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“By 2040, the Philippines shall be a prosperous, predominantly middle-class society

where no one is poor. Our peoples will enjoy long and healthy lives, are smart and
innovative, and will live in a high-trust society”

This is the Vision 2040 articulated by the National Development Authority (NEDA)
as directions set by the Filipinos in 25 years. And we all know that education plays a vital
role in the realization of the individual and societal success guaranteed by our DepEd’s
Vision- Mission statements. In order to realize the mandate of the K to 12 curriculum our
learners must be grounded with the essential skills of the 21st century which is
communication, critical thinking and collaboration. Research evidences continue to
mount that early success in reading is the key to long term success and lifelong learning.
Elementary level is a preparation stage to the demands of high school skills and that if
there is no initiative to bridge the gap in learning then the skills of the learners will never
be sufficient to create a smart and innovative society.

The initiatives highlighted in this project are designed to support the implementation of
the Enhanced Basic Education Curriculum Act of 2013, section 5 which uses
contextualization, indigenization and localization to achieve its goals for the learners.
The cultural diversity of Distrct V particularly in Paco will be the strength of this innovation
that will make the remediation relevant, meaningful, and useful for the learners.

Pre- Demo proper
Jherico/Leny: Good afternoon everyone.

Jherico: Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to greet everyone a lovely Wednesday

Leny: why do we call this afternoon not just wonderful but also a day full of learning and
new experiences?

Leny: Yeah, you know we’ve anticipated long enough for this day to come,

Leny: But anticipation comes with painstaking efforts, sleepless nights and wishful
thoughts now come to reality. So what are we waiting for?

Jherico: the Long wait is over. On behalf of District V, we welcome you to our Demo
Lesson entitled:

(In Chorus) Development of Teacher Made Contextualized/ Localized Reading and

Speaking Materials Focus on Phonemic Awareness, Fluency, Comprehension and Critical

Jherico: Now may we request everyone of you to rise for our Nationalistic Song, to be
led and conducted by Ms. Loida S. Decin.

*Post nationalistic Song

Leny: Please remain standing, Let us all feel the presence of our Mighty God through our

*Post Invocation

Jherico: Please take your seats, again we would like to welcome you to our
Demonstration Lesson Development of Teacher Made Contextualized/ Localized
Reading and Speaking Materials Focus on Phonemic Awareness, Fluency,
Comprehension and Critical Thinking.

Jherico: You know it’s so nice to see every one of them in such a good mood today and
let us now forget the fact that you look stunning today, Ma’am Leny.
Leny: now what would make their moods even better is to give them words to feed their
souls and get themselves energized for our Demonstration for today.

Leny: So let us call on the alluring, hardworking, supportive and energetic principal of
Silahis ng katarungan Special School, Mrs. Reynora V. Laurenciano for our opening

Post-opening remarks

Leny: Thank you Ma’am Reynora.

Jherico: To geared us more for today’s activity let us call on the diligent, hardworking and
charismatic principal of Justo Lukban Elementary School, Dr. Meriam B. Collantes for her
Inspirational Message.

*Post Inspirational Message

Jherico: Thank you Dr. Collantes.

Leny: to enlighten us all to what this program is all about may we call on the small but
terrible PSDS, Mrs. Florence I. Edim for the Rationale of the Project and its Overview.

*Post Rationale of the Project and Overview

Leny: Thank you Ma’am Edim for such informative rationale.

Jherico: Now we are all geared up for our activity this afternoon, so without further adeu,
may we call on Dr. Museta R. Dantes PSDS of Aurora Elementary School for the
Presentation of the Demonstration Teacher.

*Demo Proper

Jherico: Let us give a round of applause to our remarkable and outstanding Demo
teachers and their pupils.

Leny: Again may we request the Presence of our Beloved District Supervisor Mrs. Florence
I. Edim, for our Post Conference.

Jherico: Why don’t we give ourselves a big hand for having this day.

Leny: We couldn’t done this successfully without our participants and our demo teachers
who spared their time attending this program.

Jherico: So let us move on to our awarding of certificates.

Let us hear whats inside this certificate, Ma’am Remy please do the honors.

Leny: ( insert certificate content)

Jherico: Let us do the distribution starting from (insert names)

*Post awarding of certificates

Leny: thank you everyone for sharing this moment with us

Jherico: And for our closing remarks, let us hear it from the simple yet remarkable Principal
of Celedonio Salvador Elementary School Mrs. Olivia B. Juaquin, Big hand for Her.

*Post closing remarks.

Jherico: Thank you for such a good words coming from you Ma’am Juaquin.

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