Attacks by Jaguars (Panthera Onca) On Humans in Central Brazil: Report of Three Cases, With Observation of A Death

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Attacks by Jaguars (Panthera onca) on Humans in Central

Brazil: Report of Three Cases, with Observation of a
Manoel Francisco Campos Neto, MD; Domingos Garrone Neto, MSc, PhD;
Vidal Haddad Junior, MD, MSc, PhD
From the Forensic Medicine Section – POLITEC –Cáceres, Mato Grosso State, Brazil (Dr Campos Neto); Post-Graduation in Zoology,
Sacred Heart University, Bauru City, São Paulo State, Brazil (Dr Garrone Neto); Botucatu School of Medicine, UNESP, São Paulo, Univ
Estadual Paulista and Vital Brazil Hospital, Butantan Institute, Post-Graduation in Zoology, Biosciences Institute, Univ Estadual Paulista,
São Paulo, Brazil (Dr Haddad).

Conflicts between humans and big cats have been known for centuries throughout the world, but have
intensified in recent decades. Recently, attacks by Panthera onca on humans in Brazil have been
brought to the forefront through exposure in the press and because of the severity of the attacks. We
report 3 cases of patients attacked by jaguars in provoked and predatory situations. Two patients
survived the attacks and one died. Attack mechanisms and lesions in victims are discussed. The attacks
demonstrate a real risk of accidents from jaguars in certain regions, such as the Pantanal and the
Key words: animal damage, attacks on human, large carnivores, wildlife, man-jaguar interaction

Introduction (Panthera onca) and the puma (Puma concolor). The

jaguar is the third largest cat in the world, reaching more
Although conflicts between humans and big cats have
than 2.5 meters in length and 110kg in weight (Figure 1).
been known for centuries throughout the world, they
Its original distribution included all southern United
have become especially prevalent in areas where expan-
States and Latin America, but today it is restricted to the
sion of urban centers and agricultural frontiers has de-
Amazon rainforest, the Pantanal (a vast wetland situated
creased the habitat size of these animals. Urban expan-
on the border of Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia), and
sion, in addition to restricting and even preventing
protected areas of the Atlantic Forest in eastern Brazil
genetic diversity among remnant populations, reduces
the availability of natural prey. Species are forced to hunt (Figure 1).7,8 The cougar, also known as the mountain
outside of their protected areas, which may result in lion, puma, or as the suçuarana in Brazilian Indian lan-
unintended consequences for both man and animal.1-3 guage (P. concolor), has a wider distribution and greater
Worldwide, hundreds of deaths are caused by large cat tolerance to the environmental changes occurring in dif-
attacks annually.1-3 In Tanzania, East Africa, it is esti- ferent habitats, ranging from Canada to Patagônia.9
mated that over 1000 people have been attacked by lions Both species have a history of attacking humans, al-
(Panthera leo) in the last 20 years.4 Between 1984 and though only negative interactions between P. concolor
2000, in the mangrove forests of eastern India and west- and humans have been reported in the medical literature,
ern Bangladesh, statistics show that at least 401 human with 20 deaths and at least 82 nonfatal attacks occurring
deaths have occurred after attacks by Bengal tigers (Pan- in the United States and Canada between 1890 and
thera tigris tigris), an average of 24 deaths per year.5,6 In 2001.10 Recently, some attacks by P. onca on humans
the Americas, the 2 species of big cats are the jaguar have occurred in Brazil and have been brought to the
forefront through exposure in the press and because of
Corresponding author: Vidal Haddad Jr, MD, PhD, Univ Estadual
the severity of the attacks.
Paulista, Departamento de Dermatologia, Caixa Postal 557, 18618-000 In this article, we report 3 P. onca attacks in humans
Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil (e-mail: in midwestern Brazil, in transition areas among 3 major
2 Campos Neto et al

Figure 1. The jaguar (Panthera onca) is the third largest cat of the world and the most powerful predator in the Americas. Photographs: Vidal
Haddad Junior and Domingos Garrone Neto. Map: Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Brazil.

South American ecosystems—the Cerrado (savannah- his dogs had been killed and he tried to flee but he was
like regions), the Pantanal, and the Amazon region— bitten immediately on the left shoulder. The victim
highlighting the problem posed by environmental change struck the animal in the head with the machete and the
and changing human attitudes towards wildlife. jaguar released its grip. When he struck more blows with
the machete, the jaguar attacked from the front, scratch-
ing the victim deeply on the chest and left forearm. At
Case Summaries
that moment, another Indian and his dog came to the
Case 1: In May 2007, a 40-year-old male Aweti Indian victim’s aid. The jaguar attacked and killed the third dog
suffered a nonfatal attack while traveling through the but the owner eventually drove the jaguar away and it
woods on the shores of Lake Ipawu in the Upper Xingu disappeared into the woods. The victim was taken back
Indian Reserve. The victim was traveling to a cassava to the village, where he was treated by the tribe’s sha-
plantation early in the morning accompanied by 2 dogs. man. The shaman applied herbal preparations to the
The dogs attacked a jaguar lurking just off the trail, about injuries. He now only shows the scars of the scratches
300 m from the village. Initially, the jaguar avoided caused by the attack (Figure 2).
confrontation with the dogs but eventually attacked them Case 2: Around 6 PM on July 14, 2010, a 17-year-old
after dropping from the tree where it had been cornered. white male from Mateus Lemos (Minas Gerais State)
Armed with a machete and a stick of wood, the victim was attacked while returning from a fishing trip in Cac-
tried to help the dogs by fighting the jaguar. He saw that eres, Mato Grosso State, in North Pantanal. His compan-
Attacks by Jaguars on Humans in Brazil 3

Figure 2. The attack in Case 1 was provoked by the victim’s dogs that hunted the jaguar. Brazilian Indians kill jaguars to demonstrate power
and prestige (see the necklace with the claws). Note the victim’s scars. Photographs: Domingos Garrone Neto.

ions reported that a jaguar jumped out of a ravine onto vived and currently has a memory deficit (traumatic
the boat and bit the victim on the right shoulder, tipping amnesia and aphasia) and awaits further surgery for
him into the water. Shortly after, the jaguar surfaced in placement of a cranial acrylic prosthesis.
the river with the victim’s head between its teeth. The Case 3: A 21year-old fisherman from Cáceres (Mato
boat skipper then smashed an iron pipe into the jaguar Grosso State) was attacked in a remote area of Cáceres
and the animal released the victim and escaped into the county. The attack occurred around 7: 30 PM on June 24,
ravine. The first responder on scene applied compressive 2008, in a place known as “Pacu Gordo” on the banks of
bandaging to the injuries of the scalp. En route to med- the Paraguay River near Taiamã Nature Reserve. It is an
ical care they encountered another boat that had a doctor open site, measuring about 25 m wide and 10 m deep,
aboard; that doctor improved placement of the compres- surrounded by native vegetation with poor natural light-
sive bandages, established venous access, and adminis- ing, requiring the use of open fire and artificial lighting
tered intravenous saline solution, an antibiotic (cephalo- so that fishermen can spend the night. The victim was
sporin), an anti-inflammatory, and analgesics. He also sleeping in a tent with the entrance closed. The animal
recommended the administration of rabies and tetanus entered the tent and inflicted bites to the posterior cervi-
vaccinations. cal region and head of the fisherman (bilaterally, with
The victim was admitted to a hospital about 8 hours tissue and bone loss) as well as claw scratches and
after the attack. Physical examination showed perfora- punctures, especially in the pectoral region and the back
tions from the jaguar’s fangs (marked in the fractured of the shoulders and limbs. Death was attributed to high
and extracted bone fragments of the skull) and facial, cervical transection of the spinal cord. The body was
right arm, and right back scratches, as well as perfora- dragged approximately 60 m into the woods and recov-
tions to the victim’s body. He was diagnosed with cra- ered by fishermen who responded to a radio warning
nial-encephalic trauma, with brain and bone tissue loss from the victim’s father. The attack was classified as
on the left side of the head (Figure 3). Surgeons removed predatory. Necropsy, performed by one of the authors
bone fragments and devitalized brain tissue, repaired the (MFCN), described the following: The body had com-
dura mater, and sutured skin lesions with rigorous atten- minuted fractures (several fragments) associated with
tion to hemostasis of affected vessels. The victim sur- traumatic dislocation of the cervical spine, with severe
4 Campos Neto et al

Figure 3. This violent attack by a jaguar on a tourist could have killed the victim, who presented with severe lesions in the cephalic segment,
with fractures and loss of cranium bone fragments and cerebral tissue (Case 2). This was classified as a predatory attack. Photographs: Manoel
Francisco de Campos Neto.

spinal cord injury, cerebrospinal fluid leakage, tissue cluded field first aid measures to control the bleeding,
loss, and multiple lesions from mixed action (perfora- intravenous medication administration, and a lack of
tions, cuts, and contusions) directed to the posterior major vessel involvement along with the protection
regions of the cervical spine. There were significant given by the skull and subsequent efforts of the medical
vascular-nerve cervical lesions (arteries, veins, and team headed up by a neurosurgeon.
nerves) and traumatic brain injury with fracture and In Case 3, the situation was by definition a predatory
tearing of part of the left hemicranium and perforations attack, as the animal broke into the tent where the victim
and scratches from claws on various parts of the body was sleeping, attacked the posterior cervical region and
(Figure 4). dragged the body into the woods. The locations of the
bites, punctures, and scratches reinforce these observa-
tions (prey immobilization and restraint), adding a se-
Discussion and Conclusions
quential character to the predation movements.
The 3 attacks took place under different situations. In the The marks and trauma to the victim’s body suggested
first case, the jaguar was likely provoked after being some characteristic features of jaguar attacks: the main
cornered by the dogs. The outcome of this encounter did injuries (possibly causing instantaneous death) were
not result in the victim’s death probably because of his bites to the cervical spine with torn nerve, muscle, and
defensive reaction, striking the animal’s face, and the cutaneous tissue, as well as cervical vertebrae fractures;
support from a passerby. the force of the bite and rotational movements to pro-
The second and third attacks, however, could be con- mote spine displacement is characteristic of prey kills by
sidered predatory in nature. In Case 2 (non-fatal attack), this species. Other lesions were the perforations caused
the jaguar held the young man’s head with its fangs by the claws when gripping the victim’s shoulders (in-
thereby restraining its prey in an unprovoked attack. The dicating a strong compression into the ground at the time
blows from an iron pipe forced the cat to abandon its of restraint and feeding). There was also a skull fracture
prey and flee. A combination of factors contributed to the with tissue removal on the side of the head (mainly the
patient’s survival, despite the long interval between the left side), associated with the beginning of feeding, and
attack and the medical treatment. These measures in- multiple scratch marks on the upper chest (anterior, near
Attacks by Jaguars on Humans in Brazil 5

Figure 4. A fatal predatory attack in which the victim was killed by bites to the posterior cervical region. There is extensive destruction of bones,
muscular and cutaneous tissue, blood vessels and nerves. Photographs: Manoel Francisco de Campos Neto.

the neck and back) and on proximal portions of the upper lesions (for example higher risk in areas of compromised
limb—suggesting position changes by the predator in vascularity); 2) type of the wound (deep punctures, macerated/
moving the victim and starting to feed. crushed tissue are associated with joint or fracture contamina-
These attacks, although different in motivation, dem- tion); 3) the characteristics of the victim (older than 50 years,
onstrate that the risk of accidents from jaguars (P. onca) chronic diseases, immunocompromised); and 4) biting species
is real in certain regions. Important factors contributing (large cats produce deep punctures).13
to this risk include the increasing loss of hunting habitats The use of prophylactic antibiotics is not recom-
and availability of wild prey (pecaris, deer, and capi- mended in all cases but should be reserved for use in
baras), the destruction and fragmentation of jaguars’ moderate-to-high risk cases11-13 If used, antibiotics must
natural habitat, as well as the intentional presence of tourists, be administered early and the recommended antibiotics
fishermen, and hunters in territorial areas of adult animals include a penicillin and a first generation cephalosporin,
during the mating season or when they have offspring.
or a second generation cephalosporin or Clindamycin
The treatment of attacks by big cats is multifactorial.
and a fluoroquinolone.13 Tetanus prophylaxis is neces-
The patient usually presents with extensive skin lacera-
sary and rabies post-exposure prophylaxis treatment may
tions and may have fractures and neurovascular injuries, espe-
be indicated depending on the epidemiology of terrestrial
cially in the neck and head.11-13 Ideally, these injuries should
be managed in a trauma center by a surgical team employing rabies in the specific area.
radiological examinations searching for possible fractures. In the Porto Jofre region (Cáceres county) and the
Suturing the wounds may be necessary (there are 3 west and north regions of the Pantanal, package tours
considerations to suture a wound caused by a wild ani- are offered to view jaguars in the wild. The animals are
mal: cosmetics, function, and risk factors) but predis- attracted with food (cevas) or by simulating calls made
poses them to infection caused mainly by streptococci by females in the breeding season, using the esturrador,
and staphylococci and, rarely, Pasteurella multocida. a type of instrument made from bamboo (MFCN, per-
The preparation and cleansing of the wounds to be su- sonal observation). These practices have made human
tured are main factors in the success of the measure.13 presence less intimidating for certain animals. Big cats
The risk factors for infection are: 1) location of the can become very dangerous when surprised by sudden
6 Campos Neto et al

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