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The current population of Japan as of October 2018 is 127, 098, 509 based on United
Nations estimate as published by World Meters. It is equivalent to 1.67% of the total world
population. Along with these data, it is notable that the median age in Japan is 46.7 years.
Median age, in definition, is the age that divides a population into two numerically equal groups
– that is, half the people is younger than this age and half are older. It is a single index that
summarizes the age distribution of a population. Due to an increasing median age in the
population, Japan experiences an aging population.

In reference, Japan is a highly-developed and market-oriented economy. In fact,

Heritage.Org published that Japan’s economy is the third-largest in the world by nominal GDP
and the fourth-largest by purchasing power parity; also it’s the world’s second largest developed
economy. The rise in economy of Japan can be attributed to its main industries which revolve
around trade and involves motor vehicles, electronic equipment, machine tools, steel,
nonferrous metals, ships, chemicals, textiles, and processed foods. In summary, Japan’s
economy is based largely on its production.

As of the recent tabulation by World Bank (WB) last September 2017, Japan’s labor force is
at 65 million – 40% of whom were women – and was rapidly shrinking. One major long-term
concern for the Japanese labor force is its low birth rate. With a notable decline in labor force,
Japan relied heavily on foreign migrant workers to stabilize the growing demands of its Industrial

Moreover, the Japan’s aging population does not only poses challenges on the manpower
of its growing Industrial sector. This also provides problems in terms of health care among its
elderly population and thus, acquiring needs for health care workers.

In contrast, the current economic situation of our country, Philippines, cannot sustain the
number of Filipino workers as the labor force and thus cannot provide for jobs. Many Filipino
professionals and skilled-workers seek to work abroad due to this economic problem. Not only
bringing greener pastures to these workers, it has become a trend that influenced even the
newly-graduates and those who migrated from provinces going to the Imperial Manila. The
promise of financial stability offered in other countries had attracted millions of Filipinos.
For the above-mentioned reasons, the author would like to grasp the opportunity to provide
manpower needs through our very own equally-skilled and competent Filipino brothers and
sisters who seek employment abroad.


Rikurūto Recruitment Agency is our business name.

Rikurūto is a Japanese word, meaning “Recruit”.

3. Business Nature and Description

Rikurūto Recruitment Agency provides integrated human resource services. It

operates through the following healthcare/industrial segments: Nursing and carpentry. Built from
partnership with several industries and hospitals in Japan like Shimizu Corporation and Dokkyo
Medical University, our Manpower Agency ensures to provide appropriate jobs to our fellow
Filipinos who seek to work abroad. We ensure that our partners have great service and equity
while delivering safety and excellence.

4. Service Description

The recruitment agency will be introduce to newly graduated students we particularly

target nursing schools like Cebu Normal University, West Visayas State University, University of
Santo Tomas, Silliman University, Chinese General Hospital Colleges, De La Salle Health
Services Institute, Far Eastern University Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation and many more.
The recruitment center will open opportunities for the future successful Nurses. And as for our
partnership with Shimizu Cooperation we shall open up to hard working Filipinos around the

5. Business Location

 Industry and Location

The recruitment center will enter the market by partnering with well-known
nursing schools so that we can be a dream of the future generations, and as for our
construction we will have connections in different provinces, since people tend to have
a greater calling we want to show that skilled people can make it. And we will use a app

 Schools
Schools has a great influence in the mind of a student our partnership with
nursing schools can inspire a student to work abroad and we will be ready for them we
will accept them, train them and will nurture their mind with great excellence and ethics

 Provinces
Having connections in provinces that teaches future construction workers will
open up great opportunities for our company to have a broaden scope of our future
employees. Plus we can show what the Filipino people no matter where we are honest
and hardworking.

 Business Abroad App

In this app we can advertise our recruitment center all over the Philippines it will
also help finding us people who wants to work abroad.

 Location Plan

The best location for Rikurūto is in proximity to airports (NAIA) so our partners
can have a short travel whenever they come here for business meetings. The traffic in
Manila is somehow problematic; thus proximate location to international airport will
not burden them. This will ensure safety and comfort. Also, we would like to build
Rikurūto in BGC, so our clients can explore one of our successful cities here in the
Philippines. Showing our own brand of industry built in Filipino’s innate nature of
hospitality and hard work, we can influence them to maximize the recruitment of
Filipinos as part of their labor force.
 Example Of Office with classroom

 Classroom

 Outer
 Inner

6. Business Logo and Tagline

 Business Logo

Our Business logo shows the business name Rikurūto alongside a mountain
which closely resembles Mount Fuji.
Mount Fuji is purposely added in the logo so as to provide people with idea that
this recruitment agency targets market who are willing to seek opportunities in Japan.
Furthermore, Mt Fuji is one of Japan’s “Three Holy Mountains” along with Mt Tate and
Mt Haku. It is also a Special Place of Scenic Beauty and one of Japan’s historic sites.
Mt Fuji is the highest mountain in japan and the kanji for mount Fuji is 富 and 士 , It
means wealth or abundant and a man of status. Which represent us Filipino.

 Tagline

In “Discipline comes greatness” – this is our tag line which inspires Filipino
workers to that of the Japanese. Yes, Filipinos are resilient and hardworking yet
discipline is something that we really lack – a far cry from that of Japanese’s Discipline.
The difference in our economic status – Japan and Philippines can speak well enough
of how critical discipline is in achieving national prosperity.

7. Target Market

The business has two target market that was segmented in the health care and
industrial sector. For the health care sector, our agency offers opportunities for Nurses to
work in Japan. Unlike other agencies which require work experience among nurses, we will
focus on nursing students and fresh graduates of BS Nursing.
For the industrial sector which covers skilled Carpentry, we target workers on a flexible
age range, but since our partners prefer younger and stronger workers, we will prioritize on
age range of 25 – 35 y/o who are very willing to work in Japan.
Rikurūto main targets are the workers who want to go abroad and learn a new
language and we will provide them with knowledge, skills, and attitude in reference to

8. Capitalization

To start the business we would like an initial capitalization of Php 2,000,000.00.

The said amount shall support Rikurūto in its initial phase to cover expenses.
 Location - First in the location of Rikurūto we need somewhere to rent a place,
which would cost us Php 68,000 a month because we need an office that large
enough to have a classroom.

 Japanese Professors - We need to hire professional mentors that are trained to

teach on what the ethics in japan is. That would cost us Php 25,000 per month.

 Staffs – a monthly salary of Php 25,000 per staff we would at least need 6 staffs
so that would make it 150,000 for month.

 Electricity - Php 16,000 for the electricity bills because we have an office and a

 Office Supplies - Php 350,000 that includes, office furniture (tables, chairs,
dividers), audio-visual equipment (computers, laptop, projectors), internet access
and etc.

 Registration - would at least cost us Php 25,000. That includes the Mayors
permit and etc.

9. Business Objectives

 Long-term

In the end of 2021 we should have given a lot of jobs and gain P1, 000,000 in
our income and has reach out to a lot of schools and have a lot of connections.

 Short-term
We should have at least 3 partnership in terms of schools and have generated at
least Php 400,000 to Php 900,000 in our partnership in Japan.

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