Training On Organic Fertilizer Tinaungan PDF

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Title of Training Course : Training on Organic Fertilizer Making

Venue : Tinaungan, President Quirino, Sultan Kudarat
Date : October 8-10, 2018
Participants : Rural Improvement Club-Tinaungan (RIC-Tinaungan)
Course Description : (See attached Training Design)

Course Output

A 3-day Training on Making Organic Fertilizer was organized at Tinaungan, President

Quirino, Sultan Kudarat from October 8 to 10, 2018. Members of the Rural Improvement
Club (RIC) were the participants.

The Sultan Kudarat State University (SKSU) conducted the training of the Department of
Agrarian Reform – Italian Assistance to the Agrarian Reform Communities Development
Support Program (DAR - IARCDSP) project under Agriculture and Enterprise Development
Support (AEDS) Training Component.

Day 1

The first day of the training started with the arrival and registration of the participants. This
also involved the filling-out of the participants’ profile, giving out of training kits and other
data needed. In the opening program, the
Engr. Syria Usop, Development Coordinator
from the Municipal Agrarian Reform Office,
President Quirino, Sultan Kudarat,
introduced and welcomed the participants as
well as the resource speaker.

The Resource Speaker, Dr. Marissa C. Hitalia, [Above] Engr. Syria Usop, Development
from SKSU-Lutayan Campus gave the Coordinator, introduced and welcomed the
participants. [Below] RIC President, Delia Parcon,
rationale of the training, setting of learning shared her expectations of the training.
objectives and leveling of expectations from
the participants. The participants were
divided into five (5) groups which also served
as their groups during hands-on activities.
During the leveling of expectations, majority
of the participants expected to learn more
about organic fertilizer which they could
apply on their farms or small gardens at
home. They also wanted to have an output or something to work with because most ofthe
participants stays at home.

A participatory discussion kicked off the training proper. It provided the participants
general overview on organic farming, principles and concepts of organic farming, definition
and benefits of organic farming.

Day 2

Second day of the training resumed on the preparations and procedures. The Resource
Speaker continued the training on the natural farm inputs in making organic fertilizer. She
outlined the guidelines in selecting organic materials for the different concoctions and the
procedures on how to make these fertilizers: Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ); Fermented Fruit
Juice (FFJ); Oriental Hernal Nutrient (OHN); Vermicomposting; and Fish Amino Acid (FAA).
Moreover, the uses, application rates, advantages, limitatuin and the production costs were
presented to the participants.

These lectures were complemented

with video presenations of each
procedure as well as interviews of
farmers who opted to be organic in
their farming systems. In this way,
participants saw real people who
succeed in this endeavor and
helped them become stable and
sustainable in thier farming Resource Speaker presented a video of the owner of Sunshine
Chickens who used the concoction as natural antibiotic to chickens.

Before the end of the day, the

Resource Speaker asked the participants to bring whatever available materials at their
homes for the making of organic fertilizers like leaves, rice stalks, animal wastes specifically
from goats, cows or carabaos and banana bracks. She also assigned the to groups which
concoction they would make for the hands-on activity.

Day 3

Hands-on activities were the culminating part of the training. They were already divided
into four groups, one concoction for each group. While a group perfomed their task, the
remaining participants watched in order to be familliar with the procedures.
Vermicomposting was done as
a group. The participants were
so eager in the process of
making vermicompost and
raising the worms. Many of
the materials used in the
activity were brought by the
RIC members. Moreover, the
Resource Speaker reminded
the participants of the dates of
harvest for the concoctions.

During the closing program,

The participants cleaned and prepared the materials for the
the participants were happy
different concoctions.
that this kind of training
happened in their barangay.
One participant even noted that her family can even now use kitchen wastes to a better

Hon. Dimpna Lucero, the Barangay Captain of Tinaungan, challenged the participants to
sustain and apply their experience and knowledge in their own homes. She also
emphasized that these can become helpful on their farms and even to small gardens
(vegetable and flower) which they had. She also wished that Tinaungan will be known as an
organic community.

Engr. Syria Usop thanked the eagerness of the RIC members and hoped that they would
sustain the initiated training. She further also looked into the possibility that they will make
their outputs as source of income for the organization. [Charlene P. Capillo, SKSU-Lutayan

Submitted by: Noted by:

(AEDS or LCBS Coordinator) (CARPO)

_______________________ _______________________
Signature over printed name Signature over printed name

Date: __________________ Date: __________________

Approved by:

Signature over printed name

Date: __________________
Annex D

Registration of the participants and the filing-out of profile forms.

Dr. Hitalia, the Resource Speaker, gave the overview of the training and what organic
farming is all about.
Continuation of the lectures and groupings of the participants for the hands-on activities.
Materials for making different concoctions as organic fertilizer
The participants prepared the materials.
Addition of beer to OHN [below] and muscovado to FPJ [below]

The output of the participants. Each pail contained concoctions which they would harvest
on dates indicated on the cover.
Materials for making vermicompost
Vermibed made from banana bracks

Particpants continued to add materials for the vermicompost

RIC members, participants of the training, with the Resource Speaker from SKSU (first on
the left) and Development Coordinator from Municipal Agrarian Reform Office (seccond
from the right) of President Quirino.
Annex F

Post Training Evaluation Results

Content Rating Interpretation

Facilitator/ Resource Person 4.55 Outstanding
1. Knowledge of the Subject 4.50 Outstanding
2. Delivery skills 4.55 Outstanding

Content 4.57 Satisfactory

1. Usefulness of the lessons/information 4.71 Satisfactory
2. Relevance of the lessons in relation to the 4.57 Satisfactory
project/activity of the PO/FO

Training Management 4.25 Satisfactory

1. Pre- Training Preparation(Invitations and Instruction) 4.14 Satisfactory
2. Overall workshop Flow 4.43 Satisfactory
3. Materials and Handouts 4.14 Satisfactory
4. Venue, Food and Facilities 4.29 Satisfactory

Average 4.46 Very Satisfactory

Rating Scale Numerical Ranges of Descriptive Interpretation

Scale Mean Rating
5 4.21-5.00 Always Outstanding
4 3.41-4.20 Very Often Very Satisfactory
3 2.61-3.40 Often Satisfactory
2 1.81-2.60 Sometimes Fair
1 1.00-1.80 Never Poor

What did you learn most from this activity?

a. Dugang ihibalo sa amon panginabuhi. [Additional knowledge to be used in life.]

b. Ang paggawa sa mga organic fertilizer. [I learn about making organic fertilizer.]
c. Marami kaming natutunan at ito ay magamit naming sa aming hanapbuhay
tulad ng vermibed. [We learned a lot and we can used it in our livelihood like

Is there additional topic you want to learn which is beyond this activity?
a. Madamo pa gid. [More trainings like this.]
b. Gusto pa namo makahibalo mag himo sa mashroom. [We want to learn on how
to make mushroom.]

a. Gusto ko may ara pa nga sunod na training. [I want to have more trainings.]
b. Training on Mushroom
Annex G

Beneficiaries/Participants Profile
Annex H

Pre-Test and Post Test Evaluation

The participants answered a 15-item test for the pre and post test. Ther results are in the
table below.

Participant Pre-Test Post Test

Batallones, Marilyn 6 10
Belaco-ol, Trinidad 5 9
Cabartes, Anselma 8 11
Canitan, Florita 3 10
Corneja, Leyne 4 8
Del Rosario, Lorna 6
Embate, Marilyn 5 8
Embate, Urbano 5 13
Ferrer, Michelle 10
Inot, Dominica 4 8
Lavilla, Rosemarie 6 7
Lopez, Shirley 6 8
Lucero, Dimpna 12
Manzano, Virgilina 5 11
Parcon Rebecca 10
Parcon, Delia 4 11
Parcon, Rogelio 5 8
Pedroso, Bonna 10
Pillorato, Norma 10
Poblacion, Sianson 4 11
Rapista, Jedrol 4 9
Sosoter, Evelyn 6

*Note: Some of the participants were not able to answer either the pre or post test.

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