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014 PAPER (Penulisan)
Type of Instrument: Subjective test
Type of Item: Open Response
Number of Questions: 3 (Section A, B and C)
-Section A: 1 question
-Section B: 1 question
-Section C: Answer 1 of 2 questions
Marks: 50 marks
-Section A: 10 marks
-Section B: 15 marks
-Section C: 25 marks
Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes
-knowledge and understanding of the language system
-Information application skills
-Creative and language appreciation skills
Marking Method: Holistic

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UPSR Examination Format (Writing Paper)
UPSR Examination Format (Comprehension Paper)
UPSR Examination Format (Writing Paper)
UPSR Examination Format (Comprehension Paper)

Useful links
Ways to improve Your English

English Language (Speak The Right Way)

WRITING/PENULISAN [014]/One hour and fifteen minutes
This paper consists of three sections: Section A, Section B and Section C.
You are required to answer all the sections.
In Section C, you can choose to answer Question 1 or Question 2.


SECTION A /[10 marks]

Exercise 1
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the text.

Based on the notice above, complete the text below with the correct
Becoming on astronaut is one of the most interesting career. When the
astronauts are in space, we will be wondering how they live their lives
over there. For your information, they wear _____(1) we wear on earth.
In fact they eat the same meals like us. They shower by cleaning their
bodies using wet towels and _____ (2). When they have any sickness,
_____ (3) will take care of them. They spend their leisure time by
reading books, listening to the music, _____(4) and looking at the
earth. In order to keep their body healthy the astronauts need a proper
amount of exercise. Normally the astronauts will do some _____ (5) for
two hours.

Answers/Exercise 1
1. the same clothes as
2. waterless hair shampoo
3. a medical officer
4. watching movies
5. running using the

SECTION A /[10 marks]

Exercise 2
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the text.
Based on the notice above, complete the text below with the correct
Sekolah Kebangsaan Melawati 2 will be organising an _____(1). It will
be held on _____ (2). For the morning session, it will be from 8.00 1.00 p.m. and 1.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. for the afternoon session.
Most of the events will be conducted at the school hall and _____(3).
The activities are storytelling competition, singing competition,
_____(4) and crossword puzzle competition. For further information,
you can contact _____(5), the carnival coordinator.

Answers/Exercise 2
1. English Day Carnival
2. 6 March 2018
3. library
4. drawing competition
5. Qistina Aaliyah

SECTION A /[10 marks]

Exercise 3
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the text.
Based on the advertisement above, complete the text below with the correct
SK Puchong Utara 2 will start a _____(1) on the first Saturday in
February. The classes will be on every Saturday for two hours. It will be
from _____ (2). It is open to all the Year One to Year Six pupils. The fee
will be _____ (3) attending this class can learn protect oneself. Those
who are overweight can lose their weight. Pupils can also relieve their
stress, _____(4) and build their confidence. These pupils will be
coached by Asian Games gold medalist Mr Penaneswaran. For further
details, parents can call Encik Yazid or _____(5) .Come and join the
class. You will learn this important self-preservation skill and gain
marvelous benefits.

Answers/Exercise 3
1. karate lesson
2. 9:00 a.m. to 10: a.m.
3. RM30
4. improve selfesteem
5. Miss Izzati

SECTION A /[10 marks]

Exercise 4
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the text.
Based on the notice above, complete the text below with the correct
Extreme sports have become very popular nowadays. Many young
people love to do extreme activities. The more popular extreme sports
are rock climbing, _____(1) kiteboarding and bungee jumping. Most of
these activities often involve physical fitness, speed, height and
_____(2). Although extreme sports are said to be dangerous,
_____ (3) would reduce the risks of getting injured. These
activities require _____(4) as the activities are very challenging. By
overcoming the fear related to these high-risk sports, a person can
increase their _____(5). . Extreme sports are actually safe if we really
follow the instructions.

Answers/Exercise 4
1. while water rafting
2. specialized gear
3. wearing proper gear
4. discipline and concentration
5. their self-confidence
SECTION A / [10 marks]
Exercise 5
Study the notes below and use the information to complete the text.
Based n the notes, complete the text below with the correct information.
The Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the seven wonders of the world. It is the most
beautiful monument ever built by the Mughals, who were famous for ________(1).
Taj Mahal is a mausoleum and it houses the ________ (2). It is situated in Agra,
on the banks of _________(3). The whole structure is enclosed in a garden amidst
_______(4). One of the things that makes the building so unique is that it was
made of ___________ (5). It was completed in 1648 over a period of 22 years by
20 000 workers.
(10 marks)
Suggested Answer

The Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the seven wonders of the world. It is the most beautiful
monument ever built by the Mughals, who were famous for their architectural designs (1). Taj
Mahal is a mausoleum and it houses the grave of Queen Mumtaz Mahal (2). It is situated in
Agra, on the banks of Yamuna River (3). The whole structure is enclosed in a garden
amidst fountains and ornamental trees (4). One of the things that makes the building so unique
is that it was made of pure white marble (5). It was completed in 1648 over a period of 22 years by
20 000 workers.

SECTION B/[15 marks]

Study the advertisement about a funfair and answer the following
question in the spaces provided.
List three games you will enjoy when you go to Fun Time Funfair.
(a) ______________________________________________
(b) ______________________________________________
(c) ______________________________________________
(3 marks)
Suggested Answer
(a) Knockem' Down/ One Bullseye/ Tin Can Alley/ Fishbowl Toss/ Coin Pusher/
Coconut Shy/ Balls in a Bucket/ FrisbeeToss (Accept any suitable answer)
(b) Knockem' Down/ One Bullseye/ Tin Can Alley/ Fishbowl Toss/ Coin Pusher/ Coconut Shy/ Balls
in a Bucket/ Frisbee Toss (Accept any suitable answer)
(c) Knockem' Down/ One Bullseye/ Tin Can Alley/ Fishbowl Toss/ Coin Pusher/ Coconut Shy/ Balls
in a Bucket/ Frisbee Toss (Accept any suitable answer)

Your cousin has read the advertisement on Fun Time Funfair and would like to go
there. Write a postcard to your cousin telling him/her about at
least three activities he/she can enjoy at the funfair.
Write your answer between 50 and 80 words.
WRITING/PENULISAN [014]/One hour and fifteen minutes
This paper consists of three sections: Section A, Section B and Section C.
You are required to answer all the sections.
In Section C, you can choose to answer Question 1 or Question 2.

SECTION A /[10 marks]

Study the notes below and use the information to complete the text.
Based on the notes, complete the text below with the correct
A simple way to exercise is walking. Take a _____(1) for about 20 to 30 minutes
each day. It will make your heart beats faster for a short while. Apart from walking,
other ways to exercise are jogging, swimming. ______ (2) or even dancing.
Exercising regularly will keep you fit, make your _____(3) and maintain your heart
in good condition. Your muscles need to be exercised regularly to keep them from
_____ (4). Your joints will not _____(5) if you exercise regularly. Your blood
circulation and digestion also will improve when you have a well-exercised, healthy

[10 marks]
Suggested Answer
Section A
A simple way to exercise is walking.Take a brisk walk (1) for about 20 to 30 minutes
each day. It will make your heart beats faster for a short while. Apart from walking,
other ways to exercise are jogging, swimming, playing outdoor sports (2) or even
dancing. Exercising regularly will keep you fit, make your muscles and bones
strong (3) and maintain your heart in good condition. Your muscles need
to be exercised regularly to keep them from becoming loose (4). Your joints will
not become stiff (5) if you exercise regularly. Your blood circulation and digestion
also will improve when you have a well-exercised, healthy body.

SECTION B /[15 marks]

B (1) / [3 marks]
Study the advertisement about a science centre and answer the
following question in the spaces provided.
List three attractions you will enjoy at the National Science Centre.
(a) _______________________________
(b) _______________________________
(c) _______________________________

B (2) / [12 marks]

Your friend is planning to visit the Notional Science Centre with his/her family.
He/She wants to know more about the science centre.
Write an email to your friend telling him/her about at leastthree places of interest
he/she can visit at the science centre.
Write your answer between 50 and 80 words.
Suggested Answer
Section B
B (1)
(a) Man and Technology/ Natural History/ Amazing Humans/ Space Life/ Fun
Science/ Water Power (Accept any suitable answer)
(b) Man and Technology/ Natural History/ Amazing Humans/ Space Life/ Fun
Science/ Water Power (Accept any suitable answer)
(c) Man and Technology/ Natural History/ Amazing Humans/ Space Life/ Fun
Science/ Water Power (Accept any suitable answer)
B (2)
(Accept any suitable answer)
From: Jeevan Date: 15 October
To: Karim Time: 10.30 a.m.
Subject: Visiting the National Science Centre Dear Karim,
There are many interesting things to see and do at the National Science Centre. You
should visit the Interactive Zone. There are a lot of scientific things to explore here.
Another place you should visit is the Aquatic Life. You will be able to see many types
of sea creatures, You should also visit the Prehistoric Garden. This garden shows how
the earth looked during prehistoric times.
Have a wonderful time there! Goodbye.
Yours sincerely,

SECTION C /[25 marks]

This section consists of two questions. Answer one question only.
Question 1
Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 and 100
Begin your story with:
Last week, a group of scouts went camping in the forest. They pitched
their tents near the river. It ...

Question 2
Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help
you. Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 and
100 words.
Section C
Question 1
(Suggested answer)
Last week, a group of scouts went camping in the forest. They pitched their tents near
the river. It was almost lunchtime so some of them started a fire to cook food.
Sparks from the fire fell on dry leaves. Suddenly, a fire rapidly spread to the bushes
nearby. The scouts tried to put out the fire. They fetched water from the river and
poured it over the fire.
The scout leader was angry with the boys. He warned them that they should be
careful when setting a fire in the forest.The boys promised not to do it again.
Question 2
(Suggested answer)
Rani's school was going to hold a concert. The concert would help to raise funds for
the earthquake victims. Rani and her friends wanted to perform together in the
concert so they practised every day after school.
On the night of the concert. Rani and her friends performed their songs well. The
audience enjoyed their songs and gave them a huge ovation.
The following day, the headmaster announced that the school had collected a large
amount of money to be donated to the earthquake victims. Rani and her friends felt
happy that they were able to help the unfortunate people..
WRITING/PENULISAN [014]/One hour and fifteen minutes
This paper consists of three sections: Section A, Section B and Section C.
You are required to answer all the sections.
In Section C, you can choose to answer Question 1 or Question 2.

SECTION A /[10 marks]

Study the notes below and use the information to complete the text.
Suggested Answer
Section A
There are seven beautiful bridges in Putrajaya. One of the bridges is the Seri
Wawasan Bridge. In English, it means the Bridge of Vision (1). It has a unique design
that reflects the spirit of the city (2) in a modern way. The bridge was inspired by the
sails of a Bugis schooner (3). A schooner is a type of sailing ship with two or more
masts, which are I posts that support the sails. It is 240 metres long and made
mainly of steel and concrete (4). It has a two-way, three-lane carriageway and a
pedestrian walkway (5).This impressive bridge is admired for its architectural
wonder. Perhaps, when you visit Putrajaya, you can take your time to admire its

SECTION B /[15 marks]

B (1) / [3 marks]

Study the advertisement about a science centre and answer the

following question in the spaces provided.
B (2) / [12 marks]
Section B
B (1)
(a) Be between 7 and 12 years old/ Have permission from parents/ Be a resident of
Kampung Putih/ Have registered with Kampung Putih Community Centre (Accept
any suitable answer)
(b) Be between 7 and 12 years old/ Have permission from parents/ Be a resident of
Kampung Putih/ Have registered with Kampung Putih Community Centre
(Accept any suitable answer)
(c) Be between 7 and 12 years old/ Have permission from parents/ Be a resident of
Kampung Putih/ Have registered with Kampung Putih Community Centre (Accept
any suitable answer)
B (2)
(Accept any suitable answer)
From: Salim Date: 25 May
To: Abdul Time: 3.30 p.m.
Subject: Activities during the school holidays Dear Abdul,
There are many classes that you can join at our community centre. I think you would
be interested in joining the guitar lessons. You are always telling me that you would
like to learn how to play the guitar.
Another class you can consider is the art classes. You are already a good artist but by
going to this class you can further improve your skills. You may also want to join the
singing lessons. The classes will teach you the right way to sing.
I have to sign off now. Happy holidays!
Your neighbour,

SECTION C/[25 marks]

This section consists of two questions. Answer one question only.
Question 1

Write a story based on the picture below. You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 and 100
Question 2
Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help
you. Write your answer in the space provided. Write your story between 80 and
100 words.
Suggested Answer
Section C
Question 1
(Suggested answer)
Last weekend, Encik Adnan and his family went to Pantai Bagan Lalang. At the
beach, Encik Adnan and his sons played in the water.
Encik Adnan's wife and daughter arranged the food on a mat under a shady
tree.Then, all of them enjoyed the nasi lemak and sandwiches prepared by Encik
Adnan's wife. After that, they threw away all their rubbish into a dustbin.
At low tide, the family had fun building sandcastles. They also took pictures of
themselves at the beach. Soon it was time to leave. All of them had a great time
together at the beach.
Question 2
(Suggested answer)
Jaya would like to have his own bicycle. His father suggested that Jaya run errands
for his neighbours to earn some money to buy the bicycle.
Therefore, during the school holidays, Jaya swept dried leaves on Encik Osman's
lawn. He also went to the grocery shop for Mrs Kwan.
A few weeks later, Jaya counted the money he had earned. Unfortunately, it was not
enough to buy a bicycle. Jaya was disappointed but his father had a surprise for him.
He bought a new bicycle for Jaya as a present. He was very proud of his hard-
working son.

More Examples
SECTION C/[25 marks]
Exercise 1
This section consists of two questions.
Answer one question only.

Question 1
Write a story based on the picture below.
You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided.
Your story should be between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

Brahim scored straight A's in his UPSR examinations and was selected to study at
one of the ( top boarding school in the country. Last Sunday, …

Answer/Question 1
Brahim scored straight A’s in his UPSR examinations and was selected to study at
one of the top boarding school in the country. Last Sunday, his parents sent him to
the boarding school. There were other parents and pupils too. After registration, they
took all the things into the hostel. He is sharing his room with another pupil from
They cleaned the room and arranged their things accordingly. His father helped to
arrange his books on the shelf. His mother swept the floor and cleaned the window
Brahim arranged his clothes inside the cupboard. Then they had their lunch at the
shop nearby. Before going home, Brahim's parents advised him now that he is on his
own now. He has to take care of himself and study hard.

SECTION C/[25 marks]

Question 2
Write a story based on the picture below.
You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided.
Write your story between 80 to 100 words.

Begin your story with:

Pak Kamal is the village headman of Kampung Tengah. He is a rich and kind man.
He is /veil known among his people for being generous and helpful…

Answer/Question 2
Pak Kamal is the village headman of Kampung Tengah. He is a rich and kind man.
He is well known among his people for being generous and helpful.
Last Saturday, while shopping for Hari Raya he saw a boy standing outside one of the
shops. The boy looked untidy and the shirt he was wearing was worn out.
Pak Kamal could see that the boy wished he could buy the shirt and trousers on
display. He pitied the boy. He spoke to the boy and realised that the boy is from his
village. Pak Kamal bought the boy a pair of shirt, a pair of trousers and a pair of
shoes. The boy was very happy. He thanked Pak Kamal for his generosity. Pak Kamal
too felt very happy.

Exercise 2
Question 1
Write a story based on the picture below.
You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided.
Your story should be between 80 to 100 words.
Answer/Question 1
Halim's mother wanted to bake a cake. The ingredients were not enough. Halim
quickly cycled to the shop and bought some eggs, flour and butter. Then, he helped
his mother.
First, he beat the eggs. Then he added some flour and butter. When the batter is
ready, he poured it into a container and put it into the oven.
While waiting for the cake to bake, he cleaned the kitchen. When the cake is ready, he
took it out and left it to cool. Then he cut and served it on a plate. His family had it
for tea. It was really delicious.

Question 2
Write a story based on the pictures below.
You may use your answer in the space provided.
Answer/Question 2
Last Saturday, Lin Han went window shopping with his family at a shopping centre.
There was a dance show at the concourse area, Lin Han and his family went to watch
it, Many people were also watching it.
After a while, Lin Han felt bored. He began looking around at the crowd of
spectators. Suddenly, he saw a woman picked a man's wallet. Lin Han quickly
informed his father. His father then told his son and wife to keep an eye on the
woman. Then, Lin Han's father informed the security guard.
The security guard caught the woman. They retrieved the man's wallet and returned
to him. The man was very thankful to Lin Han and his family.

Question 3
Write a story based on the pictures below.
You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided.
Answer/Question 3
Last weekend, Tina and her family watched the circus, Tina and her brother, Kevin,
felt excited while waiting for the show to start.
The ringmaster first introduced the elephants. The elephants walked around the
circus ring and trumpeted noisily.
Next came the clowns. They chased each other around the ring. One clown kept
hitting the others with a toy hammer.
Then, they saw the tigers. Tina was afraid of the large fierce creatures. Everyone
cheered when the tigers jumped through a ring of fire. The circus ended an hour
later, Tina and her family enjoyed the show very much.

Question 4
Write a story based on the pictures below.
You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided.
Answer/Question 4
Su Mei is walking in the jungle, She has lost her way. Soon she comes to a cave.
She is curious and enters the cave. She hears a noise as she walks further in. She
finds a big ugly rat eating a piece of meat. There are many bones around the rat,
Then, the rat sees Su Mei and chases after her. Su Mei runs towards the cave
entrance but trips and falls. She screams as the rat comes nearer.
Suddenly, Su Mei feels someone shaking her. She wakes up to find her mother by her
bedside. Su Mei realises it was only a dream.

Question 5
Write a story based on the pictures below.
You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided.
Answer/ Question 5
Yesterday, Mrs Kim and her twin daughters went shopping at the new shopping mall
in town, They went by car, Mrs Kim and her daughters wanted to buy some clothes.
At the shopping mall, Mrs Kim asked her daughters to choose their own clothes.
Mimi chose a pair of jeans and a blue T-shirt. Marina liked a green skirt and white
Mrs Kim bought a dress and a scarf for herself. After paying for the purchases, Mrs
Kim realised that it was already lunch time.
So she took her daughters to a fast food restaurant for lunch. They really enjoyed the

Question 6
Write a story based on the pictures below.
You may use the words given to help you.
Write your answer in the space provided.
Answer/Question 6
Last Friday, the Scouts organised a car wash service for all the teachers. They wanted
to collect money to organise a trip to the Old Folk's Home,
22 Scouts volunteered. The teachers cooperated too, At the end of the day, they
managed to wash 32 cars. Everyone was happy and satisfied.
The money earned not only enabled them to visit the old Folk's Home, they were also
able to make a small donation. The boys felt very proud of themselves.

Question 7
Write a story based on the pictures below.
You may use the words given to help you..
Write your answer in the space provided.
Answer/Question 7
Today, the Muslims are celebrating Hari Raya. In the morning, Mariati and her
brother seek forgiveness from their parents. They also wear the traditinal costume.
Then, they have a big feast together. Among the food served
isketupatand rendang. Everything is delicious,
Later, their friends and neighbours visit them. They serve the guests plenty of
delicious food. Before going home, the children are given money packets.

Question 8
Write a story based on the pictures below.
You may use the words given to help you..
Write your answer in the space provided.
Answer/Question 8
During the last school holidays, Swee Chee and her family went to Kuala Lumpur,
They used the LRT to travel from one place to another.
They first went to the National Museum to see the old artefacts. Swee Chee enjoyed
looking at the old artefacts because she loves history.
Then, they went to KLCC. They spent three hours at Petrosains before going
shopping. Later, they went home. They had a very satisfying trip.

Question 9
Write a story based on the pictures below.
You may use the words given to help you..
Write your answer in the space provided.
Answer/Question 9
One night, Mr Lim and his family were watching television. Then, it started to rain
heavily. Suddenly, the electricity got cut off,
Mrs Lim quickly looked for candles and a box of matches. She lit a candle while the
rest of the family waited in the hall. It was a hot night, so they fanned themselves
with paper fans,
After a while, the children felt bored. So Mr Lim did some animal shadows to
entertain them. He told them to guess the animals he was making. Everyone was
having a wonderful time that they continued playing even after the electricity supply
was restored.

Question 10
Write a story based on the pictures below.
You may use the words given to help you..
Write your answer in the space provided.
Answer/Question 10
Razif has a toothache, He loves eating sweets and hates brushing his teeth, One day,
it was so bad that he could not sleep at night.
The next morning, his mother takes him to the dentist. The dentist wants to check
Razif's teeth and asks him to sit on the dentist's chair.
However, Razif is very scared. He jumps out of the chair and runs out of the clinic,
Later, his mother manages to persuade him to see the dentist again.

Question 11
Write a story based on the pictures below.
You may use the words given to help you..
Write your answer in the space provided.
Answer/Question 11
Pak Uda goes to work on a motorcycle everyday, He is a very careful motorist.
One day, while he was riding to work, a speeding car knocked into him, Pak Uda was
thrown off his motorcycle. He tried to get up but could not.
An ambulance was called and Pak Uda was sent to the hospital. Luckily, Pak Uda
only had minor injuries. The driver offered to pay for his medical bills.

Question 12
Write a story based on the pictures below.
You may use the words given to help you..
Write your answer in the space provided.
Answer/Question 12
Last Saturday, Mr Kuhan took his family to the Wet World. The company he works
for was holding an annual Family Day there. There were mini pools so his children
had fun playing in the water.
At 12.30 p.m., it was time for lunch. Mrs Kuhan asked her children to change their
clothes before they had lunch. When they got down, there were many kinds of
delicious food served at the buffet table. They found a table and sat down to have
their lunch.
After lunch, they helped to clear the table and put rubbish in the bins. Then they said
goodbye to their friends and went home.

Question 13
Write a story based on the pictures below.
You may use the words given to help you..
Write your answer in the space provided.
Answer/Question 13
Hadi has made a lot of plans for the holidays, In November, he will go camping in
Taman Negara with his uncle. His uncle knows a lot about plants and Hadi wants to
learn from him.
Then Hadi will stay with his sister and her family in Fraser's Hill. His sister says it is
cold there so Hadi has to bring warm clothing.
Next, Hadi will visit his grandparents. His grandparents have a small orchard. Hadi
will help to pick the fruit and sell them, Hadi will be busy indeed during the holidays.

Question 14
Write a story based on the pictures below.
You may use the words given to help you..
Write your answer in the space provided.
Answer/Question 14
Peter and his father are in Australia for the holidays. Today they are going to visit the
city of Melbourne. First, they buy two return tickets at the train station in their town.
Then they board the train. The train moves quickly but stops at every town along the
way. Soon, they arrive at Melbourne Central Station.
The station is underground. They take the escalator to go up to the city. There are
many shops above. Then they walk around the city with the help of a city map so that
they do not get lost.

Question 15
Write a story based on the pictures below.
You may use the words given to help you..
Write your answer in the space provided.
Answer/Question 15
During the school holidays, Johan and his family went on a safari in Africa, A ranger
drove them around in a jeep. Visitors were not allowed to walk around the park,
They saw many savannah animals including leopards, giraffes, zebras and elephants.
Johan took photographs while riding in the jeep.
The ranger then stopped the jeep near a group of leopards. Suddenly, two leopards
jumped onto the jeep, Johan was scared at first, Then he started taking photographs
of the leopards, When the leopards saw the flash of the camera, they ran away.

Question 16
Write a story based on the pictures below.
You may use the words given to help you..
Write your answer in the space provided.
Answer/Question 16
One day, Pak Mat is walking through the jungle. He is carrying a comb of bananas.
He has just come from his orchard.
He feels tired from his walk so he stops and rests under a shady tree. He places the
bananas against the tree and soon falls asleep.
While Pak Mat is sound asleep, a troop of monkeys sneak up quietly. They pluck the
bananas and ate them greedily.
Later, Pak Mat wakes up from his nap. He is shocked to find the bananas missing!

Question 17
Write a story based on the pictures below.
You may use the words given to help you..
Write your answer in the space provided.
Answer/Question 17
One day, a young girl finds a little bird while looking for wood in the forest. It has
fallen out of its nest. She picks it up gently. Then, she hears loud chirping above a
tree nearby,
There is a bird's nest in the tree, The girl climbs the tree and puts the bird into the
nest. After that, she walks home. When the mother bird returns, the little chicks tell
them how a young girl helped their brother.
Two days later, the girl goes deeper into the forest to look for more wood, Soon, she
is lost and begins to cry. Then, she hears a bird chirping loudly above her.
She knows the bird is trying to tell her something so she follows the bird. It takes her
to its nest, The girl recognises the nest and knows she is close to home. She thanks
the mother bird and quickly runs home.

Question 18
Write a story based on the pictures below.
You may use the words given to help you..
Write your answer in the space provided.
Answer/Question 18
During the school holidays, Amin and his friends had a picnic by the river in their
village. They all met at Amin's house and then they cycled to the river.
Half an hour later, they arrived at the picnic spot. They set up their picnic things and
then jumped into the river, They had a lovely time playing and swimming in the

Suddenly, Amin noticed something in the water. It was a crocodile so he screamed

for everyone to get out of the water. They quickly climbed a tree and waited. As it
floated by, they realised it was just a log. Everyone was relieved and a few moments
later, they burst out laughing.

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