Correlation Between Self-Confidence and Speaking Ability in Speaking 1 Class in Fkip Ulm Fadillah Nurpriyanto (A1B215039)

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Fadillah Nurpriyanto (A1B215039)

One of the important steps in learning English as a foreign language is to
master listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in order to be a competent
learner. Speaking is one of the most important skills in a language that students
need to master. The major challenge of speaking a foreign language is to
promote students' oral communication and the major target of language
teaching is the production of competent speakers of English language itself.
Students' failure in speaking is not only caused by the lack of linguistic rules but
also psychological factors. For most people, speaking is the most difficult part
when they learn a foreign language. Student's spend their daily activity with
their first language that makes speaking abilities in English is ignored and make
students have little chances to apply what they have learned in class in the real
Student use language via speaking for many purposes and it helps their
progress in learning. English Department students in Universitas Lambung
Mangkurat need to speak English as much as possible to improve their speaking
competence. According to Brown (2000) and Skehan (1989), the affective
domain is involving a variety of personality aspects such as motivation,
willingness, attitude, emotion, anxiety, personality, and self-confidence. Self-
confidence is one of the aspects that affect the student motivation in this skill.
Some studies result found that there is no language learning activities will be
accomplished successfully without self-confidence (Huitt, 2004& Khodadad,
2003, cited in Hayti 2008; Brown, 1994).
This mini journal will aim at finding out is there any correlation between self-
confidence and speaking ability in speaking 1 class in FKIP ULM Banjarmasin.
3.1. Concept of Speaking
According to Harmer and Brown (2001), speaking competencies are the
ability to speak fluently presupposes not only knowledge of language features,
but also the capability to process information and language "on the spot" and
carry on a conversation rationally and competently. Speaking means the ability
to pronounce sounds or words to convey thoughts or express ideas and feelings.
While speaking English, students need to listen and process the information that
they heard and give responses to make the conversation run well. Building
student's oral communication is a challenge. Accuracy, fluency, and language
feature are several things that important to point out. Since in Indonesia English
is a foreign language, it will be difficult to use English as much as possible and
fluently will be developed if the language is used as much as possible.

3.2. Concept of Self-confidence

Self-confidence is a person's mental attitude in assessing their self and
the surrounding objects so that the person has a belief in his ability to be able to
do something according to his ability. (Mastuti 2008: 13). There are several
characteristics of an individual that have good self-confidence:
 Believing in self-competence or ability that makes him or her doesn't
need to get praise, acknowledgment, or respect
 Brave to accept and face the rejection of others opinion and be yourself
 Has a good self-control
 Has a positive perspective on every situation and optimism
 Has a realistic expectation
I n conclusion, self-confidence is an attitude of believing the ability of
the individual itself and can actualize the potential from inside that make a
positive feeling, able to act independently in making decisions, and could
express an opinion without anxiety and nervous. While speaking English self-
confidence is an essential factor that determines student's willingness to
participate in the conversation.
3. Research Method
3.1. Research Design
The design of this study is a correlational design which is included in the
quantitative research. This study is conducted to find out and get empirical
evidence of the relationship between two variables covering an independent
variable and a dependent variable. The independent variable of this study is
students' self-confidence, and the dependent variable of this study is students'
ability in speaking 1 class.

3.2. Research Objective

This research objective is to find out is there any correlation between
self-confidence and speaking ability in speaking 1 class in FKIP ULM Banjarmasin.

3.3. Participants and Setting

The populations of this study are 26 students of English Department at
Lambung Mangkurat University that already took Speaking 1 course. The
population is from class A1 and A2.

3.4. Type of Data

The data of this study is quantitative. The researcher uses IBM SPSS
Statistics 24 to manage the data that obtained from this study.

3.5. Instruments
There are two instruments in this study. The first instrument is self-
confidence questionnaire to get data for students' self-confidence in speaking.
The second instrument is an interview test to measure student's speaking


3.1. Finding
The data from students' result has analyzed to a qualitative data. The
data collected from the student's scores on the self-confidence questionnaire
and interview test was analyzed using SPSS. Descriptive statistics were
determined for a better understanding of the scores acquired from the research
instruments. The first variable is student's self-confidence that displayed below.

This graph shows that the minimum score of student's self-confidence is

36 and the maximum score is 52. And the mean from this variable is 43.92. The
data validity is using split-half validity and the result is the data has 0.570
Pearson correlations and the significant is 0.042 means the data is valid and

scq1 scq2
scq1 Pearson Correlation 1 .570*
Sig. (2-tailed) .042
N 13 13
scq2 Pearson Correlation .570 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .042
N 13 13
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-
The second variable is student's self-confidence and the graph showed

The minimum score of speaking ability is 70.80 and the maximum score
is 82. And the mean from this variable is 75.96. The data validity is using split-
half validity and the result is the data has 0.568 correlations and the significant
is 0.043 means the data is valid and significant.

spkdata1 spkdata2
spkdata1 Pearson Correlation 1 .568*
Sig. (2-tailed) .043
N 13 13
spkdata2 Pearson Correlation .568 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .043
N 13 13
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

The result of correlation between this two variables were shown bellow
Variables Entered/Removeda
Variables Variables
Model Entered Removed Method
1 SELF . Enter
a. Dependent Variable: SPEAKING ABILITY
b. All requested variables entered.

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .621a .386 .360 2.31262
a. Predictors: (Constant), SELF CONFIDENCE

Sum of
Model Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 80.697 1 80.697 15.089 .001b
Residual 128.357 24 5.348
Total 209.055 25
a. Dependent Variable: SPEAKING ABILITY
b. Predictors: (Constant), SELF CONFIDENCE
It reported from the table above the correlation between self-
confidence and speaking ability is 0.621 and the influence of self-confidence on
students' speaking ability is 0.386 or 38%. The significant between these two
variables is 0.001.
This diagram shows that the spread of the data is increasing and it
shows a positive correlation between student's self-confidence and speaking

4.1. Discussion
There are so many factors that can influence speaking ability, and self-
confidence is one of the important factors that play a role in speaking ability.
This study found that students' self-confidence is influencing students'
speaking ability for 38%. The students with a high self-confidence have a good
speaking ability while speaking English. It can be seen from the finding above.
High confidence students show a good oral presentation and feel enjoy
speaking English. They performed a good presentation and feel relax in the
classroom and have less anxiety while communicating with others. They can
carry a conversation without feeling afraid of making mistakes. Low confident
students' feel uncomfortable and afraid for making mistake in the classroom.
As a result, they tend to perform with anxiety and less satisfaction with their
oral presentation.
Therefore, high self-confidence students' have a good fluency in
speaking even sometimes the sounds they pronounced is wrong. Students'
with higher self-confidence makes a high speaking ability. It can be concluded
from the data above there is a positive correlation between student's self-
confidence and their speaking ability in English Department Lambung
Mangkurat University.


This study found that speaking ability can be affected by students' self-
confidence. The higher students' self-confidence will make they can perform a
good speaking skill. The students' with high self-confidence have a good fluency
in speaking and could carry a good conversation without afraid of making
mistake with their oral performance. Sometimes the sounds they pronounced is
wrong, but they still speak in a good and comfortable situation that made their
fluency better than the fewer confidence students'.
The student with less self-confidence made some influence on their
speaking fluency. They always think about the grammar and pronunciation
before start speaking. It made their fluency is less than high confidence
students'. There are several silent moments before they speak or they are
mumble before start speaking.
The suggestion for the teacher is the teacher need to focus to make a
good atmosphere in the classroom to build a good self-confidence. Creating a
good environment in the classroom to make the students' can speak and join
oral activities without anxiety and pressure. A comfortable classroom situation
may increase student's self-confidence. Give students' more time and
opportunities to use English to make them get used to it and enjoy the
classroom activity and increasing their self-confidence.
Brown, H. (2000). Personality Factors. Principles of Language Learning and
Teaching. New York: Pearson education.
Harmer, J. (2005). The Practice of English Language Teaching. fourth edition.
New York: Longman.
Hayati, M. (2008). The Relationship between Self-esteem and Listening
Comprehension of EFL Students Retrieved on January 2, 2018 from:
Mastuti, Indri. (2008). 50 Kiat Percaya Diri. Hi- Jakarta: Frest Publishing.
Skehan, P. (1989). Individual Differences in Second Language Learning. London:
Edward Arnold.

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