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Name: Elkin Leonardo Moreno Mojica

21. Stay in bed for a few days

- The doctor said I stayed in bed for a few days.
22. Let´s wait here till the rain stops
- He suggest waiting here till the rain stops.
23. Did anyone try to sabe her life?
- The pólice officer asked if anyone tried to save her life.
24. Will the test be difificut?
- I wont to know if the test would be difficult.
25. I didn’t realice that i was so late
- Sally explained that she didn’t realice it was so late.
26. Type the letter son, please
- The manager asked me type the letter son.
27. I forgot to bring my driving license
- Bill said he forgot to bring his driving license.
28. Can I use your pen?
- The girl asked the boy if she could use his pen.
29. It’s too hot here
- Fran complained because it had toen too hot here.
30. Don’t put sticky things in your pockets
- His mother told him not top ut sticky things in his pockets.
31. Dad, don’t forget to send the e-mail, please
- Jodi asked his dad not to forget to send the email.
32. Let’s go over to John’s house
- Mike suggested going over to John’s house.
33. Who has stolen my suitcase
- He asked who had stolen his suitcase.
34. Are you living later this afternoon
- He enquirred if I would leave later that nigth
35. We have to paint the whole house by tomorrow
- My father said we had to paint the whole house by tomorrow.
36. How much does the ring cost?
- Helen asked if I know how the ring cost.
37. Don’t worry about a few mistakes
- Peter told me not to worry about a few mistakes he said, he made mistakes all the
38. Will you let me the car tonight
- Jean asked her father if he would let her to take the car tonight.

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