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Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare Script adapted from Cinna’s Easy Plays from Shakespeare 4 Characters ANTONIO, a merchant BASSSANIO, his friend, lover of PORTIA SHYLOCK, a moneylender SERVANT DUKE OF VENICE PORTIA, wife of BASSSANIO NERISSA, her maid LORENZO Jessica's lover (later husband) JESSICA Shylock’s daughter SCENE 15 (Enter ANTONIO and SERVANT, separately.) Servant: Signor Antonio. Antonio: Yes? Servant; The duke wishes to speak with you. (Enter DUKE and BASSANIO) Duke: Antonio. Antonio: Your Grace. Duke’ Antonio, I am sorry for you. Shylock demands that you fulfill his contract. Shylock is correct but inhuman. Antonio’ I know Your Grace has taken great pains to dissuade Shylock, and I thank you. Duke: So far, [have failed. Go and call Shylock into this court, (Exit SERVANT) Bassanio, Antonio is in danger for your sake. Bassanio: Duke: Bassanio: Duke Shylock Bassanio: Shylock: Bassanio: Shylock: Duke’ Shylock: Bassanio: Shylock. Antonio’ Bassanio: Shylock: Bassanio: Shylock: Duke: Shylock: I know it well, Your Grace. We must save him, Every lawyer in Venice has been consulted, and today I have received a message from old Dr. Bellario in Mantua. Can he help ? I don't know yet. (Enter SHYLOCR)Shylock, stand before me. ‘The world thinks, and I think so too, that you demand fulfillment of your contract out of malice. It is thought you will press until the last moment, and then show mercy. I hope so. How can the flesh of Antonio help you ? Your Grace, Antonio freely entered this bond. Ask him. Give me my due. If you refuse, then the laws of Venice are nothing and the freedom of the city is threatened, This is no answer to the Duke's question Antonio has insulted me and many Jews of Venice for years. He is now at my mercy. Does that answer your question? I don't like such an answer. I did not try to please you with my choice of answer. Do all men kill the thing they do not love ? Does any man hate the thing he does not wish to kill ? Every hate docs not begin as a hate. ‘Oh ? Would you have a snake bite you twice, then ? Stop. This is useless. His Grace the Duke must give us his judgement. You gave me three thousand ducats. 1 did. You did not repay me. Here are six thousand. No. The time is finished. I want my bond. If you show no mercy, how can you expect mercy for yourself? Me? Do I need mercy? No, indeed. I have done no wrong. I fear no judgement. Why do you ask me to change ? I bought a piece of Antonio, and now I demand delivery. Every man here has bought slaves, many slaves. You treat them worse than dogs. Shall I say to you, "Free your slaves. Give them soft beds and dainty dishes to cat"? IfT say this, you laugh and say " The slaves are mine." Very well, Shylock laughs and says one pound of Antonio is his. You have bought many men. Thave bought one small piece of Antonio. This is a court. 'The Duke is our judge Task judgement, What is Your Grace's answer ? Duke: This problem is too! great for me. No lawyer in Venice can find an answer. Shylock: So, I may cut ? Duke’ Not yet. I have received a message from Mantua. The leamed Dr. Bellario is interested in this case, Shylock: Dr. Bellario ? Duke: Call Dr. Bellario. Servant: Dr. Bellario ! (Enter NERISSA dressed as a man; no one recognises her) Duke: Sir, are you doctor Bellario ” Nerissa No, Your Grace, I am not. But here is a letter from him, (DUKE takes letter and reads.) Bassanio (to ANTONIO) : Courage, Antonio. The Jew must murder me before he has one drop of your blood, Antonio (to BASSANTO) : You may soon write my obituary, Bassanio. (SHYLOCK takes his knife, turns foot to expose sole of shoe, and sharpens knife.) Bassano: Why do you do that, Shylock ? Shylock: To fulfill our contract. Antonio: My heart is not so hard. Duke (Finishes reading.) : This letter is from Dr. Bellario, but he cannot come here himself: He recommends a young Dr. Balthasar. He says he has never known such an old head on such young shoulders. Where is the young doctor Balthasar ? Nerissa He is waiting outside, Your Grace. Duke’ Bring him in.

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