 December 2018 is still fresh in our
minds because it marked, as this event always does, one of the highlights of our year. The
barriers between sensible and silly came down, the doors were flung open and the non-
alcoholic mulled wine flowed generously as we welcomed one and all to our Annual
Christmas Fair. This was undoubtedly our biggest Christmas Fair to date with a richness
of crafts, decorations, food and fun. All the decorations, logs, cakes and other random
goodies were created by our talented Learners under the guidance of their enthusiastic
Tutors. Weeks of planning went into creating a very special, funny, warm and festive day
where we welcomed our Learners, their families, all our team, members of our board of
management as well as those from the Nenagh community who saw our open invitation. In
the photographs with this article you will see a sample of that very special day! Thank you
to everyone who attended, and to each one of our Learners and their Tutors who put
together the wonderful displays of crafts and food.You make us proud each and every
day, not just at Christmas!

The CTC Christmas elves busy

at work preparing for the fair.
One of our star bakers, Tina
(above), making the magic

Adventures in Ceramics

One of our most intriguing and

thought-provoking projects
during 2018 was the creation of
a large collection of ceramic
plates for our Nenagh CTC
'Wall of Fame'

Nobody was safe! Our talented

Art department created
ceramic plate representations
of Learners, Tutors (current
and former!) and Board
Members but...where is our
Manager, Rose??!!

The person represented in each

layout was invited to select
their own quote, life motto or
favourite saying. As an
example above, Charlene chose
'Sky Above Me, Earth Below
Me, Fire Within Me'.

Once the ceramics were created

it was over to Paddy and his
Woodwork team (the Wall-of-
Famers) to create a suitable
display area. With the use of
much elbow grease, paint,
measuring tapes and spirit
levels, the result is the
wonderful Nenagh CTC Wall
of Fame just off the Canteen

The Wall of Fame Project was created by the Art Department comprising of Learners
and Staff of Nenagh CTC with the valuable assistance of an Arts Fund Grant from
Tipperary County Council.
See Also www.anniehollandart.com

Create an Image

Hairdressing Fashion Show

On 6 December 2018 we hosted our in-house
Hairdressing Fashion show, Create an Image.
Under the creative guidance of our
Hairdressing Tutor, Deirdre, many of the
Learners were only too delighted to volunteer
as stylists and models. Every great fashion
event needs a great DJ and on this occasion
the beats were provided by our very own MC-

The latest news from the

Learners and Team at
Nenagh CTC

New Beauty and Hairdressing Course

In February 2019, Nenagh CTC launches our new
Beauty and Hairdressing Course certified by VTCT
(Vocational Training Charitable Trust). VTCT is a
specialist awarding and assessment organisation
offering vocational and technical qualifications in a
range of service sectors. If you are interested in
joining us for this or any of our exciting learning
experiences then please make contact!

Epilepsy Awareness Training

In September, three of our Team members, Rose,
Mary and Sheila, participated in and received
certification for "Epilepsy Awareness and the
Administration of Buccal Midazolam" Thank you to
Veronica and Emer at Epilepsy Ireland.

Canteen Refurbishment
Just in time for Christmas, our
Canteen received a much-needed re-
vamp in the form of a funky re-design
of the layout. With new seating
formations our dining experience will
never be the same again! Big thanks
to our Catering Tutor, Carmel, and
her team for taking a lead in the
selection of the new design.

Contact Details
Telephone 067-32832
Email roses@nenaghctc.com
Facebook Nenagh CTC
Twitter @nenaghctc
Postal Address Nenagh Community Training
Centre | St.John's Place | Nenagh | Co.
Web www.nenaghctc.com

Goodbye from the Yellow Brick Road...for now!

Editor and Layout - Dr Conor Reidy | www.silverviewediting.com
Editorial Team - Kayla Mitchell | Conor Reddan | Dominic Sheridan
Ceramic and Christmas Fair Photography - Annie Holland
Published by Nenagh Community Training Centre

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