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Advanced Requirement Engineering

Tehreem Shabbir



Submitted To: Mam Irum Inayat

Submitted on: 23 March 2018

Ref Focus Method Evaluation Results Limitation

Proposed technique
[1] It Focuses on the Swarm The techniques The result -
common text around intelligence have been obtained for
linking terms or validated using the Pine
words in order to two real-world dataset, had
find related textual datasets from two recall of 78%
documents. problem domains. with precision
The swarm agents of 40% at a
mimic and borrow 0.2 threshold
useful behavioral and slightly
features from outperforming
communal insects TF-IDF which
so that it can had 72% recall
identify candidate and 48%
links between two precision at a
sets of documents. 0.1
The simple swarm
approach, the
heuristic to select
a term or traversal
path in the search
space is based on
term or document
[2] Focused on methods Information Evaluation of the We found that IR techniques
like classical vector Retrieval of algorithms against this algorithm are not able to
space model Requirement a comparable does not predict the
algorithm, the vanilla Tracing keyword-based outperform coverage or
vector algorithm, for tool and analysts analysts or satisfaction of
improving candidate showed that the existing tools traced
link generation by retrieval with in terms of requirements by
applying IR thesaurus recall & their lower level
techniques. algorithm precision, but requirements.
outperforms all in it does
terms of recall and perform faster
sometimes - in and with no
terms of precision. keyword
required of
The retrieval
with key-
resulted in
recall but with
[3] Machine learning Rule-based A series of The creation More
approach is traceability experiments were of traceability experiments will
presented for conducted to rules is be conducted in
generating validate the provided by future.
requirements proposed the user and is
traceability relations. approach. based on the
It is based on Experiments were generalization
learning algorithm based on an of existing
that generated industrial case traceability
traceability rules study that includes rules.
which capture the specification of
traceability relations commercial
between requirements and
requirement use-cases for a
statements and family of software
object models. intensive TV
[4] The focus in on RETRO Experiments have We found
effectiveness of been conducted evidence that
information retrieval using two RETRO does
methods in datasets: a small satisfy the
automating the MODIS dataset goals of
tracing of textual and a large CM Accuracy and
requirements dataset. Scalability,
[5] An approach to RTM-Fuzzy For evaluation of The -
automatically create these approaches, effectiveness
the RTM based on an experimental achieved in
fuzzy logic, called study was relation to the
RTM-Fuzzy is conducted where reference
presented, it the RTMs which RTM: RTM-E
combines two other were created achieved 78%,
approaches, one automatically RTM-NLP 76%
based on functional were compared to and the RTM-
requirements' entry the reference RTM Fuzzy 83%
data called “RTME” (oracle) created effectiveness.
and the other based manually based on It provides
on natural language stakeholder enhanced
processing – called knowledge. effectiveness
“RTM-NLP” in
[6] It presented A Heuristic KDE (K Desktop The results It does not
heuristic based based Environment) was showed high integrate our
approach that uses approach in used to evaluate precision traceability
frequent pattern which a tool, this approach so predictions of tools directly
mining. named that it recovers various types into a version-
This work Sqminer. traceability links. of software control system.
constitutes of the artifacts.
existing approaches
in uncovering
traceability between
requests in bug
repositories and
source code, it
expands the horizons
of traceability
research via mining

[7] The Reasoning LESD system - The reasoning Experimentation

Component of LESD tool defined will be
aims at helping the for traceability conducted in
engineer to build is considered Future Work
traceability links the first step
between towards the
requirements. identification
the engineer asks a of linguistic
question about an characteristic
entity or an activity of quality
using a language criteria like
based on concepts consistency,
and conceptual complete,
relations. The LESD modifiability.
traceability tool will
search for
involving these
entities. The answer
to the question is a
list of requirements.


[1] “Use of Artificial Intelligence in Software Development Life Cycle: A state of the Art Review (PDF
Download Available).” [Online]. Available:
Development_Life_Cycle_A_state_of_the_Art_Review. [Accessed: 23-Mar-2018].
[2] “Improving requirements tracing via information retrieval - IEEE Conference Publication.” [Online].
Available: [Accessed: 23-Mar-2018].
[3] G. Spanoudakis, A. d’Avila-Garces, and A. Zisman, Revising Rules to Capture Requirements
Traceability Relations: A Machine Learning Approach. 2003.
[4] “Advancing candidate link generation for requirements tracing: the study of methods - IEEE Journals
& Magazine.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 23-
[5] A. D. Thommazo, T. Ribeiro, G. Olivatto, V. Werneck, and S. Fabbri, “An Automatic Approach to
Detect Traceability Links Using Fuzzy Logic,” in Proceedings of the 2013 27th Brazilian Symposium on
Software Engineering, Washington, DC, USA, 2013, pp. 21–30.
[6] H. Kagdi, J. I. Maletic, and B. Sharif, “Mining software repositories for traceability links,” in 15th IEEE
International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC ’07), 2007, pp. 145–154.
[7] M. Bras and Y. Toussaint, “Artificial Intelligence Tools For Software Engineering: Processing Natural
Language Requirements,” vol. 2.

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