Iep of Sam

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Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Student’s Name: Sam Student's Date of Birth: January 12, 2006

Undergraduate Teacher: J. Diego Alvarez Lab Day/Time: Tuesday @7pm

1. Introductory Paragraph: Sam is a 12 year old student who is a fun kid to be

around once you get him talking and participating in different drills. Sam enjoys physical
education but has difficulties when given complex directions and has a tough time executing
certain skills. He enjoys playing the games and gets specifically excited when he performs well
in them. He also likes to be rewarded by receiving high fives when he does perform a task well.
He is a little bit delayed in his skill set for his age, however, he knows how to perform the basics
for each skill and showed a willing to improve and get better. He was assessed using the TGMD2
skills test. The assessment took place on September 11th, 2018 inside of the Park Center gym at
SUNY Cortland. During the assessment we were given a part of the gym and other students were
being assessed at the same time. There weren’t any outside factors that would’ve interfered with
his assessment.

2. Present Level of Performance:

Cognitive: During the past couple weeks working with Sam and from the TGMD-2 test I
have been trying to get a baseline of where he is cognitively. I feel that this is one of the areas
where Sam can use the most help in. Throughout the weeks whenever we work on a skill I will
demonstrate it to him then ask him to repeat it back to me. He has always been able to do the
skill back for me but struggles in describing the skill to me using words. He has been able to give
me some cues for certain skills such as dribbling he knew to describe the skill to me by saying
use your fingertips to contact the ball. Other skills though he has struggled to do that up to this

Affective: From my time working with Sam he has shown me he is a very respectful
student who can interact with the other students in the class very well. The first few weeks we
have been working mainly one on one but there have been a few times where we joined another
group to work together or during the closing activity when everyone is together playing a game.
During these occasions Sam has showed to me that he can interact with others well. At times
there may be incidents where he can be shy or quiet but once he gets playing and starts to see
you as a friend he opens up more to you.

Psychomotor: From what I have seen from Sam up to this point and what I have taken
away from his TGMD-2 test scores it is obvious to me that he can perform all of the skills that
have been tested on. During the test he was able to perform every locomotor skill and object
control skill while only missing one or two critical elements. He has the basics down for
everything. He knows what he is supposed to do when it comes to each skill what he needs to
work on now is polishing these skills and getting one or two more critical elements down before
he can be considered proficient in them. The biggest thing for locomotor skills he needs to work
on horizontal jump and his hop all other skills in this category were minimal stuff that need
work. For his object control skills, the biggest thing he needs to work on is his kicking. He
struggled with his rapid approach to the ball.

*Fitness: Through the first few weeks we haven’t done much to work on fitness
specifically. During the games that we play though I have been able to observe some of his
fitness levels. During our 60 minute classes he can go the full length without needing a break
which shows me he has a high level of endurance. Also, during some games where throwing or
kicking have been involved he has been able to do these skills from a far distance which showed
me he has a good amount of muscular strength. This has all showed me that Sam is in good
fitness state and that fitness does not need to be one our main focus in class.

3. Long Term Goals and Short Term Objectives:

A. Cognitive Goal: My long term goal for Sam is for him to be able to describe
to me how to perform any two object control skills and any two locomotor skills.

1. Short term objective: One of my short term goals is for him to

describe some of the rules of one of the sports that he likes such as basketball or

2. Short term objective: Another short term goal is for Sam to be able to
tell me the directions for a drill I have described to him and explain it to a group

B. Affective Goal: My long term goal for Sam to be able to communicate with
other students in the class and keep the conversation going.

1. Short term objective: One of my goals for Sam is for him to listen to
all the directions and be able to perform the task without any further instructions
being needed.

2. Short term objective: Another short term goal for him is for him to be
able to help one of his classmates out if they seem like they are struggling with
something in class.

C. Psychomotor Goal: My long term goal is for Sam is for him to be able to kick
a soccer ball while only missing one or two critical elements for the skill and for
him to be able to horizontally jump and hop while only missing one or two critical

1. Short term objective: One of my short term goals is for him to be able
dribble a basketball with both hands while demonstrating all the critical elements
for the skill.

2. Short term objective: Another short term goal is for him to be able to
leap and gallop while demonstrating all the critical elements for the skill.
D. Fitness: My long term goal is for Sam to be able to perform a full length class
without getting tired once.

1. Short term objective: One of my short term goals is for him to be able
to perform a set of jumping jacks with perfect form.

2. Short term objective: Another short term goal is for him to start
running more during the games that we play instead of a fast walk.

Most students will be taught within groups in lab. Plan for teaching your students in
groups through completing the following sections. (If your student will not be taught in a
group, complete the following sections for just your student.)

4. Health Considerations
Sam has shown to me throughout our first couple of weeks together that there are
no health concerns or limitations that I should be worried about throughout the
class. He has been able to perform every task I have given him without a problem.

5. Behavioral Considerations
Sam has been a very well behaved student during my time with him. The only
behavioral aspect I must keep an eye on is his motivation to participate. There has
been some task where he gets turned off and just goes through the motion.
Besides from that he has no problems.

6. Teaching Strategies
One teaching strategy I can incorporate into my lesson is more use of group
activities. He doesn’t get much interaction with other students up to this point and
when he does he seems to enjoy it. Another strategy I can incorporate is more
games where I as the teacher am involved in the game playing either with Sam or
against him. One thing I have noticed is Sam does like to be a little competitive
and likes winning. I have played a few games against him and whenever he wins
he gets a smile on his face. One last teaching strategy I can use with Sam is more
high energy games. Sam likes to go through the motions at point so if I can keep
the energy up I can hopefully get Sam to enjoy the games more and have more

7. Evaluation Plan
At the end of semester, I will reevaluate Sam’s skill level with the TGMD-2 skill
test. If his scores go up from his pre-test scores, then that will show me that this
lab has been beneficial for Sam and that he has learned from it.

8. Services to be Provided:
Physical education instruction once each week at SUNY Cortland Adapted
Physical Education Lab for one semester starting the week of September 11th and
going through the week of December 3rd.

9. APE Placement Decision Model

After being with Sam the past couple of lab classes and seeing what he is capable
of I believe Sam is at a skill level where he can be included in general PE. He
knows how to perform all the skill sets needed in the class he would just need to
practice them a little bit harder than other students to keep up in the class.

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