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Killing Odor-Causing Bacteria

Readers have recommended many different approaches to discour- “My husband suffered for
aging the bacteria responsible for foot odor. One person suggested an years with foot odor. We
over-the-counter antibacterial ointment like Neosporin to be applied tried every remedy
overnight. A family doctor prescribes an erythromycin suspension (125 available with no im-
provement. Then we read
mg/5 ml) to be rubbed on the feet every night for 10 days. Another about chlorophyll tablets
person swears by PhisoHex disinfectant wash for the feet, bolstered by for body odor. I figured if
spraying the inside of the shoes with Lysol. it worked for one kind of
“Several members of my She maintains the problem is usually con- odor it might work on
family had smelly feet until quered with just two applications. (Please another. Chlorophyll did
they discovered that zinc will the job, but you have to
alleviate the odor. Whenever
don't put Lysol directly on feet.) take it for awhile before
we hear of someone with this Other readers prefer oral approaches. Sev- you get results.”
problem, we suggest to the eral people report that they have had success
offending party, ‘Don’t stink— taking chlorophyll, while others are enthusiastic about zinc
take zinc!’ Usually 50 to 100 supplements. One of our favorite recommendations came from
mg per day will solve the
problem in less than 30 days.” the wife of a man with “world-class” stinky feet: “We discovered
We caution readers not to that green tea—either as a beverage or in capsule form—not only
exceed the high dose of 100 eliminated the foot odor that had plagued him for over 40 years,
mg daily or the treatment it eliminated all offensive body odor as well. My husband did not
period of 30 days. Otherwise
zinc could reach toxic levels.
like drinking green tea, but found that taking as little as 150 mg
green tea extract daily in a capsule worked.”


Mushrooms love dark, damp, warm places, and so do many other fungi. That may be why
athlete’s foot flourishes between our toes. One reader used a hair dryer on his toes to combat
a persistent case of athlete’s foot. This fungal infection is one of the most common and
persistent that affects human skin. It is hard to understand how some folks can walk
barefoot through a locker room without any consequences while others battle athlete’s foot
for years without ever using a public shower.
Over-the-counter antifungal medications are usually effective, if you use them regularly.
They include Lamisil AT, Micatin, Lotrimin AF and many forms of tolnaftate (Tinactin,
Aftate, Zeasorb-AF). Many of the home remedies that are effective for smelly feet can also
work wonders against athlete’s foot fungus. Vinegar soaks (one part vinegar to two parts
water) can create an environment that is inhospitable for fungus.
Tea tree oil, from the Australian tree Melaleuca alternifolia, is available in soaps or
creams. It has antifungal activity equivalent to the OTC drug tolnaftate, so it is definitely
worth a try. Less exotic, but more likely to be available in your kitchen cupboard, is a
concoction of garlic and olive oil: 6 crushed cloves of garlic
steeped in 2 tablespoons of olive oil for three days. Apply the I have a home remedy for athlete’s foot
olive oil with a cotton ball to the affected skin every day for that sounds disgusting but works
a week. If irritation occurs, stop the remedy immediately. wonders.
Keeping feet dry with antiperspirant may discourage re- A friend of mine was in the Marines.
When I told him I’d had athlete’s foot for
infection. Aluminum chloride is the most effective drying almost a year, he told me about a
agent. It should only be applied to dry, intact skin as this remedy he learned in the service:
antiperspirant can be irritating to wet or abraded skin. A urinate on your feet while in the shower.
pharmacist could make up a 20% solution or you can look for I was so desperate I tried this and the
athlete’s foot was gone within two
Certain Dri, Drysol or Xerac AC. The last two products weeks.
will require a prescription.
Graedons' Guide to

Solutions for Smelly Feet

Some people can wear the same pair of sneakers day after day with no obvious odor.
Others find that when they remove their shoes, family and friends complain bitterly. Why
some folks have smelly feet and others don't seem to be plagued with this problem remains
mysterious. But it probably stems from sweat and bacteria.
Scientists estimate that an average foot produces a quarter cup of sweat per day. When
the temperature rises or the person is active, as much as a cup of liquid can be created. All
this sweat and the protein that accompanies it from dead skin cells can feed six trillion
bacteria. Just as such bugs are responsible for the distinctive aroma of Limburger cheese,
so too the flora and fauna that live on the feet can create some pretty strong smells. Control
the sweat or kill the bacteria and you can banish the odor.
Double-blind, placebo-controlled trials are few and far between when it comes to remedies
for sweaty feet. After all, this is not a life-threatening condition. Pharmaceutical companies
have not seen fit to devote much money to the fight against foot odor. Shoe manufacturers,
on the other hand, are investing resources in high-tech materials designed to wick sweat
away from the foot and keep it cooler and drier than most traditional shoes do. Merrell
shoes and hiking boots (a division of Wolverine Worldwide, Inc.) are using a Polar Tek™
fleece to line their boots. Nike has turned to Gore-Tex,™ a fabric that is treated to repel
water while allowing sweat to escape. It is found in their high-performance running shoe,
Air Minot.™
Several strategies have been suggested when it comes to footwear. Wear sandals when-
ever possible. They allow maximum breathability. Never wear the same shoes two days
running. If you can afford several pairs, alternate in rotation so that each shoe dries out
thoroughly before it is worn again. Some readers of our column
have suggested disinfecting shoes between wearings with rubbing
Tea Treatment for alcohol. They do this by saturating a paper tissue and inserting
Sweaty Feet into the shoe overnight. Foot powder in the shoe may also help.
• Steep 5 tea bags in a Another logical approach is to treat the feet themselves so they
quart of boiling water for sweat less. Applying antiperspirant to the feet has been shown to
10 minutes
reduce blisters in military recruits on a lengthy hike. Presumably
• Allow solution to cool
antiperspirant would also work to diminish foot odor linked to
• Soak feet 30 minutes
• Repeat daily sweat as well.
Other approaches
to reducing sweat For years I have sympathized with your readers
include tannic acid (see the “tea treat- who complained about smelly feet. I wondered
ment”), using a foot powder of equal parts if I had the nerve to write to you and if you
fluffy tannic acid, talc and bentonite, would have the nerve to publish the sure-fire
dusting feet and shoes with baking soda remedy for their complaint.
before putting on socks, soaking smelly I have known about this cure for over fifty
years. During World War II, the men in the
feet in a warm Epsom salt solution several
military complained of smelly feet, and an older
nights in a row or soaking feet in baking man told these fellows to urinate on their feet in
soda solution (2 tablespoons baking soda to the shower. They said it worked, and so has
2 quarts warm water) 30 minutes a night everyone else who has tried it. This is no hoax.
for a month. I’m a great-grandmother and I wouldn’t pull
your leg.
© 2000 Graedon Enterprises, Inc.

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