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Credit to: [NA-82]森林丶hime, [NA-140]森林丶kahou,

[NA-39] 地瓜ミaerii
Note: The information provided was gathered based on personal experience as well as the information that is listed below each 
gem. If there are any changes that are needed, please contact us through the discord or in game. 

AGI (Agility): 
● AGI determines the order that heros attack and use their skill in battle the hero with highest 
AGI will go first (in comparison with both teams) 
● Later game, AGI is the key factor in winning a battle 
● Most useful for support heroes and scholars 
● Tips on Boosting AGI : 
○ AGI gems 
○ Merak/Bliss Gear (5 full set) 
○ AGI based treasures (Random bonus attribute) 
○ Upgrading and quenching boots first 
DEF (Defense):  
● DEF reduces the amount of damage taken 
● Most useful for frontline heroes 
● Tips on Boosting DEF : 
○ DEF gems 
○ Serenity/Royal (5 full set) 
○ DEF based treasures (Parasol, Orb) 
○ Upgrading and quenching robe first 
RES (Resilience): 
● RES reduces the chance for a critical hit 
● Most useful for frontline heroes 
○ Typically RES isn’t beneficial as DEF as DEF directly reduces the amount of damage 
taken while RES only reduces a chance of CRIT which may not occur at all in the first 
● Tips on Boosting RES : 
○ RES gems 
○ Royal/Serenity (4 pieces) 
○ RES based treasures (Parasol, Lamp) 
○ Upgrading and quenching robe and hood first 
HP (Hit Points): 
● HP is how much health a hero has 
● Most useful for frontline heroes, namely Wan’er 
● Tips on Boosting HP : 
○ HP gems 
○ Any two pieces of a set worn provides an HP bonus 
○ HP based treasures (Fan, Bracelet, Lamp) 
○ Upgrading and quenching hood first 
EVA (Evasion): 
● EVA allows heroes to evade (avoid) an attack 
○ Compared to other gems recommended for frontline heroes, EVA is the least useful 
for them excluding Gao as the probability of an evasion is still low 
○ 1-2 high level EVA gems on a hero is enough 
○ Not recommended for heroes that have RES gems already 
● Most useful for frontline heroes, namely Gao whose passive counterattack skill activates when 
he evades 
● Tips on Boosting EVA : 
○ EVA gems 
○ Serenity/Royal (3 pieces) 
○ EVA based treasures (Fan, Pendant, Bracelet) 
○ Upgrading and quenching boots first 
ACC (Accuracy): 
● ACC reduces the chance of an evasion occurring 
○ Typically ACC isn’t beneficial as CRIT/ATK as CRIT/ATK directly increases the 
amount of damage taken while ACC only increases a chance of ACC (accuracy) which 
may not occur at all in the first place 
○ Normally, 1-2 high level ACC gems on a hero is more than enough 
● Tips on Boosting ACC : 
○ ACC gems 
○ Unity/Duality Gear (3 pieces) 
○ Merak/Bliss (3 pieces) 
○ ACC based treasures (Pendant, Hook) 
○ Upgrading and quenching necklace first 
CRIT (Critical): 
● CRIT increases the chance for extra damage 
● CRIT along with ATK are instrumental for scholars 
● Tips on Boosting CRIT : 
○ CRIT gems 
○ Unity/Duality Gear (4 pieces) 
○ Merak/Bliss (4 pieces) 
○ CRIT based treasures (Stamp) 
○ Upgrading and quenching pendant first 
ATK (Attack): 
● Increases damage hero deals to the target 
● ATK is instrumental for backline scholars (especially along with CRIT) 
● Tips on Boosting ATK : 
○ ATK gems 
○ Unity/Duality Gear (5 full set) 
○ ATK based treasures (Stamp, Hook, Pendant, Orb) 
○ Upgrading and quenching pendant and necklace first 

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