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Anne Hathaway

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1. "and a drama - Romance & drama played out on bed - 7. "I hold him - Metaphor; small box for valuables - as she
played by inspiration for playwright. in the casket holds him in imagination.
touch, by scent, - Sensory image; vivid lovemaking like of my - Fitting - captures energy & vitality.
by taste." Havisham. widow's - Full rhyme - masculine - provides defined
- Senses all part of Valentine. head" conclusion.
2. "a page beneath - Enjambment; extended artful image. 8. "In the other - Sense of superficial nature.
his writer's - Art, passion, love, process. bed, the - Clear division & distinction
hands. - Bed compared to paper. best, our
Romance" - Emphasises she most associated guests
romance. dozed on,"
3. "as he held me - Reveres bed - is infamous. 9. "of forests, - Like setting of Shakespeare's works -
upon that next - Past tense; love was special & precious. castles, Macbeth etc.
best bed." - Replays memory - repays him. torchlight, - Link to poem - echoes excitement in bed
cliff tops,
4. "a verb dancing - Lovemaking = poetic & artful.
in the centre of - Literary & linguistic; loaded with
a noun." sensuality. 10. "on these - Personal & close connection.
- Erotic touch of hand. lips; my - Commonality between rhyme & them.
- Deliberate comparison - elevates poem. body now a - Intensity.
softer - Contrast to harder masculine body.
5. "dribbling their - Poetry symbolises skill & creativity.
prose. My living - Prose is ordinary, utilitarian &
laughing love - " unexceptional like those in other bed. 11. "shooting - Simile - fleeting, beautiful & magical.
- Disparaging comment. stars that - Romantic - Romeo & Juliet.
- Emphasises vividness & recall passion. fell to earth - Religious connotations.
- Dash; pause for reflection before final. as kisses" - Seduced by language - gift of god.
- Alliteration - still survives in memory.
12. "Some - Bed links to opening line & re-enforces
6. Form & - Sonnet form - typically associated with nights I symbolic significance of bed as love.
Structure love. dreamed - Only when she regards self through his eyes
o 14 Lines & 3x quatrains with rhyming he'd written is she fully alive.
couplet. me, the bed" - Passion & connection.
o Quatrain = key idea - Couplet =
13. "The bed we - Past tense reflects death & distance.
loved in was - Love is dizzying/exciting/all encompassing.
- Similar to Shakespeare Sonnet but Duffy
a spinning - Focusses on Love - not parents.
uses softer rhyme with more relaxed/less
world" - Bed is clearly important.
restrictive scheme.
- Speech fits together to form perfect love 14. Themes - Sensual Erotic Love
sonnet. - Passion
- Fixed rhyme scheme shows they are - Death & Remembrance.
perfect match. o Conveys all that marriage was based on in
- Overtly sexual, erotic language & all encompassing, physical relationship.
imagery. o Physical legacy of bed meditates on this
- Regular meter - use of assonance & aspect of relationship.
alliteration makes words almost graze o most fitting way to honour our dead loved
each other - random touching - imitating ones is by preserving the most enduring, vivid
love making. aspects of their character in our memories,
- Enjambment; free flowing of love thus allowing them to continue to survive.
between them & focus on specific words. 15. "to his echo, - Continuation of language metaphor.
- Entire poem is metaphor - making love assonance; - Repetition emphasises passion.
akin to writing poem. his touch"
16. "where he would dive for pearls. My lover's words" - Have found something precious & valuable.
- Possession & belonging.
- Intimate sensual tone.

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