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Teaching guide document for Experiment Physics

Teaching Asistant: LE Hoang Anh1
Quantum Control Lab, Department of Physics, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea

1. Introduction

In this document, I am going to chose Exp. 1-1: Centripetal Force and Elastic Force as the topic for

2. Theoretical teaching session

2.1. Using Excel to handle experiment values

In general physics at the level of undergraduate program, we conduct experiments to find the relation between
physical quantities, which is usually described by mathematical functions and graphs. For example, in the case of
elastic force F and displacement of spring ∆x, according to Hooke’s law we theoretically expect that the function
is linear
F = k∆x, (1)

where k is spring constant. The graph of the above function is undoubtedly a straight line. However, due to
errors, it is not straightforward to measure force and displacement one time then obtain the spring constant k.
We have to do measurements to collect many values of F and k. Then we find that the experimental graph will
not be linear as expected. Fig. 1 is one example. Hence, the question is how we could find the best-fit plot and

Figure 1: Experimental graph of Hooke’s law

the spring constant corresponding to the slope.

Frankly to say, the least square method is one the most powerful answer to the above question. However, this
method requires heavy mathematics. For that reason, I introduced them a much easier method: using Excel.
All students in my class already knew how to make a graph with a given data so I only had to point out the
creating-plot and equation displaying functions in Excel. The sequence could be described as follows: right click


to the plot, Add Trendline, choose Linear and Display Equation on chart. The result is expressed at Fig. 2,
where the spring constant k is 10.4.

Figure 2: Graph with fit plot and best-fit equation

2.2. Fundamental types of function related to experiment

The types of function related to constant acceleration motion are listed as below

3. Experiment teaching session

The experiment tools and descriptions are well prepared in the manual, which also were read by students in

4. Suggestions

For the last two weeks, many students have asked me to explain more explicitly about homework questions
in the part of Experiment results. As a teaching assistant who works with both head teachers and students,
I would like to express my own opinion of this situation as the following.
Opinion of head teachers: I read questions carefully and think that they would like to give students a chance to
by their own opinions. Therefore, the questions are designed as open questions. This type of question is suitable
for self-studying style but it requires students to have sufficient knowledge of physics. However, students major
in non-physics department so they struggle with their homework. Some answer sheets of them even deviated far
from the questions.
Therefore, my suggestion is that if possible, could you change from open questions to more explicit ones. I
am very glad to list some examples here to help you understand my opinion.

• ’Discuss the case that the masses of two rotating objects are equal and spring constants of two spring are
different’ changes to In the case that the masses of two rotating objects are equal m1 = m2 = m and spring
constants of two spring are different k1 ̸= k2 , given period T and original length r0 , find the rotating length
r1 and r2 of two springs.

• ’Investigate other procedure measuring the coefficients of static and kinetic friction’ to Describe briefly a
different experiment to measure the coefficients of static and kinetic friction.

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