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1. Introduction

1.1 Relevance: QuizBee is a desktop application that has general questions related to
current affairs and computer Languages. It has multiple-choice questions with time limit
and it calculate scores of each correct answer. It is good for students of every age group
it helps in increasing general knowledge about world, Sports and computer etc. Don't
need register simply give any user name and password it will saved automatically and
you can login again with same user name and password don’t have to worry about the
past score. The application helps the user to increase his/her knowledge.

1.2 Problem Definition: QuizBee is a application developed to conduct an quiz based

on time constraints. QuizBee system is accessed by entering the user name and
password, which is added to the database. Before start of the quiz, the rules and
regulations are displayed that includes description of the time limit, number of
questions to be answered and scoring methods. Quiz is started by displaying one
question with four options each based on computer and general knowledge.
If the answer is correct, score is incremented by one and no negative marks for wrong
answers . If the time exceeds 20secs, quiz stops and final score will be displayed.

1.3 Objective: The main objective of “QuizBee” is to facilitate a user-friendly

environment for all users and reduces the manual effort. In past days quiz is conducted
manually but in further resolution of the technology, we are able to generate the score
and pose the queries automatically. The functional requirements include creating users
that are going to participate in the quiz, automatic score generation. In this application,
all the permissions lies with the administrator i.e., specifying the details of the quiz with
checking result will show to interviewee or not, addition of question and answers marks
for each question, Set timer for each quiz and generate report with score for each quiz.


2. System Requirements Specification

2.1 Hardware Requirement

Following hardware configuration is preferred for the system.

 Processor- Intel Core 2 Duo

 RAM –2GB
 Hard Disk - 500 GB
 Monitor
 Keyboard
 Serial Mouse

2.2 Software Requirement

Following software Requirement is preferred for the system.

 Windows Operating System

 Visual Studio 2010
 Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5 and above versions
 SQL Server 2008


2.3 User Requirements Specification

Microsoft.NET Framework


The .Net framework is a new computing platform that simplifies application

development in the highly distributed environment of the internet.

The .Net framework has two main components:

 The common language runtime and

 The .Net Framework class library.


 What is the common language runtime (CLR)?

The common language runtime is the execution engine for .Net framework
application. It provides a number of services, including the

 Code Management (loading and execution)

 Application memory isolation
 Verification of type safety
 Conversion of IL to native code
 Access to metadata (enhanced type information)
 Managing memory for managed objects
 Enforcement of code access security
 Exception handling, including cross-language exception
 Interoperation between managed code, COM objects, and
Pre-existing DLLs (unmanaged code and data)

 What is the class library?

That provides core programming functions, such as those formerly available only
through the windows API, and application-level functions used for Web
development(ASP.NET), data access(ADO.NET), security, and remote management

 Microsoft .NET framework Objectives

To provide a consistence object-oriented programming environment whether object

code is stored and executed locally, executed locally but Internet-distributed, or
executed remotely.
 To provide a code-execution environment that minimizes software
deployment and versioning conflicts.
 To provide a code-execution environment that guarantees safe execution of
code, including code created by an unknown or semi trusted third party.


 To provide a code-execution environment that eliminated the performance

problems of scripted or interpreted environment.
 To make the developer experience consistent across widely varying Types of
application, such as windows-based application and web based application.
 To build all communication on industry standards to ensure that code based
on the .NET framework can integrate with any other code.

You can use the .NET framework to develop the following types of application and

 Console application.
 Scripted or hosted application.
 Windows GUI application (Windows Forms).
 ASP.NET applications.
 XML Web services.
 Windows service

Benefits of .Net Frameworks-

 Based on Web Standards and Practices

 Extensible
 Easy for developers to use
 Designed using unified application

1. Based on Web standards and Practices:

The .NET framework fully supports the existing Internet technologies, including HTML,
XML, and SOAP. Extensible style sheet language for transformation (XSLT) Xpath and


other Web standards. The .NET framework favors loosely connected, stateless web

2. Extensible:
The hierarchy of the .NET framework is not hidden from the developer. You can
access and extend .NET classes (unless they are sealed) by using inheritance. You can
also implement cross-language inheritance.

3. Easy for developers to use:

In the .NET framework, code is organized into hierarchical Namespace and classes.
The framework provides a common type system, referred to as the unified type System
that is used by any .NET compatible language. In the unified type system, any .NET
compatible string type uses that and all string data is Unicode.

4. Designed using unified application:

.NET class functionality is available from any .NET compatible language or programming.

.NET Framework component:

 Common language runtime.

 .Net framework class library.
 ADO.NET: Data & XML.
 C# .NET: windows forms.
 User interface
ADO.NET: data and xml:

ADO.NET is the next generation of ActiveX data objects (ADO) technology. ADO.Net
provides supports for the disconnected programming model. It also provides rich XML


.NET Namespaces:

The .NET class library provides access to all the features of the CLR. The .NET class
library is organized into namespace. Each namespace contains a functionally related
group of classes.

System.Data Namespace:

The system Data Namespace consists of classes that constitute the ADO.NET object
model, at the high level it in to two layers connected layers and disconnected layers.

System .XML Namespace:

The system .XML Namespace provides supports for the XML. It includes XML parser
complaints. Transformations are provides by the system.XML Namespaces and the
implementation Xpath that allows data graph navigation in XML.

C# .NET: web forms and services:

C# .NET is programming framework that is built on the common language runtime and
that can used on a server to build powerful windows application C#.NET windows forms
provide in easy and powerful way to build dynamic user interface.

User Interface:

Windows application can provide more powerful user interface than ever by using the
.NET framework’s system. Windows. Forms and system. Drawing namespace. The new
.NET windows forms will look very familiar to visual basic developers.

System. Windows. Forms Namespace:

You can use the System. Windows. Forms namespace classes to build the UI. Class lets
you implement standard windows UI. In your .NET application.


System. Drawing Namespace:

The System. Drawing namespace provide access to Dibasic graphics functionality. More
advanced functionality is provided in the system. Drawing.


 ASP.NET is a windows based platform, which means the code you write
executes on the windows. This approach ensures that your code.
 Make code cleaner
 Improve deployment, scalability, security, and reliability
 Provide better support for different GUI applications

Introduction to SQL Server:

SQL Server is a free and easy-to-use database product. It is designed to provide a

database platform that offers superior ease of use, enabling fast deployment for its
target scenario. Features like Auto-close and the ability to copy database as files are
enabled by default in SQL Server, while the high availability and business intelligence
features are absent. It is very easy to “scale up ‘. SQL Server was developed with two
distinct uses in mind server and second is a local client data store where the application
data access does not depends on the network. Ease of use and simplicity are the key

The main usage scenario of SQL server is:

1. Hobbyist building basic client/server application.

2. Nonprofessional developers building web application.


Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 is a database and data analysis platform for large-scale
online transaction processing (OLTP), data warehousing, and e-commerce applications.

 SQL Server 2008 contains these technologies.

 SQL Server Database Engine:

The Database Engine is the core service for storing, processing, and securing data.
The Database Engine provides controlled access and rapid transaction processing
to meet the requirements of the most demanding data consuming applications
within your enterprise. The Database Engine also provides rich support for
sustaining high availability

 SQL Server Analysis Services

Analysis Services delivers online analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining
functionality for business intelligence applications. Analysis Services supports
OLAP by allowing you to design, create, and manage multidimensional structures
that contain data aggregated from other data sources, such as relational

For data mining applications, Analysis Services allows you to design, create, and
visualize data mining models, constructed from other data sources by using a
wide variety of industry-standard data mining algorithms

 SQL Server Integration Services:

Integration Services is an enterprise data transformation and data integration
solution that you can use to extract, transform, and consolidate data from
disparate sources and move it to single or multiple destinations


 SQL Server Reporting Services:

Reporting Services is a new server-based reporting platform that you can use to
create and manage tabular, matrix, graphical, and free-form reports that contain
data relational and multidimensional data sources. The reports that you create can
be viewed and managed over a Web-based connection.

 SQL Server Full Text Search:

SQL Server contains the functionality you need to issue full-text queries against
plain character-based data in SQL Server tables. Full-text queries could include
words and phrases or multiple forms of a word or phrase.

 SQL Server Notification Services:

Notification Services is the platform for developing and deploying applications that
generate and send notifications. Notification Services can generate and send timely
personalized messages to thousands or millions of subscribers, and deliver them to
a wide variety of devices.


3. System Analysis
3.1 Data Flow Diagram

Context level diagram

Login 0.0 Add Questions

User QuizBee Admin
Get Scores


First Level DFD:

Select Quiz 1.0 Questions
Get Questions Generate

Choose Answers
Answers Record
User Questions & Answers


Final Score User Answer



3.2 E-R Diagram:


4. System Design
4.1 Table Structure

C Questions table

CPP Questions table


C# Questions table

JAVA Questions table


Aptitude Questions table

General Knowledge Questions table


Current Affairs Questions table

Login Table


4.2 Design of Input

Login Form

Admin Login

User login


Admin panel

Insert Questions through Admin Panel


User Panel


C Quiz


Cpp Quiz


General Knowledge Quiz


Current Affairs Quiz


Test Score


4.3 Design of Output

Questions Report


Test Report


5. User Manual
While you visit our windows Application QuizBee, you will appear Login form first , and
after login or Registration you can visualize various menus given below:-

1] Login

3] Home

4] C Quiz

5] Cpp Quiz

6]C# Quiz

7]Java Quiz

8]Current Affairs Quiz

9]Aptitude Test

10]General Knowledge Test

 Login page contains login option. The user has to login into this software to run
the software. You need to enter following details to the login form. Admin can
separately login through the same login form.
Username: Enter Username
Password: Enter Password


 Home is main page of QuizBee. Home page welcome screen of windows

application Home page displays all lists of Menus.

 C Quiz is the C language Quiz .It has five questions with multiple choice options.
After clicking on submit button you will get your score .

 Cpp Quiz is the C++ language Quiz .It has five questions with multiple choice
options. After clicking on submit button you will get your score .

 C# Quiz is the C# language Quiz .It has five questions with multiple choice
options. After clicking on submit button you will get your score .

 Java Quiz is the Java language Quiz .It has five questions with multiple choice
options. After clicking on submit button you will get your score .

 Current Affairs Quiz is the Quiz on recent global affairs .It has five questions with
multiple choice options. After clicking on submit button you will get your score .

 Aptitude Test is the test which checks users aptitude skills .It has five questions
with multiple choice options. After clicking on submit button you will get your
score .

 General Knowledge Quiz is the quiz basic general knowledge .It has five
questions with multiple choice options. After clicking on submit button you will
get your score .


We think that not a single project is ever considered as complete forever because
our mind is always thinking new and our necessities are growing.

 Our application Also, if you see at the first glance that you find it to be complete

but we want to make it still mature and fully automatic.

 As system is flexible, you can generate more report and screen as and when


 The system is modified in future as per the owner requirement



Before implementing our computerized system, many quizzes like us required

internet connection to perform quiz.QuizBee is the computer software which not
required any internet connection to run. User can prepare for various competitive
exams by using this software. It is very popular among computer students because it
has covers all important computer languages. Apart from that it provide following

 It is very fast as compare to other softwares.

 Design is very user friendly.

 Each time it will generate questions randomly.

 It gives immediate results.


Reference Book:

 Microsoft Visual C# 2013 Step By Step

- John Sharp




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