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Thank you for taking your time and interest on my project.

I have tried
to explain everything as clearly as possible. Please scroll below for the
full details.

Things to be done for (my website)

Total there is 5 points that needs to be done. Scroll and see the 5 points
Point 1:

Let me explain as clearly as possible. I already have a python script that

can grab/scrape product(s) information from and

This python script will make 3 csv files.




Than I use a plugin name “wp all import”. This plugin can post and
create products in woocommerce with the “basic.csv” file I got from
scraping or aliexpress. It can post all the product title, price,
image,category etc with no problem.. but the problem now is that this
plugin cannot post the reviews.csv and the shipping.csv information to
the same product.

Each product in and has reviews and different

shipping rates. If you check any product in or,
Even if it is to the same country, So you cannot use a plugin to set the
shipping rates.

So you need to customize the wordpress theme to pull data from the
review.csv and shipping.csv files to post the reviews and shipping rate
for each product. Each product have its own “Product Id” in the csv files
so you must do something to link it with the product.
You must make it in a way so that all this is done automatically.
Point 2:

Look at shipping data table and rates. Click on the shipping link
and a popup will come up and show the shipping countries and
shipping rates. (you can choose any product from

So as you can see.. When you click on the shipping options link.. It will
pop up a screen same as above and show the countries it will ship and
the option and shipping rates for each country. All this information is
already saved into the “shipping csv” file.
You will need to link each product using the “Product ID” in the
shipping.csv and show the shipping rates in the exact same format,
design, layout as the above photos.

And whatever option the customer’s choose, it should show/reflect

that price on the same product page and also show when checkout. So
you need to map it with the payment gateway.
Point 3:

I want all product pages to show the same things as the photo below
where it shows the “return policy”, “Seller Guarantees”, “payment” etc,
all the icons, everything. Simply said, what you see below in the image,
I want that on all my product pages to show automatically.

Sample Link:


Make it look/show like this below the “add to cart” Button on my site’s
product pages

Things to take note: Depending on what shipping option the buyer’s

choose, it must show/change the “On-time Delivery” automatically. It
must reflect the delivery time according to what shipping options the
buyers choose.
Point 4:

Make everything on my website product page to look like this page. The font,
format, designs, layout etc all must look exactly like this page.

Example link:


1. Photos on the left in vertical row

2. Title to use the same font and size used in aliexpress
3. Rating same place, same location
4. Price same format, font, design
5. Color, size to show the same design,style as in
6. Shipping link in same format
7. “buy now button” and “add to cart” button same style and format
Point 5:

Lastly, go to on your mobile. I want the same exactly design,

layout, style done for my website for mobile users. It must be responsive. Take a
look at on your mobile and you will see the design, layout, style,
colors, fonts etc. I want exact copy of this to look the same for my website in mobile and tablets.

If you cannot understand even after this clear explanation , do ask me

and I’ll explain even further.

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