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sreai20t9 ‘Self Atunament OFYOUROWNON veto Duareria WORLDI)TO =o 9 = TRIPOD. Self Attunement CH ws » Reiki Self Attunement [There are many forms of self attunement going around now, most of them dependant on [he originator of the particular method empowering an email or a web page, or in some pay giving permission for another person to use their method, lsince Reiki came to the west we have all been told, and had accepted until fairly cently, that you couldn't receive Reiki in any other manner other than an attunement jwhich had to be carried out by a Reiki Master. [We know better now. We've all heard examples of spontaneous attunements, and of times shen a Reiki distant healing, or attunement was forgotten by the sender, and the ecipient received it just the same! Yorking with these ideas, and on the principle that the connection to Reiki appears to frave more to do with the intention of the recipient, rather than anything that the Reiki [Master does, we now know that people can attune themselves to Reiki and can do it as leasily and as effectively and as permanently as the method of being attuned by someone lsc. Some even say that the self attunement method is purer as the energy is not stepped ldown by passing through another person first. I don't know whether this is right or rong but it's worth thinking about. [Anyway to catry out Reiki self attunement is quite simple, All you need is the ability to |meditate, 20/30 minutes or so where you can carry out the process, and the willingness to accept Reiki fou will be using the 4 Usui symbols, the Cho-ku-rei, the Sei-hei-ki, and Hon-sha-ze- ktho-nen, and the Master symbol, the Dai-ko-mio. lideally memorizing these would be the best method, but it would also be ok if you have {hem written down on paper and within your reach while carrying out your attunement. ‘ou will find all these symbols on our website, on the Plain and Simple Manuals and jmany other places on the net. It docsn't matter which symbols you decide to use (there lire minor variations depending on who has published them) For easiness of use pick one ket and use them as your own symbols, To Start. First cleanse the room by drawing out all 4 symbols in the air Then draw the cho-ku-rei and the Dai-ko-mio on to the palms of your hands Then draw the cho ku rei on all of your chakras And finally draw one large cho-ku-rei over the front of your body Then sit comfortably with your back straight and your hands in prayer position. Use whatever relaxation techniques that you are comfortable with . State your intention that you are going to carry out a Reiki Self attunement . You can ask Tor any guides, angels, ascended masters, spirit helpers, or indeed anyone that you are ‘comfortable with, and that you would like to assist you in the process. Ifyou like you can play music, light candles, burn incense, anything that feels right to you. You may even like to have a bath or shower beforehand as a kind of cleansing ritual. (bear in mind that none of these are strictly necessary for the process to work but it can help to ‘aitupadhyay.ripod.comrekisef_sttunementhim 18 sreai2019 ‘Self Atunament get you into a receptive frame of mind) You might want to say a prayer or invocation if that feels right to you too. When you are relaxed and ready: Visualize the crown chakra on the top of your head as a lotus flower (or similar) which now ‘begins fo open up, petal by petal. When you feel that itis open enough then visualize a golden white light coming down from the heavens a broad shining channel which enters your crown chakra and fils it with golden white light. This light fills your whole head The picture the golden white light moving down and filing your brow chakra and flooding it with light Then bring it down to your throat chakra flooding it with light ‘And so on bringing the golden white light down into all your chakras filing them all wth golden white light and having the light fill up your entire body, arms, legs and feet, so that {you are sitting fled entirely with golden white ight. ‘As you breathe in and out fee! the light permeating out of all the pores in your body and spreading out all around you and into infinity. ‘Now when you are ready itis time to bring down the symbols from the heavens above through the golden white channel of light and into your crown chakra. First see the cho-ku-rei coming down from above and entering your crown (say cho-ku-rei three times as it enters your crown } - then visualize the CKR moving down the inside of |your head, down through all the chakras until you reach the root chakra. Visualize this as a ‘red ball of fire with the cho-ki-rei swiring around inside it Next do the same thing with the Sei-he-ki saying the name three times as it enters your ‘crown, bring it down all through your chakras and have it lodge itself in your root chakra with the CKR. Then the same thing with the Hon-sha-ze-sho-nen And finally the Master Symbol Dai-ko-mio. When all four symbols are lodged in your root chakra then open your hands and place them like an opened book in front of you. Now visualize the symbols one at a time again. First visualize the cho-ku-rei over your palms (say the name three times) and see it disappear inside your palms. Then do the same thing with the sei-hei-k, seeing it disappear into your palms Then the hon-sha-ze-sho-nen And finally the Dai-ko-mio. When this is completed then bring your attention to the back of your neck, just at the base of your skull Visualize a small door there which you are going to seal permanently as a symbol of the permanency of the attunement. This door is golden in color and you should visualize it being sealed for ever in a manner that makes sense to you. It can be a golden key locking the door and then melting to become an integral part of the door which can never be removed, or a small golden padlock being closed and disappearing into the door so that it cannot be seen., or any ‘other sealing method that you like. Finally visualize the cho-ku-rei drawn over the door and affirm now seal this Reiki attunement with divine intent for now and all time [The attunement is now finished and you have successfully attuned yourself to Reiki! 26 sreai2019 ‘Self Atunament fou can use this method to attune yourself to any kind of Reiki you can use any symbols ic Kkaruna or Seichem or any others that you may like - you can use any other affimations, fnvocations, or prayers that you may wish fo, ln effet this means that if you want to attune yourself to Karuns-ki, or Seichem, or any other types lof Reiki that you have a copy of the symbols for (you'll find many symbols by using search engine and typing ‘eiki*symbols” into the topic search box) all you need ho do is to use the meditation - but instead of using the Usui symbols, you ean substitute Tibetan, IScichem, Karuna or any other symbols that you would like to be attuned to. The method given is the FULL. singular attunement. If you wish to self attune to Reiki level 1 place fonly the cho-ku-tei in your palms. For Reiki level 2 place the cho-ku-te, the sei-he-ki, and the hon- kha-ze-sho-nen into your palms, end for the master level follow the instructions as give with all 4 kymbols being placed in the palms. These instructions can also be put on tape to make it easier to follow the directions in meditation. IReed it over a few times first so that you get the gist of what is happening during the process don't cory if you start and then forget what you're doing halfway through! Just stop and start again no obiem! You can use this self attunement meditation as often as you like Istart doing your self healing as soon as you can afer your attunement some people feel the reiki fnow immediately others take a wee bit longer. The way to get it flowing strongly and recognizably fs to use it and often! lec free to share this with anyone who is interested, {Grassroots! Reiki retains copyright of the original script but we don't mind you passing it on, printing it out, or otherwise sharing it with people, it can be put onto websites if anyone wants to do fat (give us @ credit please) PLEASE! If you significantly ater the content to self attune to anything other than Reiki, or add in lanything huge from ather faiths, beliefs, or religions, consider that this be your own work and not Home | Seven Chakras | Reiki Initiation | Attunement | Sef Attunement | Reiki Symbols | Mudras This site was last updated 07/18/10 aijtupadhyay-ripod.comirlklslf_sttunementhtm 38

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