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Q1 Answer all the following questions in brief: ( 2 marks * 5)

(a) Differentiate between flow-chart and data flow diagram.
(b) 'What is Bluetooth? Name any two devices that utilize Bluetooth technology.
(c) Define Virtual Private Networks (VPN).
(d) What is the difference between electronic cheque and paper cheque?
(e) What are the objectives of business process automation?

Q2. (a) What are the various key factors to be considered. in implementing Business Process
Management (BPM) in an enterprise ? (4 marks)

(b) What are the major reasons for failure of Business Process Management System (BPMS)? (4 marks)

Q3. (a) What is cloud computing ? Describe any three types of clouds in cloud computing environment.
(4 marks)

(b) What is mobile computing ? What are the three major concerns related to mobile computing ? (4

4. (a) What is Bus Topology ? List its two advantages and two disadvantages. (3 marks)

(b) What do you mean by threat and vulnerability ? Explain any three facts responsible for occurrence of
vulnerabilities in the software. (5 marks)

Q5 (a) Briefly explain the two main approaches to establish access controls in Software Systems. (4

(b) Explain the different components of Decision Support Systems. (4 marks)

6. (a) List out different types of delivery channels through which information is delivered to the user. (4

(b) Briefly explain Grid Computing. What are possible reasons of using grid computing ? (4 marks)

7. Write short notes on any four of the following: (2 marks * 4 )

(a) Hardware Virtualization
(b) Total Quality Management (TQM)
(d) eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)
(e) Software as a Service (SaaS)
MAY 2015
Q1 Answer all the following questions in brief : ( 2 marks * 5)
(a) What are the key benefits of Business Process Automation (BPA.).
(b) Vow extranets are used by business Organizations ?
(c) Name the various phases of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in the logically correct order.
(d) Briefly explain three tiers in three tier architecture.
(e) What are the components of the Computerized Information Processing Cycle?

Q2 ABC Limited& is a Software development company, which appointed 50 software engineers in

August'2014 at a monthly salary of 30,000. All these engineers shall be entitled for an increment in their
monthly salary after six months. The increment on present monthly salary shall be based on their
performance to be evaluated on a 100 marks scale as per details given below:
 Performance Marks < 70, then incremental shall be 10% of present salary.
 70 <= Performance marks < 80, then increment shall be 20% of present salary.
 Performance Marks >= 80, then increment shall be 30% of present salary.
Draw a Flow-Chart to enable to print the details like name Of the engineer, Performance marks, monthly
increment amount end revised Monthly Salary for each of these 50 engineers. (8 marks)

Q3 (a) Describe the following service models of cloud computing. (4 marks)

(i) Network as a Service (NaaS)
(ii) Platform as a Service (PaaS)
(b) What is Server ? Briefly explain any four types of servers based on the nature of service they provide.
(4 marks)

Q4 (a) Which network topology can be used in case of Military Installations With a very small number of
nodes and why it should be used ? List advantages and disadvantages of such network topology. (4

(b) What is Accounting information System (AIS) ? Briefly describe the key components of AIS. (4 marks)

5. (a) Differentiate between Explicit Knowledge and Tacit Knowledge. (4 marks)

(b) Explain the pre-requisites of ACID Test for any Transaction Processing System (TPS). (4 marks)

6 (a) Discuss any four key characteristics of Cloud Computing. (4 marks)

(b) What are the major process controls, which should be enforced through front end application
system, to have consistency in the control process? (4 marks)

7. Write short notes on any four of the following : (2 marks * 4 ques)

(a) Radical Redesign
(b) Android
(c) Pea-to-Peer Networks (P2P)
(d) Electronic Purses
(e) Network Virtualization

Q1 Answer .the following questions in brief. (2 marks * 5)
(a) Mention the challenges in implementing. Business Process Automation
(b) Distinguish between Cache Memory and Virtual Memory
(e) In what way a Switch is different from a Router in the' computer networks?
(d) What are the key aspects to- be considered in implementing e-commerce ?
(e) Define `On-line processing' and 'Real-time processing'.

Q2. An E-Commerce site has the following cash back offers.

(i) If the purchase mode is via website, an initial discount of 10% is given on the bill amount.
(ii) If the purchase mode is via phone app, an initial discount of 20% is given on the bill amount.
(iii) If done via any other purchase mode, the customer is not eligible for any discount.
Every purchase eligible to discount is given 10 reward points.
(a) If the reward points are between 100 !and 200 points, the customer is eligible for a further 30%
discount on the bill amount after initial discount
(b) If the reward points exceed 200 points, the customer is eligible for a further 40% discount on the bill
amount after initial discount.
Taking purchase mode, bill amount and number of purchases as input, draw a flowchart to calculate and
display the total reward points and total bill amount payable by the customer after all the discount
calculation. (8 Marks)

Q3 (a) Mention briefly the different types of application software. (4 Marks)

(b) What are the major advantages and disadvantages of DBMS? (4 Marks)

Q4 (a) Mention the two categories of encryption/decryption methods. What are two basic approaches
to encryption? (4 Marks)

(b) Mention briefly the prominent characteristics of a 'Client-Server' architecture. (4 Marks)

Q5(a) What is meant by a “Decision Support System” ? Give a brief description of its component. (4

(b) Discuss key components of an 'Expert System'. (4 Marks)

Q6(a) Discuss any four advantages of Cloud Computing. (4 Marks)

(b) What is meant by `controls' in BPA? What are their major objectives? (4 Marks)

Q7. Write short notes on any four of the following: ( 2 Marks * 4)

(a) Firewall
(b) Entity-Relationship Diagram
(c) WhatsApp Messenger
(d) MS Office Applications
(e) Core Banking System
MAY 2016
Q1 Answer the following questions in brief: (2 marks * 5)
(a) Advantages of using E-R Diagram.
(b) Name of any four devices that utilize Bluetooth technology.
(c) What do you understand by Transmission mode' ? Name three types of transmission modes.
(d) Explain the four components of Executive Information Systems (EIS).
(e) Explain Cryptographic Controls.

Q2 (a) Describe any four reasons why documentation is important to Information Systems. (4 marks)
(b) Discuss the types of Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs). Also briefly mention the major components of DFD.
(4 marks)

3. (a) Write any 8 Information Systems Control procedures covering the access safeguards over
computer programs. (4 marks)

(b) Define the term 'Cloud Computing Architecture'. Explain the two parts of Cloud Computing
Architecture. (4 marks)

Q4 (a) What are the characteristics of Star Network? Write any two advantages and two disadvantages
of Star Network. (4 marks)

(b) What is the basic objective for providing network security? Explain the major functions and services
performed by the Physical Layer (Layer 1) of OSI Model of Network Architecture. (4 marks)

5. (a) What do you mean by 'Frame Based Expert System'? Also explain the various components of
Executive Information System (EIS). (4 marks)

(b) Explain the 'Dashboards' and 'Scorecards' as tools of business Intelligence. (4 marks)

6. (a) Describe the Information Systems Management Controls usually performed by Top Management
(4 marks)

(b) Discuss the constraints that need to be taken into consideration while developing a secured Grid
Architecture. (4 marks)

7. Write short notes on any four of the following: (4 marks)

(a) Six Sigma
(b) I-Pod
(c) Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
(d) Nucleus FinnOne
(e) Storage Virtualization
Q1 Answer the following in brief : (2marks * 5)
(a) State two Features of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) model of Cloud Computing.
(b) List any four features of computerized networking in an organization.
(c) Name any four key sub-modules of HRMS module of ERP.
(d) Present two differences between Switch and Bridge in Telecommunication Network
(e) List the four phases of evolution in the Hierarchy of Database modeling.

Q2 (a) Describe any four output Controls that have to be enforced both in a batch-processing
environment as well as in an online environment. (4marks)

(b) State and describe any two commercial applications of Artificial Intelligence. (4marks)

Q3 (a) Describe how the Business Community is benefitted by adopting Information Technology based
CRM process. (4marks)

(b) What is mobile computing? Discuss its components in brief. (4marks)

Q4 (a) Briefly describe the four stages of processing Credit Card transactions. (4marks)

(b) Explain the Concept of Virtualization. Enumerate any 2 major applications of visualization. (4marks)

Q5 Draw a Flowchart for the following process :

Leebay is a new e-commerce website that is setting up business in India. Leebay and their partner bank
Paxis have come up with a joint promotion plan for which the following offers am proposed.
Customers can either log in through a mobile app or directly from the website
(1) If the payment mode chosen is 'Paxis Credit', then a 20% discount is given to the user.
(2) If the payment mode chosen is 'Paxis Debit', then a 10% discount is given to the user.
(3) If other payment modes are used, then no discount is given.
Also, to promote the downloads of its new smartphone app, the company has decided to give the
following offer:
(I) If the purchase mode is 'Mobile App', then no surcharge is levied on the user.
(2) If any other purchase mode is used, then additional 5% surcharge is levied on the user. This
surcharge is applied on the bill after all necessary discounts have been applied.
With bill amount, payment mode and purchase mode as inputs, draw a flowchart for the billing
procedure for Leebay. (8 marks)

Q6. (a) What is a Data Flow Diagram. Explain the four major components of extra Data Flow Diagram.
(b) Describe the Wireless technologies that have evolved and widely used in modern day computerized
environment. (4marks)

Q7. Write Short notes on any four: (2marks * 4)

(a) Packet Switching.
(b) Object Oriented Data Base Model
(c) Memory Management
(d) Fat/Thick Client
(e) Data Mining
MAY 2017
Q1 Answer the following in brief: (2 marks * 5)
(a) Write any two principles of Business Process Management
(b) What kind of awareness is required by an auditor for auditing in an IT environment?
(c) What are the advantages of fiber-epic transmission?
(d) How does DSS (Decision Support System) help its users?
(e) What are the components of a Computerized Information Processing cycle?

Q2 A company is selling three types of products. Namely, A. B and C to two different types of customers
viz dealers and retailers. To promote the sales the company is offering the following discounts:
(I) 10% discount is allowed on Product A, irrespective of the category of customers and the value of
(ii) On product B. 8% discount is allowed to retailers and 11% discount to dealers. irrespective of the
value of order.
(iii) On product C. 15% discount is allowed to retailers irrespective of the value of order and 20%
discount to dealers if the value of order is minimum of t 10,000.
Draw a flowchart to calculate the discount for the above policy.

Q3 (a) Explain the different types of feasibility study done in the System Investigation phase of System
Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
(b) Explain any four advantages of using a Data Base Management System
4. (a) What are the characteristics of Local Area Networks ?
(b) What are the facts responsible for occurrence of vulnerabilities in the software ?

5. (a) Explain the different types of Information Systems.

(b) Explain the pm-requisites of ACID Test for any Transaction Processing System.
6. (a) Explain any four characteristics of cloud computing.
(b) What are the generic reasons for going for Business Process Automation ?

7. Write short notes on any four :

(a) Business Process Re-engineering
(b) Read Only Memory
(c) Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS)
(d) Artificial Intelligence
(e) Network Virtualization


Q1 Answer the following in brief (5ques * 2 marks)

(a) Risks involved in implementing Business Process Automation.
(b) Major concerns relating to mobile computing.
(c) Explain briefly ‘terminals’ in the telecommunications network.
(d) Differentiate between data and information.
(e) Differentiate between Online Processing and Real-time Processing.

Q2 (a) What an enterprise has to do to manage its information in an appropriate manner? Also,
mention any four operations that can be carried out with the help of Data Base Management
System (DBMS). (4 marks)
(b) What its Android? Discuss its significance. (4 marks)

Q3 What is meant by ‘Centralized Computing’ (CC) and Decentralized Computing’ (DC) in a network
computing system? In what manner the CC is considered better than the DC? (4 marks)
(b) What is meant by an Intrusion detection system? Discuss its various types. (4 marks)

Q4 (a) Explain briefly the phases of Decision Support System. (4 marks)

(b) What are ‘Knowledge Management Systems’ ? Explain its types. (4 marks)

Q5 (a) What are the phases of Program development life cycle? (4 marks)
(b) List out the application areas of Grid Computing. (4 marks)

Q6 (a) Draw a flow chart to incorporate for the following steps: (4 marks)
L1 N=1
L3 N=N*(N+1)
L4 STOP when N exceeds 100
Note that in step L3, ‘x’ denotes multiplication sign.

(b) List out output for the above program. (2 marks)

(c) List the output if the above program is modified in the step L1 as N = 0. (2 marks)

Q7 Write short notes on any four of the following: (4ques * 2 marks)

(a) Value Chain automation.
(b) Hardware Virtualization.
(c) M-commerce.
(d) Principles of lest Privilege.
(e) Vehicle Tracking System.

MAY 2018

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