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9, MAY 1, 2017 719

Wide Range Refractive Index Measurement Using

a Multi-Angle Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating
Xiaoyong Chen, Jian Xu, Xuejun Zhang, Tuan Guo, and Bai-Ou Guan

Abstract— The conventional single-angle tilted fiber Bragg observed in the transmission spectrum. The spectral shifts of
grating (TFBG) can only excite a certain range of cladding modes, the individual resonances can be used to measure the changes
limiting it for refractive index (RI) measurement in a wide range. in the immediate vicinity of the cladding, making the TFBG
In this letter, we fabricate and demonstrate a multi-angle TFBG,
in which five individual TFBGs with tilt angles ranging from 5° an ideal component for use as a refractometer. In addition,
to 25° are sequentially inscribed along the core of a single mode as the core mode propagating in the fiber core is insensitive
fiber within a length of 20 mm. The multi-angle TFBG excites to the surrounding refractive index (SRI) but sensitive to
a continuous spectral comb of narrowband-cladding modes over the temperature, it can be used to calibrate the temperature-
a much wider wavelength range (>170 nm) than a single-angle induced spectral shift (which is ∼10 pm/°C [1]), eliminating
TFBG, making it suitable for dynamic RI measurement over
a wide range (1.15–1.45). We have experimentally measured the temperature-induced cross sensitivity in RI measurement
aqueous solutions with RI ranging from 1.30 to 1.45 using the and thereby improving its stability and reliability.
uncoated (by monitoring the cut-off mode) and gold-coated (by Selection of the tilt angle in the TFBG determines which
monitoring the surface Plasmon resonance) multi-angle TFBGs, orders of cladding modes are excited [2]. In other words,
and both methods show linear responses, with RI sensitivities the effective indices and wavelength range of the excited
about 500 nm/RIU.
cladding modes are determined by the tilt angle of gratings,
Index Terms— Fiber Bragg gratings, fiber optics sensors. so that the measurable SRI range changes according to the tilt
angle. Prior work demonstrated SRI measurement ranges and
I. I NTRODUCTION their corresponding TFBG tilt angles of 1.38–1.43 (4°) [15],
1.34–1.42 (7°) [8], 1.32–1.42 (16°) [16] and 1.25–1.37
T HE tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG), in which a peri-
odic and permanent refractive index (RI) modulation is
inscribed in the fiber core and the grating’s planes are written
(20°) [17]. Hence, it is clear that a TFBG with a fixed
tilt angle can only be used for RI measurement within a
with a non-zero tilt angle relative to the propagation axis of the certain concerned range. To monitor different refractive indices
fiber, is one kind of fiber-optic sensor that not only possesses within a much broad range, TFBGs with different tilted
all the advantages of well-established Bragg grating technol- angles are required, resulting in increase of implementation
ogy, but also enables efficient resonant excitation of cladding difficulty.
modes [1]–[3]. In the past decade, the TFBG has been widely To improve the dynamic range of RI measurement, in par-
studied, including the in-fiber polarizer [4], vector rotator [5], ticular for plasmonic applications, Baiad et al. proposed an in-
bending sensor [6], inclinometer [7], refractometer [8]–[10] line multichannel plasmonic TFBG sensor that is constructed
and biosensor [11]. Coating a TFBG with metal can enhance by the concatenation of three TFBGs with tilt angles of 4°,
its applications through the excitation of surface plasmon res- 4.5° and 6° [18]. Although the measured RI ranges from 1.40
onances [12]–[14]. TFBGs benefit from two unique features: to 1.44, such design not only increases the cost and the imple-
the stable structure, in which the light can be transferred from mentation difficulty, but also increases the sensor length (9 cm)
the fiber core into the cladding without damaging the physical in comparison to the conventional TFBG (1–2 cm), limiting it
structure of the optical fiber, and the resulting high-density used as a miniature component. Furthermore, it is hard to be
comb of narrowband spectral resonances, which can be easily used for biosensing since the refractive indices of bio-solutions
are close to 1.33.
Manuscript received January 5, 2017; revised February 28, 2017; accepted In this letter, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a
March 10, 2017. Date of publication March 17, 2017; date of cur-
rent version April 13, 2017. This work was supported in part by the multi-angle TFBG, in which five tilt angles of 5°, 10° , 15°,
National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61235005, in 20° and 25° are sequentially inscribed in the fiber within a
part by the Guangdong Youth Science and Technology Innovation Talents 2 cm length. We obtained a relatively smooth comb spectrum
of China under Grant 2014TQ01X539, in part by the Guangdong Nat-
ural Science Foundation of China under Grant 2014A030313387, in part of cladding modes as wide as 170 nm, and experimental results
the Guangzhou Key Collaborative Innovation Foundation of China under we obtained from both uncoated and gold-coated plasmonic
Grant 2016201604030084, and in part by the Post-Doctoral Science multi-angle TFBGs demonstrate a very wide RI response
Foundation under Grant 2016M592600. (Corresponding author: Tuan Guo.)
The authors are with the Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Optical range. In addition, our multi-angle TFBG can be further
Fiber Sensing and Communications, Institute of Photonics Technology, Jinan miniaturized through depositing a reflection mirror in the
University, Guangzhou 510632, China (e-mail: transmission downstream, thus forming a fiber-tip sensor [8]
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available
online at and making it possible to employ the sensor in hard-to-reach
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LPT.2017.2682183 places, even in vivo.
1041-1135 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Fig. 2. Transmission spectra of the proposed multi-angle TFBG (upper,

red line) and the conventional single-angle TFBGs (lower) with only one tilt
Fig. 1. (a) Tilted grating inscription method for the proposed multi-angle angle of 5° (black line), 10° (yellow line), 15° (blue line), 20° (green line) and
TFBG and (b) configuration of grating distribution in fiber core. 25° (pink line).

II. FABRICATION OF THE M ULTI -A NGLE TFBG as shown in Fig. 1 (b). With this multi-angle TFBG, we
obtained a wide spectrum, relatively smooth comb of cladding
The multi-angle TFBG was manufactured using a scanned
phase-mask technique in a commercial single-mode fiber [2],
as shown in Fig. 1 (a). The fabrication process includes three III. M ULTI -A NGLE TFBG C HARACTERISTICS
main steps. First we hydrogen loaded the fiber at temperature Figure 2 shows the experimentally measured transmission
of 50 °C, at a pressure of 1500 psi for 168 h, to increase spectrum of the multi-angle TFBG in the air, in comparison
the photosensitivity of the fiber core. Then we cylindrically to the conventional TFBGs with only one tilt angle of 5°, 10°,
focused a 193 nm pulsed ultraviolet (UV) light, with power 15°, 20° and 25°. As can be seen, a relatively wide spectrum
of 3 mJ per pulse and frequency of 200 Hz, through the ±1 of transmission resonances from 1382 to 1554 nm is created
diffraction order phase-mask and onto the fiber. We spatially by the multi-angle TFBG, including a well-defined comb of
scanned the beam over the fiber region. Finally, by varying the cladding modes (1382–1552 nm). This comb range is much
incidence angle of the beam on the mask + fiber assembly, wider than that obtained using a conventional TFBG which has
we inscribed a set of concatenated gratings at the desired tilt only one grating of tilt angle, i.e. the comb range of a 20 mm
angles into the fiber core within a very short length. long 5° TFBG is 1530 to 1552 nm. Therefore, we can see that
The tilt angle and the grating length are the two impor- the comb range of our multi-angle TFBG covers all the comb
tant parameters as the selectively-excited cladding modes are ranges of the five separate TFBGs, each with a fixed tilt angle.
determined by both of them. The resonant wavelength λr and The length of the fabricated multi-angle TFBG was 20 mm
the power reflectivity R can be expressed as follows [1]: (1.0 + 2.1 + 3.9 + 5.0 + 8.0 mm), whereas in Fig. 2 the
length of each single-angle TFBG was also 20 mm. It should
λr = Necore
ff (λr ) + Ne
f f (λr ) · / cos(θ ) (1)
be pointed out here that the cladding resonance combs for
R = tanh2 (κ L) (2) different TFBGs in Fig. 2 (bottom) do not overlap with each
other. This is mainly because the five single-angle TFBGs are
where  is the period of the interference pattern that is inscribed individually. This makes them suffer from different
used to create the grating; θ is the tilt angle of the grat- axial strains when they are clamped by the fiber fixtures
ing planes relative to the plane of the fiber cross section; during the grating inscription, thus leading to slightly different
f f (λr ) is the effective index of the single mode guided
Necore wavelength shifts at random. This problem does not exist
by the core at the wavelength λr where the resonance is for the case of multi-angle TFBG inscription in Fig. 2 (top).
observed, and Ner f f (λr ) is the effective index of cladding Because we do not need to remove the fiber or reload it in
mode r at the same wavelength, κ is the coupling coefficient the fiber clamper during the grating inscription. Hence, the
between the incident core mode and the cladding mode that fiber maintains the same axial strain and the cladding modes
is phase matched, and L is the grating length. According to excited by the five separate TFBGs overlap quite well and
Eq. (1) the excited cladding modes are determined by the resulting in a clean spectral comb. Additionally, it should be
tilt angle, signifying that the operating range of the TFBG pointed out that the tilted angle only determines the excitation
can be adjusted through the inscribed tilt angle. Moreover, of the cladding modes but not affects the grating period, as it
Eq. (2) shows that the strength of the grating resonances is determined by the phase-mask.
depends on the coupling coefficient κ and on the grating
length L. Therefore, the transmission spectrum can be opti- IV. R EFRACTIVE I NDEX S ENSING U SING
mized by carefully adjusting the grating length. In our design, M ULTI -A NGLE TFBG
the multi-angle TFBG consists of concatenated individual To experimentally demonstrate our multi-angle TFBG, we
TFBGs with tilt angles of 5°, 10°, 15°, 20° and 25° and launched light from a broadband source into the multi-angle
grating lengths of 1.0, 2.1, 3.9, 5.0 and 8.0 mm, respectively, TFBG. The polarization state of the launched light was

Fig. 4. Wavelength response of cutoff mode (a) and SPR (b) versus SRI in
the cases of uncoated and gold-coated TFBG, respectively. The error bars are
based on quintuplet measurements.

Fig. 3. Measured transmission spectra of the multi-angle TFBG immersed with a sensitivity of 513.9 nm/refractive index unit (RIU).
in the index-matching liquid with RI from 1.30 to 1.45: (a) uncoated and Moreover, based on the wavelength range of the cladding
(b) gold-coated multi-angle TFBGs. Note that the asterisk symbols “∗” in
(a) represent the cladding mode cutoff and the red vertical arrow symbols
modes, we calculate that the lower limit of measurable RI
“↓” in (b) show the positions of the surface Plasmon resonances. could be as low as 1.14. Therefore, the sensor is capable of
measuring SRI over the wide range from 1.14 to 1.45. Note
controlled by a linear polarizer followed by a polarization
that the TFBG sensor proposed here could also continuously
controller. The transmission spectra were observed using an
measure small RI change: in this case, the cutoff mode will not
optical spectrum analyzer with a resolution of 0.02 nm.
jump from one cladding mode to the adjacent one, but instead
During SRI measurements, the multi-angle TFBG was entirely
by shifting the wavelength itself. The error bars obtained
immersed in index-matching liquid with precisely known RI.
in Fig. 4 is original from the small fluctuations of the whole
sensing system for repeating sample measurements.
A. Uncoated multi-angle TFBG for SRI measurement
Figure 3 (a) shows the measured spectra using the uncoated B. Gold-coated multi-angle TFBG for SRI measurement
multi-angle TFBG in index-matching liquid with a range of We converted the uncoated multi-angle TFBG to a surface
refractive indices from 1.300 to 1.456. Compared to the trans- Plasmon resonance (SPR) SRI sensor by coating it with a gold
mission spectrum obtained in the air (red line in Fig. 2), we film. A 50-nm thick gold film was radio-frequency magnetron
see that, although a large range of cladding modes is excited sputtered onto the fiber over a 2 to 3 nm film of chromium.
when the sensor is surrounded by air, the cladding modes on The thin chromium film served to increase adhesion between
the short wavelength side are suppressed when the sensor the gold and the fiber. Film uniformity was maintained by
is immersed in the liquid. This is because the suppressed rotating the fiber along its axis during the deposition process.
cladding modes are those whose high-order modes that have Figure 3 (b) shows the measured spectra in matching liquids
effective indices close to or lower than the SRI of the liquid, so with RI ranging from 1.30 to 1.428. The SPR wavelength,
that total internal reflection no longer occurs at the interface defined as the wavelength corresponding to the deepest point
between the fiber cladding and the surrounding liquid. The in the SPR absorption area (as the red vertical arrow symbols
cut-off mode, indicated by red asterisk symbols in Fig. 3 (a), “↓” shown in Fig. 3 (b)), shifts towards the longer wavelengths
is the one usually used for SRI measurement because of its as the RI of the liquid increases. When the SRI is higher than
high sensitivity compared to other excited cladding modes, and 1.428, we can no longer observe any SPR modes.
it shifts monotonically towards longer wavelengths as the SRI The measurable SRI range of 1.300 to 1.428 got from the
of the liquid increases. Measured cut-off mode wavelength as experiment is significantly wider than that obtained using a
a function of SRI is presented in Fig. 4 (a). Linear regression conventional TFBG with only one tilt angle. For example, the
analysis shows that the relationship between cutoff wavelength measured SRI range of a 15° TFBG-SPR is 1.33–1.36 [19].
and SRI is highly linear (regression coefficient = 99.975 % It is also much wider than the measured SRI

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