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ONI and ME

To achieve sustainability we must create balance in four areas: our health & well-being, nature’s
health, economic health, and societal health. In order to find this balance we must use critical
thinking skills so that we can understand the connections that link these forces together. When
we connect ideas we can better solve for a sustainable future.

To encourage complex and critical thinking skills in young children, we use a compass tool
where the children explore a concept and practice making connections. While studying
Huicholes and Tapatios, we created a Venn diagram to help make visible children’s
understanding of what is similar and different between these two groups of people as well as to
connect by finding what do we have in common. From this exercise children were asked to draw
their knowledge.

We are the same…

Cayetano- Tapatios and Huicholes like to play.
Ana Sophia- We both use sandals for shoes.
Manu- We both sell art for money.
Majo- We are both Mexican.
Addison- We both make art.
Ivanna- It gets cold in the mountains and the city.
We are different…
Sergio- Tapatios live in the city.
Luciano- Tapatios have lots of food.
Ben- The Huicholes don’t have lots of materials in their school.
Natalia- Huicholes don’t have benches to sit on in their church.
Filippo- Tapatios have money.
Loretta- We are born in different places.
Lucia- Huicholes live in the mountains.
Gabe- The Huicholes don’t have libraries.
Ben- The Huicholes don’t have bicycles.
Majo- Tapatios use cars and Huicholes walk.
Filippo- Tapatio classrooms are full of materials and toys.
Ben- Tapatio classrooms also have backpacks and pencils.
Paula- The Huicholes have a little bit of food.
Sergio- The Huicholes get milk from ONI.
Filippo- Tapatios use bathtubs.
Theo- Huicholes drink water from the mountains.
Loretta- Tapatios give sweaters and blankets to the Huicholes.

On a different day the Compass tool was introduced to the entire group and each child placed
their drawing (from the Venn diagram exercise) into one of the four areas (Nature, Money, Us,
and Me). When placing their drawing, the child needed to explain their thinking as to why their
idea belonged in the chosen area. ​ *It was important to let children know that there is no right or
wrong answer. Their idea needed to be logical, connecting their knowledge to the concept.
During the whole group activity, a few children explained that their idea fit in more than one
group. I introduced the idea of placing an arrow so that their idea could connect visibly to the
other areas while staying in one spot. The requirement was that the child needed to explain their
thinking in order to draw the arrow.​ *I noticed that few children were able to explain that their
concept fit into more than one area.​ ​I think making connections is hard because it requires
flexibility, background knowledge, and the ability to communicate clearly one’s thinking. I was
very conscious of keeping the attention of the entire group so once a few children could share
their “ah-ha” moment when connecting their idea into another area I decided to stop the activity.
The following days I sat with each child individually and we revisited the Compass tool together.

Cayetano-​ I saw the Huicholes playing soccer in your photo, Ms. Stefanie. I placed “playing
soccer” in the section “Me” because soccer allows me to run fast. It can also go in “Nature”
because we play outside. It can also go in “Other” because we need others to play with. We can
ask, “Do you want to play?” to our friends. And I can put “playing soccer” in the section “Money”
because I need money to buy a ball.

Natalia​- I remember a photo that you showed us of the Huicholes’ pets. I realized we all have
pets. I placed my idea in the area of “Us” because both the Huicholes and the Tapatios have
pets. I think my idea can also go in “Money” because we have to buy food for our pets. We also
need “Nature” because that is where our pets go to the bathroom. My pets make me feel happy

Manu​- I love the Huichol art. It is so beautiful. I put my idea that “we need to buy Huichol art” in
the area of “Money” because we need money to buy their art. The Huichol art makes me feel
happy so I can draw an arrow to “Me” because my idea also belongs there, too. I also think that
we need others (“Us”) to buy the art because I can’t buy it all myself. And the Huicholes need
the mountains (“Nature”) to inspire their art. They make butterflies and coyotes. Those animals
come from nature.

Filippo-​ The Huicholes don’t have a lot of money. I put my idea, “Huicholes can’t buy televisions
or cars” in the “Money” section. I think my idea also connects to “Us” because the Huicholes
need us to give them money. We buy their art because we like it and that gives them the

Paula-​ I put my idea of “little food” in the area “Us” because the Huicholes need us to help them
have more food. I think if we give them seeds they can grow their own food in the mountains

Maria Jose​- When I was learning about Huicholes I saw that they walk a lot to get water to
drink. I think we all walk so we have that in common with the Huicholes. My idea was “Mexicans
walk and run.” I put my idea in the section called “Us” because we all exercise and use our
bodies. I can also put an arrow to “Me” because exercise is good for me. And I exercise outside
in nature so my idea fits in “Nature” too. Oh, and I need “Money” to buy tennis shoes so I can
exercise. My idea fits in all the areas!

Theo​- I wonder if Huicholes use bicycles? I put my idea of “bicycles” in the group “Us” because I
know some Tapatios have bicycles. I can draw an arrow to “Money” because to get a bicycle
you need money. Since riding a bicycle keeps my body healthy I can also draw an arrow to “Me”
and since we go places, my idea also fits in “Nature”.

Emilia​- I like the clothes that the Huicholes wear. I put my idea of “clothes” in the area of “Us”
because we all use clothes. We use clothes in “Nature” or else we get cold in the mountains. I
remember when we brought sweaters and shoes to the Huicholes because it was cold and they
didn’t have enough clothes to keep them warm. The Huicholes need “Us” to bring them clothes.

Lucia​- Huicholes “live in the mountains” and that is “Nature”. I feel happy in the mountains
(“Me”). I made an arrow to “Us” because Tapatios and Huicholes live in the mountains. Some
people live in Tapalpa, Mazamitla and in the Sierra. The Huicholes live in houses “in the
mountains” and they need “Money” so we made bowls to sell so ONI could make milk to bring to
the Huicholes in the mountains.

Gabe​- My idea about the Huicholes and the Tapatios is that we all live in “houses”. I saw in your
pictures, Ms. Stefanie, that their houses look different than ours. They don’t have a kitchen
inside like mine. I put my idea in “Us” because we all have houses. I think my idea also fits in
“Nature” because there are houses at the beach and in the mountains. I love my house so I can
draw an arrow to “Me”, too.
Loretta​- When we were learning about the Huicholes I thought about the Tapatios and how we
have houses, sweaters, blankets (“Us”). I put my idea in “Money” because the Huicholes need
money to buy these things and because they live in the mountains (“Nature”) they have a hard
time getting food. The Huicholes live in the mountains where it is cold so I brought them
sweaters (“Me”) one day. Remember, Ms. Stefanie?

Marcelo​- I feel happy with books so I put my idea in “Me”. We all read books so I think my idea
also fits in “Us”. Books come from nature because we have to cut down trees to make books so
I can also put my idea in “Nature”. I don’t think Huicholes have books because they don’t have a
lot of money so I think my idea can go in “Money”, too.

Luciano​- Both the Huicholes and the Tapatios need food. I put “food” in the area of “Money”
because you need money to buy food. Fruit comes from nature so I can also put “food” in the
area of “Nature”.

Ana Sophia​- I saw the Huicholes and the Tapatios shoes in a photo you brought, Ms. Stefanie.
The Huicholes used sandals and the Tapatio used tennis shoes. I put “shoes” in the area of “Us”
because we all use shoes. I think “shoes” can also go in “Money” because you need money to
buy shoes. The Huicholes need shoes so they don’t cut their feet on rocks (“Nature”).

Addison​- I remember when we talked about the Huicholes getting their water from the river. My
idea, “Water” can be in the area of “Nature” because water comes from mountains in nature. I
feel happy when I drink water.

Lucianna​- We all wear cloths so I put “clothes” in “Us”. We can sell clothes for money so
“clothes” also fits in “Money”. “Clothes” also fits in “Nature” because we sent clothes to the
Huicholes because it is cold in nature. I feel sad (“Me”) because the Huicholes are cold with no
money to buy clothes. I want to help them by bringing clothes.

Nicole​- Tapatios have swimming pools. Well, some of them do. So, I want to put my idea of
“swimming pools” in the group “Money” because some people can buy pools. I want to buy a
pool for the Huicholes. Also, we need “Nature” because water comes from rain clouds and that
is outside.

Sergio​- We bring “milk” to the Huicholes and they live in the mountains, which is outside, so my
idea fits in “Nature”. You can put my idea of “milk” in the group “Money” because you can buy
milk and ONI will bring the milk to the Huicholes. “Milk” can go in “Us” because the Tapatios
bring the milk. It makes me happy to share (“Me”)!

Ivanna​- Huicholes live in the cold mountains (“Nature”). I like the Huicholes’ smiles, that makes
me feel happy (“Me”). The Huicholes need money to buy jackets (“Money”) because they live in
the cold mountains.
Ichika​- We all have clothes (“Us). We need money to buy clothes (“Money”). You need a jacket
to stay warm (“Nature”). I feel happy to give blankets and jackets to the Huicholes (“Me”).

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