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Tutorial 1

1. What is the meaning of ‘Animal Biotechnology’ and its objectives?

2. Humans began domesticating animals more than 10,000 years ago beginning

3. Name 3 technologies that mentioned in the lecture notes.

4. Name 5 areas/ fields that got benefit from animal biotechnology.

5. What is Bio steel?

6. The technology in which gene is deleted or inactivated are called …………………

7. …………………… is the process of transplanting organs, tissues or cells between

different species.

8. Transgenic pigs was used as human disease model. Name one of the disease.

9. Name one of the most promising animal used in xenotransplantation.

10. What is the code of module Animal Biotechnology?

11. Name 3 purposes of interaction between human and animal.

12. Genetic modification of animal was first achieved with ……….. in ………., and of
cattle, sheep and pigs by about 1985.

13. Why are animals used instead of genetically modified microbes or plants?

14. Name 3 technologies of ART.

15. Introduce specific, desirable traits that may or may not be naturally occurring refer to
………………………. technology.

16. Give 2 pros and cons of natural breeding.

17. Dolly the sheep had ………… mothers.

18. Name 5 genetically modified animals.

19. List out 5 concerns about the use of animal biotechnology in agriculture and

20. Name product of pharmaceutical that has been approved by the FDA in us.

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