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Version 2009
SAP SD Pricing Basics

Document Name
Course Objectives

The term pricing is used broadly to describe the
calculation of prices (for external use by
customers or vendors) and costs (for internal
purposes, such as cost accounting). To arrive
pricing for a sales order line item there will be
multiple components which are represented by
condition types.

Document Name
Pricing Elements

Pricing Procedure
Condition Type
Access Sequence
Access or Condition Table
Condition Record

• Pricing Procedure:
• It is group of condition types in a particular sequence.

• Path: SPROÆIMGÆSales and DistributioÆBasic FunctionsÆPricingÆPricing

ControlÆ Maintain pricing procedures

Document Name
Pricing Procedure Determination

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Document Pricing Procedure:

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Define Document Pricing Procedure & options

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Customer Pricing Procedure:

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Define Customer Pricing Procedure & Options

Document Name
Pricing – Condition type
It is a representation of different pricing components involved e.g. You can define
different condition types for each kind of price, discount or surcharge that occurs in
your business transactions. Condition Type is linked to an access sequence.

Path: SPROÆIMGÆSales and DistributionÆBasic FunctionsÆPricingÆPricing

ControlÆDefine Condition TypesÆDefine Condition Types

Document Name
Access Sequence
An access sequence is a search strategy that the system uses to find valid data for a
particular condition type. It determines the sequence in which the system searches for
data. The access sequence consists of one or more accesses or condition table. The
sequence of the accesses establishes which condition records have priority over others.
The accesses tell the system where to look first, second, and so on, until it finds a valid
condition record .
Access Sequence is a combination of Condition Table in a logical order to obtain a
condition record.
It is assigned to Condition Type

Path: SPROÆIMGÆSales and DistributionÆBasic FunctionsÆPricingÆPricing

ControlÆDefine Access SequencesÆMaintain Access Sequences

Document Name
Pricing : Condition Table
A condition table defines the combination of fields (the key) that identifies an individual
condition record. A condition record is how the system stores the specific condition data that
you enter in the system as condition records. Condition Tables are assigned in Access
Sequence in a particular sequence. Condition tables are named as AXXX where XXX is 3
digit table numbers.
Path: SPROÆIMGÆSales and DistributionÆBasic FunctionsÆPricingÆPricing
ControlÆ Define Condition TablesÆMaintain Access

Document Name
Pricing : Condition Record
It is record or data stored in Condition Table. Condition records allow to store and retrieve
pricing data in the system. All the pricing elements of daily business - the prices, discounts,
and surcharges for freight and taxes - that we want to use for automatic pricing must be
stored in the system as condition records. We can define as many condition records as we
want for the different pricing elements for any validity period. Condition Record is retrieved
from condition table using following condition technique.

Document Name
Example - Pricing

An example to show how SAP calculates Pricing for one of Sales Line item and
which table stores pricing data.
Sales Area: 0001/01/01
Document Type: OR gives Doc Pricing Procedures as A
Customer: 1000 gives Customer Pricing Procedure as 1
Combination of above 5 values determines Pricing Procedure as RVAA01

Document Name
Pricing : Condition Table

Document Name
There are 4 condition types for line item 10(Material 1962). To arrive how pricing for
condition type PR00 is calculated
1. Get Access Sequence for Condition Type PR00

2. For Access Sequence PR02 Get Condition Tables as below.

Document Name
3. Execute Transaction VK13 (Display Condition Records) for each of the above
table in sequence until record is found.

Condition Record from Condition Table 305 is shown as below. Since Condition record is
found in first condition table itself, there is no need to go into further condition tables.

Document Name
Pricing Tables

Pricing Tables:

KONH Conditions (Header)

NONP Conditions (Item)
KONV Conditions (Transaction Data)
T683V Pricing Procedures: Determination in Sales Docs.
T683S Pricing Procedure: Data (Get list of Condition Type
assigned to Pricing Procedure)
T685 Conditions: Types (Get Access Seq. for Cond. Type)
T682I Conditions: Access Sequences (Get Cond. Table for
Access Seq.)

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Thank you

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