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2009 Hydrocarbon

of Mexico
January 1, 2009

JANUARy 1, 2009
 2009 Pemex Exploración y Producción

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from Pemex Exploración y Producción.


Message from the Minister of Energy v

Message from the General Director of Petróleos Mexicanos xi

1 Introduction 1

2 Basic Definitions 3
2.1 Original Volume of Hydrocarbons in Place 3
2.2 Petroleum Resources 4
2.2.1 Original Volume of Total Hydrocarbons in Place 5 Original Volume of Undiscovered Hydrocarbons 5 Original Volume of Discovered Hydrocarbons 5
2.2.2 Prospective Resources 5
2.2.3 Contingent Resources 6
2.3 Reserves 6
2.3.1 Proved Reserves 7 Developed Reserves 8 Undeveloped Reserves 8
2.3.2 Non-proved Reserves 8 Probable Reserves 9 Possible Reserves 9
2.4 Oil Equivalent 10

3 Prospective Resources as of January 1, 2009 11

3.1 Mexico’s Most Important Production Basins 12
3.2 Prospective Resources and Exploratory Strategy 20

4 Estimation of Hydrocarbon Reserves as of January 1, 2009 23

4.1 Hydrocarbon Prices 23
4.2 Oil Equivalent 23
4.2.1 Gas Behavior at the PEP Handling and Transport Facilities 24
4.2.2 Gas Behavior in Processing Complexes 26
4.3 Remaining Total Reserves 26
4.3.1 Remaining Proved Reserves 30 Remaining Developed Proved Reserves 33 Undeveloped Proved Reserves 35
4.3.2 Probable Reserves 37
4.3.3 Possible Reserves 39

5 Discoveries 43
5.1 Aggregate Results 43
5.2 Offshore Discoveries 46



5.3 Onshore Discoveries 61

5.4 Historical Trajectory of Discoveries 74

6 Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves 77

6.1 Northeastern Offshore Region 77
6.1.1 Evolution of Original Volumes in Place 79
6.1.2 Evolution of Reserves 80
6.2 Southwestern Offshore Region 85
6.2.1 Evolution of Original Volumes in Place 86
6.2.2 Evolution of Reserves 88
6.3 Northern Region 95
6.3.1 Evolution of Original Volumes in Place 96
6.3.2 Evolution of Reserves 98
6.4 Southern Region 104
6.4.1 Evolution of Original Volumes in Place 104
6.4.2 Evolution of Reserves 107

Abbreviations 115

Glossary 117

Statistical Appendix 127

Hydrocarbon Reserves as of January 1, 2009 127
Hydrocarbon Production 128
Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves as of January 1, 2009
Northeastern Offshore Region 129
Southwestern Offshore Region 130
Northern Region 131
Southern Region 132

Message from the Minister of Energy

In an act of profound national impact, President Lázaro Cárdenas rescued the oil industry
for the benefit of the nation on March 18, 1938.

In 1939, Congress passed a Law declaring the inalienable and imprescriptible right of the
Mexican State over its hydrocarbons. In 1940, the concessions regimen was eliminated
and this power was vested solely in the State.

The expropriation of the oil industry triggered an innovative economic development

model that benefited Mexico’s industrialization. Petróleos Mexicanos played a key role
in the new national project: efficiently providing the energy required by the country to
fuel its growth, while being the driving force behind its industrial development.

The state-owned oil industry was consolidated in the 1940s and 1950s, concurrently
with the country’s industrialization. At that time there was a redefinition of the sector’s
energy policy based on the following core principles: conserving and wisely exploiting
oil resources; fully satisfying domestic demand for oil products; exporting only the sur-
plus not required for the domestic market; contributing to public expenditure through
tax payments; ensuring the on-going training of oil workers and creating a collective
benefit wherever oil is exploited.

After more than 70 years since the expropriation of the oil industry, it was necessary to
redesign the nation oil industry model, in order to prepare it to meet new challenges.

In this regard, it is worth noting that over the period from 1980 to 2004, Petróleos Mexi-
canos’ oil production rose from 1.9 to 3.4 million barrels per day and it peaked in 2004.
Production has been falling off gradually since then, in line with the performance of the
Cantarell complex; daily crude oil production in 2008 was 2.8 million barrels, which is
similar to the level reported in 1982. This means that crude oil production dropped by
around 600,000 barrels per day over a period of just 4 years.

Added to the above, in the period from 2004 to 2007, the proved reserves replacement
rate averaged 35 percent. This figure is far below the 100 percent required to ensure
sustained production in the future.

The challenges facing the national oil industry can only be overcome if the need for an
in-depth change to the Mexican oil industry model is acknowledged, in order to make

PEMEX the driving force of the economy once again. To this end, President Felipe Calderón
Hinojosa, with a clear sense of responsibility, presented a bill in 2008 to amend the legal
structure governing PEMEX. The main purpose of this bill was to update the regulatory
framework governing PEMEX and to bring it into line with the new conditions prevail-
ing in Mexico and the changes in the oil industry over the last few years, in addition to
providing it with the tools required to regain long-term, sustainable production levels.

After a period of careful and responsible debate, Mexico’s Congress managed to reach
an agreement and passed laws making profound changes based on bills put forth by
diverse political parties, in addition to President Calderón’s proposals. This is the most
significant change in the national oil industry since 1938.

Besides modernizing the regulations applied to PEMEX in order to channel its manage-
ment towards optimizing the company’s value, increasing its execution capacity and
efficiency levels and also to improve accountability, changes aimed at strengthening the
State’s capacity were also approved. These modifications enable the State to efficiently
exercise its role as an administrator of the country’s hydrocarbon reserves.

In this respect, Congress has given the Ministry of Energy the responsibility of leading,
defining and supervising energy policy. An important part of this managerial process is
the correct administration of Mexico’s hydrocarbons so as to provide long-term energy

In line with strengthening its powers, the new legal structure gives the Ministry of Energy
the responsibility of defining the oil and gas production platform, as well as the restitu-
tion policy for hydrocarbon reserves and the elements required to quantify and disclose
hydrocarbon reserves.

The announcement of hydrocarbon reserves is a transparent process in which Mexican

society is informed about the composition of the nation’s oil wealth. It is also an exercise
in the State’s rendering of accounts as it informs the public in greater detail about the
quantification of the resources belonging to the nation. This rendering of accounts satis-
fies the State’s obligations to correctly administer the country’s hydrocarbons.

The document released to the public for consideration lists the efforts made by PEMEX
in 2008 to increase the incorporation of reserves. Although it is evident that we have

not reached the desired replacement levels, there has been significant progress and it
is clear that, with the new legal tools, it will be possible to accelerate the incorporation
of hydrocarbon reserves into the nation’s reserves, for the benefit of the country and
future generations.

I would now like to make a brief summary of this document’s conclusions and I invite
the reader to peruse it carefully in order to obtain detailed information about the results
of PEMEX’s activities in the exploration and discovery of reserves in 2008.

Total hydrocarbon reserves

As of January 1, 2009, total hydrocarbon reserves (3P), which correspond to the sum of
the proved, probable and possible reserves, amounted to 43,562.6 million barrels of oil
equivalent (MMboe).

1P Reserves

Proved reserves (1P) increased by 803 MMboe in 2007, which includes 182.8 MMboe as
a result of discoveries. 2008 was very positive because 1,041.6 MMboe were added, of
which 363.8 MMboe can be attributed to new discoveries. These figures for the incorpo-
ration of 1P reserves also cover developments, delimitation and revisions.

The most important discoveries were in the Southeastern Basins (335.2 MMboe) and the
gas-producing basins of Veracruz (21.3 MMboe) and Burgos (7.4 MMboe).

Noteworthy discoveries include the Tsimin-1 well, which made it possible to incorporate
117.7 MMboe of gas-condensate, as well as the Ayatsil-DL1 and Pit-DL1 wells, incorporat-
ing 157.1 MMboe of heavy oil and the Kambesah-1 well, with the incorporation of 20.0
MMboe in proved light oil reserves. All of these findings were in the offshore portion of
the Southeastern Basins.

Besides the 363.8 MMboe incorporated by discoveries, 677.8 MMboe were added through
delimitations, revisions and developments. Bearing these results in mind, as well as the
production of 1,451.1 MMboe in 2008, proved reserves decreased by 409.5 MMboe. This
means that the proved reserves as of January 1, 2009 were 14,307.7 MMboe, that is, a
reserve-production ratio of 9.9 years.

On the other hand, it is very important to note that the proved reserves replacement rate
in 2008 (including discoveries, revisions, delimitations and developments) was 71.8 per-
cent, which is twice the annual average reported over the period from 2004 to 2007.

2P Reserves

In 2008, 912.4 MMboe in 2P reserves were incorporated through discoveries, of which

548.6 MMboe correspond to probable reserves. Due to revisions, delimitations and
developments, 498.3 MMboe of 2P reserves were de-incorporated, which means a total
of 414.2 MMboe.

These results show that the 2P reserve-production ratio is 19.9 years. Said 2P reserves
are mostly located in Chicontepec and in the offshore and onshore parts of the South-
eastern Basins.

3P Reserves

Exploration activities in 2008 led to the discovery of a highest volume of 3P reserves

since 1999 because 1,482.1 MMboe in 3P reserves were incorporated as new discover-
ies, which is the highest figure reached during the decade as from the adoption of the
international guidelines issued by the Society of Petroleum Engineers, the committees
of the World Petroleum Council and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists.
Concurrently, there was also the disincorporation of 951.2 MMboe through delimitations,
developments and revisions.

Considering the 1,482.1 MMboe were incorporated through new findings, production in
2008 of 1,451.1 MMboe and the disincorporation as a result of delimitations, develop-
ments and revisions of 951.2 MMboe, the 3P reserve-production ratio increased from
28.0 years in 2007 to 30.0 years in 2008.

As regards discoveries, there was the outstanding performance of the Ayatsil-DL1 and Pit-DL1
wells, which made it possible to incorporate 782.6 MMboe of 3P heavy oil reserves, as well
as the Tsimin-1 well with the inclusion of 307.6 MMboe in gas-condensate 3P reserves.

In general, this document shows that PEMEX is still making a major effort to increase the
incorporation of 3P reserves in various geological basins in Mexico. This is especially the

case in the onshore and offshore portions of the Southeastern Basins, in water depths
of less than 500 meters.

Although the discoveries made in 2008 are the highest in the last 10 years, there is still a
long way to go to reach the goals established. As mentioned before, Mexico has abun-
dant resources awaiting discovery and this document shows that we are moving in the
right direction. With the new legal structure passed by the Mexican Congress, we now
have the tools to make faster progress.

This Administration’s efforts and commitment to ensure transparency in the operation

of the oil industry and to assist in rendering accounts regarding the country’s strategic
resources, which are the wealth of all Mexicans, are ratified in this first report that is
jointly presented by the Ministry of Energy and Petróleos Mexicanos on hydrocarbon

Mexico City Dr. Georgina Kessel

March 2009 Minister of Energy

Message from the General Director
of Petróleos Mexicanos

The publication of Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico 2009 is particularly symbolic and

important. It has numerous operational implications for Petróleos Mexicanos and it reports
on the progress made in its institutional strategy.

First, it is a reassertion of the company’s commitment with transparency and account-

ability. Counting this year, it is an exercise that has been carried out systematically for 11
years. Through this publication, the company informs the authorities and public about
the progress made in the administration and management of the natural resources
entrusted to it for their sustainable exploitation. Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico 2009
is yet another way in which the company renders accounts, along with other voluntary
reports, such as the Annual Report, Statistical Yearbook and its Social Responsibility
Report, among others.

Second, this edition confirms that the decision made in 1997 to start this audited record
of reserves and its dissemination was indeed ahead of its time. At that time, when just
a few companies were starting to do this, Pemex took the lead by having a third party
review and certify the reserve calculations, which greatly increased the value and cred-
ibility of the corresponding estimates.

Third, it was also decided to create a group that was independent of the company, not
connected with the exploration and production areas, and which would be in charge of
the correct application of the definition of reserves, integrating the statistics and then
submitting them to an external validation process. This implied Petróleos Mexicanos’
adopting international “best practices” in order to minimize, if not avoid, a potential
conflict of interests when estimating the reserves.

Fourth, the contribution of sound reserves calculations and their certification by external
third parties was just as important inside Pemex. The systematic and detailed estima-
tion of reserves instilled discipline in the organization by evidencing the implications of
such in exploration and production activities for the decision-making process and also
to establish the corresponding responsibilities.

The fact that for more than a decade it is known that Petróleos Mexicanos will annually
and publically render accounts about how a nonrenewable resource like hydrocarbons
has been exploited and replaced has greatly spurred responsibility within the organiza-
tion. The results reported in this publication reflect on everybody working at Petróleos

Mexicanos, sometimes as a source of satisfaction and sometimes as motivation to im-
prove performance.

Fifth, the strict and externally certified accounting of the status of the country’s hydro-
carbon reserves has been an essential element in aligning production and exploration
activities. Today’s production goals are inextricably tied to the capacity of the business
units regarding reserves, which in turn becomes a fundamental consideration for explo-
ration strategy.

This is a response to the instruction given by the Mexican President, Felipe Calderón
Hinojosa to Petróleos Mexicanos to “guarantee oil reserves that make it possible for oil
and gas production to play a constant and long-term role”1.

Sixth, Pemex Exploración y Producción has been using a new exploratory strategy with
an integral approach –evaluation of potential reserves, incorporation of reserves and
delimitation of reservoirs– since 2007. Pemex’ portfolio now consists of 22 exploration
projects in 14 priority sectors, as well as the continuation and expansion of non-associated
gas projects. Since 86 percent of the prospective resources are in the Southeastern and
in deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, the development of a strategy to execute projects
in these regions is essential in order to ensure viability in the country’s future.

Seventh, the results indicate that Petróleos Mexicanos is on the way to replacing at least
1 billion barrels of oil equivalent every year, which is something few companies can
aspire to. When the results are maintained and improved, it will be possible to reach the
goal of replacing 3P reserves at an annual rate of 100 percent. Nevertheless, the volume
of potential reserves still has to be increased to 1.4-1.5 billion barrels of oil equivalent
per year.

Eighth, the above will only be possible when the current strategy makes it possible to
substantially expand the portfolio of quality exploratory opportunities. This calls for
continuity in the exploratory drive, as well as the allocation of sufficient human, techni-
cal and financial resources to achieve this goal, especially in the more promising basins
(Gulf of Mexico Deepwater) where there is not yet sufficient equipment. The new forms

1. As stated by Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, the President of Mexico, during the event to commemorate the Oil
Expropriation on March 18, 2009.

of contracting established in the energy reform will permit an increase in exploratory
activity in these basins.

Ninth, for Petróleos Mexicanos it is essential to continue improving quality when quan-
tifying reserves, which, as from next year, will be subject to new controls imposed by
the National Hydrocarbon Commission that will carry out studies to “assess, quantify
and verify” reserves and the Ministry of Energy which will have the new responsibility
of “recording and disclosing (reserves) in accordance with evaluation and quantification
studies, as well as the corresponding certifications”.

Tenth, the incorporations made over 2008 underline the importance of diversification
because they were reported both onshore and offshore.

The results of incorporating reserves in 2008 are a cause for satisfaction for Petróleos
Mexicanos and a stimulus to intensify the corresponding efforts. Last year, 1,482 million
barrels of oil equivalent were added to the total reserves (3P), while 1,042 million barrels
of oil equivalent were incorporated to the proved reserves (1P). As stated by the Presi-
dent of Mexico, Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, on March 18, 2009: “The discovery of new
reservoirs, the incorporation of new reserves and an increase in their replacement rate,
102 percent for total reserves and 72 percent in proved reserves, are undoubtedly good
news for Mexico. This is a major accomplishment by the Pemex work force.”

In essence, the energy reform is a vote of confidence by Mexican society in Petróleos

Mexicanos. In turn, it requires better operational and financial results, as well as more
transparency and account rendering in this activity. The publication of Hydrocarbon
Reserves of Mexico 2009 is a step in this direction, not only because it refers to specific
results, but it also means that Pemex will reassert its commitment with this vote of con-
fidence with deeds.

Mexico City Dr. Jesús Reyes Heroles G.G.

March 2009 General Director of Petróleos Mexicanos

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

This edition of Mexico’s Hydrocarbon Reserves, Evalu- Chapter four analyzes the variations in reserves over
ation as of January 1, 2009, includes a description of 2008, as well as their distribution by region according
prospective (potential) reserves estimated, as well as to the category and hydrocarbon type. The variations in
the hydrocarbon volumes and reserves concentrated developed proved, undeveloped proved, probable and
in Mexico’s oil fields. possible reserves are reviewed in reference to reserve
categories. In terms of composition, the analysis is
The second chapter describes the definitions used made by oil type according to its density, that is, light,
in this publication such as original volume of hydro- heavy and superlight, and in the case of gas reservoirs,
carbons in place, petroleum resources, prospective the analysis is made by considering both the associated
resources, contingent resources and reserves. The and the non-associated gas. The latter is broken down
reserves section lists the most important elements in terms of dry gas, wet gas and gas-condensate.
used to estimate hydrocarbon reserves at Petróleos
Mexicanos, in accordance with the guidelines issued The discoveries made in 2008 are given in chapter
by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) five. There is a description of the most important
for proved reserves and also those used by Society geological and engineering characteristics of the
of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), the World Petroleum reservoirs discovered, together with the associated
Council (WPC) and the American Association of reserves in the different categories, at both a regional
Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) for probable and pos- and basin level.
sible reserves. This chapter also briefly explains the
criteria that must be satisfied for a reserve to be clas- Chapter six shows the evolution of hydrocarbon
sified as proved, probable or possible. The meaning volumes and reserves in their different categories
of the term “oil equivalent”, its use and value in the in 2008; additionally, their distribution at a regional,
total inventory of hydrocarbons, is given at the end business unit and field level is established. There is a
of the chapter. detailed analysis of the oil, natural gas and oil equiva-
lent reserves, with their evolution in various categories
Chapter 3 shows the evaluation of prospective re- and a review of the changes they underwent in 2008.
sources estimated as of January 1, 2009. Their geo- Furthermore, the origin of the changes and their as-
graphic location, extension, general geological char- sociation with discoveries, revisions, development or
acteristics and distribution by basin are also given. production in the period is emphasized.


Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Basic Definitions
Petróleos Mexicanos uses the definitions and con- The exploitation of reserves requires investment in
cepts that are based on the guidelines established well drilling, undertaking major workovers, the con-
by international organizations for the annual updating struction of infrastructure and other elements. Thus,
of the country’s hydrocarbon reserves. In the case of the estimation of reserves considers these elements
proved reserves, the definitions correspond to those in order to determine their economic value. If it is
established by the Securities and Exchange Com- positive, the hydrocarbon volumes are commercially
mission (SEC), a US body that regulates America’s exploitable, and therefore they constitute reserves.
securities and financial markets, while the definitions If this is not the case, these volumes may be classi-
established by the Society of Petroleum Engineers fied as possible if they are marginal, that is, if a slight
(SPE), the American Association of Petroleum Geolo- change in hydrocarbons prices, or a minor decrease
gists (AAPG), and the World Petroleum Council (WPC), in development or operation and maintenance costs
technical organizations in which Mexico participates, makes their economic evaluation positive. If this is
are used for the probable and possible reserves. not the case either, these volumes are classified as
contingent resources.
The establishment of processes to evaluate and clas-
sify hydrocarbon reserves according to international- This chapter also establishes the criteria to classify
ly-used definitions ensures certainty and transparency reserves, it explains the definitions and concepts used
in the volume of reserves reported, as well as in the throughout this document, it stresses relevant aspects
procedures used in estimating them. Additionally, and in all cases it indicates the dominant elements,
the decision made by Petróleos Mexicanos to use and clearly explains the implications of using these
recognized external consultants for the annual certi- definitions in estimating reserves.
fication of its reserves, adds reliability to the figures
2.1 Original Volume of Hydrocarbons in Place
The reserves represent an economic value associ-
ated with investments, operation and maintenance The original volume of hydrocarbons in place is de-
costs, production forecasts and the sales price of fined as the amount estimated to have initially existed
hydrocarbons. The prices used to estimate reserves in a reservoir. This volume is in equilibrium, at the
correspond to December 31, 2008, while the fixed temperature and pressure prevailing in the reservoir,
and variable components of the operation and main- and it is expressed at these conditions and also at
tenance costs are those disbursed at a field level over atmospheric conditions. The figures published in this
a period of 12 months. This premise makes it possible document therefore refer to these latter conditions.
to determine the seasonal nature of such expenditure,
and it is an acceptable measure of future expenses The volume may be estimated through deterministic
for the extraction of reserves under current exploita- and probabilistic procedures. The former mainly
tion conditions. includes volumetric, material balance and numerical

Basic Definitions

simulation methods. The latter models the uncertainty iii. Reservoir fluids identified, as well as their respec-
of parameters such as porosity, water saturation, net tive properties, in order to estimate hydrocarbon
thickness, among others, as probability functions that volumes at atmospheric conditions, which are also
consequently generate a probability function for the known as surface, standard or base conditions.
original volume.
The original volumes of both crude oil and natural
Volumetric methods are the most used in the initial gas are given at a regional and business unit level in
stages, in which knowledge is being obtained about the Statistical Appendix of this document. The units
the field or reservoir. These techniques are based in the former are in millions of barrels and in billions
on the estimation of the petrophysical properties of of cubic feet for the latter; all of which are referred to
the porous rock and the fluids in the reservoir. The at atmospheric conditions, which are also known as
most commonly used petrophysical properties are standard, base or surface conditions.
essentially porosity, permeability, fluid saturation and
the shale volume. The geometry of the reservoir is
another fundamental element that is represented in 2.2. Petroleum Resources
terms of area and net thickness.
Petroleum resources are all the volumes of hydrocar-
The following points stand out among the information bons initially estimated in the subsurface and referred
necessary in order to estimate the original volume to at atmospheric conditions. Nevertheless, from the
in place: exploitation point of view, only the potentially recov-
erable portion of this amount is called a resource.
i. Rock volume impregnated with hydrocarbons. Within this definition, the amounts estimated at the
beginning are known as the original total volume of
ii. Effective porosity and hydrocarbon saturation as- hydrocarbons, which may or may not be discovered.
sociated with the above volume. Additionally, the recoverable portions are known

Original Volume of Total Hydrocarbons in Place

Original Volume of Discovered Hydrocarbons

Original Volume of Undiscovered
Non-Economic Economic

r R R
Low o 1C R 1P r
o e Estimate e
Range of Uncertainty

n e o
s s s
t s d
p o o Probable
Non- Non- i e u
Recoverable e u Recoverable u
Central n r c
c r r 2C 2P
Estimate g v t
t c c
e e i
i e e Possible
n s o
v s s
t n
e High
3C 3P

Increasing Chance of Commerciality

Figure 2.1 Classification of hydrocarbon resources and reserves (not to scale). Modified from Petro-
leum Resources Management System, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2007.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

as prospective resources, contingent resources as non-recoverable may eventually become recover-

or reserves. In particular, the concept of reserves able resources if, for example, the commercial condi-
constitutes a part of the resources, that is, they are tions change, or if new technologies are developed,
known, recoverable and commercially exploitable or if additional data are acquired.

Figure 2.1 shows the classification of resources and Original Volume of Undiscovered Hydro-
it also includes the reserve categories. It can be seen carbons
that there are low, central and high estimates for
both resources and reserves, which are classified as This is the amount of hydrocarbons estimated at a
proved, proved plus probable and proved plus prob- given date contained in accumulations not yet dis-
able plus possible, for each one of the three above covered, but which have been inferred. The estimate
estimates, respectively. The degree of uncertainty of the potentially recoverable portion of the original
that is shown to the left of this figure emphasizes the volume of undiscovered hydrocarbons is defined as
fact that the knowledge available on resources and a prospective resource.
reserves is imperfect and therefore different estimates
obeying different expectations are generated. Produc-
tion, which appears on the right, is the only element Original Volume of Discovered Hydro-
of the figure where there is absolutely no uncertainty: carbons
it has been measured, commercialized and turned
into revenues. This is the amount of hydrocarbons estimated at a
given date to be contained in known accumulations
before production. The discovered original vol-
2.2.1 Original Volume of Total Hydrocarbons in ume may be classified as either commercial or not
Place commercial. An accumulation is commercial when
there is a generation of economic value as a result
According to Figure 2.1, the original volume of total of exploiting the hydrocarbons. Figure 2.1 shows
hydrocarbons in place is the quantification referring the recoverable part of the discovered hydrocar-
to reservoir conditions of all the natural hydrocarbon bon original volume, and it is labeled a reserve or
accumulations. This volume includes discovered contingent resources, depending on its commercial
accumulations, which may or may not be economic viability.
or recoverable, the production obtained from the
fields exploited or being exploited, in addition to the
volumes estimated in the reservoirs that might be 2.2.2 Prospective Resources
This is the volume of hydrocarbons estimated at a
All the amounts that make up the total hydrocarbon given date of accumulations not yet discovered, but
volumes in place may be potentially recoverable re- which have been inferred, and which are estimated
sources because the estimation of the portion that is as potentially recoverable through the application of
expected to be recovered depends on the associated future development projects. The quantification of
uncertainty, and also on the economic circumstances, prospective resources is based on geological and
the technology used, and the availability of informa- geophysical information of the area being studied,
tion. Consequently, a portion of the amounts classified and on analogies with areas where a certain original

Basic Definitions

volume of hydrocarbons has been discovered, and tion status. The certainty essentially depends on the
on occasion, even produced. Prospective resources amount and quality of the geological, geophysical,
have equal chances of being discovered or devel- petrophysical and engineering information, as well as
oped; additionally, they are subdivided according to the availability of this information when making the
the level of certainty associated with recovery esti- estimation and interpretation. The degree of certainty
mates, assuming their discovery and development, may be used to place the reserves in one of the two
and they may also be sub-classified on the basis of major classifications; proved or non-proved. Figure
project maturity. 2.2 shows the classification of the reserves.

The estimated recoverable amounts of known ac-

2.2.3 Contingent Resources cumulations that do not satisfy commercialization
requirements must be classified as contingent
These are the volumes of hydrocarbons estimated at resources. The concept of commercialization for
a given date to be potentially recoverable from known an accumulation varies according to the specific
accumulations, but the project(s) applied is/are not conditions and circumstances of each place. Thus,
yet considered sufficiently mature for commercial proved reserves are accumulations of hydrocarbons
development, for one or more reasons. The contin- whose profitability has been established under the
gent resources may include, for example, projects economic conditions of the date of evaluation, while
for which there is no current viable market, or where probable and possible reserves may be based on
commercial recovery of hydrocarbons depends on future economic conditions. Nevertheless, Petróleos
developing technologies, or where the evaluation Mexicanos’ probable reserves are profitable under
of the accumulation is insufficient to clearly assess current economic conditions, while a small part of
the commercial value. Contingent resources are also the possible reserves is marginal in that a slight
categorized according to the level of certainty associ- increase in the price of hydrocarbons, or a slight
ated with estimates and they may be sub-classified decrease in operation costs would give them net
on the basis of project maturity and characterized by profitability.
their economic status.

Original Reserve
(Economic Resource)
2.3 Reserves

Reserves are the volumes of hydrocarbons that are

expected to be commercially recovered through
the application of development projects of known Proved Original Non-Proved
Reserves Reserves
accumulations, from a certain date onwards, under
defined conditions. Reserves must also satisfy four
other criteria: they must be discovered, recoverable,
commercially viable and be supported (on the date Accumulated Proved Probable Possible
Production Reserves Reserves Reserves
of the evaluation) by other development projects.
Reserves are also categorized according to the level
of certainty associated with estimates and they may
Developed Undeveloped
be sub-classified on the basis of project maturity
and characterized by their development and produc- Figure 2.2 Classification of hydrocarbon reserves.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

2.3.1 Proved Reserves recoverable hydrocarbons and not the productivity of

the well or reservoir. In certain cases, proved reserves
Proved hydrocarbon reserves are estimated amounts may be assigned in accordance with the well logs and
of crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids, which core analysis records, which show that the reservoir
through geological and engineering data, show with being studied is impregnated with hydrocarbons and
reasonable certainty that they are recoverable in it is analogous to producing reservoirs in the same
future years, from known reservoirs under current area or to reservoirs that have shown commercial
economic and operation conditions, and at a given production in other areas. Nevertheless, an important
date. Proved reserves may be classified as developed requirement in classifying the reserves as proved is to
or undeveloped. ensure that the commercialization facilities do actually
exist, or that it is certain they will be installed.
The determination of reasonable certainty is support-
ed by geological and engineering data. Consequently, The volume considered as proved includes the
there must be data available that justify the param- volume delimited by drilling activity and by fluid
eters used in the evaluation of the reserves, such as contacts. Furthermore, it includes the non-drilled
initial and declining production, recovery factors, portions of the reservoir that could reasonably be
reservoir limits, recovery mechanisms and volumetric judged as commercially productive, according to the
estimations, gas-oil ratios or liquid yields. geological and engineering information available. If
the fluid contact level is unknown, then the deepest
The current economic and operation conditions in- known occurrence of hydrocarbons controls the limit
clude prices, operation costs, production methods, re- of proved reserve.
covery techniques, transport, and commercialization
arrangements. There must be reasonable certainty It is important to mention that the reserves to be
that a predicted change in conditions will happen for produced by means of applying secondary and/or en-
the corresponding investment and operation costs to hanced recovery methods are included in the category
be included in the economic feasibility study in the of proved reserves when there is a successful result
appropriate time span. These conditions include an based on a representative pilot test, or when there is a
estimate of the well abandonment costs that would favorable response to a recovery process operating in
be incurred. the same reservoir or in another analogous reservoir
in terms of age, rock and fluid properties, when such
The SEC establishes that the sales price of crude methods have been effectively tested in the area and
oil, natural gas and natural gas products to be used in the same formation, and which provide documen-
in the economic evaluation of the proved reserves tary evidence for the technical feasibility study on
must correspond to December 31. The justification which the project is based.
is based on the fact that this method is required for
consistency among all international producers in their Proved reserves provide the production and have a
estimates as a standardized measure when analyzing higher degree of certainty than the probable and pos-
project profitability. sible reserves. From the financial point of view, they
support the investment projects, hence the impor-
In general, reserves are considered as proved if the tance of adopting the definitions issued by the SEC. It
commercial productivity of the reservoir is supported should be mentioned and emphasized that for clastic
by actual data or by conclusive production tests. In sedimentary environments, that is, sandy deposits,
this context, the term proved refers to the amounts of the application of these definitions considers as a

Basic Definitions

prove of the continuity of the oil column, not only the relatively large expenditure is required to complete
integration of the geological, petrophysical, geophysi- the existing wells and/or construct the facilities to
cal and reservoir engineering information, among commence production and transport. The above ap-
other elements, but also the measuring of inter-well plies to both the primary, secondary and enhanced
pressure, which is absolutely decisive. These defini- recovery processes. In the case of fluid injection
tions acknowledge that if there is reservoir faulting, into the reservoir, or other enhanced recovery tech-
each sector or block must be evaluated independently niques, the associated reserves will be considered
considering the information available; consequently, as undeveloped proved when such techniques have
in order to consider one of the blocks as proved, been effectively tested in the area and in the same
there must be a well with a stabilized production test, formation. Additionally, there must be a commitment
with an oil flow that is commercially viable according to develop the field according to an approved exploi-
to the development, operation, oil price and facility tation and budget plan. An excessively long delay in
conditions prevailing at the time of the evaluation. In the development program could give rise to doubts
the case of minor faulting, however, the SEC defini- about the exploitation of such reserves and lead to the
tions establish that the conclusive demonstration of exclusion of such volumes from the proved reserve
the continuity of the hydrocarbon column may only category. As can be noted, an interest in producing
be reached by means of above-mentioned pressure such volumes of reserves is a requirement to call
measurements. In the absence of such measurements them undeveloped proved reserves. If this condition
or tests, the reserve that may be classified as proved is is not satisfied on repeated occasions, it is common
the one associated with producing wells on the date of to reclassify these reserves to a category in which
evaluation, plus the production associated with wells their development in the immediate future is not
to be drilled in the immediate vicinity. considered; for example, probable reserves. Thus,
the certainty regarding the occurrence of subsurface
hydrocarbon volumes must be accompanied by the Developed Reserves certainty of developing them within a reasonable
period of time. If this condition is not satisfied, the
Reserves that are expected to be recovered in existing reserves are reclassified because of the uncertainty
wells, including reserves behind casing, that may be regarding their development and not because of
extracted with the current infrastructure through ad- doubts about the volume of hydrocarbons.
ditional activities with moderate investment costs. In
the case of reserves associated with secondary and/
or enhanced recovery processes, said reserves will be 2.3.2 Non-proved Reserves
regarded as developed only when the infrastructure
required for the process is installed or when the costs They are the volumes of hydrocarbons evaluated at
implied in doing so are considerably lower and the atmospheric conditions, resulting from the extrapo-
production response is as predicted in the planning lation of the characteristics and parameters of the
of the corresponding project. reservoir beyond the limits of reasonable certainty,
or from assuming oil and gas forecasts with technical
and economic scenarios other than those prevail- Undeveloped Reserves ing at the time of the evaluation. In non-immediate
development situations, the discovered volumes of
These are reserves with an expected recovery commercially producible hydrocarbons may well be
through new wells in un-drilled areas, or where a classified as non-proved reserves.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico Probable Reserves iii. Incremental reserves in producing formations

where a reinterpretation of the behavior or the
These are the non-proved reserves where the analy- volumetric data indicates the existence of reserves,
sis of geological and engineering information of the in addition to those classified as proved.
reservoirs suggests there is greater feasibility for
commercial recovery than the contrary. If probabilistic iv. Additional reserves associated with infill wells,
methods are used for their evaluation, there is the and which would have been classified as proved
chance that at least 50 percent of the amounts to be if development with less spacing at the time of
recovered are equal to or greater than the total of the evaluation had been authorized.
proved plus probable reserves.

Probable reserves include those volumes beyond the Possible Reserves
proved volume, where the knowledge of the produc-
ing horizon is insufficient to classify these reserves as These are hydrocarbon volumes whose geological
proved. This classification also includes those reserves and engineering information suggest that commercial
in formations that seem to be producers and are in- recovery is less certain than in the case of probable
ferred through well logs, but which lack core data or reserves. According to this definition, when probabi-
definitive production tests, besides not being analo- listic methods are used, the total of the proved plus
gous with proved formations in other reservoirs. probable plus possible reserves will have a probability
of at least 10 percent that the amounts actually recov-
In reference to secondary and/or enhance recovery ered will be the same or greater. In general, possible
processes, the reserves suitable for these processes reserves may include the following cases:
are probable when a project or pilot test has been
planned but has not yet been implemented, and when i. Reserves based on geological interpretations and
the characteristics of the reservoir seem favorable for which may exist in areas adjacent to the areas clas-
a commercial application. sified as probable and within the same reservoir.

The following conditions lead to the classification of ii. Reserves in formations that seem to be impreg-
such reserves as probable: nated with hydrocarbons, based on core analyses
and well logs.
i. Reserves located in areas where the producing
formation appears to be separated by geologi- iii. Additional reserves from intermediate drilling that
cal faults, and the corresponding interpretation are subject to technical uncertainty.
indicates that this volume is in a higher structural
position than the one of the area corresponding iv. Incremental reserves attributable to enhanced re-
to proved reserve. covery mechanisms when a project or pilot test is
planned but not in operation, and the characteristics
ii. Reserves eligible for future workovers, stimula- of the reservoir’s rock and fluid are such that there is
tions, equipment change or other mechanical doubt about whether the project will be executed.
procedures, when such measures have not been
successfully applied in wells that exhibit similar v. Reserves in an area of the producing formation
behavior and have been completed in analogous that seem to be separated from the tested area
reservoirs. by geological faults, and where the interpretation

Basic Definitions

Sweet Wet Gas


plsf cedglf Dry Gas
Dry Equivalent
Gas to be delivered to Gas
Self-Consumption to Liquid
processing complexes
Gas hesf tlsf
Sweetening Cryogenic
Plant Plant

plrf Plant Oil

Liquids Equivalent



Crude Oil

Figure 2.3 Elements to calculate oil equivalent.

indicates that the study area is structurally lower it is called handling efficiency shrinkage factor, or
than the tested area. simply hesf. Gas transportation continues and there
is another volume alteration when it passes through
compression stations where the condensates are
2.4 Oil Equivalent extracted from the gas; this alteration in volume is
called transport liquefiables shrinkage factor, tlsf.
Oil equivalent is the internationally-used method of The condensate is therefore directly accounted as
reporting the total hydrocarbon inventory. This value oil equivalent.
is the result of the addition of the crude oil volumes,
condensates, plant liquids and dry gas equivalent to The gas process continues inside the petrochemical
liquid. The latter corresponds, in terms of heat value plants where it is subject to various treatments that
power, to a certain volume of crude oil. The dry gas eliminate non-hydrocarbon compounds and where
considered in this procedure is an average mix of liquefiables and plant liquids are extracted. This
dry gas produced in the Cactus, Ciudad Pemex and additional reduction in the volume of gas is concep-
Nuevo Pemex processing complexes, while the crude tualized through the impurities shrinkage factor, or
oil considered equivalent to this gas corresponds to isf, and by the plant liquefiables shrinkage factor,
the Maya type. This evaluation requires updated in- plsf. Given their nature, the plant liquids are added
formation on the processes to which the natural gas as oil equivalent, while the dry gas obtained at the
is subjected, from its separation and measurement to plant outlet becomes a liquid with an equivalence
its exit from petrochemical plants. Figure 2.3 shows of 5.201 thousand cubic feet of dry gas per barrel of
the elements used to calculate oil equivalent. oil equivalent. This value is the result of considering
5.591 million BTU per barrel of crude oil and 1,075
Crude oil does not undergo any change to become BTU per cubic foot of sweet dry gas as calorific
oil equivalent. Natural gas, however, is produced and equivalents. Consequently, the factor mentioned is
its volume is reduced by self-consumption and flar- 192.27 barrels per million cubic feet, or the opposite
ing. This reduction is known as fluid shrinkage and given by the aforementioned value.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Prospective Resources
as of January 1, 2009 3
Mexico’s prospective resources and their distribution and Gulf of Mexico Deepwater basins stand out
in the most important producing basins are listed in with 88.3 percent of the country’s total prospective
this chapter. Petróleos Mexicanos has continued and resources.
intensified its exploratory activities on the coastal
plain, the continental shelf and in the deep waters of The prospective resources are used to define the
the Gulf of Mexico, where the acquisition and inter- exploratory strategy and thus program the physical
pretation of geological and geophysical information and investment activities aimed at discovering new
have made it possible to estimate the magnitude of hydrocarbon reserves, which would make it possible
Mexico’s oil potential. to replace the reserves of the currently producing
fields and to provide medium- and long-term sustain-
Consequently, this potential resource, also known ability for the organization.
as a prospective resource, amounted to a volume of
52,300 million barrels of oil equivalent as of January In this context, the exploratory strategy is focused on
1, 2009. The distribution of prospective resources the Southeastern and Gulf of Mexico Deepwater ba-
is described in Figure 3.1, where the Southeastern sins, mostly in the search for oil, while in the Sabinas,

Producer Basins N

Crude Oil and Associated Gas

Non-associated Gas

Prospective 3
Resource 7
1. Sabinas 0.3
2. Burgos 3.1
3. Tampico-Misantla 1.7
4 5
4. Veracruz 0.7
5. Southeastern 16.7
6. Gulf of Mexico Deepwater 29.5
7. Yucatan Shelf 0.3
Total 52.3 0 100 200 300 400 500 Km

Figure 3.1 Distribution of Mexico’s prospective resources.

Prospective Resources

Burgos and Veracruz basins, the effort is still centered Geologically, the Sabinas Mesozoic Basin corresponds
on discovering new fields of non-associated gas. to an intracratonic basin formed by three paleoele-
ments; the Tamaulipas paleopeninsula, the Coahuila
paleoisland and the Sabinas Basin.
3.1 Mexico’s Most Important Production Basins
Five fracturing patterns have been identified in the
Sabinas Basin Sabinas Basin associated with compressive forces,
of which only two are considered important for the
Oil exploration in the basin was initiated by foreign generation of naturally fractured hydrocarbon reser-
companies in 1921 and later continued as a national- voirs and they are: a) Fractures as a result of the com-
ized industry after 1938. The first discovery was made pression, parallel to the direction of the dipping layer
in 1974 in the Monclova-Buena Suerte field with non- extending along great distances, laterally as wells as
associated gas production in Lower Cretaceous rock; vertically, b) Fractures due to extension, perpendicular
to date, four plays have been established, two in the to the fold axis, Figure 3.2.
Upper Jurassic (La Gloria and La Casita) and two in the
Lower Cretaceous (Padilla and La Virgen), which have The total prospective resource of the Sabinas Basin
produced 434 billion cubic feet of gas extracted from 23 has been estimated at 300 million barrels of oil equiva-
fields discovered, 18 of which are active with a remaining lent, of which 279 million barrels of oil equivalent have
total reserve of 53 million barrels of oil equivalent. been documented, which means 93 percent. Thus,

N 102º 101º 100º

Salt Dome 28º
S A Anticline

Inverse Fault

Monclova C

A Salt Detachment
B Basement Inverse Faulting 26º

C Smooth Folding
D Domes and Salt Detachments

0 80 km

Figure 3.2 Structural styles of the Sabinas Basin.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Table 3.1 Prospective resources documented in the Sabinas Basin by hy-

drocarbon type.

Hydrocarbon Type Exploratory Wells Prospective Resources

number MMboe

Dry Gas 88 279

Total 88 279

88 exploratory opportunities have been recorded; forms part of the Río Bravo basin that regionally covers
the remaining 7 percent is still being documented, the southeastern tip of Texas and the northern part of
Table 3.1. the states of Tamaulipas and Nuevo León.

Burgos Basin The Mesozoic geological structure of the Burgos

Basin corresponds to a shallow marine basin with
This basin was first explored in 1942 and production broad platforms, where there were deposits of sand-
commenced in 1945 with the discovery and develop- stone, evaporites, limestone and shale starting from
ment of the Misión field, near the city of Reynosa, the Upper Jurassic to the end of the Mesozoic. This
Tamaulipas. Since then, 227 fields have been discov- sedimentary carpet was lifted and folded to the west
ered, of which 194 are currently active. of the basin in the Late Cretaceous as a result of the
Laramide Orogeny event that gave rise to the huge
Reactivation of the basin commenced in 1994 with the structural folds of the Sierra Madre Oriental.
application of new work concepts and technologies
that made it possible to increase the average daily This rise was accompanied by the development of
production from 220 million cubic feet of natural gas basins parallel to the folded belt, including the Burgos
in 1994 to 1,383 billion cubic feet per day on average Basin to the front of the Sierra Madre Oriental, where
in 2008, which means a cumulative production of the paleoelements of the Tamaulipas peninsula and
10,020 billion cubic feet. The remaining total reserves Isla de San Carlos were the western limit of the de-
amount to 910 million barrels of oil equivalent. pocenter, which operated as a reception center for a
large volume of tertiary sediments and where the limit
The Burgos Basin is defined by a powerful sedimentary is established regarding the structural styles that acted
package of Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks accumulated in the conformation of the Burgos Basin structural
on the western margin of Gulf of Mexico. Geologically it framework, with normal listric growth faulting and

Múzquiz Presa Falcón Herreras Camargo Reynosa

Yegua Miocene
Queen City
O. Vicksburg

O. Frío
O. Anáhuac

P. Midway

Figure 3.3 Schematic structural section of the Burgos Basin.

Prospective Resources

Table 3.2 Prospective resources documented in the Burgos Basin by hy-

drocarbon type.

Hydrocarbon Type Exploratory Wells Prospective Resources

number MMboe

Light Oil 33 261

Dry Gas 107 261
Wet Gas 364 1,478
Total 504 2,000

later reactivations of the terminal part of the Laramide and Arenque fields (the latter is offshore). Production
Orogeny at the end of the Oligocene. was established in the southern part of the basin in
1908 in the area which is now known as the Faja de
The sequences of sandstone and shale environments Oro, which, after the discovery of its southern and
that vary from marginal to marine, prograded over offshore extensions has produced more than 1,500
the edge of the Cretaceous platform and a Cenozoic million barrels of oil equivalent from calcareous reef
sedimentary column was deposited, that
is approximately 10,000 meters thick, N

Figure 3.3. W E
Arch S

The Burgos Basin has a total prospective

resource of 3,100 million barrels of oil
equivalent, of which 2,000 million barrels Tamaulipas-
have been documented, which means 65 Gulf of
percent of the potential recorded in 504
exploratory opportunities; the remaining Tampico

35 percent is still being documented,



Table 3.2.

Tampico-Misantla Basin

The Tampico-Misantla Basin, with an area Chicontepec

of 50,000 square kilometers, including the
offshore portion, is Mexico’s oldest oil-
producing basin. Activity began in 1904

Faja de Oro

with the discovery of the Ébano-Pánuco Atoll


province, which has produced more than


1,000 million barrels of heavy oil from the


Poza Rica
calcareous rocks of the Late Cretaceous.
San Andrés
The basin also produces from the oolitic
limestones of the Upper Kimmeridgian 0 100 km

and chalk of the Lower Cretaceous in the

Figure 3.4 Map of the Tampico-Misantla Basin showing the most
Tamaulipas-Constituciones, San Andrés important areas.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Table 3.3 Prospective resources documented in the Tampico-Misantla Basin

by hydrocarbon type.

Hydrocarbon Type Exploratory Wells Prospective Resources

number MMboe

Heavy Oil 4 44
Light Oil 64 645
Dry Gas 50 434
Total 118 1,123

rocks of the Middle Cretaceous that surround the atoll • The Córdoba Mesozoic Platform consisting of
developed on the Tuxpan Platform. Bordering the Faja Mesozoic calcareous rocks whose stratigraphy
de Oro fields, there is a second strip that produces from is the result of processes related to relative sea
rocks in the platform deposited as debris flows on the water level cycles and/or tectonic pulses. These
reef slopes. The famous stratigraphic trap known as the processes started to form limestone platforms
Poza Rica field, with a cumulative production of 1,731 (Córdoba Platform) and associated basins (Vera-
million barrels of oil equivalent is the most important cruz Tertiary Basin) in the Lower Cretaceous that
accumulation within this play. constituted the fundamental stratigraphic domains
which began during the Mesozoic. The buried
In this basin, the Paleocanal de Chicontepec covering structural front of the folded and faulted belt that
an area of 3,000 square kilometers was developed to forms the Sierra Madre Oriental, also known as the
the west of the Faja de Oro, Figure 3.4. The paleocanal Córdoba Platform, is made up of limestones of the
is mostly made up of siliciclastic sediments of the Middle-Upper Cretaceous that produce middle to
Paleocene and Eocene. heavy oil and sour wet gas.

The Tampico-Misantla Basin reported an average pro- • The Veracruz Tertiary Basin that is made up of by
duction of 85,038 barrels of oil per day in December Tertiary siliciclastic rocks was formed during the
2008, after having reached a maximum of 600,000 Paleocene-Oligocene. The sedimentation comes
barrels per day in 1921. The remaining total reserves from igneous events (Alto de Santa Ana), meta-
are 18,497 million barrels of oil equivalent. morphic (La Mixtequita, Sierra Juárez and Macizo
de Chiapas), and carbonated (Córdoba Platform)
The Tampico-Misantla Basin has a total prospective and correspond to an alternating sequence of
resource of 1,700 million barrels of oil equivalent, widely-distributed shale, sandstone and con-
of which 1,123 million barrels of oil equivalent have glomerates (debris, fan and channel flows). The
been documented, this represents 66 percent of the sedimentary column includes the established
total recorded in 118 exploratory opportunities; the and hypothetical plays of the Paleogene and the
remaining 34 percent is in the process of being docu- Neogene, ranging from a few dozen meters on the
mented, Table 3.3. western edge to more than 9,000 meters in the
depocenter. The Veracruz Tertiary Basin produces
Veracruz Basin dry gas in the Cocuite, Lizamba, Vistoso, Apertura,
Madera, Arquimia and Papán fields, and oil to a
The Veracruz Basin, Figure 3.5, is made up of two lesser extent in the fields on the western edge
well-defined geological units: such as Perdíz-Mocarroca. Additionally, there is

Prospective Resources

673 Km²


181 Km²
ld e


3D Seismic
286 Km²

0 25 km

Tezonapa Mata Pionche Field Cocuite Field

2 1

Lower Miocene


Figure 3.5 Subprovinces of the Veracruz Basin.

considerable hydrocarbon accumulation potential er of non-associated gas; with an average production

in the areas geologically analogous to the areas of 957 million cubic feet per day in 2008.
currently producing.
The remaining total reserves of the Veracruz Basin
As a result of Pemex’s strategy focused on the search amount to 265 million barrels of crude oil equivalent.
for non-associated gas, the basin was reactivated
through an intense campaign of seismic acquisition The Veracruz Basin has a total prospective resource
and exploratory drilling, which led to discoveries that of 700 million barrels of oil equivalent, of which 571
now make it Mexico’s second most important produc- million barrels have been documented, that is, 82

Table 3.4 Prospective resources documented in the Veracruz Basin by hy-

drocarbon type.

Hydrocarbon Type Exploratory Wells Prospective Resources

number MMboe

Heavy Oil 6 52
Light Oil 9 54
Dry Gas 203 408
Wet Gas 19 57
Total 237 571

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

percent of the potential recorded in 237 exploratory ments intruded by salt that produces light oils, mostly
opportunities; the remaining 18 percent is still being from the plays that underlay, overlay or terminate
documented, Table 3.4. against the allochthonous salt of Jurassic origin.

Southeastern Basins • The Macuspana province extends over approxi-

mately 13,800 square kilometers; it is a producer of
The basins cover an area of 65,100 square kilometers, non-associated gas in reservoirs of the Tertiary age
including the offshore portion, Figure 3.6. Exploratory formed by rain delta and platform sandstones, as-
jobs date back to 1905 when the Capoacán-1 and sociated with stratigraphic and structural traps.
San Cristóbal-1 wells were drilled. These basins have
been Mexico’s most important oil producers since the • The Sonda de Campeche includes an area of ap-
1970s. They are made up of five provinces: proximately 15,500 square kilometers and it is
by far the most prolific in Mexico. The Cantarell
• The Chiapas-Tabasco-Comalcalco province was complex forms part of this province, together with
discovered in 1972 with the Cactus-1 and Sitio the Ku-Maloob-Zaap complex, the area’s second
Grande-1 wells; it covers an area of 13,100 square most important oil-producing field. Most of the res-
kilometers and it mostly produces light oil and its ervoirs of the Sonda de Campeche lie in breccias
reservoirs correspond to calcareous rocks of the of the Upper Cretaceous to Lower Paleocene age,
Upper Jurassic and Middle Cretaceous. and in oolitic limestones of the Upper Jurassic.

• The Salina del Istmo province, with an area of around • The Litoral de Tabasco province covers an area
15,300 square kilometers is a pile of siliciclastic sedi- of approximately 7,400 square kilometers. The

1,500 m N


1,000 m

Gulf of

Sonda de

200 m
Litoral de

Tabasco- Macuspana
Salina del

Figure 3.6 Location of the Southeastern Basins.

Prospective Resources

Table 3.5 Prospective resources documented in the Southeastern Basins

by hydrocarbon type.

Hydrocarbon Type Exploratory Wells Prospective Resources

number MMboe

Heavy Oil 53 1,076

Light Oil 284 3,508
Superlight Oil 209 2,648
Dry Gas 38 297
Wet Gas 45 657
Total 629 8,186

reservoirs are fractured Cretaceous limestones This belt lies at water depths of 2,000 to 3,500 me-
that mostly produce superlight oil. ters. Recently a consortium of various companies
drilled a well on the US side of the area known as
The Southeastern Basins have a cumulative produc- Alaminos Canyon in the northern protrusion of
tion of 40,685 million barrels of oil equivalent, and the folded belt that, according to some sources,
remaining reserves of 23,290 million barrels of oil found hydrocarbons. Oil is the hydrocarbon type
equivalent. The total prospective resource is 16,700 most expected, and the storage rocks would be
million barrels of oil equivalent, of which 8,186 mil- deepwater fractured limestone in the Mesozoic
lion barrels have been documented, which means 49 column, and siliciclastic turbidities in the Tertiary.
percent of the potential recorded in 629 exploratory
opportunities; the remaining 51 percent is in the pro- • The Mexican Ridges province is characterized by
cess of being documented, Table 3.5. the presence of elongated folded structures, whose
axes lie north-south. The origin is related to gravity
Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Basin slippage of the sedimentary cover. These structures
correspond to the southward extension of the Mexi-
This is the portion of the Gulf of Mexico Basin that is can Ridges folded belt, which are associated with a
at water depths exceeding 500 meters and it covers regional uplift located in the Eocene clay sequence.
an area of approximately 575,000 square kilometers. The most important potential hydrocarbons in the
Based on the information acquired so far, nine geo- sector are gas and possibly superlight oils.
logical provinces distributed over three exploratory
projects have been identified: Golfo de México B, • In the Saline province of Deep Gulf (Salina del Ist-
Golfo de México Sur, and Área Perdido, Figure 3.7. mo Basin), the Mesozoic and Tertiary sedimentary
column has been highly affected by the presences
Some of the geological characteristics are: of large salt canopies and deep-rooted saline intru-
sions that cause deformation and in some cases
• Perdido Folded Belt dipping under the allochtho- a rupture of the Mesozoic and Tertiary structures,
nous salt strip, a folded and faulted belt was formed which played an active role in the sedimentation,
as a result of salt settlement and gravitational giving rise to the formation of mini-basins caused
displacement over the top of Jurassic salt cap that by salt evacuation where the Pliocene sediments
involves the Mesozoic sequence. These structures are confined, which make it possible to reach
seem to be cored by salt and are elongated, very stratigraphic traps. This sector of the Salina del
big (more than 40 kilometers) and close together. Istmo Basin has lots of evidence supporting the

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico


1 2 3

4 5

8 6

Geologic Provinces:
1. Rio Bravo Delta
2. Allochthonous Salt Strip
3. Perdido Folded Belt
4. Distensive Lane
5. Mexican Ridges
6. Saline Basin of Deep Gulf
7. Edge of Campeche
8. Veracruz Canyon
0 100 200 300 400 500 Km
9. Abyssal Plain

Figure 3.7 Geological provinces identified in the Gulf of Mexico Deep-

water Basin.

presence of oil that is being squeezed up to the structures are relative shallower, which means that
seafloor through faults. This evidences lead to the heavy oil is especially expected.
expectation of mostly light oil hydrocarbons in the
sector. Well drilling started at the beginning of 2004 in the
Gulf of Mexico B project where eight exploratory wells
• The southern-eastern and eastern end of the area have been drilled to date, and the following have been
contains part of the compressive tectonic front that successful: Nab-1, extra-heavy oil producer and the
generated the most important producing structures Noxal-1, Lakach-1 and Lalail-1 non-associated gas
in the Sonda de Campeche (Reforma-Akal folded wells, Figure 3.8. Jointly, these wells added a total
belt), with a prevalence of low angle reverse faults reserve of 548 million barrels of oil equivalent.
lying in a northwestern-southeastern direction and
whose transport direction is to the northeastern. The prospective resources studies carried out in this
Furthermore, the Tertiary sedimentary cover in basin indicate that it has the highest oil potential, with
this zone tends to be thinner, while the Mesozoic an estimated mean prospective resource of 29,500

Prospective Resources

Lakach-1 Noxal-1 Leek-1 Tabscoob-1



Middle Miocene

Lower Miocene

Figure 3.8 Representative seismic section of the Lakach-Noxal area of the Gulf of Mexico.

million barrels of oil equivalent, which accounts for 56 at 300 million barrels of oil equivalent, of which 271
percent of the country’s total, that is, 52,300 million million barrels of oil equivalent have been documented
barrels of oil equivalent. with 16 heavy oil exploratory opportunities.

Of the total prospective resource estimated for this

basin, 7,222 million barrels of oil equivalent have been 3.2 Prospective Resources and Exploratory Strategy
documented and recorded in 126 exploratory op-
portunities, which means 24 percent of the potential; The knowledge currently available about the geo-
the remaining 76 percent has yet to be documented, graphic distribution of Mexico’s prospective resources
Table 3.6. has made it possible to direct the exploratory strategy
towards the search for oil, without neglecting the
Yucatan Platform search for non-associated gas in accordance with
the economic value and/or hydrocarbon volumes
This province, with an approximate area of 130,000 estimated for all of the basins.
square kilometers is formed by sediments developed
on a calcareous platform, where the geological-geo- Exploratory activities will therefore be mostly focused
physical studies and the information of the subsoil have on the Southeastern Basins, which are traditional oil
made it possible to establish an active oil system; nev- producers, where oil production is expected to con-
ertheless, the prospective resource has been estimated tinue in the short and medium term. In the same period,

Table 3.6 Prospective resources documented in the Gulf of Mexico Deep-

water Basin by hydrocarbon type.

Hydrocarbon Type Exploratory Wells Prospective Resources

number MMboe

Heavy Oil 6 289

Light Oil 91 5,143
Dry Gas 17 607
Wet Gas 12 1,183
Total 126 7,222

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

the Burgos and Veracruz basins will make a sizeable • Gas projects: focused on maintaining the produc-
contribution to the production of non-associated gas. tion platform for this kind of hydrocarbon and
helping reach the reserve replacement goals. The
Additionally, exploratory works have been pro- activities will mostly be centered on the Burgos and
grammed in the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Basin Veracruz basins. Furthermore, the development of
where the highest volumes of hydrocarbons are also the non-associated gas reserves discovered in the
expected to be discovered, albeit with a higher risk Holok area of the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Basin
factor. Due to the above, it is estimated that the ba- will be consolidated.
sin will make a significant contribution to oil and gas
production in the medium and long term. Reaching the above goals is based on the efficient
execution of the activities programmed, where the
In order to reach these production objectives, the acquisition of information, processing of seismic data
exploratory strategy considers the addition of an aver- and the geological-geophysical interpretation will
age prospective resource of 6,300 million barrels of make it possible to identify new opportunities and
oil equivalent over the next five years, and to reach generate exploratory locations, as well as to assess
a total reserves replacement rate of 100 percent by the geological risk associated with these, and thus
the year 2012. strengthen the portfolio of exploratory projects.

In this context, the exploratory drive will be aligned Considerations

with the following strategies in the next few years:
Given the nature of the exploratory projects, the
• Oil projects: focused on the Southeastern Basins estimation of the prospective resources is an ongo-
in order to add oil and gas reserves as of 2010 and ing activity that calls for the incorporation of results
to intensify the exploration of the Gulf of Mexico from exploratory wells drilled, and the geological-
Deepwater Basin, without neglecting the rest of geophysical information acquired. Consequently,
the basins. This will support the activities aimed the characterization of Mexico’s oil potential must
at maintaining the current production platform and be updated as new information is obtained or new
reaching the reserve replacement goal. technologies are applied.

Prospective Resources

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Estimation of Hydrocarbon Reserves

as of January 1, 2009
This chapter gives an evaluation of the country’s hy- of each one of the categories of reserves calls for the
drocarbon reserves in 2008, with an analysis of the use of production forecasts for oil, condensate, and
distribution by region, category, and fluid type compo- gas, hydrocarbon sales prices, operation costs and
sition. There is also an analysis of the classification of development-associated investments. With these four
the reserves according to the quality of the oil and the elements it is possible to determine the economic limit
origin of the gas, that is, associated or non-associated. of the exploitation of such reserves, that is, the point
The latter is broken down into reservoir type: dry gas, in time is determined when income and expenditure
wet gas or gas-condensate. are matched, where the income is simply a production
forecast multiplied by the price of the hydrocarbon in
It is important to stress that hydrocarbon reserves question. In this respect, the reserves are the volumes
are the result of investment project strategies that of production of each well until the economic limit
are translated into production forecasts associated is reached. Hence the importance of hydrocarbon
with the behavior of the reservoirs and operation prices, and the other elements involved.
and maintenance costs, as well as hydrocarbon sales
prices, in addition to the associated investments. The variations in the sales price of the Mexican crude
Furthermore, the current trends in reservoir behavior, oil mixture and sour wet gas over the last three years
major workovers in wells, programmed wells drilling, are shown in Figure 4.1. There is an evident upward
new development projects, secondary and enhanced trend in prices in the first half of 2008, reaching maxi-
recovery projects, the results of exploratory activity mum values of 120.3 dollars per barrel of oil in July,
and the combined production of the wells all contrib- and 11.2 dollars per thousand cubic feet of gas. The
ute to the updating of reserves. annual average of 84.4 dollars per barrel was 36.7
percent higher than in 2007. In the case of sour wet
This chapter also gives Mexico’s position in the gas, the prices in 2008 increased 32.2 percent when
international petroleum industry concerning the cat- compared with the previous year, with an average of
egory of proved reserves for both dry gas and total 7.7 dollars per thousand cubic feet, and a minimum
liquids, which include crude oil, condensates and of 5.6 dollars per thousand cubic feet in December
plant liquids. and a maximum of 11.0 dollars per thousand cubic
feet in July.

4.1 Hydrocarbon Prices

4.2 Oil Equivalent
The profitability of investment projects is determined
by considering the sales prices of the hydrocarbons Oil equivalent is the way of representing the total
to be produced, in addition to the development, op- hydrocarbon inventory. Oil equivalent includes
eration and maintenance costs necessary to carry out crude oil, condensates, plant liquids and dry gas in
the exploitation of the reserves. Specifically, the value its equivalent to liquid. The latter is obtained by re-

Estimation as of January 1, 2009

Crude Oil
dollars per barrel







Sour Wet Gas

dollars per thousand cubic feet


Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov
2006 2007 2008

Figure 4.1 Historic evolution of prices for the Mexican crude oil mix and sour wet gas over the last three years.

lating the heat value of the dry gas, in our case, the 4.2.1 Gas Behavior at the PEP Handling and Trans-
average residual gas in the Ciudad Pemex, Cactus, port Facilities
and Nuevo Pemex gas processing complexes (GPCs),
with the heat value of the crude oil corresponding The natural gas is transported from the separation
to the Maya type; the result is an equivalence that is batteries, if it is associated gas, or from the well, if it is
normally expressed in barrels of oil per million cubic non-associated gas, to the gas processing complexes
feet of dry gas. when it is wet gas and/or it contains impurities. The
sweet dry gas is distributed directly for commercial-
The evaluation of the oil equivalent considers the ization.
ways in which the facilities for handling and trans-
porting natural gas from the fields of each region to In some facilities, a fraction of the gas is used as
the gas processing complexes were operated over fuel to compress the gas actually produced, in other
the period of analysis, in addition to considering the situations, a part of the gas is re-injected into the
process to which the well gas was submitted at these reservoir or it is used in artificial production systems,
petrochemical plants. During the operation, the gas such as gas lift, and this part is referred to as self-
shrinkage and yields at the Pemex Exploración y Pro- consumption. The case may also arise when there
ducción facilities are recorded, with an identification of are no facilities available for the handling and trans-
the atmospheric behavior of gas up to its delivery at porting of associated gas, and consequently the gas
the petrochemical plants for processing. The volumes produced, or part of it, is flared, thus reducing the
of condensates are also measured simultaneously in gas sent to the processing complexes, or directly for
various surface facilities. Similarly, the gas processing commercialization.
complexes record the shrinkage and yields of the gas
delivered by Pemex Exploración y Producción in order Additionally, the gas sent to the processing com-
to obtain dry gas and plant liquids. plexes undergoes temperature and pressure changes

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

in transit, which gives rise to liquid condensation in tion in the pipeline. Finally, there is the condensate
the pipelines and a consequent reduction in volume. recovery factor, crf, which relates the condensate
The remaining gas after this potential third reduction, obtained to the gas sent to the plants.
after self-consumption and flaring, is what is actu-
ally delivered to the plants. Additionally, the natural The natural gas shrinkage and condensate recovery
gas liquids obtained in transportation and which are factors are calculated every month by using operative
known as condensates, are also delivered to the gas information at a field level in the Northeastern Off-
processing complexes. shore, Southwestern Offshore and Southern regions,
and the group of fields with shared processing for the
These reductions in the handling and transportation Northern Region. The regionalization of the gas and
of gas to the processing complexes are quantitatively condensate production sent to more than one gas pro-
expressed by means of two factors. The first is the cessing complex is also considered. Figure 4.2 shows
handling efficiency shrinkage factor, hesf, which in- the behavior over the last three years of these three
cludes gas flaring and self-consumption. The other is factors for all of the Pemex Exploración y Producción
the transport liquefiables shrinkage factor, tlsf, which regions. The utilization of natural gas is shown in the
represents the volume decrease caused by condensa- handling efficiency shrinkage factor, hesf, graph. The

Handling efficiency shrinkage factor (hesf)










Transport liquefiables shrinkage factor (tlsf)








Condensate recovery factor (crf)

barrels per million cubic feet



Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov
2006 2007 2008

Northeastern Offshore Southwestern Offshore Northern Southern

Figure 4.2 Gas shrinkage and condensate recovery factors, by region, of the national petroleum system.

Estimation as of January 1, 2009

Northeastern Offshore Region reported a decrease reductions in these processes are expressed quan-
compared with 2007. The Southwestern Offshore titatively through two factors; the impurities shrink-
Region evidenced almost constant behavior in gas age factor, isf, that considers the effect of removing
utilization, with a marked decrease in September 2008 non-hydrocarbon compounds from the gas, and the
because production in the May field was affected by plant liquefiables shrinkage factor, plsf, which consid-
a loss of control in the separation battery of the Dos ers the effect of separating liquefiable hydrocarbons
Bocas sea terminal in Tabasco. The Northern and from the wet gas. The liquids obtained are therefore
Southern regions showed stable and efficient behav- related to the wet gas by means of the plant liquids
ior throughout 2008. recovery factor, plrf.

In terms of liquefiables shrinkage, shown in Figure 4.2, These factors are updated every month with the op-
the behavior is practically constant for the Northern eration information furnished by all the gas process-
and Southern regions. The Northeastern Offshore ing complexes mentioned above and their behavior
Region reported high liquefiable behavior at the begin- is shown in Figure 4.3, which reveals the evolution of
ning of the year, followed by a decrease in February, the impurities shrinkage factor of the Cactus, Ciudad
a partial recovery in March and April despite faults Pemex, Matapionche, Nuevo Pemex, Poza Rica, and
in the modules of two platforms, and was then more Aren­que GPCs, that receive sour gas. The La Venta,
stable for the rest of 2008. In 2008, the Southwest- Rey­nosa, and Burgos GPCs receive sweet, wet gas;
ern Offshore Region showed gradually decreasing consequently, they are not shown in said figure. The
liquefiables shrinkage over the first four months as a intermediate part of Figure 4.3 shows the behavior
result of failures in the modules of the Pol-Alfa plat- of the liquefiables shrinkage factor in all the gas pro-
form, and it was then constant for the rest of the year. cessing complexes. In reference to the plant liquids
The condensates yield in the Northeastern Offshore recovery factor, the information is given in the lower
Region increased in February 2008, the Southwest- part of Figure 4.3. In particular, the Poza Rica GPC
ern Offshore Region reported a gradual and almost reported a value of zero in November because it
constant decrease over the year. The Northern and was out of operation for maintenance. The La Venta
Southern regions, however, were practically constant GPC reported a decrease in the recovery of liquids
in terms of yield throughout 2008. in March.

4.2.2 Gas Behavior in Processing Complexes 4.3 Remaining Total Reserves

The gas produced by the four Pemex Exploración y As of January 1, 2009, the remaining total reserves,
Producción regions is delivered to the Pemex Gas y also known as 3P, which correspond to the addi-
Petroquímica Básica processing complexes in Aren­ tion of the proved, probable and possible reserves,
que, Burgos, Cactus, Ciudad Pemex, La Venta, Ma­ta­ amounted to 43,562.6 million barrels of oil equivalent.
pionche, Nuevo Pemex, Poza Rica, and Reynosa. The Specifically, the proved reserves accounted for 32.8
gas received at the processing complexes undergoes percent, the probable reserves were 33.3 percent and
a sweetening process if the gas is sour; and absorp- the possible reserves were 33.8 percent, as can be
tion and cryogenic processes are applied, when the seen in Figure 4.4.
gas is wet. The plant liquids, which are liquefied hy-
drocarbons, and dry gas also known as residual gas, The classification by fluid type of remaining total
are obtained by means of these processes. The gas reserves of Mexico’s oil equivalent is shown in Table

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Impurities shrinkage factor (isf)











Plant liquefiables shrinkage factor (plsf)











Plant liquids recovery factor (plrf)

barrels per million cubic feet







Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov Jan Mar May Jul Sep Nov
2006 2007 2008

Arenque Burgos Cactus Cd. Pemex La Venta Matapionche Nuevo Pemex Poza Rica Reynosa

Figure 4.3 Gas shrinkage and liquids recovery factors in gas processing complexes where natural gas is delivered
from the country’s reservoirs.

4.1. Consequently, as of January 1, 2009, crude oil particular, the Northeastern Offshore Region provides
accounted for 71.0 percent of the total, dry gas 68.7 percent of the nation’s total heavy oil, while the
19.7 percent, plant liquids added 8.0 percent, and Northern Region furnishes 61.6 percent of the light
condensates provided 1.3 percent. In a regional oil, and 47.2 percent of the total superlight oil.
context, 3P reserves are distributed as follows;
the Northern Region accounts for 45.3 percent, Bboe

the Northeastern Offshore Region has 29.4 per- 14.7 43.6

cent, the Southwestern Offshore Region holds
11.9 percent, and the Southern Region contains
14.5 28.8
13.5 percent.

The classification of total crude oil reserves ac- 14.3

cording to density is shown in Table 4.2. Total

oil reserves as of January 1, 2009, amounted to
30,929.8 million barrels, with heavy oil account- Proved Probable 2P Possible 3P
ing for 54.4 percent of this volume, light oil 35.4
Figure 4.4 Integration by category of the remaining oil equi­
percent, and superlight with 10.2 percent. In valent reserves of Mexico.

Estimation as of January 1, 2009

Table 4.1 Historic distribution by fluid and region of remaining total reserves.

Remaining Hydrocarbon Reserves Remaining Gas Reserves

Crude Condensate Plant Dry Gas Total Natural Gas Gas to be Dry Gas
Year Oil Liquids Equivalent Delivered to Plant
Region MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl MMboe MMboe Bcf Bcf Bcf

2006 33,093.0 863.0 3,479.4 8,982.2 46,417.5 62,354.8 55,080.8 46,715.6

Northeastern Offshore 13,566.4 509.6 421.1 696.4 15,193.5 6,188.5 4,580.8 3,621.7
Southwestern Offshore 2,773.1 185.2 360.2 724.9 4,043.5 5,670.9 4,653.1 3,770.1
Northern 12,877.3 51.5 1,659.4 5,950.9 20,539.1 39,055.1 34,860.8 30,950.5
Southern 3,876.1 116.6 1,038.7 1,610.0 6,641.4 11,440.3 10,986.1 8,373.3

2007 31,908.8 941.2 3,417.5 9,108.9 45,376.3 63,045.2 55,364.2 47,367.9

Northeastern Offshore 12,510.6 635.4 350.2 589.8 14,086.0 5,716.7 3,853.7 3,067.5
Southwestern Offshore 2,900.9 175.4 407.6 1,163.0 4,647.0 7,961.9 6,936.0 6,048.5
Northern 12,769.4 39.4 1,711.4 5,876.7 20,397.0 38,910.0 34,721.4 30,564.5
Southern 3,727.9 91.0 948.1 1,479.4 6,246.3 10,456.6 9,853.1 7,687.3

2008 31,211.6 879.0 3,574.7 8,817.4 44,482.7 61,358.5 54,288.1 45,858.8

Northeastern Offshore 11,936.8 616.4 283.5 521.0 13,357.7 5,382.7 3,384.8 2,709.7
Southwestern Offshore 2,927.8 147.3 422.3 1,262.5 4,759.9 8,269.3 7,602.0 6,566.2
Northern 12,546.0 19.4 1,970.5 5,613.0 20,149.0 37,546.1 33,741.6 29,193.0
Southern 3,801.0 95.8 898.4 1,420.9 6,216.1 10,160.4 9,559.6 7,389.9

2009 30,929.8 561.7 3,491.3 8,579.7 43,562.6 60,374.3 53,382.5 44,622.7

Northeastern Offshore 11,656.6 368.9 256.6 503.7 12,785.9 4,892.9 3,317.0 2,619.7
Southwestern Offshore 3,217.4 84.5 509.7 1,377.8 5,189.4 9,571.8 8,566.0 7,165.8
Northern 12,402.9 19.1 1,918.2 5,384.6 19,724.8 36,503.1 32,614.5 28,005.0
Southern 3,652.9 89.2 806.8 1,313.6 5,862.5 9,406.5 8,885.0 6,832.1

Total reserves of natural gas as of January 1, 2009, gas reservoirs; the Southwestern Offshore Region
amount to 60,374.3 billion cubic feet, with the North- contains 40.5 percent, most of which is found in wet
ern Region accounting for 60.5 percent. The gas gas reservoirs. The Southern Region has 16.9 percent
reserves to be delivered to processing plants total of the total, mainly located in the gas-condensate
53,382.5 billion cubic feet and the dry gas reserves reservoirs, and the Northeastern Offshore Region
amount to 44,622.7 billion cubic feet. This information with 0.4 percent of the dry gas reservoirs completes
and its historic evolution can be seen in Table 4.1. this volume.

The classification of total reserves of natural gas by The evolution of Mexico’s total oil equivalent reserves
association with oil in the reservoir is shown in Table is shown in Figure 4.5, including the details of the
4.2. It can be seen that the 3P reserves of associated most important elements that generate variations in
gas as of January 1, 2009, total 44,710.0 billion cubic said reserve. As of January 1, 2009, there was a slight
feet of gas, which is 74.1 percent of the total, because decrease of 2.1 percent compared with the total re-
most of the reservoirs in Mexico are oil reservoirs, and serves of the previous year. A large part of the decline
the remaining 25.9 percent covers non-associated gas is explained by the production of 1,451.1 million bar-
reserves. In particular, the Northern Region provides rels of oil equivalent in 2008, where the Northeastern
42.3 percent of these reserves, mostly located in wet Offshore Region provided 47.5 percent. Discoveries

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Table 4.2 Classification of total reserves, or 3P, of crude oil and natural gas.

Crude Oil Natural Gas

Heavy Light Superlight Associated Non-associated

Year G-C* Wet Gas Dry Gas Total

Region MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl Bcf Bcf Bcf Bcf Bcf

2006 18,786.6 11,523.3 2,783.0 48,183.0 5,149.1 4,219.5 4,803.3 14,171.8

Northeastern Offshore 13,487.5 78.9 0.0 6,130.7 0.0 0.0 57.8 57.8
Southwestern Offshore 667.6 1,538.4 567.1 2,961.6 1,938.0 0.0 771.4 2,709.3
Northern 4,326.4 7,040.3 1,510.6 31,726.6 97.4 3,990.3 3,240.9 7,328.5
Southern 305.2 2,865.7 705.3 7,364.1 3,113.8 229.2 733.3 4,076.2

2007 17,710.4 11,317.7 2,880.6 47,403.1 4,791.2 5,766.3 5,084.7 15,642.1

Northeastern Offshore 12,444.0 66.5 0.0 5,658.9 0.0 0.0 57.8 57.8
Southwestern Offshore 650.2 1,622.2 628.6 3,280.4 2,020.0 1,301.8 1,359.7 4,681.5
Northern 4,303.4 6,954.6 1,511.4 31,436.5 97.4 4,290.3 3,085.8 7,473.5
Southern 312.8 2,674.4 740.7 7,027.2 2,673.9 174.1 581.4 3,429.4

2008 17,175.7 11,166.1 2,869.9 46,067.0 4,157.2 5,922.3 5,212.1 15,291.6

Northeastern Offshore 11,900.3 36.5 0.0 5,325.0 0.0 0.0 57.8 57.8
Southwestern Offshore 740.0 1,692.5 495.3 3,163.0 1,734.3 2,010.6 1,361.4 5,106.3
Northern 4,211.9 6,824.6 1,509.5 30,594.1 88.8 3,795.9 3,067.4 6,952.0
Southern 323.5 2,612.5 865.0 6,984.9 2,334.1 115.8 725.6 3,175.5

2009 16,836.2 10,948.1 3,145.5 44,710.0 5,052.5 5,545.8 5,065.9 15,664.3

Northeastern Offshore 11,569.1 87.6 0.0 4,835.1 0.0 0.0 57.8 57.8
Southwestern Offshore 739.9 1,793.1 684.4 3,232.9 2,968.5 2,010.7 1,359.7 6,338.9
Northern 4,177.0 6,740.3 1,485.5 29,883.7 87.4 3,413.3 3,118.7 6,619.4
Southern 350.1 2,327.1 975.6 6,758.4 1,996.6 121.8 529.7 2,648.2

* G-C: Gas-Condensate reservoirs

added 1,482.1 million barrels of oil equivalent, thus by 1,157.8 million barrels. Considering additions, revi-
replacing production in 2008 by 102.1 percent. Devel- sions and developments, 530.9 million barrels of oil
opments increased reserves by 206.6 million barrels equivalent in 3P reserves were replaced, which means
of oil equivalent, while revisions reduced the reserves an integrated replacement rate of 36.6 percent.


46.4 1.4 -1.2

45.4 0.3 -1.5

2006 2007 2008 Additions Revisions Developments Production 2009

Figure 4.5 Historic evolution of Mexico’s total oil equivalent reserves.

Estimation as of January 1, 2009

The reserve-production ratio, which is obtained by 1, 2009, being reported as 14,307.7 million barrels
dividing the remaining reserve as of January 1, 2009, of oil equivalent. In terms of the hydrocarbons that
by the production in 2008, is 30.0 years for the total make up the above figure, crude oil contributes 72.7
reserves, 19.9 years for the proved plus probable percent of the total proved reserves, dry gas accounts
reserves (2P) aggregate, and 9.9 years for proved for 17.1 percent, while plant liquids and condensates
reserves. This ratio does not envisage a decrease in represent 7.6 and 2.6 percent, respectively. In regional
production, the discovery of reserves in the future terms, the Northeastern Offshore Region accounts
or variations in hydrocarbon prices and changes in for 46.9 percent of the total national oil equivalent
operation and transport costs. reserve, the Southern Region has 28.3 percent, while
the Northern Region provides 11.5 percent, and the
Southwestern Offshore Region furnishes the remain-
4.3.1 Remaining Proved Reserves ing 13.2 percent. Table 4.3 shows the distribution of
the remaining proved reserve classified by region
Mexico’s proved hydrocarbon reserves are evaluated and fluid type.
in accordance with the criteria and definitions of the
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of the As of January 1, 2009, the proved crude oil reserves
United States, with remaining reserves as of January totaled 10,404.2 million barrels, heavy oil being the

Table 4.3 Distribution by fluid and region of remaining proved reserves.

Remaining Hydrocarbon Reserves Remaining Gas Reserves

Crude Condensate Plant Dry Gas Total Natural Gas Gas to be Dry Gas
Year Oil Liquids Equivalent Delivered to Plant
Region MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl MMboe MMboe Bcf Bcf Bcf

2006 11,813.8 537.9 1,318.8 2,799.0 16,469.6 19,956.9 17,794.0 14,557.3

Northeastern Offshore 7,106.2 341.2 289.1 473.0 8,209.4 4,190.4 3,118.2 2,459.9
Southwestern Offshore 1,011.3 76.4 148.4 276.8 1,513.0 2,245.8 1,803.5 1,439.6
Northern 888.1 21.1 106.5 848.4 1,864.0 4,964.4 4,657.8 4,412.4
Southern 2,808.2 99.3 774.9 1,200.8 4,883.2 8,556.3 8,214.5 6,245.3

2007 11,047.6 608.3 1,193.5 2,664.8 15,514.2 18,957.3 16,558.4 13,855.8

Northeastern Offshore 6,532.0 443.2 254.3 422.7 7,652.2 4,038.8 2,769.2 2,198.4
Southwestern Offshore 1,038.0 68.1 161.1 360.0 1,627.2 2,643.7 2,227.6 1,872.6
Northern 888.9 18.2 106.4 832.9 1,846.4 4,856.4 4,570.4 4,331.8
Southern 2,588.7 78.9 671.6 1,049.2 4,388.4 7,418.4 6,991.1 5,452.9

2008 10,501.2 559.6 1,125.7 2,530.7 14,717.2 18,076.7 15,829.7 13,161.8

Northeastern Offshore 6,052.8 407.5 200.7 363.6 7,024.6 3,635.6 2,369.3 1,891.2
Southwestern Offshore 994.9 61.2 176.7 397.3 1,630.1 2,787.4 2,478.7 2,066.4
Northern 840.7 8.2 102.4 770.2 1,721.5 4,479.7 4,223.3 4,005.7
Southern 2,612.8 82.8 645.9 999.5 4,341.1 7,174.0 6,758.5 5,198.5

2009 10,404.2 378.4 1,082.9 2,442.3 14,307.7 17,649.5 15,475.2 12,702.0

Northeastern Offshore 5,919.3 256.1 183.0 353.9 6,712.3 3,365.8 2,337.7 1,840.4
Southwestern Offshore 1,176.0 38.0 221.2 458.8 1,893.9 3,462.9 2,973.0 2,386.0
Northern 828.7 8.0 105.5 710.1 1,652.4 4,218.7 3,922.4 3,693.3
Southern 2,480.2 76.3 573.1 919.5 4,049.1 6,602.1 6,242.2 4,782.2

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Table 4.4 Classification of proved reserves, or 1P, of crude oil and natural gas.

Crude Oil Natural Gas

Heavy Light Superlight Associated Non-associated

Year G-C* Wet Gas Dry Gas Total

Region MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl Bcf Bcf Bcf Bcf Bcf

2006 7,557.4 3,550.4 706.0 13,274.2 2,191.3 1,657.9 2,833.5 6,682.7

Northeastern Offshore 7,060.2 46.0 0.0 4,176.7 0.0 0.0 13.7 13.7
Southwestern Offshore 113.8 718.5 179.0 1,442.9 598.7 0.0 204.1 802.9
Northern 358.6 523.5 6.0 1,430.4 34.5 1,472.5 2,027.1 3,534.1
Southern 24.8 2,262.4 521.0 6,224.2 1,558.0 185.4 588.7 2,332.1

2007 7,009.4 3,402.9 635.3 12,578.1 1,819.9 2,179.4 2,379.8 6,379.2

Northeastern Offshore 6,493.4 38.6 0.0 4,025.6 0.0 0.0 13.2 13.2
Southwestern Offshore 110.0 750.4 177.6 1,585.9 541.8 308.5 207.4 1,057.8
Northern 366.1 513.6 9.1 1,316.4 34.5 1,739.9 1,765.7 3,540.0
Southern 39.8 2,100.3 448.5 5,650.2 1,243.6 131.1 393.5 1,768.2

2008 6,545.7 3,258.7 696.9 11,793.2 2,042.2 1,844.8 2,396.5 6,283.5

Northeastern Offshore 6,016.3 36.5 0.0 3,622.1 0.0 0.0 13.4 13.4
Southwestern Offshore 120.9 669.4 204.6 1,385.0 886.0 308.5 207.9 1,402.5
Northern 357.6 473.9 9.2 1,235.2 35.9 1,435.0 1,773.5 3,244.5
Southern 50.9 2,078.8 483.1 5,550.9 1,120.2 101.3 401.6 1,623.1

2009 6,381.4 3,237.6 785.2 11,473.1 2,335.7 1,734.5 2,106.1 6,176.4

Northeastern Offshore 5,868.5 50.7 0.0 3,352.3 0.0 0.0 13.4 13.4
Southwestern Offshore 120.9 808.2 246.9 1,616.0 1,330.7 308.6 207.7 1,846.9
Northern 342.4 468.5 17.8 1,282.0 34.9 1,319.3 1,582.5 2,936.7
Southern 49.5 1,910.2 520.5 5,222.8 970.2 106.7 302.5 1,379.3

* G-C: Gas-Condensate reservoirs

dominant component with 61.3 percent, followed by heavy oil, while the Southern Region has 59.0 percent
light oil with 31.1 percent and superlight oil providing of the light oil and 66.3 percent of the superlight oil.
7.5 percent of the national total. The Northeastern Table 4.4 shows the proved reserves of crude oil as
Offshore Region provides 92.0 percent of the total classified by density.


1.0 -1.5
0.5 -0.4

2006 2007 2008 Additions Revisions Developments Production 2009

Figure 4.6 Historic behavior of Mexico’s remaining proved oil equivalent reserves.

Estimation as of January 1, 2009

The historic evolution of Mexico’s proved natural gas Bboe

reserves is shown in Table 4.3. These reserves totaled 4.1 14.3

17,649.5 billion cubic feet of gas as of January 1, 2009,
which means a decrease of 2.4 percent compared with 10.2
the previous year. The reserves of gas to be delivered
to plant totaled 15,475.2 billion cubic feet. The proved
dry gas reserve was 12,702.0 billion cubic feet, of
which the Southern Region holds 37.6 percent and
the Northern Region provides 29.1 percent.
Developed Undeveloped Proved
The classification of proved natural gas reserves by as-
Figure 4.7 Classification by category of the remain­
sociation with oil in the reservoir is shown in Table 4.4. ing proved oil equivalent reserves.
The associated gas reserves account for 65.0 percent
of the total and the non-associated gas is 35.0 percent. The historic behavior of proved oil equivalent reserves
The Southern and Northeastern Offshore regions pro- of the country is shown in Figure 4.6, where there was
vide 45.5 percent and 29.2 percent, respectively, of a decrease of 2.8 percent as of January 1, 2009, when
the proved associated gas reserves. Additionally, the compared with the previous year. Nevertheless, it is im-
highest non-associated gas reserve contribution is in portant to note that the highest volume of new proved
the Northern and Southwestern Offshore regions, with reserves replaced by discoveries, delimitations, devel-
47.5 and 29.9 percent, respectively. Some 53.9 percent opments and revisions was reached in 2008, amounting
of these reserves in the Northern Region are in dry gas to 1,041.6 million barrels of oil equivalent, which means
reservoirs. Regarding the Southern and Southwestern 71.8 percent of the production in 2008. Additions and
Offshore regions, Most of their proved non-associated developments increased proved reserves by 363.8
gas reserves, are in gas condensate reservoirs. and 1,068.7 million barrels, respectively. Revisions,

Table 4.5 Proved crude oil and dry gas reserves of the most important producing countries.

Ranking Country Crude Oila Ranking Country Dry Gas

MMbbl Bcf

1 Saudi Arabia 264,210 1 Russia 1,680,000

2 Canada 178,092 2 Iran 991,600
3 Iran 136,150 3 Qatar 891,945
4 Iraq 115,000 4 Saudi Arabia 257,970
5 Kuwait 101,500 5 United States of America 237,726
6 Venezuela 99,377 6 United Arab Emirates 214,400
7 United Arab Emirates 97,800 7 Nigeria 184,160
8 Russia 60,000 8 Venezuela 170,920
9 Libya 43,660 9 Algeria 159,000
10 Nigeria 36,220 10 Iraq 111,940
11 Kazakhstan 30,000 11 Indonesia 106,000
12 United States of America 21,317 12 Turkmenistan 94,000
13 China 16,000 13 Kazakhstan 85,000
14 Qatar 15,210 14 Malaysia 83,000
15 Brazil 12,624 15 Norway 81,680
16 Algeria 12,200 16 China 80,000
17 Mexico 11,865 35 Mexico 12,702

Source: Mexico, Pemex Exploración y Producción. Other countries, Oil & Gas Journal, December 22, 2008
a. Includes condensates and liquids from natural gas

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

however, reduced reserves by 390.9 million barrels Remaining Developed Proved Reserves
of oil equivalent. Finally, production in 2008 totaling
1,451.1 million barrels of oil equivalent explains the As of January 1, 2009, the developed proved reserves
most important decrease in this category of reserves. totaled 10,196.3 million barrels of oil equivalent,
which means an increase of 1.9 percent compared
The classification by category of proved reserves as of with the previous year. Additions, developments, and
January 1, 2009, is shown in Figure 4.7. The developed revisions, amounted to 1,642.1 million barrels of oil
proved reserves therefore represent 71.3 percent of equivalent, which means a replacement rate of 113.2
the national total, and the remaining 28.7 percent is percent of the production of 1,451.1 million barrels
made up of undeveloped proved. of oil equivalent.

In the international context, Mexico is ranked 17th Table 4.6 shows the distribution by region and fluid
in reference to the proved reserves, including oil, type of developed proved reserves. As of January 1,
condensate and plant liquids. In terms of dry gas, 2009, crude oil accounted for 74.9 percent of the total,
Mexico is in the 35th place. Table 4.5 shows the proved followed by dry gas with 15.5 percent, plant liquids
reserves of crude oil and dry gas of the most important with 6.7 percent and 2.9 percent for condensates. The
producing countries. Northeastern Offshore Region has 54.4 percent of the

Table 4.6 Historic distribution by fluid and region of the remaining developed proved reserves.

Remaining Hydrocarbon Reserves Remaining Gas Reserves

Crude Condensate Plant Dry Gas Total Natural Gas Gas to be Dry Gas
Year Oil Liquids Equivalent Delivered to Plant
Region MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl MMboe MMboe Bcf Bcf Bcf

2006 8,565.1 273.8 777.6 1,709.0 11,325.6 11,945.4 10,801.3 8,888.2

Northeastern Offshore 5,586.0 161.2 141.1 229.5 6,117.8 2,033.5 1,515.1 1,193.8
Southwestern Offshore 547.4 42.3 82.0 131.0 802.6 1,121.3 882.3 681.1
Northern 395.7 16.2 63.3 591.0 1,066.2 3,379.5 3,219.2 3,074.0
Southern 2,036.1 54.1 491.3 757.4 3,338.9 5,411.1 5,184.7 3,939.3

2007 7,930.8 327.8 718.9 1,670.6 10,648.1 11,631.0 10,315.8 8,688.2

Northeastern Offshore 5,124.6 229.0 140.8 232.6 5,727.0 2,174.0 1,525.6 1,209.6
Southwestern Offshore 598.2 39.4 94.0 155.1 886.8 1,261.3 1,018.0 806.9
Northern 349.0 14.1 57.0 606.2 1,026.3 3,431.2 3,276.2 3,152.9
Southern 1,859.0 45.3 427.1 676.7 3,008.0 4,764.5 4,496.0 3,518.8

2008 7,450.3 319.7 665.8 1,569.5 10,005.3 11,027.8 9,735.6 8,162.9

Northeastern Offshore 4,773.3 238.9 130.2 234.2 5,376.7 2,245.3 1,528.2 1,218.1
Southwestern Offshore 533.1 30.8 88.5 165.2 817.8 1,227.5 1,065.1 859.4
Northern 303.1 6.2 44.8 540.3 894.4 3,058.1 2,898.5 2,809.8
Southern 1,840.7 43.7 402.3 629.8 2,916.5 4,497.0 4,243.8 3,275.6

2009 7,638.3 297.8 682.4 1,577.8 10,196.3 11,450.0 9,954.5 8,206.1

Northeastern Offshore 4,837.5 229.2 164.3 315.4 5,546.4 2,892.0 2,087.0 1,640.5
Southwestern Offshore 673.7 20.4 112.2 198.5 1,004.8 1,604.6 1,330.6 1,032.4
Northern 407.8 6.0 60.3 494.9 969.0 2,890.5 2,701.4 2,573.9
Southern 1,719.4 42.2 345.6 569.0 2,676.1 4,062.8 3,835.6 2,959.3

Estimation as of January 1, 2009

oil equivalent reserves, the Southern Region holds 26.2 ern Offshore Region provides 95.5 percent of the total
percent, and the Northern and Southwestern Offshore heavy oil, while the Southern Region has 64.1 percent
regions have 9.5 and 9.9 percent, respectively. of the light oil and 71.8 percent of the superlight oil.
Table 4.7 shows the classification of developed proved
Developed proved natural gas reserves as of January crude oil reserves according to density.
1, 2009, total 11,450.0 billion cubic feet, as can be
seen in Table 4.6. Gas reserves to be delivered to plant The classification of developed proved reserves of
amount to 9,954.5 billion cubic feet, 38.5 percent of natural gas by association with crude oil in the res-
which is produced by the Southern Region. Dry gas ervoir is given in Table 4.7. As of January 1, 2009,
reserves are 8,206.1 billion cubic feet, with the South- the developed proved reserves of associated gas
ern Region holding 36.1 percent of this reserve. accounted for 67.4 percent of the natural gas, while
non-associated gas represented 32.6 percent. Most
As of January 1, 2009, the developed proved reserves of the developed reserves of associated gas are in
of crude oil totaled 7,638.6 million barrels. Heavy oil the Southern Region and the Northeastern Offshore
accounted for 66.1 percent of the national total, light oil Region, with 37.9 and 37.5 percent, respectively. As
27.0 percent, and superlight 6.9 percent. The Northeast- regards developed non-associated gas reserves, the

Table 4.7 Classification of developed proved crude oil and natural gas reserves.

Crude Oil Natural Gas

Heavy Light Superlight Associated Non-associated

Year G-C* Wet Gas Dry Gas Total

Region MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl Bcf Bcf Bcf Bcf Bcf

2006 5,746.8 2,390.4 427.9 7,190.0 1,603.3 1,260.7 1,891.3 4,755.4

Northeastern Offshore 5,552.7 33.2 0.0 2,033.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Southwestern Offshore 0.0 488.1 59.3 1,013.9 107.4 0.0 0.0 107.4
Northern 176.6 218.6 0.5 746.0 11.1 1,077.7 1,544.7 2,633.6
Southern 17.5 1,650.4 368.2 3,396.6 1,484.8 183.0 346.6 2,014.4

2007 5,279.6 2,240.3 411.0 6,947.5 1,355.5 1,411.2 1,916.8 4,683.6

Northeastern Offshore 5,098.7 25.9 0.0 2,174.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Southwestern Offshore 0.0 524.0 74.2 1,103.4 157.9 0.0 0.0 157.9
Northern 158.1 190.4 0.5 525.7 11.1 1,282.8 1,611.5 2,905.5
Southern 22.7 1,500.0 336.3 3,144.3 1,186.5 128.4 305.3 1,620.2

2008 4,909.8 2,095.6 444.9 6,745.4 1,310.7 1,152.3 1,819.5 4,282.4

Northeastern Offshore 4,749.6 23.7 0.0 2,245.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Southwestern Offshore 0.0 437.3 95.8 956.5 271.0 0.0 0.0 271.0
Northern 132.1 170.5 0.5 458.4 10.6 1,053.6 1,535.5 2,599.7
Southern 28.2 1,464.0 348.6 3,085.2 1,029.1 98.7 284.0 1,411.8

2009 5,046.5 2,064.8 527.0 7,720.4 1,173.1 1,070.2 1,486.3 3,729.6

Northeastern Offshore 4,820.8 16.7 0.0 2,892.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Southwestern Offshore 0.0 527.8 145.8 1,218.6 386.0 0.0 0.0 386.0
Northern 208.2 196.7 3.0 681.1 10.7 967.8 1,230.9 2,209.4
Southern 17.6 1,323.5 378.2 2,928.6 776.4 102.4 255.4 1,134.2

* G-C: Gas-Condensate reservoirs

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Northern Region has 59.2 percent of the national total, sions reduced this reserve by 600.4 million barrels of
mostly in dry and wet gas reservoirs. The Southern oil equivalent, mainly because of the reclassification
Region provides 30.4 percent, largely in gas-conden- of these reserves to developed proved.
sate reservoirs, and the remaining percentage of these
reserves is in the Southwestern Offshore Region, with The historical distribution of the undeveloped proved
10.3 percent related to gas-condensate reservoirs. reserves by fluid and region can be seen in Table 4.8.
As of January 1, 2009, crude oil accounted for 67.3
percent of the national total, dry gas equivalent to liquid Undeveloped Proved Reserves 21.0 percent, plant liquids added 9.7 percent, and the
condensate completed the figure with 2.0 percent. The
As of January 1, 2009, the undeveloped proved re- Northeastern Offshore Region provides 28.4 percent
serves totaled 4,111.4 million barrels of oil equivalent, of the oil equivalent, the Southern Region has 33.4
which means a decrease of 12.7 percent compared percent, and the Southwestern Offshore and Northern
with the previous year. Discoveries added 349.7 mil- regions have 21.6 and 16.6 percent, respectively.
lion barrels of oil equivalent; delimitations provided
74.7 million barrels, developments meant a decline Undeveloped proved natural gas reserves, as of Janu-
of 424.5 million barrels of oil equivalent, and the revi- ary 1, 2009, amounted to 6,199.5 billion cubic feet, as

Table 4.8 Historic distribution by fluid and region of undeveloped proved reserves.

Remaining Hydrocarbon Reserves Remaining Gas Reserves

Crude Condensate Plant Dry Gas Total Natural Gas Gas to be Dry Gas
Year Oil Liquids Equivalent Delivered to Plant
Region MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl MMboe MMboe Bcf Bcf Bcf

2006 3,248.7 264.1 541.2 1,090.0 5,144.0 8,011.5 6,992.7 5,669.0

Northeastern Offshore 1,520.2 179.9 148.0 243.4 2,091.6 2,156.9 1,603.1 1,266.1
Southwestern Offshore 463.9 34.1 66.5 145.8 710.3 1,124.5 921.1 758.5
Northern 492.4 4.9 43.2 257.3 797.8 1,584.9 1,438.6 1,338.4
Southern 772.2 45.2 283.6 443.4 1,544.3 3,145.2 3,029.8 2,306.1

2007 3,116.7 280.5 474.6 994.2 4,866.1 7,326.3 6,242.5 5,167.5

Northeastern Offshore 1,407.4 214.2 113.5 190.1 1,925.2 1,864.8 1,243.7 988.8
Southwestern Offshore 439.7 28.7 67.1 204.9 740.4 1,382.3 1,209.7 1,065.7
Northern 539.9 4.0 49.5 226.7 820.1 1,425.3 1,294.2 1,179.0
Southern 729.7 33.6 244.5 372.5 1,380.4 2,653.9 2,495.0 1,934.0

2008 3,050.9 239.9 459.9 961.2 4,711.9 7,048.9 6,094.1 4,998.9

Northeastern Offshore 1,279.5 168.5 70.5 129.4 1,647.9 1,390.2 841.1 673.1
Southwestern Offshore 461.8 30.3 88.2 232.1 812.3 1,560.0 1,413.5 1,207.0
Northern 537.6 2.0 57.6 229.9 827.1 1,421.6 1,324.8 1,195.9
Southern 772.1 39.1 243.6 369.7 1,424.5 2,677.1 2,514.7 1,922.9

2009 2,765.9 80.6 400.5 864.4 4,111.4 6,199.5 5,520.7 4,495.9

Northeastern Offshore 1,081.8 26.9 18.7 38.4 1,165.8 473.7 250.7 199.9
Southwestern Offshore 502.3 17.5 109.1 260.3 889.2 1,858.2 1,642.4 1,353.6
Northern 420.9 2.0 45.2 215.2 683.4 1,328.2 1,221.0 1,119.4
Southern 760.9 34.1 227.5 350.5 1,373.0 2,539.3 2,406.6 1,822.9

Estimation as of January 1, 2009

Table 4.9 Classification of undeveloped proved crude oil and natural gas reserves.

Crude Oil Natural Gas

Heavy Light Superlight Associated Non-associated

Year G-C* Wet Gas Dry Gas Total

Region MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl Bcf Bcf Bcf Bcf Bcf

2006 1,810.6 1,160.1 278.1 6,084.2 588.0 397.2 942.2 1,927.3

Northeastern Offshore 1,507.4 12.8 0.0 2,143.2 0.0 0.0 13.7 13.7
Southwestern Offshore 113.8 230.4 119.7 429.0 491.4 0.0 204.1 695.5
Northern 182.0 304.9 5.5 684.4 23.4 394.8 482.4 900.5
Southern 7.3 612.0 152.8 2,827.5 73.2 2.4 242.1 317.7

2007 1,729.8 1,162.6 224.2 5,630.6 464.4 768.2 463.1 1,695.6

Northeastern Offshore 1,394.6 12.8 0.0 1,851.6 0.0 0.0 13.2 13.2
Southwestern Offshore 110.0 226.4 103.4 482.4 383.9 308.5 207.4 899.9
Northern 208.1 323.2 8.6 790.7 23.4 457.1 154.2 634.6
Southern 17.1 600.3 112.3 2,506.0 57.1 2.6 88.3 148.0

2008 1,635.9 1,163.1 252.0 5,047.8 731.5 692.5 577.0 2,001.0

Northeastern Offshore 1,266.7 12.8 0.0 1,376.8 0.0 0.0 13.4 13.4
Southwestern Offshore 120.9 232.1 108.8 428.5 615.0 308.5 207.9 1,131.5
Northern 225.5 303.4 8.7 776.8 25.3 381.5 238.1 644.8
Southern 22.7 614.9 134.5 2,465.7 91.1 2.6 117.6 211.3

2009 1,334.8 1,172.8 258.2 3,752.7 1,162.7 664.3 619.8 2,446.8

Northeastern Offshore 1,047.7 34.1 0.0 460.3 0.0 0.0 13.4 13.4
Southwestern Offshore 120.9 280.3 101.0 397.3 944.7 308.6 207.7 1,460.9
Northern 134.2 271.8 14.9 600.9 24.2 351.4 351.6 727.3
Southern 32.0 586.6 142.3 2,294.2 193.8 4.3 47.1 245.2

* G-C: Gas-Condensate reservoirs

can be seen in Table 4.8. The gas to be delivered to 23.9 percent, and the Northern Region 23.2 percent.
plant is 5,520.7 billion cubic feet; the Southern Region Additionally, the Southern Region provides 55.1
accounts for 43.6 percent of this total. The dry gas percent of the superlight oil and the Southwestern
reserve totals 4,495.9 billion cubic feet, of which 40.5 Offshore Region has 39.1 percent. The classification
percent is located in the Southern Region. of undeveloped proved crude oil reserves by density
is shown in Table 4.9.
The undeveloped proved crude oil reserves as of
January 1, 2009, amounted to 2,765.9 million barrels, The natural gas undeveloped proved reserves clas-
with heavy oil representing 48.3 percent of the total, sified by association with crude oil in the reservoir
light oil 42.4 percent and the superlight 9.3 percent. In are also shown in Table 4.9. As of January 1, 2009,
particular, the Northeastern Offshore Region provides the undeveloped proved reserves of associated gas
78.5 percent of the heavy oil, the Northern Region accounted for 60.5 percent of the total, while the non-
has 10.1 percent, the Southwestern Offshore Region associated gas represented 39.5 percent. The Southern
9.1 percent, and the Southern Region 2.4 percent. Region contributes 61.1 percent of the associated gas
As regards light oil, the Southern Region contributes undeveloped proved reserves. In terms of non-associ-
50.0 percent, the Southwestern Offshore Region ated gas, the Southwestern Offshore Region has 59.7

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Table 4.10 Historic distribution by fluid and region of probable reserves.

Remaining Hydrocarbon Reserves Remaining Gas Reserves

Crude Condensate Plant Dry Gas Total Natural Gas Gas to be Dry Gas
Year Oil Liquids Equivalent Delivered to Plant
Region MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl MMboe MMboe Bcf Bcf Bcf

2006 11,644.1 166.6 1,046.5 2,931.4 15,788.5 20,086.5 17,730.7 15,246.0

Northeastern Offshore 4,112.4 105.7 86.8 141.6 4,446.5 1,230.6 934.1 736.5
Southwestern Offshore 740.7 33.7 65.0 158.5 997.8 1,167.1 983.6 824.2
Northern 6,213.9 12.7 727.7 2,370.4 9,324.7 15,849.1 14,042.2 12,328.1
Southern 577.1 14.5 167.1 260.9 1,019.6 1,839.8 1,770.8 1,357.2

2007 11,033.9 159.0 1,071.0 2,993.6 15,257.4 20,485.7 18,116.6 15,567.9

Northeastern Offshore 3,444.7 103.1 53.5 88.8 3,690.1 863.0 582.2 462.1
Southwestern Offshore 744.2 36.8 81.0 254.0 1,116.0 1,706.4 1,495.1 1,320.8
Northern 6,099.7 9.5 751.9 2,360.5 9,221.6 15,874.2 14,109.5 12,276.8
Southern 745.3 9.5 184.6 290.3 1,229.7 2,042.2 1,929.8 1,508.2

2008 10,819.4 155.6 1,198.4 2,971.0 15,144.4 20,562.1 18,269.2 15,452.0

Northeastern Offshore 3,085.0 98.6 37.9 68.6 3,290.2 784.7 447.3 357.0
Southwestern Offshore 911.9 40.9 115.3 336.6 1,404.7 2,214.3 2,036.8 1,750.5
Northern 6,056.7 5.0 883.0 2,289.5 9,234.1 15,624.9 13,955.0 11,907.7
Southern 765.8 11.0 162.3 276.2 1,215.3 1,938.2 1,830.0 1,436.7

2009 10,375.8 81.6 1,174.6 2,884.9 14,516.9 20,110.5 17,890.4 15,004.4

Northeastern Offshore 2,844.5 42.1 30.9 59.7 2,977.1 631.1 394.2 310.3
Southwestern Offshore 985.5 23.7 146.3 381.3 1,536.9 2,675.9 2,388.4 1,983.2
Northern 5,845.0 4.6 838.4 2,174.6 8,862.6 14,901.3 13,302.2 11,310.0
Southern 700.8 11.1 159.0 269.4 1,140.3 1,902.2 1,805.7 1,400.9

percent of the national total, of which 64.7 percent is reserve, which is made up as follows: 71.5 percent is
in gas-condensate reservoirs, 21.1 percent in wet gas crude oil, 19.9 percent dry gas equivalent to liquid, 8.1
and 14.2 percent in dry gas reservoirs. The Northern percent is plant liquids, and 0.6 is percent is conden-
Region has 29.7 percent of the non-associated gas sate. At a regional level, the Northern Region accounts
reserves, mostly (96.7 percent) in dry and wet gas for 61.1 percent, the Northeastern Offshore Region
reservoirs. The Southern Region provides 10.0 percent 20.5 percent, the Southern Region 7.9 percent, and
of the non-associated gas reserves, largely in gas- the Southwestern Offshore Region 10.6 percent.
condensate reservoirs, and the Northeastern Offshore
Region complements this with 0.6 percent of the total The probable natural gas reserve, as of January 1,
non-associated gas in dry gas reservoirs 2009, amounts to 20,110.5 billion cubic feet. The
gas probable reserves to be delivered to plant are
17,890.4 billion cubic feet, 74.4 percent of which is
4.3.2. Probable Reserves concentrated in the Northern Region. The dry gas
reserves total 15,004.4 billion cubic feet; 75.4 percent
The probable reserves as of January 1, 2009, totaled of these reserves are in the Northern Region. Table
14,516.9 million barrels of oil equivalent. Table 4.10 4.10 shows the historic evolution of Mexico’s probable
shows regional distribution and by fluid type of this natural gas reserves.

Estimation as of January 1, 2009

Table 4.11 Classification of probable crude oil and natural gas reserves.

Crude Oil Natural Gas

Heavy Light Superlight Associated Non-associated

Year G-C* Wet Gas Dry Gas Total

Region MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl Bcf Bcf Bcf Bcf Bcf

2006 6,774.9 3,891.7 977.5 16,770.6 1,319.6 1,149.4 847.0 3,316.0

Northeastern Offshore 4,112.4 0.0 0.0 1,228.3 0.0 0.0 2.2 2.2
Southwestern Offshore 220.2 416.3 104.1 552.5 330.9 0.0 283.7 614.6
Northern 2,405.3 3,068.0 740.6 14,234.9 35.0 1,140.2 439.1 1,614.3
Southern 37.0 407.4 132.8 754.9 953.7 9.2 122.0 1,084.9

2007 6,127.5 3,815.8 1,090.6 16,414.6 1,485.9 1,562.5 1,022.7 4,071.1

Northeastern Offshore 3,444.7 0.0 0.0 860.8 0.0 0.0 2.2 2.2
Southwestern Offshore 215.2 409.9 119.1 498.8 549.9 364.4 293.3 1,207.6
Northern 2,337.8 3,023.7 738.2 14,056.3 35.0 1,189.7 593.3 1,817.9
Southern 129.8 382.2 233.3 998.8 901.0 8.5 133.9 1,043.4

2008 5,730.8 3,948.5 1,140.1 16,457.6 1,239.2 1,701.5 1,163.8 4,104.5

Northeastern Offshore 3,085.0 0.0 0.0 782.5 0.0 0.0 2.3 2.3
Southwestern Offshore 216.3 585.5 110.1 795.9 517.8 607.0 293.6 1,418.4
Northern 2,299.5 3,020.0 737.2 13,869.8 36.4 1,084.3 634.3 1,755.1
Southern 130.0 342.9 292.8 1,009.5 684.9 10.3 233.6 928.7

2009 5,402.1 3,646.1 1,327.6 15,744.8 1,579.9 1,610.3 1,175.4 4,365.7

Northeastern Offshore 2,807.7 36.8 0.0 628.8 0.0 0.0 2.3 2.3
Southwestern Offshore 216.3 567.1 202.1 903.8 871.9 606.9 293.2 1,772.1
Northern 2,232.7 2,815.2 797.1 13,152.9 36.1 992.5 719.8 1,748.4
Southern 145.3 227.0 328.5 1,059.2 671.9 10.9 160.2 842.9

* G-C: Gas-Condensate reservoirs

The crude oil probable reserves as of January 1, 2009, Offshore Region provides 52.0 percent of the heavy
are 10,375.8 million barrels; heavy oil accounts for oil, and the Northern Region has 41.3 percent. Addi-
52.1 percent of the national total, light oil 35.1 per- tionally, the latter contributes 77.2 and 60.0 percent
cent, and superlight 12.8 percent. The Northeastern of the total light and superlight oil, respectively. Table


15.8 0.6 -1.3

15.3 15.2
0.1 14.5

2006 2007 2008 Additions Revisions Developments 2009

Figure 4.8 Historic behavior of Mexico’s probable oil equivalent reserves.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

4.11 shows the classification of probable crude oil The historic evolution of Mexico’s oil equivalent prob-
reserves by density. able reserves over the last three years is shown in
Figure 4.8. As of January 1, 2009, there was a decrease
The classification of natural gas probable reserves by of 627.4 million barrels of oil equivalent, that is, 4.1
association with oil is shown in Table 4.11. As of Janu- percent, compared with the previous year. The addi-
ary 1, 2009, the associated gas probable reserves ac- tions contributed 548.6 million barrels of oil equiva-
counted for 78.3 percent of the national total for natural lent; the revisions of existing fields led to a decrease
gas probable reserves, and the non-associated gas of 1,297.4 million barrels of oil equivalent, and the
reserves represented 21.7 percent. The Northern Re- developments reported an increase of 121.3 million
gion holds 83.5 percent of the associated gas probable barrels of oil equivalent, due to the reclassification of
reserves. In reference to the reserves of non-associated reserves to this category.
gas, 40.0 percent of such are located in the Northern
Region, mostly coming from wet gas reservoirs; 40.6
percent of the non-associated gas is in the Southwest- 4.3.3. Possible Reserves
ern Offshore Region, largely in gas-condensate reser-
voirs. Finally, 19.3 percent is located in the Southern As of January 1, 2009, Mexico’s oil equivalent possible
Region, also in gas-condensate reservoirs. reserves amounted to 14,737.9 million barrels. The dis-

Table 4.12 Historic distribution by fluid and region of possible reserves.

Remaining Hydrocarbon Reserves Remaining Gas Reserves

Crude Condensate Plant Dry Gas Total Natural Gas Gas to be Dry Gas
Year Oil Liquids Equivalent Delivered to Plant
Region MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl MMboe MMboe Bcf Bcf Bcf

2006 9,635.0 158.5 1,114.1 3,251.8 14,159.4 22,311.4 19,556.1 16,912.3

Northeastern Offshore 2,347.8 62.8 45.3 81.8 2,537.7 767.5 528.5 425.3
Southwestern Offshore 1,021.1 75.1 146.8 289.6 1,532.7 2,258.0 1,866.0 1,506.3
Northern 5,775.3 17.7 825.2 2,732.2 9,350.4 18,241.6 16,160.8 14,210.0
Southern 490.8 2.9 96.8 148.2 738.7 1,044.2 1,000.8 770.8

2007 9,827.3 173.9 1,153.0 3,450.4 14,604.7 23,602.2 20,689.2 17,944.2

Northeastern Offshore 2,533.9 89.1 42.4 78.3 2,743.7 814.9 502.2 407.0
Southwestern Offshore 1,118.8 70.5 165.6 549.0 1,903.8 3,611.9 3,213.3 2,855.1
Northern 5,780.8 11.7 853.1 2,683.3 9,328.9 18,179.4 16,041.4 13,955.9
Southern 393.9 2.6 91.9 139.9 628.2 996.0 932.2 726.3

2008 9,891.1 163.9 1,250.5 3,315.8 14,621.2 22,719.7 20,189.1 17,245.0

Northeastern Offshore 2,799.0 110.3 44.8 88.7 3,042.9 962.4 568.2 461.4
Southwestern Offshore 1,020.9 45.2 130.4 528.6 1,725.1 3,267.6 3,086.5 2,749.2
Northern 5,648.7 6.3 985.1 2,553.3 9,193.4 17,441.5 15,563.2 13,279.6
Southern 422.4 2.0 90.2 145.1 659.8 1,048.2 971.2 754.8

2009 10,149.8 101.7 1,233.8 3,252.6 14,737.9 22,614.3 20,016.9 16,916.3

Northeastern Offshore 2,892.8 70.7 42.8 90.2 3,096.5 896.1 585.1 468.9
Southwestern Offshore 1,056.0 22.8 142.1 537.7 1,758.5 3,433.0 3,204.7 2,796.6
Northern 5,729.2 6.5 974.3 2,499.9 9,209.9 17,383.0 15,389.9 13,001.8
Southern 471.8 1.8 74.7 124.8 673.0 902.2 837.2 649.0

Estimation as of January 1, 2009

Table 4.13 Classification of possible crude oil and natural gas reserves.

Crude Oil Natural Gas

Heavy Light Superlight Associated Non-associated

Year G-C* Wet Gas Dry Gas Total

Region MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl Bcf Bcf Bcf Bcf Bcf

2006 4,454.3 4,081.1 1,099.5 18,138.2 1,638.3 1,412.2 1,122.7 4,173.2

Northeastern Offshore 2,315.0 32.9 0.0 725.6 0.0 0.0 41.9 41.9
Southwestern Offshore 333.6 403.6 284.0 966.1 1,008.3 0.0 283.6 1,291.9
Northern 1,562.4 3,448.8 764.1 16,061.4 27.9 1,377.6 774.7 2,180.2
Southern 243.4 195.9 51.5 385.0 602.1 34.6 22.5 659.2

2007 4,573.6 4,099.0 1,154.7 18,410.4 1,485.4 2,024.3 1,682.1 5,191.8

Northeastern Offshore 2,506.0 27.9 0.0 772.6 0.0 0.0 42.3 42.3
Southwestern Offshore 325.0 461.9 331.9 1,195.8 928.2 628.9 858.9 2,416.1
Northern 1,599.5 3,417.2 764.0 16,063.8 27.9 1,360.8 726.9 2,115.6
Southern 143.1 191.9 58.8 378.2 529.2 34.6 54.0 617.8

2008 4,899.2 3,959.0 1,032.9 17,816.1 875.9 2,375.9 1,651.8 4,903.6

Northeastern Offshore 2,799.0 0.0 0.0 920.4 0.0 0.0 42.1 42.1
Southwestern Offshore 402.7 437.5 180.7 982.2 330.5 1,095.1 859.8 2,285.4
Northern 1,554.9 3,330.7 763.2 15,489.1 16.4 1,276.6 659.5 1,952.5
Southern 142.6 190.8 89.1 424.5 529.0 4.3 90.4 623.7

2009 5,052.7 4,064.4 1,032.6 17,492.1 1,136.9 2,201.0 1,784.4 5,122.2

Northeastern Offshore 2,892.8 0.0 0.0 854.0 0.0 0.0 42.0 42.0
Southwestern Offshore 402.7 417.9 235.4 713.1 765.9 1,095.1 858.9 2,719.9
Northern 1,601.9 3,456.7 670.6 15,448.7 16.4 1,101.5 816.4 1,934.3
Southern 155.3 189.9 126.6 476.3 354.5 4.3 67.1 425.9

* G-C: Gas-Condensate reservoirs

tribution by region and by fluid type is shown in Table The crude oil possible reserves as of January 1, 2009,
4.12. The Northern Region provides 62.5 percent of amount to 10,149.8 million barrels, and their classi-
these reserves, the Northeastern Offshore Region has fication by density is shown in Table 4.13. Heavy oil
21.0 percent, the Southwestern Offshore Region 11.9 therefore oil accounts for 49.8 percent of this total,
percent, and the Southern Region holds 4.6 percent. light oil 40.0 percent, and superlight oil 10.2 percent.
Additionally, the proved reserve is made up of 68.9 per- The Northeastern Offshore Region has 57.3 percent
cent crude oil, 22.1 percent dry gas equivalent to liquid, of the heavy oil possible reserves, while the North-
8.4 percent plant liquids, and 0.7 percent condensate. ern Region accounts for 85.0 percent of the possible
light oil reserves, and 64.9 percent of the superlight
Possible natural gas reserves, as of January 1, 2009, oil reserves.
amounted to 22,614.3 billion cubic feet, as can be
seen in Table 4.12. The gas to be delivered to plant The classification of natural gas reserves by association
is 20,016.9 billion cubic feet, 76.9 percent of which is with crude oil in the reservoir is shown in Table 4.13.
located in the Northern Region. The dry gas possible The possible reserves of associated gas as of January
reserves total 16,916.3 billion cubic feet; 76.9 percent 1, 2009, represented 77.3 percent of the total, while
of these reserves are in the Northern Region. the non-associated gas makes up the remaining 22.7

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico


0.3 -0.1 -0.1 14.7

14.6 14.6

2006 2007 2008 Additions Revisions Developments 2009

Figure 4.9 Historic behavior of Mexico’s possible oil equivalent reserves.

percent. The Northern Region accounts for 83.3 percent The evolution of Mexico’s crude oil equivalent pos-
of the associated gas possible reserves. The regional sible reserves over the last three years is shown in
distribution of non-associated gas possible reserves Figure 4.9. As of January 1, 2009, there is an increase
shows that the Southwestern Offshore Region has 53.1 of 116.8 million barrels of oil equivalent compared
percent of the total; mostly in wet gas reservoirs. The with the previous year. This positive variation cor-
Northern Region holds 37.8 percent, which is largely in responds to 0.8 percent compared with 2008. Spe-
wet gas reservoirs, while the Southern Region reports cifically, additions contributed 569.7 million barrels
8.3 percent, where the gas-condensate reservoirs of oil equivalent, while developments and revisions
contain most of these reserves, and finally, the North- reduced the reserves by 340.4 and 112.5 million bar-
eastern Offshore Region has 0.8 percent. rels of oil equivalent, respectively.

Estimation as of January 1, 2009

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

The results of discovering hydrocarbon reserves even though the desired rate of stability has not been
through exploratory activities are systematically im­ reached. Furthermore, most of the new reservoirs are
proving. Specifically, this year Petróleos Mexicanos located very close to producing fields, which means
reached the highest 3P reserves addition figure since that these reserves will probably be developed in
the adoption of the international guidelines jointly is­ less time in comparison with other smaller offshore
sued by the Society of Petroleum Engineers, the World discoveries and consequently, they will be included
Petroleum Council, and the American Association of in the portfolio of projects that will add production in
Petroleum Geologists. the short term. Thus, the development and reclassifi­
cation of probable and possible reserves into proved
In 2008, the discoveries of 3P reserves totaled 1,482.1 category will therefore be faster.
million barrels of oil equivalent. This means a 40.7
percent increase in the addition of total reserves In 2008 Petróleos Mexicanos invested a total of 24,082
through exploratory activities, when compared with million pesos in exploratory activities. The investment
the previous year. Furthermore, another important was focused on drilling 65 exploratory and delinea­
accomplishment in exploratory activities for the same tion wells, the acquisition of 7,512 kilometers of 2D
year is the fact that size of the discoveries by well in­ seismic information and 12,163 square kilometers
creased from 43.9 million barrels of oil equivalent in of 3D seismic data, as well as the execution of geo­
2007 to 78.0 million barrels in 2008. Undoubtedly, this logical and geophysical studies for exploratory and
will allow reducing discovery and development costs, delineation projects.
and also the production ones, once the exploitation
of the associated reserves commences. This chapter describes the most important character­
istics of the reservoirs discovered with an explana­
The addition of 3P reserves through discoveries in tion of the most important geological, geophysical,
2008 was mostly in the Northeastern Offshore Re­ petrophysical and engineering aspects, in addition
gion, with 54.9 percent, because of the results in to their reserve distribution. All of the discoveries
the Kambesah-1, Ayatsil-DL1 and Pit-DL1 wells. The are also associated with the country’s respective
South­western Offshore Region, however, provided hydrocarbon-producing basins in order to visualize
30.3 percent of the total reserves, which were added the areas where exploratory efforts were focused in
by the Tsimin-1, Tecoalli-1, Xanab-DL1 and Yaxché- 2008. The trajectory of the discoveries is analyzed at
1DL wells. The Northern and Southern regions each the end.
con­tributed 7.4 percent of the total 3P reserve.

These results illustrate the importance of maintaining 5.1 Aggregate Results

stability in the execution of exploratory activities by
means of a sustained investment rate that has tended The booking of 3P hydrocarbons reserves was
to improve when compared with the last few decades, 40.7 percent higher than in 2007, which meant that


3P reserves discovered increased from 1,053.2 to the Southeastern Basins and amount to 1,095.6 million
1,482.1 million barrels of oil equivalent. To this end, barrels of oil and 1,331.9 billion cubic feet of natural
exploratory localizations were drilled in onshore gas, which jointly mean 1,372.9 million barrels of oil
and offshore areas in Mesozoic, Tertiary, and Recent equivalent. With the results of the Ayatsil-DL1 and
rocks. Table 5.1 summarizes the reserves discovered Pit-DL1 wells in the Ku-Maloob-Zaap Integral Business
at a well level in the proved reserve (1P), proved plus Unit, and Kambesah-1 in the Cantarell Integral Busi­
probable reserve (2P), and the proved plus probable ness Unit, the Northeastern Offshore Region provided
plus possible (3P) categories. a total of 789.6 million barrels of oil in 3P reserves.
In the Southwestern Offshore Region, the results of
Crude oil discoveries accounted for 73.9 percent of all the Tsimin-1, Tecoalli-1, Xanab-DL1, and Yaxché-1DL
the 3P reserves added. These reserves are largely in wells, furnished 230.5 million barrels of oil in 3P re­

Table 5.1 Composition of the hydrocarbon reserves of reservoirs discovered in 2008.

1P 2P 3P

Basin Well Crude Oil Natural Gas Crude Oil Natural Gas Crude Oil Natural Gas Oil Equivalent
Field MMbbl Bcf MMbbl Bcf MMbbl Bcf MMbbl

Total 244.8 592.0 681.5 1,134.8 1,095.6 1,912.8 1,482.1

Burgos 0.0 40.7 0.0 57.8 0.0 267.1 48.9

Cali Cali-1 0.0 22.0 0.0 22.0 0.0 160.7 29.3
Dragón Peroné-1 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.8 0.0 0.8 0.2
Grande Grande-1 0.0 2.9 0.0 4.2 0.0 16.0 2.8
Murex Murex-1 0.0 12.9 0.0 18.4 0.0 40.0 7.0
Ricos Ricos-1001 0.0 2.3 0.0 12.4 0.0 49.6 9.5

Southeastern 244.8 440.8 681.5 798.2 1,095.6 1,331.9 1,372.9

Ayatsil Ayatsil-DL1 88.6 9.2 184.2 19.2 398.7 41.5 406.7
Kambesah Kambesah-1 16.1 18.2 24.8 28.3 24.8 28.3 30.9
Pit Pit-DL1 64.9 8.9 278.2 38.3 366.1 50.3 375.9
Rabasa Rabasa-101 3.7 2.2 15.9 9.8 28.3 17.3 32.6
Tecoalli Tecoalli-1 6.1 4.3 15.4 10.8 46.2 32.4 54.0
Teotleco Teotleco-1 3.7 9.9 34.4 92.5 47.2 126.3 77.6
Tsimin Tsimin-1 41.8 373.7 61.3 547.1 109.4 976.4 307.6
Xanab Xanab-DL1 9.7 9.1 42.1 39.4 49.8 46.6 59.5
Yaxché Yaxché-1DL 10.2 5.2 25.1 12.9 25.1 12.9 28.2

Veracruz 0.0 110.6 0.0 278.9 0.0 313.8 60.3

Aral Aral-1 0.0 2.0 0.0 4.1 0.0 8.0 1.5
Aris Aris-1 0.0 14.6 0.0 14.6 0.0 14.6 2.8
Cauchy Cauchy-1 0.0 86.1 0.0 206.8 0.0 223.2 42.9
Kabuki Kabuki-1 0.0 6.9 0.0 44.3 0.0 56.3 10.8
Maderaceo Maderaceo-1 0.0 0.9 0.0 9.1 0.0 11.7 2.2

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

serves in the Litoral de Tabasco Integral Business Unit, covered non-associated 3P gas reserves totaling 267.1
and 1,068.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas, which are billion cubic feet of natural gas, which is equal to 48.9
equal to 449.3 million barrels of oil equivalent; the res­ million barrels of oil equivalent.
ervoirs discovered are light oil and gas-condensate.
Additionally, in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico In the Veracruz Basin, dry gas reserves were discov­
the Tamil-1 well discovered a resource exceeding 200 ered by the results in the Aral-1, Aris-1, Cauchy-1,
million barrels of oil equivalent that will probably be Kabuki-1, and Maderáceo-1 wells, which jointly
classified as reserves when at least one other well contributed a total of 313.8 billion cubic feet of gas,
confirms the extension of the structure identified. In amounting to 60.3 million barrels of oil equivalent in
the Southern Region, the Rabasa-101 well in the Cinco 3P reserves.
Presidentes Integral Business Unit and the Teotleco-1
well in the Muspac Integral Business Unit, added 75.5 Table 5.2 describes the composition of the reserves
million barrels of oil and 143.6 billion cubic feet of added in the 1P, 2P, and 3P categories, grouped at a
natural gas, which jointly equal 110.1 million barrels basin and regional level. Table 5.3 gives a regional
of oil equivalent. summary of the crude oil and natural gas reserves
added in the proved reserve (1P), proved plus prob­
In reference to non-associated natural gas reserves, able reserve (2P), and the proved plus probable plus
all the dry and wet gas reservoirs were discov­ possible (3P) categories, while indicating the type of
ered in the Northern Region, which manages the associated hydrocarbon.
Burgos and Veracruz basins, that is, there was an
accumulated 3P reserve of 580.9 billion cubic feet The geological, geophysical, petrophysical, technical,
of gas, which is equal to 109.2 million barrels of oil and dynamic aspects, of the most important reservoirs
equivalent. discovered are described below; the hydrocarbon
composition and spatial distribution of the hydrocar­
The Cali-1, Grande-1, Murex-1, Peroné-1, and Ri­ bon reserves in the reservoirs are also given, along
cos-1001 exploratory wells, in the Burgos Basin dis­ with a statistical summary.

Table 5.2 Composition of the hydrocarbon reserves of reservoirs discovered in 2008 by basin and by region.

1P 2P 3P
Basin Crude Oil Natural Gas Crude Oil Natural Gas Crude Oil Natural Gas Oil Equivalent
Region MMbbl Bcf MMbbl Bcf MMbbl Bcf MMbbl

Total 244.8 592.0 681.5 1,134.8 1,095.6 1,912.8 1,482.1

Burgos 0.0 40.7 0.0 57.8 0.0 267.1 48.9

Northern 0.0 40.7 0.0 57.8 0.0 267.1 48.9

Southeastern 244.8 440.8 681.5 798.2 1,095.6 1,331.9 1,372.9

Northeastern Offshore 169.7 36.3 487.2 85.7 789.6 120.1 813.5
Southwestern Offshore 67.8 392.3 143.9 610.2 230.5 1,068.2 449.3
Southern 7.3 12.1 50.3 102.2 75.5 143.6 110.1

Veracruz 0.0 110.6 0.0 278.9 0.0 313.8 60.3

Northern 0.0 110.6 0.0 278.9 0.0 313.8 60.3


Table 5.3 Composition of the hydrocarbon reserves of reservoirs discovered in 2008 by hydrocarbon type.

Crude Oil Natural Gas

Heavy Light Superlight Associated Non-associated

Category G-C* Wet Gas Dry Gas Total

Region MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl Bcf Bcf Bcf Bcf Bcf

1P 157.3 42.1 45.5 67.1 373.7 2.3 148.9 524.9

Northeastern Offshore 153.6 16.1 0.0 36.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Southwestern Offshore 0.0 26.0 41.8 18.6 373.7 0.0 0.0 373.7
Northern 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.3 148.9 151.2
Southern 3.7 0.0 3.7 12.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

2P 478.3 107.5 95.7 251.1 547.1 12.4 324.2 883.7

Northeastern Offshore 462.4 24.8 0.0 85.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Southwestern Offshore 0.0 82.7 61.3 63.1 547.1 0.0 0.0 547.1
Northern 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.4 324.2 336.6
Southern 15.9 0.0 34.4 102.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

3P 793.1 145.9 156.6 355.5 976.4 49.6 531.3 1,557.3

Northeastern Offshore 764.8 24.8 0.0 120.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Southwestern Offshore 0.0 121.1 109.4 91.8 976.4 0.0 0.0 976.4
Northern 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 49.6 531.3 580.9
Southern 28.3 0.0 47.2 143.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

* G-C: Gas-Condensate reservoirs

5.2 Offshore Discoveries sub-basin. Jointly, the above fields added 449.3 mil­
lion barrels of oil equivalent.
The exploratory activities produced favorable results
with the booking of reserves in the offshore part of Offshore discoveries contributed with 85.2 percent of
the Southeastern Basins; specifically in the Salina del the total reserves, which means an accumulated 3P
Istmo, Sonda de Campeche, and Litoral de Tabasco reserve of 1,020.1 million barrels of oil and 1,188.3 bil­
sub-basins; and in the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater lion cubic feet of natural gas, which together is equal
Basin. to 1,262.8 million barrels of oil equivalent.

Heavy oil reserves were discovered in the Sonda de Furthermore and as mentioned before, heavy oil
Campeche with the drilling of the Ayatsil-DL1 and Pit- resources at the Cretaceous level were found in the
DL1 delineation wells that added a 3P reserve of 782.6 Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Basin by means of well
million barrels of oil equivalent, while the Kambesah-1 Tamil-1, amounting to more than 200 million barrels
contributed with light oil reserves amounting to 30.9 of oil equivalent, which will probably be reclassified
million barrels of oil equivalent. as reserves once the extent of the reservoir has been
confirmed as a result of seismic interpretation, with
Heavy oil reserves were added in the Xanab fields the drilling of, at least, one additional well.
of the Litoral de Tabasco by the new reservoir in the
Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian, and Yaxché that added A description of the geological, geophysical, petro­
reservoirs in Tertiary sands. Miocene producing sands physical and engineering aspects, of the most impor­
were found in the Tecoalli field at the Salina del Istmo tant reservoirs discovered in 2008 is given below.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Southeastern Basins Stratigraphy

Tsimin-1 The geological column cut by well Tsimin-1 is formed

by Tertiary siliciclastic rocks interspersed with shales
The Tsimin field is located in the territorial waters of and sandstone, with some thin stratifications of do­
the Gulf of Mexico, off the coast of Frontera, Tabasco, lomite mudstone. For the Tithonian, carbonaceous
at 11 kilometers from shore to the north, and 87 kilo­ shales are interspersed with shaly limestone, while
meters northwest of Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, there is shaly dolomitic mudstone and sandy mud­
Figure 5.1. stone in the Kimmeridgian. The well reached a depth
of 5,728 meters below sea level, and its chronostrati­
Structural Geology graphic tops were established through the analysis
of planktonic foraminifer indexes found in the cutting
The reservoir consists of an elongated, northwest- and core samples.
southeast asymmetric anticline that was formed during
the Miocene compression, affected to the north and Trap
east by a reverse faulting system that forms the high
block of the Tsimin-1 well structure fault, Figures 5.2 The trap is structural, formed by the intrusion of a
and 5.3. This compressive faulting system associated large saline dome lying northeast-southwest. The
with complex saline tectonics generated seal condi­ saline intrusion affects the highest part of the structure
tions that favored the trapping of hydrocarbons. in a north-south direction, Figure 5.4.

Le Taratunich
Ixtoc W E
Batab Abkatún

Uech Chuc Kay
Alux Wayil
B l tikú
Gulf de Mexico Kix
Citam Kab
May Yum


Xanab Yaxché

Dos Bocas

0 20 km

Figure 5.1 Map showing the location of the Tsimin-1 well.




Figure 5.2 Structural contouring for the Upper Juras-

sic Kimmeridgian of the Tsimin field, showing the
distribution of reserves.













Figure 5.3 Seismic cross-section passing through Tsimin-1 well, show-

ing the top of the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian horizon interrupted
by the presence of a saline dome.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico



Proved Reserve
Probable Reserve
Possible Reserve

Figure 5.4 Seismic interpretation in time of the Tsimin-1 well.

Storage Rock Seal

The reservoir’s most important storage rock dates The seal consists of Upper Jurassic Tithonian rocks
from the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian, and it is composed of carbonaceous shales, shaly limestone,
mainly formed by mudstone and wackestone from in­ and shaly dolomitic mudstone.
terclasts. The rock is light brown, partially dolomitized,
compact, with secondary porosity in microfractures Reservoir
and dissolution cavities, some of them filled with
calcite and with residual oil, and even showing some The upper part of the reservoir is formed by carbonated
traces of disseminated pyrite. and dolomitized rocks corresponding to oolitic banks
of the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian, the top of the res­
Source Rock ervoir is at 5,215 meters below sea level and structural
closing is at 5,630 meters, in rocks corresponding to
Because of their high organic content, the rocks of the lagoon facies. Thus, the production test developed in
Upper Jurassic Tithonian are responsible for generat­ the well therefore reported a flow of gas and conden­
ing the field’s hydrocarbons, and they were deposited sate, with initial average daily production rates of 4,354
in a deep marine sedimentary environment. barrels of oil and 13.8 billion cubic feet of gas.


Reserves nitude of the trap and the opportunity area offered in

terms of oil volume reclassification and increase, well
The estimated original 3P volumes are 253.5 million Ayatsil-DL1 was drilled and completed in 2008, and it
barrels of oil and 1,565.7 billion cubic feet of gas. 3P cut a sedimentary column of more than 600 meters in
reserves are 109.4 million barrels of oil and 976.4 bil­ the Lower, Middle and Upper Cretaceous; it was also
lion cubic feet of gas, which are jointly equal to 307.6 a producer of heavy oil.
million barrels of oil equivalent. The proved and prob­
able reserves are estimated at 117.7 and 54.7 million Structural Geology
barrels of oil equivalent, respectively.
The structure of the Ayatsil field at the Cretaceous
Ayatsil-DL1 level is defined as a being composed of three struc­
tural highs whose main axes run in a northwestern-
The Ayatsil field is in the territorial waters of the Gulf southeastern direction. These three structures are
of Mexico, at approximately 130 kilometers northwest joined in the east, Figure 5.6. The structural complex
of Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, in a water depth covers an area of approximately 91 square kilome­
of 114 meters, Figure 5.5. The field was discovered ters, and it is bounded to the east by a northeast
in 2006 with the Ayatsil-1 well that penetrated 160 lateral fault and by reverse faults running northwest
meters into the Upper Cretaceous Breccia reservoir to southeast and east to west. There is a dipping clos­
and it turned out to be a producer of 10.5 API degrees ing to the west and it is bounded by the Comalcalco
oil with a daily flow of 4,126 barrels. Given the mag­ fault. The Ayatsil-DL1 well reached the top of the

N 460 500 540 580 620

Gulf of Mexico
Zazil-Ha Bacab Lum 2,170

Ixtoc Chac


500 m

200 m 2,090

100 m

50 m
Cd. del Carmen
25 m
Dos Bocas
0 10 20 30 40 km

Figure 5.5 Location of the Ayatsil-DL1 well in territorial waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Loc 2DL



Figure 5.6 Structural contouring of the Upper Cretaceous Breccia top.

Upper Cretaceous Breccia at a depth of 4,047 meters with mobile heavy oil impregnation, predominate
below sea level. in the Upper Cretaceous. Lithoclastic and bioclastic
dolomitized breccias with intercrystalline and vuggy
Stratigraphy porosity are deposited at the top of the Upper Cre­
taceous. The Tertiary consists of interspersed shales
The stratigraphic column in the well consists of sedi­ with thin fine to medium grain sandstone alternations,
ments from the Upper Jurassic Tithonian to the Recent. while the formations from Recent consist of poorly
The Tithonian consists of shaly and bituminous mud­ consolidated clays and sands.
stone, showing a deep depositional environment with
restricted circulation. Mudstone-wackestone textured Trap
bioclast and lithoclast carbonates predominate at the
Lower Cretaceous level, with a presence of accessory The trap is an anticline structure that includes three
cherts. The Middle Cretaceous is characterized by elongated lobes with a noticeable east-west lie, all
bentonitic shaly limestones with accessory cherts of which are bounded reverse faults. Well Ayatsil-1
that are dolomitized and moderately fractured even was drilled in the central lobe while Ayatsil-DL1 is
in the Ayatsil-DL1 well. Breccias associated with de­ in the southern lobe, 3,900 meters southeast of the
bris flows predominate along with a dolomitized and former. The structure is affected by reverse faulting
fractured mudstone-wackestone textured limestone on the northern and northeastern flanks, and the


structuring process is geologically associated with to greenish-gray shales of formations from the Pa­
the Maloob field. leocene age.

Storage Rock Reservoir

The reservoir is mostly represented by a dolomitized The water-oil contact was determined in well Ayatsil-
sedimentary breccia formed by mudstone-wacke­ DL1 at a depth of 4,228 meters below sea level in
stone fragments, with secondary porosity in fractures the Upper Cretaceous Breccia formation by means
and dissolution cavities, Figure 5.7. of pressure-production tests, well logs, engineering
data, and the results of core analyses. Nevertheless,
Source Rock the reservoirs correspond to the Middle and Lower
Cretaceous in the highest structural position where
According to the geochemical studies of the oil and the fracturing and dolomitization are more intense, as
core samples, it was determined that the most im­ it has observed in analogous fields. Figure 5.8 shows
portant hydrocarbon source rock in the Sonda de the oil-water contact position for the field. The well in
Campeche dates from the Upper Jurassic Tithonian, question was a producer of 11 API degrees oil with
and it is formed by bituminous shales and shaly lime­ a flow rate of 4,150 barrels per day, and it reached a
stones, with abundant organic matter. total depth of 4,710 meters.

Seal Reserves

The seal rocks of the Upper Cretaceous breccias are The original 3P volumes added as a result of well
bentonitic, plastic and partially calcareous greenish Ayatsil -DL1 were 2,184.7 million barrels of oil and 88.4

Ayatsil-1 Ayatsil-DL1

Figure 5.7 Cores cut in the Cretaceous reservoir showing oil in the porous and fractured

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Loc. DL2 Ayatsil-1 Ayatsil-DL1





4,000 Eocene

J. Tithonian
J. Kimmeridgian

Figure 5.8 Structural section of the Ayatsil field showing the water-oil contact.

billion cubic feet of gas. The associated 1P reserve is Kambesah-1

estimated at 90.4 million barrels of oil equivalent, the
2P is 187.9 million barrels of oil equivalent and the 3P The Kambesah field is located in the territorial waters
reserve is 406.7 million barrels of oil equivalent. of the Gulf of Mexico, at approximately 92 kilometers

N 460 500 540 580 620

Gulf of Mexico

Zazil-Ha Bacab Lum 2,170

Ku Balam

Kambesah-1 Cantarell
Ixtoc Chac


500 m

200 m 2,090

100 m

50 m
Cd. del Carmen
25 m
Dos Bocas
0 10 20 30 40 km

Figure 5.9 Map showing the location of the Kambesah-1 well.


northwest of Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche, west of The current configuration of the structure at the Cre­
the Yucatán Platform, and 5.3 kilometers northeast of taceous and Tertiary levels is due to the compression
the Ixtoc field, in a water depth of 55 meters, Figure during the Chiapaneca Orogeny, which is responsible
5.9. Geologically, it is located in the Pilar de Akal geo­ for the formation of the large structures in the area.
morphological province in the Sonda de Campeche. The Kambesah structure is limited by a normal fault
The Kambesah-1 exploratory well discovered a 30 API to the west with gentle dipping that belongs to the
degrees light oil reservoir similar to the Ixtoc field, in same alignment as Ixtoc, Figure 5.11.
shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico, in Upper Cre­
taceous rocks (breccia). Stratigraphy

Structural Geology The geological column of the field covers sedimentary

rocks that range from the Recent to the Upper Jurassic
The origin of the Kambesah structure is related to both Oxfordian. Studies indicate that the reservoir’s rock
the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian-Tithonian saline deposits of the Upper Cretaceous age correspond
thrust, and to the compressive events concerning to debris flows and piles of these flows interspersed
the Laramide and Chiapaneca Orogeny, Figure 5.10. with thin layers of fine pelagic sediments, shaly to
The salt accumulations started to migrate as soon dolomitic, which were deposited in medium to deep
as the weight of the overlying sediments exerted slope environments.
enough pressure to trigger the flow or movement
of salt towards shallower layers, thus generating the Trap
respective domes. This structural pattern and its dome
structures lie approximately north-south, parallel to It is structural and made up of an asymmetric anticline
the paleocoast of the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian, 6 kilometers long and 2 kilometers wide. The limits are
and they affect the stratigraphic column, in some a normal fault to the west and oil-water contact against
cases even up to the Early Tertiary. the fault at a depth of 3,760 meters below sea level.

Callovian Salt

Triassic?-Early Jurassic

Figure 5.10 Composed seismic line showing the structures and deformed salt deposits of the Jurassic Callovian.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

N potential load values, in addition to being

mature and distributed over most of the off­
shore portion of the Southeastern Basins.


The Upper Cretaceous Breccia top seal of

the reservoir consists of an interspersing
of Lower Paleocene shale that varies later­
ally in thickness from 20 to 40 meters. The
lateral seal also consists of a Paleocene
shale sequence because the jump of the
western fault put the storage rock against
7 Km2
the shaly sequence.


The reservoir is in the upper part of the

Upper Cretaceous Breccia, which is where
the best petrophysical properties of the
reservoir are located, with porosity that
varies between 4 and 12 percent. The
facies are light gray dolomitized, slightly
shaly wackestone, with traces of bioturba­
10 Km2 tion, and shaly laminations parallel to the
1 Km
stratification planes. The well was a pro­
ducer of 30 API degrees oil with an initial
Figure 5.11 Structural contouring of the Upper Cretaceous Brec-
cia top. flow rate of 1,432 barrels per day, and 1.6
million cubic feet of gas per day.
Storage Rock
This reservoir’s storage rock is light gray dolomitized,
slightly shaly wackestone, with traces of bioturbation The original 3P volumes are estimated at 82.4 million
and shaly laminations parallel to the stratification barrels of oil and 93.8 billion cubic feet of gas. The
planes. reserves added by this discovery amount to 20.0 mil­
lion barrels of oil equivalent in the 1P category, and
Source Rock 30.9 million barrels of oil equivalent for the 2P and
3P categories.
The source rock is Upper Jurassic Tithonian, and the
studies using rock-oil geochemical correlations have Tecoalli-1
established that this rock feeds the Kambesah reservoir,
and that it is made up largely of clay-calcareous rocks The field discovered is 22 kilometers northeast of the
that are rich in organic matter and have the highest Amoca-1 well and 31 kilometers northwest of Dos


Le Taratunich
Ixtoc W E
Batab Abkatún

Uech Chuc Kay
Alux Wayil
Gulf of Mexico Kix
Citam Kab
May Yum

Tecoalli-1 Yaxché

Dos Bocas

0 20 km

Figure 5.12 Map showing the location of the Tecoalli-1 well.

Bocas, Tabasco, Figure 5.12. Geologically it is located Trap

in the Salina del Istmo Basin.
The reservoir is formed by siliciclastic rocks of the
Structural Geology Lower Pliocene, and the discovery well was drilled
very close to the culminating part of the structure.
The field is formed by an anticline with closing against This reservoir has a structural and stratigraphic com­
normal faults to the east, northeast and southwest, ponent that covers an area of 20.6 square kilometers,
generated by block expulsion, and it has its own Figure 5.13.
structural closure downdip to the west. It is limited
to the northeast by facie changes. It is thought that Storage Rock
the salt evacuation in this area occurred mainly dur­
ing the Pleistocene-Recent because there are signs The reservoir’s storage rock is mostly formed by
of syntectonic folds and wedges derived from the angular to subrounded quartz fine grain sandstone,
Pliocene contraction. moderately classified and with oil impregnation, Fig­
ure 5.14. Additionally, there are signs of monocrystal­
Stratigraphy line quartz, plagioclases, clay fragments, dispersed
organic matter, calcite and disseminated pyrite. Poros­
The geological column of the field covers siliciclastic ity is very good; mostly interangular.
sedimentary rocks that range from the Lower Pliocene
to the Recent-Pleistocene. The chronostratigraphic Source Rock
tops were established through the analysis and iden­
tification of planktonic foraminifer, indexes in the drill As regards the source rock, the results of the bio­
cuttings and core samples. markers analyzed indicate that these hydrocarbons

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico


W Tecoalli-1 E

Sandstone Top
Sandstone Bottom




Figure 5.13 Seismic-structural cross-section revealing the field’s structural and stratigraphic

0 GR_Cores 100

0 y
Gamma Ray 100 0.2 Resistivity
y 20

Reservoir Top: 3,371 m.

3,379 m.

Interval II (3,384 - 3,405 m.)


C-4 Tecoalli-1, 3,380.54 m, 4X Natural Light

Reservoir Bottom: 3,418 m.

Physical Limit

C-3 3,380 m.

Figure 5.14 Reservoir storage rock in the Tecoalli field showing hydrocarbon impregnation in core 3.


are generated in Upper Jurassic Tithonian rocks, rates of 3,560 barrels and 2.3 million cubic feet were
in a carbonated marine environment with a certain measured, at the interval 3,384-3,405 meters below
siliciclastic influence. the rotary table interval.

Seal Rock Reserves

The seal of the upper part of the reservoir is formed The estimated original 3P volumes were 220.2
by 321 meters of shale cut by the well, and by shales million barrels of oil and 154.1 billion cubic feet of
that graduate to limolites with a thickness of 14 meters gas; the distribution is shown in Figure 5.15. The
in the lower part. reserves estimated for the 1P, 2P and 3P categories
are 7.1, 18.0 and 54.0 million barrels of oil equiva­
Reservoir lent, respectively.

The drilling of this well led to the discovery of a reser­ Xanab-DL1

voir producing 29 API degrees light oil; the dynamic
behavior of said well adjusts to a homogenous model The field is in the territorial waters of the Gulf of
with variations in the effective flow thickness and edge Mexico, within the area known as the Reforma-Akal
effects, associated with a system of internal platform Tectonic Pillar, 13 kilometers northwest of the Dos
bars. During the production test, daily oil and gas flow Bocas sea terminal in Tabasco. Geologically it is


Possible Reserve
Area: 16.2 Km2

Probable Reserve
Area: 2.4 Km2

Proved Reserve
Area: 2.0 Km2

Figure 5.15 Distribution and classification of reserves in the Tecoalli field.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Le Taratunich
Ixtoc W E
Batab Abkatún

Uech Chuc Kay
Alux Wayil
Gulf of Mexico Kix
Citam Kab
May Yum

Xanab-DL1 Teekit

Xanab Yaxché

Dos Bocas

0 20 km

Figure 5.16 Map showing the location of the Xanab-DL1 well.

located in the western part of the Comalcalco pit, penetrate it because the total depth of the well was
Figure 5.16. 5,980 meters, Figure 5.18.

Structural Geology Stratigraphy

It is an asymmetric dome structure separated by a The geological column cut during drilling in the
reverse fault running east to west. Towards the central formations corresponding to the Tertiary is formed
part, in the most prominent structural height to the by siliciclastic rocks with some carbonated horizons
north of well Xanab-1, there is a series of normal faults towards the base. The Cretaceous mostly consists
in an east to west direction that are interrupted to the of mudstone and wackestone of foraminifers and
east by small parallel faults. A mostly southwest to intraclasts, with thin interspersing of shale and shaly
northeast trend dominates the southeastern portion mudstone. The Upper Jurassic Tithonian is repre­
that is perpendicular to the compressive structures. sented by shaly limestones and carbonous shale, and
Block DL1 is 500 meters higher than the structure the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian is predominantly
where the Xanab-1 well is located, Figure 5.17. wackestone with ooidal packstone interspersing. The
chronostratigraphic tops were established through
Trap the analysis of fauna types in the drill cuttings and
cores samples.
It is structural and bounded to the southeast by a
normal fault. The reservoir rock is formed by naturally Storage Rock
fractured carbonated rocks of the Upper Jurassic
Kimmeridgian; the top was found at 5,610 meters The reservoir storage rock that was analyzed by means
below sea level, without being able to completely of core and drill cuttings is formed by mudstone,


Kuché-1 Xanab-DL1 Xanab-1 Yaxché-101 Yaxché-1

Figure 5.17 Structural section showing the structural characteristics of the reservoir and the
Xanab-1 and Xanab-DL1 wells.

packstone, and grainstone of ooids and intraclasts. It has dissolution and intercrystalline fractures that show
has natural factures with good black oil impregnation, good residual oil impregnation and are occasionally
shaly parts and it is partially dolomitized. The primary sealed by calcite. Additionally, there are sporadic hori­
porosity is microcrystalline, and the secondary porosity zons of oil-impregnated mesocrystalline dolomites.


0 1 2 3 4 km

Figure 5.18 Structural contouring of the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian reservoir top.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Source Rock and in the Southeastern Basins of the Southern Re­

gion. The 3P reserves added through discoveries
As regards the source rock, the results of the bio­ of onshore wells amount to 219.3 million barrels of
markers analyzed make it possible to determine that oil equivalent, while the reserves in the 1P and 2P
the hydrocarbons were generated in Upper Jurassic categories are 38.9 and 139.1 million barrels of oil
Tithonian rocks, which are responsible for the genera­ equivalent, respectively. In terms of natural gas, the
tion of the reservoir’s hydrocarbons because of their onshore discoveries total 724.5 billion cubic feet of 3P
high organic matter content. reserves. A detailed explanation of the most important
discoveries in 2008 is given below.
Seal Rock
Burgos Basin
The seal in the upper part of the reservoir is more
than 100 meters thick, formed by shaly carbonated Cali-1
rocks (mudstone) and dark gray to black shale of the
Upper Jurassic Tithonian. It is located approximately 33 kilometers southwest of
Rey­nosa, in the municipality of Gustavo Díaz Ordaz,
Reservoir Ta­mau­lipas, Figure 5.19. The target of the well was to

The interval tested at a depth of 5,610 N

to 5,665 meters below the rotary table W E

was a producer of 33 API degrees oil S

with a flow rate of 9,200 barrels per Camargo Jazmín-1A

day. The reservoir follows the double Valadeces-6


porosity model, primary (interparticu­ Integral-1

Camargo Sur-1A
lar) and secondary (in fractures and dis­ Cañón

solution), associated with an open sea Cali-1


sedimentary environment. Ferreiro-1 Lomitas

0 1 2 4 6 8 10 Km

The original 3P volumes are estimated

at 382.0 million barrels of oil and 357.2
billion cubic feet of gas. The estimated
reserves for the 1P, 2P, and 3P catego­
ries are 11.6, 50.4, and 59.5 million bar­ Presa Falcón


rels of oil equivalent, respectively. Matamoros


5.3 Onshore Discoveries Gulf of Mexico

The onshore discoveries have mostly

been in the Burgos, Sabinas, and Vera­
Figure 5.19 Map showing the location of the Cali-1 well in the Camargo
cruz basins of the Northern Region, project.


534500 536500 538500 540500 542500 544500

W E 2344.71
2894800 2423.07 2894800

S 25



2 47



262 5
2892800 2892800



5 1743.97

1825 4 1770.09

1575 1848.44
1600 1874.56


1675 1952.92
1700 1979.04
2890800 1725 2890800
1700 2005.16
1750 2031.28



1825 2109.64
242 5


2 32
2888800 CALI-1 2888800 2527.55
7 5 2658.14
23 2684.26
02 2710.38

5 2736.50

2 25



FERREIRO-1 2886800


2 2 75


2884800 2884800

75 ReservoirARENA

534500 536500 538500 540500 542500 544500

Figure 5.20 Structural and stratigraphic map of the Cali field.

find gas reserves in deltaic sandy sequences, associ­ sediments occurred towards the lower blocks of
ated with a progradant complex of estuary bars and fault segments.
distributary channels in the Eocene Jackson play.
Structural Geology
The well was drilled to a depth of 2,411 meters below
The well was completed in a structure associated sea level. The geological column cut is formed by
with a high block adjacent to an Eocene Jackson sediments that range from the Middle Eocene Jackson
growth fault and caused by the convergence of two formation to the Oligocene Frio No Marino formation,
segments of extensional faults, with an inclination which is outcropping. A production test was positive
to the east, giving rise to a ramp-like relief structure, within the Middle Jackson formation. The geological
Figure 5.20. model of these sands, which shows characteristics
that are similar in the well logs, was estuary bars as­
Trap sociated with a wave-dominated delta, Figure 5.21.

The trap is structural with a stratigraphic compo­ Storage Rock

nent and it is associated with a structural high point,
with a fault closing. The accumulation of sediments The storage rock in these reservoirs is lithologically
was especially towards the edges of the expansion made up of fine grain sandstone, quartz and lithic
fault; consequently, the greatest accumulation of fragments, sub-rounded and regularly sorted.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Figure 5.21 Sedimentary model of the Ejm4 sand.

Source Rock of 20 percent, water saturation of 44 percent and per­

meability of 5 millidarcy. The porosity values shown
This zone’s hydrocarbon source rock corresponds to in sands like these are generally good, which is also
shale rocks belonging to the Wilcox Paleocene forma­ the case of those obtained in this reservoir. The well
tion, with good characteristics for the generation of reported an initial flow of 23.1 million cubic feet of
hydrocarbons because it contains a high amount of gas per day during the production test.
organic matter.
Seal Rock
The original 3P volume of gas is 230.1 billion cubic
The seal rock of the play corresponds to shaly pack­ feet of gas, while the original 1P, 2P, and 3P reserve
ages of considerable thickness up to 200 meters, volumes are estimated at 22.0, 22.0 and 160.7 billion
belonging to the Upper Jackson formation. This has cubic feet of natural gas, respectively.
been corroborated by data from well logs and drill
cutting samples. Veracruz Basin

Reservoir Cauchy-1

The reservoirs are made up of fine grain quartz sand­ Cauchy-1 is located on the coastal plain of the Gulf
stone and lithic fragments, with an average porosity of Mexico at approximately 19.6 kilometers south­



Veracruz S


Gulf of Mexico
Mata Pionche


Angostura Papán


Lizamba Kabuki-1

Tierra Blanca
Estanzuela Aris-1
Arquimia Cosamaloapan
San Pablo

Rincón Pacheco Mirador

Nopaltepec 3D Norte de
Novillero 1,024 Km2

Tres Valles
0 10 20 Km.

Figure 5.22 Map showing the location of the Cauchy-1 well.

east of Cosamaloapan, Veracruz, and 10.2 kilometers direction. The stratigraphic component is interpreted
southeast of the Novillero-10 well in the municipality as a basin floor fan in channel facies and lobes with
of Chacaltianguis, Veracruz, Figure 5.22. Geologically, apparent contribution from the southwest, which
it is located in the Veracruz Tertiary Basin and seismi­ indicates that there are strong contributions of sedi­
cally, it is on line 267 and trace 768, within the Norte de ments in the southern part that allowed the formation
Tesechoacán-3D cube. The well accomplished its target of stratigraphic traps associated with the preexisting
of evaluating the sandstones deposited as channeled structures, Figure 5.23.
facies and overflows associated with basin floor fans of
the Upper Miocene, and it was therefore a producer of Trap
dry gas and reached a total depth of 1,950 meters.
The producing horizon PP1 in this well is associated
Structural Geology with a combined trap, with a strong structural compo­
nent, located in a zone with high seismic amplitude.
The main reservoir is associated with a combined trap. The static model of this reservoir was obtained on the
The Cauchy-1 well cut through this reservoir’s longi­ basis of the structure’s geometry, the distribution of
tudinal axis, which lies in a northwest to southeast seismic anomalies, and the sedimentary model that

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico




Obj. 1: 1,730 mbsl PT1:

P 2,590
P= 2 590 psii
Obj. 2: 1,777 mbsl Qg= 9.205 MMcfd


TD: 1,950 m

Figure 5.23 Seismic line illustrating the structural behavior of the reservoir.


Northern Probable Area:

4.5 Km2

Possible Area:
2 Km2

Proved Area:
3.5 Km2


Southern Probable Area:

2 Km2

0 1 Km.

Figure 5.24 Structural contouring of the main reservoir, with

the distribution of the reserve category areas.


makes up the result of the petrophysical analysis, Source Rock

Figure 5.24.
The hydrocarbon source rock for this zone corre­
Stratigraphy sponds to shales belonging to Miocene formations,
with good generation characteristics because they
A basin floor submarine fan environment was defined contain a considerable amount of organic matter.
for the reservoir that was formed by two principal
distributary channels, laterally and vertically amal­ Seal Rock
gamated, with box-like well log patterns, and parallel
structures observed in cores. These channels are The seal rock of the play corresponds to shaly pack­
interwoven and extend approximately 9 kilometers ages of considerable thickness, of up to dozens of
long by 3 kilometers wide in one complex. meters, in the Upper Miocene, and associated with
basin floor facies.
Storage Rock
In the most important reservoir, the storage rock is
formed by medium to coarse grain, dark brown sand­ The petrophysical analysis carried allowed the defi­
stone, lithic debris, quartz and, to a lesser extent, mod­ nition of the interval at 1,792-1,849 meters below
erately classified and sub-angular feldspars. Given rotary table, with a gross thickness of 57 meters,
the composition, it is largely classified as litarenite net impregnated thickness of 30 meters, and con­
that graduates to sublithic arenite. Core 8, cut at the sequently, a net/gross thickness ratio of 62 percent.
interval 1,829-1,838 meters below the rotary table, is The average values determined were porosity of
representative of this reservoir, Figure 5.25. In general, 25 percent, permeability of 425 millidarcy, water
the rock sample shows intergranular primary porosity saturation of 17 percent, and a clay volume of 13
of up to 32 percent. percent. For the cores cut inside the reservoirs, the

Cauchy 1
Core 8
Interval: 1,829 - 1,838 m.


 ==27.15
 == 1,242
1242 mdmd





Figure 5.25 Photograph of core 8 of the Cauchy-1 well.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

average porosity from laboratory varies from 21 to to the Cinco Presidentes Integral Business Unit, and
31 percent, while the range obtained for permeability geologically it is located within the Salina del Istmo
is 5 to 1,250 millidarcy. Interval 1,792-1,849 reported Basin, in the geological province of Southeastern
and initial flow rate of 9.2 million cubic feet of gas Tertiary Basins. The seismic information corresponds
per day. to the Rodador 3D study. The Rabasa-101 well was
completed as an oil producer in sediments of the
Reserves Lower and Middle Miocene.

The estimated original 3P volume of natural gas Structural Geology

was 372.1 billion cubic feet. The reserve added by
the Cauchy-1 well in the 1P, 2P, and 3P categories The structure is a faulted anticline, truncated by salt
amounts to 86.1, 206.8, and 223.2 billion cubic feet bodies to the northeast and southwest, with general
of gas, respectively. dipping to the west. The reservoirs in the Middle Mio­
cene are affected by compressive tectonics that gave
Southeastern Basins rise to a zone of folding to the southeast and they are
affected by two faults that limit the structure in that
Rabasa-101 direction, as can be seen in Figure 5.27.

The field is located in the Agua Dulce municipality, Stratigraphy

Veracruz, at 3,950 meters southeast of the Rabasa-1
well, and 25.4 kilometers southeast of the city of Coat­ The sedimentary model corresponds to deposits of
zacoalcos, Veracruz, Figure, 5.26. The field belongs turbidities that consist of large packages of sands

Gulf of Mexico



Figure 5.26 Map showing the location of the Rabasa-101 well.


NW Loc. Tonalli-1 Gurumal-1 Gurumal-2 Rabasa-1 Rabasa-101 SE


Lower Pliocene

1,662 m.
2,000 Upper Miocene

Middle Miocene Salt

Lower Miocene OBJ-1 ( 2,900 m.)


4,000 3,707 m. OBJ-2 ( 3,950 m.)

4,000 m.

4,600 m.

5,187 m.

Figure 5.27 Seismic line illustrating the structural behavior of the reservoir.

with thin layers of shale, with shallow to medium Trap

depth bathymetry. The distribution follows the con­
tribution direction, that is, southeast to northwest. It is a structural anticline lying in a southwest-northeast
The deposits finally form a complex system of chan­ direction and with closure at both ends. The structure
nels and fans on the basin slope and floor, where has a closure on the northern and southern flanks at the
the sandy bodies reach their greatest thickness, level of the two reservoirs, while there is a salt closure
Figure 5.28. to the west and east. These reservoirs are compart­

Coastal Plain
Coast Line and
Platform Margin Conglomerates

Turbidites Fans



Canopie and Saline Intrusion Rabasa-101

Deep Turbiditic
Sandstones Fans

Figure 5.28 Sedimentary model established for the area of the field.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Reservoir 1 Top (2,565 m) Reservoir 2 Top (3,198 m)

Middle Miocene Lower Miocene
N F-2
F-1 N
0 4750


Depth (m)






4250 47






35 5000



50 Gurumal-2 Salt






Rabasa-101 5000

Depth (m)
4750 50
3000 37



4500 4000


F-6 Rabasa-101



F-6 4750

50 5000

ESC.1:25,000 ESC.1:25,000

367 500 370 000 372 500 375 000

Figure 5.29 Structural contouring of the reservoirs’ tops.

mentalized due to the faulting in the zone; in both cases Jurassic Tithonian. The quality of the organic matter
and although the traps are combined, the stratigraphic present in the Tithonian corresponds to Type II and it
component defines the reservoir’s limits. Figure 5.29 has an advanced state of maturity, as determined by
shows the reservoirs’ structural contouring. geochemical studies of the biomarkers.

Storage Rock Seal Rock

This is made up of quartz sandstones, rock fragments, The seal rock for this zone consists of Lower Mio­
feldspars, and micas. The grain size varies from me­ cene shales that are interspersed in this sequence.
dium to coarse and occasionally it is a conglomerate; Furthermore, the presence of an upper seal formed
the cement is clay-calcareous, the classification is by anhydrite to the northeast of the reservoir is
poor to moderate, and it is poorly consolidated; it considered.
corresponds to a system of turbidite deposits that
have been greatly influenced by saline intrusions. Reservoir
The quality and characteristics of the storage rock
depend on the geomorphology and distribution of The reservoirs are formed by quartz sandstone, rock
channels and fans. fragments, feldspar and micas. The petrophysical
characteristics show that the resistivity is generally
Source Rock low, in a range of 2 to 4 ohms-meter with some varia­
tions of 20 ohms-meter. The porosity ranges from 19
In this basin, the hydrocarbon source rock corre­ to 28 percent and the water saturation is 19 to 50 per­
sponds to clay-calcareous sediments of the Upper cent. The well completed at the Lower Miocene level


had an initial daily production of 1,867 barrels of 27 Structural Geology

API degrees of oil, and 1.2 million cubic feet of gas.
The structure that makes up the reservoir corresponds
Reserves to an anticline in a west to east direction. The anticline
has a dipping closure of the southern and eastern lay­
The 3P original oil volume is 123.0 million barrels, while ers, where a reverse fault separates it from the Cactus
the 1P, 2P and 3P original reserves are 3.7, 15.9, and field, while to the northeast it is limited by a reverse
28.3 million barrels of crude oil, respectively, which fault and normal fault to the northwest, Figure 5.31.
when associated gas is added total 4.2, 18.3, and 32.6
million barrels of oil equivalent, respectively. Trap

Teotleco-1 It is structural and it corresponds to a block adjacent to

the Cactus field, from which it is separated by a com­
The well is in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Mexico, bined reverse fault with the presence of saline intrusions
geologically; it belongs to the Chiapas-Tabasco Meso­ in the area. The trap is split internally into two blocks
zoic area. It is located 18 kilometers to the southeast of as a result of a normal fault in a southwest to northeast
Cárdenas, Tabasco, Figure 5.30. The target was to add direction, with a drop to the north, Figure 5.32.
hydrocarbon reserves in Upper, Middle and Lower Cre­
taceous rocks, and in the Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian Stratigraphy
producer formations in the area. The well was complet­
ed as a producer of light oil in Middle Cretaceous rocks, The geological column drilled consists of rocks corre­
and it reached a developed depth of 5,810 meters. sponding to ages ranging from the Middle Cretaceous



Coatzacoalcos Cárdenas Villahermosa

Teotleco-1 Cactus
Río Nuevo

0 10 20 30 40 50 km

Figure 5.30 Map showing the location of the Teotleco-1 well.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico



Figure 5.31 Structural contouring of the Middle Cretaceous top.

NW Teotleco-1 SE





3,500 Upper Cretaceous
5,290 m
Middle Cretaceous
5,810 md
Lower Cretaceous
5,587 tvd
Upper Jurassic Tithonian
Upper Jurassic Kimmeridgian

Sal Amacoite-1B

Figure 5.32 Seismic cross-section showing well Teotleco-1 and the character-
istics of the reservoir.


to the Pliocene-Pleistocene. The presence of a body of gas. The proved reserves amount to 3.7 million bar­
of salt at the Tertiary level meant that the well had rels of crude oil and 9.9 billion cubic feet of gas, while
to be drilled directionally, and a normal sedimentary the 2P reserves total 34.4 million barrels of crude oil,
sequence was found. and 92.5 billion cubic feet of gas. The total reserves
are 47.2 million barrels of oil and 126.3 billion cubic
Storage Rock feet of gas, which jointly means 77.6 million barrels
of oil equivalent.
The storage rock consists of carbonated rocks of
the Middle Cretaceous that are also producers in the Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Basin
Cactus field and which are largely made up of dark
gray fractured dolomites. Tamil-1

Source Rock The well is in the territorial waters of the Gulf of

Mexico, off the coasts of Campeche and Tabasco, at
In the area of this reservoir, the hydro­
carbon source rock corresponds to N

clay-calcareous sediments of the Upper W E

Jurassic Tithonian age, according to geo­ S

chemical studies made in this basin.


Seal Rock
The seal is formed by marlstone of the
Tamil-DL1 Ku
Upper Cretaceous and calcareous shale Kastelán-1
Alak-1 Cantarell
of the Tertiary, mostly those of the Mio­ Abkatún

cene, which are interspersed inside this


146 Km.
The reservoir consists of fractured do­
lomites of the Middle Cretaceous. The
average porosity is 5.0 percent and the
average water saturation is around 8.0 Frontera
Cd. del Carmen

percent. The initial average production

was 3,559 barrels per day of 42 API de­
grees of volatile oil, and 9.9 million cubic
feet of gas per day.


The original 3P volume is 195.6 million

barrels of oil and 524.3 billion cubic feet Figure 5.33 Map showing the location of the Tamil-1 well.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

approximately 146 kilometers northwest of Ciudad which coincides with the top of the Upper Jurassic
del Carmen, Campeche, 131.8 kilometers northeast Tithonian, while the structural close is at 4,050 meters.
of Dos Bocas, Tabasco, and 14.6 kilometers northwest The reservoir continuity inferred from the seismic cor­
of the Kach-1 well, which was a producer in Lower relation makes it possible to consider it an attractive
and Middle Cretaceous rocks, Figure 5.33. Geologi­ opportunity to delimit the reservoir to the southeast
cally, it is located in the northwestern portion of the of the structure. Figure 5.34 shows the continuity of
Comalcalco pit. Although this discovery did not add the horizons interpreted.
reserves in 2008, it will be possible to book them
once the other wells corroborate the extension of Stratigraphy
the structure derived from the seismic and geological
interpretation. The geological column cut by well Tamil-1 covers
rocks from the Recent-Pleistocene (terrigenous) to
Structural Geology the Upper Jurassic Oxfordian (carbonates). The well
reached a depth of 3,598 meters below sea level and
The structure is a lengthy anticline in a northwest to its chronostratigraphic tops were established through
southeast direction that is limited all around by clos­ the analysis of planktonic foraminifer indexes in the
ing against reverse faulting. There is a compressive drill cuttings and core samples.
tectonic and salt combination in the area. The seismic
nature of the information indicates that the structural Storage Rock
highs contain salt in their core, but without affecting
the horizons interpreted corresponding to Mesozoic The storage rock of the reservoir seen in the core
targets. and drill cuttings samples mostly consists of naturally
fractured mudstone-wackestone foraminifers and
The reservoir is formed by naturally fractured Creta­ with good heavy oil impregnation, which is partly
ceous carbonated rocks; the top of the reservoir is shaly-bituminous and partially dolomitized, with mi­
at 2,747 meters and the bottom is at 3,040 meters, crocrystalline and secondary porosity in fractures,

Tamil-1 Tamil-DL1





Reservoir Top: 2,747 m (Middle Cretaceous)


Reservoir Bottom: 3,040 m (Upper Jurassic Tithonian) Kach-1

Figure 5.34 Seismic-structural cross-section showing the characteristics of the reservoir.


due to dissolution and intercrystalline. The fractures correspond to the volumes discovered in each year
are generally at angles exceeding 60 degrees and and they are reported as of January 1 of the following
with good oil impregnation and they are occasionally year. According to the information presented, there
sealed with calcite and/or silica; there are also bands is a continuous annual increase in the total reserves
of cherts and layers of bituminous shale. added, with a maximum value of 1,482.1 million bar­
rels of oil equivalent reached in 2008. This means an
Resources increase of 40.7 percent in total reserves discovered
when compared with 2007. Additionally, the most
Based on the models and information available, the important additions were in the Southeastern Basins
resources are estimated at more than 200 million where the figure for 2008 amounted to 1,372.9 million
barrels of oil equivalent. barrels of oil equivalent in 3P reserves, that is, 92.6
percent of the national total.

5.4 Historical Trajectory of Discoveries It is important to stress that these accomplishments

are the result of the sustained investment in explora­
Table 5.4 shows the volumes of 1P, 2P, and 3P reserves tion involving amounts exceeding the figures for the
discovered in the period from 2005 to 2008 by basin, last decade. Given the complexity and magnitude of
for oil, natural gas, and oil equivalent. Said reserves the work involved, such as the acquisition of 2D and

Table 5.4 Volumes of reserves discovered in the period from 2005-2008.

1P 2P 3P
Year Crude Oil Natural Gas Total Crude Oil Natural Gas Total Crude Oil Natural Gas Total
Basin MMbbl Bcf MMboe MMbbl Bcf MMboe MMbbl Bcf MMboe

2005 52.6 440.9 136.8 151.4 646.4 276.6 730.7 1,140.0 950.2
Burgos 0.0 42.7 7.9 0.0 128.0 24.0 0.0 396.4 76.3
Southeastern 45.3 21.8 50.5 142.8 98.7 166.0 718.1 290.6 778.1
Tampico-Misantla 7.3 43.2 14.4 8.6 78.2 20.9 12.6 108.2 29.6
Veracruz 0.0 333.3 64.1 0.0 341.6 65.7 0.0 344.7 66.3

2006 66.2 548.4 182.9 158.1 1,180.6 412.1 340.5 2,999.1 966.1
Burgos 0.0 62.3 11.9 0.0 133.7 25.6 0.0 351.8 67.3
Gulf of Mexico Deepwater 0.0 308.5 63.6 0.0 672.9 138.8 0.0 1,722.0 349.3
Southeastern 62.9 129.9 95.2 154.4 311.6 232.3 302.8 779.4 487.6
Veracruz 3.3 47.7 12.2 3.7 62.4 15.4 37.7 145.9 62.0

2007 129.1 244.3 182.8 467.5 944.8 675.4 708.3 1,604.0 1,053.2
Burgos 0.0 49.4 9.6 0.0 80.4 15.7 0.0 168.4 32.6
Gulf of Mexico Deepwater 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 242.6 47.6 0.0 708.8 138.9
Southeastern 128.8 160.6 166.4 466.7 556.2 598.9 706.1 650.6 865.2
Veracruz 0.3 34.3 6.8 0.8 65.6 13.2 2.2 76.2 16.5

2008 244.8 592.0 363.8 681.5 1,134.8 912.4 1,095.6 1,912.8 1,482.1
Burgos 0.0 40.7 7.4 0.0 57.8 10.5 0.0 267.1 48.9
Southeastern 244.8 440.8 335.2 681.5 798.2 848.3 1,095.6 1,331.9 1,372.9
Veracruz 0.0 110.6 21.3 0.0 278.9 53.6 0.0 313.8 60.3

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

3D seismic information, geological, geochemical MMboe

and paleontological modeling studies, seismic pro­

1,482.1 3P
cessing, seismic interpretation, and the drilling and
completion of wells, the exploratory process cycle
covers several years and therefore requires a stable 1,053.2
950.2 966.1 912.4 2P
budget allocation in the medium and long term.
According to the fluid type contained in the reser­
412.1 363.8 1P
voirs, the 3P oil reserves discovered in the South­ 276.6
182.9 182.8
eastern Basins amounted to 1,095.6 million barrels; 136.8

this volume is 55.2 percent higher than the figure 2005 2006 2007 2008
reported in 2007. In particular, the discoveries of
Figure 5.35 Replacement rate trajectory for the 1P, 2P,
light and superlight oil in the Southeastern Basins and 3P reserves of oil equivalent.
contributed 27.6 percent. Furthermore, said discov­
eries will make it possible to improve the quality of observed, the volumes discovered have improved
heavy oils added in the northern part of the basin, gradually.
which will thus improve the quality of Mexican crude
oil exports. The remaining 72.4 percent corresponding The evolution of exploratory additions in the Burgos
to heavy oils was furnished by the Ku-Maloob-Zaap Basin, which despite being a mature basin is still add­
reservoirs in the Northeastern Offshore Region and ing dry gas reserves, and thus showing the remaining
Cinco Presidentes in the Southern Region. associated potential, reported an increase of 58.6
percent over 2008 as regards the previous year, with
The 3P natural gas reserve discovered, as of Janu­ the addition of 267.1 billion cubic feet of natural gas,
ary 1, 2009, amounts to 1,912.8 billion cubic feet of that is, 48.9 million barrels of oil equivalent.
gas, which means an increase of 19.3 percent when
compared to 2007. The most important contribution The increase as against 2007 in the Veracruz Basin was
can be attributed to the discoveries made in the Li­ 312.1 percent, which means the addition of 313.8 bil­
toral de Tabasco Integral Business Unit, particularly lion cubic feet of dry gas reserves, that is, an amount
the addition of the Tsimin field that provided 976.4 equal to 60.3 million barrels of oil equivalent.
billion cubic feet of gas. The Burgos and Veracruz
basins, moreover, provided 580.9 billion cubic feet The reserves added in the Southeastern Basins
of gas. This will obviously help maintain and improve in 2008 amounted to 1,372.9 million barrels of oil
the natural gas supply for production. Furthermore, equivalent, which means an increase of 58.7 percent
gas associated with the oil reservoirs discovered compared with the previous year. In terms of oil and
contributed 18.6 percent of the natural gas added in gas, the reserves totaled 1,095.6 barrels and 1,331.9
the period. Figure 5.35 shows the evolution of the billion cubic feet, that is, an increase of 55.2 and 104.7
reserves discovered from 2005 to 2008. As can be percent, respectively, compared to 2007.


Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Distribution of Hydrocarbon
This basic purpose of this chapter is to describe Table 6.1 Previous and current organizational scheme at
Pemex Exploración y Producción.
the evolution of original volumes and hydrocarbon
reserves in their different categories; proved, prob- Region 2003 2008
able and possible, that stem from all the activities
Northeastern Offshore
carried out during 2008, such as the development of Cantarell Cantarell
fields, analyses of the pressure-production behavior Ku-Maloob-Zaap Ku-Maloob-Zaap
Southwestern Offshore
in said fields, reinterpretation of geological models Abkatún-Pol-Chuc Abkatún-Pol-Chuc
and exploratory activities, among others. Litoral de Tabasco
Litoral de Tabasco
As regards the variations of original hydrocarbon Burgos Burgos
Aceite Terciario del Golfo
reserves through additions, this element is formed Poza Rica-Altamira
Poza Rica-Altamira
by discoveries and field delineations that are the re- Veracruz Veracruz
sult of drilling exploratory and delineation wells, and Bellota-Jujo Bellota-Jujo
Cinco Presidentes Cinco Presidentes
therefore, the variations mentioned may be positive
Macuspana Macuspana
or negative. The second element is obtained from Muspac Muspac
Samaria-Luna Samaria-Luna
drilling development wells, thus generating increases
and decreases in hydrocarbon reserves. Finally, the
analysis of pressure-production behavior in fields or were incorporated, which in addition to complying
the updating of the geological-geophysical models leads with the task of producing current reserves, they are
to increases or decreases in revisions that could influ- also entrusted with the mission of extending fields
ence the values of the hydrocarbon reserves reported. discovered through the reserves additions and the
delineation of fields, in order to efficiently ensure the
The above estimations were made in accordance with capture of economic value. Table 6.1 compares the
the guidelines issued by the Securities and Exchange organization of previous business units in effect since
Commission (SEC) of the United States for proved 2003 with the new distribution established last year.
reserves, while the definitions adopted by the Society
of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), the American Associa-
tion of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), and the World 6.1 Northeastern Offshore Region
Petroleum Council (WPC) were used to evaluate the
probable and possible reserves. This region is in the southeast of Mexico and it in-
cludes part of the continental shelf and the Gulf of
Added to the above, there is the distribution of re- Mexico slope. It covers an area of approximately
serves at an integral business unit level. In this regard, 166,000 square kilometers and is located in na-
it is important to mention that a new organizational tional territorial waters, off the coasts of the states
scheme was set up in Pemex Exploración y Produc- of Campeche, Yucatán and Quintana Roo. Figure 6.1
ción in 2008 when two new integral business units shows the geographic location of this region.

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves

United States of America

Baja California Norte



Sinaloa Nuevo León Gulf of Mexico

Baja California Sur Durango

Zacatecas Northeastern
San Luis Potosí Region
Nayarit Aguascalientes

Guanajuato Yucatán
Jalisco Querétaro
Pacific Ocean Hidalgo
Quintana Roo
D.F. Tlaxcala
Michoacán Morelos
Puebla Campeche
Oaxaca Chiapas


0 100 200 300 400 500 Km El Salvador

Figure 6.1 The Northeastern Offshore Region is located in national territorial waters, off the coasts of
Campeche, Yucatán and Quintana Roo.

The Northeastern Offshore Region currently has two In 2008, the Northeastern Offshore Region reported an
integral business units: Cantarell and Ku-Maloob- average daily production of 1.7 million barrels of oil,
Zaap, which administer 25 fields. Figure 6.2 shows and 1,901.3 million cubic feet of natural gas. Further-
the geographic location of the integral business units. more, the Ku-Maloob-Zaap project is gradually increas-
Eleven of the fields have remaining reserves but are ing its production as a result of the development of the
not in production, Kambesah and Után in the Cantarell Maloob and Zaap fields. As in previous years, the Akal
Integral Business Unit, and Ayatsil, Baksha, Kayab, field in the Cantarell complex is still the most important
Nab, Numán, Pit, Pohp, Tson, and Zazil-Ha in the Ku- in the country. In 2008, Akal reported an average daily
Maloob-Zaap Integral Business Unit. 14 fields are in production of 0.927 million barrels of oil and 1,576.8
production, of which 9 are located in the Cantarell million cubic feet of natural gas, all of which was the
Integral Business Unit, and five are in the Ku-Maloob- result of the activities aimed at maintaining the recov-
Zaap Integral Business Unit. ery factor of the Cantarell project, which especially
included well drilling, workovers and well completion
In 2008, the region’s oil production was 638.9 million activities and the continuation of reservoir pressure
barrels of crude oil, and the natural gas output was maintenance projects through nitrogen injection. Just
695.9 billion cubic feet of gas. These volumes account as in 2008, and based on the above, it is forecast that
for 62.5 and 27.5 percent of the national total oil and the Northeastern Offshore Region will continue to be
natural gas production, respectively. the most important oil producer nationwide.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

N 460 500 540 580 620

Gulf of Mexico Ku-Maloob-Zaap
Integral Business Unit
Maloob 2170
Bacab Lum

Pok-1 Ek
Cantarell Cantarell Integral
Ixtoc Chac Business Unit

200 m

100 m

50 m
Cd. del Carmen
25 m
Dos Bocas
0 10 20 30 40 km

Figure 6.2 Geographic location of the integral business units of the Northeastern Offshore Region.

6.1.1 Evolution of Original Volumes in Place Business Unit reported 17,395.5 million barrels of oil,
which represents 32.0 percent of the regional volume
Table 6.2 shows the evolution of the original oil and and this evidences an increase compared with the pre-
natural gas volumes of the Northeastern Off-
shore Region in all the different categories Table 6.2 Historical evolution over the last three years of the original
volumes in the Northeastern Offshore Region.
over the last three years. Consequently, the
proved original volume of oil, as of January Year Category Crude Oil Natural Gas
1, 2009, is 54,356.6 million barrels, which is MMbbl Bcf
equal to 36.1 percent of the national volume
2007 Total 63,792.2 26,190.5
for such category and this means an increase
Proved 53,417.6 24,172.3
as a result of the exploratory activity, as well Probable 1,106.7 255.0
as the delineation and development of the Possible 9,268.0 1,763.2
fields in the region. At a regional level, the
2008 Total 64,920.2 26,410.4
Cantarell Integral Business Unit holds most Proved 54,029.8 24,321.0
of this volume with 36,961.1 million barrels Probable 2,851.8 684.0
of oil, that is, 68.0 percent of the region’s Possible 8,038.7 1,405.3

total, which means a slight decrease com- 2009 Total 66,087.6 26,033.0
pared with the previous year as a result of Proved 54,356.6 23,981.4
the development and revision of fields in the Probable 5,616.1 897.3
Possible 6,114.9 1,154.3
business unit. The Ku-Maloob-Zaap Integral

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves

vious year that is essentially due to the addition of new Business Unit contains 73.3 percent of the original
reservoir volumes. The probable original volume of oil volume, that is, 17,583.9 billion cubic feet and this
amounted to 5,616.1 million barrels, which represents implies a reduction compared with last year, mostly
6.7 percent of the national total and, in turn, it is an due to revision, while the Ku-Maloob-Zaap Integral
increase when compared with the previous year. The Business Unit has 6,397.6 billion cubic feet of gas,
highest probable original volume of oil corresponds which is equal to 26.7 percent of the region’s total
to the Ku-Maloob-Zaap Integral Business Unit with and this points to a slight increase in this business
5,322.9 million barrels, that is, 94.8 percent of the unit. The probable original volume amounted to 897.3
region’s total, as a result of the exploration, delinea- billion cubic feet of natural gas, which represents an
tion, development and revision activities. Additionally, increase when compared with the previous year. Of
the Cantarell Integral Business Unit reported 293.2 this, 93.5 percent is in the Ku-Maloob-Zaap Integral
million barrels of oil, which represents 5.2 percent of Business Unit and 6.5 percent is in the Cantarell Inte-
the region’s total, and an increase over the previous gral Business Unit. The possible original natural gas
year that can largely be attributed to the addition of the volume decreased when compared with the previous
Kambesah field. The possible original oil volume was year, which was the result of field revision and devel-
6,114.9 million barrels, which represents 9.7 percent opment. As of January 1, 2009, the regional figure
of the country’s total volume. The possible original was 1,154.3 billion cubic feet of gas, of which 83.1
volume decreased when compared with 2008 due to percent is in the Ku-Maloob-Zaap Integral Business
field revision and development. The Ku-Maloob-Zaap Unit, while the Cantarell Integral Business Unit holds
Integral Business Unit holds 5,607.9 million barrels in the remaining 16.9 percent.
its fields and the Cantarell Integral Business Unit has
507.0 million barrels.
6.1.2 Evolution of Reserves
In reference to the proved original volumes of natural
gas, the Northeastern Offshore Region has 23,981.4 Figures 6.3 and 6.4 show the variations in crude oil and
billion cubic feet, which is 13.3 percent of the national natural gas reserves over the last three years. As of
total. This value means a decrease over the amount January 1, 2009, the total reserves of the Northeastern
reported last year, which was mainly due to delinea- Offshore Region amounted to 11,656.6 million barrels
tion, development and revision. The Cantarell Integral of crude oil and 4,892.9 billion cubic feet of natural gas.

MMbbl Bcf

12,510.6 5,716.7
11,936.8 11,656.6 5,382.7
2,533.9 Possible 814.9 4,892.9
2,799.0 962.4
Probable 863.0 896.1
Probable 3,444.7 631.1
3,085.0 2,844.5

Proved 4,038.8
3,635.6 3,365.8
Proved 6,532.0 6,052.8 5,919.3

2007 2008 2009 2007 2008 2009

Figure 6.3 Historical evolution of the remaining Figure 6.4 Historical evolution of the remain-
crude oil reserves in the Northeastern Offshore ing natural gas reserves in the Northeastern
Region over the last three years. Offshore Region over the last three years.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Table 6.3 Composition of 2P reserves by business unit of the Northeastern Offshore Region.

Crude Oil Natural Gas

Heavy Light Superlight Associated Non-associated
Business Unit MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl Bcf Bcf

Total 8,676.2 87.6 0.0 3,981.1 15.7

Cantarell 4,087.0 87.6 0.0 2,260.7 15.7
Ku-Maloob-Zaap 4,589.2 0.0 0.0 1,720.4 0.0

The 2P reserves amounted to 8,763.8 million barrels The results obtained in 2008 did not cause substantial
of crude oil, and 3,996.8 billion cubic feet of natural variations in the oil type classification in the region’s
gas. Tables 6.3 and 6.4 show the composition of the proved reserves; heavy and light oil accounted for
2P and 3P reserves, respectively, at an integral busi- 99.1 and 0.9 percent, respectively. As regards natural
ness unit level in terms of heavy, light and superlight gas, 99.6 percent is associated gas and 0.4 percent is
crude oil, as well as associated and non-associated non-associated gas.
gas. It should be noted that the non-associated gas
values include the reserves of gas-condensate, dry The probable oil reserve, as of January 1, 2009, is
gas and wet gas reservoirs. estimated at 2,844.5 million barrels of oil, that is, 27.4
percent of the national total, while the probable gas
The region’s proved reserve as of January 1, 2009 reserve, which is 631.1 billion cubic feet, equals 3.1
amounts to 5,919.3 million barrels of crude oil, that percent of the country’s total.
is, 56.9 percent of the country’s proved reserves. The
proved natural gas reserve totals 3,365.8 billion cubic The possible oil reserve as of January 1, 2009 amounts
feet, and it accounts for 19.1 percent of the national to 2,892.8 million barrels of oil, which corresponds to
reserve. 28.5 percent of the national total. In reference to the
possible natural gas reserve, the figure is 896.1 bil-
The developed proved reserve was 4,837.5 million lion cubic feet of gas, or 4.0 percent of the country’s
barrels of crude oil and 2,892.0 billion cubic feet of total.
natural gas. These figures represent 81.7 and 85.9
percent of the region’s total proved reserve, respec- Crude Oil and Natural Gas
tively. The undeveloped proved reserves total 1,081.8
million barrels of crude oil and 473.7 billion cubic feet The proved oil reserve as of January 1, 2009 increased
of natural gas. These amounts correspond to 18.3 and by 505.4 million barrels compared with the previous
14.1 percent of the region’s total proved reserve. year. This increase is mostly the result of reclassifying

Table 6.4 Composition of 3P reserves by business unit of the Northeastern Offshore Region.

Crude Oil Natural Gas

Heavy Light Superlight Associated Non-associated
Business Unit MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl Bcf Bcf

Total 11,569.1 87.6 0.0 4,835.1 57.8

Cantarell 5,570.3 87.6 0.0 2,782.6 57.8
Ku-Maloob-Zaap 5,998.7 0.0 0.0 2,052.5 0.0

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves

probable reserves to proved caused by the drilling of tion to the exploratory activities that also contributed
development wells in the Maloob and Zaap fields and to the above increase. It should be noted that 57.2
the continuation of pressure maintenance through percent of the region’s probable oil reserve is in the
nitrogen injection in the Ku field, the delineation of Ku-Maloob-Zaap Integral Business Unit.
the Ayatsil field, and the discovery of the Pit field that
jointly total 759.1 million barrels of oil. Additionally, the The region’s probable natural gas reserve reported
decrease of 412.6 million barrels of oil was the result of a decrease of 153.7 billion cubic feet as of January
the revision of the pressure-production behavior in the 1, 2009, when compared with January 1, 2008. This
Akal, Sihil and Bacab fields. The Cantarell Integral Busi- was mostly due to the reclassification of reserves in
ness Unit holds 50.0 percent of the region’s proved oil the Maloob and Zaap fields. These decreases were
reserve, just like the Ku-Maloob-Zaap Integral Business softened by the increases in the Ayatsil, Ixtoc, Kamb-
Unit. In field terms, the highest proportion of proved esah and Pit fields that jointly added 79.8 billion cubic
oil reserve is to be found in the Akal field. feet of natural gas. At a business unit level, 55.0 per-
cent of the probable gas reserves are concentrated
Regionally, the remaining proved natural gas reserve in the Ku-Maloob-Zaap Integral Business Unit, with
reported a net increase of 426.1 billion cubic feet com- the remaining 45.0 percent in the Cantarell Integral
pared with the previous year. The variation may be Business Unit.
attributed to the revision of the pressure-production
behavior in the Akal and Ixtoc fields, the reclassifica- The possible oil reserve as of January 1, 2009 reported
tion of probable reserves to proved category due to an increase of 93.8 million barrels compared with the
development drilling in the Zaap field, the delineation previous year. The delineation of the Ayatsil field, the
of the Ayatsil field and the addition of the Kambesah development and revision of the Balam field, and
and Pit fields. All of the above therefore made it pos- the addition of the Pit field, increased reserves by
sible to add 418.3 billion cubic feet of natural gas. 408.4 million barrels of oil. Additionally, the decrease
Nevertheless, this increase was slightly affected by the of 165.4 million barrels of oil was the result of the
decline of 11.4 billion cubic feet of gas in the Bacab, variation of the pressure-production behavior in the
Lum and Sihil fields. It should be noted that the Akal Akal, Ek, and Maloob fields. The region’s possible oil
and Ku fields provide 69.4 percent of the regional reserves are distributed as follows; 51.3 percent in the
reserve. At a business unit level, Cantarell provides Cantarell Integral Business Unit, and 48.7 percent in
59.2 percent, and Ku-Maloob-Zaap has 40.8 percent the Ku-Maloob-Zaap Integral Business Unit.
of the region’s proved natural gas reserves.
As of January 1, 2009, the possible natural gas reserve
The probable oil reserve estimated as of January 1, declined by 66.4 billion cubic feet when compared
2009 shows a decrease of 240.5 million barrels of oil, with January 1, 2008, as a result of the revision of the
that is, 7.8 percent less when compared with the previ- pressure-production behavior and development in
ous year. In particular, there were decreases of 718.3 the Akal, Ek and Maloob fields, that jointly reported a
million barrels of oil in Ku, Maloob and Zaap fields decrease of 92.5 billion cubic feet of gas. In contrast,
caused by the reclassification of probable reserves to the increase in reserves amounting to 42.5 billion
proved. These decreases were offset by an increase of cubic feet of natural gas in the Ayatsil and Pit fields
329.6 million barrels of oil in the Ayatsil and Pit fields due to delineation and addition activities lessened
as a result of the delineation of the fields, as in the the above-mentioned decline in reserves. Table 6.5
case of the Ayatsil-DL1 well that found much deeper shows the natural gas reserves by integral business
water-oil contact than previously considered, in addi- unit estimated as of January 1, 2009 in the proved,

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Table 6.5 Distribution of remaining gas reserves by business unit of the Northeastern Off-
shore Region as of January 1, 2009.

Category Business Unit Natural Gas Gas to be Dry Gas

Delivered to Plant
Bcf Bcf Bcf

Proved Total 3,365.8 2,337.7 1,840.4

Cantarell 1,992.2 1,561.8 1,230.5
Ku-Maloob-Zaap 1,373.5 775.9 609.9

Probable Total 631.1 394.2 310.3
Cantarell 284.2 225.7 177.9
Ku-Maloob-Zaap 346.9 168.5 132.4

Possible Total 896.1 585.1 468.9
Cantarell 563.9 451.9 364.2
Ku-Maloob-Zaap 332.2 133.2 104.7

probable and possible categories, as well as the gas integral business unit level, Cantarell accounts for
to be delivered to plant and dry gas. 52.2 percent, and Ku-Maloob-Zaap has 47.8 percent.
Figure 6.5 shows the distribution of proved reserves
Oil Equivalent by business unit.

The proved oil equivalent reserve in the Northeastern The probable oil equivalent reserve as of January 1,
Offshore Region as of January 1, 2009 totaled 6,712.3 2009 was 2,977.1 million barrels, which means 20.5
million barrels. Field exploration, delineation and percent of the country’s reserves. Compared with
development activities, plus field behavior revisions January 1, 2008, there was a reduction of 313.1 million
in 2008, indicate an increase of 377.2 million barrels barrels of oil equivalent caused by the reclassification
of oil equivalent. This variation is mostly associated of probable reserves to proved and possible in the
with the Ayatsil, Maloob, Pit, and Zaap fields. At an Ku, Maloob, and Zaap fields. Figure 6.6 shows the

MMboe MMboe

3,210.7 6,712.3 1,290.3 2,977.1


Cantarell Ku-Maloob- Total Ku-Maloob- Cantarell Total

Zaap Zaap

Figure 6.5 Proved reserves as of January Figure 6.6 Probable reserves as of January
1, 2009, distributed by business unit in the 1, 2009, distributed by business unit in the
Northeastern Offshore Region. Northeastern Offshore Region.

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves

MMboe production behavior in the case of the former, and

1,459.3 3,096.5 field development in the case of the two last cases.
Figure 6.7 shows the participation of each business
unit in the region’s possible oil equivalent reserves.
It can therefore be seen that 52.9 percent of the total
1,637.2 is in the Cantarell Integral Business Unit.

Figure 6.8 shows the elements of change in the total

or 3P reserve of the Northeastern Offshore Region. As
can be seen, as of January 1 2009, the total regional
Cantarell Ku-Maloob- Total reserves amounted to 12,785.9 million barrels of
oil equivalent, which is 29.4 percent of the national
Figure 6.7 Possible reserves as of January
total. There was an increase of 0.9 percent in the
1, 2009, distributed by business unit in the
Northeastern Offshore Region. region’s 3P reserve, that is, 117.7 million barrels of
oil equivalent, compared with the figure reported in
distribution of probable reserves by business unit; the previous year.
Ku-Maloob-Zaap accounts for the highest amount
with 56.7 percent of the region’s total. Reserve-Production Ratio

The possible oil equivalent reserve, as of January 1, The Northeastern Offshore Region produced 689.5
2009, amounted to 3,096.5 million barrels, which is million barrels of oil equivalent during 2008; conse-
21.0 percent of the national total. When comparing quently, the proved reserve-production ratio is 9.7
this reserve with the figure reported the previous year, years. Considering the proved plus probable (2P)
there is a positive variation of 53.6 million barrels of reserve, the reserve-production ratio is 14.1 years and
oil equivalent, which is largely the result of delineation 18.5 years for the proved plus probable plus possible
in the Ayatsil field and the exploratory addition of the (3P) reserve.
Pit field. As regards the decreases, the Akal, Ek, and
Maloob fields, jointly account for 209.3 million barrels In particular, the proved reserve-production ratio of
of oil equivalent due to the revision of the pressure- the Cantarell Integral Business Unit is 8.4 years and the


421.1 14,086.0 795.3 -713.9
509.6 589.8 13,357.7 36.3 -689.5
521.0 12,785.9
635.4 283.5 Dry Gas
503.7 Equivalent
616.4 256.6 Plant Liquids
368.9 Condensate

11,936.8 11,656.6 Crude Oil

2006 2007 2008 Additions Revisions Developments Production 2009

Figure 6.8 Elements of change in the total reserve of the Northeastern Offshore Region.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Table 6.6 Historical evolution of reserves by fluid type in the Northeastern Offshore Region.

Year Category Crude Oil Condensate Plant Dry Gas Total

Liquids Equivalent
MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl MMboe MMboe

2007 Total 12,510.6 635.4 350.2 589.8 14,086.0

Proved 6,532.0 443.2 254.3 422.7 7,652.2
Probable 3,444.7 103.1 53.5 88.8 3,690.1
Possible 2,533.9 89.1 42.4 78.3 2,743.7

2008 Total 11,936.8 616.4 283.5 521.0 13,357.7
Proved 6,052.8 407.5 200.7 363.6 7,024.6
Probable 3,085.0 98.6 37.9 68.6 3,290.2
Possible 2,799.0 110.3 44.8 88.7 3,042.9

2009 Total 11,656.6 368.9 256.6 503.7 12,785.9

Proved 5,919.3 256.1 183.0 353.9 6,712.3
Probable 2,844.5 42.1 30.9 59.7 2,977.1
Possible 2,892.8 70.7 42.8 90.2 3,096.5

figure for Ku-Maloob-Zaap is 11.7 years, considering The probable reserve amounts to 2,977.1 million barrels
production volumes of 415.1 and 274.4 million barrels of oil equivalent. Of this amount, 95.5 percent is crude
of oil equivalent, respectively. The production of 1.0 oil, 1.4 percent is condensate, 1.0 percent is plant liq-
million barrels per day makes the Cantarell Integral uids, and 2.0 percent is dry gas equivalent to liquid.
Business Unit the leading oil producer nationwide.
The 3,096.5 million barrels of oil equivalent in the pos-
The Ku-Maloob-Zaap Integral Business Unit, however, sible reserve are constituted as follows: 93.4 percent is
showed a proved plus probable (2P) reserve-pro- crude oil, 2.3 percent is condensate, 1.4 percent is plant
duction ratio of 17.8 years, and a reserve-production liquids and 2.9 percent is dry gas equivalent to liquid.
ratio of 23.2 years for the proved plus probable plus
possible (3P) reserve. Reservoir development and
pressure maintenance activities through nitrogen 6.2 Southwestern Offshore Region
injection are focused on maintaining production at
approximately 800 thousand barrels of oil per day In recent years, the Southwestern Offshore Region
during the coming years. has been characterized by discoveries of significant
volumes of hydrocarbon reserves, and therefore it
Reserves by Fluid Type helps in the drive to meet reserve replacement rates
at a regional and national level. The region is in territo-
Table 6.6 shows the evolution of reserves over the last rial waters that include the continental shelf and slope
three years in the Northeastern Offshore Region by fluid of the Gulf of Mexico. It covers an area of 352,390
type, in the proved, probable and possible categories. square kilometers. To the south, it is bounded by the
The proved reserve is therefore 6,712.3 million barrels states of Veracruz, Tabasco and Campeche, to the
of oil equivalent, of which 88.2 percent is crude oil, 3.8 east it borders on the Northeastern Offshore Region,
percent is condensate, 2.7 percent is plant liquids, and and to the north and west; it is limited by the national
5.3 percent is dry gas equivalent to liquid. territorial waters, as is shown in Figure 6.9.

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves

United States of America

Baja California Norte


Coahuila Gulf of Mexico

Sinaloa Nuevo León

Baja California Sur Durango
Tamaulipas Offshore
Zacatecas Region

San Luis Potosí

Nayarit Aguascalientes

Guanajuato Yucatán
Jalisco Querétaro
Pacific Ocean Hidalgo
México Quintana Roo
D.F. Tlaxcala
Michoacán Morelos
Puebla Campeche
Oaxaca Chiapas


0 100 200 300 400 500 Km El Salvador

Figure 6.9 The Southwestern Offshore Region is in the continental shelf and slope waters of
the Gulf of Mexico.

As of January 1, 2009, the organization structure con- In 2008, the daily oil and natural gas production in the
sisted of the Abkatún-Pol-Chuc, Litoral de Tabasco, and region averaged a volume of 500.3 thousand barrels
Holok-Temoa integral business units. The latter is a re- and 1,022.9 million cubic feet, that is, over the year
cent creation and it was basically established to develop there was an accumulation of 183.1 million barrels of
and administer the fields located in isobaths exceeding oil and 374.4 billion cubic feet of natural gas, which
500 meters. Additionally, the Southwestern Offshore means a contribution of 17.9 and 14.8 percent of the
Region has an exploration business unit whose name national oil and gas production, respectively.
was changed from the Regional Exploration Business
Unit to the Plataforma Continental Sur Exploration Busi- Last year’s exploratory activity was successful in that
ness Unit. Figure 6.10 shows the geographic location. two new fields, Tsimin and Tecoalli, were discovered;
in addition more reservoirs were added in the existing
The region currently administers 66 fields, 17 of which fields, that is, at a Jurassic level in Xanab and the con-
produce light and superlight oil and associated gas, tribution of new Tertiary sands in the Yaxché field.
that is, there is a sizeable number of fields still to be
developed. It should be noted that two new fields
have been included in the register of fields, and they 6.2.1 Evolution of Original Volumes in Place
illustrate the positive results of the exploratory work
being done in the region, and they also evidence an The proved original volume of oil in the Southwestern
opportunity area to maintain and increase hydrocar- Offshore Region as of January 1, 2009 was 17,691.1
bon production at a regional and national level. million barrels, which is equal to 11.7 percent of the

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

N 460 500 540 580 620


Gulf of Mexico

Integral Business Unit

Ixtal 301
Toloc 2130
Ayín Pol Abkatún-Pol-Chuc
Kax Chuc Integral Business Unit
Uech Kay
Alux Ki
Litoral de Tabasco
Integral Business Unit Sinán 101A
200 m Bolontiku Misón 2090
Citam Hayabil-1
Yum Kix
100 m 401
50 m
Cd. del Carmen
25 m
Yaxché 2050
Dos Bocas
0 10 20 30 40 km

Figure 6.10 Geographic location of the integral business units that make up the South-
western Offshore Region.

national total volume for such category, and implies an barrels, that is, 63.2 percent of the region’s total, as a
increase of 6.4 percent when compared with last year. result of the exploratory addition of new reservoirs,
The Abkatún-Pol-Chuc Integral Business Unit holds and development and revision activities. In contrast,
most of the region’s volume with 14,158.1 million bar- the Abkatún-Pol-Chuc Integral Business Unit holds
rels of oil, that is, 80.0 percent of the total.
The Litoral de Tabasco Integral Business Unit, Table 6.7 Historical evolution over the last three years of the original
volumes in the Southwestern Offshore Region.
however, has 3,533.0 million barrels of oil,
that is, 20.0 percent of the regional volume, Year Category Crude Oil Natural Gas
which means an increase when compared MMbbl Bcf
with the previous year, due to new reservoirs,
2007 Total 22,799.4 28,763.0
developments and revisions. Furthermore,
Proved 16,275.3 18,659.7
the newly-created Holok-Temoa Integral Busi- Probable 2,763.2 3,320.8
ness Unit administers the Lakach, Lalail, and Possible 3,761.0 6,782.4
Noxal fields that only contain non-associated
2008 Total 24,163.4 31,161.6
gas reservoirs. The probable and possible Proved 16,625.7 19,652.2
original oil volumes total 3,396.3 and 4,186.0 Probable 3,328.2 4,621.8
million barrels, which is equal to 4.0 and 6.6 Possible 4,209.6 6,887.6

percent of the national volumes, respectively. 2009 Total 25,273.4 33,394.2

The highest probable original volume of Proved 17,691.1 21,615.9
oil corresponds to the Litoral de Tabasco Probable 3,396.3 5,439.7
Possible 4,186.0 6,338.6
Integral Business Unit with 2,147.2 million

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves

36.8 percent of the probable original volume, which MMbbl

means 1,249.1 million barrels of oil, and which is less 3,217.4

than last year essentially because of the reclassification 2,900.9 2,927.8

of probable reserves to proved due to field develop- 1,056.0

1,118.8 1,020.9
ment. Of the 4,186.0 million barrels in the possible
original volume of crude oil, 3,034.0 million barrels are 985.5
located in the fields of the Litoral de Tabasco Integral Probable 744.2 911.9

Business Unit and 1,152.0 million barrels correspond

to the Abkatún-Pol-Chuc Integral Business Unit. When Proved 1,038.0 994.9

compared with those reported as of January 1, 2008,

2007 2008 2009
these figures show an increase in the case of the Litoral
de Tabasco Integral Business Unit, that was largely due Figure 6.11 Historical evolution of the remain-
ing crude oil reserves in the Southwestern
to the addition of new reservoirs through exploratory Offshore Region over the last three years.
activities, and a decrease in the case of Abkatún-Pol-
Chuc caused by field delineation activities. 34.1 percent and the Abkatún-Pol-Chuc fields provide
the remaining 6.1 percent. It is important to mention
In reference to the original volumes of natural gas, that there were significant discoveries in 2008 as a
as of January 1, 2009, the Southwestern Offshore result of exploratory activities carried out particularly
Region has 21,615.9 billion cubic feet in the proved in the Litoral de Tabasco Integral Business Unit that
category, which is 11.9 percent of the national total. led to increases in the original volumes. Table 6.7
This is an increase over what was reported as January shows the behavior of the original oil and natural gas
1, 2008. The Abkatún-Pol-Chuc Integral Business Unit volumes in their different categories reported as of
contains 66.9 percent of the regional volume, that is, January 1, 2007 to 2009.
14,459.1 billion cubic feet, which is an increment due
to new developments and revisions. There are 6,728.4
billion cubic feet distributed in the Litoral de Tabasco 6.2.2 Evolution of Reserves
Integral Business Unit, and it makes up 31.1 percent
of the region’s total. The remaining 2.0 percent is in The proved oil reserve in the Southwestern Offshore
the Holok-Temoa Integral Business Unit, specifically Region as of January 1, 2009 was 1,176.0 million bar-
in the Lakach field. The probable original volumes
total 5,439.7 billion cubic feet of natural gas, that is, Bcf

there is an increase over the previous year mostly 9,571.8

caused by new reservoirs and reclassification as a 8,269.3
result of developments. 62.4 percent of the probable 3,433.0

original volume corresponds to the Litoral de Tabasco 3,611.9

Integral Business Unit, 20.8 percent is in the Abkatún-
Pol-Chuc Integral Business Unit, and 16.7 percent in 2,214.3
Probable 1,706.4
Holok-Temoa. The possible volumes total 6,338.6
billion cubic feet of gas, which means a decrease Proved 2,643.7 2,787.4

when compared with last year that was caused by

2007 2008 2009
delineations. The Litoral de Tabasco Integral Business
Unit accounts for 59.9 percent of the region’s possible Figure 6.12 Historical evolution of the remain-
ing natural gas reserves in the Southwestern
original volume, while the Holok-Temoa fields hold Offshore Region over the last three years.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Table 6.8 Composition of 2P reserves by business unit of the Southwestern Offshore Region.

Crude Oil Natural Gas

Heavy Light Superlight Associated Non-associated
Business Unit MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl Bcf Bcf

Total 337.2 1,375.3 449.0 2,519.8 3,619.0

Abkatún-Pol-Chuc 128.7 737.2 41.4 1,428.7 251.4
Holok-Temoa 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 915.5
Litoral de Tabasco 208.6 638.1 407.5 1,091.1 2,452.0

rels, which is 11.3 percent of the country’s proved The region’s proved oil reserve consists of 1,176.0
reserves. In reference to the proved reserve of natu- million barrels that are made up, in terms of density,
ral gas, the figure was 3,462.9 billion cubic feet, that by 120.9 million barrels of heavy oil or 10.3 percent
is, 19.6 percent of the total proved reserve of gas of the reserve, 808.2 million barrels of light oil or
nationwide. 68.7 percent, and the remaining 246.9 million barrels
are superlight, which means the latter provides 21.0
The probable and possible oil reserves inventory to- percent of the region’s proved total. In reference to
taled 985.5 and 1,056.0 million barrels, representing the proved natural gas reserve, the figure is 3,462.9
9.5 and 10.4 percent, respectively, of the national oil billion cubic feet, of which 46.7 percent or 1,616.0 bil-
reserves in these categories. Consequently, the 2P lion cubic feet correspond to associated gas, and the
and 3P reserves amounted to 2,161.5 and 3,217.4 remaining 53.3 percent is non-associated gas, that is,
million barrels of oil, respectively. F0or natural gas, 1,846.9 billion cubic feet. Tables 6.8 and 6.9 illustrate
the probable and possible reserves are 2,675.9 and the composition of the 2P and 3P oil and natural gas
3,433.0 billion cubic feet, which is equal to 13.3 and reserves. It should be noted that the non-associated
15.2 percent of the national total in such categories. gas values reported include the reserves of gas-
The 2P and 3P reserves therefore amounted to 6,138.8 condensate, dry gas, and wet gas reservoirs.
and 9,571.8 billion cubic feet of natural gas. Figures
6.11 and 6.12 show the variations in the oil and natural Crude Oil and Natural Gas
gas reserves over the last three years. In reference to
the developed and undeveloped proved reserves of The proved oil reserve as of January 1, 2009 in the
the region, the figures show 673.7 and 502.3 million Southwestern Offshore Region is 1,176.0 million bar-
barrels of crude oil, while the amount for natural gas is rels, of which 563.4 million barrels or 47.9 percent is
1,604.6 and 1,858.2 billion cubic feet, respectively. in the Abkatún-Pol-Chuc Integral Business Unit, while

Table 6.9 Composition of 3P reserves by business unit of the Southwestern Offshore Region.

Crude Oil Natural Gas

Heavy Light Superlight Associated Non-associated
Business Unit MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl Bcf Bcf

Total 739.9 1,793.1 684.4 3,232.9 6,338.9

Abkatún-Pol-Chuc 251.1 785.3 47.0 1,498.6 286.2
Holok-Temoa 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,430.3
Litoral de Tabasco 488.8 1,007.8 637.4 1,734.3 3,622.4

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves

612.6 million barrels or 52.1 percent corresponds The proved natural gas reserves as of January 1,
to the Litoral de Tabasco Integral Business Unit. As 2009 amounted to 3,462.9 billion cubic feet, of which
mentioned before, to date the Holok-Temoa Integral 35.9 percent of the reserve, or 1,243.1 billion cubic
Business Unit only manages natural gas fields. feet, are in the Abkatún-Pol-Chuc Integral Business
Unit, while the Litoral de Tabasco holds 1,911.2 bil-
In regional terms, the proved oil reserve reported a lion cubic feet or 55.2 percent, and the remaining 8.9
net increase of 364.1 million barrels when compared percent, that is, a volume of 308.6 billion cubic feet,
with January 1, 2008. Additionally, there was a net is in Holok-Temoa.
rise of 323.6 million barrels of oil in the developed
proved reserve. Furthermore, the undeveloped The region’s proved natural gas reserve reported a net
reserve increased by 40.5 million barrels of oil as increase of 1,049.8 billion cubic feet compared with
against the previous year. At an integral business unit January 1, 2008. This variation consists of an increase
level, Abkatún-Pol-Chuc reported an increase of 185.3 in developed proved reserves of 751.5 billion cubic
million barrels, which corresponds to a developed feet of natural gas and 298.3 billion cubic feet for the
proved reserve volume of 199.6 million barrels, while undeveloped reserve. The Abkatún-Pol-Chuc Integral
the undeveloped proved reserve decreased by 14.3 Business Unit reported an increase in the proved
million barrels. The increase in the developed proved reserve of 359.4 billion cubic feet of natural gas. This
reserve was essentially due to the revision of the situation is explained by the positive variation of 402.6
pressure-production behavior and the reclassification billion cubic feet of gas in the developed proved re-
of reserves in Ixtal, Chuc, Caan, Homol, and Manik serve especially in the Ixtal, Caan, Chuc, Homol, Manik,
fields that jointly added 183.7 million barrels of oil. The and Taratunich fields, with 184.5, 133.2, 52.8 20.3, 9.7,
decrease reported in the undeveloped proved reserve and 9.3 billion cubic feet of gas, respectively, due to
was largely due to the reclassification of undeveloped the behavior and the reclassification of reserves.
reserves to developed as a result of drilling two wells
in the Ixtal field. The Litoral de Tabasco Integral Business Unit reported
an increase of 690.5 billion cubic feet of natural gas in
As of January 1, 2009, the Litoral de Tabasco Integral proved reserves, where the positive variation of 348.9
Business Unit showed an increase of 178.9 million billion cubic feet is explained by the developed proved
barrels of crude oil in the proved reserve. This figure reserves. There was also an increase of 341.6 billion
is the result of increases in the developed proved cubic feet of natural gas in the undeveloped proved
reserve of 124.0 million barrels and 54.8 million bar- reserves. In particular, the increases reported in the
rels in the undeveloped proved reserve. The fields developed proved reserves category are basically
that reported the most important positive variations due to development activities in the May field that
in the developed proved reserve are Bolontikú, Sinán, meant 190.4 billion cubic feet of natural gas, Bolontikú
May and Yaxché, with 74.8, 16.9, 14.4, and 13.2 million marked up an increase of 139.4 billion cubic feet, and
barrels of oil, respectively, caused by development Sinán added 10.8 billion cubic feet of gas. As regards
in Bolontikú and May, revisions and development in the undeveloped proved reserve of natural gas, the
Sinán, and delineation activities in the latter field. increase was essentially due to exploratory activities
in the Tsimin, Xanab, and Tecoalli fields that jointly
The Tsimin, Xanab and Tecoalli fields in the Litoral de contributed a volume of 387.1 billion cubic feet of
Tabasco Integral Business Unit reported increases in natural gas. Additionally, there was a reduction of
the undeveloped proved oil reserve of 41.8, 9.7 and 44.1 billion cubic feet of gas in the May field caused
6.1 million barrels through exploratory addition. by development in the field.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

The region’s probable oil reserve as of January 1, and the increase of 539.2 billion cubic feet of gas in the
2009 rose by 73.6 million barrels of crude oil when Litoral de Tabasco. The most important reduction, that
compared with the previous year. In particular, the is, more than 100 billion cubic feet of gas, was in Ixtal,
Abkatún-Pol-Chuc Integral Business Unit reported a which comes under the Abkatún-Pol-Chuc Integral Busi-
decrease of 92.4 million barrels of oil, which combined ness Unit, as a result of reclassifying probable reserves
with the increase in the Litoral de Tabasco Integral to proved caused by field development. In contrast,
Business Unit of 166.0 million barrels of crude oil, the Homol field in the same business unit reported an
explain the above-mentioned positive variation. Basi- increase of 43.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas, due
cally, the exploratory activity permitted the addition of to development. Furthermore, exploratory discoveries
reserves totaling more than 61 million barrels of oil in in the Litoral de Tabasco Integral Business Unit added
the Xanab field, at the Jurassic level, and the Tsimin 210.2 billion cubic feet of gas. The development and
and Tecoalli fields. There was also an increase of 35.8 revision of the May, Bolontikú and Sinán fields led to
million barrels of oil in the Sinán field because of de- increases of 180.7, 65.6 and 80.2 billion cubic feet of
velopment and revision. The May and Bolontikú fields, natural gas, which made up a positive variation in the
however, reported increases of 34.0 and 32.5 million Litoral de Tabasco Integral Business Unit.
barrels of oil due to their development. Therefore,
the probable oil reserve amounted to 985.5 million As of January 1, 2009, the region’s possible reserves
barrels as of January 1, 2009. of oil and natural gas totaled 1,056.0 million barrels
and 3,433.0 billion cubic feet, respectively. The pos-
The probable natural gas reserve increased by 461.6 sible oil reserve in the Southwestern Offshore Region
billion cubic feet of gas compared with the figure re- showed a positive variation of 35.1 million barrels
ported as of January 1 last year. This variation includes compared with the figure estimated as of January 1,
the decline reported in the Abkatún-Pol-Chuc Integral 2008. In this category, the Abkatún-Pol-Chuc Integral
Business Unit of 77.6 billion cubic feet of natural gas, Business Unit reported a decrease of 36.0 million

Table 6.10 Distribution of remaining gas reserves by business unit of the Southwestern
Offshore Region as of January 1, 2009.

Category Business Unit Natural Gas Gas to be Dry Gas

Delivered to Plant
Bcf Bcf Bcf

Proved Total 3,462.9 2,973.0 2,386.0

Abkatún-Pol-Chuc 1,243.1 1,003.0 782.7
Holok-Temoa 308.6 308.6 272.1
Litoral de Tabasco 1,911.2 1,661.4 1,331.2

Probable Total 2,675.9 2,388.4 1,983.2
Abkatún-Pol-Chuc 437.1 344.9 267.7
Holok-Temoa 606.9 606.9 535.2
Litoral de Tabasco 1,631.9 1,436.6 1,180.3

Possible Total 3,433.0 3,204.7 2,796.6
Abkatún-Pol-Chuc 104.6 77.0 59.8
Holok-Temoa 1,514.8 1,514.8 1,385.4
Litoral de Tabasco 1,813.6 1,612.8 1,351.4

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves

barrels, which is mostly attributable to the delineation MMboe

of the Homol field that removed 35.5 million barrels 70.4 1,893.9
of oil. Nevertheless, there was a rise of 71.1 million
barrels of oil in this category in the Litoral de Tabasco
Integral Business Unit. The variation was basically
due to discoveries in the Tsimin, Tecoalli and Xanab
(Jurassic) fields that provided 48.1, 30.8 and 7.7 mil-
lion barrels of oil, respectively.

As regards the region’s possible natural gas reserve, Litoral de Abkatún- Holok- Total
Tabasco Pol-Chuc Temoa
there was a positive variation of 165.4 billion cubic
feet when compared with the previous year. Specifi- Figure 6.13 Proved reserves as of January 1, 2009, dis-
tributed by business unit in the Southwestern Offshore
cally, there was a decline of 266.4 billion cubic feet of Region.
gas in the Abkatún-Pol-Chuc Integral Business Unit,
largely caused by the delineation of Homol that led 98.6, 57.4, 43.3, 18.5, and 14.9 million barrels of oil
to a reduction of 264.6 billion cubic feet of natural equivalent, respectively.
gas. Nevertheless, the Litoral de Tabasco Integral
Business Unit reported a net increase of 432.0 billion The Litoral de Tabasco Integral Business Unit holds
cubic feet in the possible natural gas reserve, with the 53.0 percent of the region’s total proved reserves, that
noteworthy exploratory success that added a volume is, 1,004.3 million barrels of oil equivalent, while the
of 458.0 billion cubic feet of gas in the Tsimin, Tecoalli, remaining 3.7 percent is in the Holok-Temoa Integral
and Xanab fields of the Litoral de Tabasco Integral Business Unit. In the first business unit, the increases
Business Unit, amounting to 429.3, 21.6, and 7.2 bil- totaled 279.0 million barrels of oil equivalent, which are
lion cubic feet of natural gas, respectively. Table 6.10 primarily explained by additions in the Tsimin, Xanab
shows the natural gas reserves by business unit in the (Jurassic), Yaxché (Tertiary), and Tecoalli fields that
different categories, including gas to be delivered to contributed 117.7, 11.6, 11.4, and 7.1 million barrels
plant and dry gas. of oil equivalent, respectively. Additionally, there were
increases of 85.5 million barrels of oil equivalent in
Oil Equivalent Bolontikú and Sinán because of field development.

As of January 1, 2009, there was a proved reserve of MMboe

1,893.9 million barrels of oil equivalent in the South- 130.1 1,536.9

western Offshore Region. This volume represents
13.2 percent of the national total. Compared with
the previous year’s reserve, there is a net positive
variation of 524.1 million barrels in the reserve. Ac-
cording to Figure 6.13, the Abkatún-Pol-Chuc Integral
Business Unit holds 43.3 percent of the region’s total,
which means reserves of 819.3 million barrels of oil
equivalent, and a net increase of 245.0 million barrels Litoral de Abkatún- Holok- Total
Tabasco Pol-Chuc Temoa
of oil equivalent when compared with the previous
year. These increases are basically due to revisions Figure 6.14 Probable reserves as of January 1, 2009,
distributed by business unit in the Southwestern Off-
in the Ixtal, Chuc, Caan, Homol, and Manik fields of shore Region.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

The region’s probable reserve amounted to 1,536.9 MMboe

million barrels of oil equivalent as of January 1, 2009. 196.3 1,758.5

This volume represents 10.6 percent of the country’s 314.5

total reserves in this category. Figure 6.14 shows the 1,247.8

distribution of these reserves at a business unit level.
Compared with the figure for January 1, 2008, the
region’s current volume shows an increase of 132.2
million barrels of oil equivalent. In particular, the
fields of the Abkatún-Pol-Chuc Integral Business Unit
reported decreases totaling 116.2 million barrels of oil Litoral de Holok- Abkatún- Total
Tabasco Temoa Pol-Chuc
equivalent, which was mainly caused by the reclas-
sification of reserves in Ixtal of 104.2 million barrels Figure 6.15 Possible reserves as of January 1, 2009,
distributed by business unit in the Southwestern Off-
of oil equivalent. shore Region.

The positive variation of 248.9 million barrels of oil The region’s possible oil equivalent reserve as of
equivalent in the Litoral de Tabasco Integral Business January 1, 2009 amounted to 1,758.5 million barrels,
Unit is primarily explained by the discoveries made as it is shown in Figure 6.15. This volume means
in the Tsimin, Xanab (Jurassic), Yaxché (Tertiary), and 11.9 percent of the national total. Thus, there was an
Tecoalli fields that contributed 54.7, 38.8, 16.7, and increase of 33.4 million barrels when compared with
10.9 million barrels of oil equivalent, which means a the previous year. At an integral business unit level,
total of 121.1 million barrels. There were increases Abkatún-Pol-Chuc showed a decrease of 95.2 million
by development in the May and Bolontikú fields of barrels, most which was due to the delineation of the
50.7 and 44.0 million barrels. The increase in Sinán Homol field, where the volume fell by 92.8 million bar-
as a result of development and revision amounted rels of oil equivalent. The Litoral de Tabasco Integral
to 48.6 million barrels of oil equivalent. It should also Business Unit reported a rise of 129.6 million barrels
be mentioned that there were reductions in the prob- of oil equivalent. The exploratory activity culminated
able oil equivalent reserve; nevertheless, they were in the discovery of the Tsimin, Tecoalli, and Xanab (Ju-
not significant to counteract the above-mentioned rassic) fields, with 135.3, 36.0 and 9.1 million barrels.
successful results. There were also development and revision decreases


197.7 -260.2
387.5 104.5 5,189.4

4,647.0 4,759.9
Dry Gas
1,377.8 Equivalent
4,043.5 1,262.5
724.9 Plant Liquids
407.6 422.3 84.5 Condensate
175.4 147.3

3,217.4 Crude Oil

2,773.1 2,900.9 2,927.8

2006 2007 2008 Additions Revisions Developments Production 2009

Figure 6.16 Elements of change in the total reserve of the Southwestern Offshore Region.

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves

in Sinán totaling 60.9 million barrels of oil equivalent, tively. When using the 3P or total reserves, the figure
nevertheless, they did not affect the favorable addition is 9.3 years for the Abkatún-Pol-Chuc Integral Business
results reported above. Unit and 30.8 years for the Litoral de Tabasco.

Figure 6.16 shows the balance of the region’s 3P oil Reserves by Fluid Type
equivalent reserves as of January 1, 2009, as com-
pared with 2006 to 2008. Hydrocarbon reserves in terms of fluid type are
shown in Table 6.11 as of January 1 in 2007 to 2009,
Reserve-Production Ratio for the respective associated categories. The remain-
ing proved reserve at the closing of 2008 consisted
The proved reserve-production ratio of the South- of 1,893.9 million barrels of oil equivalent, that is,
western Offshore Region is 7.3 years considering a 62.1 percent crude oil, 2.0 percent condensate, 11.7
constant production flow of 260.2 million barrels of percent plant liquids, and 24.2 percent is dry gas
oil equivalent. The proved plus probable ratio is 13.2 equivalent to liquid.
years, while the ratio for the 3P reserve is 19.9 years.
In particular, the Abkatún-Pol-Chuc Integral Business The probable reserve volume of 1,536.9 million barrels
Unit showed the lowest value in this ratio, 5.3 years of oil equivalent is made up as follows: 64.1 percent
for the proved reserve, while the Litoral de Tabasco is crude oil, 1.5 percent is condensate, 9.5 percent is
Integral Business Unit reported 9.6 years. The Holok- plant liquids, and 24.8 percent is dry gas equivalent
Temoa Integral Business Unit is expected to add pro- to liquid.
duction in 2012 with the Lakach integral project.
The possible reserve amounting to 1,758.5 million
When the 2P oil equivalent reserves are considered, barrels of oil equivalent consists of 60.0 percent crude
the ratios are 8.1 and 18.9 years for Abkatún-Pol-Chuc oil, 1.3 percent condensate, 8.1 percent plant liquids,
and Litoral de Tabasco integral business units, respec- and 30.6 percent dry gas equivalent to liquid.

Table 6.11 Historical evolution of reserves by fluid type in the Southwestern Offshore Region.

Year Category Crude Oil Condensate Plant Dry Gas Total

Liquids Equivalent
MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl MMboe MMboe

2007 Total 2,900.9 175.4 407.6 1,163.0 4,647.0

Proved 1,038.0 68.1 161.1 360.0 1,627.2
Probable 744.2 36.8 81.0 254.0 1,116.0
Possible 1,118.8 70.5 165.6 549.0 1,903.8

2008 Total 2,927.8 147.3 422.3 1,262.5 4,759.9
Proved 994.9 61.2 176.7 397.3 1,630.1
Probable 911.9 40.9 115.3 336.6 1,404.7
Possible 1,020.9 45.2 130.4 528.6 1,725.1

2009 Total 3,217.4 84.5 509.7 1,377.8 5,189.4

Proved 1,176.0 38.0 221.2 458.8 1,893.9
Probable 985.5 23.7 146.3 381.3 1,536.9
Possible 1,056.0 22.8 142.1 537.7 1,758.5

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

United States of America

Baja California Norte



Sinaloa Nuevo León

Baja California Sur Durango

Northern Region Tamaulipas Gulf of Mexico


San Luis Potosí

Nayarit Aguascalientes

Guanajuato Yucatán
Pacific Ocean Jalisco Querétaro
Quintana Roo
D.F. Tlaxcala
Michoacán Morelos
Puebla Campeche
Oaxaca Chiapas


0 100 200 300 400 500 Km El Salvador

Figure 6.17 The Northern Region consists of a continental and an offshore section.

6.3 Northern Region Once again, the Northern Region is the most important
in terms of Mexico’s probable and possible oil and
The region covers an area of approximately 1.8 million natural gas reserves.
square kilometers that consists of both onshore and
offshore portions. It is in the north of Mexico, border- In 2008, the region’s annual oil production was 31.9
ing on the United States of America to the north, Río million barrels, while the natural gas output amounted
Tesechoacán to the south, the 500 meter isobath of to 931.1 billion cubic feet. These figures represent 3.1
the Gulf of Mexico to the east and the Pacific Ocean and 36.8 percent of the national oil and gas produc-
to the west, Figure 6.17. As can be seen in Figure tion, respectively.
6.18, the region is administratively divided into four
integral business units, the recently created Aceite In terms of national natural gas production in 2008,
Terciario del Golfo, Burgos, Poza Rica-Altamira, and the Northern Region was ranked first with an average
Veracruz, whose activities are focused on develop- daily output of 2,543.9 million cubic feet. This is based
ing and optimizing the exploitation of existing fields, on drilling activities, especially in the Burgos Integral
while the Regional Exploration Business Unit handles Business Unit, where 201 wells were drilled.
the activities aimed at adding reserves and assessing
the potential. Moreover, the exploratory activities in 2008 included
discoveries that led to the addition of non-associated
As of January 1, 2009, the region was still the leading gas reserves in the Burgos and Veracruz integral
producer of natural gas and it was also where most of business units. In the case of the former, well Cali-1
the field development activity was being carried out. stands out with the addition of dry gas reserves, while

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves

United States of America

Baja California Norte


Integral Business Unit

Sinaloa Nuevo León

Baja California Sur Durango

Gulf of Mexico

San Luis Potosí

Nayarit Altamira-Poza Rica Aceite Terciario del Golfo
Integral Business Unit Integral Business Unit Yucatán
Guanajuato Querétaro
Jalisco Hidalgo
Pacific Ocean México
Michoacán D.F.Tlaxcala Quintana Roo
Colima Morelos Puebla Veracruz
Veracruz Integral Business Unit Tabasco

Oaxaca Chiapas


0 100 200 300 400 500 Km El Salvador

Figure 6.18 Geographic location of the integral business units that constitute the
Northern Region.

in the Veracruz Integral Business Unit, the drilling of Unit, and the remaining 2.2 percent is in the Burgos
well Cauchy-1 paved the way to the largest dry gas and Veracruz integral business units. 60.1 percent
discovery in 2008, thus adding the greatest volume of the proved original natural gas volume is in the
of dry gas reserves nationwide. fields of the Poza Rica-Altamira Integral Business Unit,
25.0 percent corresponds to the fields in the Burgos

6.3.1 Evolution of Original Volumes in Table 6.12 Historical evolution over the last three years of the original
volumes in the Northern Region.
Year Category Crude Oil Natural Gas
Table 6.12 shows the evolution of original MMbbl Bcf
volumes of crude oil and natural gas in the
2007 Total 166,046.7 122,167.7
Northern Region over the last three years.
Proved 40,180.5 64,776.4
As of January 1, 2009, the volume of proved Probable 77,890.0 33,622.8
oil was therefore 41,592.2 million barrels, Possible 47,976.2 23,768.5
while natural gas totaled 66,663.6 billion cu-
2008 Total 165,934.0 123,418.8
bic feet. The above volumes represent 27.6 Proved 41,176.5 66,792.6
and 36.8 percent of the national total for oil Probable 76,576.8 33,279.3
and natural gas. Regionally, 66.3 percent of Possible 48,180.7 23,346.9

the proved original oil volume is in the fields 2009 Total 166,240.5 123,900.7
of the Poza Rica-Altamira Integral Business Proved 41,592.2 66,663.6
Unit, while 31.5 percent corresponds to the Probable 72,895.5 32,576.6
Possible 51,752.8 24,660.4
Aceite Terciario del Golfo Integral Business

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Integral Business Unit, 8.2 percent is in the Veracruz cifically, in the case of associated gas, 29,362.7 billion
Integral Business Unit and 6.7 percent is in the Aceite cubic feet are in oil reservoirs, and 51.0 billion cubic
Terciario del Golfo Integral Business Unit. feet correspond to free associated gas reservoirs. In
terms of the volume of non-associated gas, 2,045.0
The probable original oil and gas volumes amount billion cubic feet are in wet gas reservoirs, 1,077.0 bil-
to 72,895.5 million barrels and 32,576.6 billion cubic lion cubic feet are in dry gas reservoirs, and 41.0 billion
feet, which are equal to 86.4 and 75.4 percent of the cubic feet are in gas-condensate reservoirs.
national totals, respectively. In regional terms, the
Aceite Terciario del Golfo Integral Business Unit holds Finally, the possible original volume of natural gas
almost the entire probable volume of oil and 89.8 per- reserves, as of January 1, 2009, consisted of 21,484.5
cent of the probable original volume of natural gas, the billion cubic feet of associated gas and 3,175.9 billion
Burgos Integral Business Unit, however, accounts for cubic feet of non-associated gas. 99.8 percent of the
7.1 percent. The remaining 3.1 percent is in the Poza associated gas is located in oil reservoirs, while 61.2
Rica-Altamira and Veracruz integral business units. percent of the non-associated gas is to be found in
wet gas reservoirs, 38.0 percent in dry gas reservoir,
As regards the possible original volumes of oil and and the remaining 0.9 percent is in gas-condensate
natural gas in the Northern Region as of January reservoirs.
1, 2009, the values are 51,752.8 million barrels and
24,660.4 billion cubic feet. The above volumes ac- Crude Oil and Natural Gas
count for 81.7 and 73.3 percent of the national total,
respectively. Regionally, the Aceite Terciario del Golfo As of January 1, 2009 the Northern Region reported
Integral Business Unit has almost all the possible an increase in the proved original oil volume of 415.7
crude oil volume, that is, 98.5 percent. This business million barrels when compared with the previous year
unit has 83.2 percent of the natural gas volume and the due to the reclassification of reserves to proved in
Burgos Integral Business Unit possesses 11.8 percent. the Poza Rica-Altamira and Aceite Terciario del Golfo
The Veracruz and Poza Rica-Altamira integral business integral business units. Specifically, the Poza Rica field
units account for the remaining 5.0 percent. in the former and the Coapechaca and Presidente
Alemán fields in the latter stand out among said re-
The region’s proved original volume of associated classification activities.
gas as of January 1, 2009, was 45,306.1 billion cubic
feet, while the volume for non-associated gas totaled The region reported a decrease of 129.0 billion cubic
21,357.5 billion cubic feet. Specifically, in the case of feet in terms of the proved original volume of natural
the former, 44,322.6 billion cubic feet are connected gas, when compared with the previous year. This
with oil reservoirs, and 983.5 billion cubic feet cor- decline was mostly in the Papán and Perdiz fields of
respond to free associated gas reservoirs. 12,441.1 the Veracruz Integral Business Unit and Arcos field of
billion cubic feet of the non-associated gas volume the Burgos Integral Business Unit.
are in wet gas reservoirs, 8,596.9 billion cubic feet are
in dry gas accumulations, and 319.6 billion cubic feet The probable original volumes of oil and natural gas
are gas-condensate reservoirs. in the region revealed a decline of 3,681.3 million bar-
rels and 702.7 billion cubic feet when compared with
In reference to the probable original volume of natural January 1, 2008. This mostly took place in the Aceite
gas, 29,413.7 billion cubic feet are associated gas and Terciario del Golfo Integral Business Unit as a result
3,162.9 billion cubic feet are non-associated gas. Spe- of reclassifying probable volumes to possible.

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves

There was an increase in the possible original volumes MMbbl

of oil and natural gas in the Northern Region as of 12,769.4 12,546.0 12,402.9
January 1, 2009 totaling 3,572.0 million barrels and
1,313.5 billion cubic feet. This increase is essentially Possible 5,780.8 5,648.7 5,729.2
attributed to the Aceite Terciario del Golfo Integral
Business Unit due to the reclassification of probable
volumes to possible category.
Probable 6,099.7 6,056.7 5,845.0

6.3.2 Evolution of Reserves Proved 888.9 840.7 828.7

2007 2008 2009

The proved oil reserve of the Northern Region as of Figure 6.19 Historical evolution of the remain-
ing crude oil reserves in the Northern Region
January 1, 2009 was 828.7 million barrels, of which over the last three years.
407.8 million barrels correspond to the developed
proved reserve and 420.9 million barrels to the un- 38.0 percent, and the Veracruz Integral Business Unit
developed proved reserve. Additionally, the probable with 1.5 percent. The region’s proved natural gas re-
and possible oil reserves are 5,845.0 and 5,729.2 serve represents 23.9 percent of the national total, of
million barrels, respectively. The 2P and 3P reserves which 45.8 percent is in the Burgos Integral Business
therefore add up to 6,673.7 and 12,402.9 million bar- Unit in the first place, followed by the Veracruz, Aceite
rels. The proved natural gas reserve is 4,218.7 billion Terciario del Golfo and Poza Rica-Altamira integral
cubic feet, of which 2,890.5 billion cubic feet corre- business units, with 20.7, 19.5 and 13.9 percent,
spond to the developed proved reserve and 1,328.2 respectively.
billion cubic feet are undeveloped proved reserve.
Furthermore, 1,282.0 billion cubic feet of the proved The developed proved oil and natural gas reserves as
natural gas reserve are associated gas and 2,936.7 of January 1, 2009, account for 5.3 and 25.2 percent,
billion cubic feet are non-associated gas. The probable in terms of national totals. In a regional context, the
and possible natural gas reserves total 14,901.3 and Aceite Terciario del Golfo and Poza Rica-Altamira in-
17,383.0 billion cubic feet, respectively. The 2P and 3P tegral business units have almost all the developed
reserves therefore amount to 19,120.0 and 36,503.1 proved oil reserve, that is, 97.5 percent, with the re-
billion cubic feet of natural gas, respectively.

Figures 6.19 and 6.20 show the historical evolution 38,910.0

37,546.1 36,503.1
over the last 3 years of the proved, probable and
possible oil and natural gas reserves, while the
Possible 18,179.4 17,441.5
composition of the 2P and 3P reserves by fluid type 17,383.0

and at a business unit level are shown in Tables 6.13

and 6.14.
Probable 15,874.2 15,624.9 14,901.3

As of January 1, 2009, 8.0 percent of Mexico’s proved

Proved 4,856.4 4,479.7
oil reserve was in the Northern Region. In regional 4,218.7

2007 2008 2009

terms, 60.5 percent of said reserve was in the Aceite
Terciario del Golfo Integral Business Unit, followed Figure 6.20 Historical evolution of the remain-
ing natural gas reserves in the Northern Region
by the Poza Rica-Altamira Integral Business Unit with over the last three years.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Table 6.13 Composition of 2P reserves by business unit of the Northern Region.

Crude Oil Natural Gas

Heavy Light Superlight Associated Non-associated
Business Unit MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl Bcf Bcf

Total 2,575.1 3,283.7 814.9 14,435.0 4,685.1

Aceite Terciario del Golfo 2,321.3 2,874.4 812.5 13,693.8 0.0
Burgos 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.8 3,062.6
Poza Rica-Altamira 235.7 409.2 2.4 702.3 589.6
Veracruz 18.1 0.0 0.0 35.1 1,032.8

mainder in the Veracruz Integral Business Unit. The As of January 1, 2009, the region’s probable oil and
greatest proportion of the developed proved natural natural gas reserves represented 56.3 and 74.1 percent
gas reserve is in the Burgos Integral Business Unit, of the national total, respectively. In regional terms, 94.2
with 46.2 percent, followed in second place by the percent of the oil reserve is associated with the Aceite
Veracruz Integral Business Unit with 26.5 percent. Terciario del Golfo Integral Business Unit because this
The Poza Rica-Altamira and Aceite Terciario del Golfo business unit holds all the reserves of the Paleocanal
integral business units provide 16.1 and 11.2 percent, de Chicontepec. This business unit also represents 86.4
respectively. percent of the probable natural gas reserves, followed
by the Burgos Integral Business Unit with 7.6 percent,
The undeveloped proved oil and natural gas reserves then the Poza Rica-Altamira and Veracruz integral busi-
represent 15.2 and 21.4 percent of the national total, ness units with 4.7 and 1.3 percent, respectively.
respectively. Regionally speaking, the Aceite Terciario
del Golfo Integral Business Unit has 79.0 percent of As of January 1, 2009, the possible oil and natural
the undeveloped proved oil reserve, followed by the gas reserves in the Northern Region represented 56.4
Poza Rica-Altamira Integral Business Unit with 20.4 and 76.9 percent of the national total, respectively.
percent. As regards the natural gas reserve, 45.0 As in the case of the probable category, in regional
percent of the undeveloped proved reserve is in the terms the Aceite Terciario del Golfo Integral Business
Burgos Integral Business Unit, trailed by the Aceite Unit reports the highest possible oil and natural gas
Terciario del Golfo Integral Business Unit with 37.8 reserves, with 96.8 and 87.0 percent, once again,
percent, and the Poza Rica-Altamira Integral Business because this business unit holds all the reserves of
Unit with 9.2 percent. the Paleocanal de Chicontepec.

Table 6.14 Composition of 3P reserves by business unit of the Northern Region.

Crude Oil Natural Gas

Heavy Light Superlight Associated Non-associated
Business Unit MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl Bcf Bcf

Total 4,177.0 6,740.3 1,485.5 29,883.7 6,619.4

Aceite Terciario del Golfo 3,880.1 6,192.7 1,481.2 28,822.7 0.0
Burgos 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.8 4,783.1
Poza Rica-Altamira 268.4 547.7 4.3 937.5 729.3
Veracruz 28.5 0.0 0.0 119.7 1,107.0

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves

The addition of proved, probable and possible re- due to the production of 931.1 billion cubic feet of gas
serves, also known as 3P, of oil and natural gas in the in 2008. However, if the production effect is removed,
Northern Region were 12,402.9 million barrels and the remaining reserves increase by 670.1 billion cubic
36,503.1 billion cubic feet, respectively. Nationally, feet of natural gas. Specifically, 22.6 percent of this
the above figures mean 40.1 and 60.5 percent, re- increase can be attributed to exploratory additions
spectively. Furthermore, in regional terms the Aceite totaling 151.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas, where
Terciario del Golfo Integral Business Unit makes up the Cali-1 well in the Burgos Basin and Cauchy-1 in
most of the 3P oil reserve with 93.2 percent, that is, the Veracruz Basin stand out with the discovery of
11,554.0 million barrels. As regards natural gas, once 22.0 and 86.1 billion cubic feet of gas, respectively.
again the above-mentioned business unit was ranked Furthermore, the fields being exploited that reported
first with 79.0 percent, followed by the Burgos Integral increases in the undeveloped proved natural gas re-
Business Unit with 13.1 percent and then the Poza serve are Culebra, Nejo, Velero, Fundador, Cuervito,
Rica-Altamira and Veracruz integral business units and Forastero, of the Burgos Integral Business Unit,
with 4.6 and 3.4 percent, respectively. with 49.7, 36.1, 32.0, 31.9, 34.3, and 28.5 billion cubic
feet of gas, respectively. There were also increases
Crude Oil and Natural Gas in the Coapechaca, Corralillo, and Agua Fría fields, of
the Aceite Terciario del Golfo Integral Business Unit,
Based on the field development activities carried on with 18.1, 13.1, and 11.6 billion cubic feet of gas, re-
in 2008, which meant the completion of 485 wells, the spectively. Additionally, there were increases in the
oil and natural gas reserves in the Northern Region, Playuela, Lizamba, and Papán fields, of the Veracruz
reported variations in the different categories, as can Integral Business Unit, with 16.4, 13.2, and 11.6 billion
be seen below. cubic feet of gas, respectively.

As of January 1, 2009, the proved oil reserve volume The probable oil and natural gas reserves of the North-
showed a net decrease of 12.0 million barrels when ern Region, as of January 1, 2009, totaled 5,845.0
compared with the previous year that can largely be million barrels and 14,901.3 billion cubic feet, respec-
attributed to the production extracted in 2008, that is, tively. A comparison of the above figures with those
31.9 million barrels of oil. If the effect of the production available as of January 1 the previous year reveals a
extracted is not considered, there is an increase in the net decline of 211.7 million barrels of oil and 723.6 bil-
remaining proved reserve of 19.9 million barrels. This lion cubic feet of natural gas, respectively. The above
situation is mostly due to field development activities, decreases are essentially due to the reclassification
especially in Corralillo, Agua Fría, and Coapechaca of of probable reserves to possible, and because of the
the Aceite Terciario del Golfo Integral Business Unit, revision of oil and natural gas reserves in the Paleo-
Aguacate and Poza Rica of the Poza Rica-Altamira canal de Chicontepec fields of the Aceite Terciario del
Integral Business Unit, and Perdiz of the Veracruz Golfo Integral Business Unit.
Integral Business Unit. It should be noted that the re-
activation of mature fields in the region has paid off; The possible oil and natural gas reserve volumes as of
the tangible examples of this are the Temapache field January 1, 2009 are 5,729.2 million barrels and 17,383.0
and recently in the Aguacate field, which form part of billion cubic feet, respectively. The above values show
the Poza Rica-Altamira Integral Business Unit. that when compared with the previous year, there is
a positive variation of 80.5 million barrels in the case
There was a net decrease of 261.0 billion cubic feet in of oil and a decrease of 58.5 billion cubic feet in the
the proved natural gas reserve, which was essentially case of natural gas. The rise in possible oil reserves is

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Table 6.15 Distribution of remaining gas reserves by business unit of the Northern Region as of
January 1, 2009.

Category Business Unit Natural Gas Gas to be Dry Gas

Delivered to Plant
Bcf Bcf Bcf

Proved Total 4,218.7 3,922.4 3,693.3

Aceite Terciario del Golfo 824.6 727.2 603.0
Burgos 1,933.4 1,878.1 1,825.6
Poza Rica-Altamira 587.7 451.7 403.6
Veracruz 873.0 865.4 861.1

Probable Total 14,901.3 13,302.2 11,310.0

Aceite Terciario del Golfo 12,869.1 11,403.8 9,482.4
Burgos 1,133.0 1,105.5 1,075.5
Poza Rica-Altamira 704.3 600.3 560.5
Veracruz 194.9 192.6 191.5

Possible Total 17,383.0 15,389.9 13,001.8

Aceite Terciario del Golfo 15,129.0 13,274.5 10,970.5
Burgos 1,720.4 1,668.9 1,626.2
Poza Rica-Altamira 374.8 293.7 261.6
Veracruz 158.8 152.9 143.5

mainly due to the reclassification of probable reserves in this category as against the remaining reserves of
to possible in the fields of the Paleocanal de Chicon- the previous year, as a result of exploratory additions,
tepec. The decrease reported in possible natural gas field development activities, and revisions of the
reserves was caused by the behavior of the reservoirs, pressure-production behavior in reservoirs.
principally in the Tajín, Patlache, Mareógrafo, Dandi,
Casta and Kosni fields with 111.4, 36.2, 28.1, 23.1, 14.1 The probable reserve expressed in oil equivalent
and 10.2 billion cubic feet of gas, respectively. These showed a net decrease of 371.5 million barrels, which
decreases were partially offset however by exploratory is primarily due to the reclassification of probable re-
additions that totaled 244.3 billion cubic feet of gas. serves to possible in the Paleocanal de Chicontepec
Finally, Table 6.15 shows the distribution
of the remaining gas reserves, as of Janu- MMboe

ary 1, 2009, by business unit. 180.5 1,652.4


Oil Equivalent

The proved reserve of the Northern

Re­­gion, as of January 1, 2009 totaled
1,652.4 million barrels of oil equivalent,
which is 11.5 percent of the proved
national reserve. Figure 6.21 shows the
Aceite Terciario Poza Rica- Burgos Veracruz Total
distribution of the reserve by integral del Golfo Altamira
business unit. There was a net increase
Figure 6.21 Proved reserves as of January 1, 2009, distributed by
of 144.5 million barrels of oil equivalent business unit in the Northern Region.

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves

MMboe The total or 3P reserve as of January 1,

230.3 42.5 8,862.6 2009 was 19,724.8 million barrels of oil
8,134.0 equivalent, which is 45.3 percent of the
national total. Specifically, the highest re-
gional percentage, that is, 88.2 percent, is
in the fields belonging to the Aceite Tercia-
rio del Golfo Integral Business Unit. When
comparing the 3P oil equivalent reserve
in question with the figure reported last
year, there is a net decline of 210.6 million
Aceite Terciario Poza Rica- Burgos Veracruz Total
del Golfo Altamira
barrels, which is mostly due to the 213.6
million barrels of oil equivalent produced
Figure 6.22 Probable reserves as of January 1, 2009, distributed by
business unit in the Northern Region. in production in 2008. Figure 6.24 shows
the above and gives the composition of
fields. Consequently, the reserve as of January 1, 2009 the 3P reserves in the Northern Region.
amounted to 8,862.6 million barrels of oil equivalent,
which is 61.1 percent of the national total. Figure 6.22 Reserve-Production Ratio
shows the distribution of probable reserves for all of
the region’s integral business units. As of January 1, 2009, the ratio of the proved reserve-
production for oil equivalent was 7.7 years. The above
The possible oil equivalent reserve as of January 1, estimate is the coefficient arising from dividing the
2009 totaled 9,209.9 million barrels, which is 62.5 1P reserve by the production in 2008 of 213.6 million
percent of the total national possible reserve. Figure barrels of oil equivalent. The 2P reserve, that is, the
6.23 shows the distribution of possible reserves at proved plus probable oil equivalent reserves, has a
an integral business unit level. The reserves this year reserve-production ratio of 49.2 years, and the ratio
increased by 16.4 million barrels of oil equivalent for the 3P reserve, that is, proved plus probable plus
when compared with the previous year, which is possible reserves of oil equivalent, the figure is 92.4
essentially attributable to the exploratory additions years. The differences between the figure estimated
made in 2008. for 1P reserves and the estimates for 2P and 3P re-
serves are clearly because of the fact that
MMboe the latter two have been affected by the
235.6 42.2 9,209.9 probable and possible reserve volumes in
the fields of the Paleocanal de Chiconte-
pec belonging to the Aceite Terciario del
Golfo Integral Business Unit, which are
also in fact the highest volumes in these
categories nationwide.

The reserve-production ratio for the

proved oil reserve is 26.0 years, while
Aceite Terciario Burgos Poza Rica- Veracruz Total
del Golfo Altamira
the period for the 2P and 3P reserves
are 209.4 and 389.1 years, respectively.
Figure 6.23 Possible reserves as of January 1, 2009, distributed by
business unit in the Northern Region. It should be mentioned that the above

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico


20,539.1 20,397.0 20,149.0 109.2 -347.8 28.0 -213.6 19,724.8

5,950.9 5,876.7 5,613.0 Dry Gas

5,384.6 Equivalent

1,659.4 1,711.4 1,970.5 1,918.2 Plant Liquids

51.5 39.4 19.4 19.1 Condensate

12,877.3 12,769.4 12,546.0 12,402.9 Crude Oil

2006 2007 2008 Additions Revisions Developments Production 2009

Figure 6.24 Elements of change in the total reserve of the Northern Region.

results consider an annual production of 31.9 million above, it can be seen that for 2009, 50.2 percent of
barrels of oil. In the case of natural gas, the reserve- the proved reserve volume consists of crude oil, 43.0
production ratio for the 1P, 2P and 3P reserve is 4.5, percent is dry gas equivalent to liquid, 6.4 percent
20.5 and 39.2 years, respectively. These figures are is plant liquids, and 0.5 percent is condensate. The
obtained by using an annual natural gas production figures for the probable oil equivalent reserves are
of 931.1 billion cubic feet of natural gas. made up as follows: 66.0 percent is oil, 24.5 percent
is dry gas equivalent to liquid, 9.5 percent is plant
Reserves by Fluid Type liquids and 0.1 percent corresponds to condensate.
Finally, the possible oil equivalent reserve is made up
Table 6.16 shows the evolution over the last three as follows: 62.2 percent is oil, 27.1 percent is dry gas
years of the oil equivalent reserves broken down equivalent to liquid, 10.6 percent is plant liquids and
by fluid type for the Northern Region. Based on the 0.1 percent corresponds to condensate.

Table 6.16 Historical evolution of reserves by fluid type in the Northern Region.

Year Category Crude Oil Condensate Plant Dry Gas Total

Liquids Equivalent
MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl MMboe MMboe

2007 Total 12,769.4 39.4 1,711.4 5,876.7 20,397.0

Proved 888.9 18.2 106.4 832.9 1,846.4
Probable 6,099.7 9.5 751.9 2,360.5 9,221.6
Possible 5,780.8 11.7 853.1 2,683.3 9,328.9

2008 Total 12,546.0 19.4 1,970.5 5,613.0 20,149.0
Proved 840.7 8.2 102.4 770.2 1,721.5
Probable 6,056.7 5.0 883.0 2,289.5 9,234.1
Possible 5,648.7 6.3 985.1 2,553.3 9,193.4

2009 Total 12,402.9 19.1 1,918.2 5,384.6 19,724.8

Proved 828.7 8.0 105.5 710.1 1,652.4
Probable 5,845.0 4.6 838.4 2,174.6 8,862.6
Possible 5,729.2 6.5 974.3 2,499.9 9,209.9

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves

6.4 Southern Region The Cinco Presidentes Integral Business Unit has the
highest number of fields, 43, which represents 27.6
The Southern Region covers an area of approximately percent of the regional total.
390,000 square kilometers and it is in the southern
part of Mexico. To the north it borders on the Gulf In 2008, the regional production of hydrocarbons was
of Mexico, to the northwest it adjoins the Northern 167.9 million barrels of crude oil and 530.9 billion
Region at parallel 18 and Río Tesechoacán. The east- cubic feet of natural gas, which means 16.4 and 21.0
ern part is limited by the Caribbean Sea, Belize and percent of the total national oil and gas production,
Guatemala and to the south by the Pacific Ocean. respectively. In reference to the production in terms
The region encompasses 8 states in Mexico: Guer- of oil equivalent, last year the Southern Region pro-
rero, Oaxaca, Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche, Chiapas, vided 287.8 million barrels, that is, 19.8 percent of
Yucatán, and Quintana Roo, as can be seen in Figure the national total, which as in previous years, puts
6.25. It currently consists of a Regional Exploration the region in second place.
Business Unit and five integral business units: Bellota-
Jujo, Cinco Presidentes, Macuspana, Muspac, and
Samaria-Luna, Figure 6.26. In 2008 the region admin- 6.4.1. Evolution of Original Volumes in Place
istered 156 fields with remaining reserves; two more
than in the previous year. The additional fields, Rabasa The region’s proved original volume of oil as of Janu-
and Teotleco, are the result of exploratory activity. ary 1, 2009 is 36,926.0 million barrels, which is 24.5

United States of America

Baja California Norte



Sinaloa Nuevo León

Baja California Sur Durango

Gulf of Mexico

San Luis Potosí

Nayarit Aguascalientes

Guanajuato Yucatán
Pacific Ocean Jalisco Querétaro
Quintana Roo
D.F. Tlaxcala
Michoacán Morelos
Puebla Campeche
Southern Region Belize
Oaxaca Chiapas


0 100 200 300 400 500 Km El Salvador

Figure 6.25 Geographical coverage of the Southern Region. It includes the states of Guerrero, Oaxaca,
Veracruz, Tabasco, Campeche, Chiapas, Yucatán and Quintana Roo.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico


S Campeche


Villahermosa Macuspana


Cinco Presidentes




Oaxaca 0 10 20 30 40 50 Km

Figure 6.26 Geographical location of the integral business units of the Southern Region.

percent of the national proved original volume. Table for 3.0 and 2.0 percent of the country’s total. Region-
6.17 shows the evolution of the original oil volume ally speaking, the Samaria-Luna Integral Business
over the last 3 years. The original volumes of oil in Unit produces the highest percentage of the proved
the probable and possible categories are 2,508.4 and original volume of oil, that is, 33.6 percent. In terms
1,272.4 million barrels, respectively, which account of probable original volumes of oil, the Bellota-Jujo
Integral Business Unit provides the largest
Table 6.17 Historical evolution over the last three years of the original proportion, with 37.5 percent of the region’s
volumes in the Southern Region.
total. The Samaria-Luna Integral Business
Year Category Crude Oil Natural Gas Unit provides 64.1 percent of the regional
MMbbl Bcf total of possible original oil volume.

2007 Total 38,686.4 70,440.7

The Southern Region contributes 38.0 per-
Proved 36,358.3 66,706.6
Probable 1,406.2 2,711.8 cent of the country’s total proved original
Possible 921.9 1,022.3 volume of natural gas, which means a
volume of 68,675.6 billion cubic feet. The
2008 Total 40,149.8 72,254.5
Proved 36,863.3 67,159.8 original volumes of natural gas in the prob-
Probable 2,156.9 3,684.7 able and possible categories are 4,276.9 and
Possible 1,129.6 1,410.0 1,505.0 billion cubic feet, respectively, which
2009 Total 40,706.7 74,457.5 means 9.9 and 4.5 percent of the national
Proved 36,926.0 68,675.6 total in said categories. Regionally, the Mus-
Probable 2,508.4 4,276.9 pac Integral Business Unit holds the highest
Possible 1,272.4 1,505.0
proved original volume of natural gas, with

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves

23,384.5 billion cubic feet, that is, 34.1 percent of the feet of natural gas that occurred as a result of field
total. With a total of 1,310.0 billion cubic feet, the Bel- development. Furthermore, the Costero field also
lota-Jujo Integral Business Unit is the most important reported a sizeable rise of 240.0 billion cubic feet of
provider of the region’s probable original gas volume, gas caused by the new seismic reinterpretation and
with 30.6 percent. Finally, the highest percentage of the field development activities.
possible original volume of natural gas is concentrated
in the Samaria-Luna Integral Business Unit, with 33.0 The probable original volume of crude oil increased by
percent of the total. 16.3 percent compared to the previous year to a total
of 2,508.4 million barrels as of January 1, 2009. The
Crude Oil and Natural Gas most important increase, 168.6 million barrels, was
in the Sunuapa field and it was due to the updating of
As of January 2009, the Southern Region reported the geological model of the East block, as a result of
an increase of 1.4 percent in the total or 3P original drilling the Sunuapa-302 and 304 wells. Noteworthy
volume of oil in comparison with the previous year, increases were also reported in the Muspac and Cinco
which means, 40,706.7 million barrels. This increase Presidentes integral business units that were essen-
was mostly the result of a rise in the probable category tially the result of additions made by the discoveries of
thanks to the development of the Sunuapa field and the Teotleco and Rabasa fields, which provided 127.0
the discovery of the Teotleco field. and 53.0 million barrels of oil, respectively.

The total or 3P original natural gas volume was The probable original natural gas volume was 4,276.9
74,457.5 billion cubic feet, which means an increase billion cubic feet as of January 1, 2009, which means
of 3.0 percent when compared with the previous year an increase of 16.1 percent as against the previous
that was mostly in the probable category, primarily year. This rise was mostly due to exploratory additions
because of the addition of the new Teotleco field. as a result of the discoveries in the Teotleco and Ra-
basa fields, estimated at 340.3 and 35.0 billion cubic
The proved original volume of oil as of January 1, 2009 feet of gas, respectively.
was 36,926.0 million barrels, that is, 0.2 percent higher
than the figure for the previous year. This positive The original volume of oil in the possible category
variation originated in the Muspac and Samaria-Luna was 1,272.4 million barrels, that is, 12.6 percent
integral business units where the Sunuapa, Caparro- higher than the figure for the previous year. As in
so-Pijije-Escuintle and Sen fields raised volumes by the previous cases, this increase is essentially due to
124.0, 91.0 and 59.1 million barrels of oil, respectively. the exploratory addition of the Rabasa and Teotleco
The respective geological models were updated in fields, which contributed 54.0 and 52.7 million barrels
the first two fields as a result of drilling development of oil, respectively.
wells. The increase in the Sen field was also due to
the result of drilling 4 wells in 2008, and the new 3D The possible original natural gas volume as of Janu-
Chopo seismic interpretation. ary 1, 2009 is 1,505.0 billion cubic feet, which means
a rise of 6.7 percent when compared with the year
The proved original volume of natural gas as of Janu- 2008. This positive variation was primarily because
ary 1, 2009, was 68,675.6 billion cubic feet, which of Sen and Paché fields, with the addition of 157.5
means an increase of 2.3 percent when compared and 142.8 billion cubic feet of gas, respectively. Fur-
with the previous year. This increase can largely be thermore, the discovery of the Teotleco field added
attributed to the Tizón field with 286.8 billion cubic 141.2 billion cubic feet of gas. The increase in the Sen

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

field is due to the updating of the 3D Chopo seismic MMbbl

reinterpretation, and also to the result of the static 3,801.0

3,727.9 3,652.9
characterization study in the Paché field. Possible 393.9 422.4

Probable 745.3 765.8


6.4.2 Evolution of Reserves

Proved 2,588.7 2,612.8 2,480.2

The Southern Region’s total or 3P reserves as of Janu-
ary 1, 2009 are 3,652.9 million barrels of oil and 9,406.5
billion cubic feet of natural gas, which accounts for
2007 2008 2009
11.8 and 15.6 percent, respectively, of the national
total reserves. Figures 6.27 and 6.28 show the historic Figure 6.27 Historical evolution of the remain-
ing crude oil reserves in the Southern Region
evolution of oil and natural gas reserves over the last over the last three years.
three years in the region.
feet of natural gas, that is, the equivalent of 27.5 and
The region’s 2P or proved plus probable reserves, as 41.0 percent of the national total.
of January 1, 2009, totaled 3,181.1 million barrels of
oil and 8,504.3 billion cubic feet of natural gas, which The region’s proved oil reserves are made up as fol-
is 15.3 and 22.5 percent, respectively, of the country’s lows: 1,910.2 million barrels of light oil or 77.0 percent,
total. Tables 6.18 and 6.19 show the distribution of the followed by superlight reserves and finally by heavy
2P and 3P reserves at a business unit level, classified oil reserves with 520.5 and 49.5 million barrels, re-
as heavy, light and superlight oil; the gas is given as spectively, that are equal to 21.0 and 2.0 percent. The
associated and non-associated gas. most important light oil fields are Jujo-Tecominoacán,
Samaria, and Iride, with 1,401.2 million barrels of oil,
The region’s proved oil reserve reported as of January which is 73.4 percent of the regional total.
1, 2009, was 2,480.2 million barrels, that is, 23.8 per-
cent of the country’s total proved reserve. Regionally, In reference to the Southern Region’s proved natural
the oil reserve in this category is mostly in the Samaria- gas reserve, this volume is made up of 5,222.8 billion
Luna Integral Business Unit, with 49.2 percent, or in cubic feet of associated gas, which is 79.1 percent of
other words 1,220.5 million barrels of oil. The region’s
proved natural gas reserve amounts to 2,650.0 billion Bcf

cubic feet, with is equal to 37.4 percent of the national 10,456.6 10,160.4
total, where the Samaria-Luna Integral Business Unit Possible 996.0
1,048.2 9,406.5
is the most important, with a contribution of 40.1 per- Probable 2,042.2
cent of the regional total, followed by the Bellota-Jujo
Integral Business Unit with 32.6 percent.

Proved 7,418.4 7,174.0

The developed proved oil and natural gas reserve as 6,602.1

of January 1, 2009 were 1,719.4 million barrels and

4,062.8 billion cubic feet, which account for 22.5 and
2007 2008 2009
35.5 percent of the national total, respectively. The
undeveloped proved reserves, however, were 760.9 Figure 6.28 Historical evolution of the remain-
ing natural gas reserves in the Southern Re-
million barrels of crude oil and 2,539.3 billion cubic gion over the last three years.

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves

Table 6.18 Composition of 2P reserves by business unit of the Southern Region.

Crude Oil Natural Gas

Heavy Light Superlight Associated Non-associated
Business Unit MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl Bcf Bcf

Total 194.8 2,137.2 849.0 6,282.0 2,222.3

Bellota-Jujo 27.4 791.0 254.0 2,322.5 122.6
Cinco Presidentes 17.5 249.0 16.5 369.5 20.3
Macuspana 0.0 15.4 66.7 7.7 1,096.0
Muspac 15.2 49.9 142.7 521.8 810.4
Samaria-Luna 134.7 1,031.9 369.1 3,060.5 173.0

the regional total, while the non-associated gas con- The region’s possible reserves totaled 471.8 million
stitutes the remaining 20.9 percent or 1,379.3 billion barrels of oil, that is, 4.6 percent of the national total,
cubic feet. The associated gas fields that provided the while in the case of gas, the possible reserve was
most reserves are Jujo-Tecominoacán, Iride, Samaria, 902.2 billion cubic feet, or 4.0 percent of the country’s
Cunduacán, and Oxiacaque, which jointly provide reserves. 64.8 percent of the possible oil reserves, that
3,488.3 billion cubic feet of gas, while the most sig- is 305.6 million barrels, are in the Magallanes-Tucán-
nificant non-associated gas contribution came from Pajonal, Iride, Carrizo, Sitio Grande, Sen, Samaria and
the Chiapas-Copanó, Giraldas, Costero, Narváez and Sunuapa fields.
Muspac fields, with 879.8 billion cubic feet of gas.
Crude Oil and Natural Gas
The region’s probable oil reserve amount is estimated
at 700.8 million barrels, which is 6.8 percent of the Compared with the previous year, the Southern
national total, while the natural gas reserve is 1,902.2 Region’s proved oil reserves as of January 1, 2009
billion cubic feet, that is, 9.5 percent of the national increased by 1.3 percent to 2,480.2 million barrels.
total. The most important probable oil reserves are in This positive variation was mostly in the Sen, Cos-
the Samaria-Luna and Bellota-Jujo integral business tero, Sunuapa, Caparroso-Pijije-Escuintle, Guaricho
units, particularly in the Samaria and Cunduacán fields and Mora fields, which jointly reclassified 101.6 mil-
with 210.4 million barrels of oil, and Tajón and Tepeyil lion barrels of oil as proved reserve. The increase in
with 50.5 million barrels. these fields was due to the updating of the respective

Table 6.19 Composition of 3P reserves by business unit of the Southern Region.

Crude Oil Natural Gas

Heavy Light Superlight Associated Non-associated
Business Unit MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl Bcf Bcf

Total 350.1 2,327.1 975.6 6,758.4 2,648.2

Bellota-Jujo 29.6 798.5 267.5 2,361.4 131.5
Cinco Presidentes 29.9 336.0 24.5 477.3 51.2
Macuspana 0.0 15.5 81.7 7.8 1,291.6
Muspac 15.7 144.2 183.3 728.8 946.6
Samaria-Luna 274.9 1,032.9 418.6 3,183.0 227.3

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

geological models as a result of drilling development due to the reductions reported in the Tajón, Paché, Iride,
wells in 2008. Palangre and Yagual fields totaling 160.8 million barrels
of oil. In the Tajón field, the decrease was caused by
The Southern Region’s proved natural gas reserves, a revision of the pressure-production behavior in the
compared with the previous year, declined by 41.0 Tajón-101 well, and the adverse results obtained by
billion cubic feet and reached a value of 6,602.1 bil- drilling the Tajón-105 and 121 wells. In the case of the
lion cubic feet as of January 1, 2009. The decrease is Paché, Palangre and Yagual fields, the reason is the
largely explained by the production of 530.9 billion removal of blocks in these fields and in Iride, it was
cubic feet of natural gas and the reduction in the Sa- caused by a revision of the field’s pressure-production
maria and Chiapas-Copanó fields of 172.8 billion cubic behavior. There some were increases, but they were not
feet of gas. As regards the increases in this category able to compensate for the reductions. For example,
of reserve, the Costero field reported a value of 160.6 the discoveries in the Teotleco and Rabasa fields added
billion cubic feet of natural gas that is attributable to 30.8 and 12.2 million barrels of oil, respectively.
the new geological model based on the successful
completion of the Costero-12, 31, and 2, wells. The region’s probable natural gas reserve reported a
decline of 36.0 billion cubic feet compared with Janu-
The region’s probable oil reserves as of January 1, 2009 ary 1, 2008. Consequently, as of January 1, 2009, the
totaled 700.8 million barrels, which means a decrease reserve was 1,902.2 billion cubic feet of natural gas.
of 64.9 million barrels compared with the reserve as of The reduction in reserves was basically due to the
January 1. 2008. This decline in reserves was mostly revision of the Paché field.

Table 6.20 Distribution of remaining gas reserves by business unit of the Southern Region as of
January 1, 2009.

Category Business Unit Natural Gas Gas to be Dry Gas

Delivered to Plant
Bcf Bcf Bcf

Proved Total 6,602.1 6,242.2 4,782.2

Bellota-Jujo 2,155.4 1,942.4 1,461.8
Cinco Presidentes 271.6 219.6 180.7
Macuspana 609.3 596.5 520.7
Muspac 915.9 881.2 662.5
Samaria-Luna 2,650.0 2,602.5 1,956.4

Probable Total 1,902.2 1,805.7 1,400.9
Bellota-Jujo 289.7 257.1 193.5
Cinco Presidentes 118.2 100.9 83.0
Macuspana 494.4 489.1 398.6
Muspac 416.3 385.4 294.9
Samaria-Luna 583.5 573.3 431.0

Possible Total 902.2 837.2 649.0
Bellota-Jujo 47.8 42.3 33.5
Cinco Presidentes 138.7 90.5 74.5
Macuspana 195.7 193.9 150.9
Muspac 343.2 336.4 259.2
Samaria-Luna 176.8 174.1 130.9

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves


6,246.3 6,216.1 84.7 -200.6 50.1 -287.8
1,479.4 1,420.9 Dry Gas
1,313.6 Equivalent

948.1 898.4 Plant Liquids
116.6 95.8
91.0 89.2 Condensate

3,876.1 3,727.9 3,801.0 3,652.9 Crude Oil

2006 2007 2008 Additions Revisions Developments Production 2009

Figure 6.29 Elements of change in the total reserve of the Southern Region.

The region’s possible oil reserves as of January 1, 2009. The most important negative variation was in
2009 increased by 49.4 million barrels, when com- the Costero field, due to the revision of the geologi-
pared with the figure reported as of January 1, 2008, cal model based on drilling development wells. Table
to the figure of 471.8 million barrels. This increase 6.20 shows the distribution of natural gas, gas to be
mostly took place in Sen, Paché, Teotleco, Rabasa delivered to plant and dry gas reserves in the proved,
and Sunuapa fields, with 16.9, 13.5, 12.7, 12.4 and probable and possible categories.
10.3 million barrels, respectively. The development
of the Sen field and the characterization study of the Oil Equivalent
Paché field led to an increase in this category of re-
serve, which is also the case of the discoveries in the The volume of 3P reserve in terms of oil equivalent,
Teotleco and Rabasa fields as a result of exploratory that is, proved plus probable plus possible reserves
activity. The possible natural gas reserves, however, as of January 1, 2009 totaled 5,862.5 million barrels,
declined by 146.0 billion cubic feet when compared which is 13.5 percent of the total national reserve.
with the previous year, which meant a remaining re- When compared with the previous year, this value
serve value of 902.2 billion cubic feet as of January 1, means a reduction of 1.1 percent considering the


169.0 4,049.1


Samaria- Bellota- Muspac Cinco Macuspana Total

Luna Jujo Presidentes

Figure 6.30 Proved reserves as of January 1, 2009, distributed by business unit in the Southern Region.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico


117.8 1,140.3




Samaria- Bellota- Muspac Macuspana Cinco Total

Luna Jujo Presidentes

Figure 6.31 Probable reserves as of January 1, 2009, distributed by business unit in the Southern Region.

production obtained in 2008. The 3P reserve mostly The region’s probable oil equivalent reserve, as of
lies in the fields of the Samaria-Luna and Bellota-Jujo January 1, 2009, amounted to 1,140.3 million barrels,
integral business units, which hold 72.5 percent of the or 7.9 percent of the country’s probable reserves,
total. Figure 6.29 shows the variation in 3P reserves Figure 6.31. This means a decrease of 75.0 million
over 2008, compared with 2006 and 2007. barrels of oil equivalent in this category, compared
to the volume of remaining reserves in the previous
The Southern Region’s proved reserve, as of Janu- year. The situation was mainly caused by unfavorable
ary 1, 2009 in terms of oil equivalent amounted to well drilling activities in 2008 in the Tajón field.
4,049.1 million barrels, which is 28.3 percent of the
proved national reserve, Figure 6.30. When com- As of January 1, 2009, the possible reserve amounted
pared with last year, the reserve decreased by 4.2 to 673.0 million barrels of oil equivalent, which is 4.6
million barrels of oil equivalent; said negative varia- percent of the country’s possible reserves, Figure
tion was mostly the result of revising the pressure- 6.32. Compared with the previous year, the region’s
production behavior in the Jujo-Tecominoacán and possible reserve showed an increase of 13.3 million
Samaria fields. barrels of oil equivalent. This positive variation was


33.4 673.0



Samaria- Muspac Cinco Macuspana Bellota- Total

Luna Presidentes Jujo
Figure 6.32 Possible reserves as of January 1, 2009, distributed by business unit in the Southern Region.

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves

mostly in the Sen, Paché, Teotleco and Rabasa fields, The region’s proved reserve-production ratio, in terms
which jointly added 82.0 million barrels. Neverthe- of oil equivalent, is 14.1 years, considering a produc-
less, this increase was counteracted by the Costero tion of 287.8 million barrels of oil equivalent in 2008.
and Tizón fields, whose reserves fell by 40.0 and 30.6 The ratio for the 2P reserve is 18.0 years and 20.4
million barrels of oil equivalent, respectively. years for the 3P reserve. The Bellota-Jujo and Samaria-
Luna integral business units show the highest proved
Reserve-Production Ratio reserve-production ratio in the region, with 16.9 and
16.2 years, respectively.
The proved oil reserve-production ratio of the South-
ern Region is 14.8 years if an annual production of Reserves by Fluid Type
167.9 million barrels of oil is used. If the ratio is calcu-
lated for the 2P reserve, the figure is 18.9 years, and The Southern Region’s proved reserve is made up of
21.8 years in the case of 3P reserves. The Samaria- 61.3 percent crude oil, 1.9 percent condensate, 14.2
Luna Integral Business Unit has the highest proved percent plant liquids, and 22.7 percent dry gas equiva-
oil reserve-production ratio in the region, with 18.1 lent to liquid. According to the above, the existence of
years, followed by the Bellota-Jujo Integral Business a large number of non-associated gas, oil and associ-
Unit with a ratio of 14.6 years. ated gas reservoirs with high gas-oil ratios is evident.
Furthermore, it can be seen that the gas produced by
The proved natural gas reserve-production ratio is these reservoirs has a high amount of liquids that are
12.4 years when using an annual production of 530.9 recovered in the processing complexes.
billion cubic feet, while values of 16.0 and 17.7 years,
respectively, are obtained for the 2P and 3P reserve The probable reserve totals 1,140.3 million barrels of
categories. The Bellota-Jujo Integral Business Unit oil equivalent, of which 61.5 percent is crude oil, 1.0
has the highest proved reserve-production ratio in percent is condensate, 13.9 percent is plant liquids,
the region, with 23.5 years. and 23.6 percent is dry gas equivalent to liquid.

Table 6.21 Historical evolution of reserves by fluid type in the Southern Region.

Year Category Crude Oil Condensate Plant Dry Gas Total

Liquids Equivalent
MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl MMboe MMboe

2007 Total 3,727.9 91.0 948.1 1,479.4 6,246.3

Proved 2,588.7 78.9 671.6 1,049.2 4,388.4
Probable 745.3 9.5 184.6 290.3 1,229.7
Possible 393.9 2.6 91.9 139.9 628.2

2008 Total 3,801.0 95.8 898.4 1,420.9 6,216.1
Proved 2,612.8 82.8 645.9 999.5 4,341.1
Probable 765.8 11.0 162.3 276.2 1,215.3
Possible 422.4 2.0 90.2 145.1 659.8

2009 Total 3,652.9 89.2 806.8 1,313.6 5,862.5
Proved 2,480.2 76.3 573.1 919.5 4,049.1
Probable 700.8 11.1 159.0 269.4 1,140.3
Possible 471.8 1.8 74.7 124.8 673.0

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Finally, the possible reserve amounts to 673.0 million gas equivalent to liquid. Table 6.21 shows the distribu-
barrels of oil equivalent, which is made up as follows: tion of the Southern Region’s hydrocarbon reserves
70.1 percent is crude oil, 0.3 percent is condensate, by fluid type over the last three years in the proved,
11.1 percent is plant liquids, and 18.5 percent is dry probable and possible categories.

Distribution of Hydrocarbon Reserves


1P proved reserves
2D two-dimensional
2P proved plus probable reserves
3D three-dimensional
3P proved plus probable plus possible reserves
AAPG American Association of Petroleum Geologists
API American Petroleum Institute
Bbbl billions of barrels
bbl barrels
bbld barrels per day
Bboe billions of barrels of oil equivalent
Bcf billions of cubic feet
boe barrels of oil equivalent
BTU British Thermal Unit
cedglf calorific equivalence of dry gas to liquid factor
cf cubic feet
crf condensate recovery factor
DST drill stem test
gr/cm3 grams per cubic centimeter
hesf handling efficiency shrinkage factor
isf impurities shrinkage factor
kg/cm2 kilograms per square centimeter
Mbbl thousands of barrels
Mboe thousands of barrels of oil equivalent
Mcf thousands of cubic feet
MMbbl millions of barrels
MMboe millions of barrels of oil equivalent
MMcf millions of cubic feet
MMcfd millions of cubic feet per day
PEP Pemex Exploración y Producción
plrf plant liquids recovery factor
plsf plant liquefiables shrinkage factor
PVT pressure-volume-temperature
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission
SPE Society of Petroleum Engineers
Tcf trillions of cubic feet
tlsf transport liquefiables shrinkage factor
WPC World Petroleum Council

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico


1P reserve: Proved reserve. API specific gravity: The measure of the density of the
liquid petroleum products that is derived from the rela-
2P reserves: Total of proved plus probable reserves. tive specific gravity, according to the following equa-
tion: API specific gravity = (141.5 / relative density) -
3P reserves: Total of proved reserves plus probable 131.5. API density is expressed in degrees; the relative
reserves plus possible reserves. specific gravity 1.0 is equal to 10 API degrees .

Abandonment pressure: This is a direct function of Artificial production system: Any of the techniques
the economic premises and it corresponds to the used to extract petroleum from the producing for-
static bottom pressure at which the revenues obtained mation to the surface when the reservoir pressure is
from the sales of the hydrocarbons produced are insufficient to raise the oil naturally to the surface.
equal to the well’s operation costs.
Associated gas: Natural gas that is in contact with
Absolute permeability: Ability of a rock to conduct and/or dissolved in the crude oil of the reservoir. It
a fluid when only one fluid is present in the pores of may be classified as gas cap (free gas) or gas in solu-
the rock. tion (dissolved gas).

Accumulation: Natural occurrence of an individual oil Associated gas in solution or dissolved: Natural gas
body in the reservoir. dissolved in the crude oil of the reservoir, under the
prevailing pressure and temperature conditions.
Additions: The reserve provided by the exploratory
activity. It consists of the discoveries and delineations Basement: Foot or base of a sedimentary sequence
in a field during the study period. composed of igneous or metamorphic rocks.

Analogous reservoir: Portion of a geological trap Basin: Receptacle in which a sedimentary column is
hydraulically intercommunicated with reservoir condi- deposited that shares a common tectonic history at
tions, drive mechanisms, and rock and fluids proper- various stratigraphy levels.
ties, that are similar to those of another structure of
interest, but are typically found in a more advanced Bitumen: Portion of petroleum that exists in the res-
development stage, and thus provide support for its ervoirs in a semi-solid or solid phase. In its natural
interpretation based on limited data, as well as the state, it generally contains sulfur, metals and other
estimation of its recovery factor. non-hydrocarbon compounds. Natural bitumen has a
viscosity of more than 10,000 centipoises, measured
Anticline: Structural configuration of a package of at the original temperature of the reservoir, at atmo-
folding rocks and in which the rocks are tilted in dif- spheric pressure and gas-free. It frequently requires
ferent directions from the crest. treatment before being refined.


Calorific equivalence of dry gas to liquid factor Core: A cylindrical rock sample taken from a forma-
(cedglf): The factor used to relate dry gas to its liquid tion when drilling in order to determine its perme-
equivalent. It is obtained from the molar composi- ability, porosity, hydrocarbon saturation and other
tion of the reservoir gas, considering the unit heat productivity-associated properties.
value of each component and the heat value of the
equivalence liquid. Cracking: Heat and pressure procedures that trans-
form the hydrocarbons with a high molecular weight
Capillary pressure: A force per area unit resulting and boiling point to hydrocarbons with a lower mo-
from the surface forces to the interface between two lecular weight and boiling point.
Cryogenic plant: Processing plant capable of produc-
Cold production: The use of operating and specialized ing liquid natural gas products, including ethane, at
exploitation techniques in order to rapidly produce very low operating temperatures.
heavy oils without using thermal recovery methods.
Cryogenics: The study, production and use of low
Complex: A series of fields sharing common surface temperatures.
Deep waters: Offshore zones where the water depth
Compressor: A device installed in the gas pipeline is 500 meters or more.
to raise the pressure and guarantee the fluid flow
through the pipeline. Delineation: Exploration activity that increases or de-
creases reserves by means of drilling delineation wells.
Condensate: Liquids of natural gas primarily con-
stituted by pentanes and heavier hydrocarbon Developed proved area: Plant projection of the exten-
components. sion drained by the wells of a producing reservoir.

Condensate recovery factor (crf): It is the factor used Developed proved reserves: Reserves that are ex-
to obtain liquid fractions recovered from natural gas pected to be recovered in existing wells, including
in the surface distribution and transportation facilities. reserves behind pipe, that may be recovered with the
It is obtained from the gas and condensate handling current infrastructure through additional work and with
statistics of the last annual period in the area corre- moderate investment costs. Reserves associated with
sponding to the field being studied. secondary and/or enhanced recovery processes will
be considered as developed when the infrastructure
Contingent resource: The amounts of hydrocarbons required for the process has been installed or when
estimated at a given date, and which are potentially re- the costs required for such are lower. This category
coverable from known accumulations, but are not con- includes reserves in completed intervals which have
sidered commercially recoverable under the economic been opened at the time when the estimation is made,
evaluation conditions corresponding to such date. but that have not started flowing due to market condi-
tions, connection problems or mechanical problems,
Conventional limit: The reservoir limit established and whose rehabilitation cost is relatively low.
according to the degree of knowledge of, or research
into the geological, geophysical or engineering data Development: Activity that increases or decreases
available. reserves by means of drilling exploitation wells.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Development well: A well drilled in a proved area in Economic reserves: Accumulated production that is
order to produce hydrocarbons. obtained from a production forecast in which eco-
nomic criteria are applied.
Dewpoint pressure: Pressure at which the first drop
of liquid is formed, when it goes from the vapor phase Effective permeability: A relative measure of the
to the two-phase region. conductivity of a porous medium for a fluid when the
medium is saturated with more than one fluid. This
Discovered resource: Volume of hydrocarbons tested implies that the effective permeability is a property
through wells drilled. associated with each reservoir flow, for example, gas,
oil and water. A fundamental principle is that the total
Discovery: Incorporation of reserves attributable to of the effective permeability is less than or equal to
drilling exploratory wells that test hydrocarbon-pro­ the absolute permeability.
ducing formations.
Effective porosity: A fraction that is obtained by di-
Dissolved gas-oil ratio: Ratio of the volume of viding the total volume of communicated pores and
gas dissolved in oil compared to the volume of oil the total rock volume.
containing gas. The ratio may be original (Rsi) or
instantaneous (Rs). Enhanced recovery: The recovery of oil by injecting
materials that are not normally present in the reser-
Dome: Geological structure with a semi-spherical voir and which modify the dynamic behavior of the
shape or relief. resident fluids. Enhanced recovery is not limited to
any particular stage in the life of a reservoir (primary,
Drainage radius: Distance from which fluids flow to secondary or tertiary).
the well, that is, the distance reached by the influence
of disturbances caused by pressure drops. Evaporites: Sedimentary formations consisting
primarily of salt, anhydrite or gypsum, as a result of
Drill Stem Test: A procedure that uses a drilling evaporation in coastal waters.
string in order to determine the productive capacity,
pressure, permeability or reservoir extension, or a Exploratory well: A well that is drilled without detailed
combination of the above, isolating the zone of inter- knowledge of the underlying rock structure in order
est with temporary packers. to find hydrocarbons whose exploitation is economi-
cally profitable.
Dry gas: Natural gas containing negligible amounts of
hydrocarbons heavier than methane. Dry gas is also Extraheavy oil: Crude oil with relatively high fractions
obtained from the processing complexes. of heavy components, high specific gravity (low API
density) and high viscosity at reservoir conditions. The
Dry gas equivalent to liquid (DGEL): Volume of crude production of this kind of oil generally implies difficul-
oil that because of its heat rate is equivalent to the ties in extraction and high costs. Thermal recovery
volume of dry gas. methods are the most common form of commercially
exploiting this kind of oil.
Economic limit: The point at which the revenues
obtained from the sale of hydrocarbons match the Fault: Fractured surface of geological strata along
costs incurred in its exploitation. which there has been differential movement.


Field: An area consisting of one or more reservoirs, Geological province: A region of large dimensions
all of which are grouped or related under the same characterized by similar geological and development
structural geological aspects and/or stratigraphic con- histories.
ditions. There may be two or more reservoirs in the
field separated vertically by a layer of impermeable Graben: Dip or depression formed by tectonic pro-
rock or laterally by geological barriers or by both. cesses, limited by normal type faults.

Fluid contact: The surface or interface of a reservoir Gravitational segregation: Reservoir driving mecha-
that separates two regions characterized by pre- nism in which the fluids tend to separate according
dominant differences in fluid saturation. Because of to their specific gravities. For example, since oil is
capillary and other phenomena, the change in fluid heavier than water it tends to move towards the lower
saturation is not necessarily abrupt, and the surface part of the reservoir in a water injection project.
does not have to be horizontal.
Handling efficiency shrinkage factor (hesf): This is a
Fluid saturation: Portion of the pore space occupied fraction of natural gas that is derived from considering
by a specific fluid; oil, gas and water may exist. self-consumption and the lack of capacity to handle
such. It is obtained from the gas handling statistics
Formation resistance factor (F): Ratio between the of the final period in the area corresponding to the
resistance of rock saturated 100 percent with brine field being studied.
divided by the resistance of the saturating water.
Heat value: The amount of heat released per unit
Formation volume factor (B): The factor that relates of mass, or per unit of volume, when a substance
the volume unit of the fluid in the reservoir with the is completely burned. The heat power of solid and
surface volume. There are volume factors for oil, liquid fuels is expressed in calories per gram or in
gas, in both phases, and for water. A sample may be BTU per pound. For gases, this parameter is generally
directly measured, calculated or obtained through expressed in kilocalories per cubic meter or in BTU
empirical correlations. per cubic foot.

Free associated gas: Natural gas that overlies and is Heavy oil: The specific gravity is less than or equal
in contact with the crude oil of the reservoir. It may to 27 API degrees.
be gas cap.
Horst: Bock of the earth’s crust rising between two
Gas compressibility ratio (Z): The ratio between an faults; the opposite of a graben.
actual gas volume and an ideal gas volume. This is
an adimensional amount that usually varies between Hot production: The optimum production of heavy
0.7 and 1.2. oils through use of enhanced thermal recovery
Gas lift: Artificial production system that is used to raise
the well fluid by injecting gas down the well through Hydrocarbon index: An amount of hydrocarbons
tubing, or through the tubing-casing annulus. contained in a reservoir per unit area.

Gas-oil ratio (GOR): Ratio of reservoir gas production Hydrocarbon reserves: Volume of hydrocarbons mea-
to oil production, measured at atmospheric pressure. sured at atmospheric conditions that will be produced

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

economically by using any of the existing production Net thickness (hn): The thickness resulting from
methods at the date of evaluation. subtracting the portions that have no possibilities of
producing hydrocarbon from the total thickness.
Hydrocarbons: Chemical compounds fully constituted
by hydrogen and carbon. Non-associated gas: The natural gas found in res-
ervoirs that do not contain crude oil at the original
Impurities and plant liquefiables shrinkage factor pressure and temperature conditions.
(iplsf): It is the fraction obtained by considering the
non-hydrocarbon gas impurities (sulfur, carbon diox- Non-proved reserves: Volumes of hydrocarbons and
ide, nitrogen compounds, etc.) contained in the sour associated substances, evaluated at atmospheric
gas, in addition to shrinkage caused by the generation conditions, resulting from the extrapolation of the
of plant liquids in gas processing complex. characteristics and parameters of the reservoir
beyond the limits of reasonable certainty, or from
Impurities shrinkage factor (isf): It is the fraction assuming oil and gas forecasts with technical and
that results from considering the non-hydrocarbon economic scenarios other than those in operation or
gas impurities (sulfur, carbon dioxide, nitrogen com- with a project in view.
pounds, etc.) contained in the sour gas. It is obtained
from the operation statistics of the last annual period Normal fault: The result of the downward displace-
of the gas processing complex (GPC) that processes ment of one of the blocks from the horizontal. The
the production of the field analyzed. angle is generally between 25 and 60 degrees and it is
recognized by the absence of part of the stratigraphic
Kerogen: Insoluble organic matter spread throughout column.
the sedimentary rocks that produces hydrocarbon
when subjected to a distillation process. Oil: Portion of petroleum that exists in the liquid phase
in reservoirs and remains as such under original pres-
Light oil: The specific gravity of the oil is more than 27 sure and temperature conditions. Small amounts of
API degrees, but less than or equal to 38 degrees. non-hydrocarbon substances may be included. It has
a viscosity of less than or equal to 10,000 centipoises
Limolite: Fine grain sedimentary rock that is trans- at the original temperature of the reservoir, at atmo-
ported by water. The granulometrics ranges from spheric pressure and gas-free (stabilized). Oil is com-
fine sand to clay. monly classified in terms of its specific gravity and it
is expressed in API degrees.
Metamorphic: Group of rocks resulting from the trans-
formation that commonly takes place at great depths Oil equivalent (OE): Total of crude oil, condensate,
due to pressure and temperature. The original rocks plant liquids and dry gas equivalent to liquid.
may be sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic.
Original gas volume in place: Amount of gas that is
Natural gas: Mixture of hydrocarbons existing in estimated to exist initially in the reservoir and that is
reservoirs in the gaseous phase or in solution in the confined by geologic and fluid boundaries, which may
oil, which remains in the gaseous phase under atmo- be expressed at reservoir or atmospheric conditions.
spheric conditions. It may contain some impurities
or non-hydrocarbon substances (hydrogen sulfide, Original oil volume in place: Amount of petroleum
nitrogen or carbon dioxide). that is estimated to exist initially in the reservoir and


that is confined by geologic and fluid boundaries, formed are similar to those that will be implemented
which may be expressed at reservoir or atmospheric throughout the reservoir. The purpose is to gather
conditions. information and/or obtain results that could be used
to generalize an exploitation strategy in the oil field.
Original pressure: Pressure prevailing in a reservoir
that has never been exploited. It is the pressure mea- Plant liquefiables shrinkage factor (plsf): The fraction
sured by a discovery well in a producing structure. arising from considering the liquefiables obtained in
the processing complexes. It is obtained from the
Original reserve: Volume of hydrocarbons at atmo- operation statistics of the last annual period of the gas
spheric conditions that are expected to be recovered processing complex that processes the production of
economically by using the exploitation methods and the field analyzed.
systems applicable at a specific date. It is a fraction
of the discovered and economic reserve that may be Plant liquids: Natural gas liquids recovered in gas
obtained at the end of the reservoir exploitation. processing complexes, mainly consisting of ethane,
propane and butane.
Permeability: Rock property for permitting a fluid
pass. It is a factor that indicates whether a reservoir Plant liquids recovery factor (plrf): The factor used
has producing characteristics or not. to obtain the liquid portions recovered in the natural
gas processing complex. It is obtained from the op-
Petroleum: Mixture of hydrocarbons composed of eration statistics of the last annual period of the gas
combinations of carbon and hydrogen atoms found processing complex that processes the production
in the porous spaces of rocks. Crude oil may contain of the field analyzed.
other elements of a non-metal origin, such as sulfur,
oxygen and nitrogen, in addition to trace metals Play: Group of fields and/or prospects in a given
as minor constituents. The compounds that form regions that are controlled by the same general geo-
petroleum may be a gaseous, liquid or solid state, logical characteristics (storage rock, seal, source rock
depending on their nature and the existing pressure and trap type).
and temperature conditions.
Porosity: Ratio between the pore volume existing in
Phase: Part of the system that differs in its intensive a rock and the total rock volume. It is a measure of
properties from the other part of the system. Hydro- rock’s storage capacity.
carbon systems generally have two phases: gaseous
and liquid. Possible reserves: Volume of hydrocarbons where the
analysis of geological and engineering data suggests
Physical limit: The limit of the reservoir defined by that they are less likely to be commercially recover-
any geological structures (faults, unconformities, able than probable reserves.
change of facies, crests and bases of formations, etc.),
caused by contact between fluids or by the reduction Primary recovery: Extraction of petroleum by only us-
to critical limits of porosity and permeability, or the ing the natural energy available in the reservoirs to dis-
combined effect of these parameters. place fluids through the reservoir rock to the wells.

Pilot project: Project that is being executed in a small Probable reserves: Non-proved reserves where the
representative sector of a reservoir where tests per- analysis of geological and engineering data suggests

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

that they are more likely to be commercially recover- is the difference between the original reserve and the
able than not. cumulative hydrocarbon production at a given date.

Prospective resource: It is the volume of hydrocar- Reserve replacement rate: It indicates the amount
bons estimated at a given date of accumulations of hydrocarbons replaced or incorporated by new
not yet discovered, but which have been inferred, discoveries compared with what has been produced
and which are estimated as potentially recover- in a given period. It is the coefficient that arises from
able through the application of future development dividing the new discoveries by production during
projects. the period of analysis and it is generally referred to in
annual terms and is expressed as a percentage.
Proved area: Plant projection of the known part of the
reservoir corresponding to the proved volume. Reserve-production ratio: The result of dividing the
remaining reserve at a given date by the production
Proved reserves: Volume of hydrocarbons or associ- in a period. This indicator assumes constant produc-
ated substances evaluated at atmospheric conditions, tion, hydrocarbon prices and extraction costs, without
which by analysis of geological and engineering data, variation over time, in addition to the non-existence
may be estimated with reasonable certainty to be of new discoveries in the future.
commercially recoverable from a given date forward,
from known reservoirs and under current economic Reservoir: Portion of the geological trap containing
conditions, operating methods and government regu- hydrocarbons that acts as a hydraulically intercon-
lations. Such volume consists of the developed proved nected system, and where the hydrocarbons are
reserve and the undeveloped proved reserve. found at an elevated temperature and pressure oc-
cupying the porous spaces.
Recovery factor (rf): The ratio between the original
volume of oil or gas, at atmospheric conditions, and Resource: Total volume of hydrocarbons existing in sub-
the original reserves of the reservoir. surface rocks. Also known as original in-situ volume.

Regression: Geological term used to define the eleva- Reverse fault: The result of compression forces where
tion of one part of the continent over sea level, as a one of the blocks is displaced upwards from the hori-
result of the ascent of the continent or the lowering zontal. The angle ranges from 0 to 90 degrees and it
of the sea level. is recognized by the repetition of the stratigraphic
Relative permeability: The capacity of a fluid, such
as water, gas or oil, to flow through a rock when it is Revision: The reserve resulting from comparing the
saturated with two or more fluids. The value of the previous year’s evaluation with the new one in which
permeability of a saturated rock with two or more new geological, geophysical, operation and reservoir
fluids is different to the permeability value of the same performance information is considered, in addition to
rock saturated with just one fluid. variations in hydrocarbon prices and extraction costs.
It does not include well drilling.
Remaining reserves: Volume of hydrocarbons mea-
sured at atmospheric conditions that are still to be Saturation pressure: Pressure at which the first gas
commercially recoverable from a reservoir at a given bubble is formed, when it goes from the liquid phase
date, using the applicable exploitation techniques. It to the two-phase region.


Secondary recovery: Techniques used for the addi- Sweetening plant: Industrial plant used to treat gas-
tional extraction of petroleum after primary recovery. eous mixtures and light petroleum fractions in order to
This includes gas or water injection, partly to maintain eliminate undesirable or corrosive sulfur compounds
reservoir pressure. to improve their color, odor and stability.

Seismic section: Seismic profile that uses the reflec- Technical reserves: Accumulative production derived
tion of seismic waves to determine the geological from a production forecast in which economic criteria
subsurface. are not applied.

Spacing: Optimum distance between hydrocarbon Total thickness (h): Thickness from the top of the
producing wells in a field or reservoir. formation of interest down to a vertical boundary
determined by a water level or by a change of
Specific gravity: An intensive property of the mat- formation.
ter that is related to the mass of a substance and its
volume through the coefficient between these two Transgression: Geological term used to define the
quantities. It is expressed in grams per cubic centi- immersion of one part of the continent under sea
meter or in pounds per gallon. level, as a result of a descent of the continent or an
elevation of the sea level.
Standard conditions: The reference amounts for
pressure and temperature. In the English system, it Transport liquefiables shrinkage factor (tlsf): The
is 14.73 pounds per square inch for the pressure and fraction obtained by considering the liquefiables ob-
60 degrees Fahrenheit for temperature. tained in transportation to the processing complexes.
It is obtained from the gas handling statistics of the
Stimulation: Process of acidifying or fracturing car- last annual period in the area corresponding to the
ried out to expand existing ducts or to create new field being studied.
ones in the source rock formation.
Trap: Geometry that permits the concentration of
Stratigraphy: Part of geology that studies the origin, hydrocarbons.
composition, distribution and succession of rock
strata. Undeveloped proved area: Plant projection of the
extension drained by the future producing wells of a
Structural nose: A term used in structural geology producing reservoir and located within the undevel-
to define a geometric form protruding from a main oped proved reserve.
Undeveloped proved reserves: Volume of hydrocar-
Sucker rod pumping system: A method of artificial bons that is expected to be recovered through wells
lift in which a subsurface pump located at or near without current facilities for production or transporta-
the bottom of the well and connected to a string tion and future wells. This category may include the
of sucker rods is used to lift the well fluid to the estimated reserve of enhanced recovery projects,
surface. with pilot testing, or with the recovery mechanism
proposed in operation that has been predicted with
Superlight oil: The specific gravity is more than 38 a high degree of certainty in reservoirs that benefit
API degrees. from this kind of exploitation.

Hydrocarbon Reserves of Mexico

Undiscovered resource: Volume of hydrocarbons Well logs: The information concerning subsurface
with uncertainty, but whose existence is inferred formations obtained by means of electric, acoustic
in geological basins through favorable factors and radioactive tools inserted in the wells. The log also
resulting from the geological, geophysical and includes information about drilling and the analysis of
geochemical interpretation. They are known as pro- mud and cuts, cores and formation tests.
spective resources when considered commercially
recoverable. Wet gas: Mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from pro-
cessing natural gas from which non-hydrocarbon im­pu­­
Well abandonment: The final activity in the operation rities or compounds have been eliminated, and whose
of a well when it is permanently closed under safety content of components that are heavier than methane
and environment preservation conditions. is such that it can be commercially processed.


Statistical Appendix
Pemex Exploración y Producción
Hydrocarbon Reserves as of January 1, 2009
Original Volume in Place Remaining Hydrocarbon Reserves Remaining Gas Reserves
Oil Gas Oil Equivalent Crude Oil Condensate Plant Dry Gas ** Natural Gas Dry Gas
Liquids * Equivalent
MMbbl Bcf MMboe MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl MMboe Bcf Bcf

Total (3P) 298,308.2 257,785.3 43,562.6 30,929.8 561.7 3,491.3 8,579.7 60,374.3 44,622.7
Northeastern Offshore 66,087.6 26,033.0 12,785.9 11,656.6 368.9 256.6 503.7 4,892.9 2,619.7
Southwestern Offshore 25,273.4 33,394.2 5,189.4 3,217.4 84.5 509.7 1,377.8 9,571.8 7,165.8
Northern 166,240.5 123,900.7 19,724.8 12,402.9 19.1 1,918.2 5,384.6 36,503.1 28,005.0
Southern 40,706.7 74,457.5 5,862.5 3,652.9 89.2 806.8 1,313.6 9,406.5 6,832.1

Proved 150,565.8 180,936.6 14,307.7 10,404.2 378.4 1,082.9 2,442.3 17,649.5 12,702.0
Northeastern Offshore 54,356.6 23,981.4 6,712.3 5,919.3 256.1 183.0 353.9 3,365.8 1,840.4
Southwestern Offshore 17,691.1 21,615.9 1,893.9 1,176.0 38.0 221.2 458.8 3,462.9 2,386.0
Northern 41,592.2 66,663.6 1,652.4 828.7 8.0 105.5 710.1 4,218.7 3,693.3
Southern 36,926.0 68,675.6 4,049.1 2,480.2 76.3 573.1 919.5 6,602.1 4,782.2

Probable 84,416.3 43,190.4 14,516.9 10,375.8 81.6 1,174.6 2,884.9 20,110.5 15,004.4
Northeastern Offshore 5,616.1 897.3 2,977.1 2,844.5 42.1 30.9 59.7 631.1 310.3
Southwestern Offshore 3,396.3 5,439.7 1,536.9 985.5 23.7 146.3 381.3 2,675.9 1,983.2
Northern 72,895.5 32,576.6 8,862.6 5,845.0 4.6 838.4 2,174.6 14,901.3 11,310.0
Southern 2,508.4 4,276.9 1,140.3 700.8 11.1 159.0 269.4 1,902.2 1,400.9

2P 234,982.2 224,127.0 28,824.6 20,780.0 460.0 2,257.4 5,327.2 37,760.0 27,706.4

Northeastern Offshore 59,972.7 24,878.7 9,689.4 8,763.8 298.2 213.9 413.5 3,996.8 2,150.8
Southwestern Offshore 21,087.4 27,055.6 3,430.8 2,161.5 61.7 367.6 840.1 6,138.8 4,369.2
Northern 114,487.7 99,240.3 10,515.0 6,673.7 12.7 943.9 2,884.7 19,120.0 15,003.3
Southern 39,434.3 72,952.5 5,189.4 3,181.1 87.4 732.1 1,188.9 8,504.3 6,183.1

Possible 63,326.0 33,658.3 14,737.9 10,149.8 101.7 1,233.8 3,252.6 22,614.3 16,916.3
Northeastern Offshore 6,114.9 1,154.3 3,096.5 2,892.8 70.7 42.8 90.2 896.1 468.9
Southwestern Offshore 4,186.0 6,338.6 1,758.5 1,056.0 22.8 142.1 537.7 3,433.0 2,796.6
Northern 51,752.8 24,660.4 9,209.9 5,729.2 6.5 974.3 2,499.9 17,383.0 13,001.8
Southern 1,272.4 1,505.0 673.0 471.8 1.8 74.7 124.8 902.2 649.0

* Gas liquids from processing plants.

** The liquid obtained supposes a heat value equivalent to the Maya crude oil and an average mixture of the dry gas obtained at Cactus, Ciudad Pemex and Nuevo Pemex GPC.
Note: All the units are expressed at atmospheric conditions and assume 15.6° C and 14.7 lb of pressure per square inch.

Pemex Exploración y Producción

Hydrocarbon Production

Cumulative Production as of
2006 2007 2008
January 1, 2009
Crude Oil Natural Gas Crude Oil Natural Gas Crude Oil Natural Gas Crude Oil Natural Gas
MMbbl Bcf MMbbl Bcf MMbbl Bcf MMbbl Bcf

1,188.3 1,955.0 1,124.8 2,211.3 1,021.7 2,532.2 36,897.3 61,657.0

Northeastern Offshore 804.7 335.9 738.7 422.4 638.9 695.9 15,919.0 7,283.2
Cantarell 657.3 262.0 546.2 344.9 380.5 596.0 13,259.6 5,946.7
Ku-Maloob-Zaap 147.4 73.9 192.4 77.5 258.4 99.8 2,659.3 1,336.5

Southwestern Offshore 173.4 312.5 184.6 362.3 183.1 374.4 5,653.0 6,699.8
Abkatún-Pol-Chuc 121.2 187.1 114.0 198.6 112.8 208.3 5,217.8 5,721.2
Holok-Temoa 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Litoral de Tabasco 52.2 125.4 70.7 163.6 70.3 166.1 435.2 978.6

Norte 30.8 813.1 31.7 932.9 31.9 931.1 5,668.7 20,464.8

Aceite Terciario del Golfo 8.3 9.8 8.0 9.3 10.7 18.9 160.1 269.8
Burgos 0.0 485.5 0.0 515.3 0.0 506.1 33.3 10,453.8
Poza Rica-Altamira 22.0 53.7 23.1 71.9 20.5 55.9 5,399.4 7,392.3
Veracruz 0.5 264.0 0.7 336.4 0.8 350.1 75.8 2,348.9

Southern 179.3 493.5 169.8 493.8 167.9 530.9 9,656.6 27,209.2

Bellota-Jujo 80.0 99.1 69.4 87.5 64.0 91.7 2,920.8 4,439.6
Cinco Presidentes 14.4 20.7 16.3 22.4 17.3 24.7 1,737.4 2,117.9
Macuspana 2.4 70.4 3.8 81.4 5.8 95.3 28.8 5,651.2
Muspac 12.2 134.5 12.3 113.5 13.2 109.6 1,686.1 9,267.7
Samaria-Luna 70.3 168.9 68.1 188.9 67.6 209.5 3,283.5 5,732.8

Note: All the units are expressed at atmospheric conditions and assume 15.6 °C and 14.7 lb of pressure per square inch.
Pemex Exploración y Producción, Northeastern Offshore Region
Hydrocarbon Reserves as of January 1, 2009
Original Volume in Place Remaining Hydrocarbon Reserves Remaining Gas Reserves
Oil Gas Oil Equivalent Crude Oil Condensate Plant Dry Gas ** Natural Gas Dry Gas
Liquids * Equivalent
MMbbl Bcf MMboe MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl MMboe Bcf Bcf

Total (3P) 66,087.6 26,033.0 12,785.9 11,656.6 368.9 256.6 503.7 4,892.9 2,619.7
Cantarell 37,761.3 17,836.6 6,429.1 5,657.9 258.6 171.8 340.8 2,840.4 1,772.6
Ku-Maloob-Zaap 28,326.3 8,196.4 6,356.8 5,998.7 110.3 84.9 162.9 2,052.5 847.1

Proved 54,356.6 23,981.4 6,712.3 5,919.3 256.1 183.0 353.9 3,365.8 1,840.4
Cantarell 36,961.1 17,583.9 3,501.6 2,958.2 184.8 121.9 236.6 1,992.2 1,230.5
Ku-Maloob-Zaap 17,395.5 6,397.6 3,210.7 2,961.0 71.3 61.1 117.3 1,373.5 609.9

Probable 5,616.1 897.3 2,977.1 2,844.5 42.1 30.9 59.7 631.1 310.3
Cantarell 293.2 58.0 1,290.3 1,216.3 22.2 17.6 34.2 284.2 177.9
Ku-Maloob-Zaap 5,322.9 839.3 1,686.8 1,628.2 19.9 13.3 25.5 346.9 132.4

2P 59,972.7 24,878.7 9,689.4 8,763.8 298.2 213.9 413.5 3,996.8 2,150.8

Cantarell 37,254.3 17,641.9 4,791.9 4,174.6 207.0 139.5 270.8 2,276.5 1,408.4
Ku-Maloob-Zaap 22,718.4 7,236.8 4,897.5 4,589.2 91.2 74.4 142.7 1,720.4 742.4

Possible 6,114.9 1,154.3 3,096.5 2,892.8 70.7 42.8 90.2 896.1 468.9
Cantarell 507.0 194.8 1,637.2 1,483.3 51.6 32.3 70.0 563.9 364.2
Ku-Maloob-Zaap 5,607.9 959.6 1,459.3 1,409.5 19.1 10.5 20.1 332.2 104.7

* Gas liquids from processing plants.

** The liquid obtained supposes a heat value equivalent to the Maya crude oil and an average mixture of the dry gas obtained at Cactus, Ciudad Pemex and Nuevo Pemex GPC.

Note: All the units are expressed at atmospheric conditions and assume 15.6° C and 14.7 lb of pressure per square inch.
Pemex Exploración y Producción, Southwestern Offshore Region

Hydrocarbon Reserves as of January 1, 2009
Original Volume in Place Remaining Hydrocarbon Reserves Remaining Gas Reserves
Oil Gas Oil Equivalent Crude Oil Condensate Plant Dry Gas ** Natural Gas Dry Gas
Liquids * Equivalent
MMbbl Bcf MMboe MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl MMboe Bcf Bcf

Total (3P) 25,273.4 33,394.2 5,189.4 3,217.4 84.5 509.7 1,377.8 9,571.8 7,165.8
Abkatún-Pol-Chuc 16,559.2 15,978.3 1,448.8 1,083.4 33.6 118.3 213.5 1,784.8 1,110.2
Holok-Temoa 0.0 3,497.7 514.9 0.0 23.2 70.1 421.6 2,430.3 2,192.7
Litoral de Tabasco 8,714.2 13,918.2 3,225.6 2,134.0 27.7 321.2 742.7 5,356.7 3,862.9

Proved 17,691.1 21,615.9 1,893.9 1,176.0 38.0 221.2 458.8 3,462.9 2,386.0
Abkatún-Pol-Chuc 14,158.1 14,459.1 819.3 563.4 22.6 82.8 150.5 1,243.1 782.7
Holok-Temoa 0.0 428.5 70.4 0.0 4.4 13.6 52.3 308.6 272.1
Litoral de Tabasco 3,533.0 6,728.4 1,004.3 612.6 11.0 124.8 256.0 1,911.2 1,331.2

Probable 3,396.3 5,439.7 1,536.9 985.5 23.7 146.3 381.3 2,675.9 1,983.2
Abkatún-Pol-Chuc 1,249.1 1,133.1 433.2 343.9 8.9 29.0 51.5 437.1 267.7
Holok-Temoa 0.0 910.4 130.1 0.0 6.8 20.4 102.9 606.9 535.2
Litoral de Tabasco 2,147.2 3,396.1 973.5 641.6 8.1 96.9 226.9 1,631.9 1,180.3

2P 21,087.4 27,055.6 3,430.8 2,161.5 61.7 367.6 840.1 6,138.8 4,369.2

Abkatún-Pol-Chuc 15,407.2 15,592.2 1,252.5 907.3 31.4 111.8 202.0 1,680.2 1,050.4
Holok-Temoa 0.0 1,338.9 200.5 0.0 11.2 34.0 155.2 915.5 807.3
Litoral de Tabasco 5,680.2 10,124.5 1,977.8 1,254.2 19.1 221.7 482.9 3,543.1 2,511.5

Possible 4,186.0 6,338.6 1,758.5 1,056.0 22.8 142.1 537.7 3,433.0 2,796.6
Abkatún-Pol-Chuc 1,152.0 386.2 196.3 176.2 2.1 6.5 11.5 104.6 59.8
Holok-Temoa 0.0 2,158.8 314.5 0.0 12.0 36.1 266.4 1,514.8 1,385.4
Litoral de Tabasco 3,034.0 3,793.7 1,247.8 879.8 8.6 99.6 259.8 1,813.6 1,351.4

* Gas liquids from processing plants.

** The liquid obtained supposes a heat value equivalent to the Maya crude oil and an average mixture of the dry gas obtained at Cactus, Ciudad Pemex and Nuevo Pemex GPC.
Note: All the units are expressed at atmospheric conditions and assume 15.6° C and 14.7 lb of pressure per square inch.
Pemex Exploración y Producción, Northern Region
Hydrocarbon Reserves as of January 1, 2009
Original Volume in Place Remaining Hydrocarbon Reserves Remaining Gas Reserves
Oil Gas Oil Equivalent Crude Oil Condensate Plant Dry Gas ** Natural Gas Dry Gas
Liquids * Equivalent
MMbbl Bcf MMboe MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl MMboe Bcf Bcf

Total (3P) 166,240.5 123,900.7 19,724.8 12,402.9 19.1 1,918.2 5,384.6 36,503.1 28,005.0
Aceite Terciario del Golfo 136,783.6 54,222.0 17,392.7 11,554.0 0.0 1,790.2 4,048.5 28,822.7 21,055.8
Burgos 142.3 21,895.6 963.0 0.0 17.9 74.6 870.5 4,786.8 4,527.4
Poza Rica-Altamira 28,492.8 42,172.2 1,103.9 820.4 0.0 47.8 235.7 1,666.8 1,225.7
Veracruz 821.9 5,610.9 265.3 28.5 1.3 5.5 230.0 1,226.7 1,196.1

Proved 41,592.2 66,663.6 1,652.4 828.7 8.0 105.5 710.1 4,218.7 3,693.3
Aceite Terciario del Golfo 13,114.5 4,467.8 668.2 501.0 0.0 51.2 115.9 824.6 603.0
Burgos 130.0 16,674.7 391.2 0.0 7.6 32.6 351.0 1,933.4 1,825.6
Poza Rica-Altamira 27,569.2 40,061.0 412.4 314.7 0.0 20.1 77.6 587.7 403.6
Veracruz 778.6 5,460.2 180.5 13.0 0.4 1.6 165.6 873.0 861.1

Probable 72,895.5 32,576.6 8,862.6 5,845.0 4.6 838.4 2,174.6 14,901.3 11,310.0
Aceite Terciario del Golfo 72,701.6 29,248.5 8,134.0 5,507.2 0.0 803.6 1,823.2 12,869.1 9,482.4
Burgos 8.6 2,314.2 230.3 0.0 4.5 19.0 206.8 1,133.0 1,075.5
Poza Rica-Altamira 149.8 976.9 455.9 332.7 0.0 15.4 107.8 704.3 560.5
Veracruz 35.5 37.0 42.5 5.1 0.1 0.4 36.8 194.9 191.5

2P 114,487.7 99,240.3 10,515.0 6,673.7 12.7 943.9 2,884.7 19,120.0 15,003.3

Aceite Terciario del Golfo 85,816.1 33,716.3 8,802.2 6,008.2 0.0 854.8 1,939.2 13,693.8 10,085.4
Burgos 138.6 18,988.9 621.5 0.0 12.2 51.5 557.8 3,066.4 2,901.2
Poza Rica-Altamira 27,719.0 41,037.9 868.3 647.4 0.0 35.5 185.4 1,292.0 964.1
Veracruz 814.0 5,497.2 223.0 18.1 0.5 2.0 202.4 1,067.9 1,052.6

Possible 51,752.8 24,660.4 9,209.9 5,729.2 6.5 974.3 2,499.9 17,383.0 13,001.8
Aceite Terciario del Golfo 50,967.5 20,505.7 8,590.5 5,545.8 0.0 935.4 2,109.3 15,129.0 10,970.5
Burgos 3.7 2,906.7 341.5 0.0 5.7 23.1 312.7 1,720.4 1,626.2
Poza Rica-Altamira 773.8 1,134.3 235.6 173.0 0.0 12.3 50.3 374.8 261.6
Veracruz 7.9 113.7 42.2 10.4 0.8 3.5 27.6 158.8 143.5

* Gas liquids from processing plants.

** The liquid obtained supposes a heat value equivalent to the Maya crude oil and an average mixture of the dry gas obtained at Cactus, Ciudad Pemex and Nuevo Pemex GPC.

Note: All the units are expressed at atmospheric conditions and assume 15.6° C and 14.7 lb of pressure per square inch.
Pemex Exploración y Producción, Southern Region

Hydrocarbon Reserves as of January 1, 2009
Original Volume in Place Remaining Hydrocarbon Reserves Remaining Gas Reserves
Oil Gas Oil Equivalent Crude Oil Condensate Plant Dry Gas ** Natural Gas Dry Gas
Liquids * Equivalent
MMbbl Bcf MMboe MMbbl MMbbl MMbbl MMboe Bcf Bcf

Total (3P) 40,706.7 74,457.5 5,862.5 3,652.9 89.2 806.8 1,313.6 9,406.5 6,832.1
Bellota-Jujo 11,854.3 15,492.5 1,681.5 1,095.6 45.6 215.6 324.7 2,492.9 1,688.8
Cinco Presidentes 7,134.3 6,821.3 495.4 390.4 0.0 39.9 65.0 528.5 338.3
Macuspana 435.1 9,047.7 383.4 97.2 0.6 79.9 205.8 1,299.4 1,070.2
Muspac 7,410.5 24,896.9 733.7 343.3 7.5 149.1 233.9 1,675.4 1,216.6
Samaria-Luna 13,872.5 18,199.1 2,568.5 1,726.4 35.6 322.4 484.2 3,410.4 2,518.3
Proved 36,926.0 68,675.6 4,049.1 2,480.2 76.3 573.1 919.5 6,602.1 4,782.2
Bellota-Jujo 10,828.1 14,011.7 1,439.7 930.7 40.4 187.5 281.1 2,155.4 1,461.8
Cinco Presidentes 6,721.5 6,273.9 247.0 190.9 0.0 21.3 34.8 271.6 180.7
Macuspana 256.0 7,860.0 169.0 39.4 0.6 29.0 100.1 609.3 520.7
Muspac 6,725.3 23,384.5 316.1 98.7 5.1 84.9 127.4 915.9 662.5
Samaria-Luna 12,395.1 17,145.6 1,877.3 1,220.5 30.2 250.5 376.2 2,650.0 1,956.4
Probable 2,508.4 4,276.9 1,140.3 700.8 11.1 159.0 269.4 1,902.2 1,400.9
Bellota-Jujo 939.7 1,310.0 208.4 141.8 4.6 24.8 37.2 289.7 193.5
Cinco Presidentes 230.4 314.3 117.8 92.0 0.0 9.8 16.0 118.2 83.0
Macuspana 147.5 882.0 153.9 42.7 0.1 34.5 76.6 494.4 398.6
Muspac 529.4 1,213.7 201.9 109.1 1.4 34.7 56.7 416.3 294.9
Samaria-Luna 661.4 557.0 458.4 315.2 5.1 55.2 82.9 583.5 431.0
2P 39,434.3 72,952.5 5,189.4 3,181.1 87.4 732.1 1,188.9 8,504.3 6,183.1
Bellota-Jujo 11,767.8 15,321.6 1,648.1 1,072.5 45.0 212.3 318.3 2,445.2 1,655.3
Cinco Presidentes 6,951.8 6,588.1 364.8 282.9 0.0 31.1 50.7 389.8 263.8
Macuspana 403.5 8,742.0 322.9 82.1 0.6 63.5 176.7 1,103.7 919.2
Muspac 7,254.7 24,598.1 518.0 207.8 6.5 119.6 184.1 1,332.2 957.4
Samaria-Luna 13,056.5 17,702.6 2,335.7 1,535.7 35.3 305.6 459.0 3,233.5 2,387.4
Possible 1,272.4 1,505.0 673.0 471.8 1.8 74.7 124.8 902.2 649.0
Bellota-Jujo 86.5 170.9 33.4 23.1 0.6 3.3 6.4 47.8 33.5
Cinco Presidentes 182.5 233.2 130.6 107.5 0.0 8.8 14.3 138.7 74.5
Macuspana 31.6 305.6 60.5 15.1 0.0 16.4 29.0 195.7 150.9
Muspac 155.8 298.7 215.7 135.4 1.0 29.5 49.8 343.2 259.2
Samaria-Luna 816.0 496.5 232.8 190.6 0.2 16.8 25.2 176.8 130.9

* Gas liquids from processing plants.

** The liquid obtained supposes a heat value equivalent to the Maya crude oil and an average mixture of the dry gas obtained at Cactus, Ciudad Pemex and Nuevo Pemex GPC.
Note: All the units are expressed at atmospheric conditions and assume 15.6° C and 14.7 lb of pressure per square inch.

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