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The story of a peri-peri

chicken sandwich
yummy yummy sandwich
Joshua Steele - 24 March 2019


The very start of the torture
Once upon a time, or a Monday, I suppose. I was just your average sandwich, sitting
on the kitchen bench. I went to sleep for a little while, thinking it would be good to have a
little power nap. IT WAS A TERRIBLE MISTAKE. after like, 3 hours, I woke up (and it was
supposed to be a LITTLE nap). I seemed to be sitting in a stinky metal box, that seemed to
want to cook me. I sat in there for quite a while with some other food. What really
annoyed me though was the grapes. After a little while the grapes started chanting,
BURST! BURST! BURST! And I was wondering, what the hell are they doing??? And then,
out of nowhere I started hearing something like a squishy balloon inflating. BLAM! The
next thing I knew is that there was one less grape, and everyone was covered in grape
juice. When I was about to ask, did he just explode!?!?!, the box started shaking. It also
started cooking me more. after about 2 seconds, the box stopped shaking, and it wasn’t
cooking me anymore. Then all of a sudden, the roof of the box came off, and the next thing
I knew, is that I was being eaten.

Why do the white things hate me?

I was eaten very quickly, and now I seem to be stuck in a red-ish room with a bunch
of white things, and a big bumpy red thing. The next thing that came into my mind was:
someone must of left a tap on in here, because the floor is flooded. But the liquid on the
floor wasn’t water. It was this kind of sticky substance, that dripped off of you for a while
if you touched it. Just as I was going to touch it again, a big wave of it splashed onto me,
knocking me over, onto the white things. If you thought the story would calm down a bit
now, you’re dead wrong. Because then the most terrifying thing happened. The white
things tried to push against each other. AND I WAS SITTING ON ONE. The pain was bad
enough with them just going up and down, but they decided to torture me more by
grinding me against them as well. After I had a thorough chewing, the bumpy thing
picked me up, and threw me down the hole at the back of the room (which I hadn’t


noticed because I was busy playing with the goo). I plummeted down the hole which
propelled me along by squishing me. Then all of a sudden, I plopped into another liquid.

The burning goop

As I tried to catch my breath, I realised that I was using another sandwich as a raft. Even
though he was mostly mush, I could tell. “Help meeeeeee…” he croaked. As soon as I
heard something come out of his mouth, I leaped off of him and onto another piece of
mush. As I bobbed along in my mush raft, I saw the most peculiar sight. A non mushed
grape. It was actually one from the box. It saw me, and swam over too me, and got up on
my mush raft. ”Uhhh… hi?” I said nervously. The grape laughed for ages, and when he
finally got himself together, he inflated and blew up, sending me flying. “Stupid grapes” I
cursed as I flew and hit a wall. The wall knocked me back into the acid, and I quickly
scrambled onto the nearest mush raft. At my current state, I looked like a walking mush
raft. All of a sudden, someone pulled the acid plug, and we all started swirling down a
hole. “At last!” the old sandwich exclaimed. “The Great Swirldown!” But all I heard was “
The Great Sw-grgblb”. So I didn’t really understand what was going on.

The carnivorous tunnel

As I was swirled through the tunnel I got sucked into, I started thinking that this wasn’t
too bad. Well, until I realised the tunnel’s flesh hair was sucking stuff out of me. After
quite a bit of having my nutrients sucked out of me, a part of the tunnel literally vomited
on me! I think I had already been vomited on before when I entered the tunnel. The
gruesome vomit broke me down like the acid in the mush raft chamber. The fluid seemed
to have some of the acid and a whole heap of bile. The very small tunnel (did i forget to
mention that it was small? My bad.) kept on sucking for a while then whooshed me into a
bigger tunnel. It wasn’t that bigger but it was big enough for comfort. The bigger tunnel
sucked me a little bit, but it wasn’t that much. I didn’t really notice that it had been
turning me brown though. Just as I started to relax, I was shot into another room and
smashed into something. The room I was in was a little room with a squeezey thing at the
bottom. Suddenly I realised I had smashed into the old sandwich, brown and mushy like
me. “ Here it comes!” he said as the room started rumbling. I realised something big was
gonna happen.

The plop
The rumbling intensified, and the squeezey thing started clenching. And then the
squeezey thing opened and squeezed one of the other blobs out. It was followed by a
spine-tingling plop. I shuddered. Eventually the old sandwich was squeezed out, and he
yelled out “YEE HAW!” at the top of his lungs, all the way down. I was so focused on the
dreaded plop, that I forgot that I was next. I was shot out of the squeezey thing and
rubbed against fleshy butt fat and dropped into the porcelain pool. Then I saw a button
get pushed, and the next thing I knew is that I was swirling again. THE END



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