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Region I
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
District of Bolinao
Bolinao, Pangasinan


Section: VI- Dahlia
Time: 1:30 – 2:20 p.m.
Date: February 18, 2019

A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate understanding of the characteristics of planets in the solar
B. Performance Standards
The learners should be able to design an emergency and prepared plan and kit.
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives (Write the LC code for each.)
Compare the planets of the solar system ( S6ES-IVg-h-6)
 Compare the inner planets

 The Planets of the Solar System (Inner Planets)

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages (Not Yet Issued)
2. Learner’s Materials pages (Not yet issued)
3. Textbook pages - Science Links 6 pages 444 - 447
4. CG

B. Other Learning Resources - Activity cards, pictures, video


A. Present a game. To check the previous learning they have about the solar system.(Pass the ball)

A star neart the earth ( S _ _ )

A heavenly body that revolves around the Earth (M _ _ N)
Movement around another object ( R _ _ _ L _ _ _ _ N)
The fourth planet from the sun ( _ A _ _ )
An object found between Mars and Jupiter ( A _ _ _ R _ _ _ S )
The ringed planet ( S _ _ _ R _ )
The nearest planet to the sun ( M _ _ _ _ _ Y )
The planet with 25 moons ( U _ _ _ _ S )
An imaginary curved line taken by the revolving planet ( O _ B _ _ )
A burning piece of rock from space ( M _ _ _ O _ _ )
Ask : What is the game about?
What comes in your mind about these words?
How much do you know about the solar system?
Do you want to learn more about the solar system? about the planets?

B. Group Activity
1. Group the class first and give instruction of what they are going to do.
2. Video Presentation
( Solar System- Inner Planets )
3. Let the pupils open the envelope for their group activity.
4. Guide the pupils in their group work.
Group 1
Study the information about the distance of inner planet from the sun.

Planets Distance from Sun (km.) Mercury 58 million Venus 108 million Earth 150 million
Mars 278 million
a. Draw an illustration like the one below in your manila paper. Arrange the planets from their
distance to the sun based on the given data.

b. Answer the following questions in your notebook.

1. Which inner plant is nearest to the sun?
2. Which planet is the third farthest from the sun?
3. Which planet is next to Mercury?
4. What is the distance from Mars to the sun?

Group 2
Study the information on the inner planets. Answer the exercise that follows.

Which are true about the inner planets? Copy these in your manila paper.
Refer to the information given to check whether your answers are correct.

1. Mercury is the fastest planet.

2. The earth has two moons.
3. If you live in Venus you can celebrate your birthday every after 225 days.
4. Venus is the most beautiful planet.
5. Mars has reddish color.
6. The nearer the planet to the sun, the fastest it moves around the sun.
7. Looking into the temperature of Mercury, life can exist there.
8. The presence of atmosphere can make life possible on Earth.
9. Mars has 2 moons.
10. The 4 inner planets move around the sun.
11. Planets have different distances from the sun.

Group 3
Describe the four inner planets. Choose the phrase that can describe them on the box below. Write the
answers in your manila paper. To check your answers, refer to Read and Learn more.

C. Group presentation of output.

Acknowledge the effort of the pupil.

D. Check the outputs of each group.

1. Give further explanation about the report of the group. (Power point Presentation)
2. Ask:
What is the center of the solar system?
What do you call the heavenly bodies that orbit around the sun?
What are the inner planets?
What is the largest volcano in the solar system? Where it is found?
E. Generalization:
What are the terrestrial planets?
Among the four planets, what planet has life? Why?
What makes Venus the strangest planet in the solar system?
What is the difference between Earth and Mars?
F.Application :
What will happen if there will be no fixed orbit of the planets?
If you are given a chance to be an astronaut like Neil Armstrong, what inner planet would you
like to visit? Why?
E. Evaluation: Choose the letter of the correct answer about the inner planets.
1. Mars is the _____________ smallest planet in the Solar System.
a. second b. first c. fourth
2. Earth is the _____________ planet from the sun.
a. second b. first c. third
3. Venus was named after the Roman goddess of ___.
a. grace and peace b. love and beauty c. Hope and eternity
4. There are ____ moons in Mercury.
a. 0 b. 2 c. 1
5. The largest volcano in the solar system is found in _____.
a. Earth b. Venus c. Mars

IV. ASSIGNMENT: Illustrate the inner planets like the diagram below.
Group 3
Describe the four inner planets. Choose the phrase that can describe them on the box below. Write the
answers in your manila paper. To check your answers, refer to Read and Learn more.
Group 2
Study the information on the inner planets. Answer the exercise that follows.

Which are true about the inner planets? Copy these in your manila paper.
Refer to the information given to check whether your answers are correct.

1. Mercury is the fastest planet.

2. The earth has two moons.
3. If you live in Venus you can celebrate your birthday every after 225 days.
4. Venus is the most beautiful planet.
5. Mars has reddish color.
6. The nearer the planet to the sun, the fastest it moves around the sun.
7. Looking into the temperature of Mercury, life can exist there.
8. The presence of atmosphere can make life possible on Earth.
9. Mars has 2 moons.
10. The 4 inner planets move around the sun.
11. Planets have different distances from the sun.
Group 1

Study the information about the distance of inner planet from the sun.

Planets Distance from Sun (km.) Mercury 58 million Venus 108 million Earth 150 million
Mars 278 million
a. Draw an illustration like the one below in your manila paper. Arrange the planets from their
distance to the sun based on the given data.

b. Answer the following questions in your notebook.

1. Which inner plant is nearest to the sun?
2. Which planet is the third farthest from the sun?
3. Which planet is next to Mercury?
4. What is the distance from Mars to the sun?

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