The Use of Discovery Learning Method To Improve Students' English Interest in The 8 Grade of Mts Ma'Arif Nu 1 Wangon

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Submitted to fulfill the structure task as the middle term test of Classroom Action

Lecturer: Agus Husein As-Sabiq, M.Pd.

Compiled by:

Muhammad Ikhsanul Fahmi (1617404029)






A. Background of Classroom Problems

English is the one of foreign language that learned by the students in
Indonesia. They learned it start from elementary school to senior high sch ool.
English lesson also being a subject in National Examination. Accordingly that,
English is an important lesson and moreover, English is also being the
International language that is help the students who live in millennial era. But
generally, the students still have difficulty of learning English. Most of them
thought that English is a complicated lesson. The students feel so hard to
understand well about English. Either it is about the material or about the
The problems that appear in the class while English learning is caused by
two kind of factors, those are internal and external factors. The internal factors
are come from the students. The students have less motivation to learn the
English. They don’t think yet that English is important and also most of them
don’t have interest with English lesson. Then, lack of concentration, bored and
their laziness are become the common factors that cause the students cannot
understand the material. The second factors is external factors. The facility of
the class also become the reason whether the lesson that given is success or not.
Those problem especially for the internal factors can be solved by the right
method. The teacher should have a good method to solve to the students’
problem. The problems also can be solved by using media to facilitate students
in mastering the material. For example : dictionary, computer, the LCD, and
language laboratory.
Based on the observation experience that has been done in class 8c of MTs
Ma’arif NU 1 Wangon that the teacher is Mrs. Safri, the problems that students
have are almost the same. The first day was meeting with the teacher on
November, 8th 2018 and did the interview by giving some question, then the
second day was entering the class to observed while English learning. The
material that given was about “Greeting Card”. The students was introduced the
material by the Mrs.Safri, like the definition, kinds of and the examples. Mrs.
Safri also gave the keywords that were the main word or the words that usually
used in greeting card with the meaning to the students. After that, the student
asked to try the exercises. Some students looks confused even the teacher has
given the keywords and some of them didn’t bring the dictionary. Some other
still make a noise and playing in the class.The condition of the class while
learning was crowded and the weather was so hot. Just a few students that
followed the class well.
The method that solve the problem may could use discovery learning.
Discovery learning is learning method that emphasis on student learning
activities. In this method, the teacher just being a mentor and facilitator to direct
the students found the concept and learn by theirselves. Besides, the teacher also
can make a group discussion or some games while the teacher gave the
exercises. It will be more get the students attention and grab some interest of
student in learning.

B. Identification of The Problems

1. The students thought that English is complicated lesson.
2. The students still lack in vocabulary.
3. The students have less motivation and another internal factors.
4. The uncomplete facility of the class.

C. Research Questions
1. What is the function of Discovery Learning?
2. How Discovery Learning process to solve the problems of students in the
class 8c of MTs Ma’arif NU 1 Wangon?
3. Why Discovery Learning is available to handle the condition in learning
activites in the class 8c of MTs Ma’arif NU 1 Wangon after using Discovery
Learning method?
D. Objectives And Significane of The Research
1. Objectives
a. To know what is the function of discovery learning.
b. To find out whether discovery learning appropriate to solve the problems
of student in learning activities in the class 8c of MTs Ma’arif NU 1
c. To find out whether discovery learning can handle the class condition
while learning in the class 8c of MTs Ma’arif NU 1 Wangon.
2. Significance
a. Theoretically
The purpose of this research is to find out that discovery learning is
effective to solve the problem that happened in the class of 8c MTs
Ma’arif NU 1 Wangon.
b. Practically
 Researcher
To improve the knowledge and the understanding about the
technique that used to solve the problems of students. To increase
the experience and insight in educational research or in scientific
writing, so it can be used as a provision in the future.
 Readers
The readers are expected to use this as a source of knowledge about
the techniques that use to control the class.
 The Teachers
T he teacher are expected to understand as well what the Discovery
Learing is before it is applied to the students. The teacher are needed
to apply this method based on the students problems that will be
 The Students
Expecting that the students’ problem at least will be falling off
because of the use of the Discovery Learning method and it is the
appropriate way to solve the problem especially that students have
more interest toward english learrning.


A. Theoritical Review
1. Discovery Learning
Discovery Learning was introduced by Jerome Bruner, and is a
method of Inquiry-Based Instruction. This popular theory encourages
learners to build on past experiences and knowledge, use their
intuition, imagination and creativity, and search for new information
to discover facts, correlations and new truths. Learning does not equal
absorbing what was said or read, but actively seeking for answers and
2. The 5 Principles of Discovery Learning Model
The Discovery Learning Model integrates the following 5 principles :
a. Principle 1: Problem Solving.
Instructors should guide and motivate learners to seek for
solutions by combining existing and newly acquired information
and simplifying knowledge. This way, learners are the driving
force behind learning, take an active role and establish broader
applications for skills through activities that encourage risks,
problem-solving and probing.
b. Principle 2: Learner Management.
Instructors should allow participants to work either alone or
with others, and learn at their own pace. This flexibility makes
learning the exact opposite of a static sequencing of lessons and
activities, relieves learners from unnecessary stress, and makes
them feel they own learning.
c. Principle 3: Integrating and Connecting.
Instructors should teach learners how to combine prior
knowledge with new, and encourage them to connect to the real
world. Familiar scenarios become the basis of new information,
encouraging learners to extend what they know and invent
something new.
d. Principle 4: Information Analysis and Interpretation.
Discovery learning is process-oriented and not content-
oriented, and is based on the assumption that learning is not a mere
set of facts. Learners in fact learn to analyze and interpret the
acquired information, rather than memorize the correct answer.
e. Principle 5: Failure and Feedback.
Learning doesn’t only occur when we find the right
answers. It also occurs through failure. Discovery learning does not
focus on finding the right end result, but the new things we
discover in the process. And it’s the instructor’s responsibility to
provide feedback, since without it learning is incomplete.
3. The Discovery Learning Model Techniques
The discovery learning educational sessions should be well-
designed, highly experiential and interactive. Instructors should use
stories, games, visual aids and other attention-grabbing techniques that
will build curiosity and interest, and lead learners in new ways of
thinking, acting and reflecting.
The techniques utilized in Discovery Learning can vary, but
the goal is always the same, and that is the learners to reach the end
result on their own. By exploring and manipulating situations,
struggling with questions and controversies, or by performing
experiments, learners are more likely to remember concepts and newly
acquired knowledge.
4. The Discovery Learning Model Key Advantages And Drawbacks
Discovery learning has many key advantages, such as:
 It encourages motivation, active involvement, and creativity
 It can be adjusted to the learner’s pace
 It promotes autonomy and independence
 It ensures higher levels of retention
However, as all models, it has also few drawbacks that can be
summarized as follows:
 It needs a solid framework, because the endless wandering and
seeking for answers might be confusing.
 It shouldn’t be used as a main instruction method, because it has
limitations in practice and might produce inadequate education.
 Instructors need to be well prepared and anticipate the questions
they may receive, and be able to provide the right answers or
 At a certain level, it rejects the idea that there are significant skills
and knowledge that all learners should need to learn.
5. Interest
Interest is one of the psychological aspects that can encourage
people achieving goals. Someone who has an interest in an object,
tends to give attention or feel greater pleasure to the object. However,
if the object does not cause pleasure, then the person does not will
have interest in the object. Therefore, high and low attention or
someone's pleasure in the object is influenced by the high or low
interest that person.
Interest is not something that someone has only, but is
something that can be developed (Singer, 1991: 93). The interest that
has existed in someone does not exist by itself, however there is
because of the experience and effort to develop it.
Interest can arise because of the attraction from the outside and
also from the heart. Great interest in something is a capital that means
a lot to reach or obtain objects or destinations that is interest. The big
interest in learning tends to produce high achievements, on the
contrary, less of interest in learning will produce low achievement
(Dalyono, 1996: 56-57). In an effort to get something, interest is
needed. The size of the small interest that is owned will greatly
influence the results to be obtained.
In simple terms, interest means interest and enthusiasm high or
great desire for something (Muhibbin, 2011: 152). Interest is a strong
impulse in someone towards something. Interest is feeling more like
and feeling interested in something or activity, without someone asked
(Slameto, 2007: 121). Interest can arise by itself, which is suspected
by the feeling of liking something.

B. Research Methods
This research is a classroom action research by using a qualitative
approach. It is the research used as a measuring tool for teachers dealing
with their own teaching process. It is also used to measure how effective
the method they use in helping the students to learn the material.

C. Subject and Object of The Research

This classroom action research will be used to solve the problem
faced by the students of grade VIII C of MTs Ma’arif NU 1 Wangon. The
subjects of the research assumes getting the lower interest on theirselves in
English class. As this action research aims at using Discovery Learning to
improve students’ interest and the objects of this research is students’

D. Techniques and Instrument of Data Collection

The technique of data collection in this research, uses some
techniques and instruments. They are direct observation, interview,
documentation, and questionnaire. The instruments of direct observation
are the form of observation sheet and field notes.
The interviews will be supported by the use of existing media such
as digital camera and audio recorder. It is help to find out the students
want, need, and problems that the students feel during the teaching
learning process that hope to improve the way of teaching and also the
students’ interest.
The same as the interview, giving questionnary to the student is
needed to collect the data about the how far the student interest. The items
of the questionnary consist of the desire to learn English, determined to
learning English, the intensity of student interest.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

According to the miles and Huberman, the analysis activities
consist of three activities that occur simultaneously, namely data
reduction, data presentation, and conclusion / verification. Occurring
simultaneously means reducing data, presenting data, and drawing
conclusions/verifications as something intertwined intertwine is a cycle
and interaction process at the time before, during, and after collecting data
in parallel form that builds general insights called "analysis" (Ulber
Silalahi, 2009: 339). Data analysis techniques used in qualitative research
include transcripts of interviews, data reduction, analysis, data
interpretation and triangulation. From the results of data analysis,
conclusions can then be drawn. The following is a data analysis technique
used by researchers:
1. Data Reduction
Data reduction is the process of selecting, focusing on
simplification, abstracting, rough data transformation which emerged
from field notes (Miles and Huberman (1992: 16)). The steps taken
are sharpening analysis, classify or categorize into each problem
through a brief description, directing, removing unnecessary, and
organize data so that it can be withdrawn and verified. Data which is
reduced, among others, all data regarding the problem research.
2. Triangulation

Besides using data reduction researchers also use

Triangulation techniques as a technique to check the validity of data.
Where in the sense of triangulation is a technique of checking the
validity of data that uses something else in comparing the results of
interviews with the object of research (Moloeng, 2004: 330).
Triangulation can be done using different techniques
(Nasution, 2003: 115), namely interviews, observations and
documents. This triangulation is not only used to check the truth of the
data, but also to enrich the data. According to Nasution, besides
triangulation, it can also be useful to investigate the validity of
researchers' interpretation of the data.
Meanwhile, in the notes Tedi Cahyono is equipped that in
qualitative research triangulation is a process that must be passed by a
researcher in addition to other processes, where this process
determines the validity aspects of the information obtained and then
arranged in a research. The technique of checking the validity of data
that uses something else outside the data for checking purposes or as a
comparison to that data. The most widely used triangulation technique
is examination through other sources. The triangulation model is
proposed to eliminate the dichotomy between qualitative and
quantitative approaches so that the right theory is really found.
3. Draw Conclusions or Verification
This stage is the stage of drawing conclusions from all data
that has been obtained as a result of research. Withdrawal conclusion
or verification is an attempt to find or understand meaning / meaning,
order, patterns, explanation, flow of cause or effect proposition.
According to opinion Miles and Huberman, the process of
analysis is not once made, but rather interactive, alternating between
reduction, presentation and conclusion or verification during the
research period. After verify, conclusions can be based on results
research presented in narrative form. Draw conclusions is the final
stage of data analysis activities. Draw conclusions this is the final
stage of data processing.

F. Criteria for Success

The success of this action research will be indicated by the raise of
the students’ interest and improvement on their attention that their
behavior changes during the learning process. Those changes will be
proved through students’ behavioral change that mean from the passive
student to the active student, students’ engagement, and students’ self-
report. Beside, the students also at least, 50% have focus on the lesson
without noising, bored, or just playing by themselves. The class have
senses productively either the students to the teacher or the student to the
another student.

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