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[Excel created by Cody Page]

Candito Advanced Bench Program

Units: LB
Current 1RM (in lbs): 315
Desired 1RM (in lbs): 325

Accessory #1: Close Grip Bench

Accessory #2: Standing Overhead Barbell Press
Select Week

Week 1 Day 1
Exercise Weight Sets Reps
Barbell Flat Bench 220 3 3
- - - -
Close Grip Bench 3 8
Isolation Accessory 3 20
Isolation Accessory 3 20
Week 1 Day 2
Exercise Weight Sets Reps
Barbell Flat Bench 220 3 3
Standing Overhead Barbell Press 3 6
Isolation Accessory 3 20
Isolation Accessories 3 20
Week 1 Day 3
Exercise Weight Sets Reps
Barbell Flat Bench 220 3 3
Close Grip Bench 3 6
Isolation Accessory 3 20
Isolation Accessory 3 20
Week 1 Day 4
Exercise Weight Sets Reps
Barbell Flat Bench 220 3 3
Standing Overhead Barbell Press 3 3
Isolation Accessory 3 20
Isolation Accessory 3 20
Week 1 Day 5
Exercise Weight Sets Reps
Barbell Flat Bench 220 3 3
Close Grip Bench 3 3
Isolation Accessory 3 20
Isolation Accessory 3 20
by Cody Page]

Notes And Additions

Weeks 1-3 I strongly recommend training 5 days in a row followed by 2 day break. This allows for
greater recovery (albeit nowhere near full recovery) prior to days where singles are performed.

Weeks 4-6 only have 2 workouts so it is not an error that the other 3 days are left blank.

Week 4 Day 2: I'd rather have you choose the maximum weight and hit just 5 sets than the minumum
weight for 10 sets. So pick the heaviest weight if possible then do as many sets as you can. If you do
manage to hit both the max weight and max amount of sets (10), and feel no nagging pain from overuse,
then add 5 backoff sets x 3 reps with 80% of your goal max for extended pauses (3 seconds) on each rep.

For more info, check out the "General Guidelines To Program" tab + download the PDF I made.

Update: KG Unit Option Temporarily Removed Due To Technical Difficulties.

What Weight To Use On Accessorie
- My programs don't have planned loading on accessories because it turns into micro-managing.
- Effort in terms of how close you are to failure should be higher on main accessories (the two slots) than the isolations. If you
- You should be far closer to failure on the main accessories than the bench press, especially for the first 3 weeks.

Which Movements Should You Use For The Isola

- First prioritize exercises that target your weakest muscle group involved in bench pressing. If your triceps are a weak link, I'd
- I recommend focusing on specific muscle group(s) but keeping the exercise selection for the targeted muscle varied.
- Adjust based on feeling of the day. If your chest is extremely sore, even though it is a weak point, it's likely wise to direct the
- If literally every primary pressing muscle group is sore (front delt, triceps, and chest), then move towards more indirect group

Week 4 Accessory Peak Set Explanati

- On week 4 the prescribed rep range is 15-20 for just 1 set. The goal here is a true 20 rep max if possible, but 15 is acceptable
- After getting at least 15 reps, then you can rack the weight to just rest as little as possible before squeezing out the rest. No m
- Due to the fatigue from the bench press sets, optimal performance on these accessory peak sets is not expected. So don't be

What To Do If You Miss A Weight?

- If you miss a weight on any of my programs, reduce your entered max by 2.5-5%. Then calculate your workout from there an
- The only exception to the entire cycle being affected is if you miss a weight in the first 3 weeks, it doesn't neccessarily impact
- But if you missed a weight are you really hittin that goal if left unadjusted though? Come on son.

How Often Can You Run This Progra

- This is specifically not intended to be ran twice in a row.
- I actually prefer to train down to 1x per week as a break only focusing on maintaining strength while "resensitizing" myself to
- This approach is written out in the "Offseason Protocol" tab.

- More information regarding yearly planning in conjunction with my other advanced programs will be or already are (dependin

Can You Run This Program If Not An Advan

- The simple answer is yes. The more complex answer is you probably need a coach.
- I find novices can even be extremely successful with this type of aggressive programming but progression would need to be h
- If a bored intermediate lifter wants to try it out for a cycle then that's fine. These hard lines we try to draw are really overhyp
- But none of this changes the fact that this is still made for advanced lifters. The "Candito 6 Week Program" is made for interm
- These distinctions while not anywhere near definitive, are there for a reason.

Download The PDF For Further Explainantion Regarding The Thoughts B

eight To Use On Accessories?

than the isolations. If you like using the RPE scale and want to be percise you can use it on those 2 lifts.
first 3 weeks.

hould You Use For The Isolation Exercises?

triceps are a weak link, I'd rather see overkill on them than some sets of rear delt flyes for balance.
ted muscle varied.
it's likely wise to direct the isolation work elsewhere for that workout.
owards more indirect groups (lateral raises, rear delt flyes, upper back work, etc.).

ccessory Peak Set Explanation

ssible, but 15 is acceptable as a no break minimum since predicting with accuracy will be difficult.
queezing out the rest. No matter what 20 total reps should be completed.
s not expected. So don't be dissapointed if you have to use lighter weight than you anticipated.

To Do If You Miss A Weight?

our workout from there and redo the set. This new training max applies to rest of training cycle.
doesn't neccessarily impact the rest of the program since it is based on your goal max.

n Can You Run This Program?

le "resensitizing" myself to the effect of the next time I run this program for another cycle.

be or already are (depending on when you're reading this) uploaded to my site in PDF format.

s Program If Not An Advanced Lifter?

ression would need to be heavily manipulated. Once again, if no coach, not likely the best idea.
to draw are really overhyped.
Program" is made for intermediates and "Candito Linear Program" is made for beginners.

Regarding The Thoughts Behind This Program

Offseason Bench Press Protocol
Movement Sets x Reps
Bench Press 1 x 3 @ 80-90% 1 RM
Barbell Press 4x8
Chest Fly 5 x 12
Tricep Isolation 5 x 12
Upper Back Work Optional

"Barbell Press" refers to rotating betwen close grip bench, overhead press, and incline press.

Goal = Simply to maintain strength with minimum effective volume rather than maximimum recoverable volume.
Intensity (weight used) must be fairly high on the 1 triple to avoid complete detraining. Should be the hardest set of the worko
m recoverable volume.
ould be the hardest set of the workout.
Accessory #1 Options Accessory #2 Options 1 LB Week 1 Values
2 KG 220
Close Grip Bench Standing Overhead Barbell Pres3 -
Spoto Press Incline Bench Press 4
Slingshot Bench Press Seated Barbell Press 5 220
Wide Grip Bench Press Push Press 6 220

Week 2 Values Week 3 Values Week 4 Values Week 5 Values
220 220 220 220

220 220 220 220

220 220 220 220
100 100 100 100
100 100 100 100
3 3 3 3
100 100 100 100
Week 6 Values


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