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net Issue Nr.76 December 2017

Imperialism and Dictatorships

strangle the African peoples!
* The Military Coup in Zimbabwe * African Migrants’ Slavery in Libya
* Capitalism & Landslide in Sierra Leone * The Hamas-PA Reconciliation Treaty
* The Gnassingbé Dictatorship in Togo * The Syrian Revolution under Attack
* Workers and Exploitation in Zambia * Britain: Capitalism and Culture

Workers and Oppressed Unite! Price: €3 / $3,5 / £2

2 Contents RevLib#76 I December 2017

English-Language Journal of the Revolutionary Communist

International Tendency (RCIT), No. 76, December 2017

Editorial: Expansion of our Publications p.3

RCIT AFRICA CONGRESS: Prepare for Mass Revolutionary Struggle! p.4

Zimbabwe: The Fall of Mugabe – Victory for the Masses

or for the Military-ZANU-PF Alliance? p.5

Zimbabwe: Down with the Military Coup! No to the dynastic Mugabe Regime! p.6

The Coup in Zimbabwe and the Role of Chinese Imperialism p.7

On the 100 Day Anniversary of the Landslide in Sierra Leone:

Down with Capitalist Greed and Corrupt Bureaucrats! p.9
Togo: Down with the Gnassingbé Dictatorship!

Zambia for Sale: PF Govt Privatizes State Traffic Agency (RTSA)

to KAPSCH-LAMISE…for the next 17 Years! p.11

Zambian Miners Betrayed: KCM ‘Sales’ Workers

to Chinese Company, Govt sheds Crocodile Tears! p.12
Stop African Migrants‘ Slavery in Libya! p.13

On the Hamas-PA Reconciliation Treaty


Syria: Counterrevolutionary ISIS/Daesh attacks again

the Liberation Forces with the Help of Assad’s Army p.16

Syria: The Russian-Sponsored Conference in Sochi is a Charade! p.19

RCIT at a Public Meeting in Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution p.21

Britain: Sunderland’s 2021 Bid for the “City of Culture”

will not benefit the Working Class p.22

RCIT: What We Stand For p.23

The cartoon on the cover symbolizes the enslavement of the Congolese people by the Belgium king Leopold.
Source: “In The Rubber Coils. Scene - The Congo ‘Free’ State” (1906)
Revolutionary Communism is the monthly English-language journal published by the Revolutionary Communist
International Tendency (RCIT). The RCIT has sections and activists in Zambia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Yemen, Tunisia,
Israel / Occupied Palestine, Turkey, Brazil, Mexico, Aotearoa/New Zealand, Britain, Germany, and Austria. -
Tel/SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314
RevLib#76 I December 2017 RCIT 3

Editorial: Expansion of our Publications

By Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 28.11.2017

ear readers, However, despite the fact that we publish the journal on
We are glad to announce a change in our a monthly basis, we increasingly face the problem that we
hardcopy publication system. The Revolutionary do not have sufficient space for the increasing number of
Communist International Tendency (RCIT) started with articles and essays which we produce. Hence, we have
the publication of an international English-language increasingly been forced to produce two issues per month
journal six years ago. Initially we were able to publish the or to leave various articles out.
Revolutionary Communism journal only irregularly. At that Therefore we have decided to change the RCIT’s hardcopy
time we were a very small group struggling to become a publication system. From now on we will publish two
real international tendency. Today, the RCIT has grown different international English-language publications.
substantially both in numbers as well as in geographically On one hand we will continue to publish a journal on a
spread. Today, we have sections and activists in more than monthly basis. This journal will be called “Revolutionary
a dozen countries on all continents. Liberation” and will contain the RCIT’s reports, statements
As a result, we have massively increased the number of and articles on actual political developments.
articles and essays which we publish. The RCIT considers In addition we will publish a theoretical magazine.
it as one of its crucial tasks to follow the important world This magazine will continue to appear with the name
political events and to respond to them with serious “Revolutionary Communism” (New Series). It will contain
analysis and revolutionary programmatic answers. the RCIT’s longer, more theoretical articles and essays. It
Likewise we regularly elaborate more thorough essays will appear irregularly but we assume that we will be able
and books on central questions which political life pose to to publish it several times a year.
the Marxist theory. We appreciate comments, criticism and feedback from
Based on such an understanding, we have produced – our readers!
with increasing frequency – 75 issues of our international
English-language journal since the autumn of 2011.


World Perspectives 2017:

The Struggle against the Reactionary
Offensive in the Era of Trumpism
Introduction * I . A New Political Phase Has Opened: The Reactionary
Offensive of the Ruling Class in the Era of Trumpism * II. Some Theoretical
Question about the New Political Phase * III. The Great Power Rivalry and Its
Consequences for World Politics * IV. The Middle East and the State of the
Arab Revolution * V. Class Struggle in the US after Trump’s Victory * VI . The
Reactionary Offensive of the Ruling Class and the Resistance in Latin America
* VII. Imperialist Interference and the Struggle for Democracy in Sub-Sahara
Africa * VIII. Europe in the Era of Chauvinism, Militarization and Brexit *
IX. Russia: Victorious Outcome of NATO’s Cold War * X. China: Strengthened
as a Great Power but Before a Serious Recession * XI. The Class Struggle in
Asia * XII. Perspectives for Building of the Revolutionary World Party Today
* Footnotes

Published as two special issues of RevCom with alltogether 56 pages, A4 Format

4 RCIT RevLib#76 I December 2017


Prepare for Mass Revolutionary Struggle!
Report (with Pictures) by Mainda Simataa (RCIT Africa Secretariat), 24.11.2017

revolutionary storm is brewing all around and Socialism was conducted to reinforce the ideological
the world, capitalist governments and their understanding of revolutionary comrades as the vanguard
reactionary puppet leaderships and systems are of the oppressed masses. Also, a ground tour to assess
failing. The masses of workers, youths and oppressed the impact of capitalism on the welfare of the most poor
are ill-at-ease; and in some cases, already up in arms. and oppressed sections of society was conducted in and
Now therefore, revolutionaries have a historic duty, and around Lusaka during the duration of the Congress.
must prepare to provide the leadership, theoretical and It was resolved that the success of Socialism and the
practical basis for this growing tide of discontent, and struggle for liberation of the masses of oppressed peoples
lead the masses to real economic freedom and political in Zambia, Africa and the world at large can only be
victory, rather than let the reactionary Parties of the elite successful if concerted and coordinated efforts are made
and corrupt capitalist regimes to mislead and sabotage by revolutionary movements working from a common
the revolutionary demands of the working people and the revolutionary program of liberation.
oppressed masses. The second part of the RCIT Congress takes place in
In response to this growing revolutionary tendency Mexico this December.
in many parts of the world, not the least in Africa, the Forward with Socialism!
Revolutionary Economic Liberation Association (ELA), Abash Capitalism!
the Zambian Section of the RCIT, organized the second Aluta Continua!
RCIT World Congress – the first ever in Africa – in Lusaka
(Zambia) together with other international delegates from The RCIT and ELA Zambia thank for the various greetings
the RCIT, from 9th to 18th November 2017. The aims sent to our second congress from the following groups/
were enhance international solidarity and to exchange activists:
programmatic notes and ideas on the way revolutionary Pan-Afrikan Consciousness Renaissance, PACOR (Nigeria)
way forward for the liberation struggle in the epoch of 21st Abdul Karim Bah (Interim Secretary General, Movement for
Century decaying capitalism. Social Progress [Sierra Leone] and Convener International
Various programmatic documents and strategies for Alliance for Economic Emancipation in Africa [IAEEA])
waging the liberation struggle at a national, Pan-African Marxist group “Class Politics” (Russia)
and International stage were discussed. In addition, a Apu Sarwar (Bangaldesh)
three day intensive cadre training program in Marxism John Reimann, Oaklandsocialist (USA)

Order from our contact address past issues of the

RCIT‘s Journal Revolutionary Communism!
RevLib#76 I December 2017 Africa 5

Zimbabwe: The Fall of Mugabe – Victory for the Masses

or for the Military-ZANU-PF Alliance?
Joint Statement of the Africa Secretariat of the RCIT and the Economic Liberation Association (Zambia), 22.11.2017

. Zimbabwe’s weeks-long political turmoil brought peoples of Zimbabwe, and all Socialist and progressive
about by the military’s siege on political power, and formations across the world, not to consider the military
subsequent house-arrest of Zimbabwe’s long-time coup and installation of the military’s choice puppet leader
President Robert Mugabe, finally come to an end yesterday Mnangagwa as a revolution nor victory of the people of
on 21st November 2017. The Zimbabwean Defence Forces Zimbabwe; but rather, to view such a military induced
(ZDF) led by General Chiwenga has finally forced Mugabe succession as a replacement of one dictator by another! In
to resign as President of the nation, and abdicate his real terms, there is no change at all because the oppressors
leadership of the ruling Party ZANU-PF, a party which he have not been overthrown by the people’s insurrection!
founded and led for 37 years after winning Independence 7. We therefore call upon all oppressed people of
from the British backed Ian Smith settler regime in 1980 Zimbabwe to immediately mount a counter- offensive
via a years-long liberation struggle. against the military-political alliance if they are to truly
2. Mugabe led Zimbabwe as a dictator, brutally liberate themselves. Such liberation must not be led by
repressing any dissent or opposition against his leadership. the bourgeois opposition party Movement for Democratic
His leadership has come to an end, but the repressive Change (MDC) or any other reactionary political force
regime (ZANU-PF) he built around him remains. The in Zimbabwe, but must be led by a revolutionary Party
question therefore stands, does the removal of Mugabe with a Socialist program that will deliver the demands
from power via a military coup constitute a victory for the of the working masses, peasants, students, women and
working class, peasants and poor and oppressed masses of youths of Zimbabwe. The workers and poor peasants of
Zimbabwe, or does it represent a victory and continuation Zimbabwe must, in a word, take political power back from
of a faction of the capitalist oppressive ZANU-PF whose the generals, and by any means necessary, and wield it
preferred successor to Mugabe is Emerson Mnangagwa? in their own hands for the purpose of serving their own
3. The RCIT and ELA hold the view that while the political and economic interests! The ZANU-PF is a spent
ousting of Mugabe as a dictator is a relief to the masses force, and compromised political entity that is of no value
from long years of oppression, it does not however entail to the modern and historical demands of the masses of
freedom and progressive change for the masses of the Zimbabwe, and is therefore, incapable of inspiring a
Zimbabwean people. The very fact that Mugabe has been revolutionary change. What the toiling workers, peasants
deposed from power via a military coup d’état, and not by and oppressed masses need for the true emancipation is
a mass popular uprising by the people, is evidence enough one united socialist front with a revolutionary program.
that the reactionary regime of ZANU-PF is very much in Most urgently they need their own revolutionary party
charge and ready to continue and maintain the status quo as a leadership which serves the interest of the popular
under another leader of the military favored faction of the masses, and not an elite capitalist cabal that has entrenched
ZANU-PF. itself in the decadent ZANU-PF!
4. Therefore, what we see is a classic case of the 8. The RCIT and ELA repeat to call for the
Zimbabwean military and ZANU-PF political elite alliance independent organisation and mobilisation of the workers
capturing political power in the name of saving the people and poor. No support for any faction of ZANU-PF or the
from Mugabe’s dictatorship. In reality, the General MDC! We call the workers and the poor to form action
Chiwenga and Mnangagwa military-political tag-team committees in order to independently fight for their
has usurped the will of the people under the pretext of demands. Likewise it is urgent to fight for a Revolutionary
‘protecting and advancing the revolution’, whilst in actual Constituent Assembly as a democratic body which debates
fact, they will still maintain a stronghold on political power and decides on a new constitution and which is composed
under a capitalist economic formation, and will continue of delegates who are controllable by those who elected
to serve the political and economic interests of their own them and who are open to recall by their constituents.
class – those of the political, military, bureaucratic and Down with the military-political coup of the General Chiwenga-
capitalist elites, and all to the exclusion and detriment of Mnangagwa faction!
the long-suffering ordinary masses of Zimbabwe. For a Revolutionary Constituent Assembly!
5. The latest developments are a confirmation of For the nationalisation of the key industries and banks
what we said in our last statement of 15th November: “The under workers control! For the expropriation of the foreign
RCIT states that this military coup represents a power struggle corporations!
within the ruling elite. Both sides represent different sectors of the For the nationalization of the land under the control of the rural
capitalist class but none represents the interests of the labouring poor!
masses. Likewise, the Mugabe regime is not based on democratic For a public employment program in order to abolish
elections or any mass support by the people but hold his power unemployment, etc.!
via repression and corruption for years. Therefore socialists in Down with all imperialist sanctions against Zimbabwe!
Zimbabwe oppose the coup but neither can they support the All Power to the popular masses of Zimbabwe! For a workers
thoroughly corrupt Mugabe regime.” Those who cheered the and poor peasants government based on workers and popular
coup as an act of “liberation” were equally wrong as those councils and militias!
who sided with Mugabe in the name of “anti-imperialism”. Long live the struggle for Socialism and Liberation of all Africa!
6. The RCIT and ELA therefore calls on all the
6 Africa RevLib#76 I December 2017

Zimbabwe: Down with the Military Coup!

No to the dynastic Mugabe Regime!
For Independent Workers’ and Poor Mobilisations!
For Action Committees of the Workers, Poor Peasants and Soldiers!
Statement of the Africa Secretariat of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 15.11.2017

. Since Monday Zimbabwe’s army command mass of the Zimbabwean people are among the poorest of
is carrying out a military coup. They are holding the whole continent.
President Robert Mugabe and his family under house 6. It is currently unclear how the coup will proceed.
arrest. Soldiers seized the state broadcaster and a general There are indications that the generals might not want
appeared on television to announce the takeover. Armored to keep power but rather force Mugabe to withdraw
vehicles block roads to the main government offices, his plans to install his wife as his successor. However,
parliament and the courts in central Harare. In a televised things can easily go out of hand. In any case, the decades-
statement the army command announced that it would long Mugabe regime is severly weakened and might
target “criminals” in the entourage of Mugabe. collapse very soon. The bourgeois MDC, the country’s
2. This military coup is the latest high point in an main opposition party, has expressed it support for the
ongoing power struggle inside the ruling elite of Zimbabwe army’s intervention. There is also a significant part of the
which is organised in the ZANU-PF. Mugabe, a 93-year population which sympathises with the coup out of hatred
old dictator who rules the country since achieving freedom against the Mugabe regime.
from colonialism in 1980, has recently sacked Emmerson 7. However, the RCIT warns against any illussions in
Mnangagwa, his vice president, who was supposed to the motivation of the army command. They have been part
become his successor and who has close relations to the of the ruling elite for decades. They only serve their own
military and the veterans of the liberation war. In parallel, interests and not those of the people.
hundreds of supporters of Mnangagwa have been purged. 8. It is crucial to organise and mobilise the workes
This move was intended to enable Mugabe’s wife, Grace and poor independently. No support for the putschists
Mugabe , to become his successor. She represents, together nor the Mugabe regime! We call the workers and the poor
with figures like Finance Minister Ignatius Chombo, the to form action committees in order to defend themselves
so-called ‘G40’ faction. against both factions of the ruling class. It is urgent to
3. The RCIT states that this military coup represents organize also the soldiers independently from the generals
a power struggle within the ruling elite. Both sides and to build such committees also inside the army.
represent different sectors of the capitalist class but none 9. The immedeate task must be to stop the coup and
represents the interests of the labouring masses. Likewise, to bring down the reactionary Mugabe regime. A central
the Mugabe regime is not based on democratic elections slogan of the struggle must be the call for a Revolutionary
or any mass support by the people but hold his power via Constituent Assembly. Such an assembly should be a
repression and corruption for years. Therefor socialists in democratic body with delegates who are controllable by
Zimbabwe oppose the coup but neither can they support those who elected them and who are open to recall by
the thoroughly corrupt Mugabe regime. their constituents. The assembly’s role will be to debate
4. Mugabe came to power 37 years ago when the and decide on a new constitution. It must not be controlled
heroic workers and poor peasants drove out the reactionary by the ruling class which would only manipulate it in
British colonialists and the racist Apartheid regime of Ian its interests, but it should be convened and protected by
Smith. But the liberation struggle stucked as Mugabe took workers’ and popular militias against any intimidation of
power and made a compromise with the white settlers reactionary forces.
and the imperialist great powers. As a result Zimbabwe 10. We warn against any illussions in the bourgeois
could not free itself from imperialist domination. Later, MDC opposition party which is a tool of the imperialist
when Mugabe expropriated many white settlers in 2000 in powers. The workers and poor must combine the struggle
order to counter his rapidly declining popularity, Western in defense of democracy with a socialist program for
imperialism issued economic sanctions against Zimbabwe. nationalisation of the key industries and banks under
As a consequence, the country’s economy and its people workers control (including the expropriation of the foreign
suffered massively. Since then, the regime turned to Chinese corporations), the nationalization of the land under the
imperialism and built close relations with the BRICS bloc, control of the rural poor, a public employment program
in particular with the corrupt Zuma government of South in order to abolish unemployment, etc. In order to carry
Africa. out such a program, the workers and poor must overthrow
5. The RCIT rejects any characterisation of Mugabe the capitalist class and create their own government based
and his regime as “socialist” or “anti-imperialist”. It is a on workers and populr councils and militias. Down with
government which failed to complete the liberation but all imperialist sanctions against Zimbabwe! The RCIT calls
rather compromised with the imperialist powers. As a all supporters of such a perspective to join us in building a
result Zimbabwe experienced neither economic liberation revolutionary party in Zimbabwe and the whole of Africa.
nor authentic political liberation but remained a capitalist Only via such a party will the working class be able to take
neo-colony. It has been ruled by an authoritarian, state power and to open the road for the socialist revolution
capitalist regime which repeatedly repressed all opposition in Zimbabwe and the whole of Africa! Forward in the
forces. Furthermore, the Mugabe regime has been famous international struggle against capitalism and imperialism
for the extremely decadent and lavish lifestyle while the and for the socialist unification of Africa!
RevLib#76 I December 2017
Africa 7

The Coup in Zimbabwe and the Role of Chinese Imperialism

By Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 29.11.2017

he recent military coup in Zimbabwe in which the the early 1980s, and in 2014 a Russian consortium entered into
faction around former Vice President Emmerson a partnership to develop a $3 billion platinum mining project in
Mnangagwa succeeded to depose long-time dictator the country.
Mugabe and the G40 faction of his wife Grace is a highly Chiwenga’s trip to China culminated in him meeting Chinese
instructive episode. It demonstrated, among many other Defense Minister Chang Wanquan in Beijing on Nov. 10. Two
things, that Mugabe, whose capitalist regime has been sources with knowledge of the talks told Reuters that Chiwenga
praised by many pseudo-“Marxists” as “anti-imperialist”, asked if China would agree not to interfere if he took temporary
had completely lost popular support. When Mugabe was control in Zimbabwe to remove Mugabe from power. Chang
about to fall, not a single mass rally took place on the assured him Beijing would not get involved and the two also
streets to express support for him! discussed tactics that might be employed during the de facto
A few days ago, Reuters, one of the world’s major news coup, the sources said.”
agencies, published a special report about the inside story In summary, both Mnangagwa, Zimbabwe new President,
of Mugabe’s downfall. (1) This report is highly interesting as well as General Chiwenga, the organizer of the coup,
as it reveals the rotten nature of the capitalist Mugabe stayed in China in the days before the coup was launched
regime. It shows in detail the hatred and maneuvering of and discussed their plans with the Beijing’s rulers.
the two factions against each other. The report confirms, Such a scenario is well known from various coups in the
among other things, the assessment of our comrades in the last decades when the plotters visited Washington before
RCIT’s Africa Secretariat that the coup was not a “popular launching their operations. Today the U.S. (as well as the
revolution” but rather “a power struggle within the ruling European powers) is not the only imperialist Great Powers
elite. Both sides represent different sectors of the capitalist class anymore. This gang of robbers has been joined by Russia
but none represents the interests of the labouring masses. (...) and China as new imperialist rivals.
Therefore socialists in Zimbabwe oppose the coup but neither The Reuters report demonstrates once more the correctness
can they support the thoroughly corrupt Mugabe regime.” (2) of RCIT’s analysis that China and Russia have become
The report also confirms another assessment of the RCIT: major imperialist powers. As we elaborated in a number of
that China is an emerging imperialist Great Power that studies and pamphlets, they have become major political
played an important role in this coup. (3) As we stated and military powers. Their monopolies – to different
in a past article: “Mugabe became an increasingly instable degrees – play a central role on the world market. China’s
ruler which led China as the dominating imperialist power in corporations in particular exercise massive influence in
Zimbabwe to secretly support the coup of Mnangagwa and Africa. As the RCIT stated in a Manifesto adopted at its
General Chiwenga.” (4) recent Africa Congress:
The Reuters report supports our thesis with a number of “China has become the biggest trading partner of Africa and
facts. When Mugabe sacked Mnangagwa on 6 November one of its three largest foreign investors on the continent. About
the latter immediately went to China to meet the military 10,000 Chinese corporations operate in Africa. They control
chief and later leader of the coup General Constantino about 12% of its total industrial production.” (5)
Chiwenga. Let us reproduce the paragraphs of the Reuters Unfortunately most Stalinists and semi-Stalinists
reports which also draw from internal reports of Mugabe’s hotly deny the RCIT’s analysis. They claim, in different
intelligence agency CIO. variations, that China is still a “socialist” country or
“From Harare, he [Mnangagwa, Ed.] managed to escape over that China and Russia are important opponents of
the border into neighboring Mozambique, where he caught “imperialism” (which they wrongly identify only with
a plane to China, according to one source familiar with his the U.S.). The misnamed “World Socialist Web Site”, one
movements. There he met up with Chiwenga, the source said. of several pseudo-Trotskyist cliques which claim the
Reuters could not confirm the account; but an intelligence banner of the “Fourth International”, even published a
report from Nov. 13 indicates that Mugabe suspected some of his long polemic against the RCIT with the title “Behind the
generals of preparing to overthrow him from China. “A number designation of Russia and China as “imperialist”: A case study
of generals are now in China ready to plot Mugabe’s ouster with in theoretical charlatanry”. (6)
Mnangagwa,” the report said. It was not clear which generals, At this place it is not necessary to repeat our analysis
and whether their travel to China was authorized. and our replies to these critiques as they can be read in
Mugabe’s spies suspected old allies had turned against the aging our numerous studies and pamphlets. (7) Today China
president. An intelligence report, dated Oct. 30, said Beijing is – together with the U.S. – the leading power when it
and Moscow both supported regime change out of frustration comes to corporations dominating the world market or
at Zimbabwe’s economic implosion under Mugabe. “China the number of billionaires. (8) Russia, while economically
and Russia are after change,” the report said. “They are after weaker than China, plays a major role in world politics
change within ZANU-PF as they are sick and tired of Mugabe’s thanks to its military strength (see e.g. its role in the Syrian
leadership.” “The two countries are even ready to clandestinely civil war). (9)
supply arms of war to Mnangagwa to fight Mugabe.” (...) As a result, those who deny China’s and Russia’s role
China has long taken an interest in Zimbabwe, having as imperialist powers and claim that they would be
supported Mugabe’s forces during the liberation struggle. After something more progressive than U.S. or European
independence it developed connections there in mining, security imperialism, inevitablely become their defenders. In
and construction. Russia has also had ties to Zimbabwe since short, they become – irrespective of their “Marxist” (or
Africa RevLib#76 I December 2017

even “Trotskyist”) phrases – social-imperialist supporters (4) Michael Pröbsting: The Current Political Crisis in Zimbabwe
of the Great Powers China and Russia. In other words, and the Slogan of the Revolutionary Constituent Assembly, 24
they stand on the other side of the barricade. Hence, the November 2017,
pseudo-“socialist” lackeys of Putin and Xi are nothing but africa-and-middle-east/crisis-in-zimbabwe-and-the-slogan-of-
enemies of all fighters for the liberation of the working
(5) Manifesto for the Revolutionary Liberation of Black Africa.
class and the oppressed masses.
Economic Freedom and Political Power for the Workers and
Oppressed through Socialist Revolution! Document of the
Footnotes 2nd Congress of the Revolutionary Communist International
(1) MacDonald Dzirutwe, Joe Brock, Ed Cropley: Special Report: Tendency (RCIT) in Lusaka (Zambia), November 2017. This
‚Treacherous shenanigans‘ - The inside story of Mugabe‘s Manifesto will be published in the next days on the RCIT’s
downfall, Reuters, November 26, 2017, https://www.reuters. website
com/article/us-zimbabwe-politics/zimbabwes-mugabe-glowed- (6) Johannes Stern: Behind the designation of Russia and China
with-relief-after-he-quit-priest-idUSKBN1DQ0BB as “imperialist”: A case study in theoretical charlatanry, WSWS,
(2) See the following statements and articles which we have 14 April 2016,
published in the past two weeks: RCIT and ELA (Zambia): prob-a14.html. The WSWS published translations of this polemic
Zimbabwe: The Fall of Mugabe – Victory for the Masses against the RCIT in several languages.
or for the Military-ZANU-PF Alliance? 22.11.2017, https:// (7) We have collected our studies and pamphlets dealing with Russia and China as emerging imperialist powers in a special
zimbabwe-after-the-resignation-of-mugabe/; RCIT: Zimbabwe: section of the RCIT’s website:
Down with the Military Coup! No to the dynastic Mugabe theory/china-russia-as-imperialist-powers/
Regime! For Independent Workers’ and Poor Mobilisations! For (8) The most up to date analysis of China as an imperialist
Action Committees of the Workers, Poor Peasants and Soldiers power can be read in chapter IV of the RCIT’s pamhlet:
to Advance the Struggle against All Factions of the Ruling Michael Pröbsting: The China-India Conflict: Its Causes and
Elite! 15.11.2017, Consequences. What are the background and the nature of the
africa-and-middle-east/against-mugabe-and-military-coup- tensions between China and India in the Sikkim border region?
in-zimbabwe/; Michael Pröbsting: The Current Political Crisis What should be the tactical conclusions for Socialists and
in Zimbabwe and the Slogan of the Revolutionary Constituent Activists of the Liberation Movements? 18 August 2017, https://
Assembly, 24 November 2017, See also
worldwide/africa-and-middle-east/crisis-in-zimbabwe-and-the- China‘s transformation into an imperialist power. A study of
slogan-of-the-revolutionary-constituent-assembly/ the economic, political and military aspects of China as a Great
(3) See on this also other reports like e.g. Simon Tisdall: Power,
Zimbabwe: was Mugabe‘s fall a result of China flexing its imperialist/.
muscle? The 21st century’s new global superpower is not just (9) On Russia we refer readers in particular to the following
Zimbabwe’s ‘all-weather friend’ and top trade partner, close ties studies: Michael Pröbsting: Russia as a Great Imperialist Power.
go back to the 1970s liberation era, 17 November 2017, https:// The formation of Russian Monopoly Capital and its Empire – A Reply to our Critics, 18 March 2014, https://www.thecommunists.
mugabes-fall-a-result-of-china-flexing-its-muscle; Tom Phillips: net/theory/imperialist-russia/; Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism
Zimbabwe army chief’s trip to China last week raises questions and the Rise of Russia as a Great Power. On the Understanding
on coup. General met Chinese military leaders and defence and Misunderstanding of Today’s Inter-Imperialist Rivalry in
minister in Beijing on eve of move against Robert Mugabe, 16 the Light of Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism. Another Reply to
November 2017, Our Critics Who Deny Russia’s Imperialist Character, August
nov/16/zimbabwe-army-chief-trip-china-last-week-questions- 2014,
coup theory-and-russia/.


Manifesto for the Revolutionary

Liberation of Black Africa
Adopted at the 2nd World Congress of the RCIT in November 2017

Introduction * Foreign Exploiters – Out of Africa! * The Wealth to

Those Who Create It! Economic Freedom Now! * Down with the
Capitalist Dictatorships and Corrupt Pseudo-Democracies! * Organize
the Workers and Oppressed for the Mass Struggle! * For a Government
of Workers and Poor Peasants! For a Socialist Revolution! * For
Pan-African Unity! For the United Socialist States of Africa! * For a
United Front of Struggle! Overcome the Crisis of Leadership – Build a
Revolutionary Party Nationally and Internationally! * Appendix

A RCIT Pamphlet, 24 pages, A5 Format

RevLib#76 I December 2017
Africa 9

On the 100 Day Anniversary of the Landslide in Sierra Leone:

Down with Capitalist Greed and Corrupt Bureaucrats!
Open Letter from the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT)
to the Workers and Poor in Sierra Leone
Lusaka (Zambia), 15.11.2017

ear Brothers and Sisters, is striving fanatically to increse its profits irrespective
of the consequences for the people and nature. Corrupt
We send you our warmest greetings of bureaucrats in ministeries sell licenscies for reckless
international solidarity! We share your grief about the construction projects in exchange for a few bucks. This is
losses of up to 2.000 people as a result of the horrible how capitalism works and as long as this system exists it
landslide on 14 August 2017 in Freetown Sierra Leone. can not be otherwise.
While the immedeate trigger of this catastrophe has been In our “Manifesto for the Revolutionary Liberation of Black
heavy rainfalls, the real cause is not natural but manmade. Africa”, which we adopted at the recent RCIT Congress
Let us state this explicitely: it is the responsibility of the in Lusaka (Zambia), we emphasized that in order to
ruling class and their imperialist masters. Their reckless overcome the misery caused by capitalism the workers
drive for profit resulted in unrestricted deforestation so and the urban and rural poor must organize for a socialist
that in the last decade, Sierra Leone cleared approximately revolution – in their own country, in Africa and globally.
800,000 hectares of forest cover. The government’s non- We call all revolutionary activists in Africa to join us in this
existent housing policy for the poor people resulted in the struggle for the liberation of the African workers and poor
unregulated construction of houses and the narrowing of and to build together a revolutionary party – in Africa and
water passageways. globally!
We therefor strongly welcome those campaigns in Sierra Aluta continua!
Leone which accuse the corrupt elite and demand public Long live international solidarity!
inquiry and accountability. Likewise we unreservedly Forward to socialism!
support the initiative for a global day of action on 20
November under the hashtag #InvestigateRedMonday. Revolutionary Greetings,
Such campaigns are important as the reckless deforestation Mainda Simataa (RCIT Africa and General Secretary of
and appalling housing for the poor is not restricted to ELA Zambia)
Sierra Leone. In fact it is a characteristic feature in many Matomola Likwanya (RCIT Africa and Deputy General
countries in Africa and beyond. This is the rersult of Secretary of ELA Zambia)
the greedy and anarchic nature of capitalism: business Michael Pröbsting (International Secretary of the RCIT)

Books of the RCIT

Michael Pröbsting: Marxism and the United Front Tactic Today
The Struggle for Proletarian Hegemony in the Liberation Movement
and the United Front Tactic Today.
The RCIT is proud to announce the publication of a new English- working class liberation movement since the tactic’s original for-
language book – MARXISM AND THE UNITED FRONT TACTIC mulation.
TODAY. The book’s subtitle is: The Struggle for Proletarian In this book we initially summarize the main characteristics of
Hegemony in the Liberation Movement and the United Front the united front tactic and elaborate the approach of the Marxist
Tactic Today. On the Application of the Marxist United Front classics to this issue. We then outline important social develop-
Tactic in Semi-Colonial and Imperialist Countries in the Present ments in the working class and the
Period. It contains eight chapters plus an appendix (172 pages) popular masses as well as in their
and includes 9 tables and 5 figures. The author of the book is political formations in recent de-
Michael Pröbsting who serves as the International Secretary of cades. From there we will discuss
the RCIT. how the united front tactic should
The following paragraphs are the back cover text of the book be applied in light of a number of
which give an overview of its content. new developments (the rise of pet-
The united front tactic is a crucial instrument for revolutionar- ty-bourgeois populist parties, the
ies under today’s circumstances in which the mass organizations decline of the classic reformist par-
of the working class and the oppressed are dominated by social ties, the role of national minorities
democratic, Stalinist and petty-bourgeois-populist forces. and migrants in imperialist coun-
The purpose of this document is both to summarize the main tries, etc.). The eight chapters of
ideas of the Marxist united front tactic while at the same time ex- the book are accompanied by nine
plaining its development and modification which have become tables and five figures.
necessary due to political changes which have transpired in the
10 Africa RevLib#76 I December 2017

Togo: Down with the Gnassingbé Dictatorship!

Solidarity with the mass protests of the Togo workers and poor peasants!
Message of Solidarity from the RCIT and the Economic Liberation Association (Zambia), 6.10.2017

rothers and sisters! the imperialist monopolies and the Great Powers and the
We want to send our warmest greetings to you and expropriation of the ruling capitalist class. Only thus will
to the proud people of Togo who protest since many they be able to create their own government which can
weeks against the disgraceful dictatorship of President open the road towards socialism.
Faure Gnassingbé! * Solidarity with the Togolese masses!
We condemn the Gnassingbé regime which has helped * Down with the neo-colonial regimes of Gnassigbe!
imperialist corporations since decades to exploit the * For a workers’ and poor peasants’ government!
country’s valuable phosphate deposits as well as its * Long Live the Revolution! Aluta Continua!
agricultural products.
This regime is also part of regional pro-imperialist Revolutionary Greetings,
political institutions like the Economic Community of West Mainda Simataa (General Secretary of ELA-Zambia)
African States (ECOWAS) of which Gnassingbé is currently Michael Pröbsting (International Secretary of the RCIT)
the chairman. ECOWAS serves the imperialist powers
not only as an economic institution but also by providing You can read a more extensive statement in solidarity
troops for imperialist interventions (e.g., in Mali in 2013). with the mass protests in Togo here: https://www.
The Gnassingbé regime is part of the numerous
dictatorships and pseudo-democracies which are ruling togo-down-with-gnassingbe/
the peoples of Africa in the service of the imperialist Great
Powers and their monopolies (like France, US, and China). Economic Liberation Association (Zambia), http://www.
It is via such regimes that the imperialist bourgeoisie
are able to economically suck dry the African workers Revolutionary Communist International Tendency
and poor peasants under the cover of political (pseudo-) (Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Brazil, México,
independence. Venezuela, Israel/Occupied Palestine, Yemen, Tunisia,
In our opinion freedom and equality can only be secured Turkey, Aotearoa / New Zealand, Germany, Britain and
if the workers, poor peasants and youth combine the Austria),
toppling of the reactionary regime with the expulsion of


Theses on Capitalism and

Class Struggle in Black Africa
An Analysis of Imperialist Exploitation and Oppression
and the Perspectives of the Liberation Struggle

A RCIT Pamphlet, 24 pages, A4 Format

Introduction * Some Background Notes on Black Africa’s Modern History: How Colonial Plunder and
Oppression Blocked Independent Development * Popular Struggles against Colonialism Led to Formal
Independence * Formal Independence as Disguised Imperialist Dependency * The Reactionary Role of
White Settlers * Is Capitalist Black Africa Rising? * Africa in the Grip of Imperialism * China as a new
Imperialist Great Power Challenging the Western Domination * The Working Class and the Oppressed *
Rising Class Struggle * Key Lessons for a Revolutionary Strategy in Black Africa * Imperialist Domination
and Authoritarian Regimes Remain in Place despite Formal Changes * Breaking the Capitalist Chain –
The Program of Permanent Revolution * The Revolutionary Struggle against Imperialism * Imperialist
Chauvinism and the Anti-Imperialist Patriotism of the Oppressed * The Independence of the Working
Class and the Struggle against the Popular Front * The Struggle for Pan-African Unity * The Revolutionary
World Party and its African Sections * Footnotes
RevLib#76 I December 2017
Africa 11

Zambia for Sale: PF Govt Privatizes State Traffic Agency

(RTSA) to KAPSCH-LAMISE…for the next 17 Years!
by Mainda Simataa (General Secretary of ELA-Zambia), Lusaka, Zambia, 05.10.2017

rivatization and Capitalism: still on the March in all the critical sectors of production and economic life have
Africa gone to private ownership (mostly foreign).
The latest scandal in the privatization or rather The MINES are long gone, all the BANKS are gone –
sale, robbery and dispossession of the Zambian people (Zambia National Commercial Bank), STATE FARMS
of their public property continues; the latest being that are gone, Indigenous TRADE and MANUFACTURING
the State owned and controlled Road Safety and Traffic companies have all gone, the STATE BROADCASTER
Agency (RTSA), is officially sold, with the full consent of ZNBC has recently gone to China’s TOPSTAR for $278
the Patriotic Front (PF) government, and facilitated by the million under a 25 year-long ‘concession’. LAND and
local Lebanese Mafia Chairman – Sheik Walid El Nahas, TIMBER reserves are going to Chinese, Indian and
operating as LAMISE Zambia Ltd – a known manufacturer Lebanese exploiters, and the once-upon0a-time STATE
of plastic cups and dishes, and a big looter of Zambian land LOTTERY (Zambian Lotto), is now a money-spinning
and builder of shopping malls, among other investments! jackpot owned by the Lebanese Mafia families.
RTSA Secretly and Shamelessly Sold In the final analysis, our nominal ‘POLITICAL
The foreign company that has been awarded the 17 year INDEPENDENCE’, and our pride, dignity and liberty
long Zambia ‘traffic management’ contract to loot billions as a people, is all gone! We are being ruled by agents 
of Euros off Zambian roads, motorists, tool-gates and and henchmen of the capitalist interests; and Economic
citizens at large, is the Austrian based company whose Freedom remains a battle to be fought, if not, then a pipe-
name no Zambian can pronounce – KAPSCH! The state dream!
is calling this dirty deal a ‘concession’, but in truth, and Who Will Fight to Liberate Zambia?
from historical experience, all concessions are nothing but But we must fight. Surrender is no option, the stakes
legitimized robberies equal to outright privatization, as are too high! But where are the new freedom fighters?
was the case with the sale of our mines! Where are the liberators of our time, to join the struggle
State and Economic Capture by Corrupt Capitalist State for Zambia’s liberation from modern-day slavery and
Agents! colonization? Where are the men who care? Where are the
And so, the capture of the Zambian State machinery and Zambian revolutionaries to rise up and take up the fight
Economy by capitalism, through its primary agents – against the scourge of corruption, neo-colonialism and the
the local politicians and the comprado bourgeoisie class wanton sale of our nation – a practice which has engulfed
continues unabated, but at what cost to the Zambians? The our nation and enslaved our people?
losses are incalculable, and the social effects will worsen Stand Up and Fight Capitalism and its Political Agents!
for the majority; but of course, the political sellouts are I say let us be the heroes and saviours we are waiting for!
insufferable,  and today, they are far more richer than We may not be born-heroes, but we must be willing to
yesterday for their grand corruption and deception of the fight!
masses! Not all heroes are born, some are made and shaped by the
Zambia- The Home of Neo-colonialism pressures and circumstances of their lives and times; and
The era of 21st century colonialism – neo-colonialism, above all, by the love of the motherland!
thus continues to make a strong come-back into African Aluta Continua! Vitoria Acerta!
countries, ravaging African economies and impoverishing
people by the millions; and all so that a few people in
power and their international cronies and local business
associates can live rich and happily ever after; and all at
the expense of the suffering majority!
More and more foreign multi-national capitalist
companies thus continue to stream and pour into Africa
to get their cut of the African resource cake; leaving only
crumbs and poverty for the indigenous people to share.
All the viable business sectors – education and health,
banking and infrastructure development, agriculture and
energy development, have all been ‘concessioned’. All the
industries and public institutions of interest have all been
liberalized and robbed; and wealth and power continues
to be transferred and concentrated into the hands of the
Nowhere in Africa, and in the world for that matter, is
this neo-colonial capture of all formerly state-owned and
controlled industries and economic viable sectors, more
visible, rampant and formidable, than in Zambia where
Africa RevLib#76 I December 2017

Zambian Miners Betrayed: KCM ‘Sales’ Workers

to Chinese Company, Govt sheds Crocodile Tears!
By Mainda Simataa (General Secretary of ELA Zambia), 02.10.17

History of Exploitation Miners Betrayed by Government and Unions
Vedanta Corporation of Indian, a British listed KCM miners have been betrayed, and not for the first
company that bought Konkola Copper Mines time. In recent years KCM has been pushing to cut down
(KCM) for a scandalous low price of US $25 million dollars 4,000 workers from its labour force and throw them on the
in 2001, and recouped that money within seven months street on the pretext that its profitability is low. But the
of taking over the mine, has never ceased to be at the profitability excuse has proved controversial and futile
center of controversy in Zambia’s totally foreign occupied because copper prices have remained fairly high between
mining industries. $5400 and $6000 per tonne, with other mining companies
From polluting rivers and poisoning drinking water in the industry like Lumwana and FQM-owned Kansanshi
supplies with toxic mining effluent, to dodging taxes posting record profits from gold and copper revenues and
by the billions, to pursuing a policy of replacing human remitting taxes, though this tax remittance is a drop in the
miners with machines, KCM remains the leading tax ocean compared to what the mining multinationals make
evader, labour exploiter, and a corporate enemy number in Zambia.
one of the Zambian people! KCM Opens Pandora’s Box in Exploitation of Miners
Outsourcing – Squeezing Out More, Giving Back Less KCM has therefore now found a ‘legitimate’ but
to Workers! immoral opening with outsourcing,and with the help of
The latest scandal from KCM, commonly referred to by its compromised and toothless unions, and the blessings of a
victims – the workers, as Kanchule Copper Mines (Make me corrupt-to-the-core capitalist shoe-kissing PF government
Suffer Copper Mines), is that it has decided that the best way which is in bed with foreign investors, KCM has finally
to make yet more profits for its shareholders and directors an ally in the government and has got its wish to dump
abroad is to transfer the burden of responsibility for workers as the government sheds crocodile tears!
thousands of workers in its employ, to another company KCM has also set a dangerous precedence and example
– a Chinese company that promises to pay the workers for other mining companies to follow, and has opened
less, and at the same time make them work harder for less the way to further dumping and exploitation of miners
money and no job security, not to mention no medical care and all workers in general, by other companies who will
or compensation for injury and risks to the miners! also take this golden opportunity to maximize profits by
Other Foreign Companies Engaged in Outsourcing in minimizing labour costs through out-sourcing!
Zambia The Zambian miner has lost! The KCM workers have been
But KCM is not the first nor the only company to outsource thrown to the wolves of Chinese imperialism in Africa,
other companies to manage particular departments within workers have been abandoned and left defenseless, and
the business structures. The giants in Zambia’s Telecoms more will follow. 
industry, Airtel and MTN (both Indian owned), sold their This new scourge of outsourcing and force-ably handing
workers to Tech Mahindra and ISON respectively, and the over workers to less viable employers/companies at worse-
results for workers have been terrible! off conditions is not only immoral, but it is also criminal
Also the hospitality/tourist industry companies like and it must be fought and stopped by all who mean well,
Avani Hotels which out-rightly but silently took over the and by all means necessary! Remember:
running of former Royal Livingstone and Sun Hotels in * Government will not fight for workers – they are in the
Zambia’s tourist capital – Livingstone, and transferred business of selling-out workers!
all its workers to the new employer without giving them * The unions will not fight and represent workers – they are in
separation benefits, have all engaged in outsourcing to the business of betraying workers and representing management
maximize profits while suppressing workers! interests!
KCM Benefits from Outsourcing Big Time * In the final analysis therefore, workers must unite and fight to
The benefit of dumping workers to another company free themselves from exploitation!
thereby lowers KCM’s wage bill, and thus increases its Aluta Continua – the struggle must continue!
profits. This process of dumping workers to another sub-
standard mediocre paying company means technically
and literally, the firing of workers and having them
instantly re-hired by a new contractor without the workers
consent. The new ’employer’ pays them significantly
lower wages, and offers slave conditions of service, while
the new employers continue to extract more labour out of
the workers who continue to perform the same jobs in the
same company, and usually for extended hours without
overtime! This is the dumping of workers to slave-driving
ruthless contractors!
RevLib#76 I December 2017
Africa 13

Stop African Migrants’ Slavery in Libya!

Protest Rally in Vienna (Austria) on 25th November
Report (with Pictures) by the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 01.12.2017

frican migrants are auctioned as slaves in Libya on We stated in our founding program a number of
a regular base. The imperialist-backed government revolutionary demands for the liberation of Black people,
in Libya pretends to be surprised by the desperate which are important for each and every country where
situation of the migrants from Black Africa who are raped, Black people are oppressed and exploited, including
tortured and even sold as slaves by businessmen. Libyan Libya. (RCIT: The Revolutionary Communist manifesto,
authorities recently started some “investigations” on the These
slavery markets. demands are:
However, it is obvious that the Libyan regime as well as * An end to the widespread practice of the bourgeois state, to
the imperialist institutions like the United Nations knew condemn black people and migrants en masse to long prison
very well about the slavery markets and tolerated them for terms. Roll up of all court cases, in which black people and
the interest of business. The recent “investigations” started migrants were convicted, before democratically elected trial by
because of protests which took place in the past weeks, jury, of which at least half of it are members from the national/
including a massive protest in Paris on 18th November. racial minority of the accused!
Exactly one week later, on the 25th November, a protest * For the formation of armed self-defence units of black people
rally took place in Vienna as well. Activists of the Austrian and its support by the entire workers’ movement!
section of the Revolutionary Communist International * Local self-government of areas with a high proportion of black
Tendency (RCIT) participated and hold speeches in front of people! Special consideration to the wishes of the black people in
the Libyan embassy. defining the borders of self-governing regions! Financial support
The RCIT demands the immediate abolishment of the by the state!
slavery markets in Libya. Massive reparation payments * For the right of caucus for black people in the unions and the
must be given to the former slaves who were sold at these organisations of the workers’ movement!
markets. All businessmen who run the slavery markets The RCIT fights for a revolutionary movement of black
must be put on trial and sentenced by a jury elected by the people as part of the 5th Workers International!
labour movement and the African migrants. Join us in this fight!
We demand full and equal rights for all African migrants
in Libya and worldwide. We say: Videos from the speeches by Marek Hangler and Rahime
* Full citizenship rights and abolition of all special laws for all Berisha (RKOB, Austrian section of the RCIT) at the rally
migrants – regardless of nationality, race, religion or nationality! in Vienna:
Equal pay for equal work!
* The right to stay and immediate legalisation of all illegal
migrants and asylum seekers! Right of asylum for those fleeing
war, oppression and poverty in their countries! Open borders
for all!

Pictures from the Rally in Vienna, 25.11.2017 (from left to right): African demonstrators, Marek Hangler, and Rahime Berisha
14 Middle East RevLib#76 I December 2017

On the Hamas-PA Reconciliation Treaty

By Boris Hammerschlag, Statement of the Internationalist Socialist League, 4.11.2017

It seems that the decade-long split in the Palestinian imperialism.

leadership, between the secular Fatah dominated The PA has been a longstanding partner of the Israeli
Palestinian Authority and the Islamist Hamas, has government in suppressing any organized resistance to
come to an end. Most Palestinians, suffering under an the ‘67 occupation. While the talks with Hamas took place
immeasurable number of layers of external as well as in Cairo, a key element of this partnership - the Security
internal oppression, heaved a sigh of relief. Coordination - was still in a state of suspension following
Marxist revolutionaries should of course defend it against the al-Aqsa crisis.[2] However, soon after the treaty was
those who wish to destroy it, the most dangerous of which announced - this suspension has been lifted.[3]
- Israel. Israel has already begun its attempts to sabotage On the other side, rhetorically super-militant Hamas has
the talks by blowing up a tunnel killing 7 Palestinians.[1] himself been cornered into submission, having de-facto
However, we must also pay close attention to the mixture ruling a starved, mental as well as physical diseased Gaza
of genuine reason for hope and dangerous illusions that Strip - the largest prison on the planet. What started as
is now prevalent more than ever among the Palestinian a Zionist siege of ghettoisation in 2006, has been since
people and its supporters all around the world. tripled - joined by both Egypt blocking the checkpoints
It is hard not to draw a line between the unification of the and destroying the smugglers’ tunnels, and the PA
‘67 Palestinian leadership via the Hamas-PA Reconciliation freezing funds and denying electricity.
Treaty and the unification of the ‘48 Palestinian leadership All besieging allies have been waiting patiently for the
by means of the Joint parliamentary List. Both resemble starving and angry people to rise-up and take down
not only in benefits but also in their shortcomings. Hamas’ government. However, Palestinian steadfastness
Both “burials of the hatchet” came to be after a long period (Sumud) has yet again proved itself as having few to little
of intense public pressure, however both did not happen rivals worldwide. Despite that, after the 2014 massacre,
until swift, hatchet dropping, outside pressure, came Hamas has been forced by Israel to participate, like the PA,
down upon all factions at the same time, by the forces of in suppression of resistance coming from Gaza. Together
Zionist colonialism and/or US led imperialist coalition. The with the deteriorating material conditions, Hamas’
Joint List of the ‘48 Palestinian was not formed a second leadership understands well that the current situation
before the Zionist right-wing government decided it could could only split into 2 possible directions:
perhaps rid the Knesset of Palestinian representation Either, the starving population takes up arms in hands in
(after failing to do so through the judicial system) by an uprising against Israel and its Palestinian collaborators,
sharply raising the electoral threshold. Similarly, the or Hamas itself would implode and come apart the seams
Reconciliation Treaty was not signed a second before of its various internal factions - both tribal and politically
US state department led by US president Donald Trump oriented. Having lost popularity among the people Hamas
pushed for it, as part of a larger scheme to form a Sunni knows it would not be able to co-opt such an uprising
alliance against Shi’ite forces, led by Iran and backed by and steer it towards its own aims and goals. And like
the rival imperialist camp - Russia & China. most “official” leaderships in this region - it finds itself
While the Palestinian workers and oppressed are hopeful increasingly relying on the financial and political support
that the end to infighting would strengthen Palestinian of imperialist superpowers instead of the love and support
resilience and ability to struggle for the decolonization of of the masses. This led to Hamas declaring that it is willing
Palestine and its liberation from Zionist and imperialist to accept the two-state solution and de-facto recognize
oppression, it seems that for some elements in the Israel’s right to exist on stolen Palestinian land. [4] Last
Palestinian bourgeois leadership, this treaty is yet another week, Hamas has formally relinquished control over the
opportunity to appease and reconcile with US and EU checkpoint under its control to the PA.[5]


The Origins of the Jews

By Yossi Schwartz, July 2015

Chapter I: What are the origins of the Jews?

Chapter II: The Rise of Anti-Semitism
Chapter III: Anti-Semitism and Zionism
Chapter IV: The Russian Revolution:
Bolshevism, the Bund, and Stalinism
RevLib#76 I December 2017 Middle East 15

Thus, we’ve been asked online about our position (as We must state over and over again, that the only solution
Marxist revolutionaries) as to why on earth we would for the liberation of Palestine from Zionism will come as
refuse to condemn such unification, as its clear direction is a result of an Arab working class, leading the oppressed
not towards struggle, but towards imperialist co-optation. masses in an uprising, aimed not only against remnants
To that we answer that, many times, in order to convince of 19th century colonialism (such as Zionism) and
the masses, most of whom do not share our views on how imperialism, but also against the capitalist order itself
a leadership should be formed and operate to serve the which gave birth to the myriad forms of cruel barbaric
masses and the liberation struggle, we must march with oppression, suffered by the masses, which words could
them and defend any political action that has even the not even begin to describe.
slightest chance of leading to collective victory. We predict that such uprising will be triggered, in
The revolutionary masses do not learn from middle-class our region, by a struggle for democracy, similar to the
intellectuals talking over their heads, but mostly, through Arab-Spring, but since the capitalist ruling classes fear
experience. However, this experience must, in turn, be put democracy might cut into their profits of exploitation,
into words in order to communicate, work collectively they would do whatever they can to crush it, making
and in practice, towards our joint goals. We consider the themselves a perfectly visible enemy to the exploited and
Hamas-PA, as well as the ‘48 Joint List unifications, as oppressed. Their removal would be the first step towards
mass-experience of paramount importance. socialism and eventually a communist - community based
This critical support is aimed at exposing the illusions - society.
and stirring up hope at the very same time. Since the
Palestinian leadership claims its unification is for the Footnotes:
purposes of struggle, at least against the ‘67 occupation, [1]
let us make sure they stick to their words. The only way [2]
we can do that is by building a grassroots revolutionary aqsa-crisis/535173/
leadership from below. Surely the re-united PA, aimed at [3]
struggle, would find it difficult to oppose the formation
of neighborhood and village struggle committees, whose [5]
leadership would be democratically elected and subject to
immediate recall by a popular vote.


Is the Syrian Revolution at its End?

Is Third Camp Abstentionism
By Michael Pröbsting, April 2017

An essay on the organs of popular power in the liberated area of Syria, on the
character of the different sectors of the Syrian rebels, and on the failure of those
leftists who deserted the Syrian Revolution
Introduction * The Nature of the Local Coordination Councils in Syria * The Contradictory Nature of
the Petty-Bourgeois Rebel Factions * A note on the adjectival juxtaposition of “progressive” to liberal
democrats versus “reactionary” to Islamists * Hayyat Tahrir al-Sham and Other Islamist Militias * The
Role of Religion in Democratic and National Liberation Struggles * Some Arguments on the Ongoing
Progressive Character of the Syrian Revolution * Have the Rebels Become Agents of US Imperialism
and Regional Powers? * On Foreign Powers’ Support for Liberation Movements p* Lenin and Trotsky
on Liberation Struggles and Imperialist Interference * What Did Lenin and Trotsky Say about Getting
Support from Imperialists? * Imagining Two Different Scenarios of the Revolution‘s Succees & Failure *
A Period of Defeats and Retreats: What Are the Reasons? * Some Thoughts on the Future Prospects of the
Arab Revolution * The Urgent Need for a Revolutionary Party * Footnotes

A RCIT Pamphlet, 24 pages, A4 Format

16 Middle East RevLib#76 I December 2017

Syria: Counterrevolutionary ISIS/Daesh attacks again

the Liberation Forces with the Help of Assad’s Army
By Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT), 25.11.2017

nce again, the counterrevolutionary ISIS/Daesh government and ISIS fighters besieged in the eastern Hama
forces have launched an attack against the pocket. The agreement will allow ISIS members to withdraw to
liberated areas in northeast Hama. (1) Once more, Idlib governorate according to the Syrian Radio station Sham FM.
they do so in undisguised collaboration with the army of On Wednesday, the Syrian government allowed 1,500 civilians
the murderous Assad regime. (2) and ISIS family members to withdraw to an area controlled by
This surprise attack allowed ISIS/Daesh to conquer more Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in Idlib governorate.” (4)
than 15 villages (incl. Talhan, Ateeq, Tahtouh, Abu Al- The Assadist supporters justified such collaboration with
Kassor, Abu Hareq, Maasran, Alia). Furthermore, while the following shallow claim: “ISIS fighters could choose Idlib
the pocket controlled by Daesh is located in-between the because they had excellent relationships with HTS fighters there
territories controlled by the rebel forces and the Assadist as they both worked in weapons and oil trafficking, according to
forces, it is characteristic that while there are heavy opposition sources.”
clashed between Daesh and the rebel forces, no clashes This, of course, was a cynical and brazen lie as everyone
between Daesh and the regime’s forces in this area have could see: when the ISIS/Daesh fighters entered Idlib with
been reported until now! (See Map 1 below) the help of Assad’s army, they immediately encountered
Once again, the ISIS/Daesh forces, who had no stronghold heavy resistance from the liberation forces – in particular
in this region in the weeks before, emerged out of the blue. from Hayyat Tahir al-Sham (HTS). After bloody battles for
The only explanation for this is that ISIS/Daesh forces weeks, the liberation forces finally succeeded to defeat the
advanced unscathed through areas controlled by Assadist counterrevolutionary ISIS/Daesh forces.
forces, i.e. they obviously did so in consultation with Furthermore, why did the Assadists, who always claim
the regime. Rebel forces already accused the regime that to be the most fanatical enemies of Daesh/ISIS not finish
it made a deal to evacuate ISIS fighters from Deir Ezzor them off? Tellingly, the regime did not even claim that
in eastern Syria to eastern Hama in order to fight the it got something from Daesh/ISIS in exchange for their
liberation forces there. (3) (See Map 2 below) evacuation – in opposite for example to the deal between
Hezbollah and Daesh in late August. The later deal
The Deal between the Assad Regime and Daesh/ISIS “stipulated the withdrawal of 300 Daesh fighters from Lebanon’s
eastern barrens to the Iraqi-Syrian border, in exchange for the
As we reported in the past, this is not the first time that such release of Hezbollah prisoners, and revealing the fate of Lebanese
a collaboration of Assad and Daesh takes place in order soldiers taken hostage by the terrorist group.” (5)
to smash the remaining liberated areas. It is noteworthy But the deal between the regime and Daesh in late
that meanwhile even the most hardened supporters of September did not involve such an exchange. The Daesh
Assad and Putin have to admit that the regime has made forces were trapped and exhausted in a small pocket
such deals with ISIS/Daesh. For example, the fanatical encircled by Assad’s army. It would have been no problem
pro-Assad/Putin intelligence website South Front had for them to finish them off. But the regime and their
to confess that the Syrian regime made a deal with ISIS/ Russian backers have different interests. This deal was
Daesh in late September to move their fighters through its purely driven by the Assad regime’s calculation to use
territory to the liberated areas in Idlib. these terrorists against the remaining forces defending the
“On Thursday, an agreement was reached between the Syrian Syrian Revolution.


Manifesto for Revolutionary Liberation
Adopted at the 1st World Congress of the RCIT in October 2016

Introduction * I. Decaying Capitalism * II. Today’s Worldwide Historic

Revolutionary Period * III. The Reactionary Offensive of the Ruling Class
* IV. A Program for Socialist Revolution to Halt Humanity’s Collapse
into Barbarism * V. The Crisis of Leadership and the Construction of a
Revolutionary World Party * VI. Work in Mass Organizations and the
United Front Tactic * VII. The Semi-Colonial South * VIII. The Emerging
Imperialist Great Powers of the East: China and Russia * IX. The Old
Imperialist Great Powers: The EU, North America and Japan * X. Conclusion

A RCIT Pamphlet, 36 pages, A5 Format

RevLib#76 I December 2017
Middle East 17

Let us draw attention, en passant, to the fact that the US/ the Stalinist and liberal “left” are that they would fight
YPG coalition recently made a similar cynical deal with the “jihadist terrorists”. In fact, they join hands with
Daesh/ISIS in mid-October. When they had encircled the “jihadist terrorists” of Daesh in order to defeat the
the last pockets of Daesh fighters in Raqqa (in the local Syrian liberation forces which they bizarrely denounce as
stadium and the central hospital) where they could have “jihadist terrorists”!
easily finished them off, they “suddenly” allowed 4,000 As the RCIT has already pointed out in past reports, the
Daesh fighters and their families to evacuate out of the collaboration of Daesh and Assad in northeast Hama is not
city! (6) surprising at all. (9) While they certainly are opponents,
they have a joint interest in defeating the Syrian Revolution.
Resistance of the Liberation Forces
The Syrian Revolution Continues
This time again the liberation forces – mostly the petty- despite many Setbacks and Traps
bourgeois nationalist Islamist HTS as well as various petty-
bourgeois nationalist FSA factions – are fighting hard to The popular uprising in Syria which started in March
stop the advance of Daesh. According to some reports they 2011 is still continuing despite many setbacks and despite
have managed, for now, to repel an ISIS attempt to capture the fact that it is endangered by the treacherous policy of
Mustariah as well as the Al-Shiha village. (7) various leadership factions among the rebels. These factions
At the same time, the Syrian regime with massive support are ready to join the reactionary negotiations charades in
of foreign militias and the Russian Air Force, is seeking Astana, Sochi and Geneva which are all dominated by
to advance towards the strategic Abu Duhour military the imperialist Great Powers as well as regional powers
airport in the southern countryside of Aleppo. Added (e.g. Russia, Iran, Turkey, US, Saudi Arabia). As we have
to this is the threat of the Turkish army and their FSA repeatedly warned, these negotiations are a trap by the
mercenaries which started invading Idlib in the North. (8) imperialists in order to disarm and liquidate the Syrian
In short, the Syrian Revolution continues to be under Revolution. (10)
heavy attack by the reactionary regime as well as The only way forward is to reject all imperialist traps of
the counterrevolutionary ISIS/Daesh forces. This such fake negotiations and to continue and deepen the
demonstrates once more how ridiculous the claims by revolution by basing it on popular committees and militias.
Assad and Putin and their numerous supporters amongst Most importantly, the most advanced workers and youth

Map 1: Advance of ISIS/Daesh forces in Northeast Hama (as of 24.11.2017)

Green: Liberated Areas under Control of the Rebel Forces
Red: Areas under Control of Assadist Forces
Black: Areas under Control of the ISIS/Daesh
Middle East RevLib#76 I December 2017

in Syria need to unite into a revolutionary party based on Deal! Defend the Revolution against the butcher Assad, against
a program for socialist liberation. (11) Russian and US Imperialism and the local Allies! Victory to the
The RCIT continues its support for the liberation struggle Struggle of the Workers and Oppressed! 04.08.2017, https://www.
of the Syrian workers and peasants despite the extremely
against-great-powers/; Michael Pröbsting: Syria: The Astana-Deal
difficult situation it faces today. When the Revolution
Struggle Intensifies. Some Notes on Recent Developments in the
is under attack from all sides – the Assad dictatorship,
Syrian Civil War and the Dangers for the Liberation Struggle,
Russian as well as US imperialism, Daesh/ISIS, the Turkish 28 July 2017,
Erdoğan regime, and finally various FSA mercenaries – it is middle-east/syrian-revolution-28-7-2017/; RCIT: Syria: Condemn
all the more important to maintain international solidarity the Reactionary Astana Deal! The so-called “De-Escalation
with those who have not given up the struggle. Zones” are a First Step towards the Partition of Syria and a
Footnotes Conspiracy by the Great Powers to Defeat the Revolution, 7 May
(1) See e.g. Qasioun News: Syrian Regime and ISIS Cooperate 2017,
East Hama and Control Many Areas from The Syrian east/astana-deal/
Opposition, 24 November 2017, (11) See on this e.g. Michael Pröbsting: Is the Syrian Revolution
show/112163; Syrian Observatory for Human Rights: Renewed at its End? Is Third Camp Abstentionism Justified? An essay on
clashes northeast of Hama after an advancement attempt by the the organs of popular power in the liberated area of Syria, on
“Islamic State” organization, 24/11/2017, the character of the different sectors of the Syrian rebels, and on
en/?p=79344; South Front: ISIS Captures More Villages From the failure of those leftists who deserted the Syrian Revolution, 5
Hayat Tahrir al-Sham In Northeastern (Maps), 24.11.2017, https:// April 2017, not-dead/
(2) On the RCIT’s assessment of Daesh see e.g. The Revolutionary *****
Struggle against Daesh and the Imperialist Aggression in the
Middle East, 28.02.2017, For the RCIT’s analysis of the Syrian Revolution, we refer readers
to our numerous articles and documents which can be accessed
at a special section on our website: https://www.thecommunists.
current/#comment-3632746912 net/worldwide/africa-and-middle-east/collection-of-articles-on-
(4) South Front: ISIS Fighters To Withdrew From Eastern Hama the-syrian-revolution/
Pocket Under Deal With Syrian Government Forces, 21.9.2017,
(5) Diana Moukalled: The deal between Hezbollah and Daesh, 31
August 2017,
(6) There exist a number of reports about this cynical deal.
The most detailed one in English language is a report by BBC
journalists: Quentin Sommerville and Riam Dalati: Raqqa’s
dirty secret, 13.11.2017,
raqqas_dirty_secret Map 2: Transfer of ISIS/Daesh forces
(7) See
by the Assad Regime from East Syria to
june_2017_to_current/#comment-3631436124 and Northeast Hama (as of 20.11.2017)
(8) See on this e.g. Michael Pröbsting: Syria: The Turkish-Russian
Invasion against Idlib has begun! All out to defend the Syrian
Revolution against the Astana Conspirators! For an anti-Assad,
anti-imperialist and anti-capitulationist united front, 07.10.2017,
(9) See e.g. Michael Pröbsting: Russia’s Air Force supports
Daesh against Syrian Liberation Fighters. Another instructive
episode how Russian imperialism helps Daesh/ISIS to attack
the Liberation Forces in the North of Syria, 23.10.2017, https://
s-air-force-supports-daesh-against-syrian-liberation-fighters/; Syria:
A Very Instructive Episode. Counterrevolutionary ISIS/Daesh
collaborates with Assad’s Army (as well as Erdoğan and Putin)
in Attacking the Syrian Liberation Fighters in Idlib, 10.10.2017,
(10) On the RCIT’s assessment of the Astana deal see: Michael
Pröbsting: Syrian Revolution: The Moment of Truth is
Approaching! Rally to defend the Syrian Revolution against
the Imperialist conspiracy called the “Astana Deal”! 20.09.2017, Source:
syria-moment-of-truth-approaching/; RCIT: Syria: Defend Idlib freedomfalconofsyriablogspot/freedom_for_syria_page_29_07_
against the Great Powers! Down with the reactionary Astana june_2017_to_current/#comment-3632746912
RevLib#76 I December 2017 Middle East 19

Syria: The Russian-Sponsored Conference in Sochi is a Charade!

Boycott the fake “negotiations” in Sochi, Astana and Geneva!
Continue the liberation struggle against the butcher Assad,
against Russian and US Imperialism and the local Allies!
Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency, 04.11.2017

. The seventh round of the so-called Syrian “peace imperialism – are working hard to impose a “solution”
talks”, held on 30-31 October in Astana (Kazakhstan), on Syria which would mean the end of the revolutionary
ended without any meaningful agreements in struggle, the consolidation of the terrorist dictatorship in
practical terms. However, in its final joint statement, the Damascus and the division of the country into different
“mediating” parties — Russia, Iran and Turkey — called spheres of influence (e.g. the US and their Kurdish allies
to hold an “all-Syrian National Dialogue Congress”. This in the North-East, Turkey in the North-West and the rest
conference has been brought up by Russian President goes to Assad and his Russian and Iranian backers).
Putin and will take place on 18 November at the Russian 4. While we share the outrage of various Syrian
southern resort city of Sochi. According to a list published opposition forces about the Sochi conference, we warn
by the Russian Foreign Ministry, 33 organizations from against any illusions in the “steadfastness” of the
Syria have been invited. Among them are various parties leaderships of the SNC, HNC or FSA. They don’t oppose
affiliated to the Assad regime, the Kurdish PYD/YPG as Sochi from a principled point of view as they only call
well as various forces of the Syrian opposition. The latter for a stronger role of other imperialist institutions like
groups include several “puppet” opposition groups as the US or the UN in the negotiations. It is quiet likely,
well as others who are already – directly or indirectly – that they will give in again – as they did in the past.
part of the Astana negotiations. Until now, these forces have permanently adapted to
2. At the moment there exist some conflicts between the imperialist-imposed pacification process which aims
the Astana participants. Such, the Erdoğan regime for the liquidation of the Syrian Revolution. This has
protests against the presence of the Kurdish PYD/YPG. become obvious for everyone through their treacherous
Likewise, some mainstream petty-bourgeois opposition participation in the Astana talks. As we have reported,
forces (the Turkey-based Syrian National Coalition, the High one important aspect of the Astana deal is the liquidation
Negotiations Committee, and the FSAs General Staff) protest of all those forces (so-called “extremists”) which oppose
against the character of the Sochi conference and threaten appeasement with the regime and which want to continue
to boycott it. the liberation struggle against the Assad regime and its
3. The Revolutionary Communist International Tendency imperialist backers. Shamefully, the SNC and FSA act as
(RCIT) denounces the Sochi conference as another charade. lackeys for the Erdoğan regime and support its recently
As a continuation of the reactionary Astana process, it can started invasion of the biggest liberated Syrian enclave
bring no positive results for the liberation struggle of the in the north. The goal of this invasion is to smash the
Syrian people. It is an initiative of imperialist Russia, in dominating forces in this region (in particular the petty-
alliance with the Assad regime as well as the regimes of bourgeois nationalist-Islamist Hayyat Tharir al-Sham)
Iran and Turkey. As the RCIT has pointed out in several which have rejected the Astana process as a capitulation
statements, these forces – with the tacit support of US and denounced those “mainstream” forces participating

Order RCIT Documents in Arab Language

#1 May 2017 2017 ‫أيار‬ 1

Middle East RevLib#76 I December 2017

in it as treacherous. Likewise, these forces participate in tactics on the basis of the given relation of forces as it
the systematic assassination campaign of the Turkish is and not as it should be. In the present situation, it is
secret service against HTS leaders which is has been taken crucial to defend those forces which refuse to capitulate to
place in Idlib since some months. the pressure of the imperialist powers and their regional
5. The RCIT calls all forces who continue to support allies to lay down their arms and to liquidate the heroic
the liberation struggle against the Assad regime and its Syrian Revolution. The international workers’ movement
imperialist backers to boycott the charade conferences in and all progressive and democratic forces must also rally
Sochi, Astana and Geneva. There can be no solution under to support the Syrian Revolution. They must defend the
the bayonets of the Great Powers. We say: Down with any anti-capitulationist liberation forces which continue the
“solution” imposed by the imperialist Great Powers Russia and struggle against the Assad regime as well as the Great
US, by Iran and Turkey and the Assad regime! Continue the Powers and their allies.
liberation struggle against the butcher Assad, against Russian * Down with the Charades in Sochi, Astana and Geneva!
and US Imperialism and the local Allies! Boycott these fake “negotiations”!
6. The way forward is not submission and * Down with any “solution” imposed by the imperialist Great
capitulation to the Great Powers and their regional allies. Powers Russia and US, by Iran and Turkey and the Assad
The only way forward for the Syrian Revolution is to regime!
create popular councils and militias, under the control * Support the Syrian Revolution!
of the workers and poor peasants, which will fight for a * Defend Idlib against the Great Powers and their allies!
workers’ and peasant republic. We repeat our call for an * For a multinational, independent workers’ and peasants
international workers’ and popular solidarity movement republic in Syria – free of sectarianism, foreign occupation and
in support of the Syrian Revolution. Furthermore, we dictatorship!
urge all authentic supporters of the liberation struggle * For international mass mobilizations and strikes of workers,
to unite and found a revolutionary party in Syria and a migrants and youth to stop the imperialist aggression of Russia
global revolutionary international based on a program of and the US against the peoples of the Middle East!
permanent revolution.
7. Surely, revolutionaries have to develop their International Secretariat of the RCIT

Books of the RCIT

Michael Pröbsting: The Great Robbery of the South
Continuity and Changes in the Super-Exploitation of the Semi-Colonial World
by Monopoly Capital. Consequences for the Marxist Theory of Imperialism

he RCIT is proud to announce the publication of a book has such a big share of the world
called THE GREAT ROBBERY OF THE SOUTH. The book’s capitalist value been produced in The Great
subtitle is: Continuity and Changes in the Super-Exploitation the South. Never before have the
of the Semi-Colonial World by Monopoly Capital. Consequences imperialist monopolies been so
Robbery of
for the Marxist Theory of Imperialism. The book is in English- dependent on the super-exploitation the South
language. It has 15 chapters, 448 pages and includes 139 Tables of the semi-colonial world. Never Continuity and Changes in the Super-Exploitation

and Figures. The author of the book is Michael Pröbsting who is before has migrant labor from the of the Semi-Colonial World by Monopoly Capital
Consequences for the Marxist Theory
the International Secretary of the RCIT. semi-colonial world played such of Imperialism

In The Great Robbery of the South Michael Pröbsting analyses the a significant role for the capitalist
super-exploitation and oppression of the semi-colonial world value production in the imperialist
(often referred to as the “Third World”) by the imperialist countries. Never before has the huge
powers and monopolies. He shows that the relationship between majority of the world working class
the small minority of rich capitalist countries and the huge lived in the South – outside of the By Michael Pröbsting
Published by the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency

majority of mankind living in the semi-colonial world forms one old imperialist metropolises.
of the most important elements of the imperialist world system In The Great Robbery of the South
we are living in. The Great Robbery of the South shows that the Michael Pröbsting argues that a
past decades have been a complete confirmation of the validity of correct understanding of the nature of imperialism as well as of
Lenin’s theory of imperialism and its programmatic conclusions. the program of permanent revolution which includes the tactics
The Great Robbery of the South demonstrates the important changes of consistent anti-imperialism is essential for anyone who wants
in the relationship between the imperialist and the semi-colonial to change the world and bring about a socialist future.
countries. Using comprehensive material (including 139 Tables Order your copy NOW! $20 / £13 / €15 plus p+p (21$ for US and
and Figures), Michael Pröbsting elaborates that never before international, £9 for UK, €10 for Europe)
RevLib#76 I December 2017
Middle East 21

RCIT at a Public Meeting in Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution

Victory to the Resistance against the Dictatorship of Assad!
Report (with Pictures and Video) from the RKO BEFREIUNG (Austrian Section of the RCIT), 6th November 2017

he Syrian Community and the RKO BEFREIUNG in 2011. We are in complete solidarity with the Syrian
(Austrian section of the RCIT) organized a public revolutionaries in their struggle for freedom and peace.
meeting on 3 November about the current situation We combine the support for the Syrian revolution with a
in Syria and perspectives for the future. The RCIT stands perspective of socialist revolution.
in unconditional solidarity with the Syrian revolutionaries We look forward to future collaboration with our Syrian
who are fighting both – the brutal dictatorship of Bashar brothers and sisters.
Al-Assad and the imperialists. Victory to the Syrian Revolution! Long live international
Comrade Marek Hangler, spokesperson of the RKO solidarity!
BEFREIUNG, facilitated the meeting together with Badran
Farwati (spokesperson of the Austrian Coordination To view pictures of the meeting as well as the speech
Council for Support of the Syrian Revolution). Speakers of comrade Pröbsting (in German language with Arabic
on the platform, representing different political views, translation) click the following link:
included Alessandra Rametta Mayerhofer (former war Pictures and Video of Michael Pröbsting’s Speech: https://
reporter, currently journalist at the TV station OKTO),
Stefan Beig (former journalist of the newspaper Wiener veranstaltung-3-nov/ (scroll down to the end of the article)
Zeitung), Bassam Alaissami (Syrian human rights lawyer) Michael Pröbsting’s Speech can also be viewed at: https://
and Michael Pröbsting, the International Secretary of the
A lively political discussion was held on the general The whole meeting (two hours) can be viewed on the
development of the Arab revolutions and the specific Facebook site of the Austrian Coordination Council for
situation of the Syrian people. Comrade Pröbsting Support of the Syrian Revolution:
emphasized the importance of international solidarity
of workers and all the oppressed. He analyzed the videos/1747020352037610/ (Part 1)
experiences of Syrian revolutionaries after more than 6
years of heroic struggle for liberation and freedom. He videos/1747104105362568/ (Part 2)
also warned against the treacherous policies of various For the RCIT’s analysis of the Syrian Revolution, we refer
leaders of the resistance who are open to collaborate with readers to our numerous articles and documents which
imperialist Great Powers. can be accessed at a special section on our website: https://
We in the Austrian section of the RCIT have been
collaborating in practice with the Syrian community east/collection-of-articles-on-the-syrian-revolution/
in Austria since the beginning of the Syrian revolution

Platform of the Meeting in Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution on 3.11.2017 (from left to right): Michael Pröbsting, Marek Hangler, Alessandra Ra-
metta Mayerhofer, Stefan Beig, Bassam Alaissami and Badran Farwati
22 Europe RevLib#76 I December 2017

Britain: Sunderland’s 2021 Bid for the “City of Culture”

will not benefit the Working Class
By Dave Tate, RCIT Britain, 08.11.2017

underland’s 2021 bid for the city of culture was east disproportionally as more workers are employed
launched on 2nd November 2017. All the rhetoric in the public sector. The scourge of zero hours contracts
used to legitimise the bid aims to portray the and minimum wage jobs also will not be tackled by being
success of winning the award will lead to a renaissance designated a city of culture, if anything what will result
for Sunderland. From being a major ship builder and coal will be a deepening of such conditions of non-union, zero
mining area for the nineteenth and twentieth centuries hours, and minimum wages as the jobs created by a city of
it will follow the so-called post-industrial success of culture is just this type of employment.
Liverpool, the first City of Culture and the most recent The physical benefits will also be concentrated in and
Hull. At least that is what is being sold to the people of around the city centre while the outlying regions of
Sunderland and the wider community. Sunderland will continue to languish. You can also bet
The City of Culture was introduced by Labour’s Culture that from all the exhibitions few if any will highlight the
Secretary Andy Burnham in 2009 following the perceived socialist/radical history of Sunderland. The exhibitions
success of Liverpool’s European City of culture. Justifying may be interesting, but they will not challenge the capitalist
such a scheme he argued that “culture and creativity should ethos of accumulation for the sake of accumulation.
be viewed as part of the answer to tough economic times and not It seems to me that there is something fundamentally
as a distraction or a luxury”. wrong when the wealth which is created socially should
However, like most rhetoric justifying capitalist reality be used for collective benefits not individual benefit. There
this has proven to be narrowly focused. Previous winning is enough wealth being created to build decent, habitable
cities have never led to much of an improvement in houses and to provide income that feeds workers etc.
workers lives as it was never meant to be an improvement. However, knowing this does not bring us closer to ensure
Success of the scheme is seen narrowly through how much that wealth being created is used for the working class
new revenue is generated, in the case of Liverpool it was rather than the narrow segment of the capitalist class. As
estimated that the local economy benefitted by some workers we need to struggle to ensure that our needs are
£800m. met. That housing, employment, welfare stops being a
The bid that Sunderland is making for 2021 is taking place method for the capitalists to get rich. We need to widen our
in a city with a high proportion of food banks, it is also strikes make them political that is increasingly challenge
estimated that some 17000 children live in poverty, the the corrupt house of commons and the criminal capitalist
cruel Universal Credit, which has rightly been seen as a state that protects the corrupt House of Commons. By
direct attack upon the working class, is now being rolled doing this then we can build a humane future and for the
out with all of the accompanying horrors of late payments first time bring culture truly into workers lives by making
and increased destitution. it ours and not the plaything of the wealthy or a way to
In the work force the public sector pay cap which has seen make money.
wages being cut for the last ten years hits cities in north

Two Pamphlets on the EU and Brexit

* Marxism, European Union
and Brexit
* The British Left
and the EU-Referendum
Written by Michael Pröbsting
(International Secretary of the RCIT)
Price for one pamphlet: 2 Pound (plus delivery charges)
Order the pamphlet via our contact addresses
RevLib#76 I December 2017
Who We Are 23

What the RCIT Stands for

he Revolutionary Communist International Ten- living circumstances of the members. This bureau-
dency (RCIT) is a fighting organisation for cracy’s basis rests mainly on the top, privileged lay-
the liberation of the working class and all ers of the working class - the workers’ aristocracy.
oppressed. It has national sections in various coun- The struggle for the liberation of the working class
tries. The working class is the class of all those (and must be based on the broad mass of the proletariat
their families) who are forced to sell their labour rather than their upper strata.
power as wage earners to the capitalists. The RCIT The RCIT strives for unity in action with other or-
stands on the theory and practice of the revolution- ganizations. However, we are aware that the policy
ary workers’ movement associated with the names of social democracy and the pseudo-revolutionary
of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky. groups is dangerous and they ultimately represent
Capitalism endangers our lives and the future of an obstacle to the emancipation of the working
humanity. Unemployment, war, environmental class.
disasters, hunger, exploitation, are part of everyday We fight for the expropriation of the big land own-
life under capitalism as are the national oppres- ers as well as for the nationalisation of the land and
sion of migrants and nations and the oppression its distribution to the poor and landless peasants.
of women, young people and homosexuals. There- We fight for the independent organisation of the
fore, we want to eliminate capitalism. rural workers.
The liberation of the working class and all op- We support national liberation movements against
pressed is possible only in a classless society with- oppression. We also support the anti-imperialist
out exploitation and oppression. Such a society can struggles of oppressed peoples against the great
only be established internationally. powers. Within these movements we advocate a
Therefore, the RCIT is fighting for a socialist revo- revolutionary leadership as an alternative to na-
lution at home and around the world. tionalist or reformist forces.
This revolution must be carried out and lead by In a war between imperialist states (e.g. U.S., Chi-
the working class, for she is the only class that has na, EU, Russia, Japan) we take a revolutionary de-
nothing to lose but their chains. featist position, i.e. we don’t support neither side
The revolution can not proceed peacefully because and advocate the transformation of the war into a
never before has a ruling class voluntarily surren- civil war against the ruling class. In a war between
dered their power. The road to liberation includes an imperialist power (or its stooge) and a semi-co-
necessarily the armed rebellion and civil war lonial country we stand for the defeat of the former
against the capitalists. and the victory of the oppressed country.
The RCIT is fighting for the establishment of work- The struggle against national and social oppression
ers’ and peasant republics, where the oppressed or- (women, youth, sexual minorities etc.) must be lead
ganize themselves in rank and file meetings in fac- by the working class. We fight for revolutionary
tories, neighbourhoods and schools – in councils. movements of the oppressed (women, youth, mi-
These councils elect and control the government grants etc.) based on the working class. We oppose
and all other authorities and can always replace the leadership of petty-bourgeois forces (feminism,
them. nationalism, Islamism etc.) and strive to replace
Real socialism and communism has nothing to do them by a revolutionary communist leadership.
with the so-called “real existing socialism” in the Only with a revolutionary party fighting as its
Soviet Union, China, Cuba or Eastern Europe. In leadership can the working class win. The construc-
these countries, a bureaucracy dominated and op- tion of such a party and the conduct of a successful
pressed the proletariat. revolution as it was demonstrated by the Bolshe-
The RCIT supports all efforts to improve the liv- viks under Lenin and Trotsky in Russia are a model
ing conditions of workers and the oppressed. We for the revolutionary parties and revolutions also in
combine this with a perspective of the overthrow the 21 Century.
of capitalism. For new, revolutionary workers’ parties in all
We work inside the trade unions and advocate countries! For a 5th Workers International on a rev-
class struggle, socialism and workers’ democracy. olutionary program! Join the RCIT!
But trade unions and social democracy are con- No future without socialism!
trolled by a bureaucracy. This bureaucracy is a lay- No socialism without a revolution!
er which is connected with the state and capital via No revolution without a revolutionary party!
jobs and privileges. It is far from the interests and

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