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Hands Free Lifting

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Presenter: Steve Pearce: Perth

March 2012
Hands free lifting objectives
 To eliminate hand and finger injuries by
removing them from the energy source
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 To eliminate caught-between, struck-by and
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struck-against incidents
 To identify safer methods of handling
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suspended loads and the use of lifting
apparatus through:
 engineering
 work practices and systems
 tools
To use existing facility processes (e.g. JHA
and/or PTW processes)

Perth 4th March, 2010

Why hands free?
• After years of decline, injury frequency
rates have leveled off
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• New approaches required to eliminate
residual injuries
• Hand injuries represent about 1/2 of all
injuries. Hand injuries represent the
majority of more serious, recordable,
injuries Click to edit Master subtitle style
• Caught between and crush incidents can
be fatal "If you always do what
you've always done, you'll
• Huge amount of lifts offshore = huge risk
exposure a dynamic environment always get what you've
due to rig movement; wind effects (etc) always got.”
and confined areas

Eliminating handling of suspended loads is a step change to Zero Harm

Perth 4th March, 2010

What is hands free lifting ?
Personnel not touching a load (with any part of their body)
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that is connected to a mechanical lifting device. That is
…as the load is being lifted or before the load is properly
set down and all potential energy is released.

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What historically happens with suspended loads

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Applying the hierarchy of control to the problem
1. The complete elimination of the
Click1. Eliminate
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2. Replacing the material or process with a
2. Substitute less hazardous one
3. Redesign the equipment or work
3. Redesign
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4. Separate
4. Isolating the hazard by guarding or
enclosing it

5. Administrate 5. Providing admin controls such as

training, procedures, etc.
6. PPE 6. Use appropriate and properly fitted PPE
where other controls are not practical

Perth 4th March, 2010

The evolution of hands free lifting
2008 2009 -2010 2011
Adopted by Adopted by Songa, Adopted by Stena Drilling;
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Transocean in
Gulf of Mexico
Atwood and
Diamond in
Santos Bangladesh ++

Australia Now part of many

organisations safety
management system

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Perth 4th March, 2010

A change ... emotional
Change means different things to different people!
• Challenge: winning commitment of rig leaders
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• Challenge: resisting strong push back from crews
• Challenge: overcoming deeply engrained behaviours
• Challenge: building a hands free culture on the rig

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I’m not

Perth 4th March, 2010

‘V’ Shape For Pushing
Corners and Steadying

A change the equipment

Wax Dipped Rope To
Hook to
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Reduce Coiling
Edge For
Pushing and
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Good Non-
Slip Grip


Perth 4th March, 2010

A change ... to the system of work

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Work crews
Can Lift Be Avoided?

exemption’ lists

1) Writes on JSA details of Is Task on ‘Hands Free’ N

Can Load Be Moved specific to their area
N ‘Hands Free’?
hands-on lift
2) Signs JSA
Exemption List?
of operation (deck;
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drill floor etc)
Confirm/Add Details Of ‘Hands
Free’ Controls to JSA Lists are posted at
prominent locations
JSA Reviewed Prior to Task
Should Task Change and Commencing and Personnel
‘Hands-On’ Becomes Briefed
Required, STOP JOB and
Reassess as Described Above
 Increased emphasis
on ‘hands-free’
practices via JHA
Supervisor is present during
hands-on lift
Task Completed
and/or PTW process

After Action Review to be

completed for all hands-on
Perth 4th March, 2010
Rig floor hands free exemption list

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Lists are
posted at
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Supportive strategies (examples)
 Discuss hands free initiative with drilling contractor
early (buy-in); present to crews at campaign inductions

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 Ban polka dot gloves - only using impact type gloves
 Mandate that gloves are to be worn at all times in the

 Regular discussion point at pre-tour and safety

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 Ensuring loads packed securely, all lifting equipment
checked and certified (and inspected); QAQC

 Hand and finger preservation campaigns

 Cameras on the crane booms
 Active support by Drilling Contractor and crew;
Title Holder including Supervisor’s and HSE
coaches on the rig

Perth 4th March, 2010

Lessons for success
 Visible management commitment and

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leadership - without it, it will
fail…guaranteed (definitely a top down

 Ensuring the total workforce is educated

on the initiative (all shifts / swings
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…something we don't always get right)

 Make sure all the tools are available for

use at 'go live' date (and ongoing)

 Set a hard 'go live' date and be

unwavering in expectations / requirements
(i.e. no fuzzy implementation date)

Perth 4th March, 2010

Lessons for success
 An acceptance that in the early learning /
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trialing phase that it may take a bit longer to do
the job
 Have the crews identify what should be
included on the hands free list; and then work
with them to reduce the list
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 Identify ‘hands free champions’ (converts) as
early as possible and get them actively involved
in the initiative

 Coaching, giving time and having

patience are critical to it’s success

Perth 4th March, 2010

Lifts and weights for Santos 2011 campaign
 Between April – July this year,
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we moved over 5000 tonne of
equipment representing over
1400 lifts*

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*The actual number of lifts is
considerable higher as loads are
often moved a number of times
due to operational requirements
/ competition for space

Perth 4th March, 2010

The Results speak for themselves

We have had zero injuries associated with

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suspended loads since going
‘hands free’

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Perth 4th March, 2010

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Perth 4th March, 2010

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